April 19th, 2020 @ 2nd Sunday of Easter Today’s Readings: 903 Transition in the Parish Office

After a long planned retirement from her role as parish Business Manager, Jeanne Im was finally able this past week to pass the baton. Under Jeanne’s stewardship we have received outstanding reports from our au- dits, and she implemented best practices in accounting and management. Jeanne has guided the parish through several chapters of growth and change. These include the very successful Built On Rock and then the One Faith, One Family campaigns, the installation of a new roof over the parish center, the paying off of the church debt, the raising funds for the new church floor, and the soon-to-be- installed new church pews. While adjusting to constant updates and revisions to payroll, taxes, business law, and human resource regulations, she also made sure that all Virtus requirements were being met by all staff and volunteers. On top of that Jeanne teaches religious education, serves at , and volunteers at the Leavenworth County Humane Society. We are grateful to Jeanne and recognize the many sacrifices which no doubt affected her family members, husband Peter, and boys Michael and Andrew. When we are permitted to come together once again for Mass we have a special gift to give Jeanne to show our gratitude. Fortunately for us, Jeanne promises to continue to be an active volunteer in our parish life. Assuming the role of Business Manager is a veteran of parish accounting, Nancy Elmer. Nancy is a Leavenworth native and worked during high school at A&W with a youthful, good-looking and ambitious classmate, Bill McEvoy. Nancy has a BS Major in Accounting from University of Mary. She worked 26 years at Armed Forces Insurance as a payroll specialist, accoun- tant and a senior staff accountant. For the past four years Nancy has been the bookkeeper for Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph Parish. She and her hus- band, Kevin, have one daughter Samantha (“Chris”) who will graduate from Lansing High School next month. She enjoys gardening, crocheting and she is learning to quilt. She also likes to walk, so you might see her on Angel Falls trail at lunch. We l c o m e , N a n c y !

Live + Father Bill EASY WAY TO GIVE FOOD You can also order from AMAZON SMILE and send pantry or toiletries directly to Catholic Charities of Leavenworth. When you check out simply choose to ship to Catholic Charities of Leavenworth at 716 N. 5th St. Leavenworth, KS 66048. Please pick delivery day for Monday, Tuesday or Thurs- day.

PARISH STAFF When you sign up for AMAZON SMILE you Father William McEvoy can choose to give a percentage of your sale PASTOR to St. Francis de Sales Church. Signing up is [email protected] Office: (913) 727-3742 easy, click on the link from our website. Rectory: (913) 727-1930 Sister Josephine Macias, CDP DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION Catholic Charities Needs Food [email protected] Catholic Charities Thanks you again for your continued support to the food Sharon Kermashek pantry. At this critical time they need your help more than ever. Catholic PARISH LIFE COORDINATOR Charities hours are Mon. Tues. Thurs. 9-11:30AM and 1-3:30 PM. [email protected] You may continue to leave your non-perishable items in the bin near the Joan Leonard church doors and they will be delivered to Catholic Charities. You can MUSIC DIRECTOR [email protected] also take them to Catholic Charities at 716 N. 5th St, Leavenworth. Vol- unteers are always needed. If you can lend a hand, please call them at Nancy Elmer 913-651-8060. RESOURCE MANAGER [email protected] Here at St. Francis de Sales we faithfully collect food items every week Christopher Klepper for our local Catholic Charities food pantry. Ongoing pantry needs are: FACILITIES MANAGER peanut butter and jelly, cans or plastic containers of fruit juice, canned [email protected] fruits and vegetables, small bags of pinto beans, black beans, rice or bar- ley, powdered milk, spaghetti sauce and tomato sauce. They also need Bulletin Deadline: Please submit bulletin re- quests to the parish office by noon Friday at least oatmeal, cereals, breads, pastas, crackers and tortillas, canned meats one week prior to the week for desired publication. and fish, soups and boxed dinners. If you donate pancake mix please Scripture Readings for Next Week consider donating syrup as well. They are also in need of personal hy- Sunday, Apr. 26 2020 giene items. Thank you again for supporting Catholic Charities. Acts 2:14, 22-33•1 Pt 1:17-21•Lk 24:13-35 XAVIER CATHOLIC SCHOOL 541 Muncie Road Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 (913) 682-3135 Faith at Home from LeavenworthCatholicSchools.org FORMED Did you know there are almost 4,000 titles available on Formed? They can be downloaded free to IOS or Android phones. They are available on Apple TV, Roku and Android TV. If you haven’t already joined FORMED do it today. It’s easy! 1. Go to FORMED.org Recommended movie 2. Click Sign Up of the week: 3. Select “I belong to a Parish or “Joseph of Nazareth” Organization.” The story of the Man Closest to Christ 4. Find St. Francis de Sales Cath- olic Church by zip code For the kids: 5. Enter your email - and you’re in! “The adventures of Ociee Nash” Parish Contributions for: Mar 30-Apr 13 All public Masses are Total Envelope Cash canceled at this time. & Online Receipts: $20,539.00 New Pew Fund: ($1,610.00) Archdiocesan Assessments Online During this period, Father and Charitable Causes: ($2,771.00)

Bill celebrates a private Remaining for Mass in the rectory each Parish Operations: 16,158.00 Average Weekly Giving day for your intentions. Operating Expenses: $19,164.24 Difference: ($3,006.24) St. Francis de Sales We are grateful for your monetary offerings We are hoping to livestream a given with sacrifice. We promise to be good Parish offers Online Giv- Sunday Mass each week stewards of the contributions you entrust to our care and oversight. ing as a convenient and FATHER BILL & FINANCE COUNCIL secure option for those We will keep you up to date For more info: StFrancisLansing.org by email, our website and who wish to contribute facebook. either as a one time do- ONE FAITH, ONE FAMILY, ONE FUTURE IN CHRIST Capital Campaign nation or as a recurring Confessions are heard Our total pledged: $756,000 automatic payment. on Saturday 4:30 PM Paid(as of 12/31/19): 310,462 Our Share: 155,231 To begin, go to our The church is open parish website: StFran- from 9AM to Prayer List: If you would like to have a name EVERY DAY added or removed from our prayer list, please contact Click 4PM for your personal prayer. the Church Office. Our Parish Prayer Ministers invite cisLansing.org. you to join them in praying for the following: “Online Giving” at the Joe Abbott, John & Joyce Ahlstead, Melissa Anthony, Travis Applebee, Araceli, Ash Family, Pauline Baughman, top, then create an Ac- Bernice Bodde, Lee Bradley Family, Megan E Brill, Don Brooks, Burn family, Larry Byrne, Doris Cain, Jack Cain, count and follow the Marilyn Calkins, Theresa Carroll, Janie Caudle, Lois Father Bill celebrates a Chapman, Phil Chavez, Olivia Connealy, Nina Cooper, steps. It’s that easy. If Frances Cooper, Susan Cornoyer, Jason Craft, Ilka Csiz- private Mass in the rectory magia, Curtis Cummins, Sharnice Cyprien, Tayler Davis, you have any questions, Sr. Regina DeEucharist, Patty Egan, Nick Earls, Roy D. each day for your intentions. Earls, Wilma Eiche, David Frandsen, Rachel Fritz, Beverly please call your parish Frock, Dave Grosko, Hakime, Gene Hammer, Ray office or email: WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Hansen, Cory Havner, Becky Hermosillo, Homestead Living residents, Michael Janas, Rosemary Janas, Lee NElmer@stfrancislans- UES PR Jewell, Wendi Johnston, Katie Kelley, Jack Kem, Connie T , A 21 —— Matt & Mary Koerin, Harry Lemley, Liley Family, Louise Lisac, Lowery Kermashek family, Cindy Lund, Ashley Lyons, Maria Teresa, Janette ing.org Mainville, Canyon Martin, Robert Martz, Marzluff Family, WED, APR 22 —— Brian Wasserman † Joan Mathies, Ardeth Tingler-McCann, Tom McEvoy, Rebecca McGhee, Virginia McQuillan, Marilyn Mendes, THUR, APR 23 –––— Ted Lagoski † James Modlin, Jason Mortiz, Tim Morrisey, Jeannie Mow- ery, Marilyn Murray, Steve O, Sr. Roberta O’Leary, Nan SAT, APR 25 — Living & deceased members Olsen, John & Roxana Orkwis, Mary Regina Paul, Marilyn of the Jauernig family Paras, Scott & Kelli Pellman, Dorothy Pendleton, Ernest Rosary Peterson, Bob Pope, Scott Powers, Rebecca, Sam R, SUN, APR 26 –––— For the People Jane Reineke, Robert Riese, Bob Rosfeld, Ray Sherley, meditation of the Parish Tony Simone, Gillian Schmidt, Betty Schrandt, James Sloan, Snježana, Kimberly Sosa, Chelys Sovada, Cat Stephen, Rosalie Stull, Ron T, Jennifer Tainatongo, Larry School of Faith Thibault, Chris Thompson, Patty Benson Thompson, Tiff, Daily Meditation Melina Tomacruz, Lonnie Trowbridge, Dave Turner, Faith Vallindingham, Joseph Vanderstaay, Monica Vanderstaay- DailyRosary.net Sparks, Braydon Wade, Carol Walker, Bob Wasserman, Jerry Whitaker, Fr. Jim White, William, Bennett Young, Gene & Ada Young, Ena Young, Peggy Young, Michael THE LEGION OF MARY Xavier Zito Meets Monday at 1PM in Robert Martz Hall Flowers DEBBIE TWOHIG, PRESIDENT (913) 250-0302 Advertiser of the Week for April 19th In memory of Peg & Bill Brodersen KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Citizens National Bank and Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month 601 N. Main, Lansing John Mark & Betty Schad at 7:30PM in Robert Martz Hall 601 Delaware, Leavenworth Stephen & Mary Brodersen eDD HINGULA, GRAND KNIGHT (913) 758-1509 913.727.3266 had the courage to face a monster—but the mon- Join us for our Sunday, Apr 19, 2020 ster was the Roman emperor Diocletian, whose SOLEMNITY OF THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER, persecution of Christians in the early 300s mar- SUNDAY MASS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY tyred not only George but well-known Se- On this day 25 years ago, 168 people died in the bastian, Agnes, Lucy, and Philomena, among 10:15 AM bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Build- countless others. George, a soldier, remained joy- via our ing in Oklahoma City. The footprint of the build- ous even when tortured for his belief. What nega- ing is now ringed by trees providing a living tive influences threaten your own joyous practice ParishYoutube Channel threshold for ground made sacred by grief. A of Christian faith today—and are you willing to surviving wall records the names of those who face them, as George was? Today’s Readings: Acts lived through the tragedy, while a Field of Empty 5:27-33; John 3:31-36 Chairs recalls the adults and children who per- Dear Pa d r e ished. Violence created the need for this memor- Friday, Apr 24 ial. But the chairs, which become vigil lights of MEMORIAL OF FIDELIS OF SIGMARINGEN, A friend of mine always makes memory through each night, attest that a light PRIEST, such a big deal of the time af- shines in every darkness. Be that light. Today’s ter Easter. What is this Easter Readings: Acts 2:42-47; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 Holding a law degree from , Fidelis of Sigmaringen (1577-1622) was known as the “poor Q season all about? man’s lawyer” who sometimes would give his des- Monday, Apr 20 These days and weeks after Easter EASTER WEEKDAY titute clients the clothes off his back. But he tired of the adversarial nature of the law profession, so are indeed significant. We Chris- Today is the 21st anniversary of the Columbine he joined the Capuchin . Ordained a priest in tians are an Easter people. The school shooting. How to cope with the sorrow 1612, Fidelis was sent to to convert resurrection is the cornerstone of and outrage of that incident and so many similar Calvinist reformers. In violent reaction to his suc- our faith. Without the belief that ones? We begin to rebuild our society when we cessful efforts, Fidelis was set upon and murdered. Christ conquered death and our allow the Spirit to flow through us and see the He was canonized in 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV. hope that we will share in that same face of God in others. “Every human being . . . , Fidelis means “faithful” in Latin. Exercise your victory over the grave, our faith is however weak, is created ‘in the image and like- faith today by donating clothes to the poor in pointless. We celebrate with great ness of God,’” Pope Benedict XIV said in- memory of Fidelis. Today’s Readings: Acts 5:34-42; fanfare that we are a redeemed Cameroon in 2009. “Every person must live! . . . John 6:1-15 people in Jesus Christ. Death will never have the last word!” Acknowl- Every year our forty-day Lenten edge the right of those around you to live, no Saturday, Apr 25 preparation of fasting and penance matter their differences, their weakness or FEAST OF MARK, EVANGELIST strengths, their failings or successes. Today’s leads us to the feasting and joy of Readings: Acts 4:23-31; John 3:1-8 Mark was an early follower of Jesus but not one the fifty days of Easter. This unbe- of the 12 apostles. Most scholars think that he lievable news that the risen Christ is in our midst draws us into a festi- Tuesday, Apr 21 was the “John who is called Mark” referenced in Acts 12:12 who joined in mission work with val that cannot be contained in a MEMORIAL OF ANSELM, BISHOP, single day. “The fifty days from DOCTOR OR THE CHURCH Paul and Barnabas. Today’s first reading men- tions that he had a special son like relationship Sunday of the Resurrection to Pen- In 1098, Saint Anselm wrote the treatise “Why with Peter. Beyond that, little is known except tecost Sunday are celebrated in joy the God-Man?” to champion a core Christian that he used the gifts he had been given to write and exultation as one feast day, tenet: the Incarnation—the belief that Jesus was the shortest and earliest gospel a few decades indeed as one ‘great Sunday’”(The both fully human and fully divine. Incarnation is after Jesus’ death. His gospel became the inspi- Roman Missal, “Universal Norms a big deal. Nearly every heresy tackled by the ration for Matthew and Luke to write theirs. on the Liturgical Year and Calen- Early Church concerned errant beliefs about dar,” 22). Jesus’ true nature. No, we don’t believe that Jesus How will those who come after you take inspi- was merely human (Arianism) or that he was all ration from your life and the way you shared Part of the challenge of Easter is divine, only pretending to be human (Docetism). the Good News? Today’s Readings1 Peter 5:5b-14; learning again how to celebrate a We believe that the second person of the Trinity Mark 16:15-20 fifty-day feast. Most Catholics do took on human flesh to save us. Imagine that! not think of Easter as an extended Today’s Readings: Acts 4:32-37; John 3:7b-15 feast. We tend to see Easter, the ascension, and Pentecost as three Wednesday, Apr 22 separate, independent feast days, EASTER WEEKDAY each with its own themes. The truth of the matter is that they are "Saint reminds us that our all part and parcel of the other, in- common home is like a sister with whom we tertwined and borne of the same share our life. . . . This sister now cries out to us glorious fact of Christ’s resurrec- because of the harm we have inflicted on her by tion. This is a perfect time to re- our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods mind ourselves of that joyous and with which God has endowed her." Thus opens significant connection. Laudato Si’, Pope Francis' encyclical"On Care for Our Common Home." Do we really want to —Fr. Joseph Ring live in darkness? Shine a light on what each of us can do to clean up the planet. And plant a tree for good measure! Today’s Readings: Acts 5:17-26; John 3:16-21 Thursday, Apr 23 viSit ouR weBsite: MEMORIAL OF GEORGE, MARTYR The legend of Saint George the dragon slayer is a famous one, but it’s not as rooted in historical fact StFRancisLansiNg.oRg as is the manner of his martyrdom. Yes, George FIND our Celebrate Earth Day Parish 2020

Earth Day is April 22, the theme is YouTube this year is climate action. Our Green Team would like to share some ideas. Channel Here are 10 simple ways you can cel- ebrate this Earth Day! on our website: 1. Stay at home 2. Get outside, enjoy the backyard StFrancisLansing.org 3. Recycle 4. Invest in a reusable coffee cup 5. Unplug appliances 6. Unplug the TV Basement 7. Get planting Xavier Catholic School 8. Buy reusable shopping bags Now Enrolling for the Sale 9. Eat a vegetarian meal 10. Use earth friendly cleaning An upcoming weekend in May, St. 2019-2020 school year! products. Francis de Sales Parish will open For more information or to enroll our doors to a huge basement sale. please visit leavenworthcatholic- Fun ideas for kids: schools.org or contact Lisa Forge: Want to Declutter? This is a 1. Make a Trash Rainbow (913) 682- 7801. great time to do some spring 2. Make a Nature Shadowbox We appreciate the support we get cleaning and start collecting those 3. Make a Fingerprint World from our area parishes. Thank you items that you really don’t want or 4. Make Eco-Friendly Sidewalk Paint for your continued to support to need. Items most appreciated are: Leavenworth Catholic Schools. Clean, working household goods, 5. Plant a Grass Caterpillar You can support your parish and toys, furniture, jewelry, vintage 6. Make and Play in a Grass Meadow items, etc. Children’s spring and Leavenworth Catholic Schools by 7. Plant a Butterfly Garden online giving at stfrancislans- summer clothes. NO adult clothes 8. Make a Sensory Garden. ing.org please & NO electronics please. Questions? Call Ruth Butler: 913- 727- 5146. We are going green! If you have reusable paper or cloth shopping bags Check out FORMED for Sacramen- to get rid of we could them for the tal preparation and other FAITH sale, no plastic please. AT HOME categories. Watch the bulletin for May ?: First Eucharist Retreat drop off dates 9:00 - Noon –– yet to be determined. May ?: First Eucharist Mass -10:15

Do you have a Dillon's Plus Card? St. Francis de Sales participates in the Dillon's Community Rewards Program. When you use your Plus Card, a percentage of your purchase price will be donated to our parish youth group. Thank you for your support! This won’t take away from your own rewards or fuel points, but it is a way you can help your Church family. To participate, log on to dillons.com/communityrewards and create an ac- count, (if you are not yet enrolled in digital coupons you must do this first at Dillons.com, then proceed to enroll in the community rewards), choose 77540, our parish organization number. If you don’t have a Dillon’s Plus Card, please talk to any store associate and start earning points today.