The Advocate - Jan

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The Advocate - Jan Seton Hall University eRepository @ Seton Hall The aC tholic Advocate Archives and Special Collections 1-2-1959 The Advocate - Jan. 2, 1959 Catholic Church Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Missions and World Christianity Commons Recommended Citation Catholic Church, "The Advocate - Jan. 2, 1959" (1959). The Catholic Advocate. 74. Father Dion Given Visa By Russians r WORCESTER. Mus _ Russia has grafted an entry Ti*a to Rev. Louis A. Dion, The Advocate A.A., and the Assumptinnist priest has said he will leave Official lor Moscow Publication of the Archdiocese of Newark. N. and of on Jan. 2ft and ar- J-, the Diocese orSatenon, N. J. rive five days later. *, NO. Father VOL. 1 Dion will serve as FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1959 chap- PRICE: TEN CENTS lain to American Catholici in Moscow He tg, succeeding Rev. Ceorges Bissonnrtte, A.A., ex- American pelled in March, 1955 He will Cardinals have the title of Express Apostolic Admin latrator of the U.S. S R and will On the be responsible Their on directly to the Joy Return Home Molv See. Father Dion had visa "It's great to be home.” filed a recognized and with a tbe smile ramp of the plane, ex- Inside... application in T9M. That sentiment It wras reject- was ex- said. “Do you in recognize me pressed hix pleasure at being ed after the U.S. State Depart- pressed by both Cardinal Cush- this outfit?” home and then left for ET TU, NOTRE ment the DAME? refused to grant a perma ing and Cardinal O'Hara last He said he w jr by Cathedral of SS. Peter and Bent fatigued Ed visa to Archbishop Boris, week as they arrived home the says Grant, as he many functions he had at- Paul, after giving his benedic- dis- who had been appointed Exarch after ceremonies in Rome tended in and tion to the cusses while Rome re- throng. the firing of foot- for North America where each received the red marked that he had tried to the drive to hat. During the cathe- -1»U coach Bren- much Terry ANNOUNCEMENT sleep as as he could dur- drtkl, he waved of the visa A and' gave his crowd of 2.500 roared a nan on made ing the flight home. to 12 grant was here by Rev. He re- blessings the crowds who ~ Page hearty welcome at Boston's Lo- Armand H A marked that he had fallen lined the sidewalks. Desautcls, A., pres- gan Airport as Cardinal Cush- SHOULD THE ident of asleep during the stopover at The entourage HUSBAND Assumption College, ing debarked clad in the stopped at In- CHRISTMAS CHEER: John where scar- Shannon and then tervals Pope brought Christmas joy to Father Dion is registrar. let Airport along the as faith- help around the house? three-year-old Giorgio garb of a Prince of the way Mariani at the Infant The 4S quipped, "Imagine an Irishman ful offered Jesus Hospital for children, year-old priest is the flowers and bou- presenting the with a Church. Father Thomas gives his youngster fifth American falling asleep over Ireland.* quets. Vatican Assumptionist to Many parochial school flag during a visit there. be named to the Moscow DRAMA ABOUNDED The Cardinal related youngsters broke his answer on 7 post In that he into song as .. Page Since 19X1, when the right to send Philadelphia when Cardinal had two private audiences with the Cardinal's limousine halt- a US to O'Hara His the at the ed POPE JOHN’S first Christ clergyman the Soviet ayrned. plane came Pope and one Pope briefly. Union was established the in on three himself arranged the His arrival at the in engines, the pilot chairs for cathedral mas message is printed Roosevelt-Litvinov a his was signaled Tears, pact recogniz- having cut off fourth when visitors. by the tolling of Jokes, in ing the bells. had full on 9 Soviet Union. a spark shortcircuited on Hundreds Page Laughs plug gathered O'HARA is CARDINAL wa*s there to Father Dion expected to live the flight from New York. await his return. The also greeted crowd in EPIPHANY and how In the of by a ex- Cardinal it is apartment once occupied Squads policemen and offered a low Mass at of cess 2.000, very few of whom the by Father Bissonnette This is firrmen with equipment stood main altar, observed in countries knew while seven Fill of the for the plane's equipped with an altar since by landing had difficulty, other priests who Pope’s the They had made the Christmas although it had stretched around the world is told Church of St. I-ouis of the French, been summoned for possible their trip with him offered Masses wait by several the in Mos- after hours. at side in nn VATICAN only Catholic church emergency duty the pilot altars thanksgiving Page 14 CITY—"I was . AS HE. SPOKE The Cardinal, speaking for photographers cow. is closed to American had informed the from the safe sirk and control tower journey. you visited me I was in continually exploded flashbulbs of his and " priests. trouble. prison you came to around me him and he broke off to Puts End- Pope John XXIII life Pope New 'Class gave to »*> CARDINAL CUSHING ar Type Struggle’ those words as hv "One recorded SI should probably add a To Enthronement rived in near-zero weather Cap Strap Set Matthew when, during the lath f Some Christ work of iqcrry that of r people in the crowd NATICAN CITY mas holidays, he visited the During broke sick, enduring annoy -ng peoplr o( through police lines to or his visit to For the orphaned and the Roman hospitals. impris instructing the ignorant I Archbishops kiss his ring Others reached Yugoslav Communists am Pope John XXIII indicated that oned very fond of WASHINGTON out to touch him he photographers, but he America's as walked Trying would like to halt one But thrrr was time for merri these tradi- two newest by words I want to Archbishops will be by. ex- tional Papal practice the To mrnt and business, too Two that I Pit days plain want to be left enthroned in their nrw Sees Before making Priests in with- his way to swapping of alter Christmas he skullcaps. in two days of Our Against consecrated peare a little." each other. I-ady of the Bishops Airways Offered whit* four Archbishops and He a skullcap In four Bish resumed his speech to the Bishop John F. Dearden of Chapel to celebrate Mass, he By C. Strachwitz rlrruy to recognize exchange for hi* the itate a* The situation ops in St Peter s Basilica in the own. which will be enthroned virln from patients, saymg that Santo Spin Pittsburgh as recalled his meetings with the VIENNA the supreme would then be (NO Yugoslavia's authonty in religious I diocese first such since kept by the of to diocese. Somr ceremony his to hospital coul.l he considered Archbishop Detroit on Jan. 29 Pope and said that he is "a well a communist regime has shifted its ** as political matter*. In hospital as a the Bishops have election to the Papacy two shrine to and souvenir, Pope by Cardinal O'Hara, C.S issurd clear chanty then termt C. very kindly and humble man of tactics in its addition to each plaeed the his war against the priests, •union” warnings and months ago. nated his skullcap on head William Cousins of directives remarks with charar- Bishop E. the people who likes includes of against but then . peo- Church Having abandoned open a member the schis the returned it saying: Peoria. 11l will “anions." Others tenstic good humor , be enthronrd ple and likes to be of malic have AND THEN hy saying "1 shall service ly use of terroristic the Orthodox a day later he not give you mine methods, clergy, a Moslem left It up to the But do as Archbishop of Milwaukee to priests to de- now I not want lo he at people.” Reds representative and nervously held playful lion ruh for tun I do not want are trying to destroy the a 'political cide whether a the reasons. St John there or not to join the one forcing you to s Cathedral on Entering the the Car- adviser” named Doily his practice to be the chapel, C-hurch. Having abandoned appointed by the gov- on lap at a cause of special hat- Jan, 27 open- local the 15th work of by Archbishop Meyer. dinal passed group. audience merry hy mak a nun whom he clergy against the rrnmcnt. mass for the Orfei Or makers Treating my hierarchy. Many have listen skullcaps priests mg you to a long dts Since undoubfedly cus and . because no spectacular attacks on been the affair of Till-. ROLE misled by periodicals course '' the OF thf.v “ad- which "Easy, the the Church in Yugoslavia easy," Pontiff skullcap could become a have risers” were once Catholic but which been is illustrated the laughed as the <5 old rub Sees reported for some time, by way have day superstition." Books one of acted gradually developed pro- people come them at a me.eting bounced around. "I'm nrrns- Whem a Man Trashy here had to the con communist of such the "priests' union" in tendencies, ** tomed to the lions elusion that Catholicism had Jajca, Dohri of Venie Bosnia.
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