
Timeline / 900 to 1300 /

Date Country | Description

965 A.D. Italy

The Arab conquest of is complete with the fall of Rometta, the last Byzantine stronghold.

1002 A.D. Italy

The reign of Henry II (1002–24) sees the establishment of a feudal system, particularly in Northern Italy, which will leave a lasting mark on Italy’s social and economic make-up.

1009 A.D. Italy

The first Normans arrive in .

1059 A.D. Italy

The Council of the Lateran reorganises the Church. The makes Robert Guiscard (1059–85) Duke of Puglia and . It is the first acknowledgement of Norman domination of Southern Italy.

1061 A.D. Italy

Roger I of Hautville (1072–1101) begins the conquest of Sicily against the Arabs, which is completed in 1091.

1062 A.D. Italy

The Muslim fleet is defeated by the Pisans at .

1130 A.D. Italy

Roger II, governor of Sicily since 1112, is crowned King of Sicily and reigns until 1154.

1143 A.D. Italy

The Commune of Rome is born, an expression of the nascent communal civility that will have a profound effect on Italian cultural identity.

1154 A.D. Italy

Frederick Barbarossa (1123–90) arrives in Italy to side with the Pope against the Commune of Rome and the Normans. In the same year, Barbarossa is crowned King of Italy in Pavia.

1202 A.D. Italy

The , which will last until 1204, leaves from Venice. Date Country | Description

1210 A.D. Italy

Saint Francis of Assisi writes his Rule, inspired by the principles of poverty, errant preaching and Christian charity. Frederick II (1211–50), already King of Sicily, is crowned emperor.

1236 A.D. Italy

The first seigniories are formed, in Milan under Filippo della Torre, in Ferrara with Obizzo d’Este and in Mantova with the Gonzaga family.

1250 A.D. Italy

Death of Frederick II.

1258 A.D. Italy

Manfred, son of Frederick II, becomes King of Sicily (1258–66).

1271 A.D. Italy

Marco Polo, son of a Venetian merchant, departs for China with his father Nicolò and uncle Matteo. He is one of the first Westerners to reach China.

1280 A.D. Italy

The Guelphs and Ghibellines, supporters of the Papacy and the Emperor respectively, clash in .

1282 A.D. Italy

Revolt of the Sicilian Vespers against Sicily’s French Angevin rulers. Aragon emerges victorious in Sicily, which is separated politically from Southern Italy.