Study on the Evaluation of Decontamination And
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KAERI/CR-111/2001 RN113 m ■ m\\ 71 5! 7i#^g ^ Study on the Evaluation of Decontamination & Decommissioning Technologies and Their Demands in Korea tb 4 Sj- 7l ^ 7> DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. KAERI/CR-111/2001 mn ■ mw y\im y^- Study on the Evaluation of Decontamination & Decommissioning Technologies and Their Demands in Korea % ^ 3} m- 7] # 7} ft & ft // ft ft ft // 3: 4- & u 4- ft ft it to u ft ft ft u & k & it ft k ft a ft te ft it ft -fir ft n ft ft ft tt ft ft |o ft ft ft ft ft -y ft ft Wftftftft ft ft ft ftftft-tft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft '£ '1002 'ft h ft# ft ft.ftft ft ft #ft#k £ ft ft • ft ft,, ^ 4^lft #1# Ik rosfls] (am 2]-3>7] 4^-7]#^ (^31) A-^tifl %1-57 ij-^ ^-t]-2]- (A|-§-#) (t):^7]]) ^M#^7]#^ (^^7]j) (^^7]] #) 3)--^-2f 31-7] 7]-^] (%T-5-) ^7]#-^ ^4ai^7]-^^- (^-%7D (^7%%]) (a]^) 4-§-M<$3_7]#TM C3M^) o ot = I. *11 4* "44 7] #4^. ^ 7] #4# * 7]- *9 II. ^n^2 .1 ^ ^ ifi^ 44, **, * 44 94 *44#* 49* *9 ***** 9 *^]- 3l 49 *A} 4**^ 4^**^- 9**31 *A_ 4, S# 4*4 #* 944*&97] ^ *97%*4*4 44'4^1* 49&& 9**^ *4 44 - 44 *44 7}* 9ja_# *^1-4*44 #47} *3i**. *7]] 44**^ 94 a|4 *A}&* TRJGA *994 44*9 44 ' 44 Aj-*4 **-*^0_4 44* * 44*99 99*4 94*31 ** ***** 44 . 444 44 * 9**4 4444 7]#44# # 444 444. * * 9 * a.^ 4*44 7] 99 A* 7] 999 * *7}*-4 44 4444 *9 44 44* 4**^., *** 4# 44 494 4# 44 ^ 7]]#**-* *7}*4 **49*-4 44-44 49-44 444 444 J%4 #4. III. ^^7Ha-s| L[|# qj ^o| 9 4944* 44 - 44 44*4, 4999 4 44 93149 *7}* 44. zi^ji 44* 44 *944 4#* 7]j94* * 7]]*-**-* *7M} 4 4944 4*4 7]*4-314- ***-. *-4.44 44.44 ***** 4* - 44 44* *99, 44*4 *9 * 4 *994 7]] 9*^9 444 *4*999 2010*44 *4*99 9 2030*44 94**4. 4444 4999*7]-9 67]] 499*9 *-94 4999* 47}* 9, 44 99494 44 *944 49994- 4944* *7]-*-**-. 4#4A * 444* *7]- *4* *44-4 KOPEC4* *94 7]]* 1 ##€ ^7](0i-'06) #44414 4# 7]#^## 44# -Z 7]^%# ^ 7)j# ### ^7}#^4. iv. oif 71](g . sMl 44# 4### ^]oj] %too] e]]^o] /§-?-# 44 AS #4& ###4# ^^5]o] 4#4 ^-7] ^(01-06) 4# 71]^ . e]]# 7}^# TRIGA ##S ^ ##4# ##444 ####7] 7]]# #4(4^ Hot Cell)# 44, 7]]#f 3.S]J7 ##^### ## . ## # 4##4& #4 41# ^ 444141 4##4. &4 4## 444 4]# - 4141s #4### ## 44 4 ##441 € 444. TRIGA #4S 4 44# #444 #4444 #44 444-A# 44 ##&^r7M#3]- 7]### 74S# 4# #7] #### 7]#7]]#- #7]] #4 s##^s# 44 44 7]#f# 44# 4#4 44 4#4. Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 €€# ^7} ^ .44aiM cH4# €€# ^7]-7l# Characterization €4^4* ^7}7j^ *€7M4€ 44 4 €4114* ^71?]# "RFC, CO2, *434 44 4 €4* 3^4* *M7]# *3444 %44€ 44 #4 444^71# *3444 4*4# 4444 ;ll€ "44€ €4 444 4471# aM ^ zll#4 414 ^ "4*^ 4€44 3# 7l# €44* €44* *TRIGA €4 4*44 4# ^4 'Sij z-]] 3j] 71 -g- 0-44*44 4 4 4 • #4444 4 4 4 4 471* 4 4 7]# *#^14# 7## ?1# .4*4^171# 44 4 71]#44* "S-4 211^714 #€#€71* 44#€4* "444-471* ^ TRIGA 44 7l* 4* *7}4 &€ 443 #4 44 TRIGA€4& #44 43&44 #4##| 4^1 447^ 4-§-7]# .0144 471-4 #4 44 44 €€ 4-71 D&D » 44* graphite 4471# 4€ 44M# * 44# 434m 4€€# TRIGA€T& "44# ** 4€€s} 44 44 44 "#*s D/B 71^^44 4 @H7ii #444 44371-71# n a -L A SUMMARY 1. Project Title Study on the Evaluation of Decontamination & Decommissioning Technologies and Their Demands in Korea 2. Objectives of the Project Most of the developed countries including USA, UK and France are expected to stop construction of new nuclear power plants for the time being and to extend the existing NPP and also to decommission the nuclear facilities mainly related to the back end nuclear fuel cycle development activities. Decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) in these countries becomes one of the most important nuclear industry. D&D of the TRIGA MARK II and III, the first nuclear reactor in Korea has been already started. Considering the importance of the decontamination and decommissioning, it is time to launch the national D&D technology development program. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the D&D technology demand and its current status to screen the necessary technologies for the national R&D program and then is to identify the development circumstance and future prospects of the selected technologies necessary to the R&D planning. 3. Contents and Scope of the Study D&D market in Korea as well as abroad was classified into three fields such as a research reactor, a commercial nuclear power plant and a nuclear fuel cycle and then forecasted by 2010 as a short term demand and also by 2030 as a long term demand. A technology tree diagram was developed by classifying into the lower level of the technologies up to 3 or 4 level and then the current status of the final technology items were evaluated by using the evaluation criteria. KOPEC select the technologies subject to development in the short term and also in the long term. The short term('01-06) development v technologies were further analyzed into its technology tree and then evaluated their future prospects. IV. Results The domestic D&D market ie expected to increase gradually in the future and the large D&D market has been already formulated abroad, especially in the U. S. A. mainly for the nuclear fuel cycle facilities. The short term D&D needs in the country will be the decommissioning for the TRIG A research reactors and the uranium conversion facility we are facing, the back end nuclear fuel cycle development facilities for maintenance and refurbishment, and the nuclear power plants for operation and maintenance including the plant life time extension. The demand of the nuclear fuel cycle R&D facilities in North Korea also will be gradually increased depending on the reunification of the Korean peninsular. The short term R&D items were selected using the above results by KOPEC. The technology tree was analyzed in the study as follows: Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Source temVd • D&D source term evaluation Characterization residual nuclide • Residual nuclide evaluation after decommissioning evaluation Dry decontamination • Unite decontamination using RFC, CCyand plasma Decontamination applicable to highly • In-situ decontamination in the hot cell technologies active radiation • ReusUwaste down-grade decent, after transportation • 3 dimensional laser cutting technology Dismantling and Laser dismantling • mobile remote robots remote operation and remote operation • TRIGA remote metal cutting demonstration Sludge treatment decommissioning • Uranium sludge waste treatment and metallic waste waste mangmnt • Metallic waste reduction and reuse reuse Environment Soil decontamination • Soil waste decontamination restoration and restoration • Site restoration and TRIG demonstration TIOGA • Automatic surface contamination measure equipment decommissioning • RSR under water dismantling equipment Immediate national application field • Mobile remote radiation survey equipment D&D project • Activated graphite treatment TRIGA application • Activated concrete degradation ageing decommissioning • Activated metal degradation by ageing related R&D • TRIGA D/B and computer dismantling simulation vi The short term R&D is expected not only to apply to the current D&D projects but also to contribute to the national fuel cycle development and also to the technology exports in the future. V. Proposals for Application The results will be used to establish the national long term R&D planning on 'Decontamination and Decommissioning Technologies'. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 1 I. Research Background and Former Study ............. .............................. 1 II. Objectives and Scope of the Study .................................................... 3 III. Contents of the Study ..........................................................................5 1. Evaluation of D&D technologies and their demands..................5 2. Evaluation of technology demands in Korea ...............................5 3. Evaluation of prospects of technology development ...................5 CHAPTER II. PROSPECTS OF D&D MARKET..................................... 7 I. Prospects of Domestic D&D Market................................................... 7 1. D&D market in nuclear power plants................................................7 2. D&D market in research reactors and nuclear fuel cycle facilities ••11 3. Comparison between D&D markets............................................. 18 II. Prospects of Overseas D&D Market................................................ 20 1. D&D market in nuclear power plants...............................................20 2. D&D market in research reactors .....................................................25 3. D&D market in nuclear fuel cycle facilities and their sites..............27 4. Comparison between D&D markets.............................................38 CHAPTER IE. EVALUATION OF DOMESTIC D&D TECHNOLOGY DEMANDS AND THEIR LEVEL................................... 41 I. D&D Target Facilities and Degree of D&D Technology Difficulties •••■41 1. D&D Target facilities........................................................... 41 2. Degree of technology difficulties according to D&D target facilities.... 41 II. Necessary D&D Technologies and Their Level in Korea .............45 IX 1. Evaluation of technology tree and the technology level.........45 2. Necessary technologies according to target facilities and their level.... 61 CHAPTER IV. EVALUATION OF SHORT TERM R&D TECHNOLOGIES QND&D................................................ •'........................... 67 I. Evaluation of R&D Goals .....................................................................67 1. Evaluation of final R&D goals .................................................. - 67 2. Evaluation of stepwise R&D goals ............................................. 68 II. Evaluation of Detailed R&D Items and Their Technology Level......69 1.