Department of Economics and IT Division of Informatics

Virtual Reality Locomotion: Four Evaluated Locomotion Methods

Rasmus Karlsson & Alvar Sveninge 2017

University West, Trollhättan, SWEDEN Bachelor of Science with a major in Informatics

Supervisor Examiner

William Jobe Ulrika Lundh Snis

Abstract consumer hardware is now available for the masses through the HTC Vive, Rift and PlayStation VR. Locomotion or virtual travel inside immersive experiences is an area which is yet to be fully solved due to space constraints, problems with retaining immersion and potential sickness. This thesis had the goal of evaluating user preferences for four locomotion methods in Virtual Reality with a first generation HTC Vive through the gaming platform .

The theoretical framework provides an elementary understanding of the field of Virtual Reality and how humans interact and get affected by locomotion in that context. To contextualize the experience of evaluating the locomotion systems the Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model is used as it covers intrinsic motivation which is common in video games, social networking and virtual worlds.

An extensive process for games selection has been performed which has resulted in four locomotion methods with four games per method. Sixteen participants got to test one locomotion method each where their got recorded for later observation. After each game session answers were provided by the participants based on surveys and after completion of all games a questionnaire gauged their sickness level.

The conclusion proved inconclusive. While the results without interpretation showed the locomotion method Artificial as the overall winner a range of potential problems were found with the study in general. Some problems included observations which did not provide the expected results, introducing doubt into either how the study was conducted or the reliability of certain users. A larger sampler size along with a better study procedure could possibly have provided a more conclusive answer.

Keywords VR, Virtual Reality, Locomotion, HTC Vive, Steam, SteamVR, Games, Room-Scale. Contents

1. Introduction ...... 1 1.1. Background ...... 1 1.2. Problem ...... 4 1.3. Purpose ...... 4 1.4. Question ...... 4 2. Theoretical Framework ...... 5 2.1. Physiology ...... 5 2.2. Immersion ...... 5 2.3. Locomotion ...... 6 2.4. Sicknesses ...... 8 3. Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model ...... 10 4. Methodology ...... 12 4.1. Research Methods ...... 12 4.2. Contextual Review ...... 14 4.3. Games Selection ...... 15 4.3.1. 1st Pass ...... 15 4.3.2. 2nd Pass ...... 16 4.3.3. 3rd Pass ...... 17 4.3.4. 4th Pass ...... 18 Artificial ...... 18 Dashing ...... 20 Physical ...... 21 Teleport ...... 22 4.4. Data Collection ...... 24 4.4.1. Observation ...... 24 Game Recording ...... 24 Video Editing ...... 24 4.4.2. Experiments ...... 25 Procedure ...... 26 Settings ...... 26 5. Results ...... 27 5.1. Survey ...... 27 5.2. Observation ...... 30 5.3. Questionnaire ...... 32 6. Analysis ...... 33 6.1. Survey ...... 33 6.2. Observation ...... 34 6.3. Questionnaire ...... 34 7. Discussion ...... 35 8. Conclusion ...... 37

References 38 Supplement 44

1. Introduction

This chapter will give an overview of what Virtual Reality is, the type of equipment used in this thesis and how the area of locomotion methods in the context is a problem not fully solved yet.

1.1. Background

The year was 1968 when the idea for a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) was fully implemented by Ivan Sutherland (1968). A HMD presents the user with a perspective image which enables the user to perceive depth in three-dimensional space. Whenever the user moves the image moves as accurately as possible in relation to how the HMD moves. If the user moves around enough objects can be perceived from different angles and sizes. This implementation of the HMD had a display limit of 30 Frames per Second (FPS), a 40-degree field of view, limited graphics in the form of wireframes and restricted movement as the HMD was tethered to the room because it would be unwieldy to wear for the user otherwise.

In 1987 the term Virtal Reality (VR) was coined and popularized by (Virtual Reality Society, 2016). VR means an artificial environment which is experienced by an individual through their human senses such as sight and sound (Merriam-Webster, 2017). A technology overview provided by Frederick P. Brooks (1999) details how VR almost took off between the years 1994 and 1999, reaching the stage of barely working by the end. Four technologies considered crucial for the development of VR were provided:

. The visual (and aural and haptic) displays that immerse the user in the and that block out contradictory sensory impressions from the real world. . The graphics rendering system that generates, at 20 to 30 frames per second, the ever- changing images. . The tracking system that continually reports the position and orientation of the user’s head and limbs. . The database construction and maintenance system for building and maintaining detailed and realistic models of the virtual world.

By 1999 the resolution provided by an affordable HMD was 460×680 pixels which was considered good for the time. The best systems available offered latency values as low as 40ms. Latency as explained by Olano, et al. (1995) is the delay between user input and displayed output in an interactive graphics system. Too high latency can lead to objects bobbing and swimming which is a problem for any HMD user as it detracts from the illusion and hinders the use for serious applications. Data from studies presented by Adelstein, et al. (2005) show that users can notice latency within a 6-20 millisecond range.

Around a decade later in 2011 a technician at the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies by the name of built a set of virtual-reality goggles in his parents’ garage. The creation which could be considered a HMD was named . Based on this creation a was initiated with the goal of distributing HMD development kits, a goal which was fulfilled. The specifications for the Oculus Rift HMD at the time were better than anything else available (Johnson, 2013).

After a successful release, the follow-up version was announced by the Oculus Blog (2014) with the name Oculus Rift Development Kit 2, commonly known as the DK2. The DK2 would

1 among other things have a resolution per eye of 960×1080 pixels, low-latency positional head tracking and optimization for the game engines and . Davis, et al. (2014) who was following the announcement of the DK2 cited Palmer Luckey saying the following: “There has been more content created for VR in the last year, than the last 20 years combined.”.

There were three major contenders set to release a VR consumer HMD around this time. The first announcement was made by Shuhei Yoshida (2014) who introduced Project Morpheus, renamed to and known as PlayStation VR the year after (Dutton, 2015). It was released with a HMD and a PS Camera used for tracking the HMD on October 13, 2016 (Shuman, 2016). Following the announcement of Sony was the Oculus Blog (2015) with the Oculus Rift which was due to be released in the first quarter of 2016. Finally, the HTC Blog (2015) made it known that the HTC Vive would be released in April of 2016. Some features of the HTC Vive are two 1080p AMOLED displays with a combined resolution of 2160×1200 pixels, a 90 Hz refresh rate (i.e. capability to output 90 FPS) and a 110º horizontal field of view. Accessories include two motion controllers and two IR laser base stations which track the HMD and the motion controllers (iFixit, 2016).

Each HMD have their own preferred methods of distributing games to the end user. For the HTC Vive the most common digital distribution platform is Steam. Steam is a digital distribution platform developed by which provides the user with installation and automatic updating of games on multiple computers along with features such as friends lists and groups, cloud saving, and in-game chat functionality. SteamVR is a subset of Steam focusing solely on VR (Wikipedia, 2017b).

Logotypes of Steam and SteamVR. Sourced with permission from the Steam® Branding Guidelines (Steam, 2016b).

All major components of the HTC Vive will be displayed below, both individually and grouped followed by an illustration of how they all work together:

Two IR laser base stations, required to track objects for the HTC Vive. Drawing sourced from the Vive PRE User Guide (HTC, 2016).


Two motion controllers for the HTC Vive, required for input. Drawing sourced from the Vive PRE User Guide (HTC, 2016).

Two different perspectives of the HTC Vive HMD as seen from behind. Drawing sourced from the Vive PRE User Guide (HTC, 2016).

Illustration of how the two IR base stations interact with the HTC Vive HMD and the two motion controllers. The blue square area symbolizes the designated play area for the person wearing the HMD. Drawing sourced from the Vive PRE User Guide (HTC, 2016).

The HTC Vive was created as a collaboration between HTC and Valve (Souppouris, 2017).


1.2. Problem

Oculus and HTC with their release of their HMD differed in opinion on how much space was required for the user to be able to use VR. This is reflected by a report of the game Waltz of the Wizard which is a free game which with the help of built in analytics kept track of details such as when players lose tracking and the size of their play area, depending on game platform. Average play area for the gaming platform Steam was 5.7 m2 compared to 3.3 m2 for the gaming platform Oculus Home for the Oculus Rift. Utilizing the whole room for gaming is called Room- Scale VR (Aldin, 2017). Oculus announced support for Room-Scale VR in May of 2017 (Brennan, 2017a).

McCaffrey (2017) states that some common locomotion methods in VR are Artificial, Physical and Teleport. Artificial means simply moving by the press of a button. Physical means movement is based on physical actions such as emulating running or climbing with the controllers. Teleport means moving to another location instantaneously. Another method is Dashing where one moves from one point to another rapidly, a mix between the locomotion methods Artificial and Teleport as shown on Vimeo by Karlsson & Sveninge (2017a) and on YouTube by Karlsson & Sveninge (2017b). It is stated by Høeg (2017) that Virtual travel is one of the most common and universal activities occurring within 3D generated environments.

In 2017 January, a new record was set for using the HTC Vive continuously for 36 hours’ straight without having to stop due to sickness of any kind and in the process won the world record for longest use of a HMD. There is currently no established academic literature on people who spend long amounts of time inside a modern VR consumer HMD such as the HTC Vive and what the possible effects could be (Virtual Reality Society, 2017). What is known however is that sickness can hit hard whenever a game in VR has locomotion which conflicts with our senses, women also seem more prone in general to get affected compared to men (Mason, 2017). While interviewed by Jamie Feltham (2017a) it was said by David Yee at Oculus VR that: “If there’s one problem we’re most desperate for VR to solve right now it’s locomotion. Finding a means of movement that keeps players comfortable but retains immersion is one of the biggest challenges the industry faces. In fact, Oculus thinks an “end all, be all” solution is still “years away”.”.

1.3. Purpose

The purpose of this study is to evaluate four locomotion methods to find out if people prefer some over others. In addition, it will be revealed if sickness is a major factor for all locomotion methods or if it varies based on personal preferences or other factors affecting the subjects involved. The scope is limited to the HTC Vive and its one year anniversary spanning from the date 2016-04-05 to 2017-04-05 (Vive Team, 2017). Games are exclusively going to be selected from the gaming platform Steam provided by Valve (Wikipedia, 2017b). Gabe Newell who is the CEO of Valve has stated the amount of VR supported titles on Steam comfortably exceeds 1,000 as of February 2017 (Brennan, 2017b). Tim Sweeney who is the founder of the company and the Unreal Engine predicts that by the end of the next decade, VR will be as popular and convenient as the smartphone is today (Suellentrop, 2017).

1.4. Question

Do users of the HTC Vive prefer certain locomotion methods over others?


2. Theoretical Framework

A literature overview meant to provide the rationale for conducting the research. This chapter will explain related areas to VR which are basic in nature. Physiology describes the most important human senses and body functions in relation to use of a HMD. Immersion details how hardware quality in addition to how the experiences are designed affect the immersion factor. Locomotion details anything to do with movement inside VR. Sicknesses deals with possible ways of getting sick in VR and related types of sicknesses.

2.1. Physiology

Interpupillary distance (IPD) is the distance between the centres of the pupils of the human eyes. The variation in IPD in the population differs based on age, gender, between certain racial groups and between near and fair viewing. Most adults have IPDs in the range 50-75 mm (Dodgson, 2004). The human eye has a field of view of approximately 180° horizontal and 150° vertical, capable of seeing color and movement in three-dimensions. Compared to eyes in the animal kingdom the human eye is one of the most perfect as it is not out-of-focus, spotty or jumpy. Eyesight is one of the five major human senses accounting for roughly 70% of our attention, followed by hearing at 20% (Heilig, 1992). The ability for the human eye to see visual depth cues can be classified into monocular and binocular cues. Monocular cues give a sense of depth based on the use of a single eye while binocular cues require both eyes. An example of an important monocular cue effect is motion parallax. Motion parallax enables the eye to perceive movement through fixating on objects at various distances that move in different directions and speeds relative to an observer. Objects closer to the observer will appear to move faster and in opposite direction to the movement of the observer, whereas objects farther away move slower and in the same direction. A person using both eyes will see a slightly different perspective for each eye, combining these two perspectives is called Stereopsis and is a major binocular cue for relative depth perception (Reichelt, et al., 2010).

People in general have a high sensitivity for latency and can tell the difference between low values in milliseconds. Ellis, et al. (2004) states this value needs to be 16 ms or less while Regan, et al. (1999) and Mania, et al. (2004) thinks the value is approximately 15 ms. Higher latency than those values when using a HMD can give rise to errors in the form of visual instability and can degrade performance and simulation fidelity, in severe cases it can lead to disorientation and/or sickness (Ellis, et al., 2004).

The human vestibular system is an apparatus in the inner ear responsible for providing information about the movement and orientation of the head. Three canals filled with fluid detect motion in one dimensional plane each. The vestibular system cooperates with the visual system to keep the eyes in place when the head moves (LaViola, Jr., 2000).

2.2. Immersion

Slater & Wilbur (1997) define immersion as a description of a technology, to which extent a computer display can deliver an inclusive, extensive, surrounding, and vivid illusion of reality to the senses of a person. To fulfill those goals physical reality should be shut out, the field of view should be as close to panoramic as possible and the display should be of high quality in terms of resolution. A similar description given by Bowman & McMahan (2007) where they state the goal of immersive virtual environments is to let users experience a computer-generated

5 world as if it were real and “being there”. Brown & Cairns (2004) formulated their own theory of immersion based on the factors of engagement, engrossment and total immersion in a context based on . The experience of immersion is often critical to game enjoyment and is made or destroyed by game characteristics. Sánchez, et al. (2012) defined the term playability as a wide-ranging description to what degree users can reach effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction and fun in a playable context. Immersion is a part of playability described as the capacity of the contents to be believable, such that the player becomes directly involved in the virtual game world. The term is further characterized under the following properties.

. Conscious Awareness: The degree to which the player is consciously aware of the consequences of their actions in the virtual world, understanding the game’s objectives, goals, challenges, controls, rewards and any factor which may affect gameplay. Understanding what happens because of carrying out an action helps the player imagine what to do next and to develop the necessary abilities to overcome challenges. . Absorption: A player who is completely absorbed in the gameplay is involved to such a degree that they focus all their abilities and attention on beating the game’s challenges. . Realism: The capacity of the video game contents to be believable for players. The more realistic a video game is, the greater the Immersion of the player we obtain thanks to consistent sceneries, mechanics and rules for players when players are interacting with them within the virtual game world. Realism helps the player focus on the game’s challenges, rules and objectives. . Dexterity: Refers to the player’s dexterity in carrying out different movements and actions in the virtual world in which they are immersed with the help of game controls. Interactive and virtual dexterity is the difference in manipulating the game controls in the real world versus the virtual world, for high immersion to be achieved the interaction between interactive and virtual dexterity needs to be as similar as possible. . Socio-Cultural Proximity: The metaphors and atmosphere used in the game as related to the player in terms of age, gender and cultural characteristics.

Presence is the sensation of feeling physically present in remote environments displayed by technical interfaces rather than in the actual physical environment (Weibel & Wissmath, 2011). Bowman & McMahan (2007) considers presence to be an individual and context-dependent user response, related to the experience of “being there.” Different users can experience different levels of presence with the same VR system, and a single user might experience different levels of presence with the same system at different times, depending on state of mind, recent history, and other factors. Slater (2009) equates presence to the term place illusion which is described as the strong illusion of being in a place despite the sure knowledge that you are not there. There is no way of directly measuring presence, however questionnaires can be used to gather user responses based on real experiences. A study on presence using questionnaires to gather responses conducted by Usoh, et al. (1999) found that awareness of the cables of a HMD caused a break-in-presence for 30% of the subjects while 15% became more immersed after they stopped receiving instructions. It was found in general that females had a higher sense of presence than males.

2.3. Locomotion

Bowman, et al. (1998) goes into how one of the most basic and universal interactions in VR apart from head motion is travel. Travel is defined as the control of the user's viewpoint motion in a three-dimensional environment. Being able to move effectively in a VR environment is a key element in the establishment of a sense of immersion, or presence. Travel techniques should

6 minimize the amount of mental resources required so there is more available for the user's primary task. When evaluating travel techniques, one could consider eight performance metrics:

1. Speed: How fast a task can be completed. 2. Accuracy: Proximity to a desired target. 3. Spatial Awareness: Having the knowledge of one’s position and orientation within the environment during and after travel. 4. Ease of Learning: The ability of a beginner to use the travelling technique. 5. Ease of Use: The complexity or amount of mental resources required when travelling. 6. Information Gathering: The ability to obtain information from the environment during travel. 7. Presence: The sense of immersion or of "being within" the environment due to travel. 8. User Comfort: Lack of simulator sickness and symptoms such as dizziness or nausea.

Nabiyouni & Bowman (2016) present a classification system tailored for walking-based locomotion techniques in VR. It’s been split up into six different factors as shown below:

1. Movement Range: The amount of physical space needed to implement the technique. 2. Walking Surface: If the surface is flat or curved. Flat is more natural while curved typically is used for equipment for keeping a user in the center. 3. Transfer Function: The mapping between its input and its output in relation to a mapping function. The most common mapping function is a direct 1:1 mapping of the input to the output, meaning real walking. Covers the degrees of freedom the user has. 4. User Support: If equipment assists the user with for example preserving their balance. 5. Walking Movement Style: In what style the user walks. Normal walking movements include the whole stance and swing phases. Some methods include sliding one’s feet. 6. Input Properties Sensed: Which body parts are tracked as part of the movement. The most common body parts that get tracked are the head, legs, feet and torso. Some techniques track the number of complete steps taken by a user.

Moving in the direction of where one is looking using a standard controller such as a joystick, joypad or touchpad is a common locomotion method which is easy to use. Real walking is usually considered ideal to use for naturalness, however due to constraints in available space it is often not suitable. Walking-in-place is a gesture based locomotion technique which moves based on marching gestures. The technique is found to be cost effective, easy to learn, and providing appropriate individual feedback to the users (Bozgeyikli, et al., 2016a). Wilson, et al. (2016) found that walking-in-place is not as good as walking on foot, but it is better than arm swinging which is a locomotion that works by swinging the arms to move in the direction one is looking. Another way of overcoming the limitations of real walking is by using redirected walking which means using algorithmic modifications to enable real walking by directing the user so that they do not step outside of the tracked physical area (Bozgeyikli, et al., 2016a). Azmandian, et al. (2016b) explains redirected walking as introducing subtle discrepancies between the user's motions in the real world, and what is perceived in the virtual world. This allows the user's trajectory in the real world to be different from the virtual trajectory without users noticing. Sun, et al. (2016) implemented redirected walking which rendered an environment that was compatible with the real-world geometry.

Point & Teleport is a technique where the user points to wherever they want to be for two seconds and then instantaneously get teleported to that position. A major advantage is that it is not expected to introduce motion sickness since it does not involve any visible motion. A

7 variation of the Point & Teleport was tried where users could specify in which direction they would be facing after teleportation (Bozgeyikli, et al., 2016b). A similar technique lets a user place an avatar relative to a scaled-down version of their environment - a world in miniature (WIM). After having placed the avatar the user is transitioned to the view of the avatar. By including a preview of the avatar showing which direction its facing allows the user a clearer understanding of the technique (Elvezio, et al., 2017). A variation where one uses the feet with the WIM technique is done by LaViola, Jr., et al. (2001) which states the purpose would be to maximize the interactivity of the virtual environments.

With the use of the accessory named attached to a HMD it is possible to analyze the gestures of a user. This can enable the use of a locomotion method based on certain hand poses. A study was conducted comparing the use of the accessory Leap Motion as compared to a game controller for locomotion. It was found that users preferred the game controller (Cardoso, 2016).

In a paper authored by von Mammen, et al. (2016) a game was deliberately created to be as sickness inducing as possible while still being fun to play. They found that they succeeded with these objectives with users both experiencing fun and getting sickness from the game session.

2.4. Sicknesses

There are many different sickness types related to motion. Most share a set of characteristics between them but some have unique traits which differ. This chapter will list all notable sickness types along with how these sicknesses can be measured through questionnaires.

The results of a study presented by Bos, et al. (2007) detail how 2840 questionnaires gathered on several ships all over Europe were analyzed. The subject matter was the susceptibility to seasickness which is a type of motion sickness. Motion sickness involves sickness induced by motion, the severity varies by factors such as gender, age and predisposition. The vestibular system is instrumental in causing motion sickness as people with a nonfunctional vestibular system such as deaf-mutes are unable to get motion sickness. Vision is important as well but not essential as blind people with a functional vestibular system can get motion sickness. It was found that females in general are more susceptible to motion sickness than males. Lackner (2014) adds that the range of vulnerability to motion sickness in the normal population varies about 10,000 to 1. This variation can manifest itself in how people are affected when they get so sick they feel they must vomit. Some people will feel the need to vomit but will be unable to do so while others will vomit and feel total relief for a limited time. Bos, et al. (2008) notes that when a person is in control of their motion like car drivers or pilots they usually do not get sick, while the passengers might.

Simulator sickness was first mentioned by name in the year 1957 by academic researchers. Almost all characteristics of motion sickness are shared with simulator sickness, but not all. Simulator sickness is a familiar affliction known to the community in the U.S. military. Simulators are used for training in aircraft to reduce operating costs, skills are efficiently transferred from simulation to real-world application (Pausch, et al., 1992). Flight simulators generate a visually induced illusory self-motion which is known as vection (Hettinger, et al., 1990). Kennedy & Fowlkes (1992) describes how visually based symptoms such as eyestrain and dizziness are slightly more prevalent in simulators than in other forms of motion sickness. Developers of the early flight simulators believed that with a more compelling and realistic experience the problem of simulator sickness would go away, this hasn’t happened


(Kennedy & Lilienthal, 1995). Regan (1995) reviews literature that states that simulator sickness problems appear to get worse as the simulation gets better with technological progress.

The researchers Cobb, et al. (1999) feel that if simulation is done through a VR HMD they feel it appropriate to use the coined term virtual reality-induced symptoms and effects. The effects differ from both motion and simulator sickness in that they have shorter effects for most people. Another term used by Davis, et al. (2014) among others is cybersickness. To qualify one needs to get sick while using a VR HMD, it is different from both motion and simulator sickness. They report that cybersickness can lead to symptoms three times the severity of simulator sickness. LaViola, Jr. (2000) describes how although motion sickness and cybersickness produce the same symptoms the difference is that with cybersickness sickness can occur with just visual stimulation and no vestibular simulation. Kim, et al. (2005) reports that side effects of cybersickness can potentially last for several hours.

It is stated by Jerald (2016) that the Sensory Conflict Theory is the most widely accepted explanation for experiencing motion sickness. The theory states sickness may occur when the environment doesn't match up with the visual and vestibular system of an individual. A set of concrete examples of these mismatches include: “artifacts due to display resolution, aliasing, frame rates, optical distortion, limited colors, synthetic lighting models, and latency.” (LaValle, 2017, p. 348). There exists several complementing and competing theories, some of which have been tested as well by Riccio & Stoffregen (1991), Smart, et al. (2002) and Treisman (1977). The authors Conradi & Alexander (2012) had participants use a static balancing test before and after for measuring sickness.

The Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) was developed by Kennedy, et al. (Kennedy, et al., 1993) as a replacement to the Motion Sickness Questionnaire (MSQ) previously used as a standard. The MSQ had a range of symptoms which typically did not occur during simulations, thus necessitating a replacement. The SSQ contains sixteen different symptoms divided into three different subscales for allowing scored weighting. The three subscales followed by their scored weighting are Nausea (9.54), Oculomotor (7.58) and Disorientation (13.92). Each subscale included seven symptoms, some are repeated in other subscales. When the SSQ is administered to a test subject they get to answer on a four-point severity scale (none, slight, moderate, severe) where slights represent one, moderate represent two and severe represent three. The number is multiplied by the symptom based on which subscale it is in. One should also apply a formula with all three subscales to acquire a total score. Subscales shown in a table:

Nausea Oculomotor Disorientation General discomfort General discomfort Difficulty focusing Increased salivation Fatigue Nausea Sweating Headache Fullness of the head Nausea Eyestrain Blurred vision Difficulty concentrating Difficulty focusing Dizzy (eyes open) Stomach awareness Difficulty concentrating Dizzy (eyes closed) Burping Blurred vision Vertigo

In a controlled study done by Young, et al. (2007) it was evaluated if giving a questionnaire such as the SSQ both before and after a motion experiment affected the outcome. The results indicated that reports of motion sickness after immersion in a virtual environment were much greater with questionnaires both before and after as compared to only after.


3. Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model

The Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model is a model which was proposed by Lowry, et al. (2013) to better describe the usage of information systems which focus on intrinsic motivation, i.e. what people do without having an incentive to do it such as video games, social networking and virtual worlds. The model builds upon the work of the Hedonic-System Acceptance Model which in turn has been a variation of the Technology Acceptance Model. It extends the Hedonic-System Acceptance Model by using Cognitive Absorption theory’s sub- constructs as a key mediator of perceived ease of use and of behavioral intention to use. Seven distinct intrinsic motivations are measured through the model as the image displays below and list on next page:

Final Proposed Model for the Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model. Outgoing blue arrows from an ellipse means that the arrow targets should have equal or higher values if the ellipse has a high value. Image sourced from Lowry, et al. (2013).

1. Perceived ease of use (PEOU): The simplicity of the system in how it’s used. A system easy to use will excite people to explore all available possibilities. However, if a system isn’t easy to use people are likely to grow frustrated, grow apathetic and cease giving attention to the system. PEOU is a core factor and is more valuable than compared to any other individual factor. An increase in PEOU will lead to an increase in Perceived usefulness, Curiosity, Joy and Control. 2. Perceived usefulness: How fun or relaxing the system is to use. Does not measure productivity or performance gains as those are not intrinsic in nature. An increase in Perceived usefulness will lead to an increase in BIU. 3. Curiosity: A heightened attention or increased perception of stimuli. The opposite state of curiosity is boredom. An increase in Curiosity will lead to an increase in BIU and Immersion. 4. Joy: To what degree activities on the system bring about fun, joy and pleasure and ultimately fulfillment. Excludes any perspective on performance or productivity gains. An increase in Joy will lead to an increase in BIU and Immersion.


5. Control: The perception of controlling the interaction, including the ability to interrupt the interaction, to be spontaneous, unpredictable and make choices regarding it. An increase in Control will lead to an increase in Immersion. 6. Behavioral intention to use (BIU): Desire of users for continued utilization of the system in the future. 7. Immersion: If a person enjoys interacting with the system it will lead to immersion, higher attention given means higher possibility for higher immersion.

By using the search term HMSAM on academic search engines one can see the theory is most commonly used whenever one wants to measure or increase the adaptation of information systems, even systems traditionally considered as productivity only. The scenario described by Lowry, et al. (2013) includes depicting a set of game scenarios and then asking users how they react to them, a less practical implementation compared to how it’s been utilized after being released.

For the performed study in this thesis the intrinsic motivation of Perceived usefulness has been excluded as a factor and question for the section Game Survey (Supplement). This was done due to the fact relaxation is hard to measure as a factor when games are being on the participants in an experimental environment with other observers.


4. Methodology

This chapter begins by describing what Research Methods were used such as reference systems, survey studies and selection criteria. Contextual Review details how information has been gathered and used as knowledge. The selection criteria for all games used in our study is detailed in Games Selection. Finally, we go in depth in what data we collected in Data Collection.

4.1. Research Methods

This chapter will list each individual research method that has been used at least once along with a short explanation of what it is and what it usually is used for. Later chapters will reference these research methods and state why they’ve been chosen and how they’ve been used.

The reference system used for the thesis is the Harvard - Anglia system (Anglia Ruskin University, 2016). Certain customizations to the reference system have been implemented based on guidelines from University West Library (2017) and UCL Institute of Education Library (2017). Most web based references have a corresponding saved webpage capture through either (2017) or Internet Archive (2017) - this is done to avoid reference rot (Perkel, 2015).

Quantitative data is collected data which can be measured, in its simplest form it is used as a form of descriptive statistics where one analyzes data looking at frequencies, average values, data distribution, relationships between data types and summary of data through visual means. The four most common data types used in research are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal data is used to group values together such as gender and ethnicity, but the values themselves hold no inherent value which can be measured on a scale. Ordinal is typically used in conjunction with values that can be measured against each other in terms of higher or lower, the most common way of collecting this data is in the form of a Likert scale where the answers usually range from one to five. One implementation of the Likert scale is suggested by Jamieson (2004) where one end represents Strongly agree, the middle represents Neutral and the opposite end represents Strongly disagree, the two remaining options Agree and Disagree are used in between Neutral and the opposite ends. Interval is used whenever the distance between the data is proportional, such as the case is with for example birth years of people. Ratio is like Interval; however, it has a meaningful value of zero. Examples what one could use ratio for include salaries, distances measured in length and weights. Quantitative data is most commonly associated with survey studies and experiments (Denscombe, 2016).

Experiments in a laboratory setting are typically custom built for facilitating the collection of the type of data suited for the experiment. People or things must come to the laboratory to be able to conduct research. Advantages offered by this approach include control over the variables involved and higher consistency in observations that are measured (Denscombe, 2016).

Survey studies are common in social studies where one wants to gather data from people by using mediums such as telephone, internet, letter or direct interviews. The two most common methods to gather the data are through questionnaires and interviews. When performing a survey study one is meant to examine a field closely, often at a fixed point in time looking at the details (Denscombe, 2016). Unless one has the required time, resources and skills one should consider avoiding interviewing people directly in favor of distributing a survey through other means, this will also greatly diminish or eliminate entirely the interviewer effect which

12 means the way the interviewer asks question directly affects the answers of a respondent (Ejlertsson, 1996). One way of creating a survey is online through a service such as Forms which gives options for collaborating and sharing forms with others (Google Learning Center, 2017). To handle the generated data from Google Forms the IBM SPSS (Version 23) has been used as provided by University West (Gellerstedt & Arvemo, 2017). All raw data from the surveys is available in the external file named Study (Supplement).

Qualitative data is formed by written or spoken words along with visual imagery, either observed or created. It can be used for various research strategies such as interviews, documents and observations. Observation in qualitative form is typically saved in three different data formats, namely through photography, images and video recordings. Whenever qualitative data is handled it is strongly advised to preserve the source of the original data. It is generally hard to analyze qualitative data in raw form directly in any meaningful way, a common strategy to provide meaning to this type of data is to categorize it among a set of themes. Before categorizing each piece of raw data, a unique identifier needs to be provided for reference purposes. When data has been categorized and it’s time to analyze it, a common observation strategy to apply is content analysis. Content analysis can be applied to any text, audio or visual medium. In general, the selection of the content to be analyzed needs to be well motivated and the scope of analysis should be kept to small quantifiable units with a clear idea behind it or a specific question answered through it. The quantifiable units should be categorized based on common themes, one should also keep track of the number of occurrences (Denscombe, 2016).

Selection is the process used to determine what options among a set of data are representative. A good selection can produce data that is fairly accurate without having to test every single person or object for the given research subject. Survey studies are particularly well suited for applying good selection criteria. When applying a selection criteria there are various strategies one can choose from, some will be described now. A comfort selection means a researcher picks the most readily available persons or objects depending on the study as they are lacking in either time, resources or circumstances. Theoretical selection is used whenever a custom theory is formulated based on variables that occur during the research process to further refine the selection of persons or objects based on the newly formulate theory (Denscombe, 2016).

Presentation of data is typically done through tables and charts. All tables or charts need to have certain information or the data will lose its meaning. This information includes a title heading, description of any units involved and the data source origin. Line charts are used to depict the progress of a set of data, good for showing tendencies in data (Denscombe, 2016).

The quality of collected data in the form of quantitative data is affected by its validity and reliability. Validity refers to the accuracy of the data in terms of if it has been gathered correctly and if the correct type of question has been asked for acquiring it in the first place. Reliability refers to if the data can be trusted based on how the research has been conducted. A way to indicate good reliability is to replicate any research and end up with similar or identical results (Denscombe, 2016).

Research ethics is expected from social scientists for them to approach their research area in an ethical manner. The public should be protected from researchers who are tempted to use all available means of gathering data, ignoring all possible consequences of their actions. Most universities have an ethics board which reviews individual research projects and decide which ones get approved, this is most common with areas related to medicine. Typical research methods that normally require pre-approval include survey studies, interviews and various

13 means of observation. Common exceptions to needing an ethics approval include tasks such as testing of equipment and evaluation of services and functions (Denscombe, 2016).

4.2. Contextual Review

Each reviewed reference needed to pass a series of qualifications to pass as academic content:

1. Needs to have a Digital Object Identifier which will correctly link to an URL. 2. Must be possible to download the reference in the Portable Document Format. 3. The document file must have text that can correctly be copied and pasted. 4. Content must originate from a journal or conference academic in nature. 5. There needs to be a reference list with a minimum of one valid reference. 6. An effort is made to exclude popular science content aimed at the public.

For the search engine DiVA (2017) a search was performed with some restrictions and the four search terms Virtual Reality, VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The restrictions were to only allow student theses and to set the years to between 2011 and 2017 due to this being the earliest date any information about the Oculus Rift could appear. The search returned 136 results which were reviewed manually which filtered it down to 10 results which were deemed to be of relevance. These student theses were then analyzed and any suitable academic references were extracted for use in this thesis. The number of references available for these ten theses was 334.

The book titled The VR Book authored by Jason Jerald (2016) has been used to gather general information about Virtual Reality through listed references. The book has 348 references of which 142 passed the qualification.

In addition, the search engines for four separate universities were used to acquire more theses:

. University of Gothenburg (2017): 2 results, 1 chosen. . Chalmers University of Technology (2017): 18 results, 1 chosen. . Malmö University (2017): 27 results, 1 chosen. . Lund University (2017): 22 results, 1 chosen.

These four chosen theses generated 46 unique references which were reviewed. In total 14 student theses were selected from 9 universities, all listed in the section Student Theses (Supplement).

Two search engines were used to complement the material with a focus on locomotion. The first search engine ACM Digital Library (2017) was used the date 2017-04-18 with the following settings: “Virtual Reality” AND Locomotion. Publication Year is in the range 2015 to 2017. Search resulted in 31 hits. The second search engine IEEE Explore Digital Library (2017) was used the date 2017-04-18 with the following settings: “Virtual Reality” AND Locomotion. Content Types: Conference Publications, Journals & Magazines. Specify Year Range: From: 2015, To: Present. Search resulted in 131 hits.

The remaining references in this thesis were collected in other ways and there is no way of emulating the steps required to find them. Some related academic references which were of interest but out of scope for the use in this thesis were moved to the section Related Content (Supplement).


4.3. Games Selection

To gather data on how participants experienced locomotion methods in the HTC Vive a set of games or applications had to be gathered. The gaming platform Steam was chosen as an exclusive source for all selected games. A theoretical selection with a custom theory has been used for game selection. The theory will be continually explained for each step as it relates to the external file named Games (Supplement).

The supplement consists of four tabs where each tab represents a stage of filtering which corresponds to a subchapter in this chapter with the same name. Each subchapter follows the same structure where it starts by explaining the purpose of each column followed by the selection criteria used. Color coding and data filtering has been used to give an easier overview.

For certain sections, secondary data was sourced from the websites SteamDB and SteamSpy. SteamDB is a game site which offers insight on game titles on the gaming platform Steam, they also have a stated policy of not wanting their pages to be crawled so (2017) and Internet Archive (2017) have not been used and linked (Djundik & Benjamins, 2017). SteamSpy has been used to gather statistics such as the amount of owners and followers per game (Galyonkin, 2017). To save the data gathered from SteamDB and SteamSpy without using external crawlers the Firefox plugin called Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save was used to save local snapshots of the web pages for later processing of information (Ottley & Amadini, 2017). To process the numerous data entries gathered from SteamDB and SteamSpy into the relevant information the excel plugin Kutools was used (ExtendOffice, 2017).

4.3.1. 1st Pass

A search was conducted the date 2017-04-20 on the Steam (2017) gaming platform to gather a list of game titles for further filtering. The settings used were as follows:

1. Show selected types: Games, Software, Demos, Mods. 2. Headsets: HTC Vive. 3. Input: Tracked Motion Controllers. 4. Play Area: Room-Scale. 5. Narrow by language: English.

The search resulted in 1088 entries. As some results were missing as evidenced by the lack of certain owned games a set of refined searches were conducted up to the date 2017-04-26 which resulted in an additional 64 entries which resulted in a total of 1152 entries. The settings were chosen to maximize the quality offered by the HTC Vive in relation to the chosen research question, having the input set to Tracked Motion Controllers and play area to Room-Scale excluded a fair amount of games which would have been unlikely to have a better locomotion method than those ultimately chosen. Columns for the 1st pass explained below:

1. Title: The title of the game as found on Steam or SteamDB. If the title is based on data from SteamDB this will be stated in the column Comments which appears later. Title remains the same throughout all other filtering passes, they won’t be renamed later on however and not all passes have a column for Comments. 2. App ID: Each game on Steam has its own App ID which uniquely identifies it. This can be used over multiple websites such as SteamDB and SteamSpy to identify that one is


sourcing information on the correct game. App ID is used for all filtering passes and it works the same for all of them. 3. Source: Includes a short description for how the game entry was acquired along with a link to the corresponding cached copy over at (2017). The variations used are: . Initial refers to the original search which resulted in 1088 entries. . Alphabet refers to the original search but with an added alphabet character. . the refers to the original search but with the added search term of the. . specific refers to the original search but a specific game name has been used. 4. Name: Is the game title used appearing for the first time, TRUE or FALSE? TRUE indicates the first entry of a unique name while all FALSE entries indicate duplicates. 5. Anniversary: If the content for the HTC Vive was released or available before the release anniversary date of 2017-04-05 for the HTC Vive. TRUE indicates before the date of 2017-04-05 while FALSE means afterwards. 6. Link: The first time an App ID appears it is set to TRUE to indicate it is the first time that App ID appears as an entry. Any later duplications will result in the value FALSE. 7. Availability: Shows in what way the title is available in relation to how it will be tested in the 2nd pass. Possible options: . Combo, Demo: Full game in addition to demo available, not owned. . Combo, Owned: Full game in addition to demo available, owned. . Free, Demo: Full game is only available as a demo due to not being completed. . Free, Released: Full game is available for anyone, free of charge. . Price, Missing: Full game can be bought, has not been done so is not available. . Price, Owned: Full game which has been bought and owned. . Removed: Removed due to having at least one entry set to FALSE. 8. Comment: Gives any important information not covered in other columns.

Applying a filter to Availability and excluding the values Price, Missing and Removed leads to 306 entries for the 2nd pass.

4.3.2. 2nd Pass

1. Title: The title of the game as entered in the 1st pass. 2. App ID: The App ID of the game as entered in the 1st pass. 3. Positive Reviews: A positive review can be given by an owner of a game to indicate they like a game. See also additional information below column entries. 4. Negative Reviews: A negative review can be given by an owner of a game to indicate they dislike a game. See also additional information below column entries. 5. Wilson Rating: A rating score that considers the number of reviews in addition to how many positive and negative ratings before giving a percentage score, longer description available by Miller (2009). See also additional information below column entries. 6. Owners: Estimated number of owners of the game which also includes the highest number of margin of error included in the calculation. Each cell contains both values added together where the second value in parentheses represents the margin of error. 7. Followers: Number of users following the game on the gaming platform Steam. See also additional information below column entries. 8. Playing: Shows the number of players currently in-game. See also additional information below column entries. 9. Locomotion: One of the three options Incompatible, Relevant or Unlikely as judged by having viewed online videos or tested in-person. Incompatible means locomotion is present but the control or environment is ill-suited for the research question in this


thesis. Relevant means locomotion was present and was well suited for testing, this includes being able to control locomotion movement and direction to some degree in addition to emulating a first-person perspective. Unlikely means no way of locomotion was found and is unlikely to be found. 10. Comment: Gives any important information not covered in other columns.

The columns Positive Reviews, Negative Reviews, Wilson Rating and Playing all had a snapshot saved the date 2017-04-22 from SteamDB unless the Comment column says otherwise. The columns Owners and Followers all had a snapshot saved the date 2017-04-24 from SteamSpy unless the Comment column says otherwise.

To progress to the 3rd pass a set of criteria were applied. Wilson Rating needed to be either set at 0 or higher than 56.8, this to ensure all games had both a chance but also to ensure a certain quality to the games chosen. Owners needed to be set at 0 or reach 10000 owners to progress, otherwise a warning would be issued. Followers needed to be set at 0 or reach 400 followers to progress, if a previous warning existed the game would be excluded at this point. Playing needed to have one or more playing to progress, otherwise it would only progress if it didn’t have 0 set in two of the following categories: Wilson Rating, Owners (Base), Followers. Locomotion needs to be set at Relevant. The following four games were excluded due to not fulfilling the resolution requirements of being able to present an unwarped view as demonstrated by Vlachos (Vlachos, 2015) in full 1080p resolution: Destinations, 2, Portal Stories: VR, Quanero VR. The following two games were excluded due to not fulfilling other criteria related to the thesis: Fusion 2017 (beta) and Unseen Diplomacy.

Applying all filters and excluding six games manually will result in 64 entries for the 3rd pass.

4.3.3. 3rd Pass

1. Title: The title of the game as entered in the 1st pass. 2. App ID: The App ID of the game as entered in the 1st pass. 3. Released: The exact date the game was released in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. 4. Exported: A video recording of each game showcasing any locomotion method along with related settings. All videos available on YouTube (Karlsson & Sveninge, 2017d). 5. Developer: The name of the developer company or individual who created the game. 6. Publisher: The name of the publisher company or individual who released the game. 7. Perspective: Each game has a set resolution of 1920 pixels followed the value here. In addition, it is shown if the game window is cropped or if there are any special situations. 8. Locomotion View: Three options are possible for how locomotion is viewed by the user, namely Fixed Points, Limited Area and Normal. Fixed Points means the user can only move between fixed points as determined by the game. Limited Area means the game is restricting the in-game play area due to mechanics or simply lacking content. Normal means the game has a normal environment w. 9. Copyright Risk: An assessment of the risk of getting a copyright strike or takedown on YouTube if multiple videos of the same game are uploaded, multiple factors considered. 10. Comment: Gives any important information not covered in other columns.

To progress to the 4th pass a set of criteria were applied. Perspective can be anything except the values 1080 (Special) and 1020 (Special). Locomotion View needs to be set to Normal. Copyright Risk can be anything except the value High. One game was excluded due to not fulfilling other criteria related to the thesis, namely Chunks.


Applying all filters and excluding one game manually will result in 38 entries for the 4th pass.

4.3.4. 4th Pass

1. Title: The title of the game as entered in the 1st pass. 2. App ID: The App ID of the game as entered in the 1st pass. 3. Artificial: If the locomotion method Artificial is present in the game, TRUE or FALSE. 4. Dashing: If the locomotion method Dashing is present in the game, TRUE or FALSE. 5. Physical: If the locomotion method Physical is present in the game, TRUE or FALSE. 6. Teleport: If the locomotion method Teleport is present in the game, TRUE or FALSE. 7. Verdict: A game can either get a pass or a fail. Each locomotion method will have four games that get a pass, all remaining games will get a fail. A motivation for why each game got the verdict it got will be stated. 8. Motivation: A short explanation for why a certain game won or why it was excluded.

A total of sixteen games were chosen in the 4th pass. The four locomotion methods Artificial, Dashing, Physical and Teleport will be listed below with four games per method. Each game has two sources of information. Their individual page on Steam which has basic information and a header image along with a secondary review or information source. Artificial

Arizona Sunshine takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where you explore the world on your own, armed to protect yourself against the constant threat of zombies. Apart from the single player campaign one can also fight off an endless stream of zombies in the horde mode. Information from Jagneaux (2016) and developer Vertigo Games (2016).


Modbox is a where game experiences are created and shared online. Users contribute with new objects and environments which can in turn be used to create new experiences. Everything is destructible. Information from Priestman (2015) and developer Alientrap (2016).

Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter is a frantic and fast-paced monster killing simulator game set in massive environments situated in South America, ancient Mesopotamia and Medieval Europe. Information from Feltham (2017b) and developer Croteam VR (2017).

Trickster VR is an that takes place on procedurally generated levels in a world inhabited by orcs. Each level contains a set of quests based on four biomes, five different mission types and one can use up to fifteen different weapons on the orcs. Information from Bennett (2016) and developer Trickster Games (2016).

19 Dashing

Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades is a sandbox game packed to the brim with guns and explosives, focused on delivering realistic first-person gunplay. Information from Brown (2016) and developer Rust LTD. (2016).

Launch Squad is a multiplayer combat game where you fight in arenas. You’re armed with a slingshot, a shield and the possibility to teleport around with a projectile. Information from Stand-In VR (2016a) and developer Stand-In VR (2016b).

Raw Data is an action combat game that takes place in a sci-fi atmosphere in the year 2271 where Eden Corporation owns the world. The objective is to get through the levels while fighting robots who will try to stop you. Information from Hayden (2017) and developer (2016).


Sairento VR is a mission-driven set in a reimagined Japan in the near future. You are tasked with uncovering a sinister secret which will make you fight your way through multitudes of enemies with the help of guns and swords. Abilities include leaping high into the air and slowing down time. Information from James (2016) and developer Mixed Realms Pte Ltd (2016). Physical

Climbey is as the name implies a climbing based game. The object is to finish the level as fast as possible by jumping, climbing and running while avoiding obstacles and trying not to fall. Levels can be shared. Information from XinReality (2016a) and developer Lindenhof (2016).

Dig 4 Destruction is an online multiplayer deathmatch game where you must dig through the earth and excavate weapons to battle your enemies. Information from XinReality (2016b) and developer COLOPL, Inc. (2016).


Freedom Locomotion VR is an locomotion game where you move around by walking, jogging, running and climbing. It gives you the freedom of choosing how you want to explore the world. Information from Jagneaux (2017) and developer Huge Robot (2017).

SportsBar VR contains a set of bar games such as air hockey, darts and a pool simulation. Includes experience which in turn enables collectibles such as hats and other objects. Information from L (2016) and developer Cherry Pop Games (2016). Teleport

Budget Cuts is a stealth spy game where the objective is to evade enemies and explore levels using a teleportation gun. To help you defend yourself against the robots you have access to knives. Information from Robertson (2016) and developer Neat Corporation (2016).


Pierhead Arcade is an where you’re able to play a selection of physical arcade games. Tickets are awarded for certain high scores which enables the purchase of items. Information from Trowe (2016) and developer Mechabit Ltd (2016).

The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed is a game inspired by the mysteries of dark 80’s fantasy adventure movies. You’re playing as the character Alex who searches for a lost sibling while exploring and solving mysteries. Information from Perlstein (2016) and developer Cloudhead Games ltd. (2016).

Vertigo is a story-based game where the mission is to make you way to the surface and find the truth from a quantum reactor which has some dark secrets. Along the road you face different obstacles and enemies. Information from Feltham (2016) and developer Tsiakalis-Brown, et al. (2016).


4.4. Data Collection

Each participant played a set of games which will be video recorded in Observation and answered questions afterwards through surveys as detailed in Experiments.

The study is centered around the sixteen games which were finalists from the Games Selection. It involves both quantitative and qualitative elements in its data collection as a diversification strategy. Sixteen participants were selected using comfort selection, no regards were given to previous experience in VR as we had to take what we could get. All participants were males with a mean age of 22.5. No ethical considerations were made as the purpose of the study was testing of equipment and evaluation of services.

4.4.1. Observation

Observing HTC Vive gameplay can be done through a computer screen. To increase the validity and reliability of the observed gameplay it has been saved with Game Recording to permanently store all participant gameplay, enabling replay. All recorded gameplay was handled through Video Editing and then uploaded to video-sharing websites. A free brand channel for the video- sharing site YouTube was created with the intent of uploading videos later (Google Help, 2017b). A secondary channel was created on the video-sharing site Vimeo with a one month membership of Vimeo Plus as to be able to upload with less restrictions (Vimeo, 2016). The channels on both YouTube and Vimeo were named Karlsson & Sveninge, 2017.

There is some precedent for putting academic content on video-sharing websites such as YouTube as evidenced by a PhD thesis at Brock University. The motivation as to why was primarily increased accessibility and enabled collaboration (Zak, 2014). The circumstances for this thesis is slightly different in that it uses commercial games from the gaming platform Steam. Since the study was academic in nature, no monetization has been enabled. Because of these reasons, the gameplay has been considered as fair use (U.S. Copyright Office, 2017). Game Recording

All games have been recorded through the Game Bar which is a built-in functionality in , updated with the Creators Update (Neagu, 2017). The Game Bar is accessible through the Windows 10 Settings and then choosing the option Gaming. At the tab Game DVR the settings Audio quality has been increased to 192 kbps, Video frame rate has been increased to 60 fps, Video quality was set to High and Capture mouse cursor in recordings was disabled. The Game Bar was activated for each game prior to any experiments starting due to recording of demonstration videos, simplifying later acts of recording. Video Editing

Recorded gameplay has no compression by default, therefore they are too large to be uploaded to any video-sharing websites. To reduce the size, video editing software was used. Lightworks is a professional non-linear editing system (NLE) for editing and mastering digital video in various formats, it has a free and paid version with different features (Wikipedia, 2017a). The professional version (v14.0.0.0) has been acquired for preparing all video files for upload to video-sharing websites. All video files have been exported with YouTube as a target with Frame rate set to 59.94 fps and Size set to 1080p. All exported files were uploaded to an upgraded Google Drive account (100 GB storage) which was linked to YouTube through Google Photos 24

(Papworth, 2016). All videos uploaded to YouTube were set to use Creative Commons as its license which will enable others to fully use and edit the material freely (Google Help, 2017a). In addition, the following settings were used for each individual video:

. Privacy: Unlisted. . Category: Gaming. . Allow comments: Off. . Users can view ratings for this video: Off. . Video language: English. . Video location: 58.2811584473 12.2998399734.

Videos uploaded to Vimeo were only based on Mashups with any content marked with a Copyright Notice on YouTube edited out manually, this to ensure one channel survives in the unlikely event one is shutdown. All details on how video content was edited is available in the external file named Editing (Supplement).

Some videos used an effect in Lightworks in the VFX category called Quad Split Screen. This enables the mashup of four different videos at once, showing them all simultaneously. Special care had to be taken to add the videos in the correct order of 3-4-2-1 for correct display with this effect. A black border of two pixels in length in length was added manually to each individual video screen where it was necessary through the subcategory Crop with the following percentages: Left (0.08%), Right (0.12%), Top (0.16%), Bottom (0.20%). A compilation video with some of the best video content with heavy use of the Quad Split Screen effect has been saved in the external file named Mashup (Supplement).

4.4.2. Experiments

The HMD used for the laboratory experiments is a first-generation HTC Vive along with modified accessories. The original face cover has been replaced with the accessory HTC Vive Memory Foam Replacement 14mm from VR Cover (2016) while the original wrist straps for the motion controllers have been changed to the accessory Remote Wrist Straps from (2014). The headphones Audio Technica ATH-M50x replaced the default earbuds. Whenever a participant had large glasses the face cover was switched back to the original one as it would fit better under those circumstances. The play area for the HMD was a student apartment, further details available in the external file named Mashup (Supplement).

An Information Sheet was created with the intent of explaining the basics to any coming participant (The University of Sheffield, 2011). Prior to the involvement in an experiment participants were presented with the section Information Sheet (Supplement) which detailed basic information and conditions for their participation. If the conditions were accepted the experiment was initiated, continued in Procedure. All experiments were conducted between the dates 2017-05-06 and 2017-05-14. All data was collected through surveys using the service offered by Google called Google Forms (Google Learning Center, 2017). Steam Family Sharing has been used as it allows sharing the game library of another user and for a new separate Steam account which enables less interference (Steam, 2016a). New account was named Westoneiros.

Survey questions were based on the Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model while the questionnaire is formulated based on theories from the chapter Sicknesses.

25 Procedure

After a participant had agreed to the terms presented by the Information Sheet they were presented with the section Participant Information Survey (Supplement) taking basic information such as birth year and previous experience in VR. When done, they were given the necessary instructions to use the HTC Vive with the best clarity and settings based on factors such as comfort, distance to eyes and IPD.

Before a participant got to play the first game, a game scenario was given to them randomly. There are four game scenarios with four games each, all detailed in chapter 4.3.4. 4th Pass. After the completion of each game the participant was presented with the section Game Survey (Supplement) tracking their response to aspects of the locomotion method used in VR related to the theory Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model. When all four games had been completed they were given the section Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (Supplement) to rate how they felt physically.

Each game had its settings customized before starting, they are detailed in the next subchapter. Settings

Settings were changed for some games for equalizing the experience between the games as much as possible. Any changed settings will be detailed in this chapter for replication purposes. The categories Difficulty, Position, Locomotion and Information detail any changes. Difficulty is how hard a game will be based on typically amount of health and number of enemies. Position is when the recording beings, only mentioned if not right at the start. Locomotion details any changes to the default locomotion mode used by the game. Information describes what the participants have been informed about prior to starting the game. Game list with changes below:

1. : Difficulty (Easy), Position (Campaign area Base after fully loaded), Locomotion (Walking). 2. Modbox: Position (Creation named Saloon Showdown). 3. Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter: Difficulty (Easy), Position (Episode level Palenque - Sierra de Chiapas after fully loaded), Locomotion (Movement Mode set to Classic and Comfort Mode disabled). 4. Trickster VR: Locomotion (Hold to walk with Motion Vignette turned off), Information (How to activate the first level). 5. Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades: Position (Scene named Meatmas Snowglobe), Locomotion (Dash), Information (Training on how to use one weapon properly). 6. Launch Squad: Position (Mixed), Locomotion (Teleport Mode set to Intense), Information (How to start the first map). 7. Raw Data: Difficulty (Casual), Position (The level of Hard Point after window broken and first robot dead), Information (How to pick up, shoot and reload the hand gun). 8. Sairento VR: Information (Short guidelines on how to reload). 9. Climbey: Position (In front of the play flag which starts the tutorial). 10. Dig 4 Destruction: None. 11. Freedom Locomotion VR: Position (Hub level), Locomotion (CAOTS). 12. SportsBar VR: Position (Tutorial), Locomotion (Instructed to only use Hulk Mode). 13. Budget Cuts: Position (After introduction text has been displayed), Information (Backstory). 14. Pierhead Arcade: Position (After starting a game in single player), Information (Type of environment, not to spend too much time on a single arcade machine). 15. The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed: Position (The level named The Beach). 16. Vertigo: Difficulty (Easy), Position (Second scene in scene select), Locomotion (Artificial Locomotion turned off, only teleport available), Information (Backstory).


5. Results

Sixteen participants were the foundation for the results of the performed study. All participants were males with a mean age of 22.5. In terms of previous VR experience per participant it turned out three participants hadn’t tried before, four had tried once while nine had tried multiple times. The validity of the gathered results suffered from a skewedness of age and gender. Reliability suffered due to participants not having consistent previous experience of VR in relation to each other. Each chart is hereby referred to as a figure.

5.1. Survey

All raw survey data presented in this subchapter can be found in the external file named Study (Supplement). Each figure in this subchapter is based on survey answers from the section Game Survey (Supplement). The four first figures are based on the four individual locomotion methods Artificial, Dashing, Physical, and Teleport while the last figure is based on showing all of them. Likert scale has been used for all figures where the value goes from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree). Each participant has their own identification which starts with the character of the locomotion method followed by their numbering order. All upcoming figures apart from figure 5.8 will display the mean value for each participant.

4,75 4,75 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,25 4,25 4,25 4,25 4 4 4 3,75 3,75 3,75 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5

PEOU Curiosity Joy Control BIU Immersion

A1 A2 A3 A4

Figure 5.1: Artificial [Line chart]. Figure 5.1 shows the mean results for the locomotion method Artificial. The two participants A2 and A4 found the games easy to use while A1 and A3 were a little less positive as shown by the variable PEOU. Curiosity was shown to be positive by all participants in a relatively consistent range, only deviating by half a point in total. Joy was shown to be of high values for all participants except A1 which had half a point less. Control is set to high by all participants except A3 who gave half a point less. BIU which represents intention to use in the future was positive but varied for between each participant. Immersion was very positive for A3 and A4 while being slightly less positive for A1 and A2.


5 5 5

4,5 4,5 4,5 4,25 4,25 4,25 4 4 3,75 3,75 3,75 3,75 3,5 3,5 3,25 3,25 3,25

2,75 2,5 2,25 2,25

PEOU Curiosity Joy Control BIU Immersion

D1 D2 D3 D4

Figure 5.2: Dashing [Line chart]. Figure 5.2 shows the mean results for the locomotion method Dashing. Ease of use was positive but varied by half a point for each participant for the variable PEOU. Curiosity was positive for all participants except D1 who found it to be slightly negative. Joy was slightly positive for all participants except for D4 who found it to be highly positive. Control was very positive for D1 and D4, positive for D3 while somewhat negative for D2. BIU was positive with some variations where D3 and D4 found it more positive. Immersion was high for D4, slightly positive for D2 while being negative for D1 and D3.


4 4 4 4 3,75 3,75 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,25 3,25 3 3 3 2,75 2,5 2,5

2 PEOU Curiosity Joy Control BIU Immersion

P1 P2 P3 P4

Figure 5.3: Physical [Line chart]. Figure 5.3 shows the mean results for the locomotion method Physical. Ease of use ranged from neutral to highly positive for the variable PEOU. Curiosity was neutral for P1 and P2 while being positive for P3 and P4. Joy and Control was positive for all participants except P1 who found it to be slightly negative. BIU was slightly positive for P3, neutral for P2 and P4 while being negative for P1. Immersion was positive for all participants except P1 who found it to be negative.


4,5 4,25 4,25 4,25 4 4 4 4 3,75 3,75 3,75 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,25 3,25 3 3 2,75

PEOU Curiosity Joy Control BIU Immersion

T1 T2 T3 T4

Figure 5.4: Teleport [Line chart]. Figure 5.4 shows the mean results for the locomotion method Teleport. Ease of use was positive for all participants with T3 and T4 finding it extra positive for the variable PEOU. Curiosity was highly positive for T3 and T4, slightly positive for T1 while being neutral for T2. Joy was positive for all participants except for T2 who found it slightly negative. Control was positive for all participants, slightly more so for T1 and T3. BIU was progressively more positive with T2 on the low end followed by T4, T3 and T1 on the high end. Immersion was positive for all participants except for T2 who found it to be neutral.

4,25 4,134,19 4,06 4,06 4 4 3,88 3,943,88 3,94 3,63 3,63 3,63 3,56 3,5 3,56 3,38 3,38 3,31 3,13


PEOU Curiosity Joy Control BIU Immersion

Artificial Dashing Physical Teleport

Figure 5.5: Summary of Game Surveys [Line chart]. Figure 5.5 shows the mean results for all four locomotion methods with all four game scores combined. Since the mean isn’t lower than 2,5 or higher than 4,5 the results were scaled to reflect this fact. Ease of use shows that all locomotion methods are highly positive except for Physical which is only somewhat positive for the variable PEOU. Curiosity is highly positive for Artificial, somewhat positive for Dashing and Teleport while slightly less positive for Physical. Joy was highly positive for Artificial and Dashing while slightly less positive for Teleport and Physical. Control was roughly equally positive for all locomotion methods except


Physical which got slightly less. BIU was highly positive for Artificial and Dashing, slightly less positive for Teleport while being negative for Physical. Immersion was highly positive for Artificial, slightly less positive for Dashing while roughly equal for Dashing and Physical.

5.2. Observation

All analyzed video content is available through either a playlist at Vimeo by Karlsson & Sveninge (2017a) or at YouTube by Karlsson & Sveninge (2017b) which shows the video content in mashup format. Higher resolution videos of each individual participant are available at YouTube by Karlsson & Sveninge (2017c), they aren’t completely identical to the analyzed content however due to editing which can be seen in the section Editing (Supplement). Finally, a selection of the most important video content is available in the external file named Mashup (Supplement).

Content analysis has been utilized on the results of all recorded videos. While there wasn’t enough content to form content categories the two themes Emergency Movement and Control Discrepancies were observed. For each theme a set of games and participants have been chosen, the Participant ID followed by two types of timestamps for each game will be listed in parentheses. The first timestamp will refer to the edited mashup videos while the second one will refer to the external file named Mashup (Supplement). The value of each observed occurrence gets added to a figure based on that theme. The data source is from the section Game Survey (Supplement).

Emergency Movement: Based on the observation that participants utilize locomotion to a much greater degree than usual when presented with a game situation where they are in danger and are forced to move to avoid it. A game was only considered if it had two or more instances of a participant who reacted in a way that was clearly observable. Games were only found in the three locomotion methods Artificial, Dashing and Teleport. They are presented in the same order below and then data in the form of a line chart is presented divided by locomotion methods:

. Arizona Sunshine (A1, 02:10 - 02:30 / 02:44 - 03:06; A4, 02:44 - 03:10 / 02:33 - 02:59). . Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter (A1, 01:26 - 01:54 / 04:10 - 04:38; A2, 01:22 - 01:38 / 04:22 - 04:38; A4, 03:50-04:00 / 04:28 - 04:38).

. Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (D1, 01:34 - 01:42 / 06:00 - 06:08; D2, 03:12 - 03:28 / 05:54 - 06:10; D3, 02:28 - 02:58 / 05:39 - 06:10; D4, 01:10 - 01:32 / 05:47 - 06:09). . Raw Data (D1, 01:32 - 01:44 / 07:29 - 07:41; D2, 03:06 - 03:22 / 07:26 - 07:42; D3, 01:36 - 01:42 / 07:22 - 07:28; D4, 00:34 - 00:48 / 07:02 - 07:16). . Sairento VR (D2, 03:02 - 03:10 / 08:19 - 08:27; D3, 02:30 - 02:56 / 08:02 - 08:28; D4, 01:46 - 02:24 / 07:49 - 08:27).

. Budget Cuts (T1, 03:54 - 03:58 / 12:14 - 12:18; T4, 03:18 - 03:50 / 11:46 - 12:18). . Vertigo (T1, 01:02 - 01:24 / 13:58 - 14:20; T2, 01:36 - 01:58 / 14:14 - 14:36; T3, 03:08 - 03:34 / 14:10 - 14:36; T4, 02:30 - 02:54 / 14:12 - 14:36).


4,67 4,5 4,5 4,58 4,5 4,25 4,33 4,29 4 3,75 3,63 3,58 3,63 3,25 3,25 3,38 3 3

PEOU Curiosity Joy Control BIU Immersion

Artificial Dashing Teleport

Figure 5.6: Emergency Movement [Line chart].

Figure 5.6 shows the theme Emergency Movement where three locomotion methods with occurrences are presented. Artificial has 5 values, Dashing has 11 values and Teleport has 6 values. Ease of use is the most positive and highest for Artificial, closely followed by Dashing while Teleport trails behind by one point for the variable PEOU. Curiosity is very positive for Artificial while both Dashing and Teleport trail behind by roughly a point or more. Joy follows an almost identical pattern to curiosity apart from Dashing having roughly half a point more. Control is very positive for Artificial while Physical narrowly beats Dashing further down. BIU is very high for both Artificial and Dashing while being neutral for Teleport. Immersion is very high for Artificial, somewhat high for Teleport while neutral for Dashing.

Control Discrepancies: It was observed that some participants had issues with controlling certain locomotion methods. Values provided by the participants for the variable Control were cross-checked to see if they had given a high rating indicating a high degree of control. In the event a participant with observable difficulties controlling their locomotion method had rated their control as high it was considered eligible for this theme. All possible occurrences from the first 30 seconds of any game session were excluded as this can be considered a learning period.

. Arizona Sunshine (A1, 02:12 - 02:32 / 02:46 - 03:06). . Trickster VR (A2, 02:28 - 02:48 / 05:04 - 05:24).

. Launch Squad (D1, 01:58 - 02:20 / 06:34 - 06:56). . Sairento VR (D2, 00:40 - 01:00 / 07:52 - 08:12).

. Climbey (P3, 02:44 - 03:12 / 08:45 - 09:13).

5 5 5 5 5 5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4 4 4 4 3,5 3 3 2,5 2,5 PEOU Curiosity Joy Control BIU Immersion

Artificial Dashing Physical

Figure 5.7: Control Discrepancies [Line chart].


Figure 5.7 shows the theme Control Discrepancies where the three locomotion methods with occurrences are presented. Artificial has 2 values, Dashing has 2 values and Physical has 1 value. Ease of use is highly positive for Physical, slightly less positive for Dashing while being only slightly above neutral for Artificial for the variable PEOU. Curiosity follows a one point ladder with Physical at the top, Artificial one step down and Dashing at the bottom as neutral. Joy follows an almost identical pattern to Curiosity with the exception that Dashing is half a point less and thus negative. Control is highly rated for all three locomotion types, with the lowest being Artificial which is still high. BIU is very high for Physical and Artificial while being negative for Dashing. Immersion is very high for Physical, somewhat high for Artificial while being neutral for Dashing.

5.3. Questionnaire

After completing all games participants were provided a questionnaire to gauge their sickness levels, found in the section Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (Supplement). Sixteen variables with the four options None (0 points), Slight (1 point), Moderate (2 points), Severe (3 points).


Artificial Dashing Physical Teleport

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Figure 5.8: Simulator Sickness Questionnaire [Line chart].

Figure 5.8 shows the result for each individual locomotion method with all scores combined with the point system previously established. General discomfort is generally low with Artificial the highest. Fatigue is very low with Teleport the highest. Headache is almost nonexistent, Dashing got none. Eyestrain also almost nonexistent. Difficulty focusing only minimally present for Artificial. Increased salivation set to none for all locomotion methods. Sweating was considerably high for all locomotion methods except for Teleport where it was low. Nausea was low across the board with Teleport having none. Difficulty concentrating nonexistent except for very low at Artificial. Fullness of head moderate for all locomotion methods. Blurred vision nonexistent except for Teleport where it was low. Dizzy (eyes open) nonexistent except for slight on Teleport. Dizzy (eyes closed) nonexistent for all except for Teleport where it was slightly above moderate. Vertigo had nonexistent scores in general but some for Artificial and Teleport. Stomach awareness was low or nonexistent for all. Burping was nonexistent for all.


6. Analysis

This chapter shows how the results have been analyzed in relation to the chosen theories and the existing research question. Split up into Survey, Observation and Questionnaire based on result types.

6.1. Survey

The Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model proposed by Lowry, et al. (2013) has seven variables, for this thesis six of them have been used. The model has a set of assumptions which means that when certain variables are positive, other variables should stay positive or increase positivity as well. With the custom model used for this thesis, it is possible to have 8 assumptions that can be checked if they have the same value or increase positively.

For a variable to be positive we declare it must reach the mean value of 3.25 between the possible range of 1 to 5, the value of 3 and below are considered negative. The first factor of PEOU decides if the values will be decided positively or negatively. For example, if PEOU has the value 3 which is negative and all other values are 3 or lower all eight assumptions are proven true as stated by the model. If PEOU is set to 3.25 and all other values are 3 no assumptions would be proven true as they are neither positive or negative. If PEOU is set to 3.5 and all variables except for Control have been set to the value 3.25 or higher means 6 assumptions would be proven true. We subjectively declare that the model can either be assigned the status Right if 8 assumptions are proved true, Mixed if the number is between 7 to 4 and Wrong if 3 or less.

Each individual participant ID is categorized below with the amount of assumptions that held up stated in parentheses, based on the results from figures 5.1., 5.2., 5.3 and 5.4 from subchapter 5.1. Survey:

. Right: A1 (8), A2 (8), A3 (8), A4 (8), D4 (8), P1 (8), P3 (8), P4 (8), T1 (8), T2 (8), T3 (8), T4 (8). . Mixed: D2 (6), D3 (5), P2 (4). . Wrong: D1 (3).

Based on sixteen participants the model shows it held up in 75 % of the cases, gave mixed results in 18.8% of the cases and was wrong in one case as represented by 6.2 %.

If one aggregates all participant values into their respective locomotion methods based on the figure 5.5 from subchapter 5.1. Survey one can look at how the locomotion methods themselves fared in relation to the model. It turns out the locomotion Artificial and Teleport follow the model entirely. Dashing didn’t follow the model entirely since having positive Curiosity, Joy and Control did not lead to positive Immersion. Physical didn’t follow the model entirely since having positive Curiosity and Joy did not lead to positive BIU.


6.2. Observation

In conjunction with observation the Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model proposed by Lowry, et al. (2013) was used. Values for the themes will be described in relation to the earlier baseline values, thus they are only noteworthy if they differ in any way.

Emergency Movement: Some relationship was found for the locomotion method Artificial where the immersion increased very slightly. No other major relationships between the other locomotion methods and the stated answers of the participants were found. It was believed that the behavior of the participants during Emergency Movement would lead to a major increase in immersion compared to the mean base value, it did not.

Control Discrepancies: All five occurrences showed a clear difference in observed control and stated answers for amount of control. This mismatch as perceived by us is problematic as it doesn’t reflect the true situation. By all measures all participants marked with control discrepancies should have given a negative answer, but did not do so.

6.3. Questionnaire

Results originate from the section Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (Supplement) which is based on the works of Kennedy, et al. (1993). Results show that the symptom sweating was the most common symptom that occurred but it didn’t affect the participants using the Teleport locomotion method on the same level as the other methods. Eyestrain occurred the most during the Artificial while the symptom dizziness (eyes closed) affected Teleport the most. No participants felt the symptoms of increased salvation or burping.

With all values taken together they are generally low, something which can likely be attributed to the fact male participants are not as strongly affected as females as shown by Bos, et al. (2007). Some participants experienced joy and sickness at the same time, confirming the findings by Young, et al. (2007) that a game can be fun while still inducing sickness.


7. Discussion

Academic theses were collected exclusively from Swedish universities as described in Contextual Review. Finding international equivalents to the academic search engine DiVA (2017) or other individual universities would have been desirable to increase the quality of ideas and references gathered, unfortunately there wasn’t enough resources to figure out how to find the right ones with VR content. Another way of improving the gathered content regarding the locomotion methods would have been to ask individual game developers about their thought process in how the locomotion method was designed per game. Only problem would be the game developers would have no real incentive in answering these questions. Additional information could also have been collected from the participants themselves, for example one could have conducted and collected data on static balancing tests before and after a game as described by Conradi & Alexander (2012) or measured their IPD in advance (Dodgson, 2004).

Game recording as a means of collecting raw data on the movement of participants proved to be something of a mixed bag. While displaying four perspectives in one video was an efficient way of observing themes it was not well suited in general to the subject of locomotion as it appears difficult to guess how participants are thinking. In general mistakes were made regarding recorded audio levels per game and participant as they weren’t consistent, there would have been a need to set one audio level for the participant and a separate one for the game recording. Additional problems with audio were introduced when switching between a normal Steam account and one linked with Steam Family Sharing (Steam, 2016a). Previous feedback indicates the jerky movement of people makes it harder following what is happening on screen, something that can only be remedied by either asking people not to move their head as much or by the game having built-in video stabilization. An alternative solution would be recording the tracking data directly through SteamVR, however this data would likely be of little use without a game with the capability to replay tracking data. Aldin (2017) offers an analytics service which is capable of recording movements anonymously for the benefit of game developers, it doesn’t appear to be publicly available yet however. Any academic content which intends to analyze user’s preferences in locomotion methods need to solve this problem in some way to achieve optimal results.

Explaining the game mechanics for each game to the participants beforehand was a process which could have used more consistency, for example through a short demonstration video showcasing which buttons to use on the motion controllers. Some of the participants who had little to no experience of VR got very impressed with the whole experience, often giving very high scores for almost all games. Although no literature covers this scenario, we as authors of this thesis believe this is a significant factor which potentially warps the validity and reliability of the results. A solution would have been to change our participant selection and pick only one group between those who are either experienced or new to VR. It’s worth mentioning that we deliberately asked participants questions after each individual game instead of after having finished all of them which would have enabled participants to compare the methods. The approach of having participants answer questions after each game was chosen due to previous experience of people forgetting earlier experiences because they get the strongest impression from their latest played game. An alternative to survey studies as a research method would have been focus groups for the participants, it was not done as our selection of participants had too little time available.

The graphics settings for all participants were set at the standard settings. With a more powerful computer it would have been possible to increase the resolution through a concept called

35 supersamling. As stated by Slater & Wilbur (1997) an increased resolution of the HMD would have led to a higher sense of immersion for the participants.

The survey results were on average quite high for all locomotion methods, something that could possibly be attributed to the extensive game selection process of only selecting the best games. Even with the extensive process the selection could have more than doubled in a scenario where all VR capable games would have been bought on top of some games who weren’t even found due to problematic search results. The act of reviewing all of them would likely have been too great however. The setup with four methods with four games representing each method in a fair manner could be considered an impossible task unless it’s the same games with all locomotion options available already, no such game was available for the scenarios used in this thesis however.

When describing how to use the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire created by Kennedy, et al. (1993) it was purposefully left out exactly how to calculate the total score. The reason for excluding this information was that the instructions couldn’t be followed in regards to ending up with a correct total score as compared to other academic articles and theses. The individual scores per subscale were seemingly correctly calculated but they can’t be used on their own, they are available in the external file named Study (Supplement).

If a prototype were to be developed for the sake of evaluating locomotion methods, it should start with the core idea of being able to manipulate and save all variables. Variables could be based on the performance metrics by Bowman, et al. (1998) and the classification system tailored for walking-based locomotion techniques done by Nabiyouni & Bowman (2016). Tracking analytics needs to either be implemented from Aldin (2017), or if that is not possible a custom solution needs to be either found or created. It should be possible to replay this tracked data, with observers able to move about in the recorded scene freely while being able to control the flow of time in both directions. A range of locomotion methods are available in academic literature, implementing all of them correctly under the correct name will be a difficult task, one should consider building the references for each method into the prototype for easier access. It should be possible to formulate questions for researchers and have them appear as a question battery to the participant directly for them to answer with the help of the motion controllers. Considering the scope required to build this kind of prototype it would be advisable to build it as an open source project with continual improvements instead of as a one-off which gets discarded after an academic article or thesis has been written.


8. Conclusion

Do users of the HTC Vive prefer certain locomotion methods over others? The answer is: it depends on a variety of factors, most of which are related to how one performs the study. The question will be answered below with different perspectives depending on what assumptions one makes beforehand:

If one assumes all data is true with a high reliability and validity users prefer the locomotion methods Artificial. If one finds the factor of joy takes precedence over immersion the locomotion method Dashing is preferable to the users, if immersion takes precedence Teleport has a small lead over Dashing. Physical can only compete for certain factors, and only if one picks the values of individual users who did like it. The fact that 75% of the results are confirmed by the Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model gives credence to the data. Overall the amount of sickness was low regardless of locomotion method, although Artificial gave slightly higher values compared to the other locomotion methods. The low sickness values in general can likely be attributed to the game selection being of high quality.

The theme Emergency Movement showed that observation of immersion and stated answers of participants did not correlate to a significant degree, this either means this is an unviable way of observing the events or the participants did not give good answers. Taking the observation theme of Control Discrepancies into account questions to what degree the participants can give accurate answers based on the situation, at the very least it can be said for sure the participants perceive the games differently to a significant degree. Participants giving overly positive answers in general was a problem, if this was due to a bad procedure for the games which could have been resolved with more planning or simply a problem related to the participants can’t be said for sure - regardless it negatively affected the results. A larger sample size would have been needed for all locomotion methods, on top of better pre-screening of participants giving higher credence to the collected data.

Considering only four significant locomotion methods have been evaluated the answer is likely to not age too well when better locomotion methods are designed and implemented in games in the future. The lack of academic locomotion methods was also clear but unless researchers give full access to their methods it is unlikely it will be possible to test them. The participant selection likely gave a significant bias in how the games were perceived, to what degree this affected the results is hard to tell as there aren’t that many studies to compare to with a similar setup yet.



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This page is dedicated to detailing external files shortly and the sections referred to as Information Sheet, Participant Information Survey, Game Survey, Simulator Sickness Questionnaire, Student Theses and Related Content.


Microsoft Excel 2016 file (Editing.xlsx) linking each individual game recording and providing details on how they’ve been edited for use in other videos such as Mashup (Supplement). Two tabs summarized in one page. Displayed further down.


Microsoft Excel 2016 file (Games.xlsx) detailing the Games Selection. Four tabs summarized in fifteen pages. Displayed further down.


Video file exported from Lightworks (Mashup.mp4) with a length of 14 minutes and 36 seconds showcasing selected game recordings. Consists of six short sections followed by two longer ones, length and contents described below:

1. 00:00 - 00:02) Credits showing data such as school, department, division and authors. 2. 00:02 - 00:04) Image of one HTC Vive HMD, two motion controllers and two IR laser base stations. Sourced from the HTC Vive Press Kit (HTC, 2017). 3. 00:04 - 00:06) Benchmarking results from the application SteamVR Performance Test Results by Steam (2016) and an illustration of the Play Area Size used for the hardware. 4. 00:06 - 00:08) Illustration of how the two IR base stations interact with the HTC Vive HMD and the two motion controllers. The blue square area symbolizes the designated play area for the person wearing the HMD. Drawing sourced from the Vive PRE User Guide (HTC, 2016). 5. 00:08 - 00:10) Game winners from Games Selection with a header image and a title. 6. 00:10 - 00:12) Game winners from Games Selection with a chart and three data types per game shown below. First data type shows time mark for point 7. Second data type shows App ID on Steam. Third data type shows time mark for point 8. 7. 00:12 - 02:20) Content showing original recordings (Karlsson & Sveninge, 2017d). 8. 02:20 - 14:36) Content showing participant recordings (Karlsson & Sveninge, 2017c).


IBM® SPSS® Statistics file (Study.sav) with raw data for sixteen participants collected from Participant Information Survey (Supplement), Game Survey (Supplement) and Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (Supplement). Includes 62 variables in total, some of these variables have been marked with Custom in their label to indicate the value originates from other values. Data not included here due to space constraints.


Editing Combined [Part 1/1]

Title App ID Locomotion YouTube Vimeo Editing Arizona Sunshine 342180 Artificial 0:04:00 0:04:00 Standard. Modbox 414120 Artificial 0:04:00 0:04:00 A1 (Audio muted 00:46 - 01:18); A2 (Audio muted 00:42 - 01:18); A3 (Audio muted 00:04 - 00:38); A4 (Audio muted 02:28 - 03:02). Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 Artificial 0:04:00 0:04:00 A1 (Audio level set to -14 db); A4 (Audio level set to -14 db). Trickster VR 512220 Artificial 0:04:00 0:04:00 A1 (Audio level set to -25.6 db); A3 (Audio level set to -10.6 db); A4 (Audio level set to -25.6 db). Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 Dashing 0:04:00 0:04:00 Standard. Launch Squad 523860 Dashing 0:04:00 0:04:00 D1 (Audio muted at eight areas); D2 (Audio muted at one area); D3 (Audio muted at two areas); D4 (Audio muted at six areas). Raw Data 436320 Dashing 0:04:00 0:04:00 D2 (Audio level set to 33.6 db). Sairento VR 555880 Dashing 0:04:00 0:04:00 D1 (Audio muted 02:08 - 04:00); D2 (Audio muted 03:38 - 04:00); D3 (Audio muted 03:08 - 04:00); D4 (Audio muted 03:02 - 04:00). Climbey 520010 Physical 0:04:00 0:04:00 P1 (Starts at 00:01:22); P2 (Starts at 00:00:36); P3 (Starts at 00:00:03); P4 (Starts at 00:01:12). Dig 4 Destruction 503340 Physical 0:04:00 0:04:00 P4 (Audio level set to -33.6 db). Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 Physical 0:04:00 0:04:00 Standard. SportsBar VR 269170 Physical 0:04:00 0:04:00 Standard. Budget Cuts 400940 Teleport 0:04:00 0:04:00 Standard. Pierhead Arcade 435490 Teleport 0:04:00 0:04:00 Standard. The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 Teleport 0:04:00 0:04:00 Standard. Vertigo 465430 Teleport 0:04:00 0:04:00 Standard.

Participants [Part 1/1]

Title App ID Locomotion YouTube Participant ID Editing Arizona Sunshine 342180 Artificial 0:06:10 (A) Original 1 (00:05 - 00:13), 2 (00:52 - 01:00), 3 (05:00 - 05:08), 4 (05:38 - 00:46). Modbox 414120 Artificial 0:03:13 (A) Original 1 (00:22 - 00:30), 2 (01:30 - 01:38), 3 (02:20 - 02:28), 4 (02:47 - 02:55). Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 Artificial 0:02:47 (A) Original 1 (00:03 - 00:11), 2 (00:28 - 00:36), 3 (01:22 - 01:30), 4 (02:20 - 02:28). Trickster VR 512220 Artificial 0:04:02 (A) Original 1 (00:13 - 00:21), 2 (00:51 - 00:59), 3 (02:19 - 02:27), 4 (03:43 - 03:51). Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 Dashing 0:05:44 (D) Original 1 (00:20 - 00:28), 2 (01:49 - 01:57), 3 (03:14 - 03:22), 4 (05:22 - 05:30). Launch Squad 523860 Dashing 0:03:08 (D) Original 1 (00:06 - 00:14), 2 (00:14 - 00:22), 3 (00:52 - 01:00), 4 (02:51 - 02:59). Raw Data 436320 Dashing 0:06:05 (D) Original 1 (01:13 - 01:21), 2 (03:14 - 03:22), 3 (03:56 - 04:04), 4 (04:11 - 04:19). Sairento VR 555880 Dashing 0:03:24 (D) Original 1 (00:51 - 00:59), 2 (01:27 - 01:35), 3 (01:54 - 02:02), 4 (02:39 - 02:47). Climbey 520010 Physical 0:03:32 (P) Original 1 (00:18 - 00:26), 2 (01:03 - 01:11), 3 (01:24 - 01:32), 4 (02:45 - 02:53). Dig 4 Destruction 503340 Physical 0:02:24 (P) Original 1 (00:16 - 00:24), 2 (00:31 - 00:39), 3 (01:00 - 01:08), 4 (02:12 - 02:20). Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 Physical 0:03:33 (P) Original 1 (00:16 - 00:24), 2 (00:45 - 00:53), 3 (01:26 - 01:34), 4 (03:20 - 03:28). SportsBar VR 269170 Physical 0:02:59 (P) Original 1 (00:08 - 00:16), 2 (00:20 - 00:28), 3 (00:43 - 00:51), 4 (01:16 - 01:24). Budget Cuts 400940 Teleport 0:05:28 (T) Original 1 (00:37 - 00:45), 2 (01:06 - 01:14), 3 (01:15 - 01:23), 4 (01:29 - 01:37). Pierhead Arcade 435490 Teleport 0:01:20 (T) Original 1 (00:09 - 00:17), 2 (00:20 - 00:28), 3 (00:35 - 00:43), 4 (00:48 - 00:56). The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 Teleport 0:04:17 (T) Original 1 (00:28 - 00:36), 2 (01:03 - 01:11), 3 (01:27 - 01:35), 4 (02:20 - 02:28). Vertigo 465430 Teleport 0:05:02 (T) Original 1 (01:43 - 01:51), 2 (01:58 - 02:06), 3 (02:34 - 02:42), 4 (03:42 - 03:50). Arizona Sunshine 342180 Artificial 0:04:01 A1 A1 (00:49 - 01:13) + (02:10 - 02:32). Audio level set to -9.4 db. Arizona Sunshine 342180 Artificial 0:04:02 A2 A2 (01:05 - 01:25) + (02:52 - 03:18). Audio level set to +8.0 db. Arizona Sunshine 342180 Artificial 0:04:01 A3 A3 (00:44 - 01:07) + (02:09 - 02:32). Audio level set to +10.0 db. Arizona Sunshine 342180 Artificial 0:04:04 A4 A4 (00:52 - 01:05) + (02:44 - 03:17). Audio level set to -9.0 db. Budget Cuts 400940 Teleport 0:04:01 T1 T1 (00:31 - 00:39) + (01:01 - 01:15) + (03:34 - 03:58). Budget Cuts 400940 Teleport 0:04:02 T2 T2 (00:51 - 01:01) + (03:23 - 03:59). Budget Cuts 400940 Teleport 0:04:04 T3 T3 (00:28 - 00:49) + (01:06 - 01:15) + (03:17 - 03:33). Budget Cuts 400940 Teleport 0:04:03 T4 T4 (00:18 - 00:32) + (03:18 - 03:50). Climbey 520010 Physical 0:04:02 P1 P1 (00:13 - 00:23) + (00:35 - 01:02) + (02:06 - 02:15). Climbey 520010 Physical 0:04:03 P2 P2 (00:14 - 00:25) + (02:26 - 02:34) + (03:32 - 03:59). Climbey 520010 Physical 0:04:03 P3 P3 (00:13 - 00:23) + (01:08 - 01:15) + (02:44 - 03:13). Climbey 520010 Physical 0:04:01 P4 P4 (00:09 - 00:19) + (00:54 - 01:15) + (01:42 - 01:57). Dig 4 Destruction 503340 Physical 0:04:02 P1 P1 (00:02 - 00:33) + (03:18 - 03:33). Delayed transition effect. Dig 4 Destruction 503340 Physical 0:04:06 P2 P2 (00:53 - 01:24) + (01:56 - 02:11). Delayed transition effect. Dig 4 Destruction 503340 Physical 0:04:04 P3 P3 (01:33 - 02:06) + (02:20 - 02:33). Dig 4 Destruction 503340 Physical 0:04:02 P4 P4 (1:06 - 1:09) + (03:10 - 03:53). Audio level decreased with an additional 1.0 db compared to Combined. Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 Physical 0:04:02 P1 P1 (00:00 - 00:12) + (00:21 - 00:37) + (00:57 - 01:15). Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 Physical 0:04:02 P2 P2 (00:13 - 00:33) + (00:40 - 01:06). Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 Physical 0:04:03 P3 P3 (00:26 - 01:12). Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 Physical 0:04:02 P4 P4 (00:12 - 00:22) + (1:02 - 01:38). Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 Dashing 0:04:02 D1 D1 (00:28 - 00:32) + (00:54 - 01:18) + (01:26 - 01:44). Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 Dashing 0:04:02 D2 D2 (02:09 - 02:16) + (02:25 - 02:38) + (03:02 - 03:28). Audio level set to -16.4 db. Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 Dashing 0:04:03 D3 D3 (01:07 - 01:17) + (01:36 - 01:41) + (02:28 - 02:59). Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 Dashing 0:04:05 D4 D4 (00:27 - 00:37) + (00:40 - 00:53) + (01:10 - 01:33). Launch Squad 523860 Dashing 0:04:01 D1 D1 (00:02 - 00:26) + (01:58 - 02:20). Launch Squad 523860 Dashing 0:04:05 D2 D2 (01:04 - 01:34) + (01:58 - 02:14). Launch Squad 523860 Dashing 0:04:02 D3 D3 (00:04 - 00:26) + (00:40 - 01:04). Launch Squad 523860 Dashing 0:04:02 D4 D4 (00:04 - 00:50). Modbox 414120 Artificial 0:04:01 A1 A1 (00:38 - 00:52) + (01:32 - 02:04). Modbox 414120 Artificial 0:04:01 A2 A2 (00:44 - 01:04) + (02:58 - 03:24). Modbox 414120 Artificial 0:04:03 A3 A3 (00:40 - 01:14) + (02:04 - 02:16). Modbox 414120 Artificial 0:04:04 A4 A4 (00:10 - 00:25) + (01:36 - 02:07). Pierhead Arcade 435490 Teleport 0:04:02 T1 T1 (00:03 - 00:23) + (00:32 - 00:44) + (03:44 - 03:58). Pierhead Arcade 435490 Teleport 0:04:03 T2 T2 (00:11 - 00:31) + (00:59 - 01:25). Pierhead Arcade 435490 Teleport 0:04:03 T3 T3 (00:06 - 00:26) + (01:19 - 01:45). Pierhead Arcade 435490 Teleport 0:04:03 T4 T4 (00:12 - 00:32) + (01:28 - 01:38) + (02:49 - 03:05). Raw Data 436320 Dashing 0:04:01 D1 D1 (00:06 - 00:18) + (00:56 - 01:17) + (01:32 - 01:45). Raw Data 436320 Dashing 0:04:02 D2 D2 (00:02 - 00:20) + (00:28 - 00:40) + (03:06 - 03:22). Raw Data 436320 Dashing 0:04:01 D3 D3 (00:06 - 00:14) + (01:18 - 01:56). Raw Data 436320 Dashing 0:04:06 D4 D4 (00:12 - 00:18) + (00:34 - 01:14). Sairento VR 555880 Dashing 0:04:02 D1 D1 (00:04 - 00:14) + (01:28 - 02:04). Sairento VR 555880 Dashing 0:04:04 D2 D2 (00:01 - 00:11) + (00:40 - 01:00) + (02:55 - 03:11). Audio level set to -13.2 db. Sairento VR 555880 Dashing 0:04:03 D3 D3 (00:19 - 00:24) + (01:56 - 02:11) + (02:30 - 02:56). Sairento VR 555880 Dashing 0:04:02 D4 D4 (00:04 - 00:11) + (01:46 - 02:25). Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 Artificial 0:04:02 A1 A1 (00:03 - 00:13) + (00:47 - 00:54) + (01:25 - 01:54). Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 Artificial 0:04:01 A2 A2 (00:03 - 00:13) + (00:36 - 00:55) + (01:21 - 01:38). Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 Artificial 0:04:04 A3 A3 (00:09 - 00:19) + (01:00 - 01:20) + (02:35 - 02:51). Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 Artificial 0:04:04 A4 A4 (00:07 - 00:17) + (00:24 - 00:34) + (02:26 - 02:41) + (03:49 - 04:00). SportsBar VR 269170 Physical 0:04:02 P1 P1 (00:03 - 00:19) + (00:44 - 01:14). SportsBar VR 269170 Physical 0:04:02 P2 P2 (00:10 - 00:40) + (02:21 - 02:37). SportsBar VR 269170 Physical 0:04:02 P3 P3 (00:07 - 00:22) + (00:32 - 01:03). SportsBar VR 269170 Physical 0:04:02 P4 P4 (00:09 - 00:24) + (01:40 - 01:51) + (03:10 - 03:30). The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 Teleport 0:04:01 T1 T1 (00:19 - 00:39) + (01:16 - 01:27) + (02:27 - 02:42). The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 Teleport 0:04:01 T2 T2 (00:13 - 00:33) + (00:56 - 01:22). The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 Teleport 0:04:03 T3 T3 (00:11 - 00:31) + (00:58 - 01:24). The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 Teleport 0:04:04 T4 T4 (00:24 - 00:44) + (02:47 - 03:13). Trickster VR 512220 Artificial 0:04:01 A1 A1 (01:34 - 01:54) + (02:54 - 03:20). Audio level decreased with an additional 1.4 db compared to Combined. Trickster VR 512220 Artificial 0:04:01 A2 A2 (00:43 - 01:09) + (02:28 - 02:48). Audio level decreased with 5.8 db compared to Combined. Trickster VR 512220 Artificial 0:04:02 A3 A3 (02:01 - 02:26) + (03:06 - 03:27). Audio level set to +4.4 db. Trickster VR 512220 Artificial 0:04:04 A4 A4 (00:45 - 01:05) + (01:35 - 02:01). Audio level decreased with an additional 2.2 db compared to Combined. Vertigo 465430 Teleport 0:04:01 T1 T1 (00:06 - 00:11) + (00:59 - 01:24) + (02:20 - 02:36). Audio level set to -16.0 db. Vertigo 465430 Teleport 0:04:04 T2 T2 (00:07 - 00:12) + (00:34 - 00:46) + (01:29 - 01:58). Vertigo 465430 Teleport 0:04:03 T3 T3 (00:02 - 00:07) + (00:30 - 00:39) + (01:23 - 01:29) + (03:08 - 03:34). Vertigo 465430 Teleport 0:04:03 T4 T4 (00:03 - 00:08) + (01:20 - 01:25) + (01:37 - 01:49) + (02:30 - 02:54). Audio level set to -16.0 db.


Games 1st Pass (Part 1/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment #Archery 493790 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned #SelfieTennis 392190 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing #SkiJump 392150 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed [ R.U.M.A ] 552380 Alphabet (a) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing 1-2-Swift 583570 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing 2017 VR 575600 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing 3D Organon VR Anatomy 548010 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing 3dSunshine 513760 Alphabet (d) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released 5089: The Action RPG 414510 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing 5089: The Action RPG 414510 Initial (04) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed 69 Ways to Kill a Zombie 512410 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing 8i - Make VR Human 462530 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released 8i - Make VR Human 462530 Initial (37) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed 994 W 24th 536050 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo App ID 579550 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Demo available before release date. 9Grids VR 486140 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing A Chair in a Room : Greenwater 427760 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing A Fear Of Heights, And Other Things 535460 Alphabet (a) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing A Legend of Luca 433600 Alphabet (a) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing A Lost Room 613040 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing A Lost Room 613040 Initial (33) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed A-10 VR 436220 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Abbot's Book Demo 434430 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Demo is part of the title. Abduction Episode 1: Her Name Was Sarah 498460 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Abduction Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Abduction Episode 1: Her Name Was Sarah 498460 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo ABE VR 458590 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Abode 548340 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Above - VR 547040 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Acan's Call: Act 1 501180 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Accounting 518580 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Across 547740 Alphabet (e) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Adventurous Life VR 526270 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing A-Escape VR 538330 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 538340 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. A-Escape VR 538330 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "A-Escape VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Airborne Empires 511730 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed AirMech® Command 364630 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Alcatraz: VR Escape Room 573270 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Alchemist Defender VR 602160 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Aleph Null 511420 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 516670 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. All Alone: VR 604830 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing All-Star Fielding Challenge VR 597020 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing ALONE? - VR 529500 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing AltspaceVR 407060 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Title has been changed, original title was "AltspaceVR—The Social VR App". New title is based on data from SteamDB. Always Higher 497300 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 505720 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Always Higher 497300 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Always Higher Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Alveari 484990 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 493360 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Alveari 484990 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Alveari Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. AM Model Viewer 506750 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing AmaranTime 566800 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing aMAZEing adventures 552870 Alphabet (a) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Anyland 505700 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Arcade Artist 534430 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Arcade Artist 534430 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Arcade Saga 464000 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Arcade Saga 464000 Initial (23) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Arcane 534870 Alphabet (u) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Arch Virtual HQ 608980 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Arch Virtual HQ 608980 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Arena Master 548170 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Arena: Blood on the Sand VR 577890 the (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Arizona Sunshine 342180 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned ARK Park 529910 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Armed Against the Undead 488590 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing App ID 604320 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was " Blaster VR Asteroid Blaster VR 535380 Initial (43) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Astroderps 492850 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing A-Tech Cybernetic 578210 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Atramentum VR 577780 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing AudioBeats 570860 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing AudioBeats 570860 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Audioshield 412740 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Awaken 555970 Alphabet (q) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Awesome Obstacle Challenge 525760 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Awesome Obstacle Challenge 525760 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed B. Braun Future Operating Room 550520 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Babel: Tower to the Gods 441230 the (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing BasementVR 561390 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Basketball Babe 528990 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Basketball Court VR 498370 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo Doesn't display availability of demo through store page, but it can be found at App ID 503930. Basketball Court VR Demo 503930 Initial (41) TRUE TRUE TRUE Removed Demo is part of the title. Removed as full game is offered through App ID 503930, this will be mentioned over at that App ID. Baskhead 495550 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Baskhead 495550 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Battle Dome 484870 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 570080 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Battle Fleet 2 332490 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Beach Ball Valley 454830 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Beach Ball Valley 454830 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Beach Bowling Dream VR 557960 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Beat Boxer 546650 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Beat Boxer 546650 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Beat Ninja 493040 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Beats Fever 566780 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Beats Fever 566780 Initial (16) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed BeefeaterXO 590430 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released BeefeaterXO 590430 Initial (31) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed App ID 578840 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "Behind You Demo". New Behind You 397660 Initial (43) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo title is based on data from Steam. Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment 600140 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released BellyBots 493100 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Beyond Power VR 529820 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Beyond the City VR 585310 Initial (14) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Big Hit VR Baseball 620800 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Binary Trigger 570600 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Binary Trigger 570600 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Birdtual Reality 513240 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Bitcoin VR 615460 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Bitcoin VR 615460 Initial (33) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed BitShift: BattleGrid 466290 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing BitShift: BattleGrid 466290 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Bitslap 524690 Initial (14) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing BladeShield 554470 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing BLARP! 420840 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned BLARP! 420840 Initial (04) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Blasters of the Universe 490490 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing


1st Pass (Part 2/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment Blue Effect VR 522020 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Blueshift 565030 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Bocce Beach 569940 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Bomb U! 523090 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Boo Breakers: The Ghostening 547200 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Boofle's Home 611090 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Boofle's Home 611090 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Boofle's Home 611090 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Book Of Merlin 433650 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Bottle Flip Challenge VR 620140 Initial (32) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Bottle Flip Challenge VR 620140 Initial (33) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Bounce 464400 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Bounty Killer 599490 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Bowl VR 494350 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Bowl VR 494350 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Bowling at the Lake 566150 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released App ID 536390 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "BowMage Demo". New title BowMage 496000 Initial (42) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo is based on data from Steam. Bowslinger 459260 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Boxing Saga 526590 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Boxing Saga 526590 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed BREACH IT 591790 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Brick Stack VR 504840 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Brick Stack VR 504840 Initial (08) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Broken Blue 559920 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Broomball VR 504630 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Brush Up VR 567840 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Bubble Labs VR 527310 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Budget Cuts 400940 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Might be missing some information in the second pass of filtering due to having one page each for the game and demo. Budget Cuts Demo 459860 Initial (44) TRUE TRUE TRUE Removed Removed due to App ID 400940 referencing this App ID. Demo is part of title. Bullet Sorrow VR 521950 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Bullet Sorrow Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Bullet Sorrow VR 521950 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 525320 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Bullets And More VR - BAM VR 525640 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 553200 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Bullets And More VR - BAM VR 525640 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Bullets And More VR - BAM VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars 608000 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars 608000 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed C O S M 467480 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing C.S.S. CITADEL VR 501060 Alphabet (c) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Caketomino 517770 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Calcflow 547280 Alphabet (k) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing CapitalShip:VR 535410 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Capria: Magic of the Elements 457790 the (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Car Car Crash Hands On Edition 472720 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Cargo Cult: Shoot'n'Loot VR 565380 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Carnival Games® VR 458920 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Carpe Lucem - Seize The Light VR 433700 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Carpe Lucem - Seize The Light Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Carpe Lucem - Seize The Light VR 433700 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 491230 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Castle Must Be Mine 542770 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Catlateral Damage 329860 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Chainless 589680 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Chamber 19 477170 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Chamber 19 477170 Initial (26) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Chamber 19 477170 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Chernobyl VR Project 504010 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Chernobyl VR Project 504010 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed ChessVR 493380 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Child Of Ault 566270 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Child Of Ault 566270 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Child Of Ault Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Children of Colossus 558850 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Christmas Massacre VR 574040 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Chunks 402800 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned City Rush 609400 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing City VR 517990 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Clash of Vessels VR 593970 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Clazer 539090 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Clazer 539090 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Climbey 520010 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 535810 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Climbey 520010 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Climbey Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. CloudBound 526240 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Cloudlands : VR Minigolf 425720 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 458930 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Cloudlands : VR Minigolf 425720 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Cloudlands : VR Minigolf Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Cockroach VR 525910 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing COG (Center Of ) 607360 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Cogito 543710 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Cogito 543710 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Colosse 464540 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Colosse 464540 Initial (06) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed COMPOUND 615120 Initial (39) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo COMPOUND 615120 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "COMPOUND Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Conductor 584930 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Constricted VR 589110 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Constricting Cubes 535270 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Containment Initiative 527700 Initial (22) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Cosmic Awakening VR 591990 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Cosmic Sugar VR 559010 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Cosmic Trip 427240 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Counter Fight 551690 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Cowbots and Aliens 517670 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Craft Keep VR 546350 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing CRAFT: Work VR Shop 558740 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Craftmas 572350 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing CrapsVR 508580 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Crazy Fishing 594370 Initial (19) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Crazy Flies 532740 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Crazy Max VR 570910 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Crazy Saloon VR 554680 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Cross Death VR 497000 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Crystal Rift 345140 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Cut Cut Buffet 580060 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Cut Cut Buffet 580060 Initial (31) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed CuVRball 539190 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released CyberDrifter 607760 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed CyberDrifter 607760 Initial (39) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Cyberpong 462000 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 487410 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Cyberpong 462000 Initial (40) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Cyberpong VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. CyberThreat 516590 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Dark Legion VR 598690 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Darwin's bots: Episode 1 612120 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Dawn of the Robot Empire 452240 the (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Dead Hungry 538710 Initial (14) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 567440 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Dead Hungry 538710 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Dead Hungry Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Deadly Hunter VR 594490 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Deadly Hunter VR 594490 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Deadly Hunter VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Death Dojo 544590 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Death Dojo 544590 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Deathlike: Awakening 570230 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Deathlike: Awakening 570230 Initial (30) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed


1st Pass (Part 3/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment Deep End 591610 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Deep End 591610 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Defense of Castle Chilly 523550 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Defuser VR 589180 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Defuser VR 589180 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Deisim 525680 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Demon Hunter 535530 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Derail Valley 588030 Initial (38) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Derail Valley 588030 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Derail Valley Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Destination: Pluto The VR Experience 580410 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Destinations 453170 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Destinations Workshop Tools 469960 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Removed Removed as it is a tool only. Destroyer 528020 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Destroyer 528020 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Dick Wilde 585500 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Dig 4 Destruction 503340 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Dimension Dude 616820 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Dimension Hunter 501350 Initial (38) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo App ID 458120 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "Dimensional (VR-Only) Dimensional 457340 Initial (41) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Diorama No.3 : The Marchland 431370 the (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Diorama Worlds 602630 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Diorama Worlds 602630 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Directionless 483970 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Discovr™ Egypt: King Tut's Tomb 459170 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Doctor Kvorak's Obliteration Game 456740 Initial (40) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Doctor Kvorak's Obliteration Game 456740 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Doctor Kvorak's Obliteration Game Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Doll City : Prologue 468170 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Doll City VR 468180 Initial (41) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Title has been changed, original title was "DollcitydemoV_1 Demo". New title is based on data from SteamDB. Dolphin Defense 455720 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Domain Defense VR 455190 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Domino Craft VR 571230 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Domino Craft VR 571230 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Domino VR 508680 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Don't Feed the Animals 566980 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Don't Feed the Animals 566980 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Don't Get Hit In The Face 594200 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Don't Knock Twice 328590 Initial (40) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Don't Knock Twice 328590 Initial (40) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Don't Knock Twice Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Don't Look Back 601550 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Don't Mess Up 575170 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Don't Mess Up 575170 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Don't Mess Up Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Doomsday Survival:Training 552230 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing DOOORS VR 573610 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Doritos VR Battle 523180 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Dota 2 570 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Downward Spiral: Prologue 574940 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Draco Dux 460730 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Draco Dux 460730 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Draco Dux Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Draconic Order VR 508350 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Draconic Order VR 508350 Initial (20) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Dragon Skies VR 518640 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Dragon Skies VR 518640 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Dragon Skies VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. DragonBlast VR 514370 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Dreadhalls 589200 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Dreadhalls 589200 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Dream UniVRse 544000 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Dream UniVRse 544000 Initial (27) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Dream UniVRse 544000 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Dream UniVRse Demo Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. DreamDesk VR 520210 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Driftwatch VR 544800 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Driftwatch VR 544800 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Drone Hunter VR 466520 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing DrumKit VR - Play drum kit in the world of VR 496910 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Drums Hero 608370 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Drunk or Dead 577290 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Drunk or Dead 577290 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Drunkn Bar Fight 528550 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Duck Force 511690 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 511710 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Duck Force 511690 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Duck Force Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Dungeon Escape VR 618920 Initial (15) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Dunk It (VR Basketball) 581920 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Dunk It (VR Basketball) 581920 Initial (31) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed DUO 498980 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 503260 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. DUO 498980 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "DUO Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. DWVR 520750 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Eclipse --- Defending the motherland 470130 Initial (44) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Title has been changed, original title was "Eclipse --- Defending the motherland Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Edge Guardian 518000 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Edge of Atlantis 616420 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed EDMtv VR 513200 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Egg Time 531990 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Egg Time 531990 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Elena 513860 Alphabet (a) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Elephant Express VR 566170 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Eleven: Table Tennis VR 488310 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Elven Assassin 503770 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing EmbodyMe Beta 604530 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released EmbodyMe Beta 604530 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Embrace The Fear 578880 the (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Emergence Fractal Universe ᵠ 500470 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Emergence Fractal Universe ᵠ 500470 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Emily Wants To Play 416590 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Emmerholt: Prologue 422500 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Engage 449130 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released EnterVR 574520 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Escape Artist: The Trial 553000 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Escape Bloody Mary 544530 the (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Escape from Zellman Orbital 513160 Initial (24) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Escape Station 527360 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Escape Station 527360 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Escape the Bunker 570470 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Escape!VR -The Basement- 552060 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Escape: VR 607440 Initial (33) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed EVEREST VR™ 384750 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Everything Must Fall 623800 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Evil Robot Traffic Jam HD 404390 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Evolution VR 549760 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing EXA: The Infinite Instrument 606920 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Exterminator 597670 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Extreme Skiing VR 542670 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Eye of the Owl - Bosch VR 420020 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Fair Islands VR 526960 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fair Islands VR 526960 Initial (27) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Fair Islands VR 526960 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Fancy Fishing VR 601940 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fancy Skiing VR 512080 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fantastic Contraption 386690 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned


1st Pass (Part 4/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment Fantasynth 624460 Initial (18) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Far Beyond: A space odyssey VR 531050 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Far Beyond: A space odyssey Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Far Beyond: A space odyssey VR 531050 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fast Action Hero 534000 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fatal Gem VR(The First Match-3 VR Game) 546030 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Felt Tip Circus 427890 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing FERIT Simulator 592450 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released FERIT Simulator 592450 Initial (37) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed FILE 9 536800 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Filthy, Stinking, Orcs! 590560 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Final Approach 380670 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Final Fleet 500350 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Final Goalie: Football simulator 555060 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fine China 529040 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 532010 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Fine China 529040 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Fine China 529040 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Fine China Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Firebird - La Peri 436490 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Fireworks Desert Blast 560970 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Fireworks Desert Blast 560970 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed First Impact: Rise of a Hero 548470 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator 454140 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Flairtender 586020 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Flock VR 572130 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fly to KUMA MAKER 517860 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Football VR 500930 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Forestry 574010 Initial (31) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Forgotten Chambers 574890 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Fort Awesome 594120 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fort Awesome 594120 Initial (31) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Fort Awesome 594120 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Fovos VR 576650 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Fovos VR 576650 Initial (11) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Fovos VR 576650 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Fractal 566180 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fractasia 495450 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Francois BOUILLE 528790 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Frantic Freighter 503150 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Frontier VR 608190 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Fruit Golf 406890 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Funfair 493400 the (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Galactic Core: The Lost Fleet 571860 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Golf 471160 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Galaxy Golf 471160 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Garage Drummer VR 467890 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing GemWars 556830 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Ghost Pursuit VR 505110 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Ghost Town Mine Ride & Shootin' Gallery 459010 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Giant Cop: Justice Above All 451080 Initial (36) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed GIPHY Museum of GIF Art 593090 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Gladius 556640 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Glaive 505680 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Glaive 505680 Initial (08) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Gnomes & Goblins (preview) 490840 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Go For Launch: Mercury 467400 Initial (40) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Goalie Challenge VR 588290 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Goalie Challenge VR 588290 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed GoalkeepVr 573550 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Golf Masters 374970 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Golf Pro VR 528910 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Gooblins 517620 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Gooblins 517620 Initial (16) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Google Earth VR 348250 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Title has been changed, original title was "Gotham Gangsta | FPS vs VIVE | Local Multi-Player Bank Robbery". New title is based Gotham Gangsta 572870 Initial (25) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed on data from SteamDB. Grapply 516830 Initial (41) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Title has been changed, original title was "Grapply Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Grav|Lab - Gravitational Testing Facility & Observations 408340 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Grav|Lab - Gravitational Testing Facility & Observations 408340 Initial (17) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed GravPool 497480 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Great Pyramid VR 625190 Initial (17) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Guardian Arena 564740 Initial (25) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Guardian Arena 564740 Initial (30) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Guardian of The Demon Valley 543150 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Guided Meditation VR 397750 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Gun Range VR 491710 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Gun Range VR 491710 Initial (26) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed GUNNVR 576640 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 605170 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. GUNNVR 576640 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "GUNNVR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Gunslinger Trainer 456420 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Gunslinger Trainer 456420 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed HALP! 485230 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released HandPass VR 543120 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 555110 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. HandPass VR 543120 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "HandPass VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Happy Drummer VR 575210 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Happy Drummer VR 575210 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Happy Penguin VR 615330 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Happy Penguin VR 615330 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Hat Trick Header 487730 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 563290 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Hat Trick Header 487730 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Hat Trick Header Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Header Goal VR: Being Axel Rix 532120 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Header Goal VR: Being Axel Rix 532120 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed HeapVR 585270 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Heaven Island Life 422100 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Heaven Island Life 422100 Initial (37) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Heavy Impact 556700 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Henry The Hamster Handler 566880 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Heroes of the Seven Seas VR 436400 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Hide & Spook: The Haunted Alchemist 466900 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Hide & Spook: The Haunted Alchemist 466900 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed High Fidelity 390540 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Hindenburg VR 460470 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Hindenburg VR 460470 Initial (23) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Historium VR - Relive the history of Bruges 563830 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Hold the door! 501470 the (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Hollywood Hills Mansion 451450 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Holo Impact : Prologue 543530 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing HoloBall 457320 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Holodance 422860 Alphabet (u) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Holodaze 475520 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Holodaze 475520 Initial (23) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Holopoint 457960 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Home Improvisation: Furniture Sandbox 357670 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Home Tech VR 576230 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Hoops VR 487770 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Hopalong: The Badlands 555600 the (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing HordeZ 412050 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 460500 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. HordeZ 412050 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "HordeZ Demo". New title is based on data from Steam.


1st Pass (Part 5/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Hot Squat 553590 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released House of Alice 500920 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Housekeeping VR 556520 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Hover Junkers 380220 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Hover Skate VR 566570 Initial (14) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Human, we have a problem 491100 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing HVR Demo 510950 Initial (40) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Demo is part of the title. Hyper Bowling VR 469560 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Ice Lakes 393430 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing IKEA VR Experience 447270 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Immerse Creator 412640 Initial (16) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Immerse Creator 412640 Initial (17) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed In Your Face TD 564330 Initial (14) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing In Your Face TD 564330 Initial (15) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Inbound 480690 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing INFINITI VR 612790 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released INVASION! 503630 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released inVR 466260 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released IronWolf VR 552080 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Irrational Exuberance 443790 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Might be missing some information in the second pass of filtering due to having one page each for the game and demo. Irrational Exuberance: Prologue 343730 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Removed Removed due to App ID 443790 referencing this App ID. IrreVRsible 479000 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Island 359™ 476700 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Island Getaway 573280 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Janus VR 602090 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released App ID 460180 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "Jeeboman Demo". New Jeeboman 392680 Initial (43) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo title is based on data from Steam. Jet Island 587220 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed 448280 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned John Wick Chronicles 382360 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing John Wick Chronicles 382360 Initial (35) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Jupiteration 592240 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing JUST BAT (VR CRICKET) 525950 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Just VR Slingshot Target Practice 586990 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Just VR Slingshot Target Practice 586990 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Karnage Chronicles 611160 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Keep Balance VR 595070 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Keep Balance VR 595070 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Keep Defending 527720 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Keep Defending 527720 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Killing Zombies 534440 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing King Kaiju 556340 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned King of Spin VR 505220 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Kira 607860 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Kismet 463290 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Kitten Cannon 550820 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Kittypocalypse 451010 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Klepto 403590 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Klepto 403590 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Knockout League 488920 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Kodon 479010 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Konrad the Kitten - a virtual but real cat 510740 Alphabet (a) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing KOTH 493110 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Kubz VR 519940 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Kung Fu Ping Pong 568240 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Kung Fu Ping Pong 568240 Initial (31) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Kunlun Fight 565670 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Kunlun Fight 565670 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed L U N E 485880 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Last Mage Standing 568030 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Launch Squad 523860 Initial (38) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Launch Squad 523860 Initial (40) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Launch Squad Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Lazerbait 529150 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Leadwerks Game Engine 251810 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Removed Removed as it is a tool only. Leave The Nest 471270 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Left-Hand Path 488760 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Lethal VR 532270 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Lifeliqe VR Museum 526680 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Light And Dance VR - World's first Virtual Reality Disco 576720 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Light Repair Team #4 444530 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Lightblade VR 477270 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Lighting End VR 582490 Initial (40) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Lighting End VR 582490 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Lighting End VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. LightStrike 579130 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Limberjack 500660 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Limelight VR 544880 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Limelight VR 544880 Initial (27) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Live In Color 518610 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Lockdown: Stand Alone 513270 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Locked In VR 562320 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Locomancer 490250 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 522600 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Locomancer 490250 Initial (40) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Locomancer Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. LookVR 595490 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released LookVR 595490 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed LookVR 595490 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed LooWarVR 510990 Alphabet (q) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Lop Nor Zombie VR 521860 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Title has been changed, original title was "Lop Nor Zombie VR (HTC Vive)". New title is based on data from SteamDB. Lost in the Ocean VR 596640 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Lost Route 470280 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Lunar Stone - Origin of Blood 553800 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing LyraVR 572630 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Machine Learning: Episode I 524030 Alphabet (i) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released MageWorks 494780 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing MageWorks 494780 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Magic Hour 571500 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Magic Hour 571500 Initial (19) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Magic Lantern 575110 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Magic Lantern 575110 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed MagixHome™ VR 537060 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Magnificent Ships: Volume 1 557850 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Malazard: The Master of Magic 504420 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Manastorm: Champions of G'nar 548560 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Marimba VR 560930 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Marlene Betwixt 536530 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Mars Odyssey 465150 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Mass Exodus 566530 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Mass Exodus 566530 Initial (06) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed MasterpieceVR 504650 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Masters Of Chess 606270 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing McOsu 607260 Alphabet (f) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Mech Ace Combat - Trainer Edition 509380 Initial (38) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Mech Ace Combat - Trainer Edition 509380 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Mech Ace Combat Trainer Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Mech Skeleton 606360 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Mekside VR 567700 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Mental Asylum VR 579780 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Merry Snowballs 567730 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing


1st Pass (Part 6/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment Mervils: A VR Adventure 497460 Initial (43) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Title has been changed, original title was "Mervils: A VR Adventure Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Mesh Maker VR 576790 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Metal Assault 570850 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing MetaWorld® - The VR MMO SIM 511100 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed MGSLeisure1000 592640 Initial (38) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Mighty Monster Mayhem 586830 Initial (37) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Mighty Monster Mayhem 586830 Initial (43) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Mighty Monster Mayhem Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Mind OVR Matter 490170 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing MineSweeper VR 516940 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Mint Muse Sound Flare 598150 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing MixCast VR Studio 580530 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Modbox 414120 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 563980 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Modbox 414120 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Modbox Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. MonkeyKing VR 580540 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Moriarty: Endgame VR 611050 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Moriarty: Endgame VR 611050 Initial (33) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Mountain Mind - Headbanger's VR 599630 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Mouse Playhouse 612590 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Mouse Playhouse 612590 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed 584200 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released 584200 Initial (33) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Munch VR 549000 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Munch Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Munch VR 549000 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 560520 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Musical Range 547670 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Mutato Match 391480 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Muv-Luv VR 456570 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Muv-Luv VR 456570 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed My Lil' Donut 506280 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released nano-one 493430 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Nature Treks VR 587580 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Nature's Wrath VR 540050 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Naughty Or Nice 574780 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Nemesis Perspective 537140 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned New Retro Arcade: Neon 465780 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "New Retro Arcade Neon Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. New Retro Arcade: Neon 465780 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 465950 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Nevrosa: Prelude 598070 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Nick 572660 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released NIGHTSTAR 511570 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 524210 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. NIGHTSTAR 511570 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "NIGHTSTAR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Nighttime Terror VR: Dessert Defender 451870 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned No Clue VR 625320 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Nock: Hidden Arrow 525210 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Noda 578060 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Noda 578060 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Nothin' But Net 496790 Alphabet (e) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Oblivion Tesseract VR 582030 Initial (35) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Oblivion Tesseract VR 582030 Initial (36) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Octoshield VR 488150 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 494400 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Octoshield VR 488150 Initial (40) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Octoshield VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Off-Road Paradise: Trial 4x4 556230 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 592880 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Off-Road Paradise: Trial 4x4 556230 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Off-Road Paradise: Trial 4x4 Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. OK Bob 600650 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Old Friend 570000 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned One Dark Night 460510 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released One Giant Leap 512750 Alphabet (u) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing One Of The Last 550360 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 625640 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. One Of The Last 550360 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "One Of The Last Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Oniris Basket VR 516900 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Onward 496240 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Oodlescape - The Apocalypse 587560 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Oodlescape - The Apocalypse 587560 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Orbital Injection 587730 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Orbital Injection 587730 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Orc Assault 371360 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Orc Hunter VR 494530 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 494550 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Orc Hunter VR 494530 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Orc Hunter VR 494530 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Orc Hunter VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Organ Quarter 605830 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Organ Quarter 605830 Initial (39) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Organ Quarter Pre-Alpha Demo 544510 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Demo is part of the title. Out of Ammo 451840 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Outrageous Grounds: The Maze 513050 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 538440 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Outrageous Grounds: The Maze 513050 Initial (40) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Outrageous Grounds: The Maze Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Overkill VR: Action Shooter FPS 518720 the (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing OVRdrop 586210 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing P·O·L·L·E·N 393750 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Paddle Up 496250 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Paintey 445050 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Paintey 445050 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed PaintLab 455160 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Pane In The Glass 411620 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Panoptic 541930 Initial (41) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Title has been changed, original title was "Panoptic Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Panzer Panic VR 589170 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Paper Toss VR 605860 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul 467660 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul 467660 Initial (24) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Paulo's Wing 592720 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Pavlov VR 555160 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Pen Island VR 535010 Alphabet (p) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Perch 573460 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Percussive VR 536370 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Perfect 540740 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Perfect Angle VR - Zen edition 487620 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Periodonica 426250 Initial (44) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Title has been changed, original title was "Periodonica Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Personal Disco VR 618350 Initial (36) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Pierhead Arcade 435490 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Piñata 477800 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Piñata 477800 Initial (26) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Piñata 477800 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Pipejob 543580 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 593350 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. PitchFork 526550 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 541250 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. PitchFork 526550 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed PitchFork 526550 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Pitchfork Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. PITCH-HIT: BASEBALL 527580 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing PITCH-HIT: BASEBALL 527580 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Pixel bomb! bomb!! 566810 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Defender 593260 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Planet Smasher 523060 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing PlanetFate 485110 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Plank not included 602010 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing PLANNES 560150 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Play with Balloon 586890 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Play with Balloon 586890 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Playthings: VR Music Vacation 489740 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Please State Your Name : A VR Animated Film 536210 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Please, Don't Touch Anything 3D 529590 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing


1st Pass (Part 7/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment Please, Don't Touch Anything 3D 529590 Initial (06) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Plevr 598660 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Pong It! VR 520930 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Portal Stories: VR 446750 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Potioneer: The VR Gardening Simulator 544410 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Power Link VR 510130 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released PowersVR 589250 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing PowersVR 589250 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed PresenZ 404020 Alphabet (f) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released President Erect VR 572000 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Prevent The Fall 595090 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Primal Carnage: Onslaught 538790 Alphabet (o) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Princess Kidnapper VR 558050 Initial (28) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Project LUX 574140 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Project Shield 585940 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Project Shield 585940 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Project Shield 585940 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Proton Pulse 381310 Alphabet (o) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Protonwar 461410 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Protonwar 461410 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Psyche Soldier VR 571660 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing PULSAR: Lost Colony 252870 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Pumpkin SculptrVR 542960 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Pumpkin SculptrVR 542960 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Punch Bomb 510060 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 575220 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Punch Bomb 510060 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Punch Bomb Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Punch Bomb 510060 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Punch Bomb Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Push For Emor 485240 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Puttyface 606350 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Puttyface 606350 Initial (39) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Puzzle Blocks 501450 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Puzzle Island VR 571630 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Pyramid VR 556540 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Pyro VR 586360 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Pyro VR 586360 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Q.U.I.R.K.™ 577210 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Qantas VR 478000 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Qantas VR 478000 Initial (26) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Qantas VR 478000 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Quanero VR 497820 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released App ID 614010 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "Queendoom Demo". New Queendoom 540410 Initial (42) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo title is based on data from Steam. Queendoom 540410 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Queendoom Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Quell 4D 534230 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Quick Draw 522250 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Quick Draw 522250 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed QuiVr 489380 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 494480 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. QuiVr 489380 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "QuiVr Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. RacetronicVR 542790 Initial (25) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Racket: Nx 428080 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 498290 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Racket: Nx 428080 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Racket:Nx Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Rail Adventures - VR Tech Demo 222500 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Demo is part of the title. Range Day VR 601750 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Range Day VR 601750 Initial (39) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Raptor Valley 524120 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Raw Data 436320 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned RAYGUN COMMANDO VR 576840 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released RAYGUN COMMANDO VR 576840 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed RAYGUN COMMANDO VR 576840 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "RAYGUN COMMANDO VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. RealBX VR (Apocalypse begins...) 592310 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Realities 452710 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Rec Room 471710 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Redswood VR 499760 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Relativity 516550 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 558500 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Relativity 516550 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Relativity Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Remembering Pearl Harbor 520350 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Rescuties! VR 468110 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Rescuties! VR 468110 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Ricerca VR 465310 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Ricerca VR 465310 Initial (23) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Richie's Plank Experience 517160 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned : Virtual Rick-ality 469610 Initial (01) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Robot Incursion 529260 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Robot Incursion 529260 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Rogue Fighter 500800 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Room Designer VR 601620 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Roomscale Coaster 592330 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Roomscale Coaster 592330 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Roomscale Tower 503390 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Ropes And Dragons VR 576750 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Rubber Ball VR 603630 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Rubber Ball VR 603630 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Ruckus Ridge VR Party 443800 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing RuneSage 542030 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing RunVR 542570 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing S#arp Shooter 530470 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Sairento VR 555880 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Salvage Op 562450 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Samurai Sword VR 574150 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Santa Sling 571050 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Santa Sling 571050 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Schlocks 601320 Initial (37) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed SculptrVR 418520 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Seabed Prelude 529730 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Seeking Evil: The Wendigo 571340 Initial (37) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta) 564310 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter 552450 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope 465240 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Shadow Circuit 595470 Initial (29) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Shadow Circuit 595470 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Shadows of the Cloud Demo 551020 Initial (42) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Demo is part of the title. ShapeLab 571890 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released ShotForge 523170 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released SHOW MUST GO ON 604300 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned SHOW MUST GO ON 604300 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Siegecraft Commander 405340 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Siegecraft Commander 405340 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Sisters 432850 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Sisters 432850 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Sisters Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Six Feet Under 525540 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Six Feet Under 525540 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Skeet: VR Target Shooting 446770 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Sketchbox 568640 Initial (14) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Sketchfab VR 464940 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Skills Hockey VR 596070 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Sky Climbers 583750 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing


1st Pass (Part 8/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment App ID 596930 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "Sky Jac Demo". New title Sky Jac 518190 Initial (43) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo is based on data from Steam. Sky Sanctuary 526130 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Sky Sanctuary 526130 Initial (17) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Slam 377940 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Slider Quest 502950 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Slider Quest 502950 Initial (08) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Sluggy's Fruit Emporium 447330 Initial (36) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Smackitball 461320 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Smash Party VR 568690 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Smashbox Arena 530350 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 568790 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Smashbox Arena 530350 Initial (04) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Smashbox Arena 530350 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Smashbox Arena Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Smell Of Death 445140 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 508920 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Smell Of Death 445140 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Smell of Death Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Smoots Tennis Survival Zombie 564920 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Smoots Tennis Survival Zombie 564920 Initial (30) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Snailiens 559280 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Snakes on an Extradimensional Plane 451540 Alphabet (a) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Snow Fortress 468740 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 574130 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Snow Fortress 468740 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Snow Fortress 468740 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Snow Fortress Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Solaright 615590 Initial (18) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Solaright 615590 Initial (19) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Soldiers of Heaven VR 384970 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Sorcerers of Kinetics 547810 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Sorcerers of Kinetics 547810 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Sorcerers of Kinetics (VR) Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Sort 'Em 594360 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing SoundStage 485780 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned SourVR Video Player 556750 Alphabet (g) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released SourVR Video Player Deluxe Edition 607690 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Space Badminton VR 575560 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing SPACE DVRTS 519550 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing SPACE DVRTS 519550 Initial (27) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Space Fist 582990 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Space Junk Patrol 425990 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Space Junk Patrol 425990 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Space Needle VR 413620 Initial (36) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Space Odyssey 589490 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Space Pirate Trainer 418650 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Space Station Loma: OPERATIONS 577640 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing App ID 496090 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "Space, VR! Demo". New Space, VR! 496080 Initial (41) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo title is based on data from Steam. Spacecats with Lasers VR 565190 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Spacecats with Lasers VR 565190 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed SpaceJourney VR 574920 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing SpaceJourney VR 574920 Initial (31) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Spacetours VR - Ep1 The 592410 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Speech Trainer 552770 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Spell Fighter VR 455440 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Spellbound 463400 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Spells 'n' Stuff 448880 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Spooky Night 557670 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released SportsBar VR 269170 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Stage Presence 391640 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Staircase of Darkness: VR 538660 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Star Hunter VR 603490 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Star Kingdom - The Elements 558650 Initial (28) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Star Phoenix 556770 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing SteamDolls VR 461100 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "SteamDolls Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. SteamDolls VR 461100 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo SteamHammerVR - The Rogue Apprentice - London 1892 517460 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 523260 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. SteamHammerVR - The Rogue Apprentice - London 1892 517460 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "SteamHammerVR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Stolen Steel VR 588340 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Stolen Steel VR 588340 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Street of Sanctuary VR 569390 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Supa Kila Monsta Hunta 537920 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Super Cat Herding: Totally Awesome Edition 459150 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Super Kaiju 462520 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Super Pixel Smash 578610 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Super VR Trainer 509070 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 534180 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Super VR Trainer 509070 Initial (44) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Super VR Trainer Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Surgeon Simulator VR: Meet The Medic 457420 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Surgeon Simulator VR: Meet The Medic 457420 Initial (23) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality 518920 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing SurrealVR 461180 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Suspended Workshops 602660 Initial (38) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Suspended Workshops 602660 Initial (39) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Sweet Escape VR 462480 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Sword and Shield: Arena VR 533990 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Sword and Shield Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Sword and Shield: Arena VR 533990 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Sword and Shield: Arena VR 533990 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Sword Master VR 523710 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Sword Master VR 523710 Initial (23) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed SVRVIVE: The Deus Helix 509540 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing SYMMETRY alpha 585340 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released SYMMETRY alpha 585340 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed SYREN 553320 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Table Tennis VR 495060 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Table Tennis VR 495060 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Tabletop Simulator 286160 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Tails 500880 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 512500 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Tails 500880 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Tails 500880 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Tails Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Tales of Escape 587860 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Temple of the Apsara 510910 Alphabet (w) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing TennisVR 624630 Initial (18) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed TEOT - The End OF Tomorrow 529280 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing TEOT - The End OF Tomorrow 529280 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed App ID 573990 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "Teratini VR Demo". New Teratini VR 553530 Initial (42) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo title is based on data from Steam. Teratini VR 553530 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Teratini VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. The Ancient Remains 602540 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Art of Fight 531270 Initial (42) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Title has been changed, original title was "The Art of Fight Demo". New title is based on data from SteamDB. The Bellows 529670 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Body VR: Anatomy Viewer 579620 Initial (30) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Body VR: Journey Inside a Cell 451980 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Brookhaven Experiment 440630 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned The Cabin: VR 560640 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Cable Center - Virtual Archive 612440 Initial (32) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Cavern 583060 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Crane Trials: Red Edition 624260 Initial (34) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Crystal Nebula 505660 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned The Crystal Nebula 505660 Initial (08) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed The Cubicle. 452490 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Divergent Series: Allegiant VR 448980 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Divergent Series: Allegiant VR 448980 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed The Enlightened League of Bone Builders and the Osseous Enigma 517550 the (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Fastest Fist 544540 the (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing


1st Pass (Part 9/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment The FOO Show featuring Will Smith 411820 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned The Gleam: VR Escape the Room 526750 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Golf Club VR 489600 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Grand Canyon VR Experience 407710 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned The Hunted 621290 Initial (33) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Impossible Travel Agency 460990 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Jigsaw Puzzle Room 566580 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Journey Home 519170 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Lab 450390 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Last Frontier VR 590250 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Last Sniper VR 502710 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 510470 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. The Last Sniper VR 502710 Initial (40) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "The Last Sniper VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. The Melody of Dust 527110 Initial (24) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Melody of Dust 527110 Initial (26) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed The Melody of Dust 527110 Initial (27) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed The Nest 473910 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Nest 473910 Initial (23) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed The Night Cafe: A VR Tribute to Vincent Van Gogh 482390 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Night Cafe: A VR Tribute to Vincent Van Gogh 482390 Initial (06) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed The Physiology of the Eye 582200 the (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Price of Freedom 561080 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Professor Presents: #GotHandles 615650 Initial (32) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Professor Presents: #GotHandles 615650 Initial (33) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed The Puzzle Room VR ( Escape The Room ) 576620 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Puzzle Room VR ( Escape The Room ) 576620 Initial (11) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed The Puzzle Room VR ( Escape The Room ) 576620 Initial (12) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed The Rise of Captain Longbeard 534750 Initial (20) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Ruins: VR Escape the Room 592320 Initial (23) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Slopes 620790 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Slopes 620790 Initial (39) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed The Sniper VR 615630 Initial (15) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Solus Project 313630 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned The SoulKeeper VR 442660 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The Source of Evil 579580 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The table at war VR 555230 the (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing 494150 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned The Torus Syndicate 548860 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Tower: Last Stand 513170 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Unwelcomed 504560 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Wake 435380 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo The Wake 435380 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "The Wake Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. The Wire 507210 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released The Wire 507210 Initial (20) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed The Wire Loop Game VR 495390 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing The Wire Loop Game VR 495390 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed The Wizards 586950 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed The VR Museum of Fine Art 515020 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released theBlu 451520 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Think Space 506780 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing THOSE DAMN ALIENS! VR 573260 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Thread Studio 529540 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Thread Studio 529540 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Thunder Spheres - Virtual Reality 3D Pool 559300 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Thunderbird: The Legend Begins 355460 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Tilt Brush 327140 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Tiny Wheels 577850 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Titanic VR Demo 577660 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Demo is part of the title. TO THE TOP 509250 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed App ID 605010 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Title has been changed, original title was "ToledoVR Demo". New ToledoVR 557460 Initial (43) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo title is based on data from Steam. Tomorrow 405480 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Tomorrow 405480 Initial (36) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Top Floor 532260 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Top Floor 532260 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Tornuffalo 534720 Initial (14) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Tower Ascent 560340 the (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Tower Island: Explore, Discover and Disassemble 487740 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Tower Island: Explore, Discover and Disassemble 487740 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Train Harder 614150 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed TRANCE VR 601080 Initial (38) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo TRANCE VR 601080 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "TRANCE VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Trapped With the Dolls VR 624920 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Trapped With the Dolls VR 624920 Initial (40) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Treehouse Basketball 568600 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released TRESPASS - Episode 2 568310 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing TRESPASS - Episode 2 568310 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Trials on Tatooine 381940 Alphabet (d) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Trickshot 538510 Initial (19) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Trickster VR 512220 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Title has been changed, original title was "Trickster VR - Procedural Dungeon Crawler". New title is based on data from SteamDB. Tropical Girls VR 534480 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Trump Simulator VR 547850 the (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Twisted Arrow 494960 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Tvori 517170 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Ultimate Booster Experience 499620 Initial (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Unbreakable Vr Runner 494310 Alphabet (m) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing UNCORPOREAL - "Fluffy!" 500380 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Under a Desert Sun 587930 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Unearthed Inc: The Lost Temple 551720 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Unforgiven: Missing Memories - Child's Play 522710 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Universe Sandbox ² 230290 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Unknown Pharaoh 576100 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Unknown Pharaoh 576100 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Unruly Ghouls 523720 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Unseen Diplomacy 429830 Specific TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Uplands Motel: VR Thriller 602000 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing V ARRR 478950 Alphabet (v) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Wacky Wings VR 566900 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Wacky Wings Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Wacky Wings VR 566900 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 585530 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. WackyMoles 525870 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Waddle Home 486290 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Wake Up 499540 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Valkyrie Blade VR 619020 Initial (37) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Waltz of the Wizard 436820 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Vanishing Realms 322770 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Title has been changed, original title was "Vanishing Realms™". New title is based on data from SteamDB. War of Castle VR 599430 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing War of Castle VR 599430 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Warhammer: Vermintide VR - Hero Trials 410390 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Warka Flarka Flim Flam 573360 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Warpin: Creation (VR) 548740 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Warpin: Creation (VR) 548740 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Watching Grass Grow In VR - The Game 496230 the (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Water Bears VR 394130 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VectorWars 600350 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Vee Rethak - Deep Under The Mountain 584070 Initial (38) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Vee Rethak - Deep Under The Mountain 584070 Initial (43) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Vee Rethak - Deep Under The Mountain Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. VeeR Pong 494850 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 494950 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID.


1st Pass (Part 10/10)

Title App ID Source Name Anniversary Link Availability Comment VeeR Pong 494850 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed VeeR Pong 494850 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "VeeR Pong Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Weird creatures 543920 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Weird creatures 543920 Initial (27) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Vertigo 465430 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Owned App ID 465470 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. Vertigo 465430 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Vertigo Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Very Real Chess 526090 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Very Real Chess 526090 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Whack-a-Vote: Hammering the Polls 544130 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Whack-a-Vote: Hammering the Polls 544130 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Where's the Fck*ng Light - VR 542360 Initial (25) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Viking Escape 554700 the (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Viking Rage 589150 Initial (39) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed VINDICTA 597770 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Vintage VR 466720 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released Vintage VR 466720 Initial (18) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Violent killer VR 602130 Initial (21) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Virtual Idea Area 582220 Initial (10) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed Virtual Idea Area 582220 Initial (13) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Virtual Islands 519540 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Virtual Islands 519540 Initial (27) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Virtual Sports 588410 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Virtually Impossible 621780 Initial (06) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed VIRTUAnimator 459870 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Vistascapes VR 488360 Initial (26) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Vistascapes VR 488360 Initial (29) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Vive Video 606180 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released ViveSpray 494830 Initial (03) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Void Rangers 529360 Initial (08) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Void Rangers 529360 Initial (09) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed World Builder 590530 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing World of Diving 251890 Initial (37) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing World of Golf 511560 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing World VR Competition 493290 Initial (07) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Vox-L 541150 Alphabet (i) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VoxVR 502480 Initial (33) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed VR Amazing Files: Horror Hospital 517400 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Baseball 458370 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Baseball 458370 Initial (23) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed VR Battle Grid 495030 Alphabet (i) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released VR Boxing Workout 494380 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Coaster Extreme 616660 Initial (06) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed VR Dungeon 553150 Initial (33) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Dungeon Knight 566860 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed VR Dungeon Knight 566860 Initial (39) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed VR Escape the space station 513420 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Fun World 535750 Alphabet (e) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Golf Online 575540 Initial (32) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Golf Online 575540 Initial (33) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed VR Home 575430 Initial (16) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Interior Designer Pro 617600 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released VR Interior Designer Pro 617600 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed VR Invaders 561360 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Journey 527540 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Laser Harp 543280 Alphabet (c) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Monster Awakens 566870 Alphabet (f) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Photo Viewer 531980 Initial (06) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 561820 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. VR Photo Viewer 531980 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "VR Photo Viewer Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. VR Ping Pong 492710 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned VR Regatta - The Sailing Game 468240 Initial (17) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned VR Retreat 533700 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo VR Retreat 533700 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed VR Retreat 533700 Initial (42) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "VR Retreat Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. VR Shooter Guns 489160 Initial (44) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo Title has been changed, original title was "VR Shooter Guns Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. VR Snowballs 574190 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR Sports 593240 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR the Anime Girls Method / 全豚に告ぐ!これで痩せなきゃお前は終わりだ! 563160 the (05) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR The Diner Duo 530120 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned VR Ultimate Paintball: Heartbreak, Regret & Paintbots 511830 Initial (34) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VR: Vacate the Room 494810 Initial (02) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned vrAMP 433630 Initial (35) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Wrath Of The Fire God 511370 Initial (15) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VRCapture 544420 Alphabet (f) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released VRchaeology: Prologue 549920 Initial (11) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released VRChat 438100 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released VRCURATOR 607560 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VRCURATOR 607560 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Wrecked: Get Your Ship Together 619600 Initial (16) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed VRemin (A Virtual Theremin) 582210 Initial (10) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VRemin (A Virtual Theremin) 582210 Initial (13) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed vRhythm 526440 Initial (27) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Demo vRhythm 526440 Initial (28) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed vRhythm 526440 Initial (40) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "vRhythm Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. vRhythm 526440 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "vRhythm Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. VRMultigames 500360 Initial (01) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released VRMultigames 500360 Initial (02) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed VRobot 588560 Initial (34) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed VROOM: Galleon 411690 Initial (23) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VRQB 569420 Initial (30) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VRSailing by BeTomorrow 579050 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Free, Released VR-Xterminator 462670 Initial (18) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing VRZ Torment 484350 Initial (41) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Mysterium VR Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. VRZ Torment 484350 Initial (20) TRUE TRUE TRUE Combo, Demo App ID 484360 (demo) redirects to the page for this App ID. VRZ Torment 484350 Initial (21) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Xark 546670 Initial (42) FALSE FALSE FALSE Removed Title has been changed, original title was "Locked Room Murder Demo". New title is based on data from Steam. Xark 546670 Initial (38) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed XING: The Land Beyond 299400 Initial (40) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed XLR 447100 Initial (36) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Yore VR 524380 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Z`code (VR for HTC Vive) 543950 Initial (25) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Z`code (VR for HTC Vive) 543950 Initial (27) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Ze VR 574220 Initial (12) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Zero-G VR 491520 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Zero-G VR 491520 Initial (33) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Zombie Buster VR 618590 Initial (13) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Zombie Buster VR 618590 Initial (14) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Zombie Camp 503410 Initial (19) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Zombie in my city 594760 Initial (31) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing Zombie in my city 594760 Initial (32) FALSE TRUE FALSE Removed Zombie Training Simulator 446620 Initial (04) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Owned Zombie Trigger 512830 Initial (24) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing ZombieFight VR 569640 Initial (22) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing zTime (Danger Noodles!) 523440 Initial (09) TRUE TRUE TRUE Price, Missing

挑战立方VR(Challenge Cube VR) 618600 Initial (35) TRUE FALSE TRUE Removed


2nd Pass (Part 1/3)

Title App ID Positive Reviews Negative Reviews Wilson Rating Owners Followers Playing Locomotion Comment #Archery 493790 8 1 51.55 2258 251 1 Incompatible 3dSunshine 513760 20 0 79.92 18546 382 0 Incompatible Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. 8i - Make VR Human 462530 31 19 46.2 44079 229 0 Unlikely 994 W 24th 536050 0 0 0.0 1902 0 0 Relevant A-10 VR 436220 118 6 88.82 12407 438 1 Unlikely Abbot's Book Demo 434430 121 7 88.12 92816 719 0 Relevant Abduction Episode 1: Her Name Was Sarah 498460 0 0 0.0 0 326 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 558980 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. ABE VR 458590 123 69 56.03 72998 667 2 Unlikely Abode 548340 124 4 91.29 8523 432 1 Relevant Acan's Call: Act 1 501180 183 30 79.74 65697 705 2 Relevant Accounting 518580 1365 49 95.1 129772 2445 23 Unlikely A-Escape VR 538330 2 1 17.5 2023 212 0 Relevant Aleph Null 511420 1 0 16.6 1902 0 0 Relevant AltspaceVR 407060 213 33 80.98 114279 1937 12 Relevant Always Higher 497300 5 5 21.09 2492 184 0 Incompatible Passive teleporting, occurs in the same environment however so it counts. Alveari 484990 1 0 16.6 3067 66 0 Relevant Anyland 505700 136 6 90.18 5246 961 10 Relevant Arch Virtual HQ 608980 3 0 37.39 4462 82 0 Relevant Arizona Sunshine 342180 1615 189 86.38 60150 0 208 Relevant Asteroid Blaster VR 535380 6 0 54.43 5091 0 0 Incompatible Audioshield 412740 1588 142 89.32 115590 766 98 Unlikely B. Braun Future Operating Room 550520 5 2 31.93 10237 176 0 Unlikely BasementVR 561390 13 0 72.13 9750 286 0 Relevant Basketball Court VR 498370 0 0 0.0 1902 13 0 Incompatible Demo available at App ID 503930. There seems to be no control over the movement. Battle Dome 484870 402 29 90.04 13363 149 2 Relevant BeefeaterXO 590430 5 3 27.23 6273 97 2 Unlikely Behind You 397660 11 6 38.28 3067 386 0 Relevant Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment 600140 125 8 87.57 24801 397 12 Relevant Bitcoin VR 615460 1 1 07.71 2492 70 0 Relevant BLARP! 420840 148 7 90.11 10479 309 0 Unlikely Blueshift 565030 76 11 77.29 29381 407 2 Incompatible Boofle's Home 611090 4 1 32.9 4726 108 2 Relevant Bowling at the Lake 566150 6 2 36.79 15969 77 0 Relevant BowMage 496000 3 1 25.9 1501 213 0 Relevant Broken Blue 559920 11 9 31.68 10964 83 0 Incompatible Broomball VR 504630 22 10 48.94 37098 112 1 Incompatible Bubble Labs VR 527310 13 1 64.13 2492 67 0 Unlikely Budget Cuts 400940 0 0 0.0 1846 4468 2 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 459860 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Bullet Sorrow VR 521950 187 14 87.87 8770 2644 15 Relevant Demo was available before the release of the full game which was after 2017-04-05. Bullets And More VR - BAM VR 525640 142 9 88.14 5762 745 22 Relevant Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars 608000 42 5 75.25 8276 176 0 Unlikely CapitalShip:VR 535410 29 1 80.43 2970 434 0 Incompatible Carpe Lucem - Seize The Light VR 433700 32 3 75.03 2258 240 0 Unlikely Chunks 402800 26 8 57.47 24111 843 1 Relevant Climbey 520010 335 11 93.95 22034 941 22 Relevant Cloudlands : VR Minigolf 425720 185 37 77.0 32795 1562 15 Relevant Colosse 464540 88 18 73.4 61261 394 1 Unlikely COMPOUND 615120 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 615960 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Cosmic Sugar VR 559010 129 5 90.62 46769 798 3 Unlikely Cosmic Trip 427240 255 28 85.4 17144 0 4 Relevant CuVRball 539190 6 1 43.69 2258 48 0 Incompatible Cyberpong 462000 88 12 78.85 8029 551 1 Unlikely Dead Hungry 538710 7 0 58.22 2506 205 0 Unlikely Deadly Hunter VR 594490 5 0 49.88 2012 225 0 Unlikely Death Dojo 544590 31 11 56.67 21571 160 3 Incompatible Derail Valley 588030 0 0 0.0 0 833 0 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 588530 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Destination: Pluto The VR Experience 580410 7 10 19.6 8523 120 0 Incompatible Destinations 453170 162 8 90.18 141747 2749 7 Relevant Will be excluded due to recording resolution of 640x640. Dig 4 Destruction 503340 98 4 89.19 6273 770 0 Relevant Dimension Hunter 501350 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 583710 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Dimensional 457340 27 4 68.38 3388 380 0 Relevant Diorama Worlds 602630 2 0 28.47 1902 120 1 Incompatible Discovr™ Egypt: King Tut's Tomb 459170 17 15 34.31 44752 235 1 Relevant Doctor Kvorak's Obliteration Game 456740 0 0 0.0 1846 157 1 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 457800 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Doll City VR 468180 2 0 28.47 0 0 0 Relevant Don't Knock Twice 328590 0 0 0.0 1827 0 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 494340 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Don't Mess Up 575170 0 0 0.0 0 395 0 Unlikely Extra data acquired from App ID 579970 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Dota 2 570 717273 74000 89.59 99473822 0 50646 Relevant Will be excluded due to recording resolution of 640x640. Draco Dux 460730 0 0 0.0 0 140 0 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 562170 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Dragon Skies VR 518640 0 0 0.0 0 655 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 575180 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Dreadhalls 589200 39 2 81.54 3112 408 2 Relevant Dream UniVRse 544000 0 0 0.0 0 82 0 Unlikely Extra data acquired from App ID 544010 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Duck Force 511690 7 1 47.91 1656 0 0 Relevant DUO 498980 11 1 59.96 2492 192 0 Unlikely Eclipse --- Defending the motherland 470130 17 17 32.06 74323 1003 1 Unlikely EDMtv VR 513200 1 3 03.74 27782 156 0 Unlikely Egg Time 531990 17 0 77.19 25031 133 1 Unlikely Eleven: Table Tennis VR 488310 571 31 92.43 25949 1093 23 Unlikely EmbodyMe Beta 604530 3 4 13.71 3660 121 0 Relevant Emmerholt: Prologue 422500 48 14 63.73 6526 208 0 Relevant Engage 449130 18 4 58.25 50572 514 2 Relevant Eye of the Owl - Bosch VR 420020 25 0 83.27 5505 117 0 Incompatible Tricky classification as there is teleportation in a limited environment. Fantastic Contraption 386690 174 49 71.23 126502 1588 6 Unlikely FERIT Simulator 592450 1 1 07.71 3112 43 0 Relevant Final Approach 380670 260 15 90.6 48784 2799 5 Unlikely Fine China 529040 4 0 44.33 6018 88 0 Relevant Firebird - La Peri 436490 125 29 73.17 9994 1504 2 Unlikely Fireworks Desert Blast 560970 7 2 41.03 8029 77 0 Unlikely Fovos VR 576650 23 4 64.55 14552 95 3 Incompatible Driving segment. Fractasia 495450 8 9 23.88 13125 125 0 Incompatible Passive. Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 54 6 78.02 12886 346 4 Relevant Funfair 493400 16 5 51.75 32978 122 0 Incompatible Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. Galaxy Golf 471160 13 1 64.13 2549 359 1 Incompatible GIPHY Museum of GIF Art 593090 6 1 43.69 2832 61 0 Incompatible Passive. Gnomes & Goblins (preview) 490840 369 13 93.84 0 1716 4 Incompatible Event where resizing of scale occurs. Go For Launch: Mercury 467400 0 0 0.0 0 606 2 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 569470 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Goalie Challenge VR 588290 36 3 77.26 6273 60 0 Unlikely Google Earth VR 348250 1086 39 94.91 317464 0 147 Incompatible Grapply 516830 0 0 0.0 0 165 0 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 516990 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Guided Meditation VR 397750 33 6 67.85 7531 760 0 Relevant GUNNVR 576640 0 0 0.0 3067 28 0 Incompatible HALP! 485230 52 21 58.3 45873 237 0 Unlikely HandPass VR 543120 0 1 0.0 1902 45 0 Unlikely Hat Trick Header 487730 9 0 64.18 1902 70 0 Unlikely HeapVR 585270 1 1 07.71 2832 53 0 Relevant Hide & Spook: The Haunted Alchemist 466900 14 0 73.59 21107 167 2 Unlikely High Fidelity 390540 38 17 54.03 22497 408 4 Incompatible Hold the door! 501470 12 10 32.21 28364 0 0 Relevant Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. Limited teleportation. HoloBall 457320 352 23 90.47 25491 947 1 Unlikely Holopoint 457960 529 36 90.92 51465 3066 13 Unlikely Home Improvisation: Furniture Sandbox 357670 105 45 61.08 15261 2977 1 Relevant Hoops VR 487770 36 4 74.57 10722 295 5 Unlikely HordeZ 412050 311 41 83.97 23420 2506 9 Incompatible Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 791 36 93.76 52581 5531 90 Relevant Hot Squat 553590 33 2 78.8 14314 136 1 Unlikely Hover Junkers 380220 495 157 71.98 51018 15416 4 Incompatible


2nd Pass (Part 2/3)

Title App ID Positive Reviews Negative Reviews Wilson Rating Owners Followers Playing Locomotion Comment HVR Demo 510950 9 0 64.18 0 0 0 Incompatible IKEA VR Experience 447270 171 51 70.14 174096 5018 6 Relevant INFINITI VR 612790 22 8 52.91 7280 169 0 Unlikely INVASION! 503630 75 8 80.64 41832 452 0 Unlikely inVR 466260 3 2 19.95 9994 534 0 Relevant Irrational Exuberance 443790 258 27 85.91 114061 1164 0 Unlikely Extra data acquired from App ID 343730 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30 & 21:52. Janus VR 602090 19 5 56.48 10964 0 3 Relevant Jeeboman 392680 26 9 55.46 26637 374 1 Relevant Job Simulator 448280 621 77 86.03 140007 9946 183 Unlikely King Kaiju 556340 60 6 79.84 6018 442 4 Relevant Kira 607860 7 2 41.03 5246 104 0 Relevant Kismet 463290 81 8 81.85 5762 516 0 Unlikely Kitten Cannon 550820 12 0 70.49 20876 112 0 Unlikely Launch Squad 523860 0 0 0.0 0 120 3 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 524880 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Lazerbait 529150 213 2 96.12 40031 274 5 Incompatible Lifeliqe VR Museum 526680 9 3 42.97 19481 195 2 Relevant Lightblade VR 477270 318 47 82.68 39129 2253 12 Unlikely Lighting End VR 582490 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 600400 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Limberjack 500660 12 8 35.95 30521 0 0 Unlikely Locomancer 490250 6 0 54.43 1902 255 1 Incompatible LookVR 595490 2 0 28.47 2832 164 0 Incompatible Machine Learning: Episode I 524030 19 12 41.46 25347 273 0 Relevant Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. Magic Hour 571500 2 0 28.47 2492 82 0 Relevant Magic Lantern 575110 15 0 74.91 6779 111 0 Relevant MagixHome™ VR 537060 2 4 08.21 16675 128 0 Relevant Mass Exodus 566530 47 6 75.42 6779 527 8 Unlikely MasterpieceVR 504650 30 0 85.66 16204 250 3 Relevant McOsu 607260 371 21 91.48 43952 768 26 Unlikely Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. Mech Ace Combat - Trainer Edition 509380 0 0 0.0 0 274 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 538580 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Mervils: A VR Adventure 497460 34 1 82.87 2832 447 1 Incompatible MGSLeisure1000 592640 0 0 0.0 1846 0 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 592950 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Modbox 414120 75 5 84.74 34156 3117 10 Relevant Mouse Playhouse 612590 10 0 66.56 4462 5 3 Relevant 584200 10 5 38.51 7531 121 1 Unlikely Munch VR 549000 9 2 48.05 2012 191 1 Unlikely Muv-Luv VR 456570 21 19 35.54 44527 567 0 Relevant My Lil' Donut 506280 26 4 67.5 28469 102 0 Unlikely Naughty Or Nice 574780 1 1 07.71 4726 51 0 Unlikely Nemesis Perspective 537140 16 1 68.97 4110 153 0 Incompatible New Retro Arcade: Neon 465780 209 31 81.46 12647 4907 12 Relevant Nevrosa: Prelude 598070 57 0 91.9 13125 333 4 Incompatible Nick 572660 13 3 53.29 15969 285 1 Relevant NIGHTSTAR 511570 27 0 84.31 4110 603 0 Incompatible Nighttime Terror VR: Dessert Defender 451870 9 5 35.6 6273 181 0 Unlikely Octoshield VR 488150 23 5 61.53 2832 204 0 Unlikely Off-Road Paradise: Trial 4x4 556230 47 18 58.61 5505 753 3 Relevant Old Friend 570000 80 5 85.58 4987 152 1 Unlikely One Dark Night 460510 22 30 28.31 10479 151 0 Unlikely One Of The Last 550360 25 3 69.85 1656 467 1 Relevant Onward 496240 1469 124 89.79 54365 21374 113 Relevant Orc Hunter VR 494530 5 4 23.76 2492 630 2 Unlikely Organ Quarter Pre-Alpha Demo 544510 87 4 87.96 34610 556 4 Relevant Out of Ammo 451840 464 46 87.72 30065 0 18 Incompatible Can possess different perspectives. Outrageous Grounds: The Maze 513050 7 3 35.98 2970 306 0 Relevant Paddle Up 496250 189 15 87.45 9750 502 6 Unlikely PaintLab 455160 20 7 52.53 62593 619 3 Unlikely Panoptic 541930 0 0 0.0 0 506 0 Unlikely Static data retrieved from App ID 543850. Player on computer has locomotion. Pavlov VR 555160 365 31 88.59 17613 1266 39 Relevant Periodonica 426250 2 5 06.98 1501 193 0 Unlikely Pierhead Arcade 435490 145 7 89.92 11206 855 3 Relevant Piñata 477800 9 15 19.41 35968 151 0 Unlikely Pipejob 543580 22 0 81.41 3388 649 1 Unlikely PitchFork 526550 3 2 19.95 1902 75 0 Relevant Please State Your Name : A VR Animated Film 536210 27 11 52.9 17847 205 0 Incompatible Portal Stories: VR 446750 566 33 92.01 140007 0 6 Relevant Will be excluded due to recording resolution of 1280x720. Power Link VR 510130 10 0 66.56 5246 160 0 Unlikely PresenZ 404020 18 5 55.01 57306 514 3 Unlikely Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. President Erect VR 572000 29 10 56.57 12168 243 1 Unlikely Pumpkin SculptrVR 542960 3 1 25.9 17379 73 0 Relevant Punch Bomb 510060 25 0 83.27 2492 0 0 Unlikely Qantas VR 478000 5 4 23.76 17613 230 0 Incompatible Included aerial footage. Quanero VR 497820 207 11 90.5 95231 936 3 Relevant Will be excluded due to recording resolution of 1280x720. Queendoom 540410 12 0 70.49 3067 142 0 Relevant QuiVr 489380 246 10 92.38 17379 2892 29 Relevant Racket: Nx 428080 157 1 95.78 8770 880 5 Unlikely Rail Adventures - VR Tech Demo 222500 10 13 23.63 45424 227 0 Incompatible Raptor Valley 524120 28 1 79.86 7531 323 1 Incompatible Raw Data 436320 1272 175 83.93 80059 0 72 Relevant RAYGUN COMMANDO VR 576840 21 2 69.86 12407 166 1 Unlikely Realities 452710 134 30 74.03 157829 2087 3 Relevant Rec Room 471710 1178 16 97.65 223184 0 287 Relevant Relativity 516550 10 1 57.5 2953 108 0 Relevant Ricerca VR 465310 19 5 56.48 2506 173 0 Unlikely Richie's Plank Experience 517160 173 15 86.42 23651 1285 30 Incompatible Rubber Ball VR 603630 8 2 44.76 3660 36 1 Relevant Sairento VR 555880 250 19 88.59 12886 3247 14 Relevant SculptrVR 418520 43 0 89.54 25491 545 2 Relevant Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta) 564310 509 23 93.24 1356822 924 128 Relevant Will be excluded due to only being used for PC Co-Op for the Serious Sam games. Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter 552450 211 47 75.81 16440 3369 5 Relevant Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope 465240 520 90 81.74 28925 7759 23 Incompatible Moving platforms. Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 42 2 82.66 5762 845 1 Relevant Shadow Circuit 595470 0 2 0.0 1902 29 0 Unlikely Shadows of the Cloud Demo 551020 4 6 14.82 0 0 0 Relevant ShapeLab 571890 12 1 62.16 5505 145 2 Unlikely ShotForge 523170 23 1 76.41 21340 218 1 Unlikely SHOW MUST GO ON 604300 4 0 44.33 1902 53 0 Unlikely Sisters 432850 0 0 0.0 22727 1016 3 Unlikely Extra data acquired from App ID 460450 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Six Feet Under 525540 6 4 28.13 23651 97 1 Unlikely Skeet: VR Target Shooting 446770 89 17 74.47 104436 526 6 Unlikely Sketchfab VR 464940 32 11 57.52 54365 412 2 Relevant Sky Jac 518190 0 0 0.0 1902 80 0 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 596930 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Smackitball 461320 5 7 17.23 3112 60 0 Unlikely Smash Party VR 568690 21 1 74.67 9015 118 1 Unlikely Smashbox Arena 530350 306 6 95.43 12886 1703 36 Relevant Smell Of Death 445140 42 13 61.67 7280 321 0 Relevant Snow Fortress 468740 38 3 78.24 5505 613 2 Unlikely SoundStage 485780 204 6 93.27 20644 173 4 Unlikely SourVR Video Player 556750 12 4 47.03 22311 201 8 Unlikely Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. Space Pirate Trainer 418650 1137 36 95.45 121267 7107 147 Unlikely Space, VR! 496080 1 0 16.6 1510 162 0 Incompatible Speech Trainer 552770 8 1 51.55 19947 161 1 Unlikely Spell Fighter VR 455440 193 66 68.02 108376 1406 8 Relevant Spells 'n' Stuff 448880 3 5 11.87 6526 118 0 Relevant Spooky Night 557670 10 1 57.5 11928 163 0 Unlikely SportsBar VR 269170 535 26 92.94 49901 5789 19 Relevant SteamDolls VR 461100 0 0 0.0 1846 538 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 528690 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30.


2nd Pass (Part 3/3)

Title App ID Positive Reviews Negative Reviews Wilson Rating Owners Followers Playing Locomotion Comment SteamHammerVR - The Rogue Apprentice - London 1892 517460 14 7 42.49 1501 290 0 Relevant Super VR Trainer 509070 12 3 51.07 1337 418 1 Incompatible Surgeon Simulator VR: Meet The Medic 457420 94 28 67.55 274901 2036 5 Unlikely SurrealVR 461180 31 22 43.24 74765 781 0 Relevant Suspended Workshops 602660 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 607220 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Sword Master VR 523710 107 31 68.69 9015 897 7 Unlikely SYMMETRY alpha 585340 7 0 58.22 4987 153 0 Relevant Tabletop Simulator 286160 7743 429 93.85 1153895 0 2412 Relevant Tails 500880 8 0 61.43 1501 154 0 Unlikely Teratini VR 553530 1 1 07.71 1902 0 0 Relevant The Bellows 529670 71 14 72.7 61705 471 13 Relevant The Body VR: Journey Inside a Cell 451980 118 5 89.83 67912 1996 5 Incompatible The Brookhaven Experiment 440630 498 63 85.43 69904 5842 48 Unlikely The Crystal Nebula 505660 13 2 58.11 7030 79 0 Incompatible No control of movement direction. The Cubicle. 452490 354 47 84.2 143487 1879 1 Incompatible Moving platforms. The Divergent Series: Allegiant VR 448980 55 28 54.0 84024 1075 0 Incompatible The Enlightened League of Bone Builders and the Osseous Enigma 517550 11 3 48.63 27206 0 0 Unlikely Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. The FOO Show featuring Will Smith 411820 120 6 88.99 67027 786 1 Relevant The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 898 120 85.76 105750 8737 21 Relevant The Grand Canyon VR Experience 407710 32 18 48.16 5505 586 0 Relevant The Journey Home 519170 10 12 24.81 33476 175 0 Incompatible The Lab 450390 1732 32 97.28 571218 14815 285 Relevant The Last Sniper VR 502710 93 34 63.66 10722 134 7 Incompatible The Night Cafe: A VR Tribute to Vincent Van Gogh 482390 139 6 90.37 72114 657 2 Relevant The Price of Freedom 561080 161 4 93.18 33476 962 0 Unlikely The Solus Project 313630 1694 306 79.75 128246 0 31 Relevant The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing 494150 236 19 87.99 20179 1335 4 Unlikely The Wake 435380 0 0 0.0 1846 1408 0 Unlikely Extra data acquired from App ID 550700 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. The Wire 507210 10 4 41.87 30294 165 0 Unlikely The VR Museum of Fine Art 515020 119 4 90.95 72777 1067 5 Relevant theBlu 451520 568 85 83.75 78957 5089 53 Unlikely Thread Studio 529540 8 1 51.55 20179 114 0 Relevant Tilt Brush 327140 567 9 96.79 195313 6229 144 Relevant Titanic VR Demo 577660 36 6 69.84 19947 278 2 Incompatible ToledoVR 557460 4 1 32.9 1902 126 0 Incompatible Tomorrow 405480 12 7 38.18 6526 111 0 Incompatible TRANCE VR 601080 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 601090 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. Treehouse Basketball 568600 9 3 42.97 6018 72 0 Relevant Trials on Tatooine 381940 729 150 79.91 182212 3329 8 Unlikely Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. Trickster VR 512220 180 10 89.82 13840 1727 8 Relevant UNCORPOREAL - "Fluffy!" 500380 11 6 38.28 42956 237 0 Unlikely Universe Sandbox ² 230290 3853 209 93.7 256603 114689 319 Incompatible Unseen Diplomacy 429830 116 13 82.41 15261 1128 2 Relevant Will be excluded due to not having a sufficiently large play area. V ARRR 478950 37 13 58.37 2868 535 1 Incompatible Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. Wacky Wings VR 566900 9 0 64.18 1902 63 0 Incompatible Wake Up 499540 50 5 78.49 48336 0 2 Relevant Waltz of the Wizard 436820 658 8 97.42 180379 4276 26 Unlikely Vanishing Realms 322770 1763 72 94.72 86884 1457 42 Relevant Warhammer: Vermintide VR - Hero Trials 410390 66 46 48.34 27554 547 0 Relevant Limited freedom of movement. Vee Rethak - Deep Under The Mountain 584070 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 604940 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. VeeR Pong 494850 2 1 17.5 1501 94 0 Unlikely Vertigo 465430 119 16 80.51 4462 1738 2 Relevant Whack-a-Vote: Hammering the Polls 544130 8 3 39.67 13125 65 0 Unlikely Vintage VR 466720 33 4 72.79 49455 308 0 Relevant Vive Video 606180 16 8 43.96 14077 168 13 Unlikely ViveSpray 494830 52 7 75.6 7280 447 3 Relevant VR Battle Grid 495030 24 1 77.19 35275 176 0 Unlikely Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. VR Interior Designer Pro 617600 1 0 16.6 4726 0 0 Relevant VR Photo Viewer 531980 9 1 54.72 2012 180 1 Unlikely VR Ping Pong 492710 90 11 80.23 8276 472 0 Unlikely VR Regatta - The Sailing Game 468240 27 1 79.25 42956 255 1 Incompatible VR Retreat 533700 0 0 0.0 0 230 0 Incompatible Extra data acquired from App ID 544430 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. VR Shooter Guns 489160 0 0 0.0 0 239 0 Relevant Extra data acquired from App ID 503670 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. VR The Diner Duo 530120 178 4 93.79 14788 754 5 Unlikely VR: Vacate the Room 494810 145 16 83.51 14314 928 1 Unlikely VRCapture 544420 12 2 55.98 22545 409 3 Unlikely Data acquired on the date 2017-04-26 14:48 & 14:50. VRchaeology: Prologue 549920 17 3 60.5 18782 303 1 Unlikely VRChat 438100 169 44 72.48 65919 0 23 Relevant vRhythm 526440 0 0 0.0 0 120 0 Unlikely Extra data acquired from App ID 556170 on the date 2017-04-24 14:30. VRMultigames 500360 44 6 74.12 57927 0 2 Relevant VRSailing by BeTomorrow 579050 27 3 71.53 19947 267 0 Incompatible VRZ Torment 484350 105 36 65.49 9260 1497 1 Relevant Zero-G VR 491520 102 38 63.75 7030 635 0 Incompatible Zombie Training Simulator 446620 416 36 88.7 87323 1062 41 Unlikely


3rd Pass (Part 1/1)

Title App ID Released Exported Developer Publisher Perspective Locomotion View Copyright Risk Comment Abbot's Book Demo 434430 2016-04-04 0:03:53 The Abbot's Book, LLC Blackthorn Media, LLC 1020 (Full) Fixed Points Low Abode 548340 2016-11-01 0:01:12 Overflow Overflow 1020 (Full) Limited Area Medium Acan's Call: Act 1 501180 2016-08-11 0:04:42 Cyberith GmbH Cyberith GmbH 1020 (Full) Normal Low AltspaceVR 407060 2016-03-31 0:02:16 AltspaceVR, Inc. AltspaceVR, Inc. 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Anyland 505700 2016-10-06 0:04:22 Scott Lowe Scott Lowe 1080 (Full) Normal Medium Arizona Sunshine 342180 2016-12-06 0:06:10 Vertigo Games Vertigo Games 1020 (Full) Normal Low Battle Dome 484870 2016-06-08 0:03:57 Bad Bird Studios Bad Bird Studios 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Publisher set to same name as Developer. Early Access Game. Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment 600140 2017-03-02 0:07:48 Top Right Corner Top Right Corner 1020 (Full) Limited Area Low Budget Cuts 400940 2016-04-05 0:05:28 Neat Corporation Neat Corporation 1080 (Cropped) Normal Low Bullet Sorrow VR 521950 2017-04-17 0:02:45 VikingVRStudio VikingVRStudio 1080 (Cropped) Normal High Bullets And More VR - BAM VR 525640 2016-09-07 0:04:09 Koenigz Koenigz 1020 (Full) Normal Low Early Access Game. Early Access Game. Reuploaded. Excluded due to the fact the locomotion Chunks 402800 2016-04-11 0:02:03 Facepunch Studios 1020 (Full) Normal Medium mechanic is not easily accessible. Climbey 520010 2016-10-25 0:03:32 Brian Lindenhof ShadowBrain Games 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Early Access Game. Cloudlands : VR Minigolf 425720 2016-04-05 0:05:27 Futuretown Futuretown 1020 (Full) Normal Low Cosmic Trip 427240 2016-06-08 0:03:21 Funktronic Labs Funktronic Labs 1020 (Full) Fixed Points Low Early Access Game. Dig 4 Destruction 503340 2016-08-14 0:02:24 COLOPL, Inc. COLOPL, Inc. 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Dreadhalls 589200 2017-03-09 0:03:43 White Door Games White Door Games 1020 (Full) Normal Low Engage 449130 2016-03-15 0:02:21 Immersive VR Education Ltd. Immersive VR Education Ltd. 1020 (Full) Normal High Early Access Game. Copyright Notice. Reuploaded. Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 2017-03-13 0:03:33 Huge Robot Huge Robot 1080 (Cropped) Normal Low Guided Meditation VR 397750 2016-10-01 0:03:10 Cubicle Ninjas Cubicle Ninjas 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Early Access Game. Reuploaded. Excluded due to the fact the locomotion mechanic is only visible in the Home Improvisation: Furniture Sandbox 357670 2016-07-28 0:02:44 The Stork Burnt Down The Stork Burnt Down 1080 (Special) Normal Medium HMD and not on video. Reuploaded. Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 2016-04-05 0:05:44 RUST LTD. RUST LTD. 1080 (Full) Normal Low Early Access Game. IKEA VR Experience 447270 2016-04-05 0:02:01 IKEA Communications AB IKEA Communications AB 1080 (Cropped) Limited Area Low Excluded due to the fact the locomotion mechanic is only visible in the King Kaiju 556340 2017-01-31 0:02:52 Fire Hose Games Fire Hose Games 1020 (Special) Normal Medium HMD and not on video. Launch Squad 523860 2016-09-10 0:03:08 Stand-In VR Stand-In VR 1080 (Cropped) Normal Low Early Access Game. MasterpieceVR 504650 2017-01-20 0:02:44 Brinx Software Brinx Software 1020 (Full) Limited Area Low Early Access Game. Modbox 414120 2016-04-05 0:03:13 Alientrap Alientrap 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Early Access Game. Copyright Notice. To be able to record change from Fullscreen to Bordlerless in Settings. New Retro Arcade: Neon 465780 2016-08-01 0:04:43 Digital Cybercherries Digital Cybercherries 1080 (Cropped) Normal High Copyright unless music turned off. One Of The Last 550360 2016-11-04 0:02:44 Deep Voodoo Gaming Deep Voodoo Gaming 1080 (Full) Normal Low Early Access Game. Onward 496240 2016-08-29 0:02:11 Downpour Interactive Downpour Interactive 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Early Access Game. Organ Quarter Pre-Alpha Demo 544510 2016-10-28 0:02:26 Outer Brain Studios Outer Brain Studios 1020 (Full) Normal Low Pavlov VR 555160 2017-02-27 0:02:27 davevillz davevillz 1080 (Full) Normal Medium Early Access Game. Pierhead Arcade 435490 2016-09-21 0:01:20 Mechabit Ltd Mechabit Ltd 1020 (Full) Normal Medium QuiVr 489380 2016-12-19 0:02:47 Blueteak Alvios, Inc. 1020 (Full) Fixed Points Low Early Access Game. Raw Data 436320 2016-07-14 0:06:05 Survios Survios 1080 (Full) Normal Low Early Access Game. Realities 452710 2016-04-05 0:03:22 1080 (Cropped) Normal Low Early Access Game. Lacks Vimeo on their list of approved broadcasters. Rec Room 471710 2016-06-01 0:04:07 Against Gravity Against Gravity 1020 (Full) Normal High Reuploaded. Sairento VR 555880 2016-12-21 0:03:24 Mixed Realms Pte Ltd Mixed Realms Pte Ltd 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Early Access Game. Copyright Notice. SculptrVR 418520 2016-04-04 0:02:42 Nathan Rowe SculptrVR 1080 (Full) Normal Medium Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter 552450 2017-03-30 0:03:43 Croteam VR 1020 (Full) Normal None Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 2017-04-04 0:02:47 Croteam VR Devolver Digital 1020 (Full) Normal None Sketchfab VR 464940 2016-05-13 0:01:56 Sketchfab Sketchfab 1080 (Full) Normal High Copyright Notice. Reuploaded. Smashbox Arena 530350 2016-12-21 0:04:01 BigBox VR, Inc. BigBox VR, Inc. 1020 (Full) Normal High Spell Fighter VR 455440 2016-03-01 0:02:46 Kubold Kubold 1020 (Full) Normal None Can enter fullscreen with ALT+Enter. Jukebox present, music has been SportsBar VR 269170 2016-06-01 0:02:59 Cherry Pop Games Cherry Pop Games 1080 (Cropped) Normal Medium turned off. SteamDolls VR 461100 2017-02-12 0:03:12 The Shady Gentlemen The Shady Gentlemen 1080 (Full) Normal Low Tabletop Simulator 286160 2015-06-05 0:02:14 Berserk Games Berserk Games 1020 (Full) Limited Area None The Bellows 529670 2016-09-12 0:02:38 castlesteps castlesteps 1020 (Full) Normal High The FOO Show featuring Will Smith 411820 2016-04-05 0:01:57 FOO VR, Inc. FOO VR, Inc. 1020 (Full) Fixed Points High The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 2016-04-05 0:04:17 Cloudhead Games ltd. Cloudhead Games ltd. 1020 (Full) Normal Low The Lab 450390 2016-04-05 0:01:44 Valve Valve 1080 (Full) Limited Area None The Night Cafe: A VR Tribute to Vincent Van Gogh 482390 2016-06-03 0:01:36 Borrowed Light Studios Borrowed Light Studios 1020 (Full) Normal High Copyright Notice. Reuploaded. To be able to record change FullscreenMode=0 to FullscreenMode=2 in The Solus Project 313630 2016-06-07 0:05:51 Hourences Teotl Studios 1020 (Cropped) Normal Low config file. The VR Museum of Fine Art 515020 2016-08-20 0:01:35 Finn Sinclair Finn Sinclair 1020 (Full) Normal Low Excluded due to the fact the locomotion mechanic is not easily Tilt Brush 327140 2016-04-05 0:02:28 Google Google 1020 (Full) Limited Area High accessible. Reuploaded. Trickster VR 512220 2016-08-12 0:04:02 Trickster Games Trickster Games 1020 (Full) Normal Medium Early Access Game. Wake Up 499540 2016-08-09 0:02:13 Black Cell OG Black Cell OG 1080 (Cropped) Normal Low Vanishing Realms 322770 2016-04-05 0:05:21 Indimo Labs LLC Indimo Labs LLC 1020 (Full) Normal High Early Access Game. Original name included a trademark sign. Vertigo 465430 2016-12-22 0:05:02 Zach Tsiakalis-Brown, et al. Zulubo Productions 1020 (Full) Normal Low Vintage VR 466720 2016-05-02 0:01:10 Dunderware 1020 (Full) Limited Area High Copyright Notice. Reuploaded. ViveSpray 494830 2016-11-25 0:01:25 ciwolsey ciwolsey 1020 (Full) Limited Area Medium VRChat 438100 2017-02-01 0:03:41 VRChat Inc. VRChat Inc. 1080 (Cropped) Normal Low Early Access Game. Reuploaded. VRMultigames 500360 2016-07-25 0:01:15 Mad Triangles Mad Triangles 1080 (Cropped) Limited Area Low VRZ Torment 484350 2016-06-09 0:02:35 StormBringer Studios OU StormBringer Studios OU 1020 (Full) Normal Low


4th Pass (Part 1/1)

Title App ID Artificial Dashing Physical Teleport Verdict Motivation Acan's Call: Act 1 501180 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Tutorial progression too rigid, not enough freedom to skip certain parts. The focus of this title lies on social interaction with people which is bad for AltspaceVR 407060 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail repeatability. Anyland 505700 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Too much freedom and focus on interaction with objects. Arizona Sunshine 342180 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Pass (Artificial) A consistent singleplayer scenario which players could likely quickly get into it. Multiplayer oriented, singleplayer area was not considered to be well suited for Battle Dome 484870 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail experiments. Having a comparatively unique teleportation method and being in the top 20 position in Budget Cuts 400940 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Pass (Teleport) amount of followers on Steam. Bullets And More VR - BAM VR 525640 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Tutorial wasn't considered intuitive enough for participants to quickly get into. Climbey 520010 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE Pass (Physical) Unusual physical locomotion method coupled with a consistent tutorial. Cloudlands : VR Minigolf 425720 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Lost out to other contenders with a similar locomotion mechanic and more varied gameplay. Dig 4 Destruction 503340 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE Pass (Physical) Digging as a locomotion method was unique among all tested contenders. Dreadhalls 589200 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Fail Participants potentially being scared would have given inconclusive results. Exemplifies the category of Physical along with a wide variety of settings possible for Freedom Locomotion VR 584170 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE Pass (Physical) locomotion customization. Guided Meditation VR 397750 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Not well suited for experiments as there is no clear objective. Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 450540 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE Pass (Dashing) Includes a large amount of scenarios and potential for customizing them. Locomotion method of shooting an orb and then dashing to its location was unique among Launch Squad 523860 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Pass (Dashing) similar candidates. Unusual controls for locomotion compared to other titles with the addition of destructible Modbox 414120 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Pass (Artificial) environments. One Of The Last 550360 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Unintuitive game mechanics and slightly restricted area due to demo version. Onward 496240 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Fail Multiplayer oriented, starting area not well suited for experiment. Organ Quarter Pre-Alpha Demo 544510 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Locomotion mechanic doesn't stand out from other contenders. Pavlov VR 555160 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Fail Multiplayer oriented, starting area not well suited for experiment. Pierhead Arcade 435490 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Pass (Teleport) The locomotion method of choice has no range limitations compared to many other contenders. Raw Data 436320 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Pass (Dashing) Popular, polished and immersive environments. Realities 452710 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Fail Lacking unique aspects apart from the environments themselves, no progression. Sairento VR 555880 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Pass (Dashing) Popular and including somes twists such as wallrunning and high altitude jumping. SculptrVR 418520 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE Fail No inherent objectives and too much freedom for the purpose of an experiment. The title Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter is too similar in gameplay and settings while Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter 552450 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail lacking some elements such as additional weapons. Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 552460 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Pass (Artificial) Ported game with large environments and many VR settings for customization. Spell Fighter VR 455440 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Lower popularity and perceived difficulties with the user interface. SportsBar VR 269170 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE Pass (Physical) Unique locomotion mechanic of pulling the world around the player with motion controllers. SteamDolls VR 461100 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail The environment didn't feel suitable for testing of locomotion. Teleportation mechanic with the added ability of rotation which made this title stand out The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed 270130 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Pass (Teleport) from many others. A complicated process for starting singleplayer which would not have been well suited for an The Solus Project 313630 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail experimental setting. The VR Museum of Fine Art 515020 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Perceived to not having enough interactivity to guarantee that players wouldn't be bored. Trickster VR 512220 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE Pass (Artificial) Controls for the locomotion method were perceived to be easy to learn. The locomotion dashing method is similar to winners in the category with higher score and Wake Up 499540 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Fail longer gameplay. Vertigo 465430 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Pass (Teleport) Had an unusual teleportation mechanic with a comparatively different gaming environment. The focus of this title lies on social interaction with people which is bad for VRChat 438100 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail repeatability. VRZ Torment 484350 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE Fail Slow locomotion speed and lack of features due to the fact it was the demo version.


Information Sheet You are hereby given the option of volunteering as a tester in Virtual Reality (VR) with the VR headset named HTC Vive as part of a study conducted by the students Rasmus Karlsson and Alvar Sveninge from University West and the university program named Systems development - IT and society. The aim of this study is to evaluate locomotion methods in VR based on factors such as ease of use, control, curiosity, joy, intention to use and immersion. You may halt participation at any moment, if you choose to do so any generated data from this study based on your participation will be discarded in their entirety from the results.

You should read and agree to the points stated below before proceeding with the experiments:

. Before we start with any experiments you will be given a Participation Information Survey where we ask you for your birth year and your previous experience in VR. No other personally identifiable information will be collected or used in text form. . You will be playing four games on the game platform Steam, four minutes per game. . Each game will be recorded in high resolution and uploaded online as part of this study. Access to some or all this material will be publicly available on YouTube and Vimeo. . Before starting each game you will be given some basic guidelines on what to expect. . After the completion of each game you will be given a Game Survey where we ask you a series of questions related to the game you just played, we will explain the meaning of each individual question to convey the intent of each question as best as possible. . After all four games have been completed you will be given a questionnaire with the acronym SSQ, it will gauge how you feel after the completion of all games.

We have arranged four different game categories with four games each, you will play one fully:

Artificial Dashing Physical Teleport Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Arizona Sunshine Climbey Budget Cuts Hand Grenades Modbox Launch Squad Dig 4 Destruction Pierhead Arcade Serious Sam VR: The The Gallery - Episode 1: Raw Data Freedom Locomotion VR Second Encounter Call of the Starseed Trickster VR Sairento VR SportsBar VR Vertigo

After the experiments are completed you will be given the option of playing any game of your choosing currently available as thanks for volunteering to these experiments. This is entirely voluntary and won’t become part of the results of this study.

For any questions after the experiments have been concluded the organizers of this study can be contacted through their student email accounts until they either expire or become abandoned:

Rasmus Karlsson: [email protected] Alvar Sveninge: [email protected]


Participant Information Survey


Game Survey


Simulator Sickness Questionnaire


Student Theses All student theses which were used to gather references as mentioned in Contextual Review.

1. Dahlstrand & Lindau, 2017) Dynamiska utrymningssystem och riskperception – En studie av hur dynamiska utrymningssystem påverkar den uppfattade risken hos utrymmande personer. Lund University: Division of Fire Safety Engineering. 2. Ekros, 2015) Modern Virtual Reality. And the effects of affecting human senses to increase immersion. Uppsala University: Department of . 255232. 3. Elebrink, 2014) Inlevelse och interaktion i virtuella verkligheter. Luleå University of Technology: Department of Computer science, Electrical and Space engineering. 4. Eriksson, 2016) Reaching out to grasp in Virtual Reality: A qualitative usability evaluation of interaction techniques for selection and manipulation in a VR game. KTH Royal Institute of Technology: School of Computer Science and Communication. 189469. 5. Ewerbring, 2015) How can the control and interaction principles be improved for games in virtual reality: A qualitative study to create interaction design guidelines that limits the effect of cybersickness. KTH Royal Institute of Technology: School of Computer Science and Communication. 6. Hussein & Nätterdal, 2015) The Benefits of Virtual Reality in Education - A Comparison Study. University of Gothenburg: Department of Computer Science and Engineering. 7. Johansson & Eriksson, 2015) Digital 3D-modell och virtual reality som kommunikationsverktyg. Chalmers University of Technology: Civil and Environmental Engineering. kommunikationsverktyg. 8. Lu & Mattiasson, 2013) How does Head Mounted Displays affect users' expressed sense of in-game enjoyment. Uppsala University: Department of Informatics and Media. 9. Nässén, 2014) Motion controls in a first person game: A comparative user study using various input methods. Blekinge Institute of Technology: Department of Creative Technologies. 10. Rundquist & Joensen, 2016) Medierade Verkligheter: Verklighetsuppfattningen i Virtual Reality. Blekinge Institute of Technology: Department of Technology and Aesthetics. 11. Saar, 2014) Touching reality: Exploring how to immerse the user in a virtual reality using a touch device. Malmö University: School of Arts and Communication (K3). 12. Sarker, 2016) Show me the sign!: The role of audio-visual cues in user experience of mobile virtual reality narratives. Uppsala University: Department of Informatics and Media. 13. Tingvall, 2015) Interior Design and Navigation in Virtual Reality. Linköping University: Department of Electrical Engineering. 14. Wikström, 2017) Gång- och rotationshastigheter för effektiv navigering i VR. Linköping University: Department of Electrical Engineering.


Related Content Citation gives the author’s name as it would have been cited in text. Title of the article or conference proceeding. Relevance is for what chapter the content was relevant. DOI for access.

Citation Name Relevance DOI Bolton, et al., 2014 PaperDude: a virtual reality cycling exergame Locomotion 10.1145/2559206.2574827 Brooks, et al., 2010 Simulator sickness during driving simulation studies Sicknesses 10.1016/j.aap.2009.04.013 Brown, et al., 2015 Dead Fun: Uncomfortable Interactions in a for Coffins Locomotion 10.1145/2793107.2810307 Bruder, et al., 2015 Cognitive Resource Demands of Redirected Walking Locomotion 10.1109/TVCG.2015.2391864 Busselle & Bilandzic, 2009 Measuring Narrative Engagement Immersion 10.1080/15213260903287259 Caserman, et al., 2016 Real-time step detection using the integrated sensors of a head-mounted display Locomotion 10.1109/SMC.2016.7844777 10.1109/MELCON.2016.749541 Christou, et al., 2016 Navigation in virtual reality: Comparison of gaze-directed and pointing motion control Locomotion 3 A natural locomotion interface: Its impact on presence and usage in a social-media Dannatt, et al., 2016 Immersion 10.1109/SeGAH.2016.7586257 charity event for mental health Darken, et al., 1997 The omni-directional treadmill: a locomotion device for virtual worlds Locomotion 10.1145/263407.263550 Dorado & Figueroa, 2014 Review on cybersickness in applications and visual displays Other 10.1109/3DUI.2014.6798841 Methods to reduce cybersickness and enhance presence for in-place navigation Immersion & Dorado & Figueroa, 2015 10.1109/3DUI.2015.7131742 techniques Locomotion 10.1080/10447318.2010.4963 Fang, et al., 2010 Development of an Instrument to Measure Enjoyment of Computer Game Play Immersion 37 An initial exploration of a multi-sensory design space: Tactile support for walking in Feng, et al., 2016a Immersion 10.1109/3DUI.2016.7460037 immersive virtual environments Ferracani, et al., 2016 Locomotion by Natural Gestures for Immersive Virtual Environments Locomotion 10.1145/2983298.2983307 Development and evaluation of a hands-free motion cueing interface for ground- Freiberg, et al., 2017 Locomotion 10.1109/VR.2017.7892282 based navigation Grechkin, et al., 2015 Towards context-sensitive reorientation for real walking in virtual reality Locomotion 10.1109/VR.2015.7223357 Revisiting detection thresholds for redirected walking: combining translation and Grechkin, et al., 2016 Locomotion 10.1145/2931002.2931018 curvature gains 10.1111/j.1468- Green, et al., 2004 Understanding Media Enjoyment: The Role of Transportation Into Narrative Worlds Immersion 2885.2004.tb00317.x Iwata, 1999 Walking about virtual environments on an infinite floor Locomotion 10.1109/VR.1999.756964 Jackoski, et al., 2015 Walking on foot to explore a virtual environment with uneven terrain Locomotion 10.1145/2821592.2821622 Kitson, et al., 2017a Comparing leaning-based motion cueing interfaces for virtual reality locomotion Locomotion 10.1109/3DUI.2017.7893320 On Your Feet!: Enhancing Vection in Leaning-Based Interfaces through Multisensory Kruijff, et al., 2016 Immersion 10.1145/2983310.2985759 Stimuli Lages, et al., 2016 Krinkle Cube: A Collaborative VR Game Using Natural Interaction Other 10.1145/2968120.2987746 Lai, et al., 2015 March-and-Reach: A realistic ladder climbing technique Locomotion 10.1109/3DUI.2015.7131719 The Virtual Environment Performance Assessment Battery (VEPAB): Development and Lampton, et al., 1994 Other 10.1162/pres.1994.3.2.145 Evaluation Bending the Curve: Sensitivity to Bending of Curved Paths and Application in Room- Langbehn, et al., 2017b Locomotion 10.1109/TVCG.2017.2657220 Scale VR Marsh & Kluss, 2015 Capturing user intent in a Virtusphere Locomotion 10.1145/2808435.2808459 Matsumoto, et al., 2017 Turn physically curved paths into virtual curved paths Locomotion 10.1109/VR.2017.7892269 McCauley & Sharkey, 1992 Cybersickness: Perception of Self-Motion in Virtual Environments Sicknesses 10.1162/pres.1992.1.3.311 McCullough, et al., 2015 Myo arm: swinging to explore a VE Locomotion 10.1145/2804408.2804416 Mine, 2003 Towards virtual reality for the masses: 10 years of research at Disney's VR studio 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