House El Pap Lhanrlipatpr Rate of Jobless Now 5.9 Percent Sadat
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PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALD. Thurs,. March «. 1979 V Lots of Complaints Story Hours Scheduled SOUTH WINDSOR — The first series of pre-school story hours in the new South Windsor Public Library will start March 14 and 15. a Tough Year to Deliver There will be a mini-series of three weekly half-hour .......... ity <;k k (; i ' k a k .s o in story sessions open to pre-school age children. The deliver the oil." says deliveryman Arthur that home heating oil might go up as high l l r r i i l d l t ) ’| M i r lf r blaming me. Most people are pretty un- sessions will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. Students Carry Protest Weekend Entertainment Sewer Rate Increase Ashe Gives U.S, Lead l,assuw. vice-president of Ellsworth and as 70 cents per gallon. She later ad m itt^ derstandiqg. But, it’s someone to talk to ” ^ Registrations are being accepted in person or bv MANCHESTER — Most jobs, whether l>as.suw Inc. on Oakland Street. Thus, her estimate was in error, but her predic he said. telephone. On Budgets to Capitol And Guide to Activity Still Remains Mystery In Aetna World Cup its collectinf; tolls or fixing phones. Lassow listens to the people. tion caused problems for area oil delivery “They’re just wondering If it will ever If e . Wilma Hawkins will be in charge. Mrs. Hawkins re<|uire a i>erson to listen to complaints Page 3 Pages 7 to 9 Page 10 Page 11 He said his job does not make him the firms for a few days. stop. They ask the if I have any insights,” and Mrs. Anne Noordendorp will be story tellers. and comments from customers. most popular guy in town these days. "She caused panic.” Lassow said. “Our he .said. He doesn't, he added. This cold, lengthy winter has been a par- C'ustomers will see him making a delivery ph(Mie was ringing off the hook.” The oil delivery workers agree that liculafly long one for the oil delivery per and will come out to complain about the Ed Boland, president of B&B Oil Co. on most customers are not trying to pin the son. the worker who most often gets to (irices. Broad Street, said his office also received blame on them. But, they are the most ^ listen to customers' concerns aiwut oil The major concern, however, is about many calls after Mrs. Grasso's off-base visible connection to the oil producers. muse lHanrliPatpr prices and supplies. the supply. estimate. Like Lassow. he said most Thurston Stauty, foreman of the fudi oil florist c Greenhouses Mostly Suiiny, The employee who delivers the home "The big question they ask is, ‘Will customers wanted to have an immediate department at Moriarty Bros,, said many 621 HwifanUiL, Umhater Clear Tonight healing oil is the most visible person con there be enough?"' Lassow said. delivery before the price shot up to 70 oil customers complain but they realize target rnal. Weekly Special nected with the oil'Companies for most "They want to know if it’s ever going to cents per gallon. there is little they can do. ' Details on page 2 customers. Thus, the deliverer is sub stop," he .said. Many of the customers also Boland said he also has received many Mixed Bouquet^^’ ■They're hollering like the devil, but. .> Cash & Carry jected to the comments from those will talk to him and give their views about complaints from customers about the like they say, they have to have it,” he customers. Ihe international oil situation. price and the possibility of a shortage. said. 643-9S59 ■'The tM)ard chairman yf Mobil doesn't Rp'-entlv, Gov, Ella Grasso predicted ■•| d'in't think many of them are actually 643-9550 € u p m i t g Puririli Cuuncil Kidnap Case BOLTON - The St. .l.-IMESTOWN. H I. lUI’ll - Maurice Church f’arish I Three suspeet.s. Salvatore Council will meet Sunday Savastano. Michael A. Ballard, at 7:30 p.m. at the parish both of Bristol and Alan R. center. Gormel of Cumberland have been The agenda includes arrc.stod lor the kidnapping of plans for the 25th anniver Frank Galleshaw Jr.. 17. and his sary celebration; the Rate of Jobless 15-year.-old sister Tammy stairwell decision: a parish Thursday. — ■ profile assessment: the The two teen-agers talked letter to parishoners and Savastano into releasing them, the Welcoming and renewal while the other two suspects were committee brochure. Magicolor out trying to collect $500,000 in Now 5.9 Percent Kuf(] Dunre ransom from the children's fami Latex Flat Wall Paint ly. The children then ran to the BOLTON — The annual nearest house and called their WASHINGTON (U P I)-T he Irom :t2.7 percent to 35.5 percent, of non-instiluthmalized persons over St. P5lrick’s Day dance of worried parents to let them know nation's jobless rate dipped wiping out a decline e.xporienccd the 16 working to a record 59.4 percent. the St. Maurice Church they were unharmed, ending a Iractionally to 5.7 percent in month before. On Thursday, both the AFL-CIO and Knights of Columbus is Adult men and adult women GAL. daylong ordeal that began as they February, it's lowest point in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce scheduled March 17 at 8 5.90 left home for school. remained the same at 4 percent and reacted strongly to the new p.m. at the church parish OUR REG. 9.39 more titan lour years, the 5.7 percent, respectively. Teen-age wholesale price increase, which cam center. River Recedes government reported-today. unemployment rose Irom 15.7 per atop a 1.3 percent rise the previous There will be live and Dries In just 30 minutes! Covers In . s a v e But unemployment among black cent to 16.1 percent, and joblessness month, and -were preparing (or TUNE-UP...FIX UP one coat; cleans up with water. The Kankakee River receded recorded entertainment. e teen-agers increa.sed dramatically to among blacks and other minorities gloomy unemployement news too. Buffet and beer and set-ups And It's washable! slowly Thursday from its ram lumped from 11,2 percent to 11.9 per YOUR FOREIGN CAR 0^v- :l5.rj percent White workers were the Last month the jobless figures will be provided. For paging crest that smashed into cent. ?.42g a l . I only category to sliow a decline in the dropped slightly to 5.8 percent, but riverfront homes, southeast of tickets call Andy Pinto, jobless r;ite. In June ol lust year. Hie RLS in Tune-Up Kite , ___ Chicago, with huge ice floes and ''S.i both business and labor have 646-6388: Oil Boisoneau, „ OFF The unemployment rate dropped itially reported the unemployment for Volkswagen, hPurReg. priggi forced about 80 famiies to flee to predicted a gloomy future because of 643-0688; or David Prin- 1 0:1 pereen'. from .tunuary's 5.8 per- rate at the .same 5.7 percent, but that high ground. At one point the nor government economic policies. The diville. 617-0026. Datsun & Toyota eenl to Ihe lowest point since it hit 5.4 was boosted to 5.11 percent in the an- mally tranquil river surged to 20 administration itself forecear. Our e \ percent in August 1974. feet above flood stage. "There is bad news down the road” Tujjf-(]rafl Salt! Rtg. 3.99.......r D The drop was good economic news National Guard troops were for consumers, acknowledged •Our Rsg. 4.99..... 3.88 for Ihe administration lollowing VERNON -T he Skinner GAL. sent to Shelby. Ind.. to help Good News Labord Department economist John ....... 5 . 7 0 Thursday's announcement tlial Road School PTO will •Our Reg. 6.99 authorities shore up a 30-foot wide Early after the wholesale price data Kits come complete with OUR REG. 12.89 wholesale prices jumped 1 percent spon.sor an outdoor tag sale break in an earthen dike caused was released, showing food and gas points and condenser. last moiitli. For Economy and craft fair April 21 from I Warranted one-coat coverage! In by surging waters from the oline leading the surge. ■ colors to match our latex wall paint. The bureau .said Hie number ol to a m. to 3 p.m. on the Kankakee. At least 10 families The labor federation and Chamber iFade and slaln-resistant, too. Americans out of a job in February school grounds. Spark Plugs for were evacuated. nuul seasonal udjusImeiU annuuneed of Commerce placed most of the remained at 5.9 million — the same All proceeds from the Volkswagen, Datsun, in January. blame on Carter's programs. events will be used to help Gun Survey as in .lanuary Total employment, A bureau spokesman cautioned "It is the same old story — fund field trips lor the Honda and Toyota measured by Hie monthly survey of (hat FcbruarW.s Iraelional drop in everything is going up. up. up." said liouscholds. grew by 345.000 to 96.6 Hie unemployment rate does not in students. ?*9?ssTor. 4 .1 7 WASHINGTON (UPI) - A sur- AFL-CIO President George Meany. For more information or |vey. commissioned by the million. dicate a downtrend in the unemploy Meany .said the increases "are Sizes to III most models. to reserve a booth call 875- National Rifle Association, taken While the overall iincmploymciil ment picture. He pointed out that the evidence that the present anti- 4330 or 872-9892.