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total control, it’s very obvious here," the facts." said Smith. "Kemp is said Smith, who is in Detroit for his extremely conservative, he lacks the i.iHu Shepard la u nluff nirmlier first convention. experience of Bush and I'm not sure in I li e K \ r n i n g II e r u I d ' n In this convention with few sur- he would round out the ticket." n atthinglon bureau. She providex prises, little controversy and almost Bush specifically asked Connec- eonlinuoiiM ruverage. of the every delegate echoing the unity ticut delegates not to demonstrate on (iongrexx and goterniiient ugen- theme, the only topic of real interest the "convention floor on his behalf. eiex to the K\ening Herald. She ix is who will receive the fateful phone Newspaper polls are showing Bush in Tielroil covering area delegalex Gen, Haig aloof call today or tomorrow from Reagan garnering 47 perceTtt of the delegate to the Repu III iron National Retired Gen. Alexander Haig, president of United Connecticut (delegate Antonia \Conveiition. -Kd. Parker, <of Glastonbury, said the asking him to be the number two on vote and Kemp receiving 35 percent. Technologies Corp. of Hartford, talks with Bud Day, a highly delegation is almost 100 percent the Republican ticket. Reagan, however will make the decorated war veteran and former P.O.W. Haig's last-minute behind Bush, with the exception of a Tuesday's rumors were fueled by final decision. few members who have jumped the talk that Reagan was going to offer The Connecticut delegation was inclusion with the Connecticut GOP delegation is viewed less former President Gerald R.
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