VITTMERS S!;[; Aug 29 As Prime Minister
PAGE TWENTY — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wi., Sept. 5,1975 Town adult school plans The weather Weekend section Inside today’s Herald is Weekend, a section devoted to Forum of the Arts, features, and courses for MHS credit . Cloudy with showers and scattered the television listings for the coming week. thunderstorms likely today. High around 80. Save it for future reference. Clearing tonight, low In the 50s. Sunny Sunday % Manchester's Adult Evening Room 109; film appreciation, class, Tuesday & Thursday, 8- with high near 70. PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS School will offer courses for Monday & Wednesday, 8-9:30 9:30 p.m.. Room 211; physical Manchester—A City of Village, Charm e ig h t e e n pa g e s - t w o se c t io n s GARDENING education, Thursday, 6:30-7:45 high school credit, open to p.m.. Room 109^ current • MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER «, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 287 By FRANK ATWOOD adults, high school students and events, Tuesday & Thursday, p.m., gym. non-high schoo[,graduates. 6:30-8 p.m.. Room 219; general The physical education class Each course, except physical meets for 10 weeks. The course had prizes for several annual science, Tuesday & TTiursday, Sunflowers are a specialty A class that called for education, will meet three hours 6:30-8 p.m.. Room 211; general is designed to contribute to the crop for Jimmy Moreau, but he flowers, including marigolds exhibiting a basket of six general conditioning of the body and zinnias, and awards on four per week for 12 weeks.
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