pogs Have Their Forty-third Annual Barking Feaist at Madlison Garden ¦.-¦ Square Chase Comes All Clubs Waive 1. Kennels, Ridgewood. Md.. which was one Johnson Wins On Five Red Sox of the principal winners at Madison Colonel Ruppert To tlie Giants; :>quare Carden, yesterday, at the opening d ay of the Westminster Rejoices for Reds World Champions Kennel Show. From Voshell When Oh Holke Feb. 19..Ma.ru.ger In Tennis Boy Triumphs BOSTON,Edward Barrow of the Play Rariden Also Securcd Boston American League Owner of Yankees Scores Notable in Qass jjjll Club announced Victory o r a ii in to-day Brilliant and },y M Dral that waivers had been received Hard-Fought for St. Battle on Roof. Bernards.Bushman's Great Dane§ for Peerless Hal from all the league clubs on Waged l'red Thomas, third baseman; Alexander Beats Mallory Are One of the Chief Centres of Attraction Macbeth Richard Hoblitzell, first base¬ By W. J. man, and outfielders James , greatest of all first base- Walsh, Paul Smith and By Fred Hawthorne By Harriette Underhill English toy spaniela. She chose Mrs. or Pre8en*» wiH wear the George Once more Madison Garden Charles Spaeth's champion Ashton jn«o. P3st Whiteman. All five were mem¬ PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 19..Wallace Square More Toreador of John J. McGraw'a Giants in F. Johnson, of this city, runner-up to is echoing to the bark of tho over Greenacre Ken¬ iivery bers of, the world Maurice E. fifty- nels' Greenacre Comet in the final de- champion Red McLoughlin at Newport in seven or more varieties of canines cision for but tho approaching Sox team last 1909 for the national championship, dogs, in the bitches'classs tilBpionship campaign. Manager season. defeated Lieutenant S. Howard Voshell, which make up the annual show of the the Greenacre entries carried away of the home forces and Man¬ national indoor title holder, in a bit- Westminster Kennel Club. everything. Champion and reserve jicGraw contested three-set went to Netona and Wharfdale Moon- ager of the Keds, after a terly match on the Every one who visited the Garden on light. Kid roof of the Wanamaker Building this Tuesday shook his head and said: "It sbort coEference yesterday afternoon, Gleason Wants afternoon, by a score of 3.6, 6.2, Winthrop Rutherford placed fox ter- coacladed a trade whereby First Base- never will be ready for tho dogs to- riers. The winning dog was T. R. Holke and Kill His morrow." But it was Varick's Ambition. Bar- r:an .Walter All White Sox victory places Johnson in the ready, and nard Champion Ksriden were sent to Cincinnati in semi-flnal round, where his opponent promptly at 10:30 o'clock J. Chief, from the same kennels, cichansc for ,Prince Hal. will be either Ichiya Kumagae, of Willough- was reserve winner. Mrs. G. T. Cour- Thus terminates, after the fashion Deserters to Return Japan, or Vincent Richards, of New by Mitchell, Harry Pnters. John Kee- tenay's Sabine Fragrance was the win- of gooii story books, a romance that York, national doubles champion. van, Dr. Kobler, Edward Chase, Mrs. ning bitch. She defeated J. W. Wein- in the d distant of In another fourth Frank berg's Nemo begaa past 190o, round match Clarke and the rest of the The Opal. vrith the fatted calf awaiting the nod Peb. Craig Biddlo and Frederick B. Alexan¬ judges who were scheduled for an competition for Scottish terriers son. Chase his CHICAGO, 19,.Members ot the der. both was won by Mrs. D. W. Evans's Al- cf thc prodigal bejran Chicago Amexicans who internationalists, struggled early rising stepped into their rings, professior.nl career in New York, but deserted the through two hard sets, Biddlc taking and the forty-third annual big show bourne Jack. with Toybank Leader aa with thc American League club, whose club last season to engago in the first and Alexander the second, was under way. the reserve winner. ship- before -. I.- prestige for war-- was brightened and building will bo invited to they were compelled to call a The show is not the same this year. the of the return, halt because of darkness. will It more hei?huned by legerdemain "Kid" successor of They seems, somehow, intercsting, most sensational kid infielder that Gleason, Clarence replay the entire match at 10:30 to- and there were two rings, at least, Beats his Rowland in the management of the morrow morning. which were so crowded could Appel ever jimmied way, untried, into Other that you MacKay ;he fastest company of t'ne national White Sox, announced on his arrival matches scheduled for to- not get within ten feet of tho rail at morrow are those between Harold L. time. fci Match frolic. to-night to assumo management of national any Squash Terminates, too, one more unpleas- Taylo-r, junior indoor cham¬ Great Danes Popular if to tho club. pion, and Paul W. Gibbons; Kumagae ant tuT which, fought out the One of was After Bitter end, have further Joe Jackson, whose in and Richards, at 2:30 o'clock; Sei- these rings whero the bitter might dis- desertion ichiro Kashio and William T. Great Danes were performing, and Fight turbed tl and quiet of organ- Philadelphia in tho 1918 season Tilden, .zed baseball. For Chase had early 2d, at 3:30, and several matches in the without beating about the bush at all accept- started other playcra to the shipyards, men's doubles. we shall say immediately that thc rd terms with McGraw before the Thc presence of Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. By A. C. Cavagnaro I.ittle Mapoleon negotinted the swap had been offered a contract, Gleason summary: said. Middle States coTered court slngles (Uilrd Bushman had a great deal to do with John W. Appel. jr., of the Harverd for his thus dissipated While definite word has not round) Lieutenant S. Howard Yoshe'd defeated this interest. the aftermath of Chase's vindication Char!o3 Seltzer, 6-2, 6.0; Vtncent Richards de¬ Club, dispiayed his best game in elimi- been received from tho star outfiolder, feated Charles N. Beard, by As soon as we cntercd the Garden ofcharges derogatory to his character, default; Frederick B nating Donald MacKay, Yale in a his it is expected he will return to the Alejander dcroated Alva Mallnry 6.0, ti.0 yesterday we knew that eomething was Club, pwferred by late employers, the Fourth round Wallace V. Johnson defeabsd there which never had been there be¬ third round match of the invitation Cincinnati National League baseball gamc. Lieutenant S Howard Voshell, S.6, 6.2 7_5 Junior slngles tflrat round).Charles Reltwr 'do- fore, and then we saw what it was.a scratch tourney of the National Squash club. Byrd Lynn, a catcher, is the first of rentn.i riobort Shrelner, 0.15, 6.2, 3.all (default) huge in the centre of the floor Suit Held Deal Wallace Llnton won from Mcho'.aa de¬ sign Tennis Association at the Yale Club Vp the "deserters" to return his of Phillies fault. Fagau by said "Francis X. Bushman's Bushmanor i and on and A^sociates take the secondhand store in Tho Bronx? value of $5,000. The Green manor defeated thc charming Prince W' "- Wer penal code scriously, not only Spring Hamlet for first but Hamlet Club, ii-V/l. **". ^""^ BSattis, or his avidity to accept as would the principals and seconds be.'in WHERE DO THEY Valley Steeplechase Handicap has a honors, r Bill" Rariden, who Liablc to of the interior of the GET THEM? like valuefc as well as the Pimlico didn't seem to mind it in the least. Joma Prosecution danger viewing Winners went to Walter tirr ago announced hia definite Bj h but ;t !ot more or h ss de- Sprinp; Handicap. The other race is dogs Graham's retrremi UNDERHfLL assures us the dog show is a the Spring Juvenile with $2,500. The champion Rufflyn Marquis. Brighton Gets Date Xow Under Penal De- serving newspaper writers who were AjtARRIETJ. Mrs. Bushman's Hill do not be at all surprised if Code, when the waa n rl T-R-E-M-E-N-D-O-U-S success. Yet we sce thc Pimlico Nursery, another 2-year-old Rolling Gerda present agreement customary number won the for bitches. yoang Mr. Holke is the medium of a tentatively would be iu thc same dan¬ of entries for to-day at Ilavana and New race, has been closed already. ln ad¬ open competition For Women Water Meet «oat!e play, New York to clares Orleans. dition to the $25,000 added money in Such is the lure of the screen. We were to Cincinnati CoimsellorTaekcr ger. They.would como u:.der tho head informed that Brooklyn. Uncle Wilbert Robin- of a or the Preakness the Woodlawn Vas'e, a many persons visited the publishintr "challenge accepl Famous Come-backs show to see Mr. and The MraDodgers are without thc services ance of a for such a contcn- famous old turf trophy, will go with dog yesterday Mrs. women's 500-yard national in- r'f an challenge That Bushman make a door fii t baseman. Of a or Fightin' Fificenllu the Preakness. personal appearance. swim to be held c\ tion, exhibition fight." -_«-. It was at championship «wity Robbie cannot be to By W. O. McGeehan probably true. At any rate it the Brighton Beach p'ool on .ave supposed The hope of escapo seems to to be. was April f:- riend Jake without The Willard-Dempsey articles only Good that appeared U, among the date3 announced asnranceu 01 ome canahle signed be that the Willard-Dempsey meeting idea, fathers' and sons' week. Mothcr and the New Another centre of attraction were the yesterday by Fred W. substitute at Weehawken are a girls will Kelly, Captain Rubien, chair¬ Just where ""Boshter Bill" ia to'iit in not worth the will be neither contention, exhibition take care of the other flfty-ono all right. Red Cross dogs. And just to think that man oi the championship committee, matter of J.apcr they are written on. Worse nor fight. But that hope is slim. The Of Eleven these beautiful, intelligent, kind and ior the contesting of these ,' ,a speculation which bout he neither n contention nor a Rutgers annual «taer Time will disclo3e at his lei- than that, Tex Rickard, Jack may wonderful creatures used to be called nxtures. Other dates for women title tere, Dempsey. fight, but it may come under thc head While NEW N. Feb. 19.. "German sheep dogs." Now, of rneets are: Jack Kearns and the witnesses to the of Your investigating alleged baseball trust, how about thc BRUNSWICK, J., course, 200-yard breast stroke, Hal exhibition. humble servant, . wrestlers? Frank P. halfback on the Rut¬ they are listcd as Athletic Club of Chase, but for a peculiar tem- contract are should we say trusties? Kelly, merely shepherd Columbus, 0., March pparent Iiable to prosecution for present in tho line of duty when thc gers football team last season, has dog3. 12; fancy dive, Detroit Athletic J"J>»en1 indifference, conspiracy and for violation of articlt wero can Private Club, > greater in Sec- agreed upon, already been elected captain of the eleven for Fred Prcisinger stood in March 29. w heights tions 1,710, 1,713 and 1,714 of the foc\ thc of the mitt on his DAD KNOWS, ALL RIGHT front of the entries The profession than hSs the mighty penal code of tap legal tho 1919 season, it was announced to- from the Bluo dates of championship events '? Coor.. New York State. shouldqr. was out most of the season Blood Kennels, and from the way for men are: has never produced e facts were When all i3 said day. Kelly partly 220-yard swim and 150- a '¦¦ v, brought out yes¬ As Counseller Tacker out, i( with injuries, but he is one of the best he handled the dogs and partly because yard back stroke, Detroit A. ntf baseball wit terday by poit.ts And v C, March m sfieer He revolutionized Counsellor Emmanuel was n evidence under this section thal done, players the college has ever produced. he had so many gold stripes on his 29; swim, Multnomah Athletic Iackor, of 22 William Street. Coun- sleeve we 1-mile; «n.base play. He was a wizard at sellor Tacker Jess Willard cscaped the toila of Jack My son, George Foster Sanford to-day de- stopped to talk with him. Club, Portland, Ore., August 2. has made an cxtcn- clared that are » -_ He lacked only that sive study of the law Curlcy and Tom Jones, who had him You'll find your FRIEND prospects for 1919 For Exhibition Only of a < obb to prompt him to lism and covering pup;i- signed up for a long time contract. 11 brighter than ever. Syracuse and Col- His are Wotan jmbitijn sparrinjj exhibitions. The was The bloke have both been booked for dogs Captain Dix, School Wins 'arpassing eff, attention of the shown that, while the Willard- gate games, Pasha and each with a Bluo Kingsley District Attorney as was it was announced. D'Nester, School (.'onstantlv in Hot Water been invited to the Johnson fight staged in Havana, Who will lend Blood in front of his name. were Kingsley swamped the Verona result and 'there that Jones and had cheerfully They High bchool m a Cfcase' :. om chance that a Willard, Curley for exhibition only and Private Prei- basketball game yes¬ has 1 ad him, gendarme or come to their in New York When you are broke. terday by a score of 22 to 8. ¦*¦ or It in hot water two may meet Tex Rickard on agreement Havana Results singer told us all about how he has the Coate tly his State. Thcrefore, the contract was, trained them for victor s centre, and the *"1» evaiy under whom he return to New York, while an army Verily! Flrst ra-e (four-year-olds and upward; clalmlng; Red Cross work. forward, accounted for Cavanagh, «rved. But he is corps or two will bc .sent out to illegal. The trio just missed tho Bas- Verily! purso $500; flve and a half furlongs).Servla. 08 D'Nester is his favorite and he is a eighteen of the unless very foolish eather tile a few The Crown (Fateri, 3 to 1, 6 to 5 and 3 to 5, first: Caliaway, Kingsley points. in one JaTik Ike by jumps. Prince, according to I, C. Davis, is now the same on 102 5 to 1, :: to 1 and eren. wonderful youne; dog. Prcisinger told th McGraw. He Dempsey. Dorgan, 1 ack on the which both (Dreycr), second; .-¦.a.- ,. under a Rickard's associato and tho tiredest Looking incidents ends He is wearing wooden shoes. I.ady Spondthrlft, 104 (Lunsford), 4 to 1. 8 to 5 us that the work which the dogs do on cloud. He preceded the actual of and 4 to 5, thlrd. Time, 1:08. Jojam, Hazolmit. the other side that Clason Point back as a Giant on business man in New York, is said to signing Demp- Miss Franres, Zangareo, Lantana, Kipression, Vlroe, proves they have at Five Victors have wind of sey. the minions of the law could have Uaronnc. lioots. nl»o ran.. least human '. And at the ago of gotten the affair and is As Two Peas lusty intelligence. Glason Point Military won bc a backed a patrol wagon up to thc Bilt Second race (for will hunt out the wounded sol¬ Acaderny e brightest part of. reported to fugitive from justice "Ban four-year-olds and upward; They sc«r'n& game from at more or tho Claridge al any time dur¬ Johnson.tlie Roosevclt of Baseball" . elalruing; purse $500; flvo and a half furlongs) diers with first aid kits and their water' HrlnM .basketball he would bc Doyle' headlines, "Leslie's Colle. 105 (Nolan), 7 to 2, 6 to 5 and 3 to 5, Brooklyn Prep in the Catholic *>Hh mde< .-: n When Rickard made the ing the procec-dings and carried away Wee kly." One wcars the r.n.'nro. bottles, and will return to camp and Leaguo to cro the hurried and glasses; other did. nrst; 106 (Pickons), 3 to 1, 6 to 5 and championship series yesterdav bv a *tham inexpensive trip to Weehawken a load. Ikc Dorgan had the illegal 3 lo .'., second; Scylla, 000 DampBey'a tionaliats avidity by Lady. Biister Clarl; Caballo, Ftistian, Terrlble impossible capture < nd the cor rht ha- ,¦ < among the writers and bent into all You have to shfiot '.' the National Contracts Are Ilhgal Horc topped it. manncr of shapes to serve Miss, Mlke Dbon and Earnost also ran. them, and it broke Lmraa ^ocaoeue. 10.; ?'** VV1 i. Den arrived race heart to do Weller. 107. -: n ,,f. to for That pi ey at the (:iavidge difterent purposes. Tho fact that to Fourth (tlio Trlnidnd Handicap; for three- my that.. They were J*»»wsi< report prac. much is contained in Section and declared Murphy happens know a year olds and upward; $>00 added: ono race (for 1009 Yat that ihe arrangements of other intimately /uititand. 115 mile) brave, 1*11 tell you. No 'Kamerad' three-year-olds and umr.rn ff*G gs'a 1,710 of thr: penal code .which reada were couple National League club is (Nolan), 7 to 5, 1 to 2 and out tWo - made Kearns an- presidents made ¦. there." 2. or to the openin of a:-, follow : by satisfactory the subject of flrst; Cleek. 110 (WlngflelcU, 7 to 5. 1 to and oth r have bitter tirades the out, second; Hocnlr. 103 (Lunsford) 4 to The St. Bernards, and M: Kannar, U«; il ¦«. spectacular pinch might against parent organization, which is !" 1 rough smooth, kir.J^ «*.' JSSSf"' »Tii*& of "A person who within this state bei n made. The accused in some 7 »nd to 2, thlrd. Timo, 1:494-5. Fllt- were in the -,.,:- ich fact almost innoccnt nawspaper quarters of tergold and Tetlej also ran. judged early day... Jacob ;,*"pox, interrupted engages in. men who east a being syndicated. °Pr" Vmerican instigates, encourages ballot to decide how Fifth r;ice (for and Ruppert's superb collection drew a Z League or does any act to further a con¬ Mr. Murphy knows all four-year-olds upward; crowd to the much Dempsey should receive might probably the club owners of the National flalming; purse $600: one milo and an elghth'--- ringside as the saintly Honolulu tention or fight, without weaponB, have been marched Sasenta, 10(1 (Lunsford), 6 t., 5 l i0 .'¦ aiid breed was announced Boy, 112; rU-llloc. 107; .FixyGrtJr lo tho and the American for ¦. W as n r guard- League, League as well. He a out, flrst; Ballad, 113 competition. race (for Ihrw. w. ; tallings man-j wo moi '¦. persons, or a hou too. is good mixer He :; (Kolsay), 3 to 1, oren an d Mr. seemed to year-olds and umrarrt' toward the close of ", seems to know to :.. second; Dladl, 108 (Nolan), 7 to 2 ti to 5 Ruppert have several .?;%''; fight commonly called a ring or prizo about cverybody worth And ¦'-'''' tons of canine andled the club New knowihg. that he should buv John'."'''., \v'"i\\. Klcln7. '!!ir'', .m'"'10' ,1:52 Abrltrator. perfection.. But, oh, £*,i91f fight, either within or without tho Contract Possible stock m the Cubs is not at all and Flare also ran. boy! (this is not an effort to win or The a oxclamation, but: state, who ensrages in a public or surprising. property is stock com¬ Slxtlajrace (for four-year olds and upward; clalm- a was .ri a Thc contention of Counscllor Tacker pany, and he has a tntt, purse $500; one mile atid a sU-twnth).Bler- dog's name), Oh, Boy, invinci- post-sei private sparring exhibition. with or always been shrewd investor. The niann, 101 uj. Pr. :, ble. He startcd ¦' is that Tex Rickard will have to dc- fact that Mr to 2. 1 to 2 and out in the class of Amer- .'>.- eason without Kiovcs. within this state at has seems a flrst; MuJ-ill. 108 (Thurber), 3 to 1. 6 .L Tfty? clare the contract. Murphy bought harbinger of baseball .1 to ln 5 and ican-breds, and with small gallantry i&*^ztZg^a£i der the standard . which an admission feo present with Demp¬ prosperity. .',. secrmd; Bcorpll, ion (Widai. 15 to 1 iu7; l>.ior chareed null and vofd IL makes Iittle 0 to 1 and . to 1, thlrd. Time. 1 47 4-', laitn defeated Hercuveen Machree. Then ^fl^ord.09^8^.! or received, ither or sey and defunct and difference how closely one magnate directly in- evi <.! io may be associated DaJ'oreaK.^ he went in the limit class and beat Koiirth race (for with Frank' or rything and go outsidc the state with -rii''''3,Tldu and."t'-'1'\enghiM,slst,!r'also ran. Chllluin,' ili£h four-yeax-olda and irowar.1 dircctly, who sends or publi he« another of the same major so as Gold and in tne purse, one ed a or erven outnide tho country and fix league long each is master of his Boy, open class he $500; nUlei-Brtbad^vXt' Wolverton, and challenge or acceptance of a chal¬ own defeated Valais Sanaymlng, 106; Kande of ripiimr. ,, traded to thc for up a new one. By this ho show. When it becomes apparent that are Wolfram, the only DraaUc. 104: G)a*,u>l. 104;' "^ Whito lenge such a contention. exhibi¬ doing may players being New (Means which Fifth race Kohinoor foT' also escap« thc siblc si one juggled Results thing might have worried hini. (for thrao-year-oldi umriM Rollie Zeider. tion or fight. or carries or po: ssion iii from team to a rival in a manner to ¦. ind g/«r delivers durance vilt jeopardize the fair name of sport Flrst race (two-year-olds; purse, $500; three and Of course, after that winning was a r>urs«. $500; one mllel-Tito m: j«r than a ;. challenge or or i hall rurlotigB).Atta Amal*amator, Ul; IMisen lli bi». tw.- "' acceptance, it will be time to cry "Wolf!" And that Koy II, us (Murphv), 2 to certainty for him, and, de¬ ¦ ib of or ai Bists ai by time the writers will be 111 having m; Ute Well.. 106; -Don Dod^ F»2iuaipiin,5 any person in Ike Dorgan, hipi ociate, while he able '¦; \n i -a!' ra'H,vo".; Bponortllo, (Barrett), feated the he % %$£ When peace was or refii cd to como to give the matter their undivided attention. Machree, winning bitch, training prcparing for such a out of hiding at The general public will was declared to be monarch of all he SlxUl raie kfor l«rnl in.the contention, exhibition or it as 0.44 1-5. Pueblo. Uirce-vear-olda «j.i ,._.,.. League fight, iy Doyle's, gave his opinion that a have ceased to care. Diomcd and Harar also ran. surveyed. V claimlng: purse. $500: e-, rrJle,'- Vra^k guilty of a now contract Second race 111; Lukemaa, Ul; -Al Sh^^' misdemcanor." would be signed. He ro- (three-yeor-olds and upward- Other breeds which were on Ptarcft 106.%J&"?£'. It was maldens; purse, $500; one mllo).Betsy, 101 (Bar- judged OHre" 104: '*"*»?*¦ 101; »*» V lumpers, to duck this law that Rickard questod that his disguise bo not rc- rett), 8 to 1. eu-n and to the opening were Suirr ',,-. .Fra^Li .'- ar -1 wax ii... 2, won; Oinond. K>6 day Englisn tox ftnally fiitted to tho side, Tho nntil the case blows over, but Ui'tilnson), 5 to 1, 7 t,i 5 nnd 3 to 5 *ie,-onfl- Seranth raoc Jersey promot- yealed him of much speed, and then spaniels, griffons, Scotch terriers, (for three-year-olda and uwiM- by the Ci ers of the it ia no to Tc and there HV Robinson). 7 S 10. \V clalmlas; purae. $500: ,,:.. Willard-Demphey battlo violating confidencc Bay (1 Mcredith Takes announced thlrd»%Wrinie. 1:45 2-5. .Man or '^fffc bloodhounds, mastiffs, smooth fox ter¬ snlle^and a that a new that he would decline thc Honor. Man' FuUer .h"' 1W: auarSfT' evaded Section 1,710, but ran there colored attendanf F,a"kl"g' WucheM of and old u Aidebaran return to they into invitation and rctire from activc com- also Savoy Clare BooUw riers, English sheepdogs, Pomer- woOd,,'Un"rir.u109i10B; Amrustua. 102; Alma B 09-wFQr.'k.Z. i^'i*.5' major Section 1,7 l.'i, and were apparently at ono of the snookcr tablcs who looks pel it ion. anians, Russian wolfhounds, American wrecked. as Section lik,. a white man a Il All Back and a"d ui>"'*"l: SickS" ?oT"%:*^»a««rlSL-'^ 5"Sh1ib,K,o^ '.¦ Tough 1,710 may doing blackfacc .,^i'r'irnanc<;.four".i;ear'ol,dspiirse, one clalmlng; fox hounds and Newfoundlands. Broderica. 102. »Or- n»l "iin l.< coi However, sftortly after this an- $500; mile and sovents yards)- aw. »£ *5??i0n;-'¦'.'' League seom, 1,713 is toughcr still. It His r n to that. !- S to 2 to Rhyme", d o? ,389 in 1918. Ho reads': of Mr. ight ponds nouncement Captain Mcredith pot frol- (Troxlcr), I. 1 and e.ven, won; Hluo- Mrs. De Meo a Victor "A who Dorgan. Will Ruii .x><*, 112 (Burke) 0 to .', 2 to 1 and e-,-n .AivrcnUco allcmrajice under person lcavcs this state Again icking around Franklin Field with some seoond; Mar Tom, 10J 8 Mrs. Frank T. Clark dalmed. Kjtk': hitting with Whethor or not the minions of thc to (Mooney), to 1 J to i judged Poms a3 ,fl ,917> but hvX Intciit to elude any provision of Penn athletes, and the that he and 8 5, thlrd Tlmi O i-5 Boior Har- she knows so ivell how to Wlt^y1 y^r c«nie this article law will hop Rickard when he returns in speed wood. Stolcllff, Bcan Tranhv, do. In the (Section 1,710) or to showed these impromotu races con- Progresslvtf, Dnlwwid, Splller,Mlnnle Diindreary open class under seven Havana Entries cornmit any acf frore the oil fields romaina to be seen. him <,(^..| F., Lcah Cocliraa pounds, any Kirst ." thumped tho leathor at without tho state H is PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 19..James E. vinced that ho had a chance to Counsel, Noureddln also ran. color, Mrs. V. S. De Meo's Pall Mal'l rnc« ifour-yoar-o!d» «nd upward- ri^l^ which is this hardly probable, as. thc New York "come back." Fourth prohiblted by articlo, is at thc Mcredith announced his race, tho Contlnental Handicap (throe- \Vee Goldspeck took the blue, defeat- Uo« 100; -»I'<. favoBably coneidcring logal- trance into amateur track and field to 4 won' Mall Boai Qnb Dance i/.o in this state it Dnuglds S., 100 (C Uoblnson), 4 to 1 oren and Sun Bright Dazzle. which would bc the boxing But is competition at the arinual dinner of the Nelson Galbraith out, second; Opportunlty, 108 '. ^ygnet punU'-.able by certnin that New 4 to 5 (Moics»cr'ii) :, to Winner's doga went to Goldspeck, and provisions of this an.«clo If com- thoro will bo another Sporting Writers' Association of this out, thlrd. Tlnie,l:43, Sleellj also ran! also with His raoj iU>r Elghty-ftfth punishnjent us .. tne act had Dcmpsoy'fi transportation principal reason .or "coming back'' waa Amalotte. (C notilnsonl. a to 2 7 to 10 and Dainty Wee Black owned '\ been tho Jlud.ioi, will 1,,. a total lOBS. The to an Nclson 1 10 n, second; Eddle Tiamer. yi (Staploton) "0 Bettina, by HS/aa^a Ifxington Avenut. The committed within thc «tate." make effort to win tho third leg Galbrnith has been olected to 1, 0 lo 1 and 2 to thlrd. Mrs. T. W. Third ra.-<> (four-yw oldi and '''' '" '' '.' next will 1, Time. 1:4:» 3-5 Leasingham. urwrard- rf.tm hhu '. '"; Manhattan With the ominoua signing probably includo wine on and posscssion of tho E. II. PoBt captain of tho Do Witt I>»n Brlght. Ncwoll VV, and Phantom Mald alao Vladeska Kennels carried '"'^'."...'l verbiage of this bottlca and in Clinton High away all of 104; livm li,,,-. loj; ***%'»** thirty-th»e« law one can almost «<. tho nervoue if everythlng. trophy tho "Millrose 600" at the School footbull team the lmnors among the beautiful, grace- pimWna, i.-»mumi i"v vtii' .'. mernbora hava eavod tontaclee of Even boxing should be legalized coming gamca of tho Millrose A. A. in for the coming Slxtli rnce (throe-year-oldu md upward- flllies ful Russian / %,;,) }u the law out th'' and m.irrs: one wolfhounds. '"' reaching and ln atato in the very near future, New York on season. He the clalmlng; purse, $500; mile and Champion fefit'f,,',. hondr«d p«r- Mizing iuch estimable cltizena aa Tex tho next Tuesday evoning, fully deaerved honor, twenty yards) Queen Blonde, 107 i.Moicsworthi Vnlan of Vladeska was the winning th« pretfent contract with Dempacy his return from as Galbraith a IH to 5, ti to E and 3 to ;',, won; Ahna WauS.iT**"'"£' Amwx ptom- Rickard, Iko Jack Upon France re- played spcctacular game Loulse, 107 dog and Valectia of Vladeska was in- niHl,,v Dsnial Seera- Dorgan, Dempeay, would be illega], It was drawn up '" '' "llJ 4 "' .''¦ «ocond; 113.; Bu.tdy T^.W u«- lUntor1, WI- ./,;' Hyan, Jack Kttrnt and L, .¦ contly Captain Moredith was invited to al !, !r| lylv:,,n,'0 V .s vincible in the more sex. Mandarin'a other*. ok* as whi controcta of thia aort were lullhack and was rosponsible for parbwi hlillllng. 107 (t'm-r.itn, 8 to 1. f. t<, 5 and deadly Co*t. IW; ivrnmanuw. u«T Mtrt »*^°*h P*««W«nt Dowlinsr; tnough the utill compcto for tho Posl trophy, To ascor- moro 3 t" H thlrd Ttinc. t i: -, i.i Ui In Old FlfUi raoa only chance for escape and than half of the Bracalet, English sheep dogs John Pler- [non-wtnmra, haadlcan'..*.*.*iK*i'. «hr«. v... ";;''";- .'.¦ '- «X- be llUgnl all lhe font.racl ine- his truo touchdowna Ilaiinianti, Hiuhains JoUrnoy, Tlilrst. l'ai ,i.(i. BMii i,inu,,i <<-rtrt -,i inrop-%9Ar- **Diri' would to have Rickard show ;"" '>¦ partios tain condition and to detor- l'utrloilc MI-* and kovsktf'a Ridgefleld Hero r "'" thfl thal he blo t., proKocution, Th< o Bcored by the Clinton elevon of 1018, Mary also run, defeated the '- UniM mine hia of Ranry Rhannon i»- ' Bun.fT **«.*» /;h;''""¦"¦' gncd un Willard and moj tgal acceptance the invitatlon Galbraith in a .'..!.-..Ui race Kinnelon Kennels popular Tenacro Sun- *Md- <"."* 109; k' for a Dempsey ts will no doubt linch Moredith tosted dropldcker and punter (four-year-olds «nd upw;ard; .inlni- In the Baato no :"" pinocble gam*. ten round Guptaln hia apood ovor <>i high merit. He aucceods .' nrille nnd a ilxteenin) light. bitchea clai the Kinnelon "f U"; C,Ub T''r Rickard dcainj to tako tl,,. Mbrris ". '¦ ",",',',;i" -.'""; tw*n- or big batth Lho l'liui) lin Park track of tho (Stnlker), H lo 1. .: t. l .,,,! g w ., camo Into their IlStV. checkors, sonTothlng that >» jl0t turtticr Woi t, Univer- I'riedlairder, who luis as 1 Sl: .1 own, howevor, with h:,lnA thO whorc tho peual codea slty of Ho found gnuluatod, '";"¦ UOlIIIS, || ,..,;,;, ;| lo -J g ,0 5 a, , Anii. Tho reserve by IKtllttl COdO. aro Itat; Pennsylvania. that loador of the Red and Hlaek gridiron to ... second; Anu-iltu, 100 (Moleswortll) » to 5 Kitty went to Kinne¬ 7,;';;;.pi,1;p!;;.7S, lntritjato. uviation work ln France had robbed men. 5 to E and 1 to 3. thlrd, Time. 1:52 ,¦. Klna lon Phyllis. ^optuiio, tadillao and Houuor iatulwart olsa rou. Mrs. Georgo Kolb . had chariO *>f.