International Court Cour internationale of Justice de Justice THE HAGUE La HAYE Public sitting held on Thursday 26 August 1993, at 3 p.=., at the Peace Palace, President Sir Robert Jennings presiding in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crie of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)) Requests for the Indication of Provisional Measures No 2 - VEFLBATIM RECORD Audience publique tenue le jeudi 26 août 1993, à 15 heures, au Palais de la Paix, saus la présidence de sir Robert Jennings, Président en I'affaire relative à l'Application de 1s convention pour la prhvention et la répression d~ crime de génocide (Bosnie-Herzégovine c. Yougoslavie (Serbie et ~onténégro)) Demandes en indication de mesures conservatoires no 2 COMPTE BERDU Present : President Sir Robert Jennings Vice-President Oda Judges Schwebel Bed jaoui Ni Evens en Tarassov Guillaume Shahabuddeen Aguilar Mawdsley Weeramantry Ajibola Herczegh Judges ad hoc Lauterpacht Kreca Registrar Valencia-Ospina présents: Sir Robert Jennings, Président M. Oda, Vice-Président MM. Schwebel Bedjaoui Ni Evensen Tarassov Guillaume Shahabuddeen Aguilar Mawdsley Weeramantry Ajibola, juges Herczegh, juges Lauterpacht, Kreca, juges ad hoc M. Valencia-Ospina, Greffier The Govexnment of the Regublic of Bosnia and Herzegovina is represented by: : H. E. Mr. Muhamed Sacirbey, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations; Mr. Francis A. Boyle, Professor of International Law, as Agent ; Mr. Phon van den Biesen, Advocate, Mr. Khawar Qureshi, Barrister, England, as Advocates and Counsel; Mr. Marc Weller, Assistant Lecturer in Law, University of Cambridge, Senior Research Fellow of St.
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