January 6, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S575 colleagues and I am equally confident telligence, of which I was then vice agencies investigating such crimes in that he will work well with the Repub- chairman, submitted to the executive South Carolina. In 1988, Gov. Carroll lican majority. branch over 130 questions for the Campbell appointed Robert as the chief While many may believe that politics record regarding the Chemical Weap- of SLED, where he has done an unpar- in the United States is based on an ad- ons Convention. It was Sherry Mannix alleled job of administering the agen- versarial relationship between parties, who answered many of those questions cy. each of us knows that it is a system and edited the others, even though she When he took over SLED, Chief which encourages and fosters com- was already in tremendous physical Stewart’s goal was to make it an orga- promise—that to actually legislate, we pain due to the illness that she knew nization that was recognized as being must seek common ground. Senators would soon take her life. Those an- one of the most professional, progres- DOLE and DASCHLE are two men who swers were so well-written and inform- sive, and modern law enforcement are committed to ensuring that this ative that we actually published 64 of agencies in the United States. Over the body functions efficiently and effec- them, as an appendix to our commit- past 7 years he has done just that. By tively by seeking that point where tee’s public report, ‘‘U.S. Capability to regionalizing the agency, and stream- Members can vote to pass a bill. I con- Monitor Compliance With the Chem- lining its rank structure, Chief Stewart gratulate BOB and TOM on winning ical Weapons Convention.’’ Only rarely has ensured that his agents are better their leadership elections, and I look do we find such executive branch an- able to monitor and address crime forward to working with both of them swers so worthy of publishing, and only trends throughout the State. Addition- throughout the duration of the 104th very rarely does any human being dem- ally, Chief Stewart secured a brand- Congress. onstrate the devotion to duty and new lab, that is not only used by f country that Mrs. Mannix did through- SLED, but is available to any other po- WAS CONGRESS IRRESPONSIBLE? out the last year. lice department in the State of South THE VOTERS SAID YES Sherry Mannix was only 44 when she Carolina. Thanks to the chief’s com- died. If life were fair, we would have mitment and vision, last year SLED Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, anyone enjoyed her company and her service became only the second State inves- even remotely familiar with the U.S. for many more years. Instead, we today tigative agency in the Nation to re- Constitution knows that no President offer our deep condolence to her hus- ceive professional accreditation by the can spend a dime of Federal tax money band, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Charles that has not first been authorized and Committee on Accreditation of Law R. Mannix, and to her mother, Albertie appropriated by Congress—both the Enforcement Agencies. Stetson, both of whom reside in my House of Representatives and the U.S. Mr. President, Chief Stewart cele- State, as well as to her grandmother, Senate. brates his 50th birthday today, and I So when you hear a politician or an Bernal B. Allen. And in remembering want to take this opportunity to recog- editor or a commentator declare that Sherry Mannix we say, Thank you for a nize and commend him for dedicating ‘‘Reagan ran up the Federal debt’’ or job well done and a life well lived, right more than half his life to protecting that ‘‘Bush ran it up,’’ bear in mind to the very end. the people and property of South Caro- that it was, and is, the constitutional f lina. Chief Stewart is a man of great ability, integrity, and courage, and I duty and responsibility of Congress to COMMENDING CHIEF ROBERT am proud of his many accomplish- control Federal spending. Congress has STEWART failed miserably in that task for about ments. I wish him good health and hap- Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, 50 years. piness in the years ahead, and look for- The fiscal irresponsibility of Con- South Carolina is probably the most ward to continuing to hear great gress has created a Federal debt which idyllic place anyone might consider things about him. living. The pace of life there is relaxed, stood at $4,805,835,231,225.14 as of the f close of business Thursday, January 5. the people are friendly, and the weath- er is temperate. Unfortunately, even a Averaged out, every man, woman, and UNITED STATES ARMS EMBARGO State as peaceful as mine is not free child in America owes a share of this ON BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA massive debt, and that per capita share from the evils and dangers of crime. Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, 2 days ago is $18,243.03. Leading the fight against illegal ac- tivity in the Palmetto State is an orga- I introduced legislation together with f nization created by me when I served the distinguished Senator from Con- IN MEMORY OF SHERRY STETSON as Governor of South Carolina, the necticut, Senator LIEBERMAN, to termi- MANNIX State Law Enforcement Division, com- nate the United States arms embargo Mr. WARNER. Mr President, on monly referred to as ‘‘SLED.’’ At the on Bosnia-Herzegovina as of May 1, Tuesday of this week, Sherry Stetson helm of SLED is a man whom I have 1995. Mannix died after a long and valiant had the pleasure of knowing for many As I mentioned in my remarks at the battle with cancer. Mrs. Mannix’s title years, Chief Robert M. Stewart, and that time, I believed that this legisla- was Foreign Affairs Specialist in the whom I am pleased to call a friend. The tion was not only consistent with Bureau of Multilateral Affairs of the chief has literally dedicated his life to international law in upholding Bosnia’s U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament police work and has gained national inherent right to self-defense, but that Agency. But that does not begin to de- recognition as an aggressive officer and it would also serve to provide some scribe her fine work or her life-long a true professional. badly needed leverage for the Bosnians dedication to her country. Chief Stewart, a native of Cheraw, on the diplomatic side. Mrs. Mannix served for 11 years as an began his career as a teenager when he I understand that today, Adm. Leigh- officer in the U.S Air Force and then signed on as a cadet with his hometown ton Smith, commander of NATO Forces for another 9 years in the Air Force Re- police department and worked his way in Southern Europe told reporters that serve, achieving the rank of lieutenant up the leadership ladder, earning the he opposed this legislation. I am not colonel. She joined the Arms Control position of director of public safety be- surprised that a four-star admiral and Disarmament Agency in 1984 and fore he had even turned 30. In 1975, he would not oppose his Commander in became the Agency’s premier expert on stepped down as director and joined Chief, nor that a NATO commander the Chemical Weapons Convention, SLED as a special agent. In the fol- would not choose to contradict the which she helped to negotiate. Both be- lowing 20 years, his career advanced NATO-Secretary General. fore and after the CWC was negotiated, rapidly while he worked on cases rang- I would note, however, that in addi- Mrs. Mannix was the principal persons ing from those that were routine and tion to candidate Bill Clinton, the fol- to whom we and others turned when mundane to ones that were inter- lowing former high-level Government questions arose on how that very com- national in scope. A veteran of the officials, including Cabinet members, plicated convention would work. SWAT team, Robert specialized in have publicly supported lifting the During its consideration of the CWC white collar and public corruption arms embargo on Bosnia: Zbigniew last year, the Select Committee on In- cases, and worked closely with Federal Brzezinski; Frank Carlucci; George VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:28 May 25, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S06JA5.REC S06JA5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 1995 Shultz; Jeane Kirkpatrick; Paul REPUBLIC OF BOSNIA AND MAJORITY PARTY APPOINTMENTS Wolfowitz; Richard Perle; and Max HERZEGOVINA, PERMANENT MIS- TO COMMITTEES SION TO THE UNITED NATIONS, Kampelman—quite an impressive list. Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I send a Moreover, I would emphasize that the New York, January 4, 1995. Hon. ROBERT DOLE, resolution to the desk and ask for its late Manfred Woerner, the previous Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. immediate consideration, and I ask Secretary General, advocated helping DEAR MAJORITY LEADER: We wish to reit- that the clerk read the resolution. the victims of aggression, especially erate our full support for Congressional ef- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The when the international community forts, in particular S. 21, to terminate the clerk will read the resolution in full. does not have the resolve to take ac- application of the U.S. arms embargo on the The legislative clerk read as follows: Government of the Republic of Bosnia and tion on behalf of that victim.
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