Salem Quakeie Rooms 208, 165
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tu des to govern city, SC office-seeker~ prepare speeches; onduct council meeting ·committee sets Apr.if 6 as election day taste of the 1 future will be be cro\'(Ded King and Queen. The Election of officers, counting tax election to be held Thursday, April lows: president, Rob Eskay and ented to SHS stude'nts in com royalty will be chosen by penny stamps and preparing for the tal 6. At the 'assembly candidates will Chip Per rault; vice-president, Fred weeks through Jaycee-spon vote as those who best exemplify ' ent assembly are keeping Student be introduced and deliver their Kaiser, Bill Beery and Die~ Stark; a youth-in-government activi- leadership in high schoo~ activities Council members on the· go. campaign speeches. treasurer, Ray Faini, Jackie Jones , and student government. With the results of the primaries New officers will be announced: Pat Rice and Georgia Schneider; announced today, Student Council Friday, April 7. De Smith, election lpRS TO GOVERN Candidates are seniors Don secretary, Agnes Koloesi, Kay candidates will begin to campaign venty-three seniors will govern Davidson and Barbara Sanders, committee chairman, stated that Koontz, Susan Fisher and Polly juniors Allen Ewing and Brenda in earnest. , m next Tuesday, March 28, everyone will vote for the candi Hilliard; parliamentarian, J u d y Vacation days will see the o;ffice Phil Greenisen serving as Smith and sophomores Bill Beery dates and that all students are Davidson and Molly Mailoy. aml Georgia Schneider. -seekers preparing speeches , and urged to cast their votes on the Well below last year's total and or for the day. Thi~ event will Proceeds from the vote will go painting posters in preparation for basis, of abjlity and willingness to far from -its intended goal, SHS's followed by Y ou.Uh~in-Council 1t. to the Student Councll's exchange . the campaign assembly on Wed work.. 1 tax statpp drive closed March 11 student fund. nesday, April 5, and for; the final Primary candidates ar~ as fol- on a dteary note. At press time, ter performing their du.ties as reported collections. totaled $15,000. ! I I i officials Tuesday, counterparts High collector and recipient of a Salem's councilmen. and de 10-dollar prize was Frances :Papas ment heads will . actually con- piros With $2,100. Holder of first the city council meeting place st andings in homernom com 1 4 at 7 :30 p.m. This meeting petition wa s room 125 with $2,449 be open to the public just as collected. In second place was lar sessions of council are. I room 175 followed in order by preparation for their new du- Salem QUakeie rooms 208, 165,. 179, 140, 178, 202, students sat in on the March , I 204, 183 and 201. mncil meeting. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL, SALEM, OHIO Free , theater will be Ille purpose," states Mr. Rob-· ' I awarded for every $100 brough"r in C'onroy, chairman of the Junior Vol. 41 No. 11 M3;rch 24, 1961 by individual collectors. nber of Commerce committee As a result of the poor showing he project, " 'is 'to get students in the ~ax stamp drive, Mr. Leroy ested in our city gCJ1Vernment, Hoskins, council adviser, stated use they'll soon be voting more drives will be needed to pro Lselves. vide necessary funds for council ihe city councilmen have asked acitivities. ' hold a mock council meet- Plans are now underway to hold so this year the youth Win a talent assembly in mid-April ,or part in everything but the • May. Chairman Bob Eskay urges i l legislation." that anyone inter ested in partici pating contact him as soon as ~TEL .TO BE FIRE CHIEF possible. The committee for the aer city executiv~s for the day, Girls' State de· event consists of Molly Malloy, Sue ~n for youth leadership and legate D a ,n a Mathews, Tom Hone, DaW11 Kloos. est in government, are: serv and Polly Hilliard. lirector, Fred Stockman; safe Goard looks ector, Tony Chitea; fire chief, over a Bucl!: Hertel; police chief, Ron eye State man wee; superintendent of utili Tom King; city sanitarian, ual with alter Job;--hunters ' Gross,; health commissioner: nate Evelyn-. n Trombitas. Falkenstein. !'t': treasurer, Jan Kaiser; audi to take GATB Halle Goard; city engineer, r. Seniors planning to get" full-time Davidson; superintendent 'of jobs <lft'er gr :;iduation will take t he s and recreation, Ken Pink General Aptitude Test Battery ; r elief director, Nancy Tarle March 28-29. city solicitor, De Smith; presi- .The exam ' will be administered of council, Dave Griffiths; • by the Ohio State E mployment of council, Bonnie Schuster . Agency. Through a broad series of ·st-wai-d councilman, Al Lesch; tests to measur e the unb:-ained id-ward councilwoman, Lor- ' Phot o b y D ave 'Rice wor ker's potential ability for vari Pardee; third-ward council- ous jobs, the battery will help the Fred Flory; fourth-w a r d senior decide what field of work ~ iiwoman, Darbie H a r r i s; he will do best in. ~ilmen- at-l arge , Don Br ahm Dan'a coPs week at GirlS' The employer can use results to Paul J . Leach; councilwoman Stat~ hire with more confidence and to rge, Ruth McCormick. Dana Goard will rep.resent Salem iary on the basis of leadership, and '"state" · 1 egislatur~s and execu get workers with the bes.t produc .-, QUEEN TO REIGN at Buckeye Girls' State. Sponsored scholarship( and teachers' recom tives, who will then organize their tivity. The GATB tests, which pro- ~ Jaycees will also sponsor a - vide examinations for over 500 by the American Legion Auxiliary, mendations, Dana, along with other ow-n governments. record hop for Salem 1High hopefuls, was required' to give a differ ent vocations., will !:le given Eve1Yl1 Falkenstein is alternate 1nts April 14 at the Memorial she will spend Juhe 17 - 25 on the speech at a recent Legion Auxiliary in these fields: verbal aptitude, delegate. / \ ling. Capital University campus. m eeting. Her topic was "What aptitude, spatial apti the dance, two SHSers · will Chosen by members of the auxil- Ohio Is Doing about Mental Ill- . In past years two Salem · gir ls t ude, fl;Dger and manual dextetjty, ness." _. have been sent to Buckeye , Girls' form perception, motor coordina State, but this year junior D miai When she learned that she wa s ti.on, clerical perception and man is the sole representative. the delegate, Dana "was surprised. ual training., dem will host band festival; I really didn't think I'd 1get it I with so m uch competition!" She looks. forward to spending a week on a college campus and meeting Seniors.again lead honor'/ioll; schools will participate many girls. iween practice sessions SHS 15 : woodwind quintet, Lon •aine Girls' State is designed to pro 7,climb to four-point ranks ;m en are laying plans fqr an Pardee, Ruth McCor mick, Kathy mote interest in problem s of gov ttional band festival Apri~ 22. Cam eron, Priscilla Ivan and Lanny ernm ent and to show wom en 's r ole SHS seniors aga,in lead the honor Sh aron Fails,) Halle Goard, Gail in the . welfare of the city, state G ottschling, Phil Greenisen , Linda ~ gymnasium'.will resound as Broomall; French horn quartet, roll with one-fifth of the upper P riscilla Ivan, Mary Lou Earley, and nation. G riffit h, · E v elyn. Hann a, Cather in e a plays host to the following classmen attaining a 3-point aver Harris, Sa n dra H awk ins, D eward ; : Ashtabula, Ashtabula Har Becky Snowball and Lynne Miller'; During the week campaigns will age. H ix e nba u gh, P r iscilla I van. Conneaut, Fairport, Leetonia, French horn solo, Lynne Miller . be staged for election of "ci!~" Juniors and sophomores trail be H e lle J en sen , Sydney Joh n son, D i a n rie Karp, N atalie L ed erl e E d Dr , Jefferson, Willoughby and hind at a tie with 17 per cent on M inett, Carol Murphy, Sharon Myers, Branch. · the r oster for the last six weeks . R uth McCo rmick, Jam es McNeal, ~h group will give · a 30-min Studes making straight A's dur Darle n e Pan dol ph, Lorra ine Pard ee, Ch e r y l Phillips, Donna Safreed, Pol concert in the afternoon or ing the 1 latest grade period are ly Sch m id, Dorothy Sempl e., Paul ng. Salem . will be the last senior Normadene Pim, juniors · e t t e Sev e r s, Sally Shear s, R ose m arie school band to perform, fol Kathy Cameron, Evelyn Falken ~ ho e, L arr y Som mer s, N a ncy Tarle- stein, Steve Sabol, John Strain, and Continued on page 3 l by the Bowling Green Uni Calling all f~appers and hepcats ther Talbott and the Association ty Concert Band. to the Association Party April 7 ! officers will decide on the form of Ruth "-nn W~nn and sophomore noon the high school bands To go along with the Roaring music for the dance. Darryl E verett. Jarade down E. State St. after The B honor roll is as follows : Twenties them e, short skirts, long Miss Helert Thorp and Miss Lois 1g three numbers together on Senior s Television show necklaces and headache bands will Lehman will advertise the party away. Carol Bartha, Her b Call, Carol be in style.