MHOU^E" They Said, but -A Huge Ball O F Black Ment Was Deferred Until Monday

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MHOU^E I ■ ‘ ' ■ * . • - ■ - ■ • • •/■ • : ' I , < v ■• ■-1 ?' X *■ I V-- 1 . ■ - • •■V<...... ■ \ ■ - le-,. ■ X ' / ■ ■ • GB TWENTY-FOUR j . raiDAY, APRIL IS, 1988 Ayrngc Dally Net Preaa Ran lEpcHltta^ e ralb For tbo Woqk Endod Th# Wifttbcr FonoM t of O. S. WfluttMT Ruroou April 12, 1988 # ^_____ Teimple Chapter, Order of U^e Ftfr toolght. Low S$-4A Partly Eastern Star, has set the date of 12,693 ut Town Thursday, April 34, for Its annual cloudy, eontiunod mild Suuday, spring rummage sale. It will open Menber of tbo Audit ehniiee scutteipd nftonioou ibosr- Mn. B&rbin Smachcttl and at 0 a.m. in & e Masonic Temple, Donuh Of Orcofastton (t- era. IBgh In 7$e. Mra. Lillian Steimark axa co-chair­ and members are urged to set y .- MancheMter—^A City of yUlage Charm man of the cormnittM from Gib- aside articles. •tX. bona Aasembly, Caj^bohc Ladies of VOL. LXXVII, NO. 170 , 'Columbus, In charfe of«t{>e Com­ Sunset Council, No. 48, Degree of BLVE PAGES) ' MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. APRIL 19. 1959 (duolflod Advortlidng ou ;fbg* lU) PRICE FIVE CENTS munion supper at the Church of Pocahontas, -will hold a meeting X- ^the Assumption hall Sunday at ■Monday night in Tinker Hall, start­ 6:30 p.m. The Rev. Joseph P. ing with a potluck at 6:30. Mem- Blani^hard of St. James' Chutch bej-s of the Great Council will make Hoover^s Condition Tiill be the speaker at the S:30 p.m. an official visitation. Members are Middletown aerviee. ■ reminded to bring food for the sup- Soviet Charge U. S\. p e r ^ d a gift for the gift table. Satisfactory After : Leo J. Howason Jr., eon of tio J, Howeaon Sr„ 23 Knox St., re­ The Y-Wives Bowling League will Bladder Operation Flash Fire cently was prontoted to private bowl oiHy on Wednesday mornings Courts Global War flrst class on Okinawa, v^’tiere he for the remainder of the season. New York, April 1$ UP»—For­ ia a member of the 07th Antiair­ Bowling on Monday,. Tuesday and mer PnaMdant Herbert Hoover, craft Artillery *G'/jup. He ia a Thursday mornings has been dis­ who- ls 84, had his' gall bladder re­ KiUs 4 Tots continued. clerk-tjr'pUt at Headquarters Bat­ moved today in an operation at tery, Up, for/iJN Debate Roger W. Turkipgton, son of the ColumUii-Prsabyterian Medi­ Middletown, April l9 Jlr. and Mrs. William J. Turking- cal Onter. His condition was Four young Negro children termed satisfactory. perish ^ last night as a flash ton, 28 Bigelow St., has been BY W1LUA$1/N. OATI8 fstetemsnta untrua. Ths Stets Da- named to membership in the Wes­ Hoover had suffared several gall Are whipped through the UWted Nati^s, N. Y„ April partmsnt dsnied —. as Gromyko bladder attacks in the past. He en­ ection leyan University Chapter of Sigma chargsd— ths United States was kitchen and bedroom ^ an old Xi, honorary scientifl. society. 19 (/P)— U.N/Security-Gouncil tered the medical center's Hark- D O N 'T " X ” ” "conducting provocative flights ness Pavilion on 'Thursday for tenement apartment. Still plenty of wear left In delegates'')t6day prepared for over the polar regions or in the what at Srat' was announced only The -vlctima. wen the children shoe* when brought here for TTie following ofBcers for the debate Russia’s charges— vicinity of ths U.8.S.R.” Ss medical tests. - of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis— coming season have been elected expert repairing. ' denie^in Washington— that The department said SAC was A t 9:20 a.m. today the hospital Janet, 4, Bryan, 2>4, Sally, 1^, by St. Bridget’s Mothers Circle; issued this announcement; and Wendy, one month. Legislature WORK DONR WHILE Mrs. Paul Lefrancois, leader; Mrs. U.S./Dombers were courting engaged only in .practice to keep X O n W A IT up its deterrent power and would “Ex-Preeldent Herbert Hoover They were alone when the'blaze Daniel Abricchio, secretary; Mrs. g l^ a l war. underwent an operation for remov­ Oliver Jylkka, treasurer; Mra Jul­ 'ITto 11-nation council will moot attack only on Praaidsnt Elsen­ .broM .pmU. .Fpltcft. fatbec. hower’s ordera. It dfd hot dispute al o f a gall bladder tod a y.*,. .n w waa out for the evening and the ius Randozzo, contact chairman; Monday on the Soviet roqueit that surgery was successful and at­ Votes Road S A M Y U L Y E S that US bombers on training ex­ mother . had juet left the 3-story Mrs. Clarence Johnson, welfare; It study"urgent measuree" to pre­ tending physicians reported Mr. “SHOE REPAIRINO Mrs. John Lovg;hlin, publicity; vent flights of American Jiri bomb­ ercises fly toward Rus­ building to borrow an iron fjwm a OF THE BETTER KIND" sia but said ths A ir Force's safe­ HooveF'B"conditlon as satisfactory. neighbor, Mra. Raymond Rm s . historian and ers armed with nuclear weapons “Ths operation sUrted at 8 a:m. Bills, Ends 23 OAK STilEET toward Russian borders. guards to prevent an unordered at­ Firemen eaid the. fire probably N librarian; and Mrs. John Aoeto tack are foolproof. and was completed at 9:15. Mr. Same Side as Watkins and Mrs. Robert Yungh, represen­ Millinery Valuet UJ4. observers predicted that Hoover had ecveral gall bladder began in a kitchen oil heater. It tatives. \ "FOR RED TAG DAYS" \J the chargee probably would end Sobolev asked Lodge to convene attacks in the past. His sons, Her­ quickly gutted the kitcheh and the Hartford, April 19 — as have similar Communist chsrg- the council to consider “ taking bert Hoover Jr., and Allan Hoo­ adjoining bedroom In the third- The Connecticut economy ■mil ss In the past—with overwhelming urgent measuree to end the fllghte ver, were present.” ' fioor apartment. The blade waa t : get a pepping up to the tune rejection. of the United States m ilitaiy air­ confined*to the two' roonui. The 10:30 a.m. report was that of $52,180,600 as the result Lovely Spring HATS U.S. Delegate Henry Cabot craft carrying atomic and hydro­ Hoover continued in satisfactory . The eight wirt^c occupant! >oe of legislation passed by the Be Had In Every Lodge, Council preeident thip gen bomb! toward the frantiere of condition. A t that time he was two o(her apartments in the build­ In all the new shades including black and the Soviet Union" He expreeeed be­ month, called Monday’e meeting at still in a irCc-overy room, where pa­ ing fled the wooden structure safe- special session of the Legis­ navy. lief the Council would “ take all the the request of Soviet Delegate tients are. takdn after operations. 1). One of, them, Robert Martth, lature. necessary meaiuree for ellmlnai- Arkady A. Sobolev. Sobolev hsM TTiis room affords a patient spe­ 88, who has only one leg, - was Before it adjourned last night, ing (this) threat to the cause of ydHMto$4.98 sought a counqil aeselon today but cial care and has a controlled tem­ helped by friends from the other the Republican-dominated GenerU peace." perature. a U.N. Secretariat poU of (k>uncll third-floor apartment. Assembly approved, a major anti­ A Soviet aource said he expected A hospital spokesman said it SPECIAL FOR SAT. members showed they preferred All Asleep recession program that calls Monday, thus gaining (ime to check borrowing'; O N L Y ............ fCoatlnnMl on Page Six) (Conlinded on Page Six) Fire Chief J. ‘’’rsnklln Dunn said *2 89 with their' governments. the children wet sleeping In the 330 million for state highway Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei bedroom adjoining the kitchen projects that 'will form part of the MILLINERY DEPT.— (SECOND FLOOR) Gromyko first made the charges when the fire broke out. big federal highway program. 315 at a Moscow news conference yes­ million for .urban renewal a M Damage to the old wooden build­ terday. He said his government commercial and Industrial reds- ing confined largely to the third knew U.8. planes with nuclear velopments projects. floor. Stores occupy the ground lA S Y and TOT SHOP SPECIALS bomba over polar regions to­ Sen. Byrd Forecasts 37,180,000 for' public 'works floor. HANDBAG SALE ward the Soviet Union. projects. Included are 34 million He cited ga United Press story A t leaat eight persona escaped for- low-cost housing for the elder­ Regular 32.98 and 3S.00. Many atylM (n plaatlo "Red Tag Day Special'^ BOYS'PANTS from Offutt A ir Force Base, April from the building and no one waa ly. calf, patent, etrawe C A T O 9 0 Elastic waistband in washable gabardine', 7. The story described U.S. Stra­ reported missing. Another part of the GOP pro­ i ,t And also rayon and nylon. Ck>lors: Gray, navy and $8 Billion ’5^ Deficit and imported basketa. tegic A ir Command (SAC ) pro­ When firemen were able to reach gram, a measure extending unem­ SEAMLESS charcoal. • cedures in dealing with suspected the burned-oiit bedroom, . they ployment compensation benefits R E G U LA R ’$8.88. radar targets. Washington, April 19 (4»)—Sen.e-felt, the deficit is going to mount found one of the children under up to 13 weeks in some stances for LADIES' BILLFOLDS the bed, two huddled in a comer NOW _______.......... Gromyko said nuclear could Bjrrd (D -Va) said today the gov up fast. I think the increase in workers who have used up their result from ths “ smallest error of erhment appears headed toward an and the baby In its crib.
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    tu des to govern city, SC office-seeker~ prepare speeches; onduct council meeting ·committee sets Apr.if 6 as election day taste of the 1 future will be be cro\'(Ded King and Queen. The Election of officers, counting tax election to be held Thursday, April lows: president, Rob Eskay and ented to SHS stude'nts in com­ royalty will be chosen by penny stamps and preparing for the tal­ 6. At the 'assembly candidates will Chip Per rault; vice-president, Fred weeks through Jaycee-spon­ vote as those who best exemplify ' ent assembly are keeping Student be introduced and deliver their Kaiser, Bill Beery and Die~ Stark; a youth-in-government activi- leadership in high schoo~ activities Council members on the· go. campaign speeches. treasurer, Ray Faini, Jackie Jones , and student government. With the results of the primaries New officers will be announced: Pat Rice and Georgia Schneider; announced today, Student Council Friday, April 7. De Smith, election lpRS TO GOVERN Candidates are seniors Don secretary, Agnes Koloesi, Kay candidates will begin to campaign venty-three seniors will govern Davidson and Barbara Sanders, committee chairman, stated that Koontz, Susan Fisher and Polly juniors Allen Ewing and Brenda in earnest. , m next Tuesday, March 28, everyone will vote for the candi­ Hilliard; parliamentarian, J u d y Vacation days will see the o;ffice Phil Greenisen serving as Smith and sophomores Bill Beery dates and that all students are Davidson and Molly Mailoy. aml Georgia Schneider. -seekers preparing speeches , and urged to cast their votes on the Well below last year's total and or for the day.
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