SEZAD Quarterly Magazine Issue 6

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SEZAD Quarterly Magazine Issue 6 A Quarterly magazine issued by the Special Economic Zone Authority at Duqm 6th Issue - October 2016 a touristic destination resting on the ocean´s shores Combined Group Contracting Co. More Than 50 years of Cumulative Experience in Contracting Works About CGC &RPELQHG *URXS &RQWUDFWLQJ &RPSDQ\ &*& .XZDLW W\&*&EHFDPHWKHGRPLQDQWIRUFHLQWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQ ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG LQ DV D OLPLWHG OLDELOLW\ FRPSDQ\ LQGXVWU\DFURVVWKH*XOIUHJLRQ :LWKSHUVHYHUDQFHGLOLJHQFHQRQVWRSGHYHORSPHQWDQG LPSURYHPHQWIRFXVRQTXDOLW\DQGFXVWRPHUVDWLVIDFWLRQ DQG ZLWK *RG¶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ovember 2QWKHRFFDVLRQRIWK1DWLRQDO'D\ ZHDW6(=$'&RQJUDWXODWH +LV0DMHVW\6XOWDQ4DERRVELQ6DLG ±0D\$OODKSURWHFWKLP± SUD\WR$OODKDOPLJKW\WRSHUSHWXDWHKLV0DMHVW\WKH6XOWDQFRQWLQXHG KHDOWKDQGZHOOQHVV:HDOVRFRQJUDWXODWHWKHSHRSOHRI2PDQRQWKLV RFFDVLRQDQGUHQHZRXUSOHGJHRIOR\DOW\WRFRQWLQXHJLYLQJDQGFRQVWUXFWLQJ WRZDUGVDYLEUDQWIXWXUHIRUWKHSHRSOHRI2PDQ Editorial Investment-Stimulating Environment The sixth issue of Duqm Economist coincides with the celebration of the Forty-Sixth National Day, this dear occasion to our hearts, which Yahya Bin Said Al Jabri has written a new history of Oman and renewed the cultural glories General Supervisor achieved by Omanis over thousands of years. While celebrating this auspicious occasion, the Authority of the Special Economic Zone (SEZAD) presents to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, may Allah protect him, its sincere congratulations and prays to Allah Almighty to save His Majesty in good health and wellness. SEZAD also prays to Allah to maintain Oman safe and stable and achieve for the Omani people the glory they strive for under the wise leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said. Based on the foundations laid by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said to build a strong and stable economy, SEZAD has been keen, since its inception on 26 October 2011, to provide a stimulating environment for local and foreign investment. It is appropriate to point out here that Based on the this year witnessed many activities in this framework. In May, SEZAD signed the Cooperation, Usufruct, and Development Agreement with foundations laid the Chinese side for the construction of the Sino-Omani Industrial City by His Majesty in Duqm. Wan Fang Oman began its work in SEZD immediately after Sultan Qaboos the signing of the agreement asserting that its investments in Duqm will amount to about USD 10.7 billion. Last June, SEZAD granted Karwa bin Said to build a Motors the land usufruct to build a car assembly plant with joint Omani- strong and stable Qatari investment estimated at OMR 160 million. economy, SEZAD This year also saw attracting a variety of investments from domestic and foreign private sector, including the construction of an international has been keen, school, logistics services center, hotels and tourist facilities, malls, since its inception amusement and water parks, in addition to other projects. on 26 October Complementing the remaining work in Duqm Port, SEZAD signed the agreements of the third and fourth packages of this vital project. 2011, to provide SEZAD also assigned advisory services contract for the preparation of a stimulating the detailed scheme of New Duqm City, which focuses on strengthening environment for urban planning standards within SEZD borders. local and foreign This year has also witnessed the operation of Boeing 737 aircraft on Muscat-Duqm route to provide additional seats for passengers. investment Moreover, SEZAD signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Oman Arab Bank (OAB) under OAB will facilitate funding for private sector companies and establishments to execute their projects in SEZD. This is one of the MoUs signed by SEZAD with the commercial banks and their Islamic windows during the past two years. There are many actions taken by SEZAD to attract investments and create the enabling environment for their growth pursuant to the Royal directives of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, may Allah protect him, to achieve economic diversification, attract foreign investments, and provide an appropriate environment for private sector investment. May Allah grant us success! October 2016 5 In this issue: Quarterly Magazine on Economic Affairs and Free Zones Issued by: Special Economic Zone Authority Duqm (SEZAD) Duqm.. a General supervisor touristic Yahya bin Said bin Abdullah Al-Jabri destination resting on Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee the ocean´s Ismail bin Ahmed Al-Balushi shores Editor-in-Chief Mohammed bin Ahmed Al-Shezawi 13 Editors: Saleh bin Nabhan Al-Ma’amari Correspondence and advertising in the name of the Editor-in-Chief to: P.O. Box: 25 Postal Code: 103, Bareeq Al-Shatti, Oman Tel: 0096824507572 /0096824507540 A study to conduct charter flights to Duqm Fax: 0096824587400 17 Email: [email protected] Website: The views expressed in the magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the magazine. The magazine welcomes specialized research and ROP provides all facilities for SEZD academic studies 18 October 6 2016 The SEZAD highlights the environmental The hospitality sector seeks to place Duqm aspects of “Wadhah Initiative” 48 on the map of local and international tourism 31 Repair of 38 vessels in the first seven months of 2016 46 Ismailsmail binbin AAl-Balushi:l Bal shi DDuqm qm is a MohamedMohamed AlkhonjiAlkhonji: Mehdihdi AlAl AAbduwani:bd ani Operation of a perfect destination for relaxation Construction work in Duqm maritime line route between Muscat and enjoying the beaches project starts next year and Duqm is part of the company’s plan to link 12 local ports 14 22 26 October 2016 7 One-Stop Shop Your Gate to Investment at SEZAD One-stop Shop is the department concerned with registering investors and issuing required different licenses, permits and approvals. One-stop Shop provides the following services: Preparing Completing rent Issuing Commercial, Preparing Issuing Providing contracts and usufruct and all types of regulating the municipal industrial, technical manpower license and tourism and reports and development visa-related relation between permits the owners of the construction environmental issuing agreements services property and the registration approvals tenants licenses Special Economic Zone Authority at Duqm Phone: +968 24507500 P.O. Box 25, Postal Code 103, Bareeq Al Shatti Website: Fax: +968 24587400 Email: [email protected] It covers 150 square kilometers including five different districts Consultancy Services Agreement Signed for Detailed Master Planning of Duqm City Duqm - : and when to develop in sync with the market requirements. This will enable the government The Special Economic Zone Authority of Oman to ultimately reduce infrastructure of Duqm (SEZAD) today awarded the cost by applying smart planning principals consultancy services for the detailed master and designing the required infrastructures to planning, market and feasibility study, design attract both local and international investors and preparation of tender documents for the to cater to the needs of the future population development of Duqm City Phase (1) to WS of Duqm City. Plan Atkins International. WS Atkins International & Co shall be The contract was signed on behalf of the lead consultant to work hand in hand focuses on the Authority by H.E Yahya bin Said al- with the urban planning and engineering strengthen- Jabri, Chairman of Board of Directors of the department of SEZAD and many other ing urban Authority whereas on behalf of the company related departments, authorities and var- by Marco G. Malpiedi, General Manager of ious stakeholders in the development of planning the company in the Sultanate. Duqm. The lead consultant will be joined standards In an effort to continue the development of by sub-consultants, such as Deloitte, Five and Duqm City and to enhance the standards in Oceans Environmental Services, Kamel relations to urban planning within the Zone, Establishment, Driver Consult and Design considers SEZAD carries on the details on the initial Urban. the future concept master plan for Duqm City, which The first phase of this project shall be develop- was completed in 2014. This will enable the divided in 4 stages and last 30 weeks and Authority to provide a sound and a detail shall start this October. This
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