COMPANY ‘S PROFILE GULF LINE LEADER TRADING & CONTRACTING EST. L.L.C. C.R. No.1185194, Tel /Fax: 22514656 Post Box: 1694, Postal Code: 130, Sultanate of Oman. Email ID:
[email protected] Page 1 of 17 CONTENTS S.No. Description Page no. 1 INTRODUCTION 3 to 7 2 LIST OF AL AMRI GROUP OF COMPANIES 8 2 LIST OF COMPLETED PROJECTS 9 to 10 3 LIST OF COMPANY STAFF & WORKERS 11 4 PHOTO GALLARY 12 to 15 5 COMPANY'S REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS 16 to 17 Page 2 of 17 INTRODUCTION Page 3 of 17 MESSAGE FORM THE DESK OF MANAGING DIRECTOR This company GULF LINE LEADER TRADING & CONTRACTING EST. L.L.C.has been established in 2013 to enhance quality work in all type of buildings, road works, Infrastructural utilities, MEP & maintenance works. The main reason behind the establishment is to provide high quality work to serve the country and Omani society. Mohammad Salim Issa Al Amri. Managing Director. Page 4 of 17 ABOUT THE COMPANY Gulf Line Leader T & C Est. L.L.C.was founded in 2013 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. After successful completion of projects, Gulf Line Leader T & C Est. L.L.C.(GLL) earned client’s admiration and became candidate for more competitive job opportunities. With high quality and safety standards together with qualified professionals, Gulf Line Leader T & C Est. L.L.C. is one of the leading contractors in Sultanate of Oman today, GLL has become a reputed Omani company after successful providing services to many projects such as commercial and residential buildings, environmental projects, roads and road maintenance works, industrial buildings, warehouses, hospitals and health centers, sewage and drainage projects and electromechanical works of facilities.