Page 1 WORKING PAPER - 7 Shanghaing Mumbai – Politics of Evictions and Resistance in Slum Settlements Darshini Mahadevia Harini Narayanan October, 1999 CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES E-71, Akash, Near Chief Justice‟s Bungalow, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad- 380054. INDIA Tel: +91-79-26850160 Telefax: +91-79-26844240 Email:
[email protected] Web site: Page 2 Shanghaing Mumbai – Politics of Evictions and Resistance in Slum Settlements Darshini Mahadevia ( Faculty, School of Planning, Centre for Environmental Planning & Technology, Ahmedabad and Visiting Faculty, Centre for Development Alternatives, Ahmedabad, INDIA ) Harini Narayanan (Independent Urban Researcher, New Delhi, INDIA) Page 3 1 Published by Center for Development alternatives, Ahmedabad E/ 71, Akash, Near Chief Justice‟s Bungalow, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad-380 054. INDA Tel: +91-79-2685 0160, Telefax: +91-79-2684 4240 E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: CFDA Working papers are the output of research work or research projects conducted at CFDA. This paper has been peer reviewed and edited. The paper is also available on the Web site : Page 4 2 Shanghaing Mumbai – Politics of Evictions and Resistance in Slum Settlements 1 Darshini Mahadevia Harini Narayanan “Citizens will see many suburban road projects completed on a war footing by next December, although the rehabilitation of as many as 20,000 slum families is an onerous task. The proliferation of slums throughout the city has created obstacles for development and today there are demands that the cut-off date for regularising hutments be extended to 2000. But, the existing law clearly stipulates that protection to slums can be given only if they existed prior to January 1, 1995.