A Brief Introduction 1 the Emerging Cultural Turn in Peace Research
Notes A Brief Introduction 1 Examples are the Correlates of War (CoW) project that was founded in 1963 by a political scientist at the University of Michigan and that has immensely fostered quantitative research into the causes of war (see http://www.corre- latesofwar.org/); the International Conflict Research (ICR) group, based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETHZ) and the Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS), that conducts research on international and domestic conflict and mainly relies on statistics and com- putational methods for its analyses (see http://www.icr.ethz.ch/); or the European Network of Conflict Research (ENCoRe) at ETHZ that aims at pre- paring researchers and policy makers for future conflicts by coordinating and accelerating ‘the construction and maintenance of conflict datasets with the help of an integrated online portal that allows researchers and policy makers to analyze and predict the outbreak and course of conflict processes around the world’ (see http://www.encore.ethz.ch/index, 14.1.2014). The majority of contributions in influential journals such as the Journal of Peace Research and the Journal of Conflict Resolution rely on such quantitative data and analyses. 1 The Emerging Cultural Turn in Peace Research 1 For a comprehensive overview of transitional justice see, for example, Kritz (1995). See also Daly and Sarkin (2007), Kayser-Whande and Schell-Faucon (2008), Merwe (2003), Minow (1998), and Rigby (2001). 2 See Fischer and Ropers (2004: 11), Galtung (2001), and Huyse (2008: 2–3). The problematic nature of the term ‘reconciliation’ and its elements and instruments are discussed by, among others, Bar-Tal and Bennink (2004: 28–29), Bloomfield (2003b, 2006), Huyse (2003b), Lederach (1995, 1997), and Pankhurst (1999).
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