Space Station Freedom Data Management System Growth and Evolution Report
NASA Technical Memorandum 103869 Space Station Freedom Data Management System Growth and Evolution Report R. Bartlett, G. Davis, T. L. Grant, J. Gibson, R. Hedges, M. J. Johnson, Y. K. Liu, A. Patterson-Hine, N. Sliwa, H. Sowizral, and J. Yan N93-15k77 (NASA-TM- I03869) SPACE STATION FREEDOM DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GROWTH ANO EVOLU TIr}N REPORT (NASA) Uncl as September 1992 66 P G3/17 0178407 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Z NASA Technical Memorandum 103869 Space Station Freedom Data Management System Growth and Evolution Report T. L. Grant and J. Yan, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California September 1992 RIASA National Aeronauticsand Space Administration Ames Research Center MoffettField, CaJifomia94035-1000 The Study Team The Data Management System (DMS) analysis team Digital Equipment Corporation, Moffett Field, CA consists of civil servants and contractors at NASA Ames Roger Bartlett Research Center, Information Sciences Division. Prof. Joanne Bechta Dugan provided the reliability Intelligent Systems Technology Branch, Ames analysis of the DMS network reported in appendix B; she Research Center, Moffett Field, CA used the HARP code and the work was sponsored by Gloria Davis Langley Research Center (LaRC). Members of the Failure Terry Grant Tolerance/Redundancy Management Working Group Bob Hedges provided network failure information and preliminary Y. K. Liu models that aided our study of the failure tolerance of the Dr. Ann Patterson-Hine DMS network. Nancy Sliwa We also acknowledge the following individuals for Sterling Federal Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA reviewing early versions of the manuscripts: Dr. Jerry Yah Gregg Swietek (NASA Headquarters), Mike Pasciuto (NASA), Donald Woods (McDonnell Douglas Space Research Institute for Advanced Computational Systems Company (MDSSC)) and George Ganoe Science, Moffett Field, CA (NASA LaRC).
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