Index A close affi liative behaviors , 376–377 A C P . See Private Conservation Area (ACP) HDBs to familiar visitors , 378–379 African oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) , non-primate species , 374 21 , 23 study fi ndings , 375 African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) , 188 subjects and methods , 375 Agent Orange , 179 visual behaviors , 377 , 378 Agricultural ‘Pests’ , 138–139 Aportive lemurs (genus Lepilemur ) , 197 Agricultural frontier Arboreal samango monkeys , 303 account expansion , 328 ARCAs . See Ronda Conservation Areas and hunting pressure , 317 (ARCAs) Agricultural landscapes, primate interactions Asociación de Organizaciones del Corredor human-directed aggression , 140–141 Biológico Talamanca Caribe lethal control methods , 139 (ACBTC) , 365 livestock predation , 140 Aye-aye ( Daubentonia madegascariensis ) , 111 Agroecosystems , 7 , 137 Agroforestry techniques , 35 Agro-industrial enterprises , 21 B Allen’s swamp monkey ( Allenopithecus Baboon attacks , 140 nigroviridis ) , 182 Bakumba community , 183 Alouatta palliata , 353 , 362 , 365 Bears ( Ursus arctos ) , 302 Alouatta pigra , 9 1 Behavioral rehabilitation , 235 Amathole Mountains , 305 Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve (BMSR) , 405 Amazonian forest loss in Peru , 316 Bioclimatic zones , 317 Amboseli National Park , 302 Biological Species Concept (BSC) , 199 Animal Concerns Research and Education Black-and-white colobus ( Colobus guereza ) , Society (ACRES) , 295 302 Animal conservation , 129 , 130 Black-crested mangabeys (Lophocebus Animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs) , 352 aterrimus ) , 182 Anthropocene, biodiversity conservation , 64 Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary , 111 Anthropogenic habitats , 148 Bolafa ( Gilbertiodendron ) forest , 182 Anthropogenic matrix , 354 Bonobos , 181–187 Anthropological methodology , 217 Brachyteles hypoxanthus , 1 4 Ape–human interactions Brown howler monkeys ( Alouatta guariba ) , 15 aggression, hiding and distant affi liative Budongo Forest Reserve , 79 HDBs , 378 Bushmeat , 97 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 415 M.T.
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