they try to steamroll neighborhood concerns with expensive media campaigns and hopelessly flawed "sound tests" (including one held on Thanksgiving eve) rather than working collaboratively with the residents. Do they truly believe that there would be flO sound impact on our neighborhoods? Then perhaps they would be willing to give the city 100% of their profits from any concert that exceeds sound limits.

Need any more information? Try this from a city official in Columbus, Ohio, home of the Polaris Amphitheater: "If you can avoid having this thing go in, do so. It's been a nightmare since it started here."

Anna and Ralph Welch cc: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]","chales@ci... From: Diane Dorfman To: lO'[email protected]'"

I am a resident of Kenton and I am strongly opposed to the proposal to build an amphitheater. Please attend to local decisions on this issue and vote against the amphitheater. North Portland needs local businesses, the closing of "drug" hotels, and more public transportation, not further ghettoization.

Diane Dorfman NWREL, Rural Education Program' 101 SW Main Portland, OR 97204 503/275-9561 [email protected]

1304 N. Farragut St Portland, OR 97217 From: "Mattis Fine·Cigars" To: Portland.SMTP1("[email protected]") Date: 12/8/989:16am Subject: Rose City Amphitheatre

Dear Mayor Katz,

I am writing this to encourage your support for the proposed amphitheatre. I am quite confident that this will improve the economy and promote community involvement. I would like to see the City of Portland go forward with the planning process, as it is an excellent opportunity for the Portland area.

Thank you for you consideration,

Jennifer Singley Vice President, Matt's Fine Cigars From: Michael Mills To: MYLlNLY, MYELlSA, MYJUDY Date: 12/8/9810:35am Subject: Amphitheater Editorial - Fwd

FYI: The attached was sent to: "[email protected]"

>>> Richard Ellmyer 12/07/98 11 :39pm »> The Oregonian editorial "Keep raceway options open" (Monday December 7,1998), showed a lack ofresearch, poor judgment, an insulting disregard for thousands of citizens in North, Northeast and Northwest Portland, and worst Of all, an editorial bias supporting a wealthy advertiser. The Oregonian purposefully withheld meaningful information from the voters about their own sexually harassed reporter before the Packwood election. Now, the Oregonian again withholds relevant information from our community to protect one of its billionaire advertisers, Paul Allen. We accept this as a fact of business life but are distressed none-the-Iess.

The editorial: 1. Conveniently omitted the Portland Planning Commission's rejection of an amphitheater at PIR. 2. Dismissed the "noise-plagued North Portland residents" without any mention of our organized opposition or the damaging effects on our neighborhoods. 3. Gave credit to Allen for making improvements to PIR which will be made anyway without his money. 4. Ignored the fact that as soon as Paul Allen realized their was serious opposition to his plans tobuild an amphitheater at PIR he went to Clark County. 5. Ignored the fact the Clark County Commissioners, who actively want an amphitheater, rejected his offer because he tried to bully them and would not compromise on anything. 6. Overlooked the fact that the civic process for such a major change in a Plan District should have taken one and a half to two years. Instead Allen pushed Francesconi to try to do it in only a few months, with minimum citizen involvement. Francesconi bought into it and then failed because home owners caught on to his scheme and protested. This is not how we do things in Portland. 7. Deliberately misstates the process by saying we should all talk together to work something out. That time has long passed. It didn't work. Our goals are mutually exclusive. We want a decent place to live, Paul Allen wants to make a buck at our expense.

Make no mistake. If the City Council votes to amend the Plan District Report to include an amphitheater then there will be an amphitheater on Paul Allen's terms. Larry Hildebrand is either politically naive or cunningly obfuscatory in his support for advertiser Paul Allen. You choose.

Richard Ellmyer 9124 N. McKenna Ave. Portland, OR 97203 289-7174

cc: MYVERA, MYSAM, MYBETSY, PDXBLDG.PLPO.PLCARY, MYOMB... From: "Johannsen, Daniel" To: "'[email protected]'"

Please don't kill the money making auto racing and other auto events at PIR for the sake of an amphitheater being pushed by the Big Money Guys. Its an obvious money looser for the people of Portland. Please approve the Planning Commission's recommendation to remove the ampitheater from the PIR Plan District plan.

Dan Johannsen Membership Chairman Portland Triumph Owners Association From: To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") Date: 12/8/98 12:42pm SUbject: PIR Ampitheater


Dear Mayor Katz,

I am writing quickly to voice my objection to the PIR Ampitheater.

I love live music. My dream is to always live in a weathly, thriving community/city that is able to provide for its residents. I have made Portland my home because of this reason and because our city fosters community.

Unfortunately, the PIR Ampitheater flies in the face of all that Portland is known for. Agean is not acting with clean hands in its correspondence with the North and Northeast neighborhoods and quite bluntly is ignoring the true impacts this venue will have on our community.

- Noise controls will be impossible to enforce.

- Traffic will jam on I 5, then spill onto neighborhood streets thus endagering the safety of residents and their children.

- Property values in affected neighborhoods will plummet.

- Residents will be forced out of their yards and into their houses for up to 40 events during the summer months - an equivalent of nearly six weeks.

Please vote against any PIR ampitheater proposal. Agean's attempts to buy the neighborhoods off instead of working with the neighbors is a blatant symbol of their priorities - and what they care about - money.

Like you, I care about my community.

Thank you,

Dain Nestel 839 N. Buffalo Street Portland, OR 97217 503-784-0784 From: To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") Date: 12/8/98 1:03pm SUbject: PIR-Amphitheater

Klaus Heyne 41101 SE Louden Road Corbett, OR 97019 Tel. 503. 695. 3412

RE: PIR·Amphitheater

Madam Mayor,

Many of your constituents are probably unaware that aside of racing events, PIR each year makes its course available to quite a few driver education days. 3 Though less glamourous than the national race events PIR is famous for, these educational track days2, which are sponsored and paid for by local car clubs, law enforcement agencies and safe·driving organizations, help commercial drivers and regular commuters alike to better control their cars and navigate Portland1s streets and the state1s roads and freeways safely and with skill. I for one have benefited greatly from attending track days and have learned from instructors how to keep control over my car during unexpected emergencies.

If the Portland City Council approves Paul Allen1s amphitheater as he envisions it on PIR grounds, his entertainment events would preempt a considerable number of driver education days. Therefore I hope that the Portland City Council will consider the lives saved and property damage avoided because of driver education days available at the only state-of-the-art track facility in which offers such safety instruction.

Klaus Heyne Member, Oregon Region Porsche Club Of America From: "COLLEEN MCDONNELL" To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]","chales@ci... Date: 12/8/98 1:56pm Subject: 12 Dec. City Council Meeting - Amphitheater

Please vote No on the Amphitheaterproject. Keep the livability factor high in Portland. Vote no to noise, congestion, and neighborhood irate. Preserve the beauty and wildlife environment in Delta Park. cc: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") From: To: Portland.SMTP1("[email protected]") Date: 12/8/982:57pm Subject: Re: Aliens PIR porposal-Reply

Thank you for giving me a reply that voiced some un thought of views. I appreciate replys from "officials" and will keep active and up to date on such movements in both my communitiy as well as others which I feel passionate about

Thank You

Ryan Johnson From: lans To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]","esten... Date: 12/8/98 3:02pm SUbject: Portland International Raceway

Dear Mayor Katz and Council Members,

I would like to voice my concern with the proposed theater at PIR. I am a student at Oregon State University and will be graduating in the spring from the Mechanical Engineering department. I was born and raised in the Portland area and have been racing at PIR with my father since 1986. Last year, I got the chance to drive a race car on PIR for the first time. I am very excited to do this again, but I am concerned Iwill not have the opportunity.

If a theater is developed on the infield at PIR there will be several complications I hope people will consider. Several things will be destroyed if the proposal is passed. The motocross track would have to be destroyed. The wetland area would be destroyed. Amateur racing would be destroyed. This would include multiple road racing clubs and drag racing.

Why put a theater at PIR? Whywould the people of Portland want an already rich man to get richer by using public land to build his facility and deplete the community of a diverse and popular recreation? Every weekend of the summer would need to be dedicated to some sort of activity at the theater to make it financially sound. This would mean the only venue that would take priority on weekends would be CART. What would become of amateur racing? It would be gone.

Putting a facility in a public park is unreasonable. Public parks are there for the public. The people of Portland developed PIRfor the use of the community. These groups would be put aside for private money making if this plan is passed! This makes no sense! If Paul Allen wants to build a theater for the people of Portland, find a place that does not destroy the diverse things we have as a community.

Please, don't let this pass. It is not right and will have a huge negative impact on a significant portion of the population. Paul Allen needs to find a different location to build his theater.

Thank you,

Lansing Stout

836 NW 34th Corvallis, Or. 97330

541-754-2164 From: To:' Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") Date: 12/8/98 3:43pm Subject: PIR Amphitheater

Dear Mayor Katz As a racing fan and 30 year user of Portland International Raceway I am writing to ask that you do not allow the proposed amphitheater to be built at PIR. The city of Portland enjoys a very unique situation having a nationally renowned racing circut as a part of our city parks system. The expansion and growth of this facility has been supported by not only events such as Indy Gars but by the many small clubs and organizations who rent and use this track on a weekly basis. As a member of Portland Karting Association, a club of,150 plus racing familys with participation of racers 8 years of age and up, our club is lucky to get 4 to 5 dates per year and the loss of even 1 weekend due to a schedule conflict would create hardship to our members and create a negative financial impact on surrounding business owners as participants of our events stay in town 2-3 days per event. I believe a concert at this site would not support any of these businesses. I would also point out that PIR is the only World Glass racing facility in the entire Northwest and is an irreplaceable asset to Portland. Gan the same be said for an amphitheater? The arguement that the racetrack and amphitheater can co-exist on the same property also does not work because the loss of even one racing day is completely unfair to the users who have helped finance the opperation of this self sufficient city property. It has also become very apparent that Mr. Allen and his group are prepared to say and spend any amount necessary to get their aphitheater built by listening to the barrage of misleading print and radio advertising currently running. Portland needs PIR as a racing facility and your help in voting to keep it intact.


Ray Knight owner/operator of Knight Kart Supply 186 NE 187th Ave Portland, OR 97230 home 666-7059 work 666-4307 From: KREITZ JON To: "'[email protected]

I understand Paul Allen is petitioning the Portland City Council for the rights to build an amphitheater within the infield of Portland International Raceway (PIR). Although this petition was first rejected the Portland Planning commission, Mr. Allen has an appeal hearing scheduled for December 17th. '

I would like you to consider the importance of PIR. This recreational facility would be drastically altered with the addition of an amphitheater. PIR is unique not only to Portland, but to the rest of the US in that it is the only public-owned race track. PIR provides a world class venue for amateur motor sports, motor cross enthusiasts, bicycle competition as well as other recreational users.

When professional motor sports visit our fine city, there is always an influx of tourist dollars for the event, plus the terrific PR as ESPN/ABC take the long shot of Mt. Hood in the background extolling the virtues of Portland and the surrounding areas.

Please keep this important recreational facility free of Mr. Allen's amphitheater. I think Portland has been more than accommodating to Allen's ventures.

Thanks for the consideration

J.Kreitz From: Mark twietmeyer To: Portland.SMTP1("[email protected]","chales@ci... Date: 12/8/984:26pm Subject: Rose City Amphitheatre

I feel that the City Council should go forward with the planning process for an outdoor Amphitheater. My reasons are both personal and financial. I would enjoy seeing & hearing the wide variety of events that would occur during a season. The potential economic support generated by the construction and visiting events, would also help support the 20 living wages of my employees (We are a supplier of video/audio equipment).

This type of economic developement is needed to continue to make Portland a growing and viable city for the future ..

Please continue with the planning process!!

Mark Twietmeyer Small Business Owner URS Electronics, Inc Direct# 503/820-6113 From: Susan Myers To: [email protected]'"

Just wanted to drop you all a note on the proposed amphitheater project.

I have heard a little bit about the project and have begun hearing ads on the radio. Although I don't live in North Portland, these ads don't ring true for me. In fact, it sounds like a Blazer hype marketing campaign to me. It's a sneaky way to do business and I don't buy it! We have plenty of good places to hear good music already.

Please vote no.


Susan Myers From: To: Portland.SMTP1 ([email protected],lIesten... Date: 12/8/986:05pm Subject: Stop the Amphitheater Project

I was dismayed when I received word that my yearly trips to Portland are in jeapordy. Are the views of one tourist of importance to you? If this project goes ahead I would no longer visit your city two Urnes a year and my perception of its beauty and appreciation of its hospitality would be forever changed. I do not know all the issues, I have listed some which I found out about below. What I do know is that it sounds like another move by a rich and powerful person motivated by greed without regard for those who make use of the very special existing facility and who do not have the resources to fight back. Isn't this very group that government is supposed to protect? Please protect the people and the environment and stop the amphitheater project. Thank you -jj

Questions being asked in Cyberspace:

Why do they want to build atPIR?? Do they want to listen to the jets and helicopters from the Portland Airport during concerts (or will Paul Allen ~imply require that flight patterns be changed) ??

Isn't PIR a lIf1ood-planell? .. I thought that was why we can't build permanent structures.... I guess we don't have enough $$$ to get by that ruling?? If Allen gets to build another venue as large as the Rose Garden, but his time in a city park, does he have to pay property taxes??

The city just finished a bright shiny new light-rail/mass-transit system that goes no where near this proposed site.... Isn't this area already croweded enough? It sure seems so when they have those antique or gun shows at the Expo Center and traffic is backed up onto 1-5...

We all know that it's never cold, nor wet out there... what a perfect place for an amphitheater.... Doesn't the fog usually stay socked in there longer than anywhere else in town? Humm... a sunken amphitheater, why not build it in a wet-land that's already below the water table and needs pumps running so it stays dry...

What about the City's Official Bird, the Blue Heron which nests immediately adjacent to the construction site... What about the thousands of Canadian Geese who make a home out there, not to mention the hawks and even a few bald eagles I have seen there from time to time? From: To: Portland.SMTP1("[email protected]","jfra... Date: 12/8/988:03pm Subject: Plans For PIR

Dear Council Members, I would like to express my thoughts on the proposed development of PIR to include a 20,000 seat outdoor amphitheater. As a racing enthusiast, I am deeply concerned that the schedule of events for such a venue would infringe on the intended use of the facility as a City Park, and as a site for various racing events that occur mostly in the summer months. I would hope that the Council will once more rule against this proposal. Wouldn't it make sense to further utilize the facilities that we already have in place, such as the Civic Stadium? I can forsee the Trailblazer organization coming to operate both the Rose Garden, and PIR, since they would end up having cancellation rights to preempt groups and organizations that have been using PIR for years. I have been attending races and other events at that location since 1964, going to the Rose Cup Races to watch Monte Shelton etc. I would not like to see the Car Clubs and others, lose their rights to use the facilities because we have paved and paid the way for years.

Thank You foryour time and consideration, Craig Dennis From: "Richard M. Holmboe" <[email protected]> To·: The Honorable Mayor Vera Katz

Dear Mayor Katz:

I want to express my opinion on the proposed amphitheater at PIR. PIR is a unique property offering the motorsports enthusiasts of Portland and the entire state a place to safely practice their passion. This is the only place in the state for road racing and one of the few drag strips. It serves high school teenagers to bank presidents and has performed well for thirty-seven years.

I am strongly opposed to the amphitheater proposal for two major reasons. First the facility is almost overused at this point and increasing competition for the dates available will most certainly hurt the small hobby organizations that go the furthest towards keeping racing off of the city streets. Second I fear for the life of the track itself. The Blazers have already escalated the proposal in terms of cost and dates and judging from their past actions with the Coliseum/Rose Garden will seek to gain complete control. This will either mean that the cost of the track will rise beyond the means of most hobby racers as it has in some tracks in California or the Blazers will stop racing altogether to mazimize use of the amphitheater. Motorsports hobbists have nowhere else to go. An amphitheater can be built elsewhere. This is best demonstrated by the fact that Clark County has signed a letter of intent for a similar amphitheater which is another reason for not building this one.

I am deathly afraid of seeing the Trailblazers organization involved in this wonderful facility. Former mayor Terry Schrunk worked with the Multnomah Hot Rod Council to utilize the old Vanport roads to get the teenage racers off of the streets. It has developed nicely from that humble beginning into the current facility that serves both world class events like the Indy car races and grass roots events like the Wednesday Night Drags or the weekly bicycle races. The facility has certainly paid its own way even with rental fees that are reasonable enough that small organizations can afford them. With the burden of a $17 million investment I wonder how affordable the track would be when the Blazers control it as they most assuredly would at some point.

I urge you to oppose this use for PIR. Somethings are too good to change.


Richard M. Holmboe

Go-Karter for thirty one years Motorsports Enthusiast Portland Resident Active Voter From: To: Portland.SMTP1("[email protected]") Date: 12/8/989:24pm Subject: The future of PIR

Dear Madame Mayor:

My husband and I are concerned about the future of PIR regarding the proposed amplitheater. We are very familiar with PIR, and have attended many events in the past such as the All British Field Meet, the Historic Races,and Triumph and BMW club events, as well as other clubs track days.

We do not feel that the planned amplitheather would have the best interests of PIR and the population who uses PIR at heart. The track is used most often by clubs and groups of people who are enthusiasts at heart-not the few events a year that have the large races. The current track and fee structure allow for both parties to enjoy the track as desired. We are concerned that those voting on the future at PIR may not completely understand how the track is currently used. Races are one use, but also important are shows, rallies, and track days where the average Joe driver can learn to further enjoy his vehicle.

We note that the ads state that we won't have to pay a thing as tax payers. highly doubt this would extend to the people who actually use PIR as well. The cost of building would have to be transmitted somehow. Mostlikely the average Joes will have to try to pony up the money. I know that my husband and I very much want to continue using the track, however, finacial realities, and those of our fellow car enthusiasts, would quickly end the level of participation currently enjoyed by most clubs. Additionally, the fees for attending the larger events such as the Historic races and the All British Field Meet would have to increase. Sponsors have been kind in the past-but sponsors are not always easy to find, especially for these types of community events.

Our feeling is that the community of Portland that PIR serves would quickly be muscled out by the amplitheater through prohibitive costs and lack of good draw days. The prime weekends are undoubtedly when the amplitheather would want to hold high dollar events-the same weekends that now hold the excellent PIR eVl:lnts. I know the plans would be to hold other events as well. However, we do have two very nice amplitheaters currently, one which is very empty now that the Blazers appear to be on Hiatus. I also attend Portland Power Games and Winterhawk games. You should go. The truth is, generally it is the core fans are there-not the thronging masses. The same is very true for PIR.

The current track is a wonderful example of a national scale track available for the everyman and the Indy 500 car. Although I very much agree that some improvements could be made 0Ne've sat through blazing sun and pouring rain watching slaloms and the like) I don't think that another mega-scale amplitheather 5 miles from two other mega-scale amplitheater's is appropriate.

We feel that building the amplitheater would actually inhibit enthusiasm for the very events it proposes to stimulate. We do not feel that economic growth will be stimulated. Not all of us can afford $100 Blazer Tickets, and we believe that the City of Portland cannot afford the 17-20 million amplitheater so close to two other excellent facilities, as well as the Expo center. And that is not even broaching on the issues of increased congestion, noise, and disturbance to that particular urban area.

Most Sincerely,

Mary and Kurt Thiessen. Legal Nurse Consultant Mechanical Engineer and serious car enthusiasts. From: "Walt Sweyer" To: "Charles Hales" , "Mayor... Date: 12/8/98 11 :37pm Subject: Plans for PIR

Please consider the diversity that will be lost to the Portland Community if Mr. Allen's group is approved to develop PIR as proposed. Portland will lose a variety of annual events that have grown with the city and the participants will be displaced. Nothing new will come to Portland but the losses will be noticed by many. Bottom line - less diversity of activities for Portland citizens. . From: Hegar4 Products To: [email protected]'"

Paul Allen Amphitheater: Relocation required

December 9,1998

To whom it may concern,

I feel it is a poor idea to allow Portland International Raceway to be transformed into another money making venture for a man that could easily build his own facility anywhere in the state of Oregon, or in the world for that matter. The park was built for the people of Oregon and is not to be turned into a private venture for personal wealth. There is no amount of money that can make up for the amount of traffic and noise that will be added to the already congested and polluted surrounding area, I feel if you allow this you will find the number of problems the city will encounter after the fact will greatly outweigh the revenue created by the theater for the city. Please take into consideration this letter when you make your decision, please save our city from corporate takeover. Thank you.

Chris Hegar 14833 SE 131 DR Clackamas, Oregon 97015 (503)698-5133 From: To: internet.AOL(Cart),Portland.SMTP1("ontrack@amcity.... Date: 12/9/98 6:34am Subject: Amphitheater?

I have just learned that the city council will be considering a proposel from , a big money developer to build an amphitheater on the grounds of Portland International Raceway.

DON'T EVEN THNINK ABOUT IT. But then again, please do think about it and the loss of the best motor raceing complex in the Pacific Northwest. Think about the millions of dollars the greater Portland area will be looseing from money spent for food, hotels and transportation. Think about the apparent greed of a team, that doesn't even have a season this year, why they are not playing and it could happen again. MONEY. Think about those that want to build and their connection with said team. MONEY. Think about the help the city and county will be asked to supply. MONEY. Think about the history of West Delta Park and the flood they said could never happen, but did. Think of the MONEY it would take to protect and/or replace this proposed structure. Think about who would be left holding the bag if builder and team desided to move out of the area. Just think, Think THINK.

Compare the use time. As is P I R could operate 365 days a year. Well, 0 K give the staff the normal eight or ten payed holidays a year off, with little or no down time from 8:00 A.M. to 11 :00 P.M. On the other hand how many days a year would this amphitheater sit empty, not creating revenue for its owner and tax dollars for the city? Who is going to pay for the highway reconstruction for off and on ramps, or is the existing traffic flow going to stay the problem that it is and. has been long before the expantion of P I R over twenty years ago. Is West Delta Park private or public land and if pUblic does that not make the city ultimately responsible? Do the voters have any say in this project or is it big money running the show?

I hope, if this amphitheater is built, anywhere, it is with private money. The city and surrounding counties should not be held responsible for the greed of the Trail Blazers and their friends.

I have lived in the Pacific Northwest, been quite involved with motor sports, both as a hobby and now as a paying proposition for the last thirty years, and have been coming to P I R since the very early 70's and have seen the changes and know the history of the track. It has kept a countless number of teenagers and young adult off the city street and given them a place to prove how good their cars are. It gives two wheelers a controled location to show their stuff instead of tearing up some hill side and causing damage to mother nature. It has given the Portland area many more years of entertainment than any pro sports team will ever be able to.

Please do not allow big money, tunnel vission and greed to rule.

Thank you for your time Smokey Harper From: Mary Margaret Hite To: Jim Francesconi , ... Date: 12/9/98 10:26am Subject: Regarding an amphitheatre at PIR

Although I am not a Portland resident, please allow me to express my opposition to a plan which will affect the entire metro area (and, if effected, will require the support of the entire area).

PIR is unique on the west coast, and unusual throughout the US, in being a publicly owned and supported motorsports facility - not just a racetrack, but an ideal place for car shows, rallies, motocross and other automotive is also a beautiful, natural park in the midst of a densely developed area. I am not at all involved with racing, but as the owner of a vintage car I have attended and enjoyed numerous events at PIR,including the annual Labor Day All-British Field Meet (which draws entrants and visitors from southern California to British Columbia and Utah) and the relatively new Historic Races. I would like to continue to do so. I can't see any way that a big-draw amphitheatre intended primarily for music events could possibly be compatible with a motorsports facility. No matter what assurances may be given to the automotive community in order to buy their cooperation, I'm afraid that sooner or later we would lose all rights to hold evening and weekend events at the facility - all the profitable times, in other words. And though I'm not convinced that a public park should have to show a profit, I think it needs a reasonable chance to at least break even and avoid being a drain on the taxpayers. If PIR starts losing large amounts of public money on a regular basis, we WILL lose the facility.

The Planning Commission has already ruled against the amphitheatre plans. Please support their decision. Thank you, Mary Margaret Hite [email protected] From: Phil Hess To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") Date: 12/9/9812:07pm

Mayor Katz, Please accept this note in favor of the proposed concert venue at P.I.R. that is proposed. I have driven several times to the Gorge at George. Portland is a community that desearves to have such a venue. I have talked to some of the promoters who have spoken to my major concern having to~do with traffic. There will be some new management plans for the traffic. With seating of only 180000, parking in the area (which is sufficient for P.I.R. activities with three times the number of visitors), should not be a problem. I know that t~e neighbors in the area have had complaints about noise, but there will be sound buffers built in to the design and the area is naturally separated from residencial areas. Please consider supporting the project, and urging others to do so.

Thank You for your consideration,

Phil Hess Portland Community College cc: Portland.SMTP1 (" From: James Davis. To: Portland.SMTP1("[email protected]","esten... Date: 12/9/98 12:09pm Subject: PIR Amphitheatre=bad idea

To: Mayor Vera Katz (503) 823-4120 [email protected] Jim Francesconi (503) 823-3008 [email protected] Charles Hales (503) 823-4682 [email protected] Erik Sten (503) 823-3589 [email protected] Gretchen Kafoury (503) 823-4151 [email protected]

I just want to write to voice my displeasure at the idea of putting an amphitheatre at PIR. I want you to know that this move doesn't just effect the people who live in Portland. There are a lot of people all across the countlry who come there DURING THE SUMMER to race. There are not enough places for us to race as it is.

Just for once, I would like to see a world where the person with the most money isn't always·right.

Thank you, James Davis [email protected] Mercer Island, WA


Why do they want to build at PIR?? Do they want to listen to the jets and helicopters from the Portland Airport during concerts (or will Paul Allen simply require that flight patterns be changed) ??

Isn't PIR a "flood-plain";.. I thought that was why we can't build permanent structures.... I guess we don't have enough $$$ to get by that ruling?? If Allen gets to build another venue as large as the Rose Garden, but his time in a city park, does he have to pay property taxes??

The city just finished a bright shiny new light-raillmass-transit system that goes no where near this proposed site.... Isn't this area already croweded enough? It sure seems so when they have those antique or gun shows at the Expo Center and traffic is backed up onto 1-5... Heck, why not build a nice noisey place for concerts right next to a golf course??

I've heard rumors that some members of the City Council are wanting to know why we can't just go over and race at Portland Speedway!!

We all know that it's never cold, nor wet out there... what a perfect place for an amphitheater.... Gee, doesn't the fog usually stay socked in there longer than anywhere else in town? Humm... a sunken amphitheater, why not build it in a wet-land that's already below the water table and needs pumps running so it stays dry...

What about the City's Official Bird, the Blue Heron which nests immediately adjacent to the construction site... What about the thousands of Canadian Geese who make a home out there, not to mention the hawks and even a few bald

eagles I have seen there from time to time.

Each year, the City of Portland get more nationwide exposure from people watching the CART race than those watching the Grand Floral Parade.... This venue is already logs over 400 "user-days" per year... This place was built by amatuer racers and if this amphitheater is built, that is exactly who will lose, the amatuer racer...

"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child. "

-Former U.S. Vice-President Dan Quayle on Republican family values From: John Spiva To: "[email protected]"

Portland International Raceway (PIR)! Paul Allen and Universal Concerts proudly state, *This amphitheater will be built, operated and maintained with private funds, at no cost whatsoever to the public.* Nothing could be farther from the truth.

* It will cost the City of Portland the parklike setting that makes PIR such a treasure. The grass, wetlands, and trees will be replaced by the amphitheater structure and acres of parking. * It will ultimately cost the PIR users*the same ones who have helped make PIR the great facility it is*their raceway. Once the amphitheater is built, the pressure will be on to secure more and more concert dates from the city to pay off Allen*s and Universal*s investments. Since PIR already has a full calendar, inevitably some current users will have to be shut out. Our SCCA Solo 2 autocross and road race events are planned in January. If Paul Allen's organization could cancel our activities with a mere 30 days* notice, it would cost us months of planning*and break us financially. * It will cost the motorcyclist's their motocross dirt track.

Portland International Raceway is the City Parks System at it's best, providing the community with unique recreational opportunities and drawing countless outside visitors and dollars each year. Please don*t sell it to Paul Allen*s group*the costs are just too high.

Clack County is going to build an amphitheater, we do not need two in this area.

Want another idea? Build it at the horse track, not at PIR!

Please do not destroy our race track! PIR is for motor sports!

Thank You, John Spiva c/o P.O. Box 127 Wilsonville, Oregon Ph.(503) 251-5887

cc: "[email protected]" To: "'[email protected]

To: Mayor Vera Katz (503) 823-4120 [email protected] Jim Francesconi (503) 823-3008 [email protected] Charles Hales (503) 823-4682 [email protected] Erik Sten (503) 823-3589 [email protected] Gretchen Kafoury (503) 823-4151 [email protected]

I just want to write to voice my displeasure at the idea of building an amphitheatre on the current P.I.R. site I want you to know that this doesn't just effect the people who live in Portland. There are a lot of people all across the countlry who go there throughout the year to race. The people who race there are a very vocal group Who are facing yet another reduction in the number of places they are able to race.

Please take the time to consider the many people who would be adversely impacted by tearing down P.I.R.

Thank you, Tim Davis


Why do they want to build at PIR??Do they want to listen to the jets and helicopters from the Portland Airport during concerts (or will Paul Allen simply require that flight patterns be changed) ??

Isn't PIR a "flood-plain"... I thought that was why we can't build permanent structures.... I guess we don't have enough $$$ to get by that ruling?? If Allen gets to build another venue as large as the Rose Garden, but his time in a city park, does he have to pay property taxes??

The city just finished a bright shiny new Iight-raillmass-transit system that goes no where near this proposed site.... Isn't this area already croweded enough? It sure seems so when they have those antique or gun shows at the Expo Center and traffic is backed up onto 1-5... Heck, why not build a nice noisey place for concerts right next to a golf course??

I've heard rumors that some members of the City Council are wanting to know why we can't just go over and race at Portland Speedway!!

We all know that it's never cold, nor wet out there... what a perfect place for an amphitheater.... Gee, doesn't the fog usually stay socked in there longer than anywhere else in town? Humm... a sunken amphitheater, why not build it in a wet-land that's already below the water table and needs pumps running so it stays dry...

What about the City's Official Bird, the Blue Heron which nests immediately , adjacent to the construction site... What about the thousands of Canadian Geese who make a home out there, not to mention the hawks 'and even a few bald eagles I have seen there from time to time.

Each year, the City of Portland get more nationwide exposure from people watching the CART race than those watching the Grand Floral Parade.... This venue is already logs over 400 "user-days" per year... This place was built by amatuer racers and if this amphitheater is built, that is exactly who will lose, the amatuer racer...

cc: "'james davis'" From: To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]","jfra... Date: 12/9/982:30pm Subject: Rose-City Ampatheatre Project

Dear Mayor Katz and Councilmen:

I am sending this e-mail to express my support of the Rose-City Ampatheatre Project.

Please contact me at home (524-9565) or work (697-4118) if you would like further input.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Michael Higgins, Accountant DeLap White Caldwell & Croy, LLP Lake Oswego From: "Chris Brandt" To: Portland.SMTP1("[email protected]","gkafo... Date: 12/9/98 3: 13pm SUbject: Rose City Amphitheater

Hello City Hall,

Just a note of concern and support from a resident of North Portland. I am Chris Brandt a homeowner at 7089 N Wellesley, 97203. I have been following the amphitheater project with interest. I will make my comments short and sweet.

I support the project as an enhancement to our city and my neighborhood. I do have a few concerns as a race fan however. There needs to be a mechanism in place to preserve professional and amateur motor sports at PIR. Please limit the Amphitheater's impact of these events by guaranteeing that current schedules (ie Track days, drivers schools, club races and such...) are not reduced. There reduction could lead to an undermining of the support personnel needed to support the pro races that we Jove at PIR. The amateurs have supported and built PIR and need protection. I would hate to loose a facility that hosted my first motorcycle race almost 20 years ago......

My support also assumes proper environmental impact measures are taken. We can't buy back the wildlife when it is driven out by poorly planned development.

I hope this helps.

Chris Brandt From: "Martin, Douge" To: IIIMayor Vera Katzlll Date: 12/9/983:47pm Subject: Opposition to Amphitheater

The Honorable Vera Katz Office of the Mayor City of Portland 1221 Southwest Fourth Portland, OR 97204-1994

Dear Mayor Katz,

We are writing to express our firm opposition to the proposed amphitheater in PIR. We believe it would be a noise and traffic nightmare, with almost no tangible benefits.

Even though we live about 3 miles from PIR, the sound of the races in the summer is clearly audible. However, this relatively consistent sound is easy to tune out, which would not be the case with music, which will also be louder. In all cases of amphitheaters in or near urban areas that I know of, the operators have never lived up to their agreements on the levei of noise. And for the performers, who actually control the soun9 levels, exceeding the allowable noise levels would only get them a small (in their eyes) fine, if they are even caught. Performers in these cases have routinely said they will have the music be as loud as they want, no matter what the law or their agreement with the facility says. Aegean has said that they are aiming the amphitheater at the Columbia, rather than North Portland, which means that the noise problem will be even worse in Vancouver; this does not seem to be particularly neighborly. Indeed, in other places it has led to lawsuits between the two cities.

If the noise concerns are not bad enough, think about the traffic. 1-5 through North Portland has got to be the busiest road in Oregon, with no alternate routes. Small events taking place at the Expo center on the weekend, when the traffic is lighter, routinely cause traffic jams. What would it be like if the cars for 18,000 people headed to a Friday evening concert were added to the regular Friday evening rush hour? Every Friday, all summer long?

Aegean says that there will be increased taxes paid to Portland and the neighborhoods, but there will also be increased costs for infrastructure, police and emergency services, both at the site and in the neighboring areas, which the increased taxes may not even cover.

With two locations in Portland, the Rose Garden and the Coliseum, capable of handling large concerts, and an amphitheater in the works in Clark County, I do not think an argument can be made that this facility is even needed. And with the noise,traffic and environmental impacts it will have, it just does not make good sense: We are gratified to learn that Commissioner Francesconi is rejecting this proposal, we think he is making the right decision. Other cities are tearing down amphitheaters because of the problems they cause; let us not let Portland follow them into this folly.


Douglas G. Martin Stephanie Kramer 5903 NE Rodney Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 USA phone: 289-6155 email: [email protected]

cc: '''Commissioner Francesconilll To: [email protected]'"

Dear Mayor Katz:

I would like to voice my opposition to the proposed amphitheater at Delta Park. I live in North Portland, and I can clearly hear events at PIR (races and outdoor concerts) at my house. It is an annoyance to be , at home and have to listen to the noise, but the other option -leaving the house for the day or evening - is even worse. To get anywhere when there is an event happening at Delta Park means sitting through the ' traffic, jams resulting from the event.

I have friends in Salem who can attest to the fact that an outdoor amphitheater is not an asset to their community. They have moved away from the L.B. Day Amphitheater so that they can have some peace and quiet in their own home. Is the area going to be helped if the residents give up and move away because of the noise and the inconvenience it will cause them?

I applaud Commissioner Francesconi for his support of the North Portland community - he truly has the needs of all his constituents in mind. Please join. him in making a decision that benefits the people of the area, instead of burdening them.


Jennie Spada 5903 NE Rodney Avenue Portland, OR 97211 503-289-6155 [email protected]

cc: "'[email protected] To: [email protected]

RE: Amphitheater proposal December 9,1998

Thank you, Commissioner Francesconi, for taking North/Northeast Portland citizens seriously by stating your opposition to the current amphitheater proposal. Thank you for listening to us when we said that siting such a large amphitheater at the PIR is a bad idea. Thank you for considering the research we have brought you, and for taking the time to read our many letters and e-mails. Thanks to you and to Kathy Turner for your many personal and written responses to us.

Thank you for helping us in what will be our continuing endeavors to increase the livability and status of North Portland. We appreciate that you believe in Lis -- the residents, families, and homeowners -- as much as you believe in big business. There is room for compromise, but it has to be with businesses that will accept that the people -- and the process -- are as important as profits.

We will remember what you have done for us today, and will take it with us as we champion other causes, ~nd as we go to the polls in the future. While it is inevitable that you will be the recipient of negative responses from Aegean, consider the thousands of residents who will be able to enjoy the quiet in their back yards in coming summers, do business in Jantzen beach, enjoy the raceway, allow their children to play in the streets without worring about what amplified profanity they will be accosted by, and so many other things that would have been damaged (if not destroyed) by the proposed amphitheater.


Anna and Ralph Welch 1704 N. Highland St. Portland, OR 97217 286-3303 cc: [email protected]'" To: Portland.SMTP1("[email protected]") Date: 12/9/98 6: 16pm Subject: P.I.R. Amphitheater

Dear Council member

I am writing to express my concerns about the plans to build an amphitheater at Portland International Raceway. I run a small business that would be put out of business by this plan. Team Z Racing operates two Datsun 240z's at P.1. R., mostly as rentals to people interested in racing and people who want to improve street driving skills. These two cars can be found at any conference or SCCA weekend. If you allow Paul Allen to build ANOTHER venue for concerts and use the P.1. R. site you will close my doors and effectively destroy amateur road racing in Oregon. This city has many places to go see concerts including outdoor vinues. We have but one road race course in the whole state. There is a large family of people who meet at P.I.R. to enjoy amateur racing. As you probably know many other activities are scheduled at the track. I hope you will consider not supporting Mr. Allen and his plans. Thank you for your time.

Terry McBride TeamZ Racing cc: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") From: John R Nispel To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") Date: 12/9/98 6:41 pm Subject: Amphitheater

TO: The Honorable Mayor Katz

FROM: John Nispel Northwest Region Sports Car Club of America


I am writing to express my opposition to the construction of an amphitheater in the infield of Portland International Raceway. PIR is one of the best road racing facilities available in the northern Pacific division of our club and services thousands of motor sports enthusiasts annually. It's loss would have a negative impact on racing in the northwest and lost revenue for Portland.

Please vote against this proposal.

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] From: Len 0 Wolford To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]","esten... Date: 12/9/98 8:38pm Subject: amphitheater at PIR

I writing this in opposition to building the amphitheater at Portland International Raceway. I oppose it , because it would threaten the use of the facility for amateur racers, such as myself. I have a love of auto racing, and the groups that I race with, SCCA and The Portland Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club, would losethe opportunity to hold local events at the facility. It is the largest and safest facility we use in the Portland area. We also use smaller pariking lots in the area, but the are hard to reserve for weekend use, and aren't as safe, for drivers and spectators, as PIR. The amphitheater would not only just affect the local racing groups, but it have an impact on the bicycle races, as well as non racing activities at the facility. The track is also located in the 100 year flood plain of the Columbia River. The river has been above flood stage in recent years (1996 and 1997), and with the threat of a colder and wetter than normal winter with La Nina, it would cost the raceway, run by the city Parks Commission, a lot of money to repair any damage casued by a flood. Other reasons for my opposition are that I don't see the need to build an 18,000 seat amphitheater in the local area. Yes, it would mean more revenue for the city, but there are other facilities in the area that serve as outdoor venues for concerts, such as Civic Stadium, Portland Meadows, and the River Queen Amphitheater just north ofthe Broadway Bridge; Another is an amphitheater of the proposed size would hurt improvement of the racetrack, such as adding more seating for fans and improved access for race team trailors. Without some of these improvements, PIR could lose the Fed Ex Champ Car series event in June. This event brings in more revenue than any other Rose Festival event. It also hurts the possibility of getting other national racing series, like NASCAR Winstion Cup Series, from considering adding Portland to their schedule. . For these reasons, I encourage the Council to uphold the Planning Commission's vote against this project.


Len D. Wolford 17025 NE Oregon St Portland, OR 97230

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] From: "s Richards"

To whom it may concern, City of Portland I am writing to express my interest in supporting a pu~oRlafz>n discussion of the amphitheatre. I am very much for the development of an amphitheatreMtwe>Portland area and would be very eager to attend concerts there. Please inform public of all developments and issues surrounding the erection of the amphitheatre. sincerely, Steffanie M. Richards

Get Your Private, Free Email at

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TDD (503) 823-6868 • From: To: Portland.SMTP1 ("gkafoury e... Date: 12/9/98 9:04pm Subject: Why not build an Ampitheater

Dear member of the Council, City of Portland I understand that you are probablyw.Y.~ iIltJ~.person, so I am going to cut right to the point of this letter. My name is Derek Andrea'h'd f~M"~ resident of Lake Oswego, Or. I have lived here for many years a~i\YDfat time have attended many concerts in this great state. I learned about the Rose Quarter Ampitheater project and decided I would like to help. As a lover of music and live concerts, I have absolutely no objections about the project. I think that it would be wonderful to have one of the nicest outdoor Amphitheaters on the entire west coast right here so close to home. Furthermore the new Ampitheater would result in an increase of jobs, it would be very popular in this music craving state, and would attract a larger variety of bands that would not normally think of performing in Oregon. I am bringing this news to your attention because as you can see I am very excited about the idea of having an Ampitheater so close by (compared to the 5 hour road trip to attend concerts at "The Gorge" in Washington). As a member of the Council and somebody who is making decisions about this project I just want you to know that I am 100% for the new Ampitheater and would be very appreciative if the project will be honored the "go ahead" to become apart of our state in the near future. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter, as you can see this is an issue in which I care very much about. Sincerely, Derek Andre

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TDD (503) 823-6868 • From: To: Portland.SMTP1 ("erik@cLp Date: 12/9/989:12pm Subject: (no subject)

12/9/98 My name is Jerrie Johnson, I live at 6336 N. Cam~!yioI>Do.~ my telephone number is 289-5647. I am on the Board o~t~zthe Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association and our Association ~ ~eiras a large majority of the North Portland Neighborhood Associations have vll\~<¥resounding NO for supporting an amphitheater in North Portland.

I have previously expressed my concern over the proposed Rose City Amphitheater and would ask for your support of Jim Francescocni in his opposition of the Paul Allen proposed amphitheater. Your support would be a vote for neighborhood livability. I am truly seeing in Portland and my neighborhood what being the sixth richest man in the world can allow you to attempt to buy and the ways you go about it.

Thanks for your support of North Portland in all issues.

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TDD (503) 823-6868 • From: To: Portland.SMTP1 ("mayorka Date: 12/9/98 10:27pm Subject: amphitheatre at Portland Inter

Madam Mayor Katz, My name is Ron Muro, owner of The Friendly vlffiif, of Columbia View Kiwanis, and the same fellow who ut.fS~V9U at the Portland Rockies games. The Rockies are not the Me~ 9~ fh....evankees ,and I think that we both see Major League in PortlaAYWJlRlire. Today, however, we have a concern that is much more pressing. My shared concern is for the proposed amphitheatre at Portland International Raceway. As a businessperson, I enjoy an occasional round of golf at Heron Lakes Golf Course, which is always a relaxing experience.I can't see myself with a fifteen foot putt, and Pearl Jam playing in the background. As a family, we participate in many other events at P.I.R.. I have served with the Portland Rose Festival Race Committee, The International Conference of Sports Car Clubs, and The All British Field Meet. The All British, incidentally, is the largest two day event of its kind in the nation, and held at P.I.R. every Labor Day since 1983. By now, Mayor, you know what I am requesting. My Request is to have our city stay the course, and grow into the next century with the same values that that we have always insisted upon. They are the values that insist on the protection of our wetlands. Maintaining our city parks, with diverse recreational purposes; open to everyone, at the lowest possible fee. Lastly, I give you the example of Waterfront Park, Pioneer Courthouse Square, and Washington Park,they are Portlands living room and patio. Do we need to give up so much in order to be included into Mr. Allen's entertainment empire ? I hope not. Respectfully, Ron W. Muro ( the Rockies fan behind home plate) cc: internet.Teleport(cmorgans)

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TOO (503) 823-6868 • From: Jeff Osborne

Do not destroy or take down Portland International Racewa'y. It is the only TOP NOTCH racing facility in the Pacific NorfO.ofMotltland Washington state and go down to PIR at least 4 timeVfi!.i'a~pend a good deal of money at the track, hotels, and eateries. ·~v.e t'he'iarck Mayor Jeff Osborne 86 GLHS #304 86 GLH-T "coole"

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TDD (503) 823-6868 • From: Bill Cameron

Dear Mayor Katz, City of Portland I am writing to register my opposition to the PIR Amp'ij~~~zct being proposed by Paul Allen's development company. Pleas'e\)ote ~alnst this project. My reasons are as follows: Mayor

The proposed ampitheatre is unnecessary. The Rose Garden, which is not filled to capacity with events, is located minutes south of PIR.

It will jam Interstate 5 and neighborhood streets for hours during peak rush hours and weekends. (Traffic on 1-5 is at a standstill now.) This will severly impact our neighborhoods and jeapordize the safety of the city's children.

It will create noise which will be heard miles away in the late spring and summer months. People will be driven from their yards during the nicest time of year.

It will pull police and ambulance coverage away from the North and Northeast Portland neighborhoods, thus leaving those residents less protected.

Paul Allen is not interested in working with the neighborhoods surrounding this site. He is now engaged in an expensive media campaign which is disseminating misinformation.

Please oppose this venue.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Bill Cameron 2883 SE Clinton Street Portland, OR 97202 235-4066 [email protected]

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TDD (503) 823-6868 • From: "Cynthia and Steven H. Mill To: Portland.SMTP1 ("gkafoury I. .. Date: 12/10/98 7:47am Subject: Do not allow Paul Allen to get

Mayor Vera Katz City of Portland Commissioner Jim Fancesconi Commissioner Eril Sten Vera Katz Commissioner Charlie Hales Mayor Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury

Dear Mayor Katz and Commisioners,

I recently recieved an interesting letter from the Paul Allen camp signed by a JE Issac of the Rose City Amphitheater Project.

In it he referres to telephone and email inquiries regarding their amphitheater project and he closes asking for his previous respondants to "lend us your voice" and "with our resources..." we can make it happen. To which he convieniently attached a contact list to facilitate my (positive) opinions regarding this project directly.

In my case I'm not sure he mailed his letter to the right person. I am not favorably moved by any Paul Allen involvement in Portland. Ever again! JE Issac's letter outlines a "world-class amphitheater constructed and maintained without any public money...". Kind of like the Rose Quarter I suspect. During this proposal phase I expect they will convieniently fail to mention the hundreds of millions which we will be obligated to put forth for freeway access improvements, and incresed services to the site. Again, kind of like the Rose Quarter? They also convieniently do not account for the cost of land in their "no cost to the taxpayer..." statements. Anywhere the land comes from, it carries a cost, and to jeoprodize the PIR track activities to build an amphitheater inside it is a very high cost which they are not disclosing.

Another point they will casually gloss over is that this is already a publically owned facility, but I guess not to worry, they will probably wrap their proposal around managing and maintaining all of PIR's operations. I'm sure that will be an improvement! Kind of like the Memorial ColosiumlRose Quater arrangment. I don't think so. I am still disturbed that city hall wrote Paul Allen such a blank check over the street/services improvements around the Rose Quarter and then let us get ripped off on the Memorial Colossium revenues and their support for the arts in Portland. Please do not allow such a blunder again.

I live close enough to PIR and Portland Speedway (not to mention POX fly-over noise), to know I do not want any more noise in the area. Let the Rose City Amphitheater Project locate against a hill in Wilsonville if it is so important for us to have an amphitheater.

If Paul Allen wants to kill us on ticket revenues for outdoor concerts like he has Blazer games and his TicketMaster ticket sales monopoly I invite him to do it elsewhere.

Yours Sincerely, Steven H Miller

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TDD (503) 823-6868 • From: Steve Hanson

I object to the proposal to construct an amphitheater at PIR. Concert-goers have the Rose Garden facility for lfOiqeofiftQRIamlund. We have multiple venues for outdoor concerts inCludi{}Q.Erla tl.

Steve Hanson Regional Manager CommercePath, Inc. NT based FAX, EDI, Internet Document Delivery Solutions (800) 600-4329 x624 Voice (503) 968-9652 Fax [email protected]

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TDD (503) 823-6868 • From: To: Portiand.SMTP1 ("gkafoury ci ... Date: 12/10/98 9:29am Subject: PIR Amphitheater

Dear Mayor and Council Members, City of Portland Just a short note to voice my concern about the 20,0l\~e'i6Jltwr~Pfsal. It seems to me that we loose more than we gain. For a le~KweeKenCls of concerts we stand to loose a very interesting diversity PIR bringsti~and. I think the original smaller proposal sounds interesting if it increases utilization and diversity of the space without jeopardizing what we already have. But what do I know. Please be very careful when weighing your decision.

Dick Smith

PS I understand Neil Goldsmidt will be making a proposal to you. He's a great guy, but please do not let the messenger take your eye off of this important decision you have to make.

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 340 • Portland, Oregon 97204-1995 (503) 823-4120 • FAX (503) 823-3588 • TDD (503) 823-6868 • From: To: Portland.SMTP1 C'[email protected]") Date: 12/10198 9:53am Subject: Delta Park

Dear Vera, we really need to pave over another ten acres of open space to please . the man with the money??? We already gave him the Coliseum and a license to rip us off in the Rose Garden.

Are we truly going to cover every square inch of available open space??? Kind of looks like it, doesn't it?

How about the rest of us peons who have to put up with enough traffic now to drive us insane. I mentioned to a friend just yesterday that if one wants to avoid traffic jams in POX today, he must drive in the MIDDLE of the morning or the MIDDLE of the ampitheatre would make that middle of the night as well.

Marc Paulsen 10220 SW Melnore St. Portland, Oregon 97225 From: scott To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") Date: 12/10/98 1:54pm Subject: PIR




scon FOUTCH (360)260-7956 SCCAMEMBER ICSCC MEMBER OMMRA MEMBER FORMER MOTO-X N.W. MEMBER From: Alan Peterman To: Portland.SMTP1 ("[email protected]") Date: 12/10/982:14pm Subject: Rose City Amphitheatre - NO!

While I support the idea of venues for the performing arts, ANY proposal that reduces or limits the activies at Portland International Raceway has to be considered as a poor idea. While there are plenty of locations for music, there are very few locations for motor sports.

The proposals I have heard about from the "Rose City Amphitheatre Project" all have serious impacts on the current activities at PIR, especially the activities that allow amateur racing, training and driving instruction.

Please don't sell out our unique facility so some billionares and large rock festivals can rake in more money that they don't need.

Thanks for reading my concerns.

Alan Peterman [email protected] Tigard, OR 97224 503-684-1984 As I grow older, the days seem longer and the years seem shorter.