© Амурский зоологический журнал . I (3), 2009. 200-213. УДК 595.768.2 © Amurian zoological journal. I (3), 2009. 200-213. ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF FOSSIL AND RECENT SPECIES OF THE FAMILY NEMONYCHIDAE (COLEOPTERA) FROM THE WORLD FAUNA A.A. Legalov [Легалов А.А. Аннотированный список вымерших и рецентных видов семейства Nemonychidae (Coleoptera) мировой фауны ] Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Zoological Museum, Frunze street, 11, 630091, Novosibirsk, Russia Институт систематики и экологии животных СО РАН , Сибирский зоологический музей , Фрунзе , 11, 630091, Новосибирск , Россия . E-mail:
[email protected] Key words: Nemonychidae, Coleoptera, world fauna, annotated checklist. Ключевые слова : Nemonychidae, Coleoptera, мировая фауна , аннотированный список . Summary. An annotated checklist of the family Nemonychidae is presented, with a key to the supraspecific taxa provided. New sub- tribe Brarina Legalov, subtrib.n. (type genus: Brarus Kuschel, 1997) of the tribe Mecomacerini Kuschel, 1994, new genera Chino- cimberis Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Brenthorrhinoides angustipecteris Liu, Ren, Tan, 2006) and Renicimberis Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Brenthorrhinoides latipeeteris Liu, Ren, Tan, 2006), new subgenus Amerocimberis Legalov, subgen.n. (type species: Rhinomacer pilosus LeConte, 1876) of the genus Cimberis des Gozis, 1881 are described. New synonym Paroxycorynoides L. Ar- noldi, 1977, syn.n. for Distenorrhinus L. Arnoldi, 1977 is presented. New systematic placements are proposed: Metrioxenoides Grat- shev, Zherikhin, Jarzembowski, 1997, placem.n. and Libanorhinus Kuschel & Poinar, 1993, placem.n. are transfered from Nemonychidae incertae sedis to the tribe Mecomacerini; Oxycorynoides lineatipunctatus (L. Arnoldi, 1977), placem.n. and O. retar- datus (Zherikhin, 1993), placem.n. are transfered from the genus Belonotaris to the genus Oxycorynoides .