EPC Exhibit 137-9.3 April 18, 2014


Dewey Section

To: Jonathan Furner, Chair Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee

Cc: Members of the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Karl E. Debus-López, Chief, U.S. Programs, Law, and Literature Division

From: Michael Panzer, Editor in Chief Winton E. Matthews, Consulting Assistant Editor Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.


Expansions From To Topic —852 5 —852 52 region —852 5 —852 55 Lima province

On January 20, 1989, the first-level administrative unit called “region” was established in Peru. “Department”, the former first-level administrative unit, became a second-level administrative unit. The twelve “regions” either consisted of a single “department” or multiple “departments”. On November 20, 2002, those “regions” were abolished and the former “departments” became first-level administrative units with the administrative name of “region”. This exhibit removes the former “regions” and changes the administrative name of “department” to “region”. (See below for changes for Amazonas and Lima.)

Strikethroughs and underlining indicate the changes in the revised table and revised index. Following that are the table and index as they will appear once the revisions are approved. The coding of P (proposed), N (electronic-only), and Ia (LCSH) is shown.

The index entries reflect the above changes with the following actions: 1) If the department and region did not have the same name, the index entry for the former region is changed from a print-and-electronic entry to an electronic-only entry, the latter being


indicated by N in front of the entry. N Chavín (Peru : Region) T2—852 1 2) If the department and region have the same name, the entry with the qualifier “(Peru : Dept.)” is deleted. For example: La Libertad (Peru : Dept.) T2—851 6 La Libertad (Peru : Region) T2—851 6 3) If the qualifier for the department is “(Peru)”, there is no change to the index entry. The three exceptions are “Amazonas (Peru)”, “Apurímac (Peru)”, and “Ucayali (Peru)”. 4) If the qualifier for the department is “(Peru : Dept.)”, the qualifier is changed to “(Peru : Region)”. For example: Ayacucho (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 9 Ayacucho (Peru : Region) T2—852 9

Amazonas Most of the area covered by the Amazon River in Peru is located in the Loreto department. In 1989, the Amazonas region was established and was made coterminous with Loreto department. The problem was that the Amazonas department, which is directly west of Loreto department, existed. See-also references were made from both Amazonas region and Amazonas department. —854 4 Loreto department (Amazonas region)

Class here *Amazon River in Peru

See also —8546 for Amazonas department

—854 6 Amazonas department

See also —8544 for Amazonas region

The changes in the revised development follow: —854 4 Loreto department region (Amazonas region)

Class here *Amazon River in Peru

See also —8546 for Amazonas department

—854 6 Amazonas department region

See also —8544 for Amazonas region

In order to clarify which Amazonas region is at which Table 2 notation, subdivisions with the

2 dates are given under the index heading “Amazonas (Peru : Region)”.

Amazonas (Peru) T2—854 6 Amazonas (Peru : Region) T2—854 4 1989-2002 T2—854 4 2002- T2—854 6

Lima Until 2002, the city of Lima was part of the Lima department. Now the city of Lima is part of Lima province, which is to the west of the new Lima region. This change required that —8525 Lima department be subdivided into —85252 Lima region and —85255 Lima province. Because of this subdivision, there will now be four index entries starting with Lima – one for the city and the others for the three different administrative units. Lima (Peru) T2—852 55 Lima (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 5 Lima (Peru : Province) T2—852 55 Lima (Peru : Region) T2—852 52

Revised table

—85 Peru

—851 Northern departments Northwestern

—851 2 Tumbes department region

Class here Grau region

For Piura department, see —8513

—851 3 Piura department region

—851 4 Lambayeque department region

Class here Nor Oriental del Marañón region

For Cajamarca department, see —8515; for Amazonas department, see —8546

—851 5 Cajamarca department region


—851 6 La Libertad department (La Libertad region)

—852 Central departments regions of Peru

—852 1 Ancash department region (Chavín Region)

—852 2 Huánuco department region

Class here Andrés Avelino Cáceres region

For Pasco department, see —8523; for Junín department, see —8524

—852 3 Pasco department region

—852 4 Junín department region

—852 5 Lima department region and Lima province

Class here former Lima department

—852 52 Lima region

—852 55 Lima province

Class here Lima

—852 6 region (Callao constitutional province)

—852 7 Ica department region

Class here Los Libertadores Wari region

For Huancavelica department, see —8528; for Ayacucho department, see —8529

—852 8 Huancavelica department region

—852 9 Ayacucho department region


—853 Southern departments regions of Peru

—853 2 Arequipa department (Arequipa region)

—853 4 Moquegua department region

Class here Mariátegui region

For Tacna department, see —8535; for Puno department, see —8536

—853 5 Tacna department region

—853 6 Puno department region

Including Lake Titicaca in Peru

—853 7 Cuzco department region

Class here Inca region

For Apurímac department, see —8538; for Madre de Dios department, see —8542

—853 8 Apurímac department region

—854 Eastern departments regions of Peru

—854 2 Madre de Dios department region

—854 3 Ucayali department (Ucayali region)

—854 4 Loreto department region (Amazonas region)

Class here *Amazon River in Peru

See also —8546 for Amazonas department

—854 5 San Martín department (San Martín region)


—854 6 Amazonas department region

See also —8544 for Amazonas region

*For a specific part of this jurisdiction, region, or feature, see the part and follow instructions under —4–9

Revised index

Amazon River Peru T2—854 4 Amazonas (Peru) T2—854 6 Amazonas (Peru : Region) T2—854 4 1989-2002 T2—854 4 2002- T2—854 6 Ancash (Peru) T2—852 1 N Andrés Avelino Cáceres (Peru) T2—852 2 Apurímac (Peru) T2—853 8 Apurímac (Peru : Region) T2—853 8 Arequipa (Peru : Dept.) 985.32 T2—853 2 N Arequipa (Peru : Region) 985.32 T2—853 2 Ayacucho (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 9 Ayacucho (Peru : Region) T2—852 9

Cajamarca (Peru : Dept.) T2—851 5 Cajamarca (Peru : Region) T2—851 5 Callao (Peru : Province) T2—852 6 Callao (Peru : Region) T2—852 6 N Chavín (Peru : Region) T2—852 1 Cuzco (Peru : Dept.) 985.37 T2—853 7 Cuzco (Peru : Region) 985.37 T2—853 7

N Grau (Peru : Region) T2—851 2

Huancavelica (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 8


Huancavelica (Peru : Region) T2—852 8 Huánuco (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 2 Huánuco (Peru : Region) T2—852 2

E Ica (Peru : Dept.) 985.27 E Ica (Peru : Province) 985.27 E T2—852 7 Ica (Peru : Region) 985.27 T2—852 7 N Inca (Peru : Region) T2—853 7

Junín (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 4 Junín (Peru : Region) T2—852 4

La Libertad (Peru : Dept.) T2—851 6 La Libertad (Peru : Region) T2—851 6 Lake Titicaca (Peru and Bolivia) Peru T2—853 6 Lambayeque (Peru : Dept.) T2—851 4 Lambayeque (Peru : Region) T2—851 4 Libertad (Peru : Dept.) T2—851 6 Libertad (Peru : Region) T2—851 6 N Libertadores Wari (Peru) T2—852 7 Lima (Peru) T2—852 55 Lima (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 5 Lima (Peru : Province) T2—852 55 Lima (Peru : Region) T2—852 52 Loreto (Peru : Dept.) T2—854 4 Loreto (Peru : Region) T2—854 4 N Los Libertadores Wari (Peru) T2—852 7

Ia Machu Picchu Site (Peru) 985.37 Ia T2—853 7 Madre de Dios (Peru : Dept.) T2—854 2 Madre de Dios (Peru : Region) T2—854 2 N Marañón (Peru : Region) T2—851 4 N Mariátegui (Peru : Region) T2—853 4 Moquegua (Peru : Dept.) T2—853 4


Moquegua (Peru : Region) T2—853 4

Ia Nazca Lines Site (Peru) 985.27 Ia T2—852 7 N Nor Oriental del Marañón (Peru) T2—851 4

Ia Parque Nacional Huascarán (Peru) T2—852 1 Pasco (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 3 Pasco (Peru : Region) T2—852 3 Ia Pastaza River (Ecuador and Peru) T2—854 4 Peru 985 T2—85 Piura (Peru : Dept.) T2—851 3 Piura (Peru : Region) T2—851 3 Puno (Peru : Dept.) T2—853 6 Puno (Peru : Region) T2—853 6

Ia Reserva Nacional de Paracas (Peru) 985.27 Ia T2—852 7

San Martín (Peru : Dept.) T2—854 5 San Martín (Peru : Region) T2—854 5 Ia Santuario Histórico de Machu Picchu (Peru) T2—853 7

Tacna (Peru : Dept.) T2—853 5 Tacna (Peru : Region) T2—853 5 Titicaca Lake (Peru and Bolivia) Peru T2—853 6 Ia Toro Muerto Site (Peru) 985.32 Tumbes (Peru : Dept.) T2—851 2 Tumbes (Peru : Region) T2—851 2

Ucayali (Peru) T2—854 3 Ucayali (Peru : Region) T2—854 3


Ia Urubamba, Cordillera (Peru) T2—853 7


T2 T2

—85 Peru —851 Northwestern regions of Peru —851 2 Tumbes region —851 3 Piura region —851 4 Lambayeque region —851 5 Cajamarca region —851 6 La Libertad region —852 Central regions of Peru —852 1 Ancash region —852 2 Huánuco region —852 3 Pasco region —852 4 Junín region —852 5 Lima region and Lima province Class here former Lima department —852 52 Lima region —852 55 Lima province Class here Lima —852 6 Callao region (Callao constitutional province) —852 7 Ica region —852 8 Huancavelica region —852 9 Ayacucho region —853 Southern regions of Peru —853 2 Arequipa region —853 4 Moquegua region —853 5 Tacna region —853 6 Puno region Including Lake Titicaca in Peru —853 7 Cuzco region —853 8 Apurímac region —854 Eastern regions of Peru —854 2 Madre de Dios region —854 3 Ucayali region

1 T2 Dewey Decimal Classification T2

—854 4 Loreto region Class here *Amazon River in Peru —854 5 San Martín region —854 6 Amazonas region

*For a specific part of this jurisdiction, region, or feature, see the part and follow instructions under —4–9

2 Relative Index

P Lima (Peru) T2—852 55 A Lima (Peru : Dept.) T2—852 5 P Lima (Peru : Province) T2—852 55 Amazon River P Lima (Peru : Region) T2—852 52 Peru T2—854 4 P Loreto (Peru : Region) T2—854 4 Amazonas (Peru : Region) N Los Libertadores Wari P 1989–2002 T2—854 4 (Peru) T2—852 7 P 2002– T2—854 6 Ancash (Peru) T2—852 1 M N Andrés Avelino Cáceres (Peru) T2—852 2 Ia Machu Picchu Site (Peru) 985.37 P Apurímac (Peru : Region) T2—853 8 Ia T2—853 7 Arequipa (Peru : Region) 985.32 P Madre de Dios (Peru : T2—853 2 Region) T2—854 2 P Ayacucho (Peru : Region) T2—852 9 N Marañón (Peru : Region) T2—851 4 Mariátegui (Peru : Region) T2—853 4 C P Moquegua (Peru : Region) T2—853 4 P Cajamarca (Peru : Region) T2—851 5 N Callao (Peru : Province) T2—852 6 P Callao (Peru : Region) T2—852 6 Ia Nazca Lines Site (Peru) 985.27 N Chavín (Peru : Region) T2—852 1 Ia T2—852 7 P Cuzco (Peru : Region) 985.37 N Nor Oriental del Marañón P T2—853 7 (Peru) T2—851 4 G P

N Grau (Peru : Region) T2—851 2 Ia Parque Nacional Huascarán (Peru) T2—852 1 H P Pasco (Peru : Region) T2—852 3 Ia Pastaza River (Ecuador P Huancavelica (Peru : and Peru) T2—854 4 Region) T2—852 8 Peru 985 P Huánuco (Peru : Region) T2—852 2 T2—85 P Piura (Peru : Region) T2—851 3 I P Puno (Peru : Region) T2—853 6 P Ica (Peru : Region) 985.27 R P T2—852 7 N Inca (Peru : Region) T2—853 7 Ia Reserva Nacional de Paracas (Peru) 985.27 J Ia T2—852 7 P Junín (Peru : Region) T2—852 4 S L San Martín (Peru : Region) T2—854 5 Ia Santuario Histórico de La Libertad (Peru : Region) T2—851 6 Machu Picchu (Peru) T2—853 7 Lake Titicaca (Peru and Bolivia) Peru T2—853 6 T P Lambayeque (Peru : Region) T2—851 4 P Tacna (Peru : Region) T2—853 5 Libertad (Peru : Region) T2—851 6 Titicaca Lake (Peru and Bolivia) N Libertadores Wari (Peru) T2—852 7 Peru T2—853 6

1 Dewey Decimal Classification

Ia Toro Muerto Site (Peru) 985.32 P Tumbes (Peru : Region) T2—851 2 U

Ucayali (Peru : Region) T2—854 3 Ia Urubamba, Cordillera (Peru) T2—853 7