Programme title: National Adaptation Planning in

Country: Peru

National designated authority: Ministry of Economy and Finance

Implementing Institution: Fundación Avina

Date of first submission: 5 September 2018 Date of current submission / 16 August 2019 V.## version number Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 2 of 58

How to complete this document?

- Please visit the Empowering Countries page of the GCF website to download the Readiness Guidebook and learn how to access funding under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. - This document should be completed by National Designated Authorities (NDA) or focal points with support from their Delivery Partners where relevant. Once completed, this document should be submitted to the GCF by the NDA or focal point to [email protected]. - Please be concise. If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal. - If the Delivery Partner implementing the Readiness support is not a GCF Accredited Entity for project Funding Proposals, please complete the Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA) questionnaire and submit it prior to or with this Readiness proposal. The FMCA is available for download at the Library page of the GCF website.

Where to get support?

- If you are not sure how to complete this document, or require support, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. - You can also complete as much of this document as you can and then send it to [email protected], copying both the Readiness Delivery Partner and the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor. Please refer to the Country Profiles page of the GCF website to identify the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor. - We will get back to you within five (5) working days to acknowledge receipt of your submission and discuss the way forward.

Note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender

Throughout this document, when answering questions and providing details, please make sure to pay special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, particularly to the situation of vulnerable populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these issues. Consult Annex IV of the Readiness Guidebook for more information.

Please submit the completed form to: [email protected]

Please use the following naming convention for the file name: “GCF Readiness Proposal-[Country]-[yymmdd]”

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Country name: Peru Name of institution representing NDA or Focal

Point: Ministry of Economy and Finance General Directorate of International Economy Affairs, Competition and Productivity Name of contact person: Mr. Pedro Herrera Catalán Country submitting the proposal Contact person’s position: General Director

Telephone number: +511 311-5930 Email: [email protected] Full Office address: Jirón Lampa 277, 5th floor 01, Peru. Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences:

[email protected]; [email protected] Date of initial 5 September 2018 submission Last date of 16 August 2019 Version number V.3 resubmission ☐ National designated authority ☒ Accredited entity ☐ Delivery partner

Please provide contact information if the implementing partner is not the NDA/focal point Name of institution: Fundación Avina Which institution Name of official: Andrea Rodriguez Osuna will implement the Position: GCF Focal Point Readiness and Preparatory Telephone number: + 52 1 5555019972 Support project? Email: [email protected]

Full Office address: Av. Armendáriz 480 Of 215, Miraflores, Lima 01, Peru

Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences:

[email protected]; [email protected] Title of the Readiness support National Adaptation Planning in Peru proposal Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 4 of 58

Please select the relevant GCF Readiness activity area below (click on the box): ☐ I. Country capacity for engagement with GCF ☐ II. Country programming process Type of Readiness support sought ☐ III. Direct access to climate finance ☐ IV. Climate finance accessed ☒ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 5 of 58

Peru is "particularly vulnerable" country to climate change impacts. After the COP20 in Lima, Parties committed to strengthen their adaptation actions. Thus, Peru decided to include adaptation commitments in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) with the objective to meet by 2030 the following goal: "Peru adapts to the adverse effects and takes advantage of the opportunities imposed by climate change”.

The Peruvian NDC promotes sustainable development in the long term, generating social, environmental and economic benefits. In 2017, Peru placed a landmark in the country’s process of implementing the Paris Agreement, by establishing the Multisectorial Working Group for the Nationally Determined Contributions (MWG-NDC). Conformed by 13 Ministries and the National Center of Strategic Planning (CEPLAN), this body defined the road map for the implementation of the mitigation and adaptation targets under the NDC. On December of 2018, the final report with the roadmap1 was approved by the MWG-NDC. Furthermore, the new Framework Law on Climate Change states that all adaptation measures have to be incorporated in the sectorial and regional planning as well as budget instruments.

The sectors that the country needs to address on a priority basis have been identified based on available scientific information, processes of formulation of management and planning tools and consultations with relevant sectors, regions and civil society. The thematic areas finally prioritized are Water, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Health. For each area, objectives and targets were developed2. To address adaptation effectively, five crosscutting components where action must be taken were also identified: disaster management of climate-related risk, resilient infrastructure, poverty and vulnerable Brief summary of populations approach, gender approach, and private investment in adaptation to climate the request change. These adaptation goals seek to increase responsiveness, adaptation and resilience in the population and livelihoods.

The MWG-NDC was in charge of providing technical information to guide the implementation of the NDCs34 in sectorial areas. Now the is seeking with GCF support to include the participation of regional governments5, in the planning and implementation of adaptation measures for the five thematic areas included in its NDC. This process will involve representatives of 24 regional governments and the Lima province. Other key stakeholders such as representatives from indigenous peoples groups, private sector, civil society, and academia will be invited to participate.

The proposal aims to advance the following:

1. Diagnose the five adaptation thematic areas prioritized in the NDC and identify capacities and resources needed at the regional level as well as gaps to implement actions in those areas. 2. Support enabling conditions needed in regional governments to develop strategies, strengthen capacities and engagement with key stakeholders to implement adaptation actions, including crosscutting considerations. 3. Create project/ program pipelines and structures for adaptation measures in the five prioritized thematic areas and identify subsequent concept notes for project proposals. 4. Design and develop a system for monitoring and evaluating adaptation outcomes set in the NDC, as well as financial resources used for adaptation measures.

The project´s goal is to mainstream the defined priorities for adaptation measures in the NDCs and the enabling conditions in the regional planning to ensure local governments actively contribute to the implementation of prioritized adaptation measures. Thus, this Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 6 of 58

proposal will help advance the planning for the implementation of the 5 prioritized adaptation measures defined in the Peruvian NDC with the support of regional governments.

Therefore, the Readiness NAP’s deliverables of outcomes, respond to a strategic sequence:

The deliverables of outcome 1 will help to match the NDCs work under MWG-NDC and the prioritized ongoing and planning adaptation measures at the regional level. Gaps for the enabling conditions needed at the regional level will be also identified.

The deliverables of outcome 2 will help incorporate the NDC adaptation measures into regional planning and budget instruments. In addition, we expect to address others important enabling conditions and strengthen them. The concept notes on adaptation, outcome 3, will help design at least one project idea for each of the prioritized adaptation measures in the NDC and move from a planning stage towards concrete project ideas that will help catalyze financial resources for adaptation measures.

Finally, outcome 4 will create a system for monitoring and evaluating adaptation outcomes and financial resources at the regional and national level. In addition, the National Planning Agency of Peru (CEPLAN) will support the inclusion of NDCs in the regional planning and elaboration of budget systems.

The GCF support will allow Peru to advance on enabling conditions for the implementation of the adaptation measures needed to meet the goals established in the five prioritized adaptation thematic areas in the NDCs, by mainstreaming climate change in the plans and strategies of the regional government, as dictated by the climate change law See theory of change in the annex documents.

The varied number of products and activities implemented under this proposal will be fundamental to understand existing barriers for the implementation of adaptation measures as well as to identify the opportunities for enhancing future climate change commitments. The proposal in particular will be instrumental to improve local planning instruments.

On the developing of the National Adaptation Plan, there are three main instruments: (i) Regional Climate Change Strategies, (ii) the roadmap from the MWG-NDC working group, (iii) and Local Climate Change Plans. Furthermore, these planning instruments will come with a Communication Strategy, and a Monitoring & Evaluation System. Therefore, this readiness proposal will contribute a deep identification of the adaptation measures in all regions. In addition, this project will help inform decisions on increasing ambition of adaptation measures given that capacities at the regional level will be enhanced to effectively contribute to NDC adaptation measures.

1 See 2 See annex document. 3 13 Ministries and the National Center of Strategic Planning are part of the MWG. Furthermore, the Ministry of Environment (MINAM), through the General Direction of Climate Change and Desertification (GDCCD), manages the Technical Secretary. The MWG-NDC was created under supreme resolution Nº 005-2016-MINAM that mandates its creation and provides full information on its functions. 4 The main objective of the GTM-NDC is to elaborate a roadmap for the implementation of the NDCs short and medium term; through the establishment of intersectional, intra-sectorial and multilevel arrangements. In addition, the GTM-NDC will perform the evaluation and quantification of direct and indirect costs, the determination of the environmental and social co benefits as well as the definition of the structure, sources and adequate financial mechanisms to implement climate change measures under the NDC. 5 Peru has 24 regions and the Lima Province, which does not belong to any region. All regions will participate in the GCF process. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 7 of 58

USDUSD $ , $1,445,082.00

Total requested Anticipated duration 24 months amount and currency

☒ Yes ☐ No

Peru has two readiness proposals approved by the GCF. One supporting the upgrade of Profonanpe and the second one provided by GIZ that will enhance the role of the NDA to conduct GCF matters, including improving stakeholder engagement at all levels67. Among others, two main products will result from this readiness. One, an analysis on MRV that includes monitoring of finance for adaptation that will help build the analysis for the design of the M&E system under the NAP proposal8. Two, the elaboration of the country program that will dictate adaptation and mitigation priorities for activities to be financed by the GCF. These guidelines will be used to decide the content of the 5 concept notes under the NAP proposal. Has the country received or is expecting to receive other Readiness and Preparatory The GTM-NDC9 has received support to undertake and provide Support funding allocations (including better and more informed decisions about NDC adaptation planning) from GCF or other implementation. These include the following: donors? -GIZ, through Pro Ambiente, has suppoted 4 consultancies to help assess the costs of prioritized adaptation measures for health, agriculture, forest and fishing and aquiculture sectors. In addition, financial support is provided to hire five consultants that support the adaptation measures identification work to be conducted under the areas above. This support has ended in august 2018.

UNDP has supported a consultancy to help asses the cost of priorizited adaptation measures in the water sector, including the roadmap design for the water sector. This consultancy ended in december 2018.

6 The GIZ readiness supports the strengthening of the overall capacity and knowledge of the NDA with respect to GCF matters. With the NAP readiness, the government of Peru expects to connect the MRV system to other platforms managed by CEPLAN such as “Consulta PEI- POI”, enabling the government to link the planned budget towards climate change, including activities related to Peru's NDC, to other activities planned by different public entities.

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The NAP readiness will support a wider process that will integrate the engagement of regional governments and promote effective implementation adaptation measures embedded in the NDC. 77 Regarding the support delivered by GIZ to improve stakeholder engagement, five workshops were held in the macro , in order to identify priorities for climate change that could be of GCF interest. The process consisted in matching NDC measures with priorities in the regional strategies on climate change. This exercise help defined priorities for the GCF Country Program for Peru. The GCF Country Program will be a valuable tool to guide the identification of project proposals on adaptation under this project.

8 This MRV system for adaptation measures will be linked to the Integrated Financial Management System (SIAF). This proposal is seeking to create an MRV system at looks at matters related implementation measures. 9 The Government of Peru created the Multi sectoral Working Group for the Nationally Determined Contributions (MWG-NDC) in 2016. It was created to generate technical information to guide the implementation of the NDCs. The MWG is made up for 13 Ministries9 and the National Center of Strategic Planning. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 9 of 58

In recent years, Peru has carried out several processes to provide an appropriate institutional and legal framework for the management of adaptation and mitigation to climate change. Firstly, the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) created in 2008, is in charge of defining the policies and guidelines through the National Environment Policy, which has some guidelines on climate change. Secondly, the National Climate Change Strategy was adopted in 2015 and provides specific guidelines on mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Finally, under the decentralization process in Peru, regional governments have formulated and implemented Regional Climate Changes Strategies. Currently, 22 of the 25 regions in the country have developed their own strategies. These important milestones show the commitment of Peru to plan actions in order to tackle climate change´s adverse effects, and to take advantages of opportunities while promoting a sustainable development.

Since the launch of the work of the MWG-NDC in February 2017, the group has been working with a thematic approach for adaptation and a sectorial strategy for mitigation in order to define the roadmap for the implementation of the NDC, which includes institutional arrangements, actors involved, enabling conditions needed, among others. The MWG-NDCs has developed a methodology10 to define goals and indicators for adaptation measures in the prioritized areas: water, agriculture, health, forests, fisheries and aquaculture. The roadmap for the implementation of NDC measures report was finalized in December 2018.

In addition, Peru has adopted a Framework Law on climate change in Abril 201811. This law establishes the principles and guidelines to implement the adaptation and mitigation measures that will enable the country to reduce its vulnerability to climate change while enhancing the opportunities for low -emission development

10 The roadmap report was launched in December 2018. T%C3%A9cnico-Final-CM-_-R-S-129-2015-PCM_Secretar%C3%ADa-T%C3%A9cnica-18-09-2015-vf.pdf 11 The Framework Law on Climate Change, Law Number 30754 was adopted on April 18th, 2018. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 10 of 58

growth and the opportunity to meet the commitments made under the UNFCCC. All climate change measures, according to this new legal framework, have to be incorporated in the policies, strategies, plans, programs and investment projects at the three levels of government. This requires identifying and mapping the state of play of regional planning instruments, capacities, stakeholders that can help advance adaptation measures in the NDCs. Thus, the GCF support will allow Peru to advance the implementation of the adaptation measures established in the five prioritized adaptation thematic areas in the NDCs, with the participation of regional governments, by mainstreaming climate change in the plans, strategies and budgets of the three levels of government as guided by the climate change law.

The Framework Law on Climate Change also establishes the creation of a High Level commission on climate change as a permanent body to provide continuity to the work initiated by the GTW. The commission is integrated by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) manages the Technical Secretary. Given the nature of this commission, the institutional arrangements established by law promote in a way, ongoing and increasing involvement of all sectors in the climate change agenda and thus leading to increased knowledge on matters related to adaptation.

The implementation of NDCs is a multi-level process that promotes dialogue, commitment and action. The first stages of this project related to regional engagement are:

(1) First, to identify the roadmap to implement mitigation and adaptation action under the NDC. This activity was developed by the MWG-NDC working group, between 2017 and 2018.

(2) Second to prioritize key enabling conditions to implement adaptation measures at the Regional level. MINAM and sectors related to the five adaptation thematic areas will socialize the NDCs and engage with regional stakeholders in order to identify, those specific, territorial- based needed enabling conditions to implement adaptation measures. This process will be carried out during 2019 and 2021.

(3) Implementation of NDCs on regional level.

With the Readiness NAP, we expect to address the second stage (2).

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13 Activities Anticipated duration: 24 months24 months

(brief Baseline Outcomes Targets description 14 12 Monthly implementation plan of activities and deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Some Outcome 1: Sub- regions Regional Activity 1.1.1: Policies, Outcom have polices and Identify strategies, e 1.1: regional strategies policies, existing Regional climate and enabling strategies, adaptation Policies, strategies conditions at resources and actions, strategie adopted. the regional stakeholders enabling s, level that at the regional conditions resource support level that are and s, adaptation relevant for Please shade cells for the full duration of each activity and indicate a stakeholders stakehol targets the identified X X x x x x X for the month when each deliverable will be produced. needed at ders under the adaptation the regional that are NDC are thematic areas level to meet relevant identified, and contribute NDC targets for the mapped and with ongoing are identified thematic analyzed. national and areas climate connected are change with the 5 identifie adaptation adaptation d efforts.1617

13 Please include tangible and specific deliverables for each activity proposed, and the timeframe (month number) in which it will be delivered to GCF. Please note that during implementation all deliverables should be included within the implementation reports for GCF consideration. 14 If the duration of the proposal is longer than 24 months, please change the monthly columns to indicate 2 or 3 months each (e.g. change month “1” to month “1-2’ or “1-3”). 16 This activity will Map the regional governments, directions and Regional Directions as well as existing instruments that are relevant to support the five prioritized thematic areas in the NDCs for adaptation. It will also determine which of the above actors are adequate to support the prioritized thematic areas, taking in consideration the crosscutting topics. Finally, it will map existing regional climate change planning, strategic and budgeting instruments and established governance systems, as well as crosscutting topics for adaptation that will be reviewed at the workshops planned at the macro regions. 17 With the NAP readiness, we expect to work with all representatives from all the regions of the country. The work will focus on strategic planning for the implementation of the five thematic areas in adaptation to climate change. The project will work with regions on four workshop, which will help to create alliances and mechanisms to implement adaptation measures. The terms of reference for the elaboration of the report will include guidelines to help prioritize support. The report will provide the analysis to determine prioritization. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 12 of 58 thematic Deliverable areas15. 1.1.1: a) 1 Report that includes regional governments relevant to support the 5 prioritized thematic areas for the Adaptation in the NDC18.19 b) Regional governments with capacities strengthen through workshops held in the macro regions20. c) Minutes from the workshop outcomes, d)

15 The five prioritized thematic areas identified in the Peruvian NDCs are Water, Agriculture, Health, Forest, Fisheries and Aquaculture. The project will deploy consultants that will travel to the 24 regions and the Lima province in Peru to identify, gather information and work with local authorities, including local stakeholders to identify policies, strategies and capacities in place. 18 A consultant will be hired for each thematic area to elaborate the report that helps identify the existing policies, resources and stakeholders at the regional level that are relevant to meet the NDC prioritization targets for adaptation. Each consultant will also organize a workshop with the mapped actors to identify roles and articulation with the programs and projects prioritized under the MWG-NDC. Four workshops will be organized. One in each of the macro regions in Peru to enable access to information and get key stakeholders together. 19 Four regional workshops will be organized. One per macro region (Peru has 4 macro regions) in order to review the targets met for adaptation in the NDC, review the information gather on existing policy instruments and adaptation measures adopted, including a review of the gaps in enabling conditions identified. Regional representatives will be invited to participate in the workshops. 20 The main workshops’ objectives are: (1) Identify current regional policies, strategies, and actions on adaptation to climate change. (2) Gain information about the development of the Regional Climate Changes Strategies. (3) Match NDC adaptation measures as formulated by the MWG-NDC with regional planning adaptation measures. (4) Identify enabling conditions needed to implement adaptation measures in the NDC at the regional level Four workshops will be organized, which will gather representatives of 24 regional governments and the Lima province. In addition, we expect to invite some key actors from some Ministries that represent the five adaptation thematic areas, private sector, academia, indigenous people representatives, among others. Participation will seek gender balance. An event´s agency will be hired to convene the organization of the workshops. The agency services will be procured and included in the procurement method.

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list of participants. Completed by: Month 7

Sub- Some Action plans Activity 1.2.1: Outcom Regional (new and Identify the e 1.2: strategies existing most relevant Planned and action ones) actions on adaptati plans to contemplate adaptation on implemen activities already activities t those that planned and at the strategies contribute to developed at regional exist NDC the regional level are adaptation level that identifie targets contribute to d the x x x x implementatio n of the programs and projects prioritized under the MWG-NDC, or new ones that enhance the ambition of the NDC for adaptation21.

21 Map existing adaptation regional measures adopted in the prioritized adaptation related thematic areas and others that can help to strengthen adaptation commitments and ambition in the NDCs. Most of the regional governments have develop Regional Climate Changes Strategies, which include adaptation actions, targets, responsible institutions, and impact indicators. Hence, the project will analyze the Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 14 of 58

Deliverable 1.1.2: Report with regional adaptation measures identified that match with MWG-NDC priorities, as well as new measures identified. Completed by Month 8

Sub- No Enabling Activity 1.3.1: Outcom document conditions at Assess gaps to e 1.3: ed regional implement enabling informatio levels are actions and conditio n on identified enabling ns enabling conditions needed conditions (legal, at at responsibilities different regional , capacities, levels of level are and others) of x x x x x x governa available different level nce to of governance impleme to implement nt national adaptati adaptation on measures in measure the five s are identifie d

implementation of these strategies and in addition will review internal planning instruments, investment projects, etc., in order to determine how these are connected to NDC adaptation targets. Then, we need to consider the impact indicator in these strategies in order to identify their level of impact. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 15 of 58

thematic areas.2223

Deliverables 1.3.1: One report containing: I) the detail of enabling conditions needed at the regional level to implement adaptation in the identified strategies and policies, ii) the Work program including at least the costs, actors and timeframe for the implementatio n of the identified enabling conditions iii) the gaps identified to implement

22Elaborate a report that assesses the existing capacities, coordination and planning mechanisms and budget in place to formulate and implement adaptation measures in five prioritized thematic areas. The report will also help identify the adaptation actions identified to determine the extent to which these are adequate to meet existing adaptation targets in the NDCs. This report will look at the institutional capacities in place required to develop concrete adaptation measures, more concretely measures that can effectively contribute to advance adaptation measures in the NDC. Such document will be relevant to help identify what in house capacities are lacking, which capacities (technical, legal, regulatory, monitoring) are needed, the enabling conditions that need to be in place for the development of potential project and program pipelines. 23 The gap analysis assessment will help determine the enabling conditions needed (whether technical, legal, etc.) at the regional level to meet the overall adaptation targets for adaptation measures in the NDC. Enabling conditions needed at the national level have already been identified; however, regional enabling conditions needed to meet adaptation targets in the NDC are also required to be determined, established and strengthen. The integration part in regional planning will identify enabling conditions needed regionally to support the implementation of the targets, according to the road map.

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actions. Completed by Month 10 24 Outcome 2 Sub- No formal Communicat Activity 2.1.1: Enabling Outcom communic ion and Develop conditions e 2.1: ation and coordination communicatio that foster commun coordinati channels n and the interface ication on between coordination between and channels regional and channels and subnational coordina are in central arrangements governments tion place. governments across and national channels are in place. different levels government and of governance for the arrange (central and implementati ments at regional) and x x x x x x x x on of different provide adaptation levels of technical actions in the governa assistance and NDC are nce are capacity strengthened develop building 25. 2627 and technica l capacity is provided

24Local governments face many constrains to access climate finance due to limited capacity to design, implement, monitor climate- related measures and subsequent bankable projects and programs. The report will provide a detailed panorama on what sort of measures can be taken to enhance enabling conditions needed for the effective implementation of Adaptation measures. 25 The focus of this NAP proposal is to identify, assess and develop and/or strengthen enabling conditions needed at the regional level. The MWG-NDC working group created a roadmap with priorities. For each of the adaptation thematic areas, consultants will be hired to support the work to identify, develop and strengthen enabling conditions needed at the regional level. For the identification and/or strengthening of enabling conditions, evaluation tools will be used to constantly monitor progress of activities and products elaborated. Evaluation reports will be provided by the consultants hired to implement this activity and will be given to the decision-making body for their review. 26 One of the key enabling conditions to address is the need to access and increase finance for climate action. Even other enabling conditions such as institutional capacity, technology transfer, regulatory frameworks, etc., require financial support for its implementation. The findings under this readiness proposal will be key for the elaboration of a future strategy on climate finance. However, a financial strategy as such will not be included at this point. Activities under this outcome will focus on mapping and strategizing ways forward to secure the adoption and strengthening of enabling conditions at the regional level will look at the ways to effectively engage private sector in the implementation of adaptation measures. 27 Regional Governments in Peru have the legal mandate to include the NDCs commitments into their local planning instruments including budget. MINAM will provide technical assistance to support the improvement of tools and planning instruments to make them effective and more climate responsive. This readiness proposal is instrumental in helping regional governments fulfil a legal mandate established in the climate change policy framework. In addition, given the role of CEPLAN, they will be instrumental in supporting the strengthening of capacities on adaptation measures at the local level and the incorporation of adaptation measures into local policy instruments. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 17 of 58

tailored to needs2829.

Deliverables 2.1.1: Report with: 1) meeting outcomes30, 2) list of participants31. 3) Document containing the developed relation of inter/ multi - sectorial and territorial arrangements between every sector and subnational government involved in

28 Technical meetings will be organized to determine the best available mechanisms to ensure coordination, participation and communication between the NDA, the Ministry of Environment, the MWG-NDC sectors and the Regional Governments. A process will be designed by the National Planning Agency of Peru (CEPLAN) to provide capacity building to include climate change adaptation measures in sub-national planning instruments. The technical planning instrument used at the local level is the concerted development plan (PDC) for both regional and local governments. Such plans constitute an agreed proposal made by key stakeholders in the regions, provinces and districts that guide a concrete development process. It is a social, political commitment that provides strategic guidelines and priorities for action. CEPLAN as the authority in charge of the strategic planning, will be deploying capacity building activities at the regional level through technical assistance to include climate change within regional planning instruments (PEI) ensuring that these are aligned with their development plans (PRDC).

29MINAM will be responsible for organizing meetings with the regional governments with the support of the consultants hired under this proposal. At least 5 meetings are expected to take place throughout the implementation of the proposal.

30 The meetings will gather representatives of 24 regional governments and the Lima province, Ministries representatives from the five adaptation thematic areas, representatives of indigenous peoples groups, private sector, civil society, and academia. The main meetings’ objectives are: (1) Gain information about existing arrangements to implement the Regional Climate Change Strategies. (2)Identify potential channels and arrangements to plan and develop adaptation actions at the regional level, which contribute to meet the adaptation targets at the NDCs. (3)Create mechanisms to coordinate and plan adaptation actions between sectors and regions. 31 All meetings and workshops to be implemented under this readiness proposal will promote equal participation among women and men. Hired consultants as well as meeting/workshop participants will be hired procuring equal opportunities to access such roles and project participation.

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each of the thematic areas for adaptation. 4) List of participants in the events will be provided, 6) Progress Report on capacity building to include climate change in planning instruments at the sub national level. Completed by month 12

Sub- No Assessments Activity 2.2.2: Outcom assessme with Elaborate e 2.2: nt on strategies for technical technica enabling supporting assessments l conditions enabling that enable assessm at the conditions at the ents and regional regional strengthening strategie level are levels are of enabling x x x x x x x x s for available developed conditions supporti identified and ng needed for the enabling implementatio conditio n of ns adaptation needed measures32. are

32 Two technical assessments will be elaborated (legal and economic) to measure the feasibility of putting in place enabling conditions needed at the regional level, from a financial standpoint and legal (in case regulatory measures need to be taken). The economic assessment will also draft a strategy to look at financial support from different sources for the implementation of enabling conditions needed for the effective implementation of adaptation measures medium and long- term. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 19 of 58

elaborat Deliverables ed. 2.2.2: 2 technical assessments and strategies studies (financial and regulatory)33 34 Completed by month 15 Sub- No Effective Activity 2.3. 1 Outcom stakehold stakeholder Develop and e 2.3 er engagement implement a Stakehol developm plan will be plan on how der ent plans develop and key engage exist for implemente stakeholders ment regional d can engage in plans engageme an inclusive will be nt and gender develop sensitive x x x x x x x to manner and ensure support the its implementatio effective n of national engage adaptation ment measures35,36 and participa Deliverables tion in 2.3.1 a) Report the that includes

33 Technical assessments will provide information on the identified needed enabling conditions (financial and regulatory) at the regional level to support NDC Adaptation implementation. The assessments will help strategize possible actions and measure progress to develop and strengthen enabling conditions at the regional level while evaluating progress. 34 The two technical assessments that provide concrete information (financial and regulatory) on how to develop and strengthen enabling conditions identified at the regional level. The difference with Activity 1.3.1 is that the latter seeks to identify the existing gaps revolving enabling conditions at the regional level that help advance NDC adaptation targets. Once these conditions are identified and prioritized, in terms of potential for implementation, the technical assessments will contribute assessing two key indicators to ensure their sustainability, financial and regulatory measures that need to be taken. 35 A plan to ensure inclusive participation and gender balance in the implementation of adaptation activities, including report on the progress made in their engagement will be elaborated. Products that stakeholders can provide to support the implementation of national adaptation measures will be also identified. 36 Among key stakeholders are representatives from the private sector. The report that will guide the process to effectively engage key stakeholders will include recommendations on identification of private sector relevant to adaptation priorities per region, and engagement for the scaling up of climate finance as well as for the implementation of adaptation measures. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 20 of 58

impleme the plan to ntation engage of stakeholders adaptati in an inclusive on and gender- measure sensitive s. manner37. B) Meeting notes with stakeholders, C) list of stakeholders consulted. D) Educational/tr aining modules to help improve institutional arrangements at the subnational level for adaptation planning and implementatio n38 39Completed by month 18

37Beyond ensuring that enabling conditions are met, the readiness proposal will elaborate a plan to promote effective engagement of key stakeholders in the implementation of adaptation measures, considering existing ongoing initiatives. Stakeholders refer to (civil society, indigenous peoples, academia, and private sector) this plan will be focused on promoting a gender sensitive approach in the design and implementation of adaptation measures. An expert consultant on effective stakeholder engagement will visit all regions and dialogue with key stakeholders to best integrate stakeholder engagement in the design of adaptation measures. 38 The purpose of this product is to have a set of materials for institutional capacity building purposes that can be constantly used by public servants and help strengthen institutional arrangements for adaptation planning and implementation. The material will be made accessible to all public servants and uploaded in existing platforms managed by MEF and MINAM. 39 Key stakeholders for this outcome are representatives of the highest authorities of the regional governments, MINAM, and sectors related to the five adaptation thematic areas. In addition, key stakeholders such as representatives from indigenous peoples groups, private sector, civil society, and academia will be invited to participate throughout the project. The report itself will focus on providing guidelines for mechanisms to ensure inclusive participation of government and non-government stakeholders during the definition of key adaptation priorities, determination of enabling conditions needed and support for ongoing collaboration in the different regions of Peru. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 21 of 58

Sub- Activities 2.4. Outcom 1 CEPLAN will e 2.4 provide Provide technical technica assistance to l regional assistan governments ce for to include includin adaptation g within regional climate planning change instruments within (PEI) and (POI) regional aligned with planning their x x x x x x instrum development ents plans (PRDC)40 (PEI) 41. aligned with Deliverables their 2.4.1: a) develop regional ment government´s plans capacities (PRDC) strengthened leaded from by workshops CEPLAN. held by 3 members of

40 Assistance to the Executing Units in Regional governments will be provided to incorporate adaptation planning into their PEI. 41 The CEPLAN institutional Planning Guidelines establish that public sector entities prepare an Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI) and an Institutional Operational Plan (POI), which guide their actions to achieve the objectives established in the institutional policy within the framework of national and territorial policies and plans. The PEI is a management tool that identifies the entity's strategy to achieve its objectives, in a minimum period of three years, through initiatives designed to produce an improvement in the welfare of the population it serves and to fulfill its mission. To implement this strategy, the POI establishes the prioritized activities linked to the fulfillment of the objectives and strategic actions approved in the PEI, whose execution allows the production of goods or services and investments, in an annual period. CEPLAN seeks to advance with the process of integrating the efforts of Planning, Logistic Programming, Formulation and Budgetary Execution under the Macro process approach. This implies that the POI, the Needs Chart (CN), the Institutional Opening Budget (PIA) and the Annual Contracts Plan (PAC) are prepared in a logical order where the POI and the CN serve as inputs to elaborate the PIA. These instruments are vital to mainstream adaptation into the operations of the three levels of government in Peru. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 22 of 58

CEPLAN42 b) meetings notes for each workshop c) summary report of outcomes d) list of participants. Completed by month 18

Outcome 3 Sub- There are 5 concept Activity 3.1.1: Project ideas Outcom few notes, one Develop for the five e 3.1: 5 adaptatio for each concept notes Prioritized adaptati n projects thematic for key Adaptation on that area will be projects to be sectors are concept respond develop, to submitted to created with notes to NDCs advance the GCF and other 5 concept will be adaptatio implementat financial x x X notes develop n targets ion of sources4344 submitted to ed and that have adaptation the GCF submitte been measures Deliverable d to the elaborate with the 3.1.1 GCF for d to date participation 5 concept its with of 5 regional notes, one for consider participati governments each of the ation on of . thematic areas

42The technical planning instrument used at the local level is the concerted development plan (PDC) for both regional and local governments. Such plans constitute an agreed proposal made by key stakeholders in the regions, provinces and districts that guide a concrete development process. It is a social, political commitment that provides strategic guidelines and priorities for action. CEPLAN as the authority in charge of the strategic planning, will be deploying capacity building activities at the regional level through technical assistance to include climate change within regional planning instruments (PEI) ensuring that these are aligned with their development plans (PRDC). The workshops will promote gender balance among participants. 43 One bankable idea will be selected per prioritized thematic area and developed into a concept note. The guidance to select project, program ideas will come from the Country Program to be elaborated by a separate readiness support. With the information gathered and synthetized from identifying the different policy instruments and measures taken place at the local level, including the assessment of the enabling conditions required, the central government through the Ministry of Environment will convey a participatory, inclusive space to decide which project/programs ideas should be further developed into concept notes. It will look to cover at least one proposal for each of the thematic adaptation areas. Regional governments will also take part of such decision making process to ensure a bottom up approach is promoted and local adaptation solutions that respond to local adaptation needs are prioritized. 44 The different reports to be elaborated will be crucial in defining the best conditions for project implementation. Adaptation priorities have already being defined in the NDCs, in the five thematic areas, however, specific regions need to be defined in which project/programs need to implemented. Understanding existing enabling conditions is also crucial to determine the feasibility of a project/program in a particular region, particularly to determine the level of country ownership at the regional level. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 23 of 58

regional on adaptation governme will be nts. developed and submitted to the GCF. Completed by month 20 Sub- No Feasibility Activity 3.2.1 Outcom feasibility studies will Assess the e 3.2.1 studies for be develop feasibility Feasibilit adaptatio for concept (economic, y studies n projects notes on technical, will be linked to adaptation institutional) develop NDC of previously to measures identified secure exist project ideas45 x x X projects /progra Deliverables ms ideas 3.2.1 are 5 feasibility bankabl studies e elaborated. Completed by month 20 Outcomes 4 Sub- No MRV After the Activities 4.1.1 Outcom system project is Map the state A system for e 4.1: has been implemente of art of the monitoring Metrics develop d, an MRV current and related to date system for information evaluating used at adaptation and metrics adaptation the measures related to the x X x x outcomes subnatio will be in monitoring and financial nal place. and evaluation resources at national (M&E) of the and adaptation subnational internati measures of level is in onal financial place. levels to resources and

45 Feasibility studies will be designed for each of the concept notes to advance the development of the project/program ideas into full project proposals. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 24 of 58

measure outcomes adaptati within regional on governments46 measure s are Deliverables mapped 4.1.1 Two Technical papers: I) current information and metrics in sub-national governments to measure adaptation results ii) international and national metrics, both public, private financial resources monitoring information for adaptation actions, including lessons learned from other countries experiences. Completed by month 22 Sub- Indicators Robust data Activities 4.2.1 x x x x X x x Outcom to based for

46 Elaborate a report that details the information and metrics that sub-national government use for monitoring and evaluating outcomes of adaptation interventions. Analyze experiences and lessons learned concerned to monitoring and evaluation of the use of financial resources in adaptation interventions. A number of key papers and reports will be reviewed to map the best available metrics to measure adaptation results. If necessary, interviews and fieldwork will be undertaken. A consultant will be hired to undertake this work.

Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 25 of 58

e 4.2: monitor adaptation CEPLAN will robust adaptatio planning is Generate a adaptati n developed robust on measures adaption informat and planning and ion to finance at public monitor the financing activities regional information, and level have integrating adaptati not been relevant on developed standardized resource metrics from s are national and planned sub-national government schemes that capture adaptation measures and their outcomes47 (M&E adaptation)48.

Deliverables 4.2.1 a) Technical paper with the metrics

47 Guided by the best available examples, a document containing the metrics to be used by the Peruvian Government will be developed. 48 Analyze the pertinence of the national adaptation NDC/NAP indicators for the subnational level. Elaborate a technical paper providing the integrated metrics that will be used for the M&E adaptation measures and outcomes at program and project levels, in the five prioritized adaptation thematic areas. Meetings with relevant stakeholders will be organized to validate the metrics identified. An application for the adaptation information registry for public institutions at the three levels of government will be develop, in addition to a web query module for adaptation to climate change. It is estimated minimum 4 meetings with key sectors: At least 2 workshops with entities in charge of the thematic areas to address for adaptation will be organized (MINAM; MINAGRI, SENARNP, SERFOR; ANA, among others), with the view to collect comments and suggestions from these sectors on adequate monitoring and evaluation metrics. A second meeting will be held with the same group to validate the metrics incorporated in the planning tools. At least 2 meetings with key stakeholders outside government are also planned. The meetings will seek to gather experts to provide feedback and suggestions on successful implementation of monitoring and reporting systems in place (in other regions, countries) that have served with the application of climate and environment indicators.

Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 26 of 58

adopted at the national and sub-national level, including reports from the meetings with stakeholders of the government and related entities. B) List of participants. C) Application for the climate change information registry for public institutions at the different levels of government and a web query module. Completed by month 20 Sub- No MRV A MRV Activities 4.3.1 Outcom for system for Design and e 4.3: A adaptatio adaptation develop a system n measures is system for for measures in place. monitoring x x x x x x monitori exist and evaluating ng and the adaptation evaluati component of on the adaptati NDC/NAP49,

49 This system will be integrating the standardized metric from national and sub-national government schemes that capture adaptation outcomes of adaptation NDC and adaptation planning. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 27 of 58

on for measures results is and outcomes. designe (Programmatic d and M&E impleme adaptation)50 nted. Deliverables 4.3 I) A document containing the technical design for the monitoring and evaluating system for the NDC adaptation component at subnational level, compatible with the national system. II) A sample report from the ongoing monitoring and evaluating system for the NDC adaptation component and III) a set of guidelines and consultation mechanisms to ensure the

50 Design and develop a system that monitors and evaluates adaptations components at subnational level, including a suggested procedures and formats to register report and monitor measures, outcomes. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 28 of 58 adequate implementatio n of the monitoring and evaluating system. IV) 2 documents containing the institutional arrangements, including the suggested procedures, developed for the implementatio n of the monitoring and evaluating system for every sector and subnational government involved in each of the thematic areas of the NDC adaptation component outcomes V) an M&E adaptation outcomes system with sex disaggregated data. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 29 of 58

Completed by month 22.

Sub- No MRV MRV for Activities 4.4.1 Outcom system for adaptation Strengthen the e 4.4: adaptatio finance is development and n finance operational of a system M&E is in place for monitoring system and evaluation for of the financial adaptati resources that on implement finance NDC is adaptation impleme measures nted (financial component M&E)51

Deliverables 4.4.1 a) A x x x x x x document with the technical design for the monitoring and evaluating system for the financial resources of the NDC in adaptation. B) M&E system for adaptation finance. Completed by month 22

51 The project will design a system to track the financial components of the adaptation flows. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 30 of 58

Sub- Capacities Regional Activities 4.5.1 Outcom for the governments Strengthen e 4.5: implemen have capacities to Capaciti tation of strengthen implement es to MRV capacities to reporting, impleme systems at operate a monitoring nt the the MRV system and evaluation M&E regional for protocols of system level are adaptation Pragmatic for limited M&E adaptati adaptation.52 on results Deliverables as well 4.5.1 as a) list of x x x x x x adaptati participants, on informative finance material about are the system strength (manuals), a en at systematizatio the n report regional summarizing level. the capacity building process carried out, Completed by month 24.

52 With the development of a MRV system to monitor report and validate adaptation results, capacity building needs to be provided to government representatives to apply the system effectively, including also the requirements for an effective monitoring of financial resources. A capacity- building program will be organized to engage regional and local governments and stakeholders with the use of the designed adaptation system in every region prioritized. The specific format for the capacity building on the system information has not been designed yet. It is expected however, to organize a number of technical meetings in the regions, at least 2 with stakeholders from the public sector (targeting around 25- 30 people per event). The specific format will be determined once the system is designed to ensure the right methodology is chosen to secure capacities are strengthen and in place and knowledge is captured locally.

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In the framework of the Paris Agreement, the Government of Peru created the Multi sectoral Working Group for the Nationally Determined Contributions (MWG-NDC) in 2016. The MWG-NDC was created to generate technical information to guide the implementation of the NDCs.53

A road map for the implementation of adaptation measures has been designed at the national level. However, it is essential to establish a process for inclusive participation of all sectors but also regional governments. Ensuring the participation of regional governments will require a robust intervention and a large number of travels to places, to guarantee that their particular conditions, capacities, limitations are fully integrated in the analysis this NAP proposal will implement. Such interventions are also required to understand the enabling conditions needed, and the adaptation projects and programs that can be implemented locally, which is the focus of most of adaptation measures. Finally, to ensure the long-term impact of the results under this proposal, a Monitoring and Evaluation System will be designed and implemented, requiring a number of visits to regional governments. This is a clear example of how the government of Peru is pursuing a process that is country driven, inclusive and that seeks to have long-term impacts to guide the implementation of adaptation measures.

The Ministry of Environment in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Finance (The NDA) will take a leading role in the implementation of this NAP proposal that integrates regional governments into adaptation planning.

53 Ministerio del Ambiente, quien lo preside; Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores; Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego; Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas; Ministerio de Energía y Minas; Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones; Ministerio de la Producción; Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento; Ministerio de Salud; Ministerio de Educación; Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social; Ministerio de Cultura; Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables; Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 33 of 58

CEPLAN in its role of coordinating and making viable the national strategic planning including climate policy, seeks to advance the process of integrating the efforts of Planning, Logistic Programming, Formulation and Budgetary Execution under the Macro process approach. Its participation is critical to put in place the effective operationalization of adaptation planning and implementation at the national level.

CEPLAN is a key strategy partner to secure the implementation of on-going activities beyond the GCF support. CEPLAN´s role is to support the strategic planning of public policies in Peru. They also advice regional governments on the content of the elaboration of their regional strategic plans. The process of integration of adaptation measures in the overall strategic planning of regional governments secures that local planning instruments are long lasting.

The Ministries that have presented adaptation objectives will begin the elaboration and validation of the actions, projects and programs that will contribute to achieve the objectives settled. Followed by the identification and quantification of the enabling conditions needs to implement them. Along the work of the MWG-NDC, several of the Ministries have recognized the role of the subnational governments in the implementation of the programs and projects prioritized for which they concluded on the need of incorporating subnational government representatives into the process. The dynamics that involve the sectors has presented advances in the definition of the problem of each sectors concerning the climate change, and a proposal of institutional arrangements that allow the implementation of NDCs54.

It is also important to mention that GTM is required to foster the involvement and participation of non- governmental actors, such as the private sector, indigenous peoples, civil society, and regional and local governments, as appropriate to facilitate the multi/sectoral actions for the implementation of the NDCs. This will be done through Dialoguemos. The section on stakeholder engagement further explains this mechanism.

The work of the MWG-NDC focused on revising and validating products and measures in the different sectors including adopting a cross cutting approach. Initial measures on adaptation for each of the sectors were discussed with the support of the Technical Secretariat for the working group. 91. These measures are divided as follows: Agriculture 17 measures (19%) Forest 12 measures (13%) Fishing and aquiculture 18 measures 20%, Health 14 measures (15%), Water 30 (33%). See Annex 2. The NDC working group has also identified the overall enabling conditions needed to meet the NDC adaptation commitments. Among these, the most important enabling conditions for the 91 adaptation measures are gathered among the following categories:

-institutional arrangements -research -capacity building -financial mechanisms -monitoring -planning -sensitivity of climate change

The identification of these measures were only done from a sectorial perspective, therefore, it is key to identify those conditions that are needed by regional governments to effectively plan and implement adaptation measures.

The readiness NAP support will seek to identify the specific enabling conditions needed at the regional level for each of the 5 adaptation thematic areas. This identification process will also identify existing institutional arrangements in place. To summarize, the MWG-NDC has carried out an extensive work that took place in over 22 months to define the roadmap for the implementation of NDC adaptation measures among others. The results can be found in a report that was launched in December 201855.

The report presents goals and indicators to monitor and report the development of adaptation targets. The report also identify 3 main challenges that will require continued support to overcome them. The first one Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 34 of 58

54 See annex diagram attached. 55 T%C3%A9cnica-18-09-2015-vf.pdf Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 35 of 58

relates to need for strengthening institutions, the second relates to develop means of implementation and the third relates to the sustainability of the process, including ownership by the different levels of governments involved in the NDC implementation. The report is very useful in showing the overarching needs of Peru to meet targets and increase ambition; however, regional governments also need to be engaged, to define and prioritized possible interventions that are in line with set adaptation priorities, based on their own capacities and local context.

Existing planning tools

Efforts are also being made to adapt to climate change impacts through the development of planning tools and the increase in knowledge of the country’s vulnerability to climate change. Many regions and sectors are incorporating management of climate-related risk considerations into policies, planning instruments and the National Public Investment System that are relevant to the climate change agenda.

Peru incorporated goals on adaptation in their NDCs and is making efforts to mainstream adaptation components into planning instruments. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture and Risk (MINAGRI) is updating the National Plan for Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation for the Agriculture sector; the Ministry of Health is developing the Mitigation and Adaptation Plan against adverse effects of Climate Change on Public Health; the Ministry of Production is formulating the Action Plan on Climate Change in the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector. In addition, the strategy of water resource management is including adaptation components; a diagnosis on vulnerability in the fishing and aquaculture sector is being made; ecosystem based adaptation measures was incorporated in the management of protected Natural Areas; a budget program was adopted by MEF to support matters related to “el Niño” as well as other climate risks. Until 2016, at least 120 of 330 climate change initiatives on adaptation were registered by the government (23 % of adaptation initiatives have a community-based approach, 21 % on a management of climate-related risk approach, 20 %, on a watershed approach 20 % on ecosystems approach, 9 % on priority sectors approach and 4 % in cities56).

The above initiatives have led to the creation of different processes that have foster dialogue, information sharing and articulation between different sectors and stakeholders in the country to gain knowledge and lessons learned on adaptation measures.

Regional policies

Since 2002, Peru is undergoing a process of political, administrative and fiscal decentralization, which means that functions from the national government are being gradually transferred to the subnational governments. Based on the responsibilities set forth in the Organic Law of Regional Governments, local governments are required to formulate and implement Regional Climate Change Strategies (ERCC for its acronym in Spanish). To date, 22 of the 25 regions in the country have developed their strategies. The formulation of these ERCCs was technically supported with information generated by the National Service for Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI in Spanish), which generates information on climate vulnerability.

Despite the importance of the elaboration of ERCCs in integrating climate-specific objectives and actions to the work of regional governments, their scope and implementation remains limited. These instruments require further development to fully integrate the adaptation goals incorporated in the NDCs.

The products that will be elaborated under this proposal will help strengthen and update the climate regional strategies, which were adopted prior to the adoption of the NDCs. The process to update these regional planning instruments comes from a direct request from regional governments that want to be better aligned to NDC commitments.

In addition, the project will seek to enable access to finance for regional governments through the development of concept notes for prioritized adaptation measures. Access to finance is one of the overall and most important enabling conditions that need to be addressed. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 36 of 58

56 Third National Communication of Climate Change by Peru. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 37 of 58

Adaptation information for planning

Some other government-run organizations have their capacities enhanced on scientific research and technology on climate change and are able to provide information to decision makers. Some of these include the National Service for Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (SENAMHI), the Institute for Geophysics (IGP), the Institute on Research for the Peruvian Amazon (IIAP), the National Institute for Research on Glaciers and Mountain ecosystems (INAIGEM), the Institute for the Sea (IMARPE), the National Institute for Agrarian Innovation (INIA) that has a recent climate change laboratory, and the National Institute for Health (INS).

Existing Challenges

The adoption and implementation of climate change policy in Peru has been a predominantly top -down process, led by the Ministry of Environment, MINAM.

The process however, seeks to integrate climate policy at all levels of government. MINAM has started to map developments in adaptation planning processes at the regional level by a) identifying regions that have planning instruments on climate change in place and b)identifying if NDC commitments could be included in existing local planning instruments.

Regarding climate policy at the regional level, 22 regional climate change strategies have been adopted to date (in 22 out of the 25 regions). From those 22 governments, only 7 have adopted plans to implement their respective strategies.

With the adoption of the Framework Law on Climate Change and the creation of the ad-hoc NDC working group in 2016, in charge of guiding the implementation of the NDC (Adopted through resolution Nº 005- 2016-MINAM), the working group began a coordinated, articulated, inclusive, multilevel and participatory process to establish the baseline for the effective implementation of NDC measures at different levels of governments including adaptation measures. The technical report elaborated by the working group is the only public document that makes concrete references to the overall enabling conditions needed in order to achieve the adaptation priorities established in the NDC. However, little documented information on existing barriers and conditions at the local level to implement climate measures is available. This is a fundamental reason why this adaptation readiness proposal seeks to elaborate a number of informative documents to map concrete enabling conditions needed at the regional level for the effective implementation of climate measures.

Given that the adoption and implementation of the climate change policy in Peru has been a top down process (led by central government) and due to the decentralization governance system in Peru, regional governments have started to pay more attention to the barriers that limit their capacities to take on responsibilities given by law in the implementation of climate change measures.

First, it is important to recognize that institutional capacities for the overall planning and management of public resources at different levels of government are limited.

Limited capacities have direct implications on the climate change agenda at the subnational level and in particular for the implementation of adaptation measures. There are limited capacities in place for overall climate change planning and implementation. This includes capacities for technical formulation of projects and programs, establishment of climate indicators, monitoring and reporting activities which creates limited possibilities for access to finance. Regional governments even face barriers to deploy existing resources for the implementation of planned activities. Thus, this project seeks to integrate CEPLAN as a key actor for this process to ensure budgets are better linked to the development and successful implementation of local planning instruments.

Second, technical and human capacities are limited to effectively plan and implement climate change measures; local teams are often short in staff and there is a high turn-over of public sector staff that hinders capacity building to stay in the regions. Thus the government has focused on ensuring that local climate Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 38 of 58

policy is adopted at regional levels in order to create legal frameworks that guide and mandate responsibilities for climate action. At the same time, the link between policy development and budget planning, development and execution is expected to lead towards increasing long- lasting capacities to effectively contribute to the implementation of prioritized adaptation measures.

Therefore, this project is very relevant in supporting specific needs and conditions that are paramount for the effective adoption of adaptation measures.

Significant progress has been made in the development of climate change management instruments; however, there is room for improving the regulatory framework that integrates climate change policies with planning processes at national and subnational level, in a participatory and inclusive manner. Therefore, it is crucial to implement the NDCs and carrying out monitoring and reporting activities in order to evaluate progress and make adjustments accordingly. The readiness NAP will particularly help advance the challenge related to identifying, developing and strengthening enabling conditions at other levels of government, while increasing ownership of the activities through the engagement of regional governments.

Finally, concept notes will be develop to implement concrete adaptation measures connected to the NDC adaptation measures. Their enabling conditions will be addressed as well to ensure long-term capacities are in place in the regions.

The NAP proposal responds to a bigger climate strategy for the country that has a legal mandates enshrined in a number of policy documents including the new Framework Law on Climate Change

Monitoring activities

On the monitoring of activities and deliverables, MINAM and MEF will perform the evaluation of all deliverables under this proposal. Fundación Avina will evaluate all products and services procured according to their specific Terms of Reference. Fundación Avina will also use our CRM system for registration, monitoring and evaluation of all services and products procured. This system automatically requests an evaluation of the service or product procured in order to approve a subsequent payment. Among the tools to be used for monitoring compliance of activities and products, Fundación Avina will establish a scoring system (0-5) to approve activities and deliverables, in consultation with MINAM and MEF, according to their respective ToRs.

Stakeholder Participation

The Peruvian Framework Law on Climate Change mandates that all climate change processes should be develop through a participatory, transparent, inclusive process, for the private sector, civil society and indigenous peoples. Thus, this project proposal will ensure that participation of key stakeholders is included throughout the implementation of all project activities and particularly at the regional level when the processes to collect information, organize workshops and discussions take place. This will be done through Dialoguemos. Dialoguemos is a participatory, multi-stakeholder and multi-level mechanism that aims to contribute to the implementation and dissemination of the NDC in Peru. The process is based on the permanent interactions of a diverse range of key actors (public and private sector, academia, NGOs, international cooperation, indigenous populations, and community-based organizations) in spaces where alliances and viable agreements are forged. . All the “Dialoguemos” events take place in 4 formats: get- together, forums, work meeting, and executive breakfast. In these events, roles and actions from all those involved – whether they are government entities and non – are arranged based on their interest, needs, and functions. As such, Dialoguemos will facilitate state and non-state actors to contribute, participate, increase their ownership and commit to the Peruvian response to climate change, in particular the mitigation and adaptation measures, defined within the scope of work of the Multisectorial Working Group for NDC implementation (MWG-NDC). Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 39 of 58

The MWG-NDC, conscious of the importance of the involvement of key actors to guarantee the success of this process, is fostering their participation through diverse strategies. Dialoguemos is developed in this context. As such, Dialoguemos legitimizes and contributes to the long-term sustainability of the NDC implementation process, taking also into account three crosscutting perspectives: gender, inter-cultural and inter-generational.

The general objective of Dialoguemos is to build a participatory and awareness-raising process so that Peru achieves the implementation of its NDC. In the short run, the Dialoguemos process will contribute to improve our first cycle of contributions through the identification, discussion, and integration of inputs from key stakeholders.

The specific objectives of Dialoguemos are:

• Involve state and non-state actors to foster commitment in the implementation of the NDC.

• Integrate initiatives that contribute to fulfilling the NDC in mitigation and adaptation.

• Consolidate alliances and viable agreements for NDC implementation among diverse actors.

• Contribute to the generation of an informed critical mass that is involved and is able to track NDC implementation.


The Peruvian government is committed to advance their climate change planning and implementation of measures, ensuring that gender is mainstream throughout the whole design process. Gender is not only a desire but it has a legal mandate embedded in the following legal instruments:

• Supreme Decree Nº 004-2012-MIMP that approves the National Plan for Gender Equality. This plan has as its main objective that the Peruvian Government, at its three levels of government, will mainstream a gender approach to public policies, securing gender equality and the effective protection of human rights for women and men, no discrimination and the full realization of their collective and individual capacities. • Supreme Decree N°011-2015-MINAM that approves the National Strategy on Climate Change with guidelines for action that the Ministry of Environment has to undertake with the objective to consider a gender approach and interculturality in relation to climate change risk, national plans • Supreme Decree N° 012-2016-MINAM approves the Action Plan for Gender and Climate Change and proposes integrated and multisectorial solutions to climate change, that have been elaborated in a collective and through a consultative process.

The Ministry of Environment has included among its staff, an expert on gender on a permanent basis. This person will be supporting the overall implementation of the different activities that will be undertaken during the implementation of this proposal to ensure a gender sensitive approach is pursued in all the activities and deliverables. When possibilities allowed, products resulting from this readiness project will collect gender- disaggregated data. However, gender balanced participation will be promoted throughout all activities implemented.

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5.1 Budget plan Please complete the Budget Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website.

5.2 Procurement plan Please complete the Procurement Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website. For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in section 2, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage.

5.3 Disbursement schedule Please specify the proposed schedule for requesting disbursements from the GCF. For periodicity, specify whether it’s quarterly, bi-annually or annually only.

Please choose one option among the two below and delete the one that does not apply to you. Please fill in information under brackets:

☐ Readiness Proposal that falls within a Framework Agreement with the GCF Disbursements will be made in accordance to [Clause xx] “Disbursement of Grants” and [Clause xx] “Use of Grant Proceeds by the Delivery Partner” of the Framework Readiness and Preparatory Support Grant Agreement entered into between GCF and [Delivery partner name] on Click or tap to enter a dateClick or tap to enter a date. The Delivery Partner is entitled to submit [number] request(s) for disbursement each year.

☒ Readiness Proposal that requires a bilateral Grant Agreement to be signed with the GCF (please add more disbursement as needed) • The first disbursement amounting USDUSD 730,000.00 will be transferred upon approval of the readiness request and effectiveness of the Grant Agreement; • The second disbursement amounting USDUSD 670,000.00 will be transferred upon submission of an interim progress report [and audited financial report]57, in form and substance acceptable to the Fund, [including an audited expenditure statement]; and • The third disbursement amounting USDUSD 45082.00 will be made upon submission of a completion report and financial report, in form and substance acceptable to the Fund, including an audited expenditure statement.

Please include an indicative disbursement table showing the expected amounts to be requested and keep to multiples of USD 5,000.

57 For second disbursement, audited financial report and audited expenditure statement are only required for readiness and preparatory support proposals expected to last over 12 months. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 41 of 58


6.1 Implementation map Please describe how funds will be managed by the NDA and/or the Readiness Delivery Partner.


Decision- making body (MINAM and MEF)

Ministry of Ministry of Environment FUNDACION Economy and Finance AVINA


Ministry of CEPLAN Environment

This readiness NAP proposal was developed in close collaboration and under the leadership of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Environment and the National Center for Strategic Planning (CEPLAN). The Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Environment have an Institutional Agreement that ensures that all work related to the Green Climate Fund has to be done in close coordination between both entities and according their competences. Both Ministries will formed the decision-making body for the implementation of this proposal. For operational purposes, the Ministry of Environment, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Finance will take a leading role in overseeing the implementation of activities under this proposal.

Fundación Avina in its role of accredited entity will operate as a delivery partner and is therefore fully responsible for the implementation of this readiness proposal.

The Ministry of Environment, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, will be responsible for the overall technical coordination of the implementation of the activities under this proposal. Fundación Avina will be responsible for the overall management and procurement under this readiness proposal, including organization of activities, elaboration of terms of reference for consultancies, elaboration of contracts, monitoring and technical supervision of products.

Fundación Avina will ensure that all objectives are met and outcomes delivered in a timely and technically sound manner, guaranteeing performance on gender balance, transparency principles, incorporation of purposes of paradigm shift and full country ownership. It will also administer funds and ensure resources are executed according to GCF policies and allocated appropriately and effectively.

The Government of Peru and Fundación Avina has a long working relationship and collaboration in the many prioritized areas for the Peruvian environmental policy, including climate change. In addition, the government of Peru supported the accreditation of Fundación Avina as a Direct Access Entity and provided a letter of support given the long-track record of work of Avina in Peru. Fundación Avina has vast experience Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 42 of 58

supporting sustainable development processes throughout Latin America, supporting the role of subnational governments in the effective engagement and implementation of climate policy, Fundación Avina is a Foundation from Latin America that fully understands regional, national and local context. Such understanding is paramount for the design and implementation of climate policy. The Peruvian Framework Law on Climate Change states that the Ministry of Environment is the national authority with technical and regulatory capacities in charge of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the integrated climate change management at different levels of government (the project will support engagement with regional governments only). It is also the job of the Ministry of Environment to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the NDCs.

MINAM, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, will assume the technical coordination of the proposal within the Government, assigning a Focal Point, with specific functions of technical monitoring of the progress of the activities according to schedule, ensuring the integrality and articulation between the activities and between the different actors linked to the project.

CEPLAN is in charge of coordinating and making viable the national strategic planning. Thus, its participation and direct involvement in the implementation of the activities under this NAP is vital to ensure the effective mainstreaming of adaptation planning and that a Monitoring and Evaluation System for adaptation is in place.

Activities under this project will be implemented in parallel to ensure that all results under this project are met58. In terms of risk strategies for the development of activities, the project will ensure that MEF and MINAM are in constant communication with Fundación Avina to secure that all activities are implemented accordingly. If any potential risk arises. Fundacion Avina, MEF and MINAM will implement mitigation options and if needed, Fundación Avina will communicate the GCF on potential changes or possible need for usage of contingency resources. However, with the team that will be hired to support implementation efforts, it is believed that activities can be successfully implemented.

Readiness work in Peru and country coordination

The National Designated Authority in Peru is the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In order to implement joint actions for the design and implementation of the GCF in the country, the Minstry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Environment subscribed a Framework Agreement in which, especific roles were established based on their own competence. Among the activities committed by both institutions are the elaboration the Peruvian Country Programme and the national no-objetion procedure.

In addition, in 2018, through a Ministry Resolution N° 2018-2017-EF/15, an Operations Manual for the GCF was approved, with the objective to develop in a detailed manner, the GCF national and international process to enable access to the Fund resources.

For instance, the Operation Manual highlights that projects/programs have to be aligned with Peru´s NDC and contribute to the targets or advance other climate related instruments.

The Country Programme will be developed considering the results of the work led by the GTM -NDC working group. It is expected that the measures identified in the Country Programme will guide the interventions needed per sector that involve key stakeholders. The NAP readiness process seeks that these interventions take into account the needs and priorities that subnational governments have for adaptation. The alignment process will enable to strengthen projects from subnational governments.

58 The experience to date on policy formulation in Peru has required parallel work with the different regions of the country. Such processes have shown positive results. For example the one that led to the adoption of the National Policy for Environment, the National Plan for environmental action, the National Strategy on Climate Change among others. Another key example to show that work with regional governments done in parallel was the work conducted by MINAM and MEF in which 5 macro region workshops in the course of 2 months were organized and conducted successfully to design the GCF country program, using the Dialoguemos Format.

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The design and implementation of the NDC in Peru is an evolving and dynamic process that constantly improves and receives feedback from a number of key stakeholders and experiences. Therefore, the NAP readiness contributes directly to the alignment of actions that the country should follow to meet its commitments under the NDC and promote an inclusive, sustainable development.

During 2019, the National Adaptation Plan of Peru will be formulated. In addition, the regional strategies on climate change will be updated. Both planning instruments will secure that on-going efforts to improve planning as well as effective implementation continue.

Furthermore, the Framework Law of Climate Change will enable the implementation of NDC adaptation and mitigation beyond the project because it is a priority topic for our country. Also with the creation of a High- Level Commission on Climate Change, planning and implementation of adaptation measures will continue in Peru. Finally, the participation of CEPLAN in the implementation of this proposal, the project seeks to institutionalize adaptation measures, as well as to identify the enabling conditions needed in regional governments. Once these are mapped and incorporated in the planning processes, these will help enable the allocation of resources from the national budget in the end.

6.2 Risks, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and other relevant information

Risk Management

Given the existence of an institutional agreement between the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Environment, both entities will convey upon a situation that requires intervention or decision. It will the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment that will communicate to Fundación Avina how to proceed.

Financial accountability

Fundación Avina will open a separate and exclusive bank account for this project.

Contingency Plan

Below are described potential risks that might prevent the project objectives from being achieved and the proposed measures that address these risks during project implementation:

Risk Rating Mitigation

The project will be coordinated with the participation of regional governments, with the guidance provided by all sectors. In addition, it will include participation of non- Involvement Risk: Lack of interest by the government stakeholders and will public and private sector key stakeholders, even have a gender expert to resulting in limited interest of local players support the implementation of to scale up the results of this intervention Low activities. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 44 of 58

The project is routed in a legal mandate, embedded in the National Climate Change Law approved in 2018. This law gives the mandate to the Ministry of Environment to continue providing leadership In climate change. The proposal will also generate a number of planning instruments that will enhance the capacity of many other Sectors and will permeate to the different levels Technical Risk: Lack of capacity by the of government, securing a wide and national counterparts to use or implement effective participation, knowledge the results and conclusions of this technical sharing and learning throughout all assistance Low these different levels.

The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry if Finance and Economy Management Risk: Lack of effective subscribed a Framework coordination between the Ministry of Agreement in which, especific roles Finance and Economy and the Ministry of were established based on their Environment. Low own capacities.

This Project will pursue thorough, gender responsive integration, and ensure stakeholder involvement at Gender risk: Resistance against or lack of all levels, with special regard to interest in, the project activities from involving women and men. The stakeholders, especially with regard to the government of Peru has a full time active promotion of gender equality. dedicated expert on gender and Low participation rates of suitable female climate change, who will support candidates due to lack of interest, Low the overall project implementation.

The project expects to start Political Risk: new authorities will take over implementation during 2019; at the beginning of 2019, including changes therefore, it will directly engage in the technical teams with new authorities prior the Low implementation.

The project will ensure that all information generated during the project implementation, that it is not labelled as confidential, is Information risk: Advances, results and widely shared at the NDA website products from this projects are not and the Ministry of Environment`s accessible to all interested parties Low website.

The project will provide technical support and the delivery of stronger Political risk: Government Institutions have local planning instruments, which limited capacity on adaptation to climate will help strengthen long- term change, Low capacities among institutions. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 45 of 58

Efforts have already been made to define the overall enabling conditions needed by the most relevant sectors for adaptation. The project will assess regional circumstances to have a clearer picture of what conditions are key Political risk: The project is unable to define at the regional level in order to the necessary means of implementation Low address them

This overall project and adaptation process is supported by legal mandate in the Framework Law on Political risk: The process to define the Climate Change and the update of necessary measures to implement the regional strategies will enable long- adaptation NDC goals becomes term adaptation actions at the unsustainable Low regional level

Fundación Avina will elaborate a planning, management and governance tool to guide the implementation of this project to help clarify decision-making processes- establish timeframes for implementation, define responsibilities in activities with the view to clarify coordination related Management risk: Project activities are matters with all parties involved delayed High and avoid delays.

The project will create a cloud memory in which ongoing periodic reports will be made to parties about advances, changes, and lessons learned during the implementation of the project to ensure information is constantly Management risk: Staff in government flowing, in light of possible changes Medium institutional changes.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Fundación Avina as the delivery partner will be in charge of overseeing the development of the proposal. Fundación Avina will ensure monitoring of the different processes throughout the implementation of the activities, as well as the achievement of targets, results and deliverables. Fundación Avina will be also responsible for submitting the progress and final reports to the GCF, ensuring the quality and accuracy of information is met.

An ongoing effort to evaluate how the project is helping achieving adaptation targets will be also conducted by the Ministry of Environment. Such efforts will seek feedback from different stakeholders (civil society, Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 46 of 58

private sector59, woman groups, indigenous peoples and others) to constantly enhance the interventions and activities under this proposal.

For target 1 that states that regional polices and strategies and enabling conditions at the regional level that support adaptation targets under the NDC are identified, mapped and analyzed. Consultants hired under this outcome will elaborate a number of products that will inform regional governments, MINAM, MEF and CEPLAN their work to advance adaptation measures.

For target 2 that states that enabling conditions at the regional level are developed and strengthen. Communication and coordination channels at the different levels of government will be created to act on the enabling conditions. Assessments will be made to deal with existing gaps to overcome them.

Target 3 that states concept notes, one for each thematic area will be develop to advance the implementation of adaptation measures with the participation of 5 regional governments, will be measured through the assessment that both the Peruvian government will be made and also Foundation Avina to procure that bankable adaptation projects are develop into concept notes.

Target 4 that states that after the project, an MRV system will be in place, will be monitored through the products created by consultants hired to undertake this activity, but also through CEPLAN´s work to create a system as part of their commitment to integrate national and regional planning systems.

Regarding the monitoring and evaluation plan, Avina will be actively supporting the work of the project coordinator, and the appointed people at MINAN; MEF and CEPLAN that will engage in the implementation of all activities under this proposal. Avina will organize periodic calls, meetings, and visits to monitor progress of activities. Avina will also ensure all information, meeting minutes; materials, products, etc., elaborated under this project are tracked, monitored and used for periodic evaluations. Avina will design a project implementation plan with MEF and MINAM to align all activities and planning required before implementation takes place.

On communication and coordination channels at the regional level, the project will seek to establish the appropriate mechanisms needed for specific matters (determined by need, interest and opportunity by the specific region) to secure communication channels are fully effective.

Development of concept notes

To avoid any possible conflicts of interest deriving from the delivery partner’s role as an accredited entity, the prioritization of investments and projects in the context of this readiness grant will be made through a broad consultation process with relevant stakeholders, including other potential implementing entities for Peru. The guidance will come from the Country Program that is under development from a separate readiness proposal. The final decision about which project/programs ideas will go ahead will be carried out by the country’s coordination mechanism, under the leadership of the NDA. The decision will be taken with the participation of other government agencies, as well as representatives from civil society and private sector, to ensure chosen priorities are fully aligned with national plans and strategies and adequately include inputs from consulted stakeholders.

Ownership of assets and intellectual property generated

All knowledge products derived from the implementation of this proposal will be property of the government of Peru and in particular MINAM and MEF.

59 Among private sector entities that will be engaged in this process are: CONFIEP (Entity that represents private sector related activities in Peru), the National Society for Fishing (SNP), the National Society of Industries, Mining companies, companies involved in food production among others.

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Delivery Partner Fee

Fundación Avina is requesting 8.5% of the total project cost as delivery partner fee, following guidance provided in the policy on fees for accredited entities and delivery partners (GCF/B.19/29).

This proposal will be develop in 24 months, which will require constant engagement and monitoring. It will need to procure a large number of consultants and services required to implement all intended activities as well as to ensure the delivery of all products. Such support will require the participation and involvement of many members of Avina´s staff from the Peruvian office and other regional offices60.

60 The Climate Action Team is located in different countries in Latin America and will provide remote support to oversee the project implementation. Avina´s administrative, financial and legal affairs are mostly conducted from the headquarters in Panama and the administrative, coordination and financial assistance for this project will be provided from the office in Peru, under the leadership of Avina´s country Director. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 48 of 58

1. WATER 2. AGRICULTURE61 3. FISHERY AND 4. FORESTRY 5. HEALTH62 AQUACULTURE Includes supply (resources) Considers protecting the sector Considers protecting Considers protecting Considers increasing and demand (use): direct and its contribution to the the sector and its ecosystem services that the adaptive capacity

human consumption, economy, and includes contribution to the forests provide, and attend of health services in agriculture and livestock, attending the most vulnerable economy, and includes the most vulnerable groups order to face CC, and energy, mining and industry. groups (small and subsistence attending the most (indigenous communities the resilience of It includes physical and eco- farmers). vulnerable groups and small forest producers). vulnerable populations systemic infrastructure. (artisanal fishermen). to its effects. Encourage and promote Reduce the negative impact of Reduce the Promote comprehensive Reduce vulnerability actions and projects that climate change on the agrarian vulnerability of the land management with a and increase the increase the availability of activity (agriculture, livestock fishery and landscape approach, population resilience to Intermediate water in the context of CC. and forestry). oriented to increase forests the health effects of objectives aquaculture sector to Climate Change resilience to CC, and reduce climate change. the vulnerability of local populations. 1. Disaster Risk Management 63 • Increase the number of prioritized districts, due to hydro-meteorological and climate events, that are monitored. • Increase the number of people with education and knowledge in disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change. 2. Resilient Public Infrastructure - Climate Shield of the National Public Investment System (SNIP in Spanish) • Incorporate guiding elements in the methodological guidelines for the development of public investment projects of the National Public Investment System (SNIP), that allow, for relevant sectors, performing these activities in a climate change context. 3. Poverty and Vulnerable Populations Approach – adjustments to the design of programs and regulatory frameworks with adaptation criteria • Increase the number of programs and instruments against poverty that incorporate adaptation to climate change. 4. Gender and Intercultural Approach • Formulation and approval of the Action Plan on Gender and Climate Change • Encourage the participation of indigenous organizations in actions on climate change.

61 Measures applied to all kinds of agriculture. 62 The National Health System officially recognizes five functions: disease prevention, health promotion, health protection, health restoration and rehabilitation. 63 Goals consistent with the 0068 Budget Program Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 49 of 58

5. Promotion of private investment in adaptation - evaluate the introduction of innovative mechanisms to encourage private investment that increase the resilience of vulnerable systems. Annex I: Table I: Thematic areas of Adaptation in the NDC of Peru

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Annex II: Measures identified by different sectors. The GTM-NDC has identified 91 adaptation measures up to now, divided in five thematic areas, according to the following distribution:

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Annex III Public Sector Entities (Diagram explain the different levels of government in Peru. Available in Spanish only)

Annex IV: General Framework to Update Policies and Plans in Peru. Available in Spanish only Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 52 of 58

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Annex V: Diagram that shows the structure of the MWG-NDC to guide the implementation of the NDC. Available in Spanish Only.

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Theory of Change Narrative

The project seeks to increase the engagement of subnational governments in the design and implementation of adaptation measures to meet the adaptation priorities established in the NDCs in order to have a country that adapts to the adverse effects and takes advantage of the opportunities imposed by climate change (impact)

One of the problems identified is the limited knowledge and understanding of the existing regional polices, strategies and resources in place that can actively contribute to advance adaptation efforts. In some cases, these policy tools are not climate specific, which hinders understanding and value of existing planning instruments. Besides, limited enabling conditions (human, technical capacities, access to information, better communication channels, access to finance, etc.) to deploy adaptation measures by regional governments are missing and unidentified. In addition, access to finance and particular skills to monitor and evaluate adaptation measures as well as monitor the impact of financial resources deploy are also limited.

The assumptions made by the project are that by generating/facilitating information sharing processes (gathering, mapping) that help understanding what policies exist, their potential contribution to deploy adaptation measures, their need for mainstreaming climate components, an integrated policy framework for adaptation can be strengthen to better link country commitments with local contributions in an effective manner. In addition, it is fundamental to understand whether enabling conditions are in place at the regional level in order to plan and implement adaptation measures. Therefore, it is key to first understand what is missing and what needs to be strengthen in order to enhance them. Enabling conditions in place are paramount for the deployment of adaptation measures of any kind. One particular enabling condition that is missing and is needed by all regional governments in Peru is the access to finance (public, private, national and international) for adaptation measures. This often happens because of limited capacities to design effective projects/programs which prevent them from benefiting from potential resources. Thus, the project will facilitate the design of concept notes, in line with adaptation priorities in NDC but with support and regional origin to help strengthen capacities for project design as well to access to finance. Finally, in order to contribute to the adoption of monitoring and reporting capacities by regional governments, promote a better understanding and value of addressing adaptation measures and the need for monitoring, the project will provide capacity building efforts including mechanisms to support them.

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Annex VI: Diagram Theory of Change

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The theory of change tries to exemplify, how, through effective regional engagement and targeting key elements that need to be addressed in order to implement climate action (existing regulatory measures, enabling environments, stakeholder engagement and monitoring as well as reporting mechanisms) challenges as well as opportunities to act on climate change are taken by Peru in their different levels of government.

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Annex V. Terms of Reference: Project Coordinator/Senior Consultant

Main duties and responsibilities

- Serve as liaison between all project partners.

- Elaborate a work plan for the project implementation.

- Coordinate the selection and hiring process of all consultants under this project.

- Elaborate ToR for all consultants to hire for the implementation of the project. Plan and develop the process to recruit and formalize hiring process of consultants

- Convene, as required, meetings to decide on strategic matters of the project with relevant stakeholders.

- Manage the project´s budget, monitor and report all expenditures.

- Register all activities, services and consultancies in Avina´s accountability platform.

- Support the work of other consultants, including the revision of the deliverables according to the ToRs.

- Arrange and coordinate logistics for meetings, convey meetings, prepare agendas, and elaborate summary reports.

- Map actors from different sectors to invite to different meetings.

- Map risks related to the project implementation. Report on regular basis on the monitoring of identified risks and mitigation solutions.

- Prepare intermediary and final narrative reports of the project.

- Elaborate periodic reports on project development.

- Undertake any other activity that might be required to ensure the full, timely and successful implementation of this project. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 58 of 58

- Undertake all administrative matters related to the use of the management system of Fundación Avina.


Qualifications, competences and experience:

- At least 5 years of experience in formulating, implementing and/or evaluating climate change and/or environmental projects.

- Degree in Political Science, Economics, Project Administration.

- Solid experience in project management and excellent capacity to elaborate and follow work plans, supervise activities, provide strategic advice to the team, and manage budget and expenditures.

- Fluent in Spanish and excellent written English.

- Familiarity with the Green Climate Fund procedures and policies.

- A good understanding of the Peruvian context, gender issues and socio and environmental safeguards.

- Excellent interpersonal skills and experience in articulating with stakeholders from different sectors and government levels.

- Availability to travel nationally on a frequent basis.

Salary: 3500 USD/ month

Working hours: 40 hours a week

Location: Lima, Peru. Readiness Grant Budget Preparation Guidelines

The following considerations are important when completing the budget: 1. Before preparing the Readiness and PPF budget, please read the full guidance on our website ( 2. You can select the appropriate budget categories from the dropdown list in the budget plan: 3. To insert additional rows, right click on the row number below where you wish to insert the new row and choose INSERT. 4. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet. :

Project Management Cost: Project management costs (PMC) are the direct administrative costs incurred to execute a project. They should cover only incremental costs incurred due to the GCF contribution. In most cases, these costs are directly related to the support of a dedicated project management unit (PMU) which manages the day to day execution related activities of the project.

General Principles for PMC costs: 1. The percentage of PMC financed by GCF should not be more than the percentage share of the overall budget financed by GCF 2. PMC budget thresholds: Up to 7.5 per cent of total activity budget. > PMC exceeding 7.5 per cent for the readiness (including NAPs) proposals, and PPF proposals, up to $ 3 million will require detailed documentation and justification supporting the entire PMC budget. > The PMC should be shown as a separate component in the project budget. A detailed breakdown of PMC should be provided by budget category. > Indicative list of eligible project management costs: > Project staffing and consultants: Project manager, Project Assistant, Procurement personnel, Finance personnel & Support/admin. Personnel > Other direct costs: Office equipment, Mission related travel cost of the PMU, Project management systems and information technology, Office supplies, Audit cost

Contingency : 1. Select the appropriate % of Contingency Budget from the dropdown list :

2. Contingency budget for unforeseen costs arising during the project implementation should not be included in the outcome budget separately. 3. Contingency budget must be used for any unforeseen programme (output level) cost that is unrelated to implementation/service fee. 4. Any use of contingency must be reported to and agreed by the GCF Secretariat in writing in advance provided with justifications that are acceptable to the GCF 5. If you get to the end of the project and you haven’t spent Contingency, you can’t increase the scope of the project or buy some more equipment to use it up.

6. The Budget Notes sheet should be used to record explanations, further details or cost breakdowns for individual lines

If you are unsure about how to complete the budget template, please send your query to: [email protected] 5.1 Budget Plan Please add rows for Outcomes, Outputs and Cost Categories as required. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet.

Detailed Budget (in US$) Disbursement Plan Total Budget Outcomes Budget Categories Total Budget Total Budget Unit # of Unit Unit Cost (per outcome) 6m 12m 18m 24m 30m 36m choose from the drop-down list (per budget category) (per sub-outcome)

National Consultant - Thematic Consultant - Local Month 30 3,125.00 93,750.00 46,875.00 46,875.00

1.1 Identify policies, strategies, resources and National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 stakeholders that are relevant for the identified Workshop/Training Event 4 8,600.00 34,400.00 163,150.00 17,200.00 17,200.00 thematic areas and contribute with ongoing national climate change adaptation efforts. Travel for thematic consultants– Local Trip 20 500.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Travel for participants to workshops – Local Trip 40 400.00 16,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 Workshop material Product 200 10.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

1. Policies, strategies, existing National Consultant - Consultant cross cutting adaptation actions, enabling 1.2 Identify the most relevant actions on adaptation Month 4 2,000.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 approaches conditions and stakeholders already planned and developed at the subnational level that contribute to the implementation of the 278,900.00 needed at the regional level to 15,000.00 meet NDC targets are identified programs and projects prioritized under the MWG- and matched for the 5 NDC, or new ones that enhance the ambition of the adaptation thematic areas. NDC for adaptation. National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00

National Consultant - Thematic Consultant - Local Month 30 3,125.00 93,750.00 46,875.00 46,875.00 1.3 Assess gaps to implement actions and enabling conditions (responsibilities and capacities) of 100,750.00 different level of governance to implement national adaptation measures in the five thematic areas. National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00

National Consultant - Thematic Consultant - Local Month 40 3,125.00 125,000.00 62,500.00 62,500.00 2.1 Develop communication and coordination channels and arrangements across different levels of governance (central and regional) and provide technical assistance and capacity National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 192,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 building tailored to needs identified in the gaps assessment and from the enabling conditions determined in the NDC adaptation roadmap. Travel for thematic consultants– Local Trip 120 500.00 60,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00

National Consultant - Financial/Technical Product 2 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 2.2 Elaborate technical assessments that enable assessment consultant the strengthening of enabling conditions identified 27,000.00 and needed for the implementation of adaptation measures. National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00

National Consultant -Stakeholder Engagement 2. Enabling conditions that Month 6 3,125.00 18,750.00 18,750.00 Consultant - Local foster the interface between subnational governments and 2.3 Develop and implement a plan on how key National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 national government for the 481,290.00 stakeholders can engage in an inclusive and gender- implementation of adaptation sensitive manner and support the implementation of National Consultant - Designer of institutional 67,750.00 actions in the NDC are Product 1 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 national adaptation measures, implement the capacity building modules strengthened. engagement and report on the advances.

Travel Others – Local Trip 24 500.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

National Consultant - CEPLAN consultants for Month 12 2,500.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 mainstreaming CC in PEI

National Consultant - Consultants on territorial Month 36 3,125.00 112,500.00 56,250.00 56,250.00 planning

2.4 Provide technical assistance for including climate change within regional planning National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 194,540.00 instruments (PEI) aligned with their development plans (PRDC) leaded by CEPLAN. Travel Others – Local Trip 24 360.00 8,640.00 4,320.00 4,320.00

Workshop material Product 1,040 10.00 10,400.00 5,200.00 5,200.00

Workshop for 40 Workshop/Training 26 1,000.00 26,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 people

International Consultant - Concept Notes Product 5 10,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Consultant - International 3.1 Develop concept notes for key projects to be 59,500.00 submitted to GCF and other financial sources National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 3. Project pipelines for the five Travel Others – Local Trip 5 500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Prioritized Adaptation sectors 104,000.00 are created with 5 concept notes National Consultant - Feasibility Study Product 5 7,000.00 35,000.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 submitted to the GCF. Consultants 3.2 Assess the feasibility (economic, technical, 44,500.00 institutional) of previously identified project ideas National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00

Travel Others – Local Trip 5 500.00 2,500.00 1,250.00 1,250.00

National Consultant - Consultant for the State of 4.1 Map the state of art play of the current Month 5 3,125.00 15,625.00 15,625.00 Play Metrics information and metrics related to the measuring and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of adaptation products and measures of financial National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 2 3,500.00 7,000.00 24,625.00 7,000.00 resources and outcomes within sub-national governments experiences and lessons learned of metrics schemes used by the inter-national community to measure adaptation results Travel Others – Local Trip 4 500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

National Consultant - CEPLAN Analyst for Month 2 3,125.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 designing a registry National Consultant - CEPLAN Analyst for Month 7 3,125.00 21,875.00 21,875.00 designing a registry II 4.2 Generate robust adaptation planning and public National Consultant - CEPLAN developer Month 6 2,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 financing information by CEPLAN within the 3 consultant 73,425.00 levels of government as fundamental inputs for the National Consultant - Specialist on Strategic Month 4 1,875.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 M&E system Planning National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 National Consultant - Consultant for the design and development of a web query module for Month 7 2,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 adaptation to climate change National Consultant - Consultant on Process design for the M&E Adaptation measures Service/Product 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 Platform (specialized IT company) 4.3 Design and develop a system for monitoring and evaluation outcomes generated by products National Consultant - Consultant for Diagnosis of and measures of adaptation NDC. This system will Service /product 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 sectoral M&E platforms linked to NDCs be integrated the standardized metric from national 78,500.00 and sub-national government schemes, that capture 4. A system for reporting, adaptation outcomes of adaptation NDC and monitoring and evaluating adaptation planning. (Programmatic M&E National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 360,736.00 adaptation outcomes and adaptation) financial resources of at the subnational level is in place. Platform M&E Adaptation Measures Product 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 12,500.00

National Consultant - Consultant on Process design for the M&E Platform (specialized IT Product 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 company) 4.4 Develop information to strengthen a system for monitoring and evaluation financial resources that National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 53,500.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 implement adaptation NDC (financial M&E adaptation)

National Consultant - Consultant for including Product 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 information on M&E platforms

National Consultant - M&E capacity building Month 12 4,000.00 48,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 consultant National Consultant - Consultant for M&E Product 2 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 guidelines National Consultant - CEPLAN communication Month 6 1,406.00 8,436.00 4,218.00 4,218.00 specialist

National Consultant - CEPLAN Consultant on Month 4 1,875.00 7,500.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 specialist on geography 4.5 Strengthen capacities to implement reporting, monitoring and evaluation protocols of 130,686.00 National Consultant -Consultant specialist for Pragmatic M&E adaptation preparing subnational reports on adaptation to Month 6 1,875.00 11,250.00 5,625.00 5,625.00 climate change from CEPLAN system

National Consultant - Consultant Senior Month 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,750.00 1,750.00

Travel Others – Local Trip 24 500.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Design & Printing Product 1,000 20.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Total Outcome Budget 1,224,926.00 139,450.00 479,970.00 433,788.00 171,718.00 - - 1,224,926.00 - External Audit Services Product 2 6,000.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) 45,700.00 Percentage of PMC Up to 7.5% of Total Activity Budget Administrative Support in country Month 24 1,300.00 31,200.00 requested: 7.5 % 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 Monitoring Evaluation Trip Trip 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,270,626.00 3.731% 7,800.00 13,800.00 10,300.00 13,800.00 - - 147,250.00 493,770.00 444,088.00 185,518.00 Breakdown (per budget category) Total (per budget category) Administrative Support in country 31,200.00 Design & Printing 20,000.00 External Audit Services 12,000.00 International Consultant - Concept Notes Consultant - International 50,000.00 Total Outcome Budget 1,224,926.00 Monitoring Evaluation Trip 2,500.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) 7.5% requested 45,700.00 National Consultant - CEPLAN Analyst for designing a registry 6,250.00 Contingency 5% requested 61,246.30 National Consultant - CEPLAN Analyst for designing a registry II 21,875.00 National Consultant - CEPLAN communication specialist 8,436.00 National Consultant - CEPLAN Consultant on specialist on geography 7,500.00 Sub-Total (Total Outcome Budget + Contingency + PMC) 1,331,872.30 National Consultant - CEPLAN consultants for mainstreaming CC in PEI 30,000.00 National Consultant - CEPLAN developer consultant 16,800.00 Delivery Partner Fee (DP) - Up to 10% of the Sub-Total (8.5%) 113,209.15

National Consultant - Consultant cross cutting approaches 8,000.00 National Consultant - Consultant for Diagnosis of sectoral M&E platforms linked to 25,000.00 NDCs

National Consultant - Consultant for including information on M&E platforms 25,000.00 Total Project Budget (Total Activity Budget + Contingency + PMC + DP) $ 1,445,082.00

National Consultant - Consultant for M&E guidelines 20,000.00

National Consultant - Consultant for the design and development of a web query 17,500.00 module for adaptation to climate change

National Consultant - Consultant for the State of Play Metrics 15,625.00 National Consultant - Consultant on Process design for the M&E Adaptation 25,000.00 measures Platform (specialized IT company) 1st disbursement 730,000.00 50.52% National Consultant - Consultant on Process design for the M&E Platform 25,000.00 (specialized IT company) 2nd disbursement 670,000.00 46.36%

National Consultant - Consultant Senior 84,000.00 3rd disbursement 45,082.00 3.1% National Consultant - Consultants on territorial planning 112,500.00 1,445,082.00 100.00% National Consultant - Designer of institutional capacity building modules 30,000.00 National Consultant - Feasibility Study Consultants 35,000.00 National Consultant - Financial/Technical assessment consultant 20,000.00 National Consultant - M&E capacity building consultant 48,000.00 National Consultant - Specialist on Strategic Planning 7,500.00 National Consultant - Thematic Consultant - Local 312,500.00 National Consultant -Consultant specialist for preparing subnational reports on 11,250.00 adaptation to climate change from CEPLAN system National Consultant -Stakeholder Engagement Consultant - Local 18,750.00 Platform M&E Adaptation Measures 25,000.00 Travel for participants to workshops – Local 16,000.00 Travel for thematic consultants– Local 70,000.00 Travel Others – Local 39,640.00 Workshop material 12,400.00 Workshop/Training 60,400.00 0 - 0 - Total Outcome Budget 1,270,626.00

- Budget Note Detailed Description

Administrative Support in country Part time of support to accountant/administrative work of the project coordinator will be required.

Audio Visual & Printing Videos and Printed documents will be generated by the communication specialist of CEPLAN for capacity building purposes

External Audit Services 2 external audit services will be procured for this project. One after 12 months and the final one during month 24.

International Consultant - Concept Notes 5 international/national consultants will be hired to support the design of the 5 adaptation concept notes that will be submitted to the GCF Consultant - International

Monitoring Evaluation Trip A trip for Fundación Avina is budgeted to monitor the overall implementation of the project midterm.

National Consultant - CEPLAN Analyst for 1 analyst will be hired for 2 months. The person needs to have knowledge on the use of the app for PEI-POI, be familiar with MEF and their information systems that designing a registry contribute to identify climate change activities for the three levels of government and their sources of finance.

National Consultant - CEPLAN Analyst for 2 specialists will be hired to a) elaborate the standardized route on climate change that will be incorporated in planning instruments at the 3 levels of government b) design the designing a registry II application for the Executing Unit in each municipality can register and incorporate this route in their PEI- POI.

National Consultant - CEPLAN communication A communications specialist will be hired for 6 months (USD 1,406 monthly) to elaborate an informative video and support material for the registry of the adaptation components in the specialist PEI-POI in islanded municipalities. The time to elaborate the video requires a scripts, voice recording, etc.

National Consultant - CEPLAN Consultant on A specialist on geography will be hired during 4 months (USD 1,875) to elaborate a georeferenced consultation in different points of the country. The consultancy is expected to link specialist on geography information on planning and budgeting obtained from the consultation process.

National Consultant - CEPLAN consultants for 4 consultants are needed to provide support in-situ to regional governments and assist 550 executing units within regional governments to incorporate the climate change route in their mainstreaming CC in PEI institutional strategic plans. Each consultant will be responsible for 8 regional governments. The Municipalities of and Lima will receive support through the CEPLAN staff directly.

National Consultant - CEPLAN developer Consultants for developing, upgrading and giving support to the registry application in CEPLAN system for all 3 government levels that match strategic objectives and activities related to consultant adaptation to climate change that turn into actions that will be reflected within budget instruments (POI) National Consultant - Consultant cross cutting consultant on cross cutting approaches will ensure that the work that identifies policies, resources and strategies to adaptation planning include crosscutting approaches. approaches

National Consultant - Consultant for Diagnosis of A company consultant is needed to diagnose the M&E platforms from institutions associated with the NDC and the specific adaptation indicators. An IT company that specializes in sectoral M&E platforms linked to NDCs making such diagnosis and design for platforms for decentralized systems will be hired.

National Consultant - Consultant for including Consultant will be hired to include and update relevant information to the adaptation finance platform managed by MEF that track adaptation expenditures information on M&E platforms

National Consultant - Consultant for M&E Consultancy to elaborate two guides for the M&E adaptation: one for the programmatic system and the other one for the financial one. These consultancies include the integration of guidelines the CEPLAN work. National Consultant - Consultant for the design 1 IT specialist will be hired for 7 months to design and develop a web information consultation module for climate change that will be updated continually and improved. and development of a web query module for d t ti t li t h National Consultant - Consultant for the State of Consultant to elaborate a report that details the information and metrics that sub-national government use for monitoring and evaluating outcomes of adaptation interventions Play Metrics

National Consultant - Consultant on Process A consultant will be hired to develop a platform for M&E of adaptation measures. design for the M&E Adaptation measures Platform (specialized IT company)

National Consultant - Consultant Senior A senior consultant will be hired to act as project coordinator to oversee the coordination support required to undertake all activities, services, consultancies needed under this proposal. The consultant (project coordinator) will be hired on a full time basis for 24 months. He or she will also help register in Avina´s system all activities under this project that require approval, resource disbursement and monitoring.

National Consultant - Consultants on territorial 6 Specialist on strategic and territorial planning will be hired to support and monitor the quality of registry of PEI in the application PEI-POI including the objectives, activities, and actions planning registered at all levels of government. 6 specialists are required as they will support different phases of the planning cycle. two will support integral knowledge and reality; two will support policies and plans and two will do monitoring and evaluation of the overall process.

National Consultant - Designer of institutional Design educational/training modules for strengthen institutional capacity building that enable effective institutional arrangements towards adaptation planning and implementation at capacity building modules the regional/local level.

National Consultant - Feasibility Study 5 consultancies will be required to elaborate feasibility studies that support and demonstrate that the projects ideas designed in the concept notes are feasible. Consultants

National Consultant - Financial/Technical A Consultant will be hired to elaborate technical assessment and strategy (financial and legal) for the implementation of enabling environments activity 2.2 assessment consultant

National Consultant - M&E capacity building Two consultants are required to provide capacity building support during 6 months for learning how to use the financial and programmatic adaptation systems. consultant

National Consultant - Specialist on Strategic Hire a specialist on regional strategic planning (USD 1,875) for 4 months to support the development and support of the application module. Planning National Consultant - Thematic Consultant - Local 5 thematic consultants will be hired for each of the five adaptation prioritized areas in the NDCs. For activities 1.1, 1.2. 1.3, 2.1,2.2,2.3 and 2.4

National Consultant -Consultant specialist for 1 specialist on planning will be hired for 6 months for a cost of (USD 1,875 monthly) to elaborate 26 regional reports that will be use to monitor planning activities, strategic activities preparing subnational reports on adaptation to (objectives and strategic activities) and budget ( the use of budget) linked to climate change. climate change from CEPLAN system National Consultant -Stakeholder Engagement A stakeholder engagement consultant will be hired ton ensure stakeholder engagement is fully incorporated in the implementation of this proposal. Consultant - Local Platform M&E Adaptation Measures A physical platform will be created for the evaluation and monitoring of the overall adaptation measures at the three levels. The creation of this site requires a 12 month service

Travel for participants to workshops – Local Contracting a travel agency to coordinate 40 trips - average cost per person US$400. Trips will be arranged for representatives from regions to attend the 4 workshops organized in the macro regions. 2 representatives from 5 regions will be invited to each workshop. 40 trips

Travel for thematic consultants– Local travel for the 5 thematic consultants is needed to attend the 4 workshops in the micro regions price per per field trip: it includes flight/Bus/car ticket for 200 USD, lodging, food, transportation and per diem per 3 days (300 USD)

Travel Others – Local A.Travels will be required for the stakeholder engagement consultant to all the regions to ensure effective participation. price per per field trip: it includes flight/Bus/car ticket for 200 USD, lodging, food, transportation and per diem per 3 days (300 USD) B. Travels for other participants are also included under this category. Workshop material material for workshop it includes, agenda, notebooks, pens, and necessary printed material, name tags for the 50 participants that will be conveyed

Workshop/Training 4 workshops for 50 people, 1 in each macro region will be organized in order to discuss the identified policies, resources and strategies. Discuss the adaptation priorities and goals stated in the NDCs and find ways to further collaborate with regional governments. This is for activities 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 Budget Categories Administrative Support in country Design & Printing External Audit Services International Consultant - Concept Notes Consultant - International Monitoring Evaluation Trip National Consultant - CEPLAN Analyst for designing a registry National Consultant - CEPLAN Analyst for designing a registry II National Consultant - CEPLAN communication specialist National Consultant - CEPLAN Consultant on specialist on geography National Consultant - CEPLAN consultants for mainstreaming CC in PEI National Consultant - CEPLAN developer consultant National Consultant - Consultant cross cutting approaches National Consultant - Consultant for Diagnosis of sectoral M&E platforms linked to NDCs National Consultant - Consultant for including information on M&E platforms National Consultant - Consultant for M&E guidelines National Consultant - Consultant for the design and development of a web query module for adaptation to climate ch National Consultant - Consultant for the State of Play Metrics National Consultant - Consultant on Process design for the M&E Adaptation measures Platform (specialized IT company) National Consultant - Consultant on Process design for the M&E Platform (specialized IT company) National Consultant - Consultant Senior National Consultant - Consultants on territorial planning National Consultant - Designer of institutional capacity building modules National Consultant - Feasibility Study Consultants National Consultant - Financial/Technical assessment consultant National Consultant - M&E capacity building consultant National Consultant - Specialist on Strategic Planning National Consultant - Thematic Consultant - Local National Consultant -Consultant specialist for preparing subnational reports on adaptation to climate change from CEPLAN system National Consultant -Stakeholder Engagement Consultant - Local Platform M&E Adaptation Measures Travel for participants to workshops – Local Travel for thematic consultants– Local Travel Others – Local Workshop material Workshop/Training

Choose percentage 0 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 5.2 Procurement Plan For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in Section 3, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage.

Thresholds Item Item Description Estimated Cost (US$) Procurement Method (Min-Max monetary value for which indicated Estimated Start Date Projected Contracting Date procurement method must be used)

Goods and Non-Consulting Services

Contracting of an event agency to organize workshops for groups of 40-50 participants each at the macro regions level. Each workshop will require food and beverage and workshop material for the following activities:

A.1.1 - A.2.4 A.1.1: 4 workshops for 50 attendees each 25 dollars for coffee and snacks, 30 dollars for 72,800.00 Best quality and Cost Selection More than US$3.000 A.1.1 Month 3 A.2.1 Month 16 Month 4, Month 18 Workshops organization lunch, 300 USD for equipment rental for 2 days - Estimated cost US$8.600 per workshop A.2.4: 26 events for 40 people each - Estimated cost US$1.000 per workshop. 25 dollars per person (it includes 4 coffee/snack breaks)

Contracting of a travel agency to coordinate 140 trips - average cost per person US$500. Trips will be organized for each thematic consultant and conducted to respond to the following activities: A.1.1 - A.2.1 70,000.00 Best quality and Cost Selection More than US$3.000 A.1.1 Month 3 A.2.1 Month 16 Month 4, Month 18 Travel for thematic consultants - Local 1.1 → 4 trips for 5 consultants to Macro regions 2.1 → 24 trips for 5 consultants to visit the 24 regions (25 including Lima)

A.1.1 - Contracting a travel agency to coordinate 40 trips - average cost per person US$400. Trips Travel for participants to workshops – will be arranged for representatives from regions to attend the 4 workshops organized in the 16,000.00 Best quality and Cost Selection 5000 and above Month 3 Month 4 Local macro regions. 2 representatives from 5 regions will be invited to each workshop. 40 trips

Contracting a travel agency to coordinate 151 trips - mostly with a cost of US$500 per person. Trips will be conducted for the following activities: 2.3 - Trips for 24 people (US$500) A.2.3 - A.2.4 - A.3.1 - A.3.2 - A.4.1 - Month 10, Month 13, Month 18, Month 12, Month 15, Month 20, 2.4 - Trips for 24 people (US$360) 39,640.00 Best quality and Cost Selection 5000 and above Month 18, Month 18, Month 20; Month 20, Month 20, Month 22, A.4.5 3.1 - Trips for 5 people (US$500) month 20 Month 22 Travel Others Local 3.2 - Trips for 5 people (US$500) 4.1 - Trips for 4 people (US$500) 4.5 - Trips for 24 people (US$500)

4.3 Platform for M&E adaptation Platform to M&E the adaptation measures will be designed. 25,000.00 Best quality and Cost Selection 5000 and above Month 15 Month 22 measures

4.5 Design & Printing Videos and material for capacity building on M&E for adaptation will be created 20,000.00 Best quality and Cost Selection 5000 and above Month 18 Month 24

Sub-Total (US$) $ 243,440.00

Consultancy Services

A senior consultant will be hired to provide overall coordination support to all project activities and products. This person will be hired on a full time basis and and will be the main 84,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 1 Month 2 Consultant Senior responsible for securing smooth coordination among all institutions involved and regional governments

5 Thematic consultants will be hired with specific knowledge in each of the 5 prioritized areas ranging from 6 to 8 months service and a rate of US$3.125 per month each. The purpose of A.1.1 - A.1.3 - A.2.1 each contracting, according to the activity is as follows: 312,500.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 1 Month 2 Thematic Consultants - Local A.1.1 - 5 consultants for 6 months A.1.3 - 5 consultants for 6 months A.2.1 - 5 consultants for 8 months. A.3.1 5 International/National consultants to elaborate the concept notes on adaptation. Contractual 50,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 18 Month 20 Concept Note consultants - arrangements will be set by product at a range of US$10.000 per product. International

A.3.2 5 Consultants to undertake feasibility studies for the adaptation concept notes. Contractual 35,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 18 Month 20 Feasibility Study Consultant arrangements will be set by product at a range of US$7.000 per product

A.2.2 1 Consultant to perform the financial and technical assessment of the process . Contractual 20,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 16 Month 18 Financial and Technical assessment arrangements will be set by product at a range of US$10.000 per product consultant

A.1.2 1 Consultant to mainstream the crosscutting elements to adaptation planning, hired for 4 8,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 5 Month 6 Consultant cross cutting approaches months at a rate fee of US$2.000 per month.

A.2.3 1 Stakeholder engagement expert to ensure effective stakeholder engagement takes place in 18,750.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 10 Month 12 Stakeholder engagement consultant the planning phase, hired for 6 months at a rate fee of US$3,125 per month

One consultant will be hired to elaborate a product in the course of 4 months with A2.3 educational/ informative material, both writen and videos to enhance institutional capacity 30,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.001 Month 10 Month 12 National Consultant - Designer of building that enable stronger institutional arrangements for adaptation to climate change at institutional capacity building modules the subnational level.

Specialists on systems engineering will be hired to design the system (USD 2,500 monthly) A.2.4 for 7 months in charge of designing and development a web consultation module for CEPLAN consultant for mainstreaming adaptation that requires daily update. In addition support is required from this expert to update 30,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 12 Month 13 CC in PEI the different versions to ensure its effective use. (This is the reason for supporting this product during 7 months).

strategic planning and territorial specialists will be hired to support the registry of the PEI, A.2.4 including the objectives, actions for each governments. 6 specialists are needed because Consultants CEPLAN on Strategic and they all provide different support to strategic planning. 2 are in charge of the integral 112,500.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 12, Month 18 Month 13, Month 19 Territorial Planning - Local knowledge and desired future, 2 in charge of policies and plans and 2 to follow up and evaluate.

A.4.1 a Consultant will be hired to develop the current metrics used to measure adaptation 15,625.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 17 Month 18 Consultant for the State of Play Metrics outcomes at the subnational level

A.4.2 CEPLAN Analyst for designing a Consultants to design the registry system for the three levels of government will be hired 6,250.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 17 Month 18 registry

2 specialists will be hired to a) elaborate the standardized route on climate change that will be A.4.2 incorporated in planning instruments at the 3 levels of government b) design the application 21,875.00 Recruitment Process More than USD$5000 Month 13 Month 14 CEPLAN Analyst for designing a for the Executing Unit in each municipality can register and incorporate this route in their PEI- registry II POI.

A.4.2 Developer needed to build a register system at the three levels of government 16,800.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 17 Month 18 CEPLAN developer consultant

A.4.2 Hire a specialist on strategic planning (USD 1,875) for 4 months to support the development 7,500.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 19 Month 20 Specialist on Strategic Planning and support of the application module para appear en el Development.

Specialists on systems engineering will be hired to design the system (USD 2,500 monthly) A.4.2 for 7 months in charge of designing and development a web consultation module for Consultant for the design and adaptation that requires daily update. In addition support is required from this expert to update 17,500.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 17 Month 18 development of a web query module the different versions to ensure its effective use. (This is the reason for supporting this product for adaptation to climate change during 7 months).

A.4.3 Consultant on Process design for the A consultant will be hired to standardize regional metrics with the national monitoring and 25,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 17 Month 18 M&E Adaptation measures Platform evaluation system. This work requires support for 6 months. (specialized IT company) A.4.3 Consultant for Diagnosis of sectorial A consultant in charge of designing the M&E system for adaptation measures, taking into 25,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 17 Month 18 M&E of adaptation measures platform account all the products elaborated by CEPLAN. linked to NDC

A.4.4 A consultant will be hired for 6 months in charge of providing updated information for the M&E 25,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.009 Month 17 Month 18 Consultant on Process design for the system for adaptation finance, taking into account all the products elaborated by CEPLAN. M&E Platform (specialized IT company)

A.4.4 A consultant to provide and update information to the adaptation finance platform managed 25,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 20 Month 22 Consultant to provide information to by MEF will l be hired the M&E platforms

A.4.5 Specialized consultants will be hired to provide capacity building on the systems in place. 48,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 22 Month 23 M&E capacity building consultant

A.4.5 Consultants to elaborate guidelines for the applications of the adaptation outcomes and 20,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 20 Month 21 Consultant for M&E guidelines financial systems

A.4.5 CEPLAN communication specialist A communications specialist is needed to elaborate informative videos. 8,436.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 17 Month 18 consultant

A.4.5 A consultant required by CEPLAN to provide capacity building support during 4 months for 7,500.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 20 Month 21 Consultant specialist on geography learning how to use the financial and programmatic adaptation systems.

A.4.5 1 specialist on planning will be hired for 6 months for a cost of (USD 1,875 monthly) to Consultant specialist for preparing elaborate 26 regional reports that will be use to monitor planning activities, strategic activities 11,250.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.000 Month 17 Month 18 subnational reports on adaptation to (objectives and strategic activities) and budget ( the use of budget) linked to climate change. climate change from CEPLAN system

2 external audits will be needed for this project. One during month 12 and the final one during 12,000.00 Recruitment Process More than US$5.001 Month 11 Month 12, 24 External Audit Services month 24.

A part time consultant will be hired to provide administrative, financial support in country for 31,200.00 Recruitment Process More than US $ 5000 Month 1 Month 2 Administrative support consultant the implementation of all activities, deliverables under this project for the period of 24 months.

Sub-Total (US$) $ 1,024,686.00


