JOHN MUIR TRUST 10 The case for greater wild land protection 14 Examining the role JOURNAL of National Parks 22 Tales from the north 51 autumn 11 face of Ben Nevis Love wild places? Then join us. Glorious vistas, fresh air, freedom and well-being in the great outdoors – the John Muir Trust is about all of these things and more. For us and our members, wildness is essential. That uplifting feeling you get in the natural world, close to wildlife, absorbing distant horizons. That’s why we work to protect and enhance wild places for us and for future generations. If you’d like to join us, call 0131 554 0114 or email
[email protected] CONTENTS 03 REGULARS 04 Foreword from the Chairman 06 News round-up 21 Testimonial Ben Nevis Distillery – the spirit of a wild place 32 Classic texts Island Years, Island Farm, Frank Fraser Darling 33 Book reviews A Dip in the Ocean – Rowing Solo across the Indian, Sarah Outen; My First Summer in the Sierra, John Muir, 100th Anniversary Illustrated Edition. Photographs by Scot Miller; It’s a Fine Day for the Hill, Adam Watson 34 Our properties: Glenlude, Scottish Borders Introducing the John Muir Trust’s latest property FEATURES 10 Time to act The John Muir Trust believes there is a strong case for improving statutory protection of wild land across the UK– with time of the essence 14 What next for our National Parks? A look back at the creation of the National Park system in England and Wales and some of the threats these special areas face today 18 Covering tracks Celebrating the successful restoration of a