Greater Portland Council of Governments, ME
6, 9 1, 5-6, 11, 14 1, 5, 11, 13 3-6, 9, 13, 15 1. COMMUNITY NEED 1.a.i. Targeted Community Description. Since 1969, the Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) has served 26 communities in Cumberland County, Maine from Casco Bay in the east to Sebago Lake in the west. The region’s 262,520 people represent 20% of the state’s population and its 161,239 jobs, 27% of employment. Since its founding in 1632, Portland has served as the gateway for trading Maine’s fish, farm, and forest products with the world. Its deep-water, ice-free harbor is one sailing day closer to Europe than any other U.S. port. Six rail lines once hauled lumber, grain, meat, milk, and forest products from rural areas, while on the waterfront, fishermen landed lobster, cod, and haddock for processing and distribution on the harbor’s 15 piers and wharfs. During World War II, Portland served as home base for the North Atlantic fleet, which supported battlefronts in Europe, while 30,000 civilians built Liberty Ships, locomotives, and railcars. Since World War II, the region’s economy has undergone a massive transformation. Where manufacturing once accounted for one of every two jobs, it is now one of every 20. Farms and forests yielded to suburbs as families migrated from cities to rural areas. Products distributed by ship and rail are now hauled by truck. These transitions have left a legacy of blighted commercial and manufacturing sites along Portland Harbor, the Mountain Division rail line, and Rural Places, the target areas for this grant.
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