A delve into mysterious dwarven ruins, suitable for the ™ setting or a world of your own design

by DASTOW Games

Concept: Stacey Janssen Design and Editing: Stacey Janssen, David Noonan Map Design: Stacey Janssen, David Noonan Cartography: David Noonan InteriorSample Art: Liz file Green Layout: David Noonan Cover Design: David Noonan

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The Pristine City — 2 Introduction the foul scum and vermin found their way inside. Now the graves have been destroyed, the bodies When an influential and infamous dwarven clan desecrated, and the entire place turned upside went missing, ancient dwarven culture saw it as a down. But the tombs have plenty to teach—both of sign to get their act together. Over time, the clan’s Thunderaxe past and future. home city fell to ruin, and the dwarves decided The Clan Elderhame neighborhood has many to tear down the old and build up something interesting spots designed to please and entertain new—something more befitting of the prestigious the elders of the Thunderaxe clan. Among these - Thunderaxe clan. A beautiful place made of crystal include the home of the clan leader as well as the and alabaster, the city was made complete with - clan meeting area. Players can also visit the com the addition of an artificial sun in an artificial sky. munity center. Despite the hopes of many, however, it didn’t magi Paragon Plaza is a special place—or, it was cally bring the Thunderaxes back. Disappointment melodymeant to crystals be. Designed with six statues that grant and resentment eventually led to the city being blessings with the recitation of a password and - closed off—it, and the clan meant to live there, fell that play lovely sounds, this was into memory and legend. one of the first sections of the city to see comple - Recently, tunnelers found the city by accident, tion—they needed those investing in the project to and exploring it is all anyone talks about. Once see progress and get an idea of what the end-prod inside, though, they find quite a surprise—the city uct city would be. Once the contractor was able is falling down around them! They’ll have to meet to show off the plaza and get the appropriate their objectives and get back out before the city “ooo”s and “ah”s from the appropriate people, she- collapses, or they may not see a real sky again. promptly forgot about it. This adventure is designed for characters levels In the Hall of Shieldmaidens, the dwarves pre 5–7. pared a feast for the Thunderaxe clan upon their - Adventure Synopsis return. The building is equal parts banquet hall and museum, with chambers dedicated to the Thunder - axes’ greatest victories—and even a chamber that- Players enter the scene as debate over what to do holds their old enemies in suspended animation. about the Pristine City comes to a close. The chief If, during the course of the adventure, the play tain of Dun Lodar hires the players to explore the ers end up raising the collapse score to 100, the city, but from their first step on this fabled ground, Demon Dispossession Event immediately triggers. their hopes of a simple dungeon run are dashed—SampleA series of filedemon attacks come toward the PCs— the ground literally cracks beneath their feet. they start underpowered, but quickly escalate until It shouldn’t take the players long to realize that they completely overwhelm the PCs. Once thismust everything they do contributes to the destruction event triggers, the city is lost. The last encounter of the city (see City Collapse for specifics). They’ll for this event cannot be defeated—the PCs need to explore the city thoroughly and achieve any objectives before the city collapses on them. Table of Contents This is not a linear adventure—players can explore the neighborhoods in the city organically, Introduction p. 3 in any order. Each encounter location is marked on Initial Explorations p. 5 the map. Collapse Effects p. 10 Once inside the city, players start exploring the Thunderaxe Tombs p. 17 buildings by the entrance, including the library, Paragon Plaza p. 22 which they’ll quickly realize houses almost nothing Clan Elderhame p. 29 but blank volumes. Those books that aren’t blank Temple District p. 34 aren’t exactly filled with knowledge. Residential Areas p. 38 The Temple District presents many interesting obstacles, including the temple itself and the tall Hall of the Shieldmaidens p. 39 clock tower, which speeds up as the city crumbles Demon Dispossession p. 46 down. Conclusion p. 49 Beneath the temple, players find the tombs of Appendix A: New Magic Items p. 50 the Thunderaxe clan. These tombs predate the Appendix B: New Monsters p. 51 Pristine City, and hold the remains of generations of Thunderaxes past—or they certainly did before The Pristine City — 3 -

flee back to the comfort of Dun Lodar, where they’ll It wasn’t until tunnelers broke though, find face an unhappy community—but talking to the ing the city by sheer accident, that most modern mayor will eventually mitigate some of that. folk even thought of it. Then, naturally, came the Adventure Background debates about what to do with it. This is where the PCs come in. NPCs Interested The Thunderaxe clan went missing centuries ago. A clan of prestige and power, they shook the world in the Pristine City when they disappeared, leaving not so much as a clue behind. Some took this disappearance as a sign—strife and argument plagued the dwarven clans in this We’ve provided “adventure hook” backgrounds for - part of the world, and the Thunderaxes often the following NPCs beyond Dun Lodar. Use them to seemed to be the only thing holding them together. get the PCs to Dun Lodar in the first place, or other This noble clan, in all their wisdom, had left them Sibdawise adapt the them Mighty—Dwarf for your ongoing campaign. Queen so they might learn to solve their own problems. The Thunderaxe city eventually fell into disrepair. With no one to watch over and care for it, time did Sibda is nothing if not practical, and she realizes as time does. Those eager to see the clan return— that while the Pristine City is a great prize, it’s not now the children of children to those who actually one the dwarves can successfully preserve. While knew them—decided to tear down the old city and the city is doomed, Sibda is keen to get key relics build up something new. Something better. out of the city before it collapses. A dozen key relics Something perfect. are listed in various encounters; the more the PCs Unfortunately, not everyone involved in the can take with them when they flee the city, the project held the same ideals. The architect, Whurya better. Granitehewer, thought the idea was silly, but she Rilug the Fearless still gave the project her all. The same could not - be said of the contractor, Rerna Foespike. Cutting corners in every possible place, she was more con The imminent destruction of a dwarven city is just cerned with lining her own pockets than seeing the Gravenhelm,what Rilug the Fearless wants to hear. Specifically, Thunderaxes with a well-constructed home upon the well-known commander wants to recover their return. Eventually, this city was walled off and a helmet worn by an orc championGravenhelm, forgotten about, soon to be nothingSample more than the fileof centuries past and taken by the dwarves (along- stuff of legends. with the champion’s head) as a trophy. The Pristine City and the Forgotten Realms located in area H7, is a treasure of deep signifi First, real talk: We designed “The Pristine City” to be easy to add cance—one that Rilug desperately wants a new orc to any campaign world, and we did so before we had the opportu- champion to wear. nity to set it in the Forgotten Realms. The Realms is a big place, so Annabella—Demigoddess it’s easy to find a home for the events of this adventure—but this of Light and Healing isn’t an adventure deeply rooted in Realms lore, nor does it feature prominent Realms personalities and factions. If you’re playing in the Forgotten Realms, place Dun Lodar in the beneath the Ruatrym Mountains in the Silver Marches. Annabella’s light is said to illuminate the dark It’s several days’ travel northwest of Citadel Adbar. Merchant cara- corners of the world—and mile-deep caverns vans connect Dun Lodar to the citadel, but Dun Lodar is otherwise of certainly qualify as “dark.” One tangible thing minor importance, rarely given a second thought by shield dwarves Annabella wishes to extract from the Pristine City unless they have relatives there. is the “Erdlieder Saga,” a sonorous tone-poem the Make some minor alterations to the NPCs: change Sibda the dwarves of a bygone age performed in the Hall of Mighty to King Harbromm, and Rilug the Fearless becomes Obould Voices (area H5). She would love to recover the Many-Arrows or a descendant, depending on where you are in the song and have it performed in the cathedral of a Realms timeline. Instead of Annabella, use Sharindlar (CG dwarf goddess of healing and mercy). Solomon Graves is based in Ever- major city, and she’s undeterred by the fact that no lund, and Casaem has a tower on the edge of the Anauroch desert Solomondwarf alive knows Graves—“The the words or the Shadow”tune. to the east. Beyond that, alter this adventure as you see fit. You know your table and your world better than anyone, after all. An entire dwarven city to plunder, with a cavern collapse to cover one’s tracks? Sounds perfect for The Pristine City — 4 the secretive man known as the Shadow. In this Casaem, ever-interested in the destructive power case, he’s content to let the PCs carry off as much of of fire, wants those plans for...nothing nefarious at the Pristine City’s wealth as possible, but he takes all. Obviously. great glee in making sure the PCs don’t keep their Initial Explorations wealth. The Shadow’s chief agent is Reukall, the self- styled “merchant prince of Dun Lodar.” Reukall will happily exchange the treasures of the Pristine This city was built with the best of intentions—and the most beautiful of materials. While beautiful, City for more portable wealth and some minor - magic items (see the “Dun Lodar” section for more however, these materials weren’t the strongest. information). Reukall has a darker motive, howev Carved crystal and alabaster made the city sparkle, er: He’s looking for agents on behalf of his master, but over time they also made it delicate. Everything the Shadow. Anyone willing to loot the treasures of the players do adds to the city’s collapse score (see a dwarven city in its final hours might be willing to City Collapse for specifics). Whether they’ll be able abscond with other treasures as well... to get everything they’re after inside the city and Casaem Lightseer—Feared Wizard get back out in time depends largely on them and Adventuretheir treatment ofSetup both magic and the city itself. In times past, generationsFlamehand of wizards were known- - to rack up victories with a mysterious flaming gauntlet called , fashioned by the Thun The PCs begin in the underground dwarven settle deraxe clan. The gauntlet is lost to history, but the ment of Dun Lodar—what brings them there is up plans for it sit on the shelves of the Pristine City’s to you. One suggestion is to choose one or more library—if the many legends surrounding both the NPCs from the previous page and work them into your campaign a bit before you intend to send your cityKey and Relics the mysterious for Sibda gauntlet the Mighty are to be believed. Shieldmaidens’ Banner: The Thunderaxe shieldmaidens, an Redhammer Loom: This ancient loom was passed down through elite force of shock troopers, carried this banner into battle at The banner is part of the Shield- the Redhammer family, one generation to the next, since time Kharandor Bridge centuries ago. maiden Monument (area H3) in Shieldmaiden Hall. immemorable. When the Pristine City was built, it was placed inside, then forgotten. This relic is in the community center (area Wheel of Gardauth: This great grindstone has been carved CE7) in the Clan Elderhame neighborhood. with the names of the Anvilspar clan chieftains for centuries. Dwarf King Statue: Small enough to fit on a table, this statue The Anvilspars later married into the Thunderaxe clan when they commands an unusual presence. Sculpted to resemble the last lived on the surface, so the stone disc has sentimental signif- dwarf king, this relic has some heft to it. Exactly whenSample it was icance file for dwarves who long to explore the upper world. The made is unsure, but it has been lost for quite some time.This wheel weighs about 200 pounds, so getting it back to Dun Lodar relic is in the banquet hall (area CE5) in the Clan Elderhame may pose a challenge. This relic is in the same courtyard as the neighborhood. statue of Tuva (area P8) in Paragon Plaza. Jar of the Ages: Supposedly made during the Ravanbrach War Urn of Lost Rikkenhall: This urn holds ashes from the burnt (which originally established the Thunderaxe clan), this jar is said rubble of Rikkenhall, an ancient dwarven fortress destroyed by to house the souls of every Thunderaxe clan leader. This relic is the centuries ago. The dwarves kept some ashes in this in City Hall (area TD5) in the Temple District neighborhood. ceremonial urn and hope to sprinkle them on the foundation of This relic Anvil of the Desert: This anvil is always warm to the touch a “new Rikkenhall” built at the site of the old fortress. is in the tomb antechamber (area TO1). and always perfectly flat. The anvil weighs 75 pounds and is an unwieldy burden. This relic is by the statue of Sigrun (area P3) in Druhella’s Dowsing Rod: The dwarves believe the great Paragon Plaza. explorer Druhella used this rod to find the underground spring This relic is in the Kadisha’s Mold: This mold for spear points cures the metal in that supplies the Pristine City with fresh water. school (area TD3) in the Temple District neighborhood. a matter of minutes, enabling dwarven smiths to produce weap- ons far faster than with conventional tools. This relic is in the Figurehead of Beren: Ages ago, the dwarves lived near the weapon shop (area CE13) in the Clan Elderhame neighborhood. ocean and fished in great longboats. Those days are long gone, The Myrdikka Bas-Relief: This carved art, taking up a 15-foot but the dwarves saved a figurehead depicting a dragon from section of wall, depicts a dwarven caravan descending into a one of those longboats to remind themselves of their nautical This relic hangs from the ceiling in the Hall of Engines vast network of caves. Details include weeping children, advance heritage. (area H8) in Shieldmaiden Hall, its eyes glowing. scouts fighting goblins, overburdened carts, and what is believed to be the only surviving graven image of the dwarven monarch, Toll of the Ceaseless Seasons: This ironbound tome contains Myrdikka the Lightbringer. It takes 45 minutes to remove the five genealogical records of important dwarven families, including panels from the wall in the Clan Leader’s Home (area CE1), and most of the important clans in Dun Lodar. This relic is in the main each panel weighs 50 pounds. library (area IE6) in the Lantern District.

The Pristine City — 5 Dun Lodar needs your help. Our miners recently breached an immense cav- players to the Pristine City. They each have their ern—aMari cavern speaks that first. contains ” a wondrous city we own reasons for wanting someone to explore it. thought lost to the ages. We’ve always called it the Shortly after the PCs arrive, a servant finds them Pristine City.” and invites them to Dun Lodar’s great hall, where “And it should remain pristine! three dwarves await them in a small office: Mari For the record, this is folly, and I want no part of it. Fardul, head of the local mining syndicate; Rotu No Rotutrue dwarfinterrupts: of Dun Lodar would enter the cavern Komrad, Dun Lodar’s high priest; and Tali Bazaast, before the Thunderaxe clan returns.” theu settlement The chieftain’s chieftain. office is surrounded on three walls by bookshelves. Most shelves hold books, though some hold personal effects, photos, and so on. The PCs might interrupt with questions at this u A sturdy wooden desk and two chairs sit in the “Andpoint. that, If they travelers, do, see is the my suggested dilemma. Toanswers solve it—and below. middle of the room. toOtherwise, get these Talitwo gesturesout of my at hall—I’ll the other pay two stacks dwarves. of u The chieftain is an older dwarf female, hair only be- gold for you to explore the city.” ginning to gray at the temples. She has a golden gavel - hanging on a heavy chain around her neck. To her right is a younger dwarf female in gray work garb and At this point, the PCs almost certainly have ques an older dwarf male in a finely embroidered tunic. How much gold? “We’ll paytions, three which thousand the three gold dwarves pieces if gladly you fully answer. explore u Five dogs of varying sizes sit obediently nearby. the Pristine City. A quarter Tali answers of it up front.”this one: u Two tall candelabras stand behind the mayor’s desk. The PCs can bargain at this point, especially if they have Where’s the Readaloud Text? relevant backgrounds. Let the conversation flow naturally, but convincing the dwarves to part with We’re trying something a little different with this adventure: a descriptor box that takes the place of the readaloud text that’s been a greater percentage of the money in advance is commonplace in adventures for decades. Why get rid of the read- generally a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, aloud box? Because it turns conversation into oration. andWhat getting do up you to mean 500 more by “fully gp overall explore?” is a DC 20 Those readaloud boxes rose to prominence in Dungeons & Charisma“We’d (Persuasion) like a basic check. map and a report on the Dragons adventures originally written for multiple groups to play in city’s condition: what’s intact, what’s in disrepair, Tali tournaments at game conventions. The tournaments had a compet- thatagain: sort of thing. If in the city, itive aspect, and players were scored on how efficiently and cleverly we’d want to know about that, too.” they traversed the dungeon. In an effort to make things “fair,” the adventure instructed dungeon masters to read room descriptions Why us? verbatim so no table would get an unfair advantage Sampleor disadvantage. file “Because Rotu here” That style of play is rare nowadays, yet readaloud text remains a —“has threatened Mari answers a lifetime before shunning the other for two any vestige of those bygone days. dwarfcan speak: of Dun Lodar who so much—she as sets glares foot at inside If you observe a table playing an adventure with readaloud text, thehim cavern.” watch how the players react. We’ve seen the same pattern at count- “But even he must admit there’s no ancient pledge less conventions: players’ eyes glaze over after the first sentence and forbidding outsidersShe pauses from and doing smiles so.” triumphantly. the GM winds up having to repeat it all anyway. Listening compre- What’s the Pristine City’s history? hension plummets around the table as players must simultaneously “Our ancestors built the Pristine City centu- listen, imagine the scene, and anticipate their characters’ actions. Rotu steps Even worse, the flow of the game changes dramatically. Since the ries ago to honor the greatest among us: the Thun- forward: dawn of the hobby, roleplaying games have had conversations at deraxe clan. We pledged that no one”— their heart. Even the most ordinary resolution of an attack is a back- —“would enter the city until the Thunderaxes and-forth conversation between the GM and the player. Whether return.” he glares at players are scheming among themselves or peppering the GM with MariThe Thunderaxe clan? questions, the game sounds like a conversation. “They were the best among us, fearsome in battle The readaloud box turns that conversation into oration: a canned and honorable in peace. They Rotu’s disappeared voice quavers: into a speech you recite to your players. Even if you ad-lib during the magical rift, marching off on a grand crusade they speech, it still represents a break in the conversation at the heart of said no other clan could handle.” “We the game. So, again, we’re replacing it with a descriptor box: a set of key elements present (and usually visible) at the start of the encoun- were hoping that if we found the Pristine City, we’d He frowns. ter. Weave these elements into a brief impromptu description, then find the Thunderaxes living there. But that doesn’t encourage your players to ask questions; restore the conversation, in seem to be the case.” other words. The descriptor box ensures you don’t forget anything How do you “lose” a huge cavern with a city important, but it gets you out of the oration business. inside it? “Building the Pristine City

Mari answers: The Pristine City — 6 nearly bankrupted our ancestors when they should have been worried about the orc barbarians at Dun Lodar’s gates. Those orcs broke through, sacked Garer offers all general goods, weapons, and Dun Lodar, and it was eighty years before we were Player’sarmor in Handbook the Trade Goods, Adventuring Gear, able to reclaim it. Few excavation records survived Weapons, and Armor tables in Chapter 5 of the the orc looting, and frankly we younger dwarves with a price of 100 gp or less. thought the whole thing was just folklore.” In addition,Rotu Komrad: he has high the special priest items listed in the How did you rediscover it? “A sidebar for sale. routine exploratory dig on the outskirts of the city. I’ve unearthed a lot of strange things, Mari butshrugs: never a Rotu is on the grumpy side. He hates being city of white marble with its own artificial sun.” bothered, and if anyone comes to him looking for “I’ll note for the record that technically the healing or other assistance, he’ll loudly proclaim entire Pristine City is covered by our mining claim.” She that he’s not a “caster-for-hire”—but then he’ll pauses. mention a “donation to the faith” that’s functionally the same thing. This infuriates Rotu and triggers a shouting match Beyond his ordinary grumpiness, he’s deeply that Tali ends only by pounding the ceremonial torn by the discovery of the Pristine City. On the Fionna’s Menu gavel she wears around her neck. Once everyone calms down, Tali suggests the Warm bread and dwarven cheese plate 9 cp PCs spend the rest of the day obtaining provisions Spiced mushroom platter 3 sp in Dun Lodar and entering the Pristine City the following morning. The other dwarves leave (Mari Goat and carrot stew 1 sp smirking, Rotu in a huff), and Tali assigns a servant- Sausage dumplings 3 sp to act as a guide for the PCs during their time in Family-recipe hotcakes 3 sp Dun Lodar. The servant arranges comfortable quar Braised pork cutlets 7 sp ters at Fionna’s inn and otherwise is at the PCs’ beck and call for the rest of the day. Slow-cooked boar (serves six) 8 gp Dun Lodar Mushroom tea 4 cp “Vintage” beer 5 cp Sometimes during an adventure, the best thing you Lodar ale 1 sp can do is retreat to a safe place. Maybe you’re out Beard-curler stout 5 sp of health potions. Maybe your cleric died, and you Drakeblood brandy 4 gp need to find someone who can resurrect the dead. Elven wine (bottle) 5 gp In any case, this section can guide you should yourSample file party head back to Dun Lodar. See City Collapse for Laborer’s rations, packaged to go 5 sp howFionna the city Ovest: fares pubin your owner absence. Key NPCs in Dun Lodar include: - Garer’s Goods Fionna dislikes people. She constantly tries to close early, doing whatever it takes short of actu Illustrated dwarven playing cards 1 gp ally kicking people out. The busier the pub is, the Illustrated dwarven playing cards, subtly marked 45 gp grumpier she is about it. Illuminated Little Barthna book 5 gp Fionna also runs an inn across the street from Canary 2 gp the pub, offering rooms to Reukall’s caravan drivers - Canary trained to sing; not trained to stop 6 gp and the few visitors Dun Lodar sees. She regards visitors as interruptions to her staff’s housekeep Birdcage 4 gp ing schedules and is always asking, “When can I get- Dwarven bugle 5 gp the room back?” Sheaf of blank parchment 1 gp The rooms themselves are quiet and clean. Indi Surveyor’s tools 10 gp vidual rooms cost 5 sp per night, and a six-person Garer Jardum: general shopkeeper Transit (includes spyglass) 50 gp suite is 4 gp. Handcart or wheelbarrow 10 gp Garer is overly concerned about not cheating Wagon 20 gp people out of their money—to an obsessive degree. Excavation tools 5 gp He counts and recounts change to make sure, and is more likely to undercharge and overpay. Business is actually not going very well. The Pristine City — 7