This book is a compilation of information originally posted on the forum and is offered to fans of the Eberron as a gaming tool. The work presented here has been edited and several ecologies with multiple contributions have been reinterpreted and combined into a single entry. In some rare cases new information has also been added to enhance the existing flavor of the entries. All changes that have been made were done with and do not imply judgment concerning the quality of the work that had already been completed. All original authors are credited by screen name in Appendix B along with the name of the entry they contributed to. The original thread can be found at:

All current artwork used, including cover art and backgrounds is the property of Wizards of the Coast, most of which can be found on their website under the galleries section.

Edited by SnarkyMonkey


CONTENTS A...... 4 DISPLACER BEAST...... 25 HOOK HORRORS ...... 46 DOPPELGANGER HYDRA ...... 46 ABEIL ...... 4 (ETHEREAL) ...... 25 I...... 48 ABOLETHS...... 4 DRAGONS, GEM...... 26 ALLIP...... 4 DRAGON TURTLE...... 27 ILLITHIDAE ...... 48 ANAXIM ...... 5 DRAGONNE ...... 27 IMMOTH ...... 48 ANGEL OF DECAY...... 5 DREAD GUARD ...... 28 IXITXACHITL ...... 48 NKHEG DRYAD ...... 28 A ...... 5 J ...... 49 ARANEA ...... 6 DUERGAR...... 28 ASH RATS ...... 6 DURZAGON ...... 29 JAHI ...... 49 ASPERI ...... 7 E...... 30 JERMLAINE...... 49 ASSASSIN VINE...... 7 JUGGERNAUT ...... 50 ATHACH ...... 8 EAGLE, GIANT ...... 30 JULAJIMUS ...... 50 AUTOMATONS...... 8 ENTROPIC REAPER...... 30 K ...... 51 AVOLAKIA ...... 9 ETHEREAL FILCHER...... 30 B...... 10 ETTERCAP ...... 31 KOPRU...... 51 ETTIN ...... 32 KRAKEN ...... 51 BANSHEE (WAILING F...... 33 KRENSHAR ...... 51 GHOST) ...... 10 KUO-TOA ...... 52 BASILISK ...... 10 FAMINE SPIRIT...... 33 L...... 54 BEHOLDER ...... 11 FELLDRAKES...... 33 BEHIR ...... 11 FIENDWURM...... 33 LAMIA ...... 54 BLASPHEME ...... 12 FIHYR ...... 34 LAMMASU ...... 54 BLINK DOG ...... 12 FIRBOLG...... 34 LEECHWALKER ...... 54 BLOOD APE...... 13 FIRE BAT...... 34 LINNORM ...... 55 BOGGLE ...... 13 FLUMPH...... 35 LIVING HOLOCAUST ...... 55 BOGUN ...... 14 FOMORIAN ...... 35 LOCATHAH...... 56 BONE NAGA...... 14 FROST SALAMANDER .... 35 M...... 57 BONE OOZE...... 15 FROST WORM ...... 36 BRAIN IN A JAR ...... 15 G ...... 37 MANTICORE ...... 57 BRAXAT ...... 15 MARRASHI ...... 57 BULETTE ...... 16 GALEB DUHR ...... 37 MAUG...... 58 C...... 17 ...... 37 MEDUSA...... 58 GHOULS ...... 38 MEENLOCK ...... 58 CARRION CRAWLER ...... 17 GIBBERING MOUTHER... 38 MEGALODON ...... 59 CATOBLEPAS...... 17 GIRALLON ...... 38 MERFOLK...... 59 CHIMERA...... 18 GNOLLS & FLINDS...... 39 MIMIC ...... 59 CHUUL...... 18 GORGON...... 40 MINDFLAYER ...... 60 CLOAKED APE ...... 19 GRAY RENDER...... 40 MINOTAUR...... 60 CLOAKER ...... 19 GREENVISE ...... 41 MOHRG ...... 61 CLOCKWORK HORROR .. 20 GRELL ...... 41 MOONRATS ...... 62 COCKATRICE...... 20 GRICK...... 41 MORKOTH ...... 63 COROLLAX...... 21 GRIFFON...... 42 MUDMAW...... 63 CRIMSON DEATH ...... 21 GRIMALKIN...... 42 MUMMY ...... 64 D...... 22 GRIMLOCK ...... 43 MYCONID...... 64 GRIZZLY MASTODON .... 43 N...... 65 DARKMANTLE...... 22 H ...... 44 DARK TENTACLES ...... 22 NAGA ...... 65 DEATHBRINGER ...... 22 HAGS...... 44 NEEDLEFOLK ...... 66 DELVER...... 23 HALF FARSPAWN...... 44 NEOGI...... 67 DERRO...... 23 HALF VAMPIRE...... 44 NETHERSIGHT MASTIFF 67 DESMODU ...... 24 HARPY...... 44 NIMBLEWRIGHT...... 67 DESTRACHAN...... 24 HELLFIRE WYRM...... 45 NYMPH ...... 68 DIGESTER...... 25 HIPPOGRIFF...... 45


O ...... 69 YRTHAK ...... 90 OGRE...... 69 APPEDNIX A...... 91 OGRE MAGE (ONI MAGE) INDEX ...... 91 ...... 69 OTYUGH...... 69 APPENDIX B ...... 94 OWL, GIANT ...... 70 CREDITS ...... 94 ...... 70 P...... 71 PEGASUS ...... 71 PHANTOM FUNGUS ...... 72 PHASE SPIDER...... 72 PHASM...... 73 PSEUDODRAGONS ...... 73 PURPLE WORM ...... 73 R...... 74 REMORHAZ ...... 74 REVIVED FOSSIL ...... 74 ROC ...... 74 ROPER ...... 75 RUST MONSTER ...... 75 S ...... 77 SATYR ...... 77 SAHUAGIN...... 77 SEA CAT...... 78 SENMURV...... 78 SHADOWS...... 79 SHAMBLING MOUND ..... 79 SHIELD GUARDIAN ...... 79 SHOCKER LIZARD ...... 80 SKUM ...... 81 SPAWN OF KYUSS ...... 81 SPECTRE (SPECTER) ...... 81 SPELL WEAVER ...... 82 SPHINX ...... 82 SPIDER EATERS...... 83 STIRGE ...... 83 T...... 85 TENDRICULOS...... 85 TREANT...... 85 TROGLODYTE...... 85 TSOCHAR ...... 86 V...... 87 VARGOUILLE ...... 87 W ...... 88 WIGHT...... 88 WILL-O'-WISP...... 88 WINTER WOLF...... 88 WORG...... 89 Y...... 90


A Aboleths

3.5 Pg.8

Abeil An official ecology was written by Keith Baker and can be viewed at this link. 3.5 Monster Manual II pg.22 During the destruction of the giant's x=dnd/ebee/20050704a portal to Dal Quor, a backlash of magical energy altered some of the indigenous elven slaves, merging their essence with that of the bee like insects that previously were nothing more than mere nuisances. Allip These so-called “bee people” are found 3.5 Monster Manual Pg.10 scattered across Xen'drik, residing in towering The Allip is an uncommon undead that structures that compete can be found sporadically with the heights of across Eberron, the greatest Sharn itself. Each hive is number appearing to highly expansionist, but congregate on Khorvaire and so far this has been kept Sarlona. in check by the mutable time and geography of the land. This dark creature seems to have only one thing in Though they have accepted their new common with others of it’s existence, growing from generation to kind, when mortal their generation, they still despise the giants death was caused by for the corruption of their elven forms, madness or suicide. This theory has been and hold an almost equal resentment of further verified by the fact that many, and other elves for escaping what though not all, allips have been befell them. connected with the mad cults of the Dragon Below, or to the various prisons of Khorvaire.

An adventurer who claims to have been captured while exploring Riedra stated that in the "Rehabilitation Camp" where he was held their were many of these creatures roaming the lower levels. When asked for comment, the Inspired lords had nothing to say about the allegations, other then, "If such defiled creations where to exist it would be abhorrent for


a Riedran not to attempt to remove the the age of fiends. Used as torture devices being." against unlucky humanoids, the creature’s mere presence would cause Anaxim their target to decay to dry bone almost instantly.

3.5 pg.158 When the Raja's were imprisoned, most angels were banished into Khyber and are As of the time of this writing, there are rarely heard from. Recently however only three animate Anaxii in the world. Erandis d'Vol has taken an interest in Two of these dwell in the Mournland, the these powerful undead and wishes to failed attempts of the Godforged to build learn the secret of their creation to boost the body of their her armies. supposed "Construct Deity". Ankheg

The third, however, supposedly lives deep 3.5 Monster Manual pg.14 within the jungles of Xen'Drik, in the Commonly found across most of Eberron, largest of the Ankhegs exist on every continent save Frostfell, the low temperatures believed remaining ruins of the Giant civilization. to be too much for their biology. In The only person to have seen this thing Khorvaire they are found within the and returned was a Gnomish adventurer Talenta Plains and considered a great who's name has been lost to the ages. scourge by the . The Talenta According to the gnome's journal, dated Ankheg is renowned as a dangerous 398 YK or 600 years ago, he found "A beast, but more often then not it giant, two-headed, thinking thing" deep scavenges its food from the larger within the cyclopean ruins of Xen'Drik. predators that roam the plains. It is notorious for killing and devouring If the journal is accurate, then this livestock and most times, halflings will creature, whose left head is known as move camp when Ankhegs appear as they Intercal and right one Orthogonal, was are extremely dangerous even to clawfoot in fact animate during the days of the mounts. To prevent any Ankhegs from Giant civilization, and was initially following them to a new location they composed of multiple smaller entities will even sacrifice some of their livestock, that had to combine to share parts that leaving several carcasses on the trail to had worn out and could no longer be occupy the ferocious creatures. replaced. A more desert like variety lives in the Wasting Plains and Menechtarun desert Angel of Decay of Xen'drik. With the inhospitable climate, it only comes above ground during heavy rains or at night. Because 3.5 pg.83 of this, and it’s dark black coloring, it has become know as the Nightstalker A horrifying Raksasa Ankheg. A slight bit larger then the Raja first created the Talenta Ankheg, it is known to grow up Angels of Decay during to fourteen feet in length and has a more


predatory nature then surface into Khyber to find food. The its scavenging cousin magic of the demons seemed to follow, in Khorvaire. enhanced by the mutative nature of the Dragon Below itself. One generation The largest and rarest after another was exposed to this new variety is found on the mystical force, causing the spiders to continent of evolve and change until they gained a Argonessen and is referred to as the new sentience. Once this new self- Chromatic Ankheg, It inhabits the awareness had taken hold, they looked plains east of the Great Barrier around Khyber with distain, longing for mountain chain, measuring up to thirty the world above. Soon after they feet long and feasts on anything they are emerged in the Eldeen, and continued to able to capture. The Chromatic Ankheg live there to this day. gets its name from its "chameleonesque" scales, which are vibrant and shift color The innate magic of the wastes as they move. Only one of these creatures resonated with the Aranea and over has ever been captured and its remains time, as they experimented with it, they can currently be seen in the Morgrave changed yet again. Through breeding University. and spell, they began to develop unique gifts, and over time, the once-vermin Barely anything is known about the manifested the power of mimicry, Sarlonan version of this species, but an changing their shape. Inspired Lord visiting Morgrave has commented on a similar, yet much Claims have been made that the Aranea smaller, creature to the Chromatic not only inhabit the forests of the Eldeen Ankheg used by a race known as the Reaches, but other areas as well. Dromites as guard animals. Outside of Khorvaire they are also believed to inhabit Q'barra, some islands Aranea in Lhazaar, the Shadow Marches, and Droaam. Aranea have also been spotted as far as Sarlona, though many of those 3.5 Monster Manual pg.15 from have long been tossed to the four winds by the Inspired, and now inhabit Once, the Demon Wastes were a vibrant the jungles of Argonessen and Xen'drik. forest similar to those of the Eldeen. That time is over as the fell magic of the The Aranea are rare, and each coven or fiends had sapped the land of its very life group seems to be uniquely different, to fuel their evil powers, turning the it displaying many strange powers unseen into a blighted desert. Foul magic used, in other races. It is unknown if this is pervasive as it was, left interesting side because of the demonic taint or the years effects on the things that had survived of evolving in the most hostile lands. the devastation. One such case is the Aranea. Ash Rats

As the vibrant forests of the 3.5 Monster Manual II pg.24 Wastes dried up monstrous The Ash Rat is native only to Khorvaire, spiders fled and it is believed to have been created as beneath the a practical joke by House Vadalis. As the


story goes, their were two friends, both recognition of excellence to Cannith in of which students at Arcanix, who where matters of inter-house politics. renowned for their practical jokes. One a member of House Vadalis, the other Cannith. Asperi

It is said that, when 3.5 Monster Manual 2 pg.25 the of the Mark ended, the House The Asperi are a specialized mountain Vadalis member horse bred by House Vadalis years before created a pack of these the Last War. It is rumored that House creatures to spook the Vadalis learned the secret to breeding house Cannith student, these creatures from a ancient tome who was deathly recovered during a Xen'drik expedition. afraid of rats. After a few years of experimenting, with both These horses are highly valued for their success and failure, he put his plan in innate ability to fly on gusts of wind, action, placing the rats in a forge where and for their exceptional beauty. So hard the Cannith student was working. The is it to breed and train these creatures student noticed the smoke billowing that few pure breeds can be found and inside the room and panicked to fix the House Vadalis charges no less then 9000 problem. When he eventually noticed gp for a trained adult Asperi. Although that a dozen or so rats where the source rare, some wild herds do exist, but of the problem, he fled the room like, well, capturing and taming an asperi is a a rat deserting a sinking ship. Since quest onto itself. that day Ash Rats have multiplied at amazing rates. The breed is well known in the larger cities mainly because of actions of a House Vadalis still breeds the creatures, popular brewery in Sharn, Ahlieczar offering them as pets or what have you Balsh, who possesses the largest for about 20 gp each. They also offer a privately owned collection of Asperi on small fee to capture and remove wild Ash the continent. Used to deliver their Rats, doing their best to keep control of product all over Khorvaire, these grand the market. Today it is a ritual among horses have become synonymous with the the forge workers of House Cannith, for Ahlieczar Balsh label and have made the friends to give each other a pet Ash Rat. brew a household name. They are also presented to individuals during an elaborate ceremony for Assassin Vine

3.5 Monster Manual pg.20

The Assassin Vine, or Giant Strangler is common only in the jungles of Xen'drik, though several different varieties do exist, a particularly rare version


of which is said to flourish within the An adventurer’s journal was recovered King's Forest of Breland. some ten years ago detailing a massive battle between several hill giants and a The King's Assassin found on Khorvaire pair of athatch in the jungles of Xen'drik. is very similar in all respects to the The adventurer noted that the giants, common Assassin Vine of Xen'drik. The who had quite obviously seen her party, only difference between the two is the ignored them and instead battled the King's Assassin is actually a flowering two much larger and powerful Athach. plant, as beautiful as it is deadly. These The note went on to detail the account of flowers actually "bloom" when touched, the battle, stating that all the while, but react violently after the blooming. the Hill Giants would taunt and rant at They release a sweet scent into the air the Athachs, calling them "Tainted before lunging directly forward, choking Ones" in the giant tongue. their target. Lord Ashborn, an exiled fire giant, gave A particularly deadly version, known as an audience with the researcher who had the Giant Strangler, has been noted to discovered the journal. During this time, be of immense size and is coated in a he recounted a legend, which told how very strong contact poison. The plant the Athach were mostly unknown to the uses this debilitating poison to giants until some 3000 years ago, when incapacitate victims before strangling they began to appear from deep beneath them. the earth. Ashborn seemed mistrusting of this tale as he believes it’s origin originated from the Hill Giants and Athach that, in his words, “it could be just the ramblings of their superstitious minds 3.5 Monster Manual pg.21 at work”.

The Athach is rarely seen in Xen'drik, and Automatons even less so in Khorvaire. The origins of this species are unknown, but these hulking brutes are rumored to be some 3.5 Monster Manual II pg.27 long ago experiment by a Daelkyr to alter and transform House Cannith had always excelled at the the giants of construction of homunculi, , and that region. other unintelligent constructs. At one The reason for point however, one of their elite had a this known bought of inspiration and turned to a only to them. different type of creation. Instead of solid Lending constructs, he envisioned a series of credence to this clockwork gears idea, the and mechanisms, Athach are very which he would similar in mind then animate with and attitude to shadow magic. the Hill Giants of Xen'drik and southern The invention was Khorvaire. Beyond that though, the a success, and the similarities stop. automaton was born.