No.No. 124 124 SeptemberSeptember 20052005 PPrice:rice: $5.00$5.00 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 124 (September 2005) AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY SOCIETY INCORPORATED Council President Vice President John Clarkson Darren Crayn Centre for Tropical Agriculture Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney PO Box 1054 Mrs Macquaries Road MAREEBA, Queensland 4880 SYDNEY NSW 2000 tel: (07) 4048 4745 tel: (02) 9231 8111 email:
[email protected] email:
[email protected] Secretary Treasurer Brendan Lepschi Anna Monro Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Australian National Herbarium Australian National Herbarium GPO Box 1600 GPO Box 1600 CANBERRA ACT 2601 CANBERRA ACT 2601 tel: (02) 6246 5167 tel: (02) 6246 5472 email:
[email protected] email:
[email protected] Councillor Councillor Kirsten Cowley Marco Duretto Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Tasmanian Herbarium Australian National Herbarium Private Bag 4 GPO Box 1600, CANBERRA ACT 2601 HOBART, Tasmania 7001 tel: (02) 6246 5024 tel.: (03) 6226 1806 email:
[email protected] email:
[email protected] Other Constitutional Bodies Public Officer Hansjörg Eichler Research Committee Kirsten Cowley Barbara Briggs Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Rod Henderson Australian National Herbarium Betsy Jackes (Contact details above) Tom May Chris Quinn Chair: Vice President (ex officio) Affiliate Society Papua New Guinea Botanical Society ASBS Web site Webmaster: Murray Fagg Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Australian National Herbarium Email:
[email protected] Loose-leaf inclusions with this issue • Notice of Annual General Meeting for 2006 and proposed changes to ASBS constitution Publication dates of previous issue Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr 123 (June 2005 issue) Hardcopy: 15th July 2005; ASBS Web site: 18th July 2005 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 124 (September 2005) ASBS Inc.