TheThe CitCityy ofof Melbourne’sMelbourne’s 5dcdaTDaQP]5^aTbc5dcdaTDaQP]5^aTbc Identifying vulnerability to future temperatures Authors: Dave Kendal, Jess Baumann Burnley Campus School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences The University of Melbourne 500 Yarra Boulevard VIC 3010 AUSTRALIA T: +61 3 8344 0267 Contact:
[email protected] Epert advice from Stephen Frank, Steve Livesley, Peter Symes, Anna Foley, David Reid, Peter May, Ian Shears and David Callow. First printed June 2016. Published online November 2016 by the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub: http:// CAULRR02_CoMFutureUrbanForest_Nov2016.pdf The Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub is funded under the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Programme with a mission to take a comprehensive view of the sustainability and liveability of urban environments. © The City of Melbourne 2016. Executive Summary Climate change is likely to have a significant effect on many trees in the City of Melbourne. Some species will perform better, while some will perform worse. The report describes the results of a project exploring the vulnerability of tree species currently planted in the City of Melbourne, and identifies some potential new species that may be more suitable for the City’s climate futures. A list of species combining those currently in the City of Melbourne’s urban forest with those being newly planted in the City of Melbourne was created. The global locations where species occur naturally and are in cultivation (and abundance where available) were compiled from existing datasets, such as ‘open data’ tree inventories and extracted from other published data, from approximately 200 cities around the world.