SECTION A. ENGINE. Containing:- Group L Crankcase (Port Assembly
SECTION A. ENGINE. Containing:- Group L Crankcase(Port Assembly). ,, 2. Crankcase. | ', 3. Crankcase. I I, ,, \. Crankcaseand Sump. ,, 5. Valvesand Fittingsand Camshaft. ,, 6. Oil Filter,Oil Pick-upand Pedestal,Oil Pump. ,, 7. Oi I Filleranci Mou nrinr Bracket. ,, 8. Cylinder Head-A. Bank (123"Wf Bose-StondardCarsj. ,, 9. CylinderHead-B. Bank(123" WlBase-Standord Cors). ,, 10. Cylinder Head-A. Bank (Otherthon i23' W/Bose.S;;ndordCors). ,, ll. CylinderHead-B. tsank(Other than M' W/8ose-StcndardCars). n. Pistons,Connecting Rods, Crankshaft t-| ,, and Damper. ,, 13. InductionManifold. ,, '|4. Coil, Distributor,lgnirion Leads. l_ PARTS LIST =r La.-, ROI.LS.ROYCESILVER CLOUD tr. W EENTLEY52, BENTLEY CONTINENTAL 52, w 20 19 \o Part No. Description off Remarks {ef Part No. Description ofi Remarks I u E.8324 ASSEX BLY-C rankcase I 2 uE.6t61 TCRAN KCASE I 3 u E.548l STUD-Main Bcaring CaPs t0 4 uA.4850/R N UT-S tud l0 5 u E.824 wASHER-Stud t0 6 uE.8l22 tCAP-Bearing-Main-Front and Interm ediate 7 uE.8t23 f CAP-Beari ng-Main-Centre I I uE.8r24 f CAP-Bearing-Main-Rear I I 9 u E.5985 BEARING-Camsha{c-Front At,u.n",;'.r. l0 u E.6378 BEA RING-Camshaft-Front I ) tl u E.5985 BEA RlNG-Camshaft-l n!ermed aate I and Rear 3 It u E.6379 BEARING-Camshaft-lntermediate !lt.u.n",iuo. and Rear ) l3 u E.6653 BUSH-Jig Locating 2 Drive I l4 uE.5t82 BUSH-Bearing-Distribulor lt,"'n"ri"... r5 u E.6300 BUSH-Bearing-Distributor Drive I ) t6 uE.5989 JET-Oil-Timing Gears I t7 uE.5654 PLUG-Blanking-Oil Drilling I t8 uA.902iz STUD-Engine Mounting Bracket 2 I l9 UA.609iN PLUG-Core I 'a' 20 KB.r |93/R WASHER-loint-Core Plug I f s"'r.sia".
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