Superfund Record of Decision: Wade Site, PA
f{~"**] 'tyfa^'j^^tiy^• '••'•> * Superfund Record of Decision: Wade SiteA ,P 000466 INSTRUCTIONS i, REPORT NUMBER Inxn Hit LPA icpoii number 11 li ipptui on the com of the publication. 2. LEAVE BLANK J, RECIPIENTS ACCESSION NUMBER Relented for UK by cavil itpon recipient. 4, TITLE ANP SUBTITLE Tlllc ihould indiciic clculy mil briefly ihc lubicci covcrafc at HK< report. and tw Ji<|il.i) i-J imnmiu'nil> .so wiunl?. n1 md, in iiiulu<> type or oihcrwlK lubordlnilc II lo mun Hilt, when * report l> prepiied IP mure Nun MV loluiiic, wpiMi llw iininaiy IIIK< jilj toluim' numbe d includrin e lubiul ipccifli ih r tcfo ink. I, REPORT DATE h reporbc t (full cisr dili y c Indicilln Icail fi l monl yeard hin . IndlraU w I unttliuln N 'U i n.i.wkMcd ns Jai c ,11 iuue dih-ol tpproHl.tliltofprtpintian.tle.l, ' ' I, nflrORMINQ ORGANIZATION CODE Utii blink, 7. AUTHORISI Olit nimtiil In wnrentionil order IMm R, Pot. / Ketxrl Dot, eie./. U»i juihur't alllluuun II' II iliilvit Iruni iliv ivrliiimiiii: »iuin- ullon, I, MltFORMINQ ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Inmt If performing or|ininiion WIITIII 10 anifn ihi> number, t, PIHroilMINQ ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Give rum, incti, cily, line, mil ZIP code. LIII no more ihin 1*0 lutli ol an oif jni/jimnjl liinuMi) . 10, ritOGRAMILIMiNT NUMBER profne (h K mU element number under wrik rcporc prcpircdh\ Ih lwj , Suboiilnulc nunik iiuliulfiN I > hnu l in luti'iiilu'wv 11. COflTRACT/QRANT NUMBER IBMI nmBKi M pint number under which upon w» prcpucd, 12, IWWORINaAOBNCY NAME AND AOOREK IneludtZtfcodt, 1J, TYPE OF RlfORT AND PERIOO COVERED Imilciie inlerim fuul, elf,, ind If ipplitible, dilci t,o*cred, 14, tPOttURINOAOkNCYCODE Insert ippropriale code.
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