Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1939-07-01
Demp.ey Recot1erin, Cloudy, Warrner Former Champion Reported 'Out IOWA-Partb cloud)', wanner Of DaDl'er' by Rls PhJslclaJIII In central and eaet toda)'; to See Story, Pare • morrow Mowen and oooIer. I 0 If) a City'. M ornin, N e 1(1' • pap e r FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1939 VOLUME XXXVIlI NUMBER 238 House Passes Neutrality Bill Great Britain Stands Ground; Polish.French~:~:~:r:s • By 12 Votes Friendship Increases;' Reports ~Amuse" Reich !~~::::~ Keeps Modified Arms Embargo Provision --- --'- • Powers Dipped By Over FDR's Wishes Uncertainty Of F. D. R: Ki.lls Prof. Muenzer Resigns Action Will Be German Heads Senatorial Oratory WASHINGTON, July 1 (SIIt- : WASHINGTON. June 30 (AP) ., UndIstrIbuted Met With Action, Laugh at Talk unlay) (AP)-The senate apoeed • --The house passed t!le neutral Profits Tax Poles Declare . early today to vote Wednesda,. ity bill tonight after overriding Hitler s Plans .. on tbe administration's moneta..,. IIllministration wishes and includ Of NegotlatlonS bill and then adjourned with re- ing a modltled arms embargo Raises Doubts WASHINGTON, June 30 (AP) WARSAW, June 30 (AP) - An pubUcan and democratic sena- plovlsion. The tax on undistributed profits, authoritative source commenting tors In sharp dlsaa'reement whe- : The vole on final pa:ssage was object of so much complaint by on Danzig nazi activities said to- Reich 'Unimpressed' 'her ItI! adoption would revive announced by Speaker Bankhead British Assure Europe businessmen, received its death night that Poland "will not allow By Halifax' Speecb, the president's stabilization fund as 200 to 188. blow today when it was announc herself to be provoked.
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