H Grapenuts DIAMOND NO TTS MRS. MABEN F Canada Is Callin&Ftn
LARRY CHAPPELL GOES BACK TO MINORS Same Thing. Hearing a noise at the kitchen en ter luncheons trance, the man of the house slipped MRS. MABEN f quietly to* the rear door and suddenly ■IM inajiffy V| Astonishing Records Made in opened It The grocer’s delivery boy p r r Throwing Runners Out was there with a basket containing a of hot-* cooking. Stock dozen eggs, a pound of butter and panfay m _ *helf with H some Roquefort cheese. "Oh, it’s you, is it, Billy?" said the By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sliced George Van Haltren Made Sensational man. “ My wife Is always afraid when table Compound knd Wants Dried B e e f Play on “ Cy” Swain, a Washing she hears a noise here, especially af ton Pitcher—Harrv Niles Holds ter it begins to grow dark. She thinks Other Suffering Women i f and the other good summer meats — 5 including L i b b y 's Major League Record. it's n robber ” To Know It § Vienna Sausage— you'U had ' Well, she neeiln't change her mind ' & fresh and appetizing. In the season of 1S98 George Van on my account," gloomily responded Murfreesboro, T enn. — “ I have *J§ Haltren of the New York Giants, in a the grocer’s boy, handing over the wanted to write to you for a long time )| Libby, M9NeHI 4 game against Washington, was playing goods and presenting the bill, which to tell you what your J. Libby, Chicago center field. “ Cy” Swain, who was called for $1.S7.—Pittsburgh Chronicle wonderful remedies if hurling for the Senators, while at bat.
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