Demp.ey Recot1erin, Cloudy, Warrner Former Champion Reported 'Out IOWA-Partb cloud)', wanner Of DaDl'er' by Rls PhJslclaJIII In central and eaet toda)'; to­ See Story, Pare • morrow Mowen and oooIer. I 0 If) a City'. M ornin, N e 1(1' • pap e r FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1939 VOLUME XXXVIlI NUMBER 238 House Passes Neutrality Bill Great Britain Stands Ground; Polish.French~:~:~:r:s • By 12 Votes Friendship Increases;' Reports ~Amuse" Reich !~~::::~ Keeps Modified Arms Embargo Provision --- --'- • Powers Dipped By Over FDR's Wishes Uncertainty Of F. D. R: Ki.lls Prof. Muenzer Resigns Action Will Be German Heads Senatorial Oratory WASHINGTON, July 1 (SIIt- : WASHINGTON. June 30 (AP) ., UndIstrIbuted Met With Action, Laugh at Talk unlay) (AP)-The senate apoeed • --The house passed t!le neutral­ Profits Tax Poles Declare . early today to vote Wednesda,. ity bill tonight after overriding Hitler s Plans .. on tbe administration's moneta..,. IIllministration wishes and includ­ Of NegotlatlonS bill and then adjourned with re- ing a modltled arms embargo Raises Doubts WASHINGTON, June 30 (AP)­ WARSAW, June 30 (AP) - An pubUcan and democratic sena- plovlsion. The tax on undistributed profits, authoritative source commenting tors In sharp dlsaa'reement whe- : The vole on final pa:ssage was object of so much complaint by on Danzig nazi activities said to- Reich 'Unimpressed' 'her ItI! adoption would revive announced by Speaker Bankhead British Assure Europe businessmen, received its death night that Poland "will not allow By Halifax' Speecb, the president's stabilization fund as 200 to 188. blow today when it was announc­ herself to be provoked. but every and his pOwer over the dollar. The measure now goes to the Of Intention To Fight ed thOt President Roosevelt had action will be met with due coun- Doubts C,ompromise 8enate where an adamant "Iso­ ter-action." signed the tax revision bill re­ WASHINGTON, July 1 (Satur, lationist bloc" of senators already For Polish Integrity cently passed by congress. This source declared the speech BERLIN, June 30 (AP) --Ger­ day) (AP) - President Roos~­ has threatened to prolong t.'1e last night by British Foreign Sec­ man officials tonight said they velt's power to devalue the dol­ susion all summer rather than LONDON, June 30 (AP) -Offl- retary Lord Halifax "was a were "amused" by Paris reports permit the blll's passage In the clal circles Insisted emphatically clear warning and it would be of an effort to settle the Danzig lar died at midnight, stamped out form desired by the admlnistra­ Fraud Exposed most unfotunate for peace If this in the senate by relentless repub­ tonight there would be "no re­ question through negotiations be­ lican filibusterers who gleefully tlon. treat" by Britain in Europe but were not understood." tween Germany and Poland. Eseape Rout (French diplomatic sources said left the last, killing speech to an ' Defeated In their efforts to uncertainties of Adolf Hitler's In R. R. Bonds the French ambassador to Poland. implacable democratic foe of the . prevent inclusion of the arms pions and technicalities of the Leon Noel, had told the French chief execu tive. embargo. hou:se administration British guarantee to Poland raised Bank Robbed government the latest conditlolls That speech was delivered by' William Buckner Jr. Senator Tydings (D-Md) who de­ lfoaders narrowly escaped a com- speculation over whether Danzig under which Polish officials were willing to negotiate tor a peace­ clared in stem, measured tones p~ete rout. A motlon ~ send t~e actually ",as a cW'rent crisis spot. Convicted by Jury At Clearfield that congress must keep its his· bill bRck to t~e foreign affaLl's . ful solution of the issue.) commlttee--which would have I The cl eclarahon by ForeIgn Sec- Of Mail Conspiracy "Did the Poles tell the French toric powers over money to it­ self. .. had the effect of defeating thl retaJ'Y Lord Halifax last night that Thief Takes $2,100; they were ready to give up claim bilJ and continuing the existing Britain's "first task is to resist NEW YORK, June 30 (AP)­ to Danzig?" nazis asked. With the dollar devaluatIon Frof. Hans Muenzer, above, head full time to concert periOl'mances. Forces Observers power expired the $2,000,000,000 ' ne;utrallty law- was turned down aggression" was said in govern­ WI11lam P. Buckner, Jr., promoter No Direct EHort by only two votes. ot violin instruction of t.'Ie uni­ He will participate in tQe events exchange stabilization fund, with ment quarters to have been In­ playboy, was convicted by a fed­ versity's music department, has Informed quarters said there The harried leadecs desperately ot the tine Il'I'ts festival here next To Ue on Floor were no signs of any effort by which the treasury for five years ifought through an uproariou,; tended primarily to dispel any eral jury today of consph'acy and announced his resignation from had endeavored to protect the lJ" e month, appearing in particular CLEARFIELD, June 30 (AP)­ either Poland or Germany to set­ session lasting far into the even­ doubts about whether she would TT)all fraud In connection t~e faculty. Professor Muenzer foreign value of the dollar against with the music faculty string A lone bandit clad in a blue tle tile matters directly but "it iI.g to remove the arms embargo n'lmipulaUon of Philippine rail­ will tour principal cities of Eur­ the raIds of other government. fight for.Danzig. ,,~ ay bonds. ,'pe . next season" devoting hls quartet July 17. denim jacket and light trousers might be that France a.nd Great 1 t',trktion, making th'ree at­ Nevertheless, one im,portant Britain are trying to step In as and of speculators. tempts. '1'l!el'e were eight counts in the • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • robbed the Clearfield branch Hard-Moneyltes L.e questbn on Danzig appearllri to ir.dlctment on whleh Buckner b~nk of about $2,100 thls after- mediators." Each time, they were beaten, faU outside the foreign sec­ That Adolf HitIer would com­ And with both went the expec- , tqough Speaker Bank:.'1.ead, a went on trial on June 14 with 1I100n. after asking Cashier Rolley tations of western silverites for retary's speech: Bailey to change $10 bill. pronUse was doubted by these veteran of the congress which four co-defendants. Prof. Hans Muenzer., Violinist., a obtaining immediately an in­ Wha' Would Rappen- Seven charged mail fraud, the The bandit, desCTibed as about quarters. He has stated publ1cly declared war against Germany. What would happen if Germany he would not again make Poland creased sta tu tory price tor the went down on the floor and other was a conspiracy count, 5 feet, 9 Inches In heIght and used no force to take Danzl" but Cn eac!J mail fraud count the Resigns From S. U. I. Fa~ul~y weighing about 140 pounds, en­ another offer slmllar to the one product of their silver mines. In llteaded in a ctramatlc speech for did so, as a German spokesman a vote-trading deal earlier In the elimination of the restriction. youn, broker, who is a nephew tered the bank at 2:59 p.m .• only of last spring when he sought the said, "by ingenuity." of Thomas A. Buckner, chairman a mlnute before the sa1e was to return of Danzig to Germany and week they and the republicans The foreign office would not say Harper Announces extra-territorial rights for a high­ had drastically altered the ad­ H OlV Neutrality of Ute board of the New York Roos(!vylt Signs be closed. ministration moneta!'y bill. , whethel' Britan would regard auen LIfe Insurance company, taces a Concert Tour Plans After asking' for change 10r Ute way to link Germany proper with Bill Works- action as aggl'esslon. OUiclal maximum penalty of five years Billion Dollar bill. he thrust a gun at Bailey East Prussia. A law enacted in 1934 estab­ WASHINGTON, June 30 (AP) circles said, however, that Britain Im\>risonment and $5,000 fine. Prompted Decision and said ."this is a holdup." Nazis close to him sInce havc lished the stabilization fund and - Here Js how the neutrality bill would be compelled to aid Po­ authorized the devaluation of the The conspiracy count coo:rles II Agriculture Bill The resignation of Prof. Hans He forced Bailey, hh! daughter, said his price is "much higher" approved by the house tonight land if the latter decided to resist penalty of 2 years In prison and now for peaceful settlement with dollar, but specified that both au­ Muepzer, head of violin instruc­ Ll'rralne Rood. also a bank em­ would operate: with force. SIO,OOO fine. ploye, and Clyde Cooper, a cus': Poland. thorities should expire last mid· When the president or congl'ess The wording of Lord Halltax' The jury was out 2 hours and WASHINGTON, June 30 (AP) tion In the music department, tomer who came in. Into a back Grave HlstOl'lcal Error night. The administration mone­ found that a state of war existed statement was said to have been 45 minutes. - President Roosevelt signed to­ was announced yesterday by Prof. room where he commanded them Officials repeatedly assert that tary bill was introduced to con­ between foreign states this fact studied carefully and meant pre­ night a $1, 194,498 ,633 agriculture Earl E. Harper, director of the to lie on the fioor. "Poland's rejection of that offer tinue them for two years. would be proclaimed. cisely what it said - that Britain appropriation bill bu t took occa­ scl',ool of fine arts.
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