Timeline / 1790 to 1830 /

Date Country Theme

1808 - 1813 Spain Political Context

Guerra de la Independencia () during the French occupation of the Iberian Peninsula and the rule of King Joseph-Napoleon Bonaparte.

1812 Spain Political Context

Spain's first Constitution of 1812, influenced by the , is revolutionary because it declares the Spanish American colonies to be provinces and all their inhabitants citizens. The constitution reduces some of the powers and privileges of the , aristocracy and church and will influence future post- independence South American constitutions. Up to 1876 Spain will change its constitution four times (1837, 1845, 1869, 1876).

1813 Spain Political Context

The Valençay Treaty ends the war between Spain and . Return of King Fernando VII and absolutist .

1817 Spain Reforms And Social Changes

Slave trade (trata de negros) abolished by the Spanish Parliament at Cádiz. Following the influence of the French Revolution the anti-slavery movement grew in Europe. In 1837 slavery was abolished in Spain but not in the colonies. The government later freed the slaves of Puerto Rico (1873) and Cuba (1878).

1819 Spain Fine And Applied Arts

Founding of the Museo Nacional del Prado with the Royal collection of paintings as one the first museums in Spain.

1820 - 1823 Spain Political Context

In 1820, the army mutiny led by leads to King Fernando VII accepting the Constitution, in spite of his former opposition to constitutional monarchy, bringing in the period of popular rule. The Congress of Verona in 1822 gives France a mandate to restore Fernando as absolute . In 1823 the French army invades Spain to restore absolutism, ending the Trienio Liberal.

1823 Spain Reforms And Social Changes

The French army, known as “Los cien mil hijos de San Luis” (“the hundred thousand sons of St. Louis”), invades Spain to restore absolutism ending the Trienio Liberal (1820 –1823). In 1820 King Fernando VII had agreed to the Constitution, in spite of his opposition to a constitutional monarchy. The Congress of Verona in 1822 gave France a mandate to restore Fernando as absolute monarch.

1829 Spain Economy And Trade Date Country Theme

The Banco Español de San Fernando absorbs the highly indebted Banco Nacional de San Carlos, founded in 1782, thus becoming in fact the first Spanish bank. The bank continues as such until 1856, when it becomes Banco de España, the central Bank of Spain.

1830 Spain Fine And Applied Arts

From the 1830s onwards the Moorish or Alhambresque is popular in Europe, especially in Spain, but also in England, , Russia, Germany and the USA. This style is found not only in applied arts but also in architecture and interior decoration including the well-known “Moorish” smoking or retiring rooms.

1830 Spain Migrations

From 1830 onwards many Spaniards emigrate to North Africa (Morocco and Algeria), coinciding with the French occupation of Algiers and as a consequence of the economic crises in Spain. The emigrants are mostly from the Mediterranean regions such as Alicante, Almería and the Balearic Islands.

1830 Spain Reforms And Social Changes

Fernando VII has no sons, only daughters, so abolishes under Pragmática Sanción, the Salic Law, introduced by the Spanish branch of the Bourbon dynasty, which forbids women to reign. After the death of Fernando VII in 1833, his eldest daughter becomes Queen of Spain as Isabel II.