Empire Runners Annual Club Party coming January 31 Registration ends Wednesday, January 28 - SPACE LIMITED TO 125

The Empire Runner January 2015 Volume XLIII, No. 1 www.empirerunners.org

New Year, New President for Empire Runners

“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” -Groucho Marx

o paraphrase Groucho, the only person who was more surprised to have me elected president of Empire Runners was my long-suffering wife. Yes, I have served on the board for a few years, as secretary and race T director, so I have a good idea how the club works. I’ve been around long enough to know that in most organizations the president (insert CEO, captain, boss, dad, manager) is propped up by many, more competent people working behind the scenes. Several years ago I worked on the committee that re-wrote the club bylaws to bring us into compliance with the state laws regarding governance. Part of that re-write was to stipulate that after the seven board members are elected by the membership in December, the officers are selected by the board. When we met on January 2, there were two new board members, so it wasn’t really fair to make them president right off the bat. Fortunately, Tanya was willing to stay on in her position as treasurer extraordinaire for another year, so I knew we were in great shape. We discussed the various duties and, long story short, after arm-wrestling myself, I emerged victorious. The dust had barely settled, but I felt like a politician who had made campaign promises that must be obscured when, at the Sunday morning run, someone asked me what was in store for the President Berg at McGuire’s club this year. I didn’t have a prepared response, but here’s a quick Breakfast Run 2014 list of ideas:

• Re-organize the Summer Track series for quicker and more accurate results; • More involvement with high school runners; • A “Montecito mile” or similar event; • Fill three critical volunteer positions: permits and insurance, race director for Annadel Loop, another newsletter editor; • Make member interaction more up-to-date and timely, through social media, Facebook, blogs, and • Summer picnic to include families and kids, proposed to the board by Peter Kirk at the December meeting. Tentatively August 9 at Morton Hot Springs in Kenwood. Stay tuned for details. I’m afraid I have some big Nike Frees to fill as I take over this position from Larry Meredith, who has guided the club for several years with insight and humor. If you haven’t noticed already, I’m not the same talented writer and repository of arcane trivia of running (or football), but with the help of many, our club will thrive. I look forward to a year of new motivation, PRs, and healthy competition at whatever level you’re comfortable with. - Paul Berg

EMPIRE RUNNERS NEWSLETTER, January 2015 www.empirerunners.org

Ex-President’s Message

Ringing in the New

The editors of The Empire Runner certainly are well as serving to host our Summer Track Series among the most relieved to see my three-plus in rotation with other local schools. years of club presidency come to an end. My tendency to procrastinate in the creation of my Tanya Narath has been on our BOD since its monthly missive has been a thorn in their side inception in late 2011. She has held the office of although they have never directly expressed Treasurer even longer. It is safe to say that the that sentiment to me. I am thankful for their BOD treasures Tanya in that role. She has patience and their forgiving nature. worked through several sticky tax-related issues for the club over the years. And she has Here I am, one last time, at least a week late. So organized our annual awards banquet for quite late that your new president, Paul Berg, has some time now. Last year she orchestrated the stepped in to carry the baton. From my move of that event from the cramped confines knowledge of Paul’s previous and current work of the Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center to for the club I am sure that our editors will have the spacious ballroom at the Finley Center. one less thing to worry about at the end of each month. Election for three seats on the board was held in December and the votes were counted at our In the past couple of years Paul has taken on the club meeting. Chris Mason, who was first duties of co-director (along with Brad Zanetti) of elected to the board two years ago, was re- both our Summer Track Series and our Student elected. Chris has been on the board the past Grant Fund program. Paul was elected to the ER two years and is the designer and master of our board of directors (BOD) a year ago. When he’s impressive club website. In addition to helping not racing you might see him with his camera at with timing and results at nearly all of our club one of our events. races, Chris directs a few races of his own, most notably the Clo Cow Half-Marathon and 5K in Fellow second-year BOD member Luis Rosales Petaluma each fall. There are a number of us has been named club Vice President. Luis is the tech-challenged club officials who rely heavily head coach of cross country and track & field at on Chris in this digital age. Piner High School where he has rejuvenated those programs in terms of both participation There are two fresh faces on the board who will and performance. Luis, along with his wife and help guide the club over at least the next two assistant coach Melanie, has also cultivated a years. Nuvit Foster is addicted to marathons, spirit of volunteerism among his team members having completed more than 70 of them in the and their parents. You may have noticed how past 25 years. She has been a member of our vital a role they play in helping us put on the club cross country team for several seasons. Resolution Run and the Kenwood Footrace as Nuvit, unlike me, exhibits a calm, nurturing The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected]

persona. She is one of those rare people that Continuing into his you just can’t imagine someone saying second year on the something bad about. Nuvit will be a great board but stepping addition to our BOD. down as Vice President, Bill Browne has been a source of great ideas for our club over the years. Last year was his first as the Grand Prix Czar for our club’s racing points series and I was impressed with his work. He will continue in that role in 2015. Thanks, Bill, for filling in for me when travel called Karen Frindell Teuscher me away on several occasions last year.

I am thankful that the club did not disintegrate Nuvit Foster during my three years in the big chair. I can honestly tell you that there were a number of The first time I met Karen Frindell Teuscher a nights I lost sleep wondering if things were few years ago I liked her immensely. I was in unraveling, despite my knowledge that it was the habit of giving nicknames to those who being held together by a number of incredibly attended our workouts on a regular basis and it talented and dedicated volunteers and my didn’t take me long to start calling her knowledge that this organization has never been “Sunshine.” Her face often beams with warmth more financially stable. and energy and it is contagious. In recent years Karen took on the assistant coach position for I encourage you club members who have been the Montgomery High School cross country on the sidelines to roll up your sleeves and pitch team under Val Sell and last year volunteered to in. There are plenty of opportunities, just ask co-direct our Ilsanjo Classic, teaming up with our president. Eric Walker and Eric Downing. Having her on - Larry Meredith the board is good news for the club.

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] Where No Wolfman Has Gone Before And update from 2011 club president Alex Wolf-Root This was supposed to be about my badass marathon debut on 12/13/14, except it wasn’t so badass. Instead let’s just give an overall update, shall we? (The marathon story itself prompted the creation of a blog, so for a hopefully-entertaining-but-painful story, check out wolfmanhorsecow.blogspot.com)

I was actually running the CO 5-mile Championships here, but this picture illustrates the newness (CO + marathon) pretty well. It’s been a bit over a year since I left my home of Annadel State Park Sonoma County and I’m sure you’ve all been wondering “Where’s the Wolfman?!” (Okay okay, it may be more “What the heck is a woofman?!”, but I choose to believe the former.) As those of you who follow me on the twitter (@WolfmanHorsecow) are aware, last fall I moved to the “running Mecca” of Boulder, CO, ostensibly to pursue a PhD in philosophy, but moreso to follow this whole running dream thing. And while the trails have nothing on Sonoma County, the amount of badass runners here is staggering. It’s humbling running times that have won some races back home, in workouts, while getting dropped by others, at ~5,500 feet. And that’s to say nothing of the runners who I’m not even good enough to join for workouts in order to get dropped by later!

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] Somehow I attached myself to coach Brad Hudson (@vivarinbrad). While a great athlete in his own right (2:13 marathon and tons of youth/high school records in his day), he’s now more known as a great coach, often getting his workouts mentioned on some of those online training/running sites. I thought his book, Run Faster: From 5K to the Marathon, had already been profiled in Brad Zanetti’s monthly article in these newsletters, but can’t find it. So sure it’ll be there soon, right Brad? Brad coaches HTS Elite (@HTSElite), a young but growing post-collegiate group here in Boulder. Given the group had four athletes make USA’s on the track last year, had an athlete place 12th at the 2012 marathon trials, had another athlete represent the USA in the marathon at the 2013 World Championships, and already has about 10 athletes qualified for the 2016 trials, I had officially gone from bigish-fish-in-smallish pond to krill-in-ocean. What’s more, given Brad’s success as a marathon coach and my lack of footspeed (I was faster than almost all the girl sprinters at MCHS, I swear!), I knew a marathon was in my future. We agreed, however, that we wouldn’t do one until, at the absolute earliest, fall 2014. Which of course meant that we’d do one come fall 2014…

Some of the badasses I’ve had the privilege to train with include Craig Miller (3:35 / 7:49 / 13:35) and Zach Hine (28:37 / 1:03:54 / 2:16:40) But first, it was all about getting used to working harder than ever before, with runners the caliber of which I’ve only read about. Oh, and getting used to altitude (~5,500 feet) and snow. Snow! While Santa Rosa may have a few hours a year under 30 degrees, it began to snow on me during my second workout in Boulder. Better than the first, I guess. Quickly I learned the value of mittens (okay,

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] mittens-in-mittens, I get cold fingers!), and snow began to turn into something badass, as long as the ground isn’t icy. But biggest of all, it led to some awesome icebeards. Everyone should experience the badassery that is the icebeard someday.

I promise, icebeards usually look cooler but it’s what I got. Oh well. While my training was going pretty awesomely, unfortunately there wasn’t much in the way of results for proof. While I ran well at USA XC Nationals in Boulder, it’s tough to quantify XC, especially at altitude, and I got sick shortly before my goal race in the spring and couldn’t even fly out. So I knew I was fit, but I didn’t know how fit.

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] Oh well. After a week off of watching USA T&F Nationals in Sactown, highlighted by the 10,000m, won by our very own Kim Conley (@kimconley) with my fellow MCHS grad and now Boulderite Alia Gray (@aliatgray) in 12th, it was time to train for a marathon. Fortunately, I had a little bit of a non-specific buildup to before I had to begin true marathon training, and I capped that with a new half-marathon PR of 1:09:33 out in Iowa. I knew that, if I could run that while racing not-so-smart (kinda blew up second half) after only just getting back to training, the marathon debut would go well once I got in some marathon specific workouts. But that of course meant that I had to do some marathon specific workouts. I never quite understood why people wanted race the marathon distance, and as I reflect on my first marathon cycle, I’m even more confused. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t as bad as stabbing your legs with thousands of tiny needles for hours, but it isn’t that much better. On the track, you get to do awesome workouts like 5-6x1,600m w/3-minute recovery, or 20x400m w/100m jog, and long workouts are things like 3-4x2-mile or 12K progression runs. For the marathon… well, it’s not that. My very first marathon-specific workout was 18 miles long (21 miles with warmup and cooldown): 6 miles moderate, 6 miles alternating hard/moderate, 6 miles progression, totally just over 101 minutes. Not quite as fun a 101 Dalmatians, though my mind was similarly spotted by the end. While I’ve run hard before, and I’ve run significantly longer time-wise than 101 minutes, running hard for so long, well, it’s a whole different beast. To be fair, once this cycle I got to do 10x-mile with a minute rest, and wow was it fun to do such a short workout! Not only was my training going great, but lots of others in the group doing the same sort of training were having success, including a 5th place finish at US Nationals and 2 Trials “A” Standards. So I knew that, as long as I followed the plan, my debut would go well. Spoiler: I didn’t, so it didn’t. For a longer, more fun recap, check out wolfmanhorsecow.blogspot.com. But to keep this brief… The plan was to run 5:30s for eight miles, 5:25-5:30 ’tll half, then slowly squeeze the trigger. Which of course meant that I went out with the leaders, hitting 1:10:29 halfway (a time that would have been a PR just a few months prior), stride for stride with the eventual winner. The mathematically inclined of you will realize that the plan involved coming through half just over 1:12. Oops. But I felt good. All that talk about blowing up and the pain of a marathon had to be exaggerated, right? Wrong. Very, very wrong. Around mile 18 things went from comfortable to bit-more-tired-than- expected to I’ll-be-able-to-rally to as-long-as-I-don’t-blow-up-more-I’ll-be-okay to please-don’t-walk. Fortunately, I did not walk. But that’s about all that can be said for that last 10K… Through mile 15, I was on pace to crush Danny Aldridge’s adult Empire record of 2:21:42, which, given he was my high school coach, was certainly on my mind. By the end, I was nearly 10 minutes off that. Yup, my second half of the race was over 10 minutes slower than my first half. Owch. But, I didn’t walk! (Sorry, but I have to keep reminding myself of that fact...)

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] So I f’d up my marathon debut. And it clearly left some lasting damage, as for some reason, I really, really want to do another one. Maybe if I actually do what I’m supposed to do the next will go better. It certainly can’t go much worse! But that story is yet to come. While I’m confident 2015 will hold another marathon or two, the specifics are TBD. Probably best not to think about that for a little while. There will be ups, there will be downs, but whatever comes in the year(s) to follow, this former Puma will never give up the hunt. And hopefully I’ll have a much better story to tell next time!

While you may no longer regularly see him getting down and dirty in Annadel mud, you can still follow Alex “Wolfman” Wolf-Root on his journey via twitter @WolfmanHorsecow.

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] “Out of Nowhere, The Inside Story of How Nike Brad’s Corner Marketed the Culture of Running,” by Geoff Hollister, Meyer and Meyer Sport, (UK), 2008, pp. 326.

I feel that both books are very good reads (4+/5). They are both very interesting, very well written and keep you reading. Even though both books are written by high level Nike employees, the Geoff Hollister book, “Out of Nowhere” has a bit less “” and more racing accounts. It also has more accounting of Steve Prefontaine’s life and impact on Nike and the world.

“Swoosh,” written by JB Strasser, a high level employee and wife of Rob Strasser, Phil Knight’s (Nike Owner) #1 man at one time. The co-author is Laurie Becklund an LA Times sports columnist. Together they were looking to open To start 2015 off with a bang I am changing the doors for all to see the inside of the Nike gears again after four months of woman-specific household, warts and all. “Swoosh” reads a little book reviews. This months review will actually like a detective novel and at times seems almost be two reviews or rather a comparison of two unbelievable. The inside story of the running very similar books. Anyone who has been industry was there did not seem to be any hard running since the early 1970s would have to be and fast rules and that marketing running, racing nearly brain-dead (I am guessing most of who and the shoe/clothing industries was equal parts have been running that long are on our way innovation, perspiration and smoke n mirrors. anyway) if you haven’t experienced the impact The business practices were especially of NIKE on your running life. In fact, I would be shocking. Finally this book exposes the surprised if you haven’t owned at least a handful craziness that is Phil Knight, the billionaire and of NIKE models through the years (Daryl still president of Nike, Inc. runs in 1978 Nike Elites and is rumored to have a couple of fresh pairs still in their original I read these three books in this order: boxes). Whether you love or hate NIKE shoes “Bowerman,” then “Out of Nowhere,” then or their business practices, there is no denying “Swoosh.” I would rate them in the opposite they have impacted the running shoe industry. order: 1- “Swoosh”; 2- “Out of Nowhere”; 3- “Bowerman.” In fact to complete your U of O I have three books currently that tell the reading experience I would read, “Fire On the NIKE story: 1- “Bowerman and the Men of Track,” the story of Steve Prefontaine. If I were Oregon”; 2-“Out of Nowhere”; and 3- “Swoosh.” to only read one of these, it would be “Out of The first book, “Bowerman,” either has been Nowhere” because of the broad subject matter already reviewed or can be in the future. The Geoff covers. But if I wanted to be really comparison will be between “Out of Nowhere” entertained with the best read, “Swoosh” would and “Swoosh” which are definitely a twin sons be the hands-down winner. Again I would from different mothers type stories. advise reading all four but start with “Swoosh.”

“Swoosh, the Unauthorized Story of Nike and “Swoosh” outstanding 5/5 ***** the Men who Played There,” by J.B. Strasser and Laurie Becklund, Harper Collins Publishing, “Out of Nowhere” very good 4.5/5 New York, NY, 1991, pp 544 The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected]

Empire Runners of Sonoma County Balance Sheet Standard 12/15/14 As of November 30, 2014

Nov 30, '14 Oct 31, '14 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Exchange Bank 81,542.61 84,762.25 PayPal Money Market 446.92 1,808.08 Total Checking/Savings 81,989.53 86,570.33 Other Current Assets Petty Cash 400.00 400.00 Total Other Current Assets 400.00 400.00 Total Current Assets 82,389.53 86,970.33 TOTAL ASSETS 82,389.53 86,970.33 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Restricted - Kenwood 30,000.00 30,000.00 Restricted - Student Grant Fund 1,305.00 1,158.00 Unrestricted Net Assets 45,559.04 45,706.04 Net Income 5,525.49 10,106.29 Total Equity 82,389.53 86,970.33 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 82,389.53 86,970.33

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected]

Empire Runners of Sonoma County Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual 12/15/14 January through November 2014

Jan - Nov $ Over '14 Budget Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income Direct Public Support 4,872.00 3,202.87 1,669.13 Other Types of Income 875.00 991.87 -116.87 Program Income 69,034.22 32,109.88 36,924.34 Special Events Income 1,062.00 820.00 242.00 Total Income 75,843.22 37,124.62 38,718.60 Expense Business Expenses 390.42 35.00 355.42 Contract Services 7,115.85 2,857.12 4,258.73 Facilities and Equipment 3,905.82 1,724.50 2,181.32 Operations 16,401.44 24,141.50 -7,740.06 Program Expenses 42,308.12 30,697.49 11,610.63 Travel and Meetings 196.08 35.75 160.33 Total Expense 70,317.73 59,491.36 10,826.37 Net Ordinary Income 5,525.49 -22,366.74 27,892.23 Net Income 5,525.49 -22,366.74 27,892.23

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] ! ! ! ! !The Empire Runners Club - 18 December 2014! !Meeting called to order at 6:36 pm by president Larry Meredith! Members present:! Larry Meredith!! ! Bill Browne!!! Luis Rosales! !!! William Ortlinghaus!! Tanya Narath!!! Paul Berg! !!!! Chris Mason! ! !Approval of Minutes:! Motion: To approve the minutes for 20 November 2014! Vote: Motion carried! !Resolved: Minutes from the meeting on 20 November 2014 approved without modification.! !Officer’s Reports:! !Treasurer’s Report: See newsletter for specifics.! !Committee Reports:! • Club Race Registration & Logistics (Jerry Lyman)! • Club Awards Banquet (Tanya Narath)! ! • Grand Prix (Bill Browne)! !New Business:! • Proposal #1! Motion from Peter Kirk: The Empire Runners Club authorize spending up to $3000 to cover the cost of admission, food, and drinks for the 1st annual Empire Runners Member Appreciation Picnic to be held at Morton’s Warm Springs in the summer of 2015.! Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed. ! Resolution: Motion carried; club authorizes spending up to $3000 for admission, food, and drinks !for the 1st annual Empire Runners Member Appreciation Picnic in the summer of 2015.! • Proposal #2! Motion from Bill Rogers: The Empire Runners Club spend up to $1000 to purchase an inflatable finish line arch.! Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed. ! Resolution: Motion carried; the Empire Runners will spend up to $1000 to purchase an inflatable ! finish line arch.! ! ! ! ! The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] ! ! ! ! ! ! ! • Proposal #3! Motion from Jerry Lyman: The Empire Runners Club formalizes our No Refund policy for our club races. This policy will also be written on entry forms and be posted on the club website.! Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed. ! Resolution: Motion carried; the Empire Runners Club formally has a No Refund policy for club ! races.! !Election: Election for three seats on the 2015-2016 Board of Directors. ! • Election Results. The following three people won seats on the Empire Runners Club Board of Directors:! • Nuvit Foster! • Chris Mason! ! • Karen Frindell Teuscher! Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected]

Empire Runners Club Board of Directors Meeting January 2, 2015

Nuvit Foster’s House Santa Rosa, CA

Meeting called to order at 5:35pm

Members present: Bill Browne Paul Berg Tanya Narath Chris Mason Luis Rosales Nuvit Foster Karen Frindell-Teuscher

Club Officer Appointments: President – Paul Berg Vice President – Luis Rosales Treasurer – Tanya Narath Secretary – Chris Mason

New Business: None

Meeting adjourned at 6:40pm

Empire Runners Club | PO Box 4241 | Santa Rosa, CA 95402 EMPIRE RUNNERS CLUB 2015 GRAND PRIX SERIES

The Empire Runners Club Grand Prix Series is a year-long competition in which club members accumulate points based on participation in any of 13 club running events. The club awards prizes to the top 3 female and male competitors in the overall category and by age group. Go to www.empirerunners.org to sign up.

The Rules

New for 2015: You must first opt in to take part in the Grand Prix Series competition.

• Members must sign up to be a Grand Prix participant before any event will count for points. (The Resolution Run is the exception as this event had already occurred before these rules were published. Members have until February 14 to sign up for the GP to earn points for the Res Run if they ran it.) • GP participants must preregister online for each club event to ensure inclusion in GP competition for that event. (Grand Prix participants who fail to preregister for an event which they want included for GP points must petition the Grand Prix Coordinator ([email protected]) within 24 hours of the event.)

These events will count for points:

Resolution Run 5K - Jan 1

Valley Ford Relay (4 x 2.75 miles) - Feb 15

Ilsanjo Classic 10 Miler or Neo-Classic 4 Miler - March 8

Loop de Loop 14 Miler or 2 x 7-Mile Relay - March 29

Jackrabbit Derby 3-Miler – May 3

Summer Track Series (5 meets) – June - Aug

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] Riverfront Relay (2 x 5K) – June 13

Kenwood Footrace (75 volunteer points only) – July 4

Salmon Creek Beach Runs 5 miles or 2 miles – Aug 2

Phil Widener Empire Open 3.4 miles – Aug 29

Annadel Loop 7 miles – Sept 6

McGuire’s Breakfast Run 3K and 10K – Nov 29

The Last 10K or Final 2-Mile– Dec 19

BONUS POINTS - Any member riding the club bus to the Christmas Relays will receive 15 bonus points.


Participation Points

• For most races: The first place GP finisher (by gender) receives 100 points, the second receives 99 points, the third 98 points, et cetera. o If there are more than 100 GP participants in a gender division, places beyond 100 receive 1 point. • Events with 2 distances (e.g., Ilsanjo): GP participants may run either distance, and each distance is scored separately. o Exception: For McGuire’s Breakfast Run, GP participants must run both the 3K and the 10K and will receive points for the higher of the two scores. • Relays: All GP participants receive 75 points regardless of their team's finish place. • Track Meets: GP finishers of the long race (3K, 5K, or 2-mile) and/or the mile receive 25 participation points for that meet and can score a maximum of 100 points for the entire track series. • A GP participant's age group will be determined by his or her age at the event in which the participant first scores during the year.

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] Volunteer Points

• Race directors receive 100 points. • Volunteers providing significant assistance (as reported by the race director) receive 75 points per event. • Track meet volunteers receive 15 points per meet, which can be combined with track series participation points to a combined limit of 100 points for the entire track series. • The Kenwood Footrace awards volunteer points only (no points for racing the event). • The maximum number of volunteer points that can be applied to one’s annual GP total is 300.

Determining Point Totals

• GP participants must score points in a minimum of 5 events (as participants or volunteers) to qualify for GP prizes. o The Track Series is considered a single event. o Riding on the Christmas Relays bus (15 bonus points) does not count as an event. • Year-end point totals will be calculated using (up to) the 10 highest event scores for each GP participant.


• Prizes will be determined by the Grand Prix Coordinator and the Board of Directors. • Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 male and female overall and the top 3 male and female in each of the following age groups, provided there are candidates who qualify: Ages 1-13, 14-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70+. • In the case of ties, prize distribution is at the discretion of the Grand Prix Coordinator. • Typical prizes given in past years: Overall Male and Female First Place - A gift certificate worth $125 and a commemorative plaque. Second Place - A gift certificate worth $75 and a commemorative plaque. Third Place - A gift certificate worth $50 and a commemorative plaque.

Overall winners will not be eligible for age group awards.

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected]

Age Group Male and Female First Place - A gift certificate worth at least* $25. Second Place - A gift certificate worth at least* $20. Third Place - A gift certificate worth at least* $15.

Questions or comments? Please contact [email protected].

Volunteer opportunities

Empire runner Steve Cryer has taken over duties at the Empire Runners tent that can be seen at all Empire Runner events as well as many non-club events throughout Sonoma County. But he can’t do it alone. Anyone interested in pitching in, when they aren’t running, can contact Steve through the Empire Runners website at www.empirerunners.org.

Gil Moreno (left) handed his volunteer duties off to Steve Cryer at last year’s Healdsburg Half Marathon. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Steve through the Empire Runners website.

The Empire Runners Club | www.empirerunners.org | [email protected] 2014 Empire Runners Grand Prix Final Standings - Men

O'all Place First Last Age Group Res Run Valley Ford Ilsanjo Loop de Loop Jackrabbit Riverfront Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Salmon Kenwood Loop Empire Open Breakfast XMAS Bus Total 1 Dave Sell 40-49 92 95 85 75 25 25 25 25 96 75 85 85 98 886 2 Job Skandera 1-13 93 75 94 75 100 75 25 25 25 25 0 98 99 75 884 3 Nehemiah Skandera 1-13 75 97 75 98 75 25 25 25 25 0 99 75 100 75 869 4 William Rogers 50-59 75 85 75 75 25 25 25 25 92 75 81 100 95 15 868 5 Abraham Skandera 1-13 69 75 90 75 94 75 25 25 25 25 0 97 75 75 825 6 Bill Cusworth 40-49 75 89 98 91 25 25 25 25 75 75 96 88 787 7 Kent Miller 50-59 61 91 81 75 25 25 25 25 94 89 76 94 761 8 Dave Goodwin 50-59 51 75 63 75 77 75 93 75 96 15 695 9 Bradley Zanetti 50-59 75 75 87 75 25 25 25 25 75 86 97 15 686 10 Douglas Murdoch 40-49 92 75 98 75 25 25 75 94 99 15 673 11 Steve Cryer 60-69 70 75 78 90 75 25 25 25 25 75 84 647 12 Darryl Beardall 70-79 11 75 26 84 59 75 88 69 66 92 645 13 Andy Howard 50-59 87 75 96 75 92 75 25 25 93 643 14 Brendan Hutchinson 70-79 38 75 33 75 67 75 91 74 95 15 638 15 Trevor Swallow 30-39 50 75 62 87 80 75 96 97 622 16 Gerald McCormick 30-39 81 75 96 93 75 25 25 25 91 586 17 Eric J. Bohn 40-49 18 75 75 75 100 75 68 82 568 18 Larry Meredith 50-59 76 75 91 75 25 25 25 75 75 15 557 19 Anthony Passantino 14-29 75 92 94 93 75 25 98 552 20 Frank Cuneo 50-59 75 88 82 95 97 82 15 534 21 Vernon Stafford 50-59 53 75 84 75 78 75 80 520 22 Jerry Finlay 30-39 82 75 91 75 86 99 508 23 Mike Wortman 14-29 99 75 100 75 75 25 25 25 499 24 Nicholas Rauch 14-29 98 75 75 25 25 25 100 75 498 25 Guy Schott 50-59 75 99 97 25 25 75 99 495 26 Hugo Yescas 30-39 86 75 94 75 90 75 495 27 Diego Garcia 14-29 79 75 89 75 97 75 490 28 Chris Mason 14-29 75 75 75 75 90 1 75 15 481 29 Jim Parks 60-69 75 75 82 75 75 75 457 30 Bob Shor 70-79 75 75 75 75 1 1 0 0 0 75 75 453 31 Jon Hermstad 60-69 60 75 70 75 75 1 78 15 449 32 Stephen Agar 40-49 99 75 98 75 98 445 33 Don Sampson 60-69 14 75 78 75 61 75 67 445 34 Mike McGuire 60-69 75 75 25 73 72 100 15 435 35 Paul Berg 50-59 86 75 25 25 25 25 75 93 430 36 Kyle Theuerkauf 1-13 93 75 87 75 95 425 37 Dale Trowbridge 70-79 8 75 75 88 75 89 410 38 Phillipe Thibault 40-49 78 75 77 86 92 408 39 Nathan Koch 30-39 85 75 87 75 25 25 25 397 40 Ernst Bohn 70-79 75 74 75 75 83 382 41 Jerry Lyman 60-69 75 75 75 0 75 1 1 75 377 42 Thomas Fonseca 40-49 29 75 32 75 91 75 377 43 Sebastian Z. Bohn 1-13 24 75 76 75 25 25 75 375 44 Kevin Teuscher 60-69 75 35 75 25 75 69 15 369 45 Brandon Crowell 30-39 88 95 94 89 366 46 David Seccitano 50-59 43 88 75 75 79 360 47 Bryan Porter 50-59 61 89 84 25 25 75 359 48 Daniel Skandera 1-13 37 75 72 25 25 25 25 0 75 359 49 Carl Jackson 80-99 6 75 75 86 88 330 50 Brian Goodwin 14-29 89 83 75 75 322 51 Dale Peterson 50-59 75 44 100 25 75 319 52 Noah McSweeney 1-13 82 75 75 87 319 53 Harry Skandera M 75 75 75 75 300 54 Dave Houts 50-59 66 97 25 93 281 55 Joe Withers 14-29 75 100 99 274 56 Michael Quigley 60-69 49 54 75 94 272 57 John Staroba 30-39 96 79 96 271 58 Spencer Rivara 14-29 75 25 25 25 25 0 95 270 59 Emil Shieh 40-49 53 75 69 73 270 60 Mike Saunders 30-39 84 81 98 263 61 Bill Browne 60-69 44 46 70 25 75 260 62 Carl Triola M 75 25 25 25 100 250 63 Jackson Yates 14-29 95 75 25 25 25 245 64 Brian McSweeney 50-59 58 75 73 25 231 65 Benjamin Bryant 14-29 75 80 75 230 66 Peter Kirk 40-49 65 89 75 229 67 Scott Ames 50-59 75 75 75 225 68 Will Orlinghaus 50-59 75 75 75 225 69 Andrew McCoy 14-29 75 75 75 225 70 Daniel Pride 14-29 97 75 25 25 222 71 George Nacouzi 14-29 1 75 58 86 220 72 Russell Lemley 14-29 57 75 83 215 73 Sami Nacouzi 1-13 1 75 56 80 212 74 Roger Nacouzi 50-59 1 75 55 81 212 75 Jim Moore 50-59 40 92 74 206 76 Ean Franceschi 14-29 80 75 25 25 205 77 Cristian Nazarek 14-29 100 25 25 25 25 0 200 78 Anthony Rink 14-29 75 75 25 25 200 79 Rami Nacouzi 1-13 1 75 54 68 198 80 Jason Selby 30-39 97 99 95S 196 81 Steve Olson 50-59 66 92 25 183 82 Clint Stevens 40-49 91 88 179 2014 Empire Runners Grand Prix Final Standings - Men

83 Blake Civello 14-29 77 100 177 84 Connor Deleuze 14-29 75 100 175 85 John Lundy 50-59 75 98 173 86 Brian Cole 20-29 25 25 25 97 172 87 Dave Moore 40-49 80 91 171 88 John Harmon 50-59 55 75 15 25 170 89 Tucker Bradshaw 14-29 75 95 170 90 Kenny Brown 40-49 94 75 169 91 Paul Peck 50-59 75 91 166 92 Antoine Thibault 14-29 90 75 165 93 Christian Rauch 1-13 1 75 87 163 94 Grant Fonseca 14-29 75 85 160 95 Shawn Percell 30-39 75 85 160 96 Eric Nordvold 60-69 9 75 75 159 97 Jamie Reed 30-39 35 47 75 157 98 Ryan Culley 40-49 72 82 154 99 Michael Long 30-39 1 76 75 152 100 Matthew Rust 30-39 83 68 151 101 Jeff Rosen M 75 75 150 102 Scott Bice 30-39 75 75 150 103 Gilbert Moreno 70-79 75 75 150 104 William Parks M 75 75 150 105 Michael Prutz 50-59 75 75 150 106 Ward 40-49 75 75 150 107 Troy Tuscher 50-59 72 75 147 108 Greg Yarwood 50-59 34 75 37 146 109 David Robertshaw 40-49 62 83 145 110 Dan Aldridge 50-59 25 25 92 142 111 Bob Hasenick 50-59 67 75 142 112 Brian Tuohy 30-39 67 75 142 113 Brian Morrey 30-39 52 39 25 25 141 114 Robertshaw 14-29 66 75 141 115 Jason Cave 30-39 1 75 64 140 116 Alec Isabeau 50-59 69 71 140 117 Michael Mouille 50-59 77 63 140 118 Dan Karbousky 14-29 60 79 139 119 Justin Bortin 30-39 59 75 134 120 Michael Hinton 70-79 56 75 131 121 Robert Main 50-59 54 75 129 122 David Abbott 50-59 48 77 125 123 Asher Nathan 60-69 36 86 122 124 John Staroba 30-39 25 96 121 125 Garrett Broughton 40-49 75 42 117 126 Christopher Lemley 14-29 45 71 116 127 Stephen Rauch 50-59 25 89 114 128 Bert Braden 50-59 57 56 113 129 Steve Giacomelli 50-59 47 65 112 130 Steve Spanier 50-59 28 75 103 131 Al Tagliaferri M 100 100 132 Eric Walker M 100 100 133 Tyler Ashton 14-29 25 25 25 25 100 134 Robert Holland 60-69 25 25 25 25 100 135 Zachary Nussdorfer 14-29 75 25 100 136 Eli Rosen-Duren 14-29 75 25 100 137 David Wellman 20-29 75 25 100 138 Alex Wolf-Root 14-29 100 100 139 Tyler Rives-Gray 14-29 99 99 140 Eric Vaughn 40-49 58 41 99 141 Paul Werbaneth 50-59 23 75 98 142 Fritz Zschietzschmann 70-79 73 25 98 143 Sid Andreis 30-39 96 96 144 JJ Abodeely 30-39 95 95 145 James Baldwin 40-49 43 51 94 146 Lucas Chung 1-13 94 94 147 Brett Deleuze 40-49 93 93 148 David Eik 14-29 93 93 149 William Marshall 70-79 13 79 92 150 Andrew Bunnell 50-59 90 90 151 Bob Frazer 70-79 15 25 25 25 90 152 Joey Tuohy 14-29 90 90 153 Velizar Roganovic 60-69 89 89 154 Tyler Strange 50-59 88 88 155 Kason Grady 30-39 30 57 87 156 Peter Howley 70-79 87 87 157 Greg Fitch 40-49 86 86 158 Joe Civello 50-59 1 84 85 159 Michael Parker 40-49 84 84 160 Joseph Eichenseher 30-39 83 83 161 William Lyon 30-39 83 83 162 Chris Oliver 30-39 7 75 82 163 Stephen Starkweather 50-59 81 81 164 Mark Cole 40-49 4 75 79 165 Matt Rypka 40-49 79 79 2014 Empire Runners Grand Prix Final Standings - Men

166 Justin Richter 1-13 76 76 167 Dan Tuohy 70-79 1 75 76 168 Peter Gang 50-59 75 75 169 Gary Manchester M 75 75 170 Michael Barron 14-29 75 75 171 George Bratzberg 50-59 25 25 25 75 172 Scott Curry 30-39 75 75 173 Cameron Eberhart 14-29 75 75 174 Michael Giacomelli 14-29 75 75 175 Steve Giacomelli 50-59 75 75 176 Ross Hause 30-39 75 75 177 Billy Hawes 40-49 75 75 178 Blake Jamar 14-29 75 75 179 Riley Officer 14-29 75 75 180 Ashton Oliver 1-13 75 75 181 Mike Petris 50-59 75 75 182 Jay Reed 50-59 75 75 183 Zachary Rounds 30-39 75 75 184 Ben Schultz 14-29 75 75 185 Brian Schultz 14-29 75 75 186 Wlliam Sell 50-59 75 75 187 Gabe Tucker 1-13 75 75 188 Bill Tuohy 30-39 75 75 189 Terry White 40-49 75 75 190 Benjamin Woodard 14-29 75 75 191 Shane Young 20-29 75 75 192 Darrell Brooker 40-49 74 74 193 Matt Schiffer 30-39 74 74 194 Michael Wilson 40-49 73 73 195 Scott Webb 20-29 71 71 196 Brad Stompe 50-59 69 69 197 Alex Beare 14-29 42 26 68 198 Ryan Carrier 1-13 65 65 199 Ezekial Hart 30-39 64 64 200 Nolan Hosbein 1-13 63 63 201 John Hosbein 40-49 62 62 202 Richard Howell 60-69 60 60 203 Kevin Chapin 30-39 59 59 204 Jedidiah Hornback 1-13 56 56 205 Douglas Cupples 50-59 55 55 206 Tim Brown 50-59 52 52 207 Jude DeVries 1-13 25 25 50 208 Caden DeVries 1-13 25 25 50 209 luke Triola 1-13 25 25 50 210 Darryl Vice 40-49 50 50 211 Dave Buerger 30-39 49 49 212 Ryan Terschuren 30-39 48 48 213 Joe Sanchez 50-59 46 46 214 Alex Mendoza 14-29 45 45 215 Scott Duiven 40-49 41 41 216 Charlie Carpenter 50-59 40 40 217 Willem Duiven 1-13 39 39 218 Christopher Bornmann 40-49 38 38 219 Caleb Skandera 40-49 36 36 220 Brett Bryars 50-59 34 34 221 Abe Alexander 40-49 32 32 222 Steve Brown 60-69 31 31 223 Martin McCarthy 30-39 31 31 224 Alex Streicher 30-39 30 30 225 Paul Greve 60-69 29 29 226 Jerry Kibler 70-79 28 28 227 Kyle Restad 30-39 27 27 228 Vernon Shipley 60-69 27 27 229 Don Franceschi 50-59 26 26 230 tom Allen 30-39 25 25 231 Chris Cole 60-69 25 25 232 Brett DeVries 30-39 25 25 223 James Eklund 70-79 25 25 224 Sean Fitzpatrick 40-49 25 25 225 Richard Quinn 60-69 25 25 226 Luis Rosales 50-59 25 25 227 Butch Beth 50-59 21 21 228 David Veveiros 50-59 20 20 229 Surachai Intarapravich 50-59 17 17 230 Andy Price 40-49 16 16 231 Clint Mason 50-59 12 12 232 Nicholas Alexander 1-13 10 10 233 Ethan Cole 1-13 5 5 234 Matthew Anderson 1-13 3 3 235 Dale Leyhe 80-99 2 2 236 A Alderman 14-29 1 1 237 Benjamin Alexander 1-13 1 1 238 Jared Beth 14-29 1 1 2014 Empire Runners Grand Prix Final Standings - Men

239 Larry Cullen 60-69 1 1 240 Ron Franklin 70-79 1 1 241 Charlie Johnson 40-49 1 1 242 Chris Keys 30-39 1 1 243 Benjamin Long 1-13 1 1 244 Kim Nazarek 40-49 1 1 245 Dick Owens 50-59 1 1 246 Joey Sinigiani 1-13 1 1 247 Carmen Sinigiani 30-39 1 1 248 Anthony Sinigiani 1-13 1 1 249 Richard Smandra 40-49 1 1 250 Dylan Thomson 1-13 1 1 251 Dan Thomson 40-49 1 1 252 Mike Webb 50-59 1 1 2014 Empire Runners Grand Prix Final Standings - Women

O'all Place First Last Age Group Res Run Valley Ford Ilsanjo Loop de Loop Jackrabbit Riverfront Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Salmon Kenwood Loop Empire Open Breakfast XMAS Bus Total 1 Valerie Sell 40-49 100 75 99 95 25 25 25 99 100 97 94 100 15 949 2 Karen Kissick 50-59 90 75 96 100 93 75 25 25 25 25 99 1 87 97 15 928 3 Mckenna Sell 1-13 95 75 97 99 75 25 25 25 98 96 99 100 909 4 Sarah Skandera 1-13 93 75 96 98 75 25 25 25 25 0 100 75 99 75 886 5 Andrea Guzman 30-39 75 98 75 97 75 25 25 25 25 75 96 100 791 6 Tanya Narath 50-59 84 75 86 96 86 75 86 75 83 746 7 Shelli Main 50-59 92 75 98 75 96 25 75 98 93 727 8 Rebekah Skandera 1-13 75 75 94 75 25 25 25 25 0 97 75 75 666 9 Lisa Titus-Isabeau 50-59 75 75 90 15 25 92 92 84 95 643 10 Gretchen Forrey 14-29 91 75 95 75 100 93 86 615 11 Danneca Skandera 30-39 75 94 87 75 25 25 94 75 550 12 Kate Papadopoulos 30-39 75 99 75 75 100 98 15 537 13 Shelly Lydon 50-59 96 75 97 99 75 92 534 14 Tori Meredith 50-59 75 75 75 75 1 0 0 1 1 85 96 15 499 15 Alicia Lueth 14-29 63 75 100 100 75 25 25 25 488 16 Karen Frindell-Teuscher 30-39 75 100 75 25 25 75 97 15 487 17 Alyce Parks 50-59 82 90 75 75 88 75 485 18 Shirley Fee 70-79 75 75 82 75 75 75 15 472 19 Kathy Kelly 60-69 66 88 75 76 75 75 455 20 Dara Hill 60-69 78 91 75 25 75 75 419 21 Laura Roesner 30-39 75 89 75 79 84 402 22 Robin Stovall 50-59 75 92 75 75 75 392 23 Kerry Hanlon 40-49 83 94 98 94 369 24 Elena Parolini 40-49 79 98 91 97 365 25 Dawn Graves 40-49 58 75 73 77 81 364 26 Cathy Dubay 40-49 100 75 25 25 100 15 340 27 Jillian Bryant 14-29 75 91 75 88 329 28 Amy Strommer 50-59 80 75 93 80 328 29 Stephanie Nacouzi 50-59 13 75 74 77 86 325 30 Kathy Goodwin 50-59 75 75 96 75 321 31 Heidi Cusworth 40-49 75 95 75 75 320 32 Julie Nacouzi 14-29 76 75 78 90 319 33 Sonja Braden 14-29 74 75 91 75 315 34 April Goldthorpe 40-49 75 75 78 83 311 35 Lidia Alcazar 30-39 89 97 25 25 25 15 276 36 Madison Denny 1-13 98 75 25 25 25 25 0 273 37 Sara Keys 30-39 88 75 25 25 25 25 263 38 Leila Nacouzi 14-29 75 85 93 253 39 Jillian Furuoka 30-39 72 80 95 247 40 Melanie Nacouzi 14-29 75 72 94 241 41 Paula Duran 50-59 75 75 75 225 42 Linda Reed 50-59 73 77 75 225 43 Caitlin Mouille F 51 84 81 216 44 Cheryl Fonseca 40-49 47 75 93 215 45 Rose Kaw 40-49 38 89 85 212 46 Ellie Civello 1-13 85 25 98 208 47 Natalie Young 40-49 57 75 75 207 48 Abbie Stewart 70-79 40 75 91 206 49 Elaine Oliver 40-49 53 75 75 203 50 Lisa Eggers 14-29 23 75 85 15 198 51 Erica Metz 30-39 97 96 193 52 Jen Clouse 14-29 90 95 185 53 Sasha Cave 30-39 14 81 88 183 54 Mary Brown 50-59 37 68 75 180 55 Michelle Nacouzi 14-29 75 99 174 56 Sarah Martin F 88 84 172 57 Nuvit Foster 50-59 75 90 165 58 Dianna Winter 50-59 82 81 163 59 Linda Cordes 40-49 86 76 162 60 Debra Rowen 50-59 75 87 162 61 Lise Asimont F 81 75 156 62 Michelle Romero 40-49 68 83 151 63 Tonie Quigley 50-59 75 75 150 64 Melanie Mathewson 14-29 75 75 150 65 Kellie McCoy 40-49 75 75 150 66 Shannon Mitchell 30-39 100 25 25 150 67 Helen Coniglio 30-39 75 74 149 68 Samol Asfafa 40-49 73 75 148 69 Eris Weaver 50-59 55 85 140 70 Camille Picott 30-39 64 75 139 71 Mariko Wesley-Fagundes 40-49 15 25 89 129 72 Kathleen McCormick 30-39 52 75 127 73 Delaney White 14-29 75 25 25 125 74 Joey Tuohy 14-29 44 75 119 75 Theresa Manchester 50-59 34 75 109 76 Allegra Robertshaw 14-29 83 25 108 77 Margie Al Ghanim 50-59 75 25 100 78 Eileen Hosbein 40-49 97 97 2014 Empire Runners Grand Prix Final Standings - Women

79 Wendy Mouille 50-59 18 79 97 80 Kayla Deleuze 14-29 96 96 81 Charlene Hubbard 50-59 95 95 82 Ruth Skandera 1-13 95 95 83 Grace Hosbein 1-13 94 94 84 Sarah Rives-Gray 30-39 93 93 85 Lily Gack 14-29 92 92 86 Christina Gill 40-49 90 90 87 Leslie Wolcott 50-59 65 25 90 88 Meghan Beare 14-29 89 89 89 Sylvia Moffett 50-59 87 87 90 Amanda Kurt 14-29 86 86 91 Karen Farnsworth 30-39 85 85 92 Beth Richter 40-49 85 85 93 Sarah Ferguson 14-29 83 83 94 Shannon Percell 30-39 81 81 95 Donita Dennis 40-46 80 80 96 Ann Figurski Eichenseher 30-39 79 79 97 Rachelle Martin 40-49 79 79 98 Jordan Pride 41652 77 77 99 Andrea Christiansen F 75 75 100 Julie Downing F 75 75 101 Ginny Doyle F 75 75 102 Jennifer Orlinghaus F 75 75 103 Cathy Goodwin F 75 75 104 Kelly Bastoni 40-49 75 75 105 Donee Canfield 30-39 75 75 106 Chessie Canfield 1-13 75 75 107 Kimberley Copperberg 30-39 75 75 108 Christina Curry 40-49 75 75 109 Marcia Duval 40-49 75 75 110 Rebecca Forth F 75 75 111 Lisa Freedman 40-49 75 75 112 Sandra Frost 40-49 75 75 113 Emma Frost 14-29 75 75 114 Shelby Grolig F 75 75 115 Brenna Hinkley 14-29 75 75 116 Susan Kelleher F 75 75 117 Patricia Lounibos 40-49 75 75 118 Kara Petris 30-39 75 75 116 Catherine Rauch 1-13 75 75 117 Meredith Rennie 40-49 75 75 118 Twyla Robert 50-59 75 75 119 Maria Thomas 30-39 75 75 120 Rachel Young 14-29 75 75 121 Fiona Perez-Hart 14-29 73 73 122 Patti Mason 50-59 72 72 123 Mary Barsony 50-59 71 71 124 Jenifer Tantarelli 30-39 71 71 125 Meredith Rennie 40-49 70 70 126 Martha Sanchez 40-49 70 70 127 Jan Schwartz 50-59 69 69 128 Debra Ewing 60-69 67 67 129 Jennifer Ratcliffe 40-49 67 67 130 Michelle Thomson 40-49 62 62 131 Alison Duiven 40-49 61 61 132 Erin Garavatti 30-39 60 60 133 Lisa Anderson 40-49 59 59 134 Stephanie Thibault 40-49 54 54 135 Leslie Giacomelli 50-59 50 50 136 Ashlee Staroba 30-39 25 25 50 137 Jerry Moreno 60-69 49 49 138 Shelli Byers 50-59 48 48 139 Beth Bilal 30-39 46 46 140 Julia Bilal 1-13 45 45 141 Cindy Beth 40-49 43 43 142 a Webb 14-29 42 42 143 Maud Fitzpatrick 50-59 41 41 144 Erica Bosque 30-39 39 39 145 Linda Baggett 30-39 36 36 146 Rhonda Alderman 40-49 35 35 147 Lauri Belfor-Moyer 50-59 33 33 148 Jeanette Blackford 40-49 32 32 149 Laura Alexander 40-49 31 31 150 Lucelina Garcia 14-29 30 30 151 Kristen Beth 14-29 29 29 152 Megan Johnson 1-13 28 28 153 Heather Young 50-59 27 27 154 Beth Johnson 30-39 26 26 2014 Empire Runners Grand Prix Final Standings - Women

155 Lilja Chung 1-13 25 25 156 Kelly Devries 30-39 25 25 157 Kylin DeVries 1-13 25 25 158 Sherry Glasscock 40-49 25 25 159 Johnson 1-13 25 25 160 Carly McCready 14-29 25 25 161 Deborah Cullen 40-49 24 24 162 Julie Owens 50-59 22 22 163 Kathleen MacPherson 70-79 21 21 164 Robin Smandra 40-49 20 20 165 Kathy Webb 50-59 19 19 166 Addison Cave 1-13 17 17 167 Kimiko Fagundes 1-13 16 16 168 Nancy Abila 50-59 12 12 169 Cece Nordvold 60-69 11 11 McGuire's Breakfast Run 3K 2014 Overall Finish List

November 30, 2014

Corrections? email [email protected] 3K

Place Name Bib No Age Gender Age Group Total Time Pace 1 Luca Mazzanti 133 16 M 1 13-19 10:04.2 5:25/M 2 Guy Schott 159 51 M 1 50-59 10:15.5 5:31/M 3 Dave Sell 160 50 M 2 50-59 11:17.5 6:04/M 4 Bradley Zanetti 174 60 M 1 60-69 11:29.3 6:10/M 5 Mckenna Sell 161 14 F 1 13-19 11:44.3 6:18/M 6 Andrea Guzman 122 33 F 1 30-39 11:56.0 6:25/M 7 Valerie Sell 162 50 F 1 50-59 12:11.6 6:33/M 8 Dave Goodwin 121 56 M 3 50-59 12:47.8 6:52/M 9 William Rogers 155 53 M 4 50-59 12:49.6 6:53/M 10 Kent Miller 137 59 M 5 50-59 12:55.1 6:57/M 11 Karen Kissick 129 57 F 2 50-59 13:19.2 7:10/M 12 Paul Berg 102 59 M 6 50-59 13:42.9 7:22/M 13 Tori Meredith 175 57 F 3 50-59 14:16.4 7:40/M 14 Lisa Titus Isabeau 125 56 F 4 50-59 14:28.4 7:47/M 15 Ellie Civello 109 13 F 2 13-19 15:55.5 8:33/M 16 Blake Civello 108 15 M 2 13-19 15:56.2 8:34/M 17 Elena Parolini 150 42 F 1 40-49 15:59.7 8:36/M 18 Paul Peck 151 54 M 7 50-59 16:10.9 8:42/M 19 Simon Nunez 148 40 M 1 40-49 16:18.5 8:46/M 20 Dale Trowbridge 170 74 M 1 70-99 17:23.3 9:21/M 21 Carl Jackson 126 81 M 2 70-99 18:56.4 10:11/M 22 Norma Santarelli 158 38 F 2 30-39 19:18.5 10:23/M 23 Abbie Stewart 168 71 F 1 70-99 19:19.8 10:23/M 24 Rami Nacouzi 144 9 M 1 0-12 19:24.7 10:26/M 25 George Nacouzi 139 16 M 3 13-19 19:25.1 10:26/M 26 Julie Nacouzi 140 21 F 1 20-29 19:27.3 10:27/M 27 Michelle Nacouzi 143 22 F 2 20-29 19:51.9 10:40/M 28 Leila Nacouzi 141 19 F 3 13-19 19:53.4 10:41/M 29 Rose Kaw 127 49 F 2 40-49 21:30.3 11:34/M 30 Joe Civello 110 52 M 8 50-59 21:31.9 11:34/M 31 Katherine Catanzarite 106 60 F 1 60-69 21:39.9 11:38/M 32 Stephanie Nacouzi 147 55 F 5 50-59 23:49.0 12:48/M 33 Lisa Eggers 116 25 F 3 20-29 25:46.2 13:51/M 34 Ernst Bohn 177 74 M 3 70-99 26:02.7 14:00/M 35 Eric J. Bohn 104 48 M 2 40-49 26:04.2 14:01/M 36 Roger Nacouzi 145 58 M 9 50-59 26:10.0 14:04/M 37 Sami Nacouzi 146 11 M 2 0-12 29:47.3 16:01/M McGuire's Breakfast Run 10K 2014 Overall Finish List

November 30, 2014

Corrections? email [email protected] 10K

Place Name Bib No Age Gender Age Group Total Time Pace 1 Blake Civello 108 15 M 1 13-19 40:37.0 6:33/M 2 Doug Murdoch 176 49 M 1 40-49 40:53.0 6:36/M 3 Mike Saunders 179 38 M 1 30-39 43:08.0 6:57/M 4 Andrea Guzman 122 33 F 1 30-39 49:32.0 7:59/M 5 Trevor Swallow 169 38 M 2 30-39 49:45.0 8:01/M 6 Don Lindsay 131 61 M 1 60-69 50:14.0 8:06/M 7 Brendan Hutchinson 178 71 M 1 70-99 52:11.0 8:25/M 8 Michael Quigley 153 63 M 2 60-69 52:28.0 8:28/M 9 Valerie Sell 162 50 F 1 50-59 53:23.0 8:37/M 10 Paul Berg 102 59 M 1 50-59 53:24.0 8:37/M 11 Michelle Nacouzi 143 22 F 1 20-29 54:43.0 8:50/M 12 Ellie Civello 109 13 F 1 13-19 56:51.0 9:10/M 13 Elena Parolini 150 42 F 1 40-49 58:02.0 9:22/M 14 Erica Metz 136 38 F 2 30-39 1:03:24.0 10:14/M 15 Jill Furuoka 119 38 F 3 30-39 1:03:51.0 10:18/M 16 Leila Nacouzi 141 19 F 2 13-19 1:04:09.0 10:21/M 17 Melanie Nacouzi 142 23 F 2 20-29 1:10:30.0 11:22/M 18 Darryl Beardall 180 78 M 2 70-99 1:26:48.0 14:00/M DQ David Wertzberger 173 51 M DQ 50-59 41:42.0 6:44/M Phaby-Gray Resolution Run 2015 Overall Finish List

January 01, 2015

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Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Gender Age Group Total Time Pace 1 Nick Spector Yes 583 23 M 1/8 20-29 15:36.0 5:02/M 2 Cristian Nazarek Yes 509 19 M 1/10 16-19 15:39.0 5:03/M 3 Nicholas Rauch Yes 538 17 M 2/10 16-19 16:23.0 5:17/M 4 Daniel Pride Yes 533 15 M 1/7 13-15 16:27.0 5:18/M 5 Matthew Mulligan Yes 504 19 M 3/10 16-19 16:40.0 5:23/M 6 Jd Kurz 682 37 M 1/23 30-39 17:12.0 5:33/M 7 Guy Schott Yes 562 51 M 1/39 50-59 17:13.0 5:33/M 8 Luca Mazzanti Yes 485 16 M 4/10 16-19 17:17.0 5:35/M 9 Tr Parker 631 35 M 2/23 30-39 17:22.0 5:36/M 10 Gerald McCormick Yes 487 32 M 3/23 30-39 17:46.0 5:44/M 11 Brian Goodwin Yes 413 22 M 2/8 20-29 18:03.0 5:49/M 12 Andrew McLaughlin Yes 491 35 M 4/23 30-39 18:04.0 5:50/M 13 Dan Aldridge 654 58 M 2/39 50-59 18:05.0 5:50/M 14 Kenny Brown Yes 333 45 M 1/31 40-49 18:08.0 5:51/M 15 Lucas Chung Yes 360 13 M 2/7 13-15 18:16.0 5:54/M 16 Sid Andreis Yes 295 34 M 5/23 30-39 18:20.0 5:55/M 17 Brandon Crowell Yes 374 39 M 6/23 30-39 18:28.0 5:57/M 18 Mike Saunders Yes 558 38 M 7/23 30-39 18:49.0 6:04/M 19 Carly Forte Yes 395 25 F 1/13 20-29 18:52.0 6:05/M

20 Andy Howard Yes 435 53 M 3/39 50-59 18:53.0 6:05/M 21 Blake Civello Yes 364 15 M 3/7 13-15 18:55.0 6:06/M 22 Madison Denny Yes 377 11 F 1/25 1-12 18:57.0 6:07/M 23 Cathy Dubay Yes 381 50 F 1/34 50-59 19:00.0 6:08/M 24 Clint Stevens Yes 585 41 M 2/31 40-49 19:02.0 6:08/M 25 Andy Shepherd 674 25 M 3/8 20-29 19:11.0 6:11/M 26 Philippe Thibault 678 49 M 3/31 40-49 19:18.0 6:14/M 27 Diego Garcia Yes 404 15 M 4/7 13-15 19:20.0 6:14/M 28 Job Skandera Yes 575 13 M 5/7 13-15 19:21.0 6:15/M 29 Kyle O'Brien Yes 516 17 M 5/10 16-19 19:26.0 6:16/M 30 Todd Bertolone 665 52 M 4/39 50-59 19:27.0 6:16/M 31 Luz Sanchez No 557 19 F 1/7 16-19 19:28.0 6:17/M 32 Greg Fitch Yes 392 46 M 4/31 40-49 19:30.0 6:17/M 33 Kate Papadopoulos Yes 524 36 F 1/39 30-39 19:34.0 6:19/M 34 Bradley Zanetti Yes 629 60 M 1/16 60-69 19:43.0 6:22/M 35 Bryan Christensen Yes 356 29 M 4/8 20-29 19:54.0 6:25/M 36 Trevor Garrett 660 31 M 8/23 30-39 19:55.0 6:25/M 37 Steve Cryer Yes 375 62 M 2/16 60-69 20:06.0 6:29/M 38 Connor Shaw 664 16 M 6/10 16-19 20:07.0 6:29/M 39 Karen Frindell Teuscher Yes 401 38 F 2/39 30-39 20:14.0 6:32/M 40 Troy Tuscher Yes 606 54 M 5/39 50-59 20:16.0 6:32/M 41 Bryan Porter Yes 531 52 M 6/39 50-59 20:21.0 6:34/M 42 Erica Ruiz No 552 18 F 2/7 16-19 20:21.0 6:34/M 43 Frank Cuneo Yes 376 59 M 7/39 50-59 20:27.0 6:36/M 44 Mckenna Sell Yes 565 14 F 1/5 13-15 20:31.0 6:37/M 45 Don Lindsay Yes 472 61 M 3/16 60-69 20:35.0 6:38/M 46 Andrea Guzman Yes 419 33 F 3/39 30-39 20:37.0 6:39/M 47 Sarah Skandera Yes 579 10 F 2/25 1-12 20:38.0 6:39/M 48 John Harmon Yes 421 58 M 8/39 50-59 20:44.0 6:41/M 49 David Wertzberger Yes 616 51 M 9/39 50-59 20:46.0 6:42/M 50 George Bratsberg Yes 331 54 M 10/39 50-59 20:53.0 6:44/M 51 Andrew Taylor Yes 588 45 M 5/31 40-49 20:57.0 6:45/M 52 Bethany Chan No 349 9 F 3/25 1-12 21:00.0 6:46/M 53 Daniel Skandera Yes 574 7 M 1/24 1-12 21:00.0 6:46/M 54 Andy Carter Yes 343 34 M 9/23 30-39 21:01.0 6:47/M 55 Jon Hermstad Yes 424 66 M 4/16 60-69 21:13.0 6:51/M 56 Charlie Gesell Yes 406 48 M 6/31 40-49 21:15.0 6:51/M 57 Margot Ridout 656 37 F 4/39 30-39 21:21.0 6:53/M 58 Molly Kozlowski Yes 460 15 F 2/5 13-15 21:22.0 6:54/M 59 Scott Allred Yes 294 29 M 5/8 20-29 21:23.0 6:54/M 60 Eileen Hosbein Yes 430 44 F 1/32 40-49 21:27.0 6:55/M 61 Justin Borton Yes 329 37 M 10/23 30-39 21:30.0 6:56/M 62 Shelly Lydon Yes 473 53 F 2/34 50-59 21:31.0 6:56/M 63 Kent Miller Yes 496 59 M 11/39 50-59 21:35.0 6:58/M 64 William Rogers Yes 544 53 M 12/39 50-59 21:38.0 6:59/M 65 William Rostel Yes 551 55 M 13/39 50-59 21:39.0 6:59/M 66 Dave Goodwin Yes 415 57 M 14/39 50-59 21:39.0 6:59/M 67 Brian Robinson 659 41 M 7/31 40-49 21:40.0 6:59/M 68 Nolan Hosbein Yes 434 11 M 2/24 1-12 21:46.0 7:01/M 69 Scott Sullivan 685 45 M 8/31 40-49 21:47.0 7:02/M 70 Eric Vaughn Yes 608 46 M 9/31 40-49 21:49.0 7:02/M 71 Duncan Meech 649 50 M 15/39 50-59 21:58.0 7:05/M 72 Nuvit Foster Yes 396 54 F 3/34 50-59 22:14.0 7:10/M 73 James Baldwin Yes 300 43 M 10/31 40-49 22:14.0 7:10/M 74 Sherman Chan No 350 41 M 11/31 40-49 22:16.0 7:11/M 75 Heather Benton Yes 309 27 F 2/13 20-29 22:17.0 7:11/M 76 Nehemiah Skandera Yes 576 12 M 3/24 1-12 22:18.0 7:12/M 77 David Seette 646 55 M 16/39 50-59 22:19.0 7:12/M 78 Jen Clouse Yes 368 29 F 3/13 20-29 22:23.0 7:13/M 79 Joshua Pine No 530 17 M 7/10 16-19 22:26.0 7:14/M 80 Joe Sanchez Yes 555 58 M 17/39 50-59 22:28.0 7:15/M 81 Michael Quigley Yes 535 63 M 5/16 60-69 22:31.0 7:16/M 82 Karen Kissick Yes 457 57 F 4/34 50-59 22:33.0 7:16/M 83 Tori Meredith Yes 493 57 F 5/34 50-59 22:39.0 7:18/M 84 Larry Meredith Yes 492 57 M 18/39 50-59 22:40.0 7:19/M 85 Jake Gordon 673 11 M 4/24 1-12 22:41.0 7:19/M 86 Jillian Bryant Yes 337 28 F 4/13 20-29 22:43.0 7:20/M 87 Brant Dierke 645 45 M 12/31 40-49 22:43.0 7:20/M 88 Sara Keys Yes 456 38 F 5/39 30-39 22:46.0 7:21/M 89 Luis Rosales Yes 548 53 M 19/39 50-59 22:49.0 7:22/M 90 Grace Hosbein Yes 431 14 F 3/5 13-15 22:54.0 7:23/M 91 Josh Ridout 655 42 M 13/31 40-49 22:55.0 7:24/M 92 Jennifer Wilson Yes 624 37 F 6/39 30-39 23:01.0 7:25/M 93 Ken Nieman Yes 513 55 M 20/39 50-59 23:06.0 7:27/M 94 Abraham Skandera Yes 572 14 M 6/7 13-15 23:07.0 7:27/M 95 Rebekah Skandera Yes 577 9 F 4/25 1-12 23:08.0 7:28/M 96 Mark Kozlowski Yes 459 52 M 21/39 50-59 23:10.0 7:28/M 97 Mark Mathewson Yes 483 51 M 22/39 50-59 23:20.0 7:32/M 98 Kc Kennedy Yes 452 48 F 2/32 40-49 23:24.0 7:33/M 99 Brendan Hutchinson Yes 439 71 M 1/10 70-99 23:26.0 7:34/M 100 Dalah Carretero Yes 342 24 F 5/13 20-29 23:28.0 7:34/M

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Gender Age Group Total Time Pace 101 Renee Vargas Yes 607 48 F 3/32 40-49 23:29.0 7:35/M 102 Caronna Salvatore 642 61 M 6/16 60-69 23:36.0 7:37/M 103 Ellie Civello Yes 365 13 F 4/5 13-15 23:38.0 7:37/M 104 Bill Browne Yes 335 65 M 7/16 60-69 23:41.0 7:38/M 105 David Abbott Yes 293 53 M 23/39 50-59 23:43.0 7:39/M 106 Benjamin Bryant Yes 336 28 M 6/8 20-29 24:07.0 7:47/M 107 Kevin Teuscher Yes 591 63 M 8/16 60-69 24:09.0 7:47/M 108 Kevin Seette 648 20 M 7/8 20-29 24:12.0 7:48/M 109 Debbie Beem No 306 56 F 6/34 50-59 24:15.0 7:49/M 110 Gretchen Forrey Yes 394 26 F 6/13 20-29 24:23.0 7:52/M 111 Jerry Finlay Yes 391 36 M 11/23 30-39 24:24.0 7:52/M 112 Emil Shieh Yes 567 47 M 14/31 40-49 24:26.0 7:53/M 113 Jim Moore Yes 498 52 M 24/39 50-59 24:29.0 7:54/M 114 Audrey Hepburn 643 16 F 3/7 16-19 24:30.0 7:54/M 115 Melanie Mathewson Yes 484 16 F 4/7 16-19 24:31.0 7:55/M 116 S. Z. Bohn Yes 327 10 M 5/24 1-12 24:31.0 7:55/M 117 Peter Jones 650 48 M 15/31 40-49 24:41.0 7:58/M

118 Lisa Titus Isabeau Yes 441 56 F 7/34 50-59 24:42.0 7:58/M 119 Phil Melman 670 49 M 16/31 40-49 24:45.0 7:59/M 120 Terry White 644 45 M 17/31 40-49 24:53.0 8:02/M 121 Jane Nieman Yes 512 55 F 8/34 50-59 24:58.0 8:03/M 122 Carl Triola Yes 599 45 M 18/31 40-49 25:06.0 8:06/M 123 Linda Reed Yes 539 55 F 9/34 50-59 25:11.0 8:07/M 124 James Gesell Yes 407 10 M 6/24 1-12 25:20.0 8:10/M 125 Bob Holland 641 70 M 2/10 70-99 25:27.0 8:13/M 126 Hannah Saffold Yes 553 32 F 7/39 30-39 25:29.0 8:13/M 127 Tanya Narath Yes 508 51 F 10/34 50-59 25:30.0 8:14/M 128 Amanda Smith Yes 581 33 F 8/39 30-39 25:32.0 8:14/M 129 Lilja Chung Yes 359 10 F 5/25 1-12 25:38.0 8:16/M 130 Christopher Chung Yes 357 44 M 19/31 40-49 25:38.0 8:16/M 131 Chris Martindill 675 54 F 11/34 50-59 25:41.0 8:17/M 132 Trevor Swallow Yes 587 38 M 12/23 30-39 25:46.0 8:19/M 133 Christopher Turner No 605 28 M 8/8 20-29 25:49.0 8:20/M 134 Andy Price No 532 50 M 25/39 50-59 25:52.0 8:21/M 135 Jessica Klein No 458 34 F 9/39 30-39 25:57.0 8:22/M 136 Jack Larson Yes 465 9 M 7/24 1-12 26:00.0 8:23/M 137 Corey Larson Yes 464 35 M 13/23 30-39 26:01.0 8:24/M 138 Brett Lear No 467 46 M 20/31 40-49 26:04.0 8:25/M 139 Mark Martindill 676 56 M 26/39 50-59 26:06.0 8:25/M 140 Margaux Seette 647 16 F 5/7 16-19 26:08.0 8:26/M 141 Laura Kudla Yes 461 49 F 4/32 40-49 26:09.0 8:26/M 142 Brennain Garber Yes 403 33 M 14/23 30-39 26:10.0 8:26/M 143 Charlie Carpenter 683 56 M 27/39 50-59 26:11.0 8:27/M 144 Tessa Berg Yes 315 42 F 5/32 40-49 26:16.0 8:28/M 145 Thomas Wallace Yes 613 30 M 15/23 30-39 26:18.0 8:29/M 146 Martha Jones 651 48 F 6/32 40-49 26:20.0 8:30/M 147 Kim Nazarek Yes 510 52 M 28/39 50-59 26:21.0 8:30/M 148 Duncan Hatch Yes 422 17 M 8/10 16-19 26:26.0 8:32/M

149 Julie Owens Yes 523 59 F 12/34 50-59 26:29.0 8:33/M 150 Dara Hill Yes 427 62 F 1/11 60-69 26:32.0 8:34/M

151 William Marshall Yes 479 74 M 3/10 70-99 26:34.0 8:34/M 152 John Hosbein Yes 433 45 M 21/31 40-49 26:52.0 8:40/M 153 Ian Hosbein Yes 432 16 M 9/10 16-19 26:53.0 8:40/M 154 Veuzmr Ruganowo 667 64 M 9/16 60-69 26:56.0 8:41/M 155 Bob Frazer Yes 397 71 M 4/10 70-99 27:00.0 8:43/M 156 Aurora Bissiri No 321 17 F 6/7 16-19 27:01.0 8:43/M 157 Wayne Hinrichs Yes 428 67 M 10/16 60-69 27:07.0 8:45/M 158 Don Sampson Yes 554 67 M 11/16 60-69 27:20.0 8:49/M 159 Kimiko Bissiri No 322 57 F 13/34 50-59 27:24.0 8:50/M 160 Leah Sanchez Yes 556 30 F 10/39 30-39 27:33.0 8:53/M 161 Ethan Cole Yes 370 12 M 8/24 1-12 27:34.0 8:54/M 162 Mark Cole Yes 371 41 M 22/31 40-49 27:34.0 8:54/M 163 Amy Melman 672 11 F 6/25 1-12 27:35.0 8:54/M 164 Leticia Chavez Yes 353 19 F 7/7 16-19 27:38.0 8:55/M 165 Diego Chavez Yes 352 11 M 9/24 1-12 27:39.0 8:55/M 166 Jen Melman 671 43 F 7/32 40-49 27:39.0 8:55/M 167 Jeanne Marie Besanceney Yes 316 48 F 8/32 40-49 27:41.0 8:56/M 168 Nataleigh Johnson Yes 448 11 F 7/25 1-12 27:48.0 8:58/M 169 Jessica Kerger No 454 25 F 7/13 20-29 27:54.0 9:00/M 170 Joni Fausone 658 53 F 14/34 50-59 27:57.0 9:01/M 171 Bridget Hayes Yes 423 39 F 11/39 30-39 28:00.0 9:02/M 172 Kellie McCoy Yes 490 45 F 9/32 40-49 28:03.0 9:03/M 173 Surachai Intarapravich Yes 440 59 M 29/39 50-59 28:11.0 9:05/M 174 Jay Silverstein No 568 54 M 30/39 50-59 28:16.0 9:07/M 175 Betsy Grebe Yes 416 37 F 12/39 30-39 28:17.0 9:07/M 176 Leena Chung Yes 358 47 F 10/32 40-49 28:21.0 9:09/M 177 Linda Osburn-Welsh 652 52 F 15/34 50-59 28:29.0 9:11/M 178 Michelle Frindell No 400 36 F 13/39 30-39 28:38.0 9:14/M 179 Deborah Buck 657 52 F 16/34 50-59 28:41.0 9:15/M 180 Eris Weaver Yes 615 55 F 17/34 50-59 28:47.0 9:17/M

181 August Gesell Yes 405 8 M 10/24 1-12 28:51.0 9:18/M 182 Kerry Gesell Yes 408 41 F 11/32 40-49 28:51.0 9:18/M 183 Paul Peck Yes 527 54 M 31/39 50-59 28:52.0 9:19/M 184 Benjamin Long 635 9 M 11/24 1-12 28:55.0 9:20/M 185 Gane Tucker Yes 602 11 M 12/24 1-12 29:02.0 9:22/M 186 Julie Tucker Yes 604 38 F 14/39 30-39 29:02.0 9:22/M 187 Caroline Shaw 663 52 F 18/34 50-59 29:02.0 9:22/M 188 Gina Coffey No 369 25 F 8/13 20-29 29:26.0 9:30/M 189 Renee Lickey 679 41 F 12/32 40-49 29:37.0 9:33/M 190 Caitlin Mouille Yes 501 31 F 15/39 30-39 29:44.0 9:35/M 191 Pana Wilder No 621 68 F 2/11 60-69 29:48.0 9:37/M 192 Michelle Thomson Yes 596 48 F 13/32 40-49 29:59.0 9:40/M 193 Natalie Tornatore 638 40 F 14/32 40-49 30:08.0 9:43/M 194 Paulino Ramos Yes 536 43 M 23/31 40-49 30:16.0 9:46/M 195 Margarita Chavez Yes 354 37 F 16/39 30-39 30:17.0 9:46/M 196 Charles Pickle No 528 10 M 13/24 1-12 30:20.0 9:47/M 197 Leeann Paul No 526 45 F 15/32 40-49 30:21.0 9:47/M 198 Stephanie Baldwin Yes 301 36 F 17/39 30-39 30:22.0 9:48/M 199 George Ridout 666 72 M 5/10 70-99 30:22.0 9:48/M 200 Dan Thomson Yes 594 49 M 24/31 40-49 30:36.0 9:52/M

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Gender Age Group Total Time Pace 201 Jennifer Lebrett No 468 49 F 16/32 40-49 30:47.0 9:56/M 202 Greg Meyers No 495 46 M 25/31 40-49 30:58.0 9:59/M 203 Paula Duran Yes 382 52 F 19/34 50-59 31:04.0 10:01/M 204 Jeffrey Rosen Yes 549 51 M 32/39 50-59 31:04.0 10:01/M 205 Desiree Rodriguez No 543 47 F 17/32 40-49 31:07.0 10:02/M 206 Michael Westrick No 619 59 M 33/39 50-59 31:09.0 10:03/M 207 Jack Berg Yes 312 11 M 14/24 1-12 31:13.0 10:04/M 208 Allie Beth 680 11 F 8/25 1-12 31:20.0 10:06/M 209 Maria Trickel Yes 598 28 F 9/13 20-29 31:29.0 10:09/M 210 Jennifer Ortlinghaus Yes 520 44 F 18/32 40-49 31:38.0 10:12/M 211 William Ortlinghaus Yes 521 50 M 34/39 50-59 31:39.0 10:13/M 212 Erica Metz Yes 494 38 F 18/39 30-39 31:44.0 10:14/M 213 Eric Nordvold Yes 515 67 M 12/16 60-69 31:48.0 10:15/M 214 Julie Wetherell No 620 31 F 19/39 30-39 31:52.0 10:17/M 215 Darryl Beardall Yes 305 78 M 6/10 70-99 31:55.0 10:18/M

216 William Parks Yes 525 62 M 13/16 60-69 32:05.0 10:21/M 217 Christina Casella Yes 344 34 F 20/39 30-39 32:12.0 10:23/M 218 Abbie Stewart Yes 586 71 F 1/3 70-99 32:15.0 10:24/M 219 Jack Wilson Yes 623 8 M 15/24 1-12 32:16.0 10:25/M 220 Ariel Reyes No 541 31 F 21/39 30-39 32:21.0 10:26/M 221 Denise Morris No 500 47 F 19/32 40-49 32:22.0 10:26/M 222 Tom Robbe 633 65 M 14/16 60-69 32:29.0 10:29/M 223 Alexia Mones Yes 497 12 F 9/25 1-12 32:30.0 10:29/M 224 Sarah Friedman Yes 399 33 F 22/39 30-39 32:34.0 10:30/M 225 Aaron Friedman Yes 398 34 M 16/23 30-39 32:37.0 10:31/M 226 Natalie Young Yes 628 48 F 20/32 40-49 32:39.0 10:32/M 227 Michael Hinton Yes 429 72 M 7/10 70-99 32:39.0 10:32/M 228 Kathy Kelly Yes 451 63 F 3/11 60-69 32:48.0 10:35/M 229 Valerie Lester Yes 470 29 F 10/13 20-29 32:49.0 10:35/M 230 Peggy Corcoran Yes 373 63 F 4/11 60-69 32:54.0 10:37/M 231 Cindy Beth Yes 317 47 F 21/32 40-49 32:55.0 10:37/M 232 Dale Leyhe Yes 471 83 M 8/10 70-99 33:10.0 10:42/M 233 Cathy Brown 639 49 F 22/32 40-49 33:12.0 10:43/M 234 Jennifer Ratcliffe Yes 537 48 F 23/32 40-49 33:13.0 10:43/M 235 Anna Dufloth 661 36 F 23/39 30-39 33:13.0 10:43/M 236 Kuanyan Huang Yes 436 37 F 24/39 30-39 33:14.0 10:43/M 237 Lucille Nichols No 511 61 F 5/11 60-69 33:15.0 10:44/M 238 Sandra Stewart 632 66 F 6/11 60-69 33:31.0 10:49/M 239 Deborah Westrick No 618 60 F 7/11 60-69 33:37.0 10:51/M 240 Carl Jackson Yes 442 81 M 9/10 70-99 34:08.0 11:01/M 241 Alison Duke 662 53 F 20/34 50-59 34:10.0 11:01/M 242 Martin Seeger 668 66 M 15/16 60-69 34:14.0 11:03/M 243 Nancy Cummings 677 67 F 8/11 60-69 34:20.0 11:05/M 244 Hilleary Izard 669 37 F 25/39 30-39 34:21.0 11:05/M 245 Sherri Guinn No 417 68 F 9/11 60-69 34:23.0 11:05/M 246 Sonia Sciucchetti No 563 50 F 21/34 50-59 34:36.0 11:10/M 247 Patty Engh No 387 35 F 26/39 30-39 34:38.0 11:10/M 248 Paityn Rollag Yes 546 6 F 10/25 1-12 35:07.0 11:20/M

249 Jackie Rollag Yes 545 30 F 27/39 30-39 35:08.0 11:20/M 250 Robert Rollag Yes 547 32 M 17/23 30-39 35:08.0 11:20/M 251 Vanessa Wallace Yes 614 27 F 11/13 20-29 35:10.0 11:21/M 252 Anna Myers Yes 507 53 F 22/34 50-59 35:10.0 11:21/M 253 Alvin Myers Yes 506 53 M 35/39 50-59 35:10.0 11:21/M 254 Demian Vonderkuhlen Yes 612 44 M 26/31 40-49 35:17.0 11:23/M 255 Anneka Vonderkuhlen Yes 611 8 F 11/25 1-12 35:17.0 11:23/M 256 Dashiell Vonderkuhlen Yes 610 5 M 16/24 1-12 35:17.0 11:23/M 257 Rose Kaw Yes 450 49 F 24/32 40-49 35:28.0 11:26/M 258 Erika Smallen Yes 580 42 F 25/32 40-49 35:41.0 11:31/M 259 Maureen Edgar Yes 385 51 F 23/34 50-59 35:44.0 11:32/M 260 Josef Sinigiani Yes 571 9 M 17/24 1-12 36:12.0 11:41/M 261 Katherine Larson Yes 466 34 F 28/39 30-39 36:40.0 11:50/M 262 Cade Larson Yes 463 5 M 18/24 1-12 36:40.0 11:50/M 263 Erin Weaver 653 36 F 29/39 30-39 36:42.0 11:50/M 264 Anne Vonderkuhlen Yes 609 42 F 26/32 40-49 36:43.0 11:51/M 265 Sabrina Pellegrini 640 33 F 30/39 30-39 36:44.0 11:51/M 266 Sharon Rossetti No 550 47 F 27/32 40-49 37:04.0 11:57/M 267 Elaine Oliver Yes 518 41 F 28/32 40-49 37:04.0 11:57/M 268 Chris Oliver Yes 517 39 M 18/23 30-39 37:06.0 11:58/M 269 Carmen Sinigiani Yes 570 35 F 31/39 30-39 37:21.0 12:03/M 270 Anthony Sinigiani Yes 569 10 M 19/24 1-12 37:21.0 12:03/M 271 Maud Fitzpatrick Yes 393 54 F 24/34 50-59 37:23.0 12:04/M 272 Lauri Belfor-Moyer Yes 307 58 F 25/34 50-59 37:53.0 12:13/M 273 Sean Taylor No 589 57 M 36/39 50-59 37:57.0 12:15/M 274 Katherine Catanzarite Yes 345 60 F 10/11 60-69 38:00.0 12:15/M 275 George Martin Yes 480 5 M 20/24 1-12 38:24.0 12:23/M 276 Sarah Martin Yes 481 47 F 29/32 40-49 38:24.0 12:23/M

277 Mariana Eakle Yes 383 9 F 12/25 1-12 38:36.0 12:27/M 278 Lori Barekman Yes 303 54 F 26/34 50-59 38:37.0 12:27/M 279 Wade Eakle Yes 384 55 M 37/39 50-59 38:38.0 12:28/M 280 Joe Civello Yes 366 52 M 38/39 50-59 39:18.0 12:41/M 281 Brian Tucker Yes 601 46 M 27/31 40-49 39:29.0 12:44/M 282 Cece Nordvold Yes 514 64 F 11/11 60-69 40:35.0 13:05/M 283 Kenji Fagundes Yes 389 8 M 21/24 1-12 41:27.0 13:22/M 284 Mariko Wesley Fagundes Yes 617 43 F 30/32 40-49 41:28.0 13:23/M 285 J Fagundes Yes 388 49 M 28/31 40-49 41:29.0 13:23/M 286 Angelina Hansen No 420 12 F 13/25 1-12 41:37.0 13:25/M 287 Diana Baker No 296 25 F 12/13 20-29 41:37.0 13:25/M 288 Fia Huebel Yes 438 7 F 14/25 1-12 42:14.0 13:37/M 289 Megan Johnson Yes 447 7 F 15/25 1-12 42:15.0 13:38/M 290 Tiffany Bellize Yes 308 39 F 32/39 30-39 42:16.0 13:38/M 291 David Huebel Yes 437 35 M 19/23 30-39 42:16.0 13:38/M 292 Gail Mouille Yes 502 55 F 27/34 50-59 42:53.0 13:50/M 293 Aida Herrera-Keehn No 425 54 F 28/34 50-59 43:57.0 14:11/M 294 Parker Jakel Yes 443 14 M 7/7 13-15 44:08.0 14:14/M 295 Jeanette Blackford No 323 45 F 31/32 40-49 44:33.0 14:22/M 296 Jared Beth Yes 318 17 M 10/10 16-19 44:52.0 14:28/M 297 Reannon Emmot No 386 31 F 33/39 30-39 45:02.0 14:32/M 298 Kathleen MacPherson Yes 474 74 F 2/3 70-99 45:15.0 14:36/M 299 Debbie Ortiz No 519 54 F 29/34 50-59 45:19.0 14:37/M 300 Kristen Beth Yes 319 15 F 5/5 13-15 45:53.0 14:48/M

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Gender Age Group Total Time Pace 301 Sasha Cave Yes 348 31 F 34/39 30-39 46:03.0 14:51/M 302 Kimiko Fagundes Yes 390 10 F 16/25 1-12 46:03.0 14:51/M 303 Katherine Enders 684 35 F 35/39 30-39 46:06.0 14:52/M 304 Wendy Mouille Yes 503 58 F 30/34 50-59 46:08.0 14:53/M 305 Sophia Jauregui 681 6 F 17/25 1-12 47:06.0 15:12/M 306 Jessica Jauregui No 444 37 F 36/39 30-39 47:06.0 15:12/M 307 Dick Owens Yes 522 60 M 16/16 60-69 48:13.0 15:33/M 308 Chris Keys Yes 455 39 M 20/23 30-39 48:15.0 15:34/M 309 Carol Cairo No 339 70 F 3/3 70-99 48:22.0 15:36/M 310 Addison Cave Yes 346 5 F 18/25 1-12 48:25.0 15:37/M 311 Jason Cave Yes 347 36 M 21/23 30-39 48:26.0 15:37/M 312 Kathy Deweese Yes 378 45 F 32/32 40-49 48:34.0 15:40/M 313 Katherine Long 636 6 F 19/25 1-12 48:35.0 15:40/M 314 Emma Long 637 10 F 20/25 1-12 48:38.0 15:41/M 315 Michael Long 634 39 M 22/23 30-39 48:39.0 15:42/M 316 Paige Johnson Yes 449 7 F 21/25 1-12 50:53.0 16:25/M 317 Beth Johnson Yes 445 37 F 37/39 30-39 50:53.0 16:25/M 318 Charlie Johnson Yes 446 42 M 29/31 40-49 50:54.0 16:25/M 319 Ernst Bohn Yes 326 74 M 10/10 70-99 51:42.0 16:41/M 320 E. J. Bohn Yes 325 48 M 30/31 40-49 51:43.0 16:41/M 321 Ethan Berg Yes 311 7 M 22/24 1-12 53:55.0 17:24/M 322 Sabrina Scharich No 560 6 F 22/25 1-12 55:15.0 17:49/M 323 Travis Scharich No 561 4 M 23/24 1-12 55:15.0 17:49/M 324 Katie Scharich Yes 559 39 F 38/39 30-39 55:16.0 17:50/M 325 Marley Glazier Yes 412 5 F 23/25 1-12 55:51.0 18:01/M 326 Gigi Glazier Yes 410 35 F 39/39 30-39 55:56.0 18:03/M 327 Dylan Glazier Yes 409 3 M 24/24 1-12 56:00.0 18:04/M 328 Jason Glazier Yes 411 41 M 31/31 40-49 56:01.0 18:04/M 329 Teresa Baldassari No 299 29 F 13/13 20-29 57:44.0 18:37/M 330 Mark Baldassari No 298 54 M 39/39 50-59 57:45.0 18:38/M 331 Kathy Baldassari No 297 55 F 31/34 50-59 57:45.0 18:38/M 332 Emily Keram Yes 453 54 F 32/34 50-59 1:04:37.0 20:51/M 333 Tina Murray No 505 58 F 33/34 50-59 1:04:42.0 20:52/M 334 Laurie Ballentine No 302 58 F 34/34 50-59 1:04:45.0 20:53/M 335 Nicole Wilson Yes 627 6 F 24/25 1-12 1:08:48.0 22:12/M 336 Josh Wilson Yes 625 38 M 23/23 30-39 1:08:51.0 22:13/M 337 Laurel Wilson Yes 626 9 F 25/25 1-12 1:08:55.0 22:14/M DQ Abby Moreno No 499 26 F DQ/13 20-29 ------Phaby-Gray Resolution Run 2015 Age Group Results

January 01, 2015

Corrections? email [email protected]

Men: 1-12 13-15 16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-99 Women: 1-12 13-15 16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-99 5K

Top Female 12 and Under

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Madison Denny Yes 377 11 22 18:57.0 6:07/M 2 Sarah Skandera Yes 579 10 47 20:38.0 6:39/M 3 Bethany Chan No 349 9 52 21:00.0 6:46/M 4 Rebekah Skandera Yes 577 9 95 23:08.0 7:28/M 5 Lilja Chung Yes 359 10 129 25:38.0 8:16/M 6 Amy Melman 672 11 163 27:35.0 8:54/M 7 Nataleigh Johnson Yes 448 11 168 27:48.0 8:58/M 8 Allie Beth 680 11 208 31:20.0 10:06/M 9 Alexia Mones Yes 497 12 223 32:30.0 10:29/M 10 Paityn Rollag Yes 546 6 248 35:07.0 11:20/M 11 Anneka Vonderkuhlen Yes 611 8 255 35:17.0 11:23/M 12 Mariana Eakle Yes 383 9 277 38:36.0 12:27/M 13 Angelina Hansen No 420 12 286 41:37.0 13:25/M 14 Fia Huebel Yes 438 7 288 42:14.0 13:37/M 15 Megan Johnson Yes 447 7 289 42:15.0 13:38/M 16 Kimiko Fagundes Yes 390 10 302 46:03.0 14:51/M 17 Sophia Jauregui 681 6 305 47:06.0 15:12/M 18 Addison Cave Yes 346 5 310 48:25.0 15:37/M 19 Katherine Long 636 6 313 48:35.0 15:40/M 20 Emma Long 637 10 314 48:38.0 15:41/M 21 Paige Johnson Yes 449 7 316 50:53.0 16:25/M 22 Sabrina Scharich No 560 6 322 55:15.0 17:49/M 23 Marley Glazier Yes 412 5 325 55:51.0 18:01/M 24 Nicole Wilson Yes 627 6 335 1:08:48.0 22:12/M 25 Laurel Wilson Yes 626 9 337 1:08:55.0 22:14/M Top Female 13 to 15

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Mckenna Sell Yes 565 14 44 20:31.0 6:37/M 2 Molly Kozlowski Yes 460 15 58 21:22.0 6:54/M 3 Grace Hosbein Yes 431 14 90 22:54.0 7:23/M 4 Ellie Civello Yes 365 13 103 23:38.0 7:37/M 5 Kristen Beth Yes 319 15 300 45:53.0 14:48/M Top Female 16 to 19

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Luz Sanchez No 557 19 31 19:28.0 6:17/M 2 Erica Ruiz No 552 18 42 20:21.0 6:34/M 3 Audrey Hepburn 643 16 114 24:30.0 7:54/M 4 Melanie Mathewson Yes 484 16 115 24:31.0 7:55/M 5 Margaux Seette 647 16 140 26:08.0 8:26/M 6 Aurora Bissiri No 321 17 156 27:01.0 8:43/M 7 Leticia Chavez Yes 353 19 164 27:38.0 8:55/M Top Female 20 to 29

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Carly Forte Yes 395 25 19 18:52.0 6:05/M 2 Heather Benton Yes 309 27 75 22:17.0 7:11/M 3 Jen Clouse Yes 368 29 78 22:23.0 7:13/M 4 Jillian Bryant Yes 337 28 86 22:43.0 7:20/M 5 Dalah Carretero Yes 342 24 100 23:28.0 7:34/M 6 Gretchen Forrey Yes 394 26 110 24:23.0 7:52/M 7 Jessica Kerger No 454 25 169 27:54.0 9:00/M 8 Gina Coffey No 369 25 188 29:26.0 9:30/M 9 Maria Trickel Yes 598 28 209 31:29.0 10:09/M 10 Valerie Lester Yes 470 29 229 32:49.0 10:35/M 11 Vanessa Wallace Yes 614 27 251 35:10.0 11:21/M 12 Diana Baker No 296 25 287 41:37.0 13:25/M 13 Teresa Baldassari No 299 29 329 57:44.0 18:37/M DQ Abby Moreno No 499 26 DQ --- 14:55/M Top Female 30 to 39

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Kate Papadopoulos Yes 524 36 33 19:34.0 6:19/M 2 Karen Frindell Teuscher Yes 401 38 39 20:14.0 6:32/M 3 Andrea Guzman Yes 419 33 46 20:37.0 6:39/M 4 Margot Ridout 656 37 57 21:21.0 6:53/M 5 Sara Keys Yes 456 38 88 22:46.0 7:21/M 6 Jennifer Wilson Yes 624 37 92 23:01.0 7:25/M 7 Hannah Saffold Yes 553 32 126 25:29.0 8:13/M 8 Amanda Smith Yes 581 33 128 25:32.0 8:14/M 9 Jessica Klein No 458 34 135 25:57.0 8:22/M 10 Leah Sanchez Yes 556 30 160 27:33.0 8:53/M 11 Bridget Hayes Yes 423 39 171 28:00.0 9:02/M 12 Betsy Grebe Yes 416 37 175 28:17.0 9:07/M 13 Michelle Frindell No 400 36 178 28:38.0 9:14/M 14 Julie Tucker Yes 604 38 186 29:02.0 9:22/M 15 Caitlin Mouille Yes 501 31 190 29:44.0 9:35/M 16 Margarita Chavez Yes 354 37 195 30:17.0 9:46/M 17 Stephanie Baldwin Yes 301 36 198 30:22.0 9:48/M 18 Erica Metz Yes 494 38 212 31:44.0 10:14/M 19 Julie Wetherell No 620 31 214 31:52.0 10:17/M 20 Christina Casella Yes 344 34 217 32:12.0 10:23/M 21 Ariel Reyes No 541 31 220 32:21.0 10:26/M 22 Sarah Friedman Yes 399 33 224 32:34.0 10:30/M 23 Anna Dufloth 661 36 235 33:13.0 10:43/M 24 Kuanyan Huang Yes 436 37 236 33:14.0 10:43/M 25 Hilleary Izard 669 37 244 34:21.0 11:05/M 26 Patty Engh No 387 35 247 34:38.0 11:10/M 27 Jackie Rollag Yes 545 30 249 35:08.0 11:20/M 28 Katherine Larson Yes 466 34 261 36:40.0 11:50/M 29 Erin Weaver 653 36 263 36:42.0 11:50/M 30 Sabrina Pellegrini 640 33 265 36:44.0 11:51/M 31 Carmen Sinigiani Yes 570 35 269 37:21.0 12:03/M 32 Tiffany Bellize Yes 308 39 290 42:16.0 13:38/M 33 Reannon Emmot No 386 31 297 45:02.0 14:32/M 34 Sasha Cave Yes 348 31 301 46:03.0 14:51/M 35 Katherine Enders 684 35 303 46:06.0 14:52/M 36 Jessica Jauregui No 444 37 306 47:06.0 15:12/M 37 Beth Johnson Yes 445 37 317 50:53.0 16:25/M 38 Katie Scharich Yes 559 39 324 55:16.0 17:50/M 39 Gigi Glazier Yes 410 35 326 55:56.0 18:03/M Top Female 40 to 49

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Eileen Hosbein Yes 430 44 60 21:27.0 6:55/M 2 Kc Kennedy Yes 452 48 98 23:24.0 7:33/M 3 Renee Vargas Yes 607 48 101 23:29.0 7:35/M 4 Laura Kudla Yes 461 49 141 26:09.0 8:26/M 5 Tessa Berg Yes 315 42 144 26:16.0 8:28/M 6 Martha Jones 651 48 146 26:20.0 8:30/M 7 Jen Melman 671 43 166 27:39.0 8:55/M 8 Jeanne Marie Besanceney Yes 316 48 167 27:41.0 8:56/M 9 Kellie McCoy Yes 490 45 172 28:03.0 9:03/M 10 Leena Chung Yes 358 47 176 28:21.0 9:09/M 11 Kerry Gesell Yes 408 41 182 28:51.0 9:18/M 12 Renee Lickey 679 41 189 29:37.0 9:33/M 13 Michelle Thomson Yes 596 48 192 29:59.0 9:40/M 14 Natalie Tornatore 638 40 193 30:08.0 9:43/M 15 Leeann Paul No 526 45 197 30:21.0 9:47/M 16 Jennifer Lebrett No 468 49 201 30:47.0 9:56/M 17 Desiree Rodriguez No 543 47 205 31:07.0 10:02/M 18 Jennifer Ortlinghaus Yes 520 44 210 31:38.0 10:12/M 19 Denise Morris No 500 47 221 32:22.0 10:26/M 20 Natalie Young Yes 628 48 226 32:39.0 10:32/M 21 Cindy Beth Yes 317 47 231 32:55.0 10:37/M 22 Cathy Brown 639 49 233 33:12.0 10:43/M 23 Jennifer Ratcliffe Yes 537 48 234 33:13.0 10:43/M 24 Rose Kaw Yes 450 49 257 35:28.0 11:26/M 25 Erika Smallen Yes 580 42 258 35:41.0 11:31/M 26 Anne Vonderkuhlen Yes 609 42 264 36:43.0 11:51/M 27 Sharon Rossetti No 550 47 266 37:04.0 11:57/M 28 Elaine Oliver Yes 518 41 267 37:04.0 11:57/M 29 Sarah Martin Yes 481 47 276 38:24.0 12:23/M 30 Mariko Wesley Fagundes Yes 617 43 284 41:28.0 13:23/M 31 Jeanette Blackford No 323 45 295 44:33.0 14:22/M 32 Kathy Deweese Yes 378 45 312 48:34.0 15:40/M Top Female 50 to 59

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Cathy Dubay Yes 381 50 23 19:00.0 6:08/M 2 Shelly Lydon Yes 473 53 62 21:31.0 6:56/M 3 Nuvit Foster Yes 396 54 72 22:14.0 7:10/M 4 Karen Kissick Yes 457 57 82 22:33.0 7:16/M 5 Tori Meredith Yes 493 57 83 22:39.0 7:18/M 6 Debbie Beem No 306 56 109 24:15.0 7:49/M 7 Lisa Titus Isabeau Yes 441 56 118 24:42.0 7:58/M 8 Jane Nieman Yes 512 55 121 24:58.0 8:03/M 9 Linda Reed Yes 539 55 123 25:11.0 8:07/M 10 Tanya Narath Yes 508 51 127 25:30.0 8:14/M 11 Chris Martindill 675 54 131 25:41.0 8:17/M 12 Julie Owens Yes 523 59 149 26:29.0 8:33/M 13 Kimiko Bissiri No 322 57 159 27:24.0 8:50/M 14 Joni Fausone 658 53 170 27:57.0 9:01/M 15 Linda Osburn-Welsh 652 52 177 28:29.0 9:11/M 16 Deborah Buck 657 52 179 28:41.0 9:15/M 17 Eris Weaver Yes 615 55 180 28:47.0 9:17/M 18 Caroline Shaw 663 52 187 29:02.0 9:22/M 19 Paula Duran Yes 382 52 203 31:04.0 10:01/M 20 Alison Duke 662 53 241 34:10.0 11:01/M 21 Sonia Sciucchetti No 563 50 246 34:36.0 11:10/M 22 Anna Myers Yes 507 53 252 35:10.0 11:21/M 23 Maureen Edgar Yes 385 51 259 35:44.0 11:32/M 24 Maud Fitzpatrick Yes 393 54 271 37:23.0 12:04/M 25 Lauri Belfor-Moyer Yes 307 58 272 37:53.0 12:13/M

26 Lori Barekman Yes 303 54 278 38:37.0 12:27/M 27 Gail Mouille Yes 502 55 292 42:53.0 13:50/M 28 Aida Herrera-Keehn No 425 54 293 43:57.0 14:11/M 29 Debbie Ortiz No 519 54 299 45:19.0 14:37/M 30 Wendy Mouille Yes 503 58 304 46:08.0 14:53/M 31 Kathy Baldassari No 297 55 331 57:45.0 18:38/M 32 Emily Keram Yes 453 54 332 1:04:37.0 20:51/M 33 Tina Murray No 505 58 333 1:04:42.0 20:52/M 34 Laurie Ballentine No 302 58 334 1:04:45.0 20:53/M Top Female 60 to 69

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Dara Hill Yes 427 62 150 26:32.0 8:34/M 2 Pana Wilder No 621 68 191 29:48.0 9:37/M 3 Kathy Kelly Yes 451 63 228 32:48.0 10:35/M 4 Peggy Corcoran Yes 373 63 230 32:54.0 10:37/M 5 Lucille Nichols No 511 61 237 33:15.0 10:44/M 6 Sandra Stewart 632 66 238 33:31.0 10:49/M 7 Deborah Westrick No 618 60 239 33:37.0 10:51/M 8 Nancy Cummings 677 67 243 34:20.0 11:05/M 9 Sherri Guinn No 417 68 245 34:23.0 11:05/M 10 Katherine Catanzarite Yes 345 60 274 38:00.0 12:15/M 11 Cece Nordvold Yes 514 64 282 40:35.0 13:05/M Top Female 70 and Over Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Abbie Stewart Yes 586 71 218 32:15.0 10:24/M 2 Kathleen MacPherson Yes 474 74 298 45:15.0 14:36/M 3 Carol Cairo No 339 70 309 48:22.0 15:36/M Top Male 12 and Under

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Daniel Skandera Yes 574 7 53 21:00.0 6:46/M 2 Nolan Hosbein Yes 434 11 68 21:46.0 7:01/M 3 Nehemiah Skandera Yes 576 12 76 22:18.0 7:12/M 4 Jake Gordon 673 11 85 22:41.0 7:19/M 5 S. Z. Bohn Yes 327 10 116 24:31.0 7:55/M 6 James Gesell Yes 407 10 124 25:20.0 8:10/M 7 Jack Larson Yes 465 9 136 26:00.0 8:23/M 8 Ethan Cole Yes 370 12 161 27:34.0 8:54/M 9 Diego Chavez Yes 352 11 165 27:39.0 8:55/M 10 August Gesell Yes 405 8 181 28:51.0 9:18/M 11 Benjamin Long 635 9 184 28:55.0 9:20/M 12 Gane Tucker Yes 602 11 185 29:02.0 9:22/M 13 Charles Pickle No 528 10 196 30:20.0 9:47/M 14 Jack Berg Yes 312 11 207 31:13.0 10:04/M 15 Jack Wilson Yes 623 8 219 32:16.0 10:25/M 16 Dashiell Vonderkuhlen Yes 610 5 256 35:17.0 11:23/M 17 Josef Sinigiani Yes 571 9 260 36:12.0 11:41/M 18 Cade Larson Yes 463 5 262 36:40.0 11:50/M 19 Anthony Sinigiani Yes 569 10 270 37:21.0 12:03/M 20 George Martin Yes 480 5 275 38:24.0 12:23/M 21 Kenji Fagundes Yes 389 8 283 41:27.0 13:22/M 22 Ethan Berg Yes 311 7 321 53:55.0 17:24/M 23 Travis Scharich No 561 4 323 55:15.0 17:49/M 24 Dylan Glazier Yes 409 3 327 56:00.0 18:04/M Top Male 13 to 15

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Daniel Pride Yes 533 15 4 16:27.0 5:18/M 2 Lucas Chung Yes 360 13 15 18:16.0 5:54/M 3 Blake Civello Yes 364 15 21 18:55.0 6:06/M 4 Diego Garcia Yes 404 15 27 19:20.0 6:14/M 5 Job Skandera Yes 575 13 28 19:21.0 6:15/M 6 Abraham Skandera Yes 572 14 94 23:07.0 7:27/M 7 Parker Jakel Yes 443 14 294 44:08.0 14:14/M Top Male 16 to 19

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Cristian Nazarek Yes 509 19 2 15:39.0 5:03/M 2 Nicholas Rauch Yes 538 17 3 16:23.0 5:17/M 3 Matthew Mulligan Yes 504 19 5 16:40.0 5:23/M 4 Luca Mazzanti Yes 485 16 8 17:17.0 5:35/M 5 Kyle O'Brien Yes 516 17 29 19:26.0 6:16/M 6 Connor Shaw 664 16 38 20:07.0 6:29/M 7 Joshua Pine No 530 17 79 22:26.0 7:14/M 8 Duncan Hatch Yes 422 17 148 26:26.0 8:32/M 9 Ian Hosbein Yes 432 16 153 26:53.0 8:40/M 10 Jared Beth Yes 318 17 296 44:52.0 14:28/M Top Male 20 to 29 Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Nick Spector Yes 583 23 1 15:36.0 5:02/M 2 Brian Goodwin Yes 413 22 11 18:03.0 5:49/M 3 Andy Shepherd 674 25 25 19:11.0 6:11/M 4 Bryan Christensen Yes 356 29 35 19:54.0 6:25/M 5 Scott Allred Yes 294 29 59 21:23.0 6:54/M 6 Benjamin Bryant Yes 336 28 106 24:07.0 7:47/M 7 Kevin Seette 648 20 108 24:12.0 7:48/M 8 Christopher Turner No 605 28 133 25:49.0 8:20/M Top Male 30 to 39

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Jd Kurz 682 37 6 17:12.0 5:33/M 2 Tr Parker 631 35 9 17:22.0 5:36/M 3 Gerald McCormick Yes 487 32 10 17:46.0 5:44/M 4 Andrew McLaughlin Yes 491 35 12 18:04.0 5:50/M 5 Sid Andreis Yes 295 34 16 18:20.0 5:55/M 6 Brandon Crowell Yes 374 39 17 18:28.0 5:57/M 7 Mike Saunders Yes 558 38 18 18:49.0 6:04/M 8 Trevor Garrett 660 31 36 19:55.0 6:25/M 9 Andy Carter Yes 343 34 54 21:01.0 6:47/M 10 Justin Borton Yes 329 37 61 21:30.0 6:56/M 11 Jerry Finlay Yes 391 36 111 24:24.0 7:52/M 12 Trevor Swallow Yes 587 38 132 25:46.0 8:19/M 13 Corey Larson Yes 464 35 137 26:01.0 8:24/M 14 Brennain Garber Yes 403 33 142 26:10.0 8:26/M 15 Thomas Wallace Yes 613 30 145 26:18.0 8:29/M 16 Aaron Friedman Yes 398 34 225 32:37.0 10:31/M 17 Robert Rollag Yes 547 32 250 35:08.0 11:20/M 18 Chris Oliver Yes 517 39 268 37:06.0 11:58/M 19 David Huebel Yes 437 35 291 42:16.0 13:38/M 20 Chris Keys Yes 455 39 308 48:15.0 15:34/M 21 Jason Cave Yes 347 36 311 48:26.0 15:37/M 22 Michael Long 634 39 315 48:39.0 15:42/M 23 Josh Wilson Yes 625 38 336 1:08:51.0 22:13/M Top Male 40 to 49

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Kenny Brown Yes 333 45 14 18:08.0 5:51/M 2 Clint Stevens Yes 585 41 24 19:02.0 6:08/M 3 Philippe Thibault 678 49 26 19:18.0 6:14/M 4 Greg Fitch Yes 392 46 32 19:30.0 6:17/M 5 Andrew Taylor Yes 588 45 51 20:57.0 6:45/M 6 Charlie Gesell Yes 406 48 56 21:15.0 6:51/M 7 Brian Robinson 659 41 67 21:40.0 6:59/M 8 Scott Sullivan 685 45 69 21:47.0 7:02/M 9 Eric Vaughn Yes 608 46 70 21:49.0 7:02/M 10 James Baldwin Yes 300 43 73 22:14.0 7:10/M 11 Sherman Chan No 350 41 74 22:16.0 7:11/M 12 Brant Dierke 645 45 87 22:43.0 7:20/M 13 Josh Ridout 655 42 91 22:55.0 7:24/M 14 Emil Shieh Yes 567 47 112 24:26.0 7:53/M 15 Peter Jones 650 48 117 24:41.0 7:58/M 16 Phil Melman 670 49 119 24:45.0 7:59/M 17 Terry White 644 45 120 24:53.0 8:02/M 18 Carl Triola Yes 599 45 122 25:06.0 8:06/M 19 Christopher Chung Yes 357 44 130 25:38.0 8:16/M 20 Brett Lear No 467 46 138 26:04.0 8:25/M 21 John Hosbein Yes 433 45 152 26:52.0 8:40/M 22 Mark Cole Yes 371 41 162 27:34.0 8:54/M 23 Paulino Ramos Yes 536 43 194 30:16.0 9:46/M 24 Dan Thomson Yes 594 49 200 30:36.0 9:52/M 25 Greg Meyers No 495 46 202 30:58.0 9:59/M 26 Demian Vonderkuhlen Yes 612 44 254 35:17.0 11:23/M 27 Brian Tucker Yes 601 46 281 39:29.0 12:44/M 28 J Fagundes Yes 388 49 285 41:29.0 13:23/M 29 Charlie Johnson Yes 446 42 318 50:54.0 16:25/M 30 E. J. Bohn Yes 325 48 320 51:43.0 16:41/M

31 Jason Glazier Yes 411 41 328 56:01.0 18:04/M Top Male 50 to 59

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Guy Schott Yes 562 51 7 17:13.0 5:33/M 2 Dan Aldridge 654 58 13 18:05.0 5:50/M 3 Andy Howard Yes 435 53 20 18:53.0 6:05/M 4 Todd Bertolone 665 52 30 19:27.0 6:16/M 5 Troy Tuscher Yes 606 54 40 20:16.0 6:32/M 6 Bryan Porter Yes 531 52 41 20:21.0 6:34/M 7 Frank Cuneo Yes 376 59 43 20:27.0 6:36/M 8 John Harmon Yes 421 58 48 20:44.0 6:41/M 9 David Wertzberger Yes 616 51 49 20:46.0 6:42/M 10 George Bratsberg Yes 331 54 50 20:53.0 6:44/M 11 Kent Miller Yes 496 59 63 21:35.0 6:58/M 12 William Rogers Yes 544 53 64 21:38.0 6:59/M 13 William Rostel Yes 551 55 65 21:39.0 6:59/M 14 Dave Goodwin Yes 415 57 66 21:39.0 6:59/M 15 Duncan Meech 649 50 71 21:58.0 7:05/M 16 David Seette 646 55 77 22:19.0 7:12/M 17 Joe Sanchez Yes 555 58 80 22:28.0 7:15/M 18 Larry Meredith Yes 492 57 84 22:40.0 7:19/M 19 Luis Rosales Yes 548 53 89 22:49.0 7:22/M 20 Ken Nieman Yes 513 55 93 23:06.0 7:27/M 21 Mark Kozlowski Yes 459 52 96 23:10.0 7:28/M 22 Mark Mathewson Yes 483 51 97 23:20.0 7:32/M 23 David Abbott Yes 293 53 105 23:43.0 7:39/M 24 Jim Moore Yes 498 52 113 24:29.0 7:54/M 25 Andy Price No 532 50 134 25:52.0 8:21/M 26 Mark Martindill 676 56 139 26:06.0 8:25/M 27 Charlie Carpenter 683 56 143 26:11.0 8:27/M

28 Kim Nazarek Yes 510 52 147 26:21.0 8:30/M 29 Surachai Intarapravich Yes 440 59 173 28:11.0 9:05/M 30 Jay Silverstein No 568 54 174 28:16.0 9:07/M 31 Paul Peck Yes 527 54 183 28:52.0 9:19/M 32 Jeffrey Rosen Yes 549 51 204 31:04.0 10:01/M 33 Michael Westrick No 619 59 206 31:09.0 10:03/M 34 William Ortlinghaus Yes 521 50 211 31:39.0 10:13/M 35 Alvin Myers Yes 506 53 253 35:10.0 11:21/M 36 Sean Taylor No 589 57 273 37:57.0 12:15/M 37 Wade Eakle Yes 384 55 279 38:38.0 12:28/M 38 Joe Civello Yes 366 52 280 39:18.0 12:41/M 39 Mark Baldassari No 298 54 330 57:45.0 18:38/M Top Male 60 to 69

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Bradley Zanetti Yes 629 60 34 19:43.0 6:22/M 2 Steve Cryer Yes 375 62 37 20:06.0 6:29/M 3 Don Lindsay Yes 472 61 45 20:35.0 6:38/M 4 Jon Hermstad Yes 424 66 55 21:13.0 6:51/M 5 Michael Quigley Yes 535 63 81 22:31.0 7:16/M 6 Caronna Salvatore 642 61 102 23:36.0 7:37/M 7 Bill Browne Yes 335 65 104 23:41.0 7:38/M 8 Kevin Teuscher Yes 591 63 107 24:09.0 7:47/M 9 Veuzmr Ruganowo 667 64 154 26:56.0 8:41/M 10 Wayne Hinrichs Yes 428 67 157 27:07.0 8:45/M 11 Don Sampson Yes 554 67 158 27:20.0 8:49/M 12 Eric Nordvold Yes 515 67 213 31:48.0 10:15/M 13 William Parks Yes 525 62 216 32:05.0 10:21/M 14 Tom Robbe 633 65 222 32:29.0 10:29/M 15 Martin Seeger 668 66 242 34:14.0 11:03/M 16 Dick Owens Yes 522 60 307 48:13.0 15:33/M

Top Male 70 and Over

Place Name ERC Member? Bib No Age Overall Total Time Pace 1 Brendan Hutchinson Yes 439 71 99 23:26.0 7:34/M 2 Bob Holland 641 70 125 25:27.0 8:13/M 3 William Marshall Yes 479 74 151 26:34.0 8:34/M 4 Bob Frazer Yes 397 71 155 27:00.0 8:43/M 5 George Ridout 666 72 199 30:22.0 9:48/M 6 Darryl Beardall Yes 305 78 215 31:55.0 10:18/M 7 Michael Hinton Yes 429 72 227 32:39.0 10:32/M 8 Dale Leyhe Yes 471 83 232 33:10.0 10:42/M 9 Carl Jackson Yes 442 81 240 34:08.0 11:01/M 10 Ernst Bohn Yes 326 74 319 51:42.0 16:41/M December 2014 January 2015 February 2015 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S January 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

[email protected]

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 5M at Comfortable Pace 3M w/4x1 m…5K Goal Pace 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 10:00 AM Resolution Run 8:30 AM Railroad Square, 11:00 PM Mad Dash to Mid- 5K SR 8:00 AM Parktrail Drive 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton night … Mad Dash to Midnight 10:00 AM New Year's 5K Drive Family Fun Run 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10M at Medium Pace Hill Repeats, 15x45-sec. 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 7M w/2M Tempo 8:30 AM Railroad Square, SR 8:00 AM Channel Drive 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton 4:30 PM Howarth Park Drive 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12M at Medium Pace 10x2min. at 2M Goal Pace 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 7M w/2.5M Tempo 8:00 AM Steep Ravine Trail Run 8:00 AM Parktrail Drive 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton 4:30 PM Howarth Park 8:30 AM Railroad Square, Drive SR 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12M at Medium Pace Hill Repeats, 12x60-sec. 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 7M w/3M Tempo 8:30 AM Railroad Square, SR 8:00 AM Lawndale Road 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton 4:30 PM Howarth Park Drive 6:30 PM ER Club Meeting 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8M at Medium Pace 12x400m at 2M Goal Pace 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 7M w/2.5M Tempo 8:30 AM Railroad Square, SR 8:00 AM Parktrail Drive 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton 4:30 PM Howarth Park 5:00 PM ER Club Awards Drive Banquet 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

Page 1/1 January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S February 2015 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31

[email protected]

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12M at Medium Pace 6M w/12x1…t 1M Goal Pace 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 7M w/3M Tempo 8:30 AM Railroad Square, SR 8:00 AM Channel Drive 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton 4:30 PM Howarth Park Drive 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9M at Medium Pace Hill Repeats, 10x30sec. 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 5M w/1.5M Tempo 8:30 AM Railroad Square, SR 8:00 AM Parktrail Drive 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton 4:30 PM Howarth Park 9:00 AM Tamalpa Couples Drive Relay 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9:00 AM Valley Ford Relay 5M with Street Sign Intervals 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 6M w/10x1min at 5K Pace 8:30 AM Railroad Square, 4x2.75M SR 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton 4:30 PM Howarth Park Drive 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10M at Medium Pace Hill Repeats, 10x90sec 5:30 PM Fleet Feet Run 5.6M w/2.8M Tempo 8:30 AM Railroad Square, SR 8:00 AM Parktrail Drive 5:30 PM 3390 Princeton 4:30 PM Howarth Park Drive 6:30 PM ER Club Meeting 5:30 PM Heart & Sole Run

Page 1/1 Empire Runners Club PO Box 4241 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Renew Online at www.empirerunners.org and click on “membership”

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Thu Jan 22 ER Club Meeting – MV RoundTable – 7:30pm Sat Jan 31 ER Annual Club Party – Finley Center SR – 5:00pm Sun Feb 15 Valley Ford Relay – Valley Ford – 9:00am Thu Feb 26 ER Club Meeting – MV RoundTable – 7:3- pm Sun Mar 8 Ilsanjo classic 10-Miler – Howarth Park – 9:00am

2015 BOARD MEMBERS and Contacts

President Vice-President Secretary Paul Berg Luies Rosales Chris Mason 707 823-2135 707 326-3610 707 291-5797 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer Member Member Tanya Narath Bill Browne Nuvit Foster 707 523-0444 707 528-7963 707 528-8052 [email protected] grandprix @empirerunners.org [email protected] Member Membership Apparel Karen Frindell-Teuscher Val Sell Will & Jen Ortlinghaus 707 544-5795 707 539-1085 415 269-3935 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Student Grant Fund Grand Prix Series Cross-Country Teams Paul Berg Bill Browne John Harmon 707 823-2135 707 528-7963 707 547-7412 [email protected] grandprix @empirerunners.org [email protected] Hall of Fame Group Training Mike McGuire Larry Meredith 707 542-6687 707 526-4536 Newsletter [email protected] [email protected] Dale Peterson 707 529-0765 Online Registration Website David Abbott 707 235-2756 Jerry Lyman Chris Mason [email protected] 707 527-9020 707 291-5797 [email protected] [email protected]