k s

We, the yearbook staff, hope you enjoy the 89th volume of the SC Moundbuilder.

..~~e~r~n~College • IOO College Street. Winfield, KS 67I56 Below : Kramer, membe r Leade rship te:l III, si, rs a freshmen a t the ir a. For approximately 94 years the Southwestern College Moundbuilder yard. ( has kept a record of events each year; but this tradition, like many others, will cease if we do not survive into the next millennium. From genera­ tion to generation, the prophecy that the world will end in the year 2000 has been a popular belief among people all over the world. Another rumored disaster is the infamous Y2K bug that will bring mass chaos to computer-operated devices at midnight onJanuary 1, 2000. While no one knows the outcomes of these predictions, the computer technicians at SC are confident that no major problems will arise within the computer network on campus. They are confident that the time, money, and persistence they have put into preventing Y2K crashes will be worthwhile. For most of the SC community, the Y2K scare has not played a significant role in their lives. Everything from traditional events to everyday activities have occurred as they normally would. The year started out the same with annual events such as Freshman Work Day, Kick Back Day, a Carnival, and a Jinx Dance. Some students still com­ mitted the everyday act of driving 50 feet to class; and the cross-country teams were again KCAC champions. J

There is orne hype centering around the date May 5, 2000. The planets will align and supposedly the earth's weather patterns will be severely altered; this could lead to mass de­ struction and possibly the end of the world as we

know it. Do you believe this? Below: Durin!( Kick II; D J V ,j p.lftidpant in the sa Yes: 7% No: 93% voll~'\h : llI L'\'t:'llt stands i"e; for "d i{)~. (pholo Ily Ai G, " ','rr)

Left: Studcnt.s pIaC L' personali zed rocks O il rh e SC mound ;It thL' trad itio nal . fou nd Build ing Cerell W I1\. ( p hoto hy \111\ Gaven)

Left: Chase Reed, Sarah Melcher, and Miss y iVIcClening g ive an outstanding perfor­ m:lI1ce o n opening night of Tb e .l1ediunt. ( flhoto by Am y Goverr ) Rigbt: Fe A mem bers mana ged to w in ~ n award {or til"' ir homecoming no" t l1<' for(' it !v1J 3p311 cluring th e parade. (phoro b)' Amy (;oven )

Right: l.uke F'lnar lakes a 111 0 ­ mentto r " Ion the sidelines before re turning to (h e field. (photo by :\111)' (;o"Crt )

Above: Keeping w ith the ho liday spirit, Stuclelll Uf· stCl ffTami Pullins, Mallin Rude, and Daw n !'Ic.ts-Bailey show o ff their Hal­ low' 'n :tlllr . ( boto by Kathy Wilgers)

Above Center: b u .11I11g at R,i <' h rtow :lnd his "Summer G irl ~ ,('nil re'\'Iew, stu­ dcnh arc successfully ' Ill 'f1.;) 111 rJ at the II(lIllC<'ollling Dance. ( p11 In hy Juli(' \'Ior­ IIj1l1 )

Right: Rebecca Wedel disc usses 1he foot­ ball game " ilh a friencl on his first visit to 'oulhwe,)!ern College. (photo by Amy G Oyes1)

4 Left: The basic jou r­ nalism dass si mubreu a I 'Icvisioll nc\\·..... broadcast during the fall semester. Stacy Ca rpenrer acted as the mer e rologisr . (ph o to by IC ltlly \'(i ilgcrs)

Even though things went on as they always have, Southwest­ ern experienced new faces, new leadersh.ip, and new chal­ lenges that made significant changes in our world. "The Inter­ national student population on ca mpus Mime team members gel ,1 little goofy during their group phOlO shoor. (pl,oro doubled in size; also, certain leadership by Am)' Govert) positions in both student organizations and college offices were filled by new people. Other sub­ stantial modifications at SC were the integra­ tion of laptop computers, the re novatio ns in several buildings, and the donation of $1,000,000 to the Per­ forming Arts depalt­ ment. The Moundbuilder underw e nt some changes in the field of technology. "The 1999-2000 Moundbuilder staff decided to hop on the computer technology bandwagon. By usingJostens' Should evolu­ Yeartech program for the opening sectio n, the first sixteen pages were made on the computer and sent to Josten.<; on a Zip disk. tion be taught TI1e staff selected "The Clock's Still Tickin' " as the theme in in public order to symbolize the continuance of life. schools?

Yes: 730/0

No: 27%

Left : The Black Cats and th e sr: cheerl eaders pa rticipate in the trad i­ lion:l l homecoming pa rade by riding in an amiqlle fire engine. (pi, oto by Amy Govert) 5 11c:ltile r I3lack and 1\ 'til Kraille r gll"rd lill' "KTl'r " :ti l d o,l) It It fro m tileir oppo nent. ( pilOlO by ,\11 1), (;overl)

With all the end-of-th - world theories floating about, the staff wanted )sU'engthen the fact that life goes n despite the many ' h~U1gl!s that affect us. E !lowing the trend of predic­ tions for the year 2000, the Moundbuilder staff decided to develop surveys of their own thoughts and predictions. Elements of clocks and apocalyptic phrases were added to emphasize the theme. While the SC campus has taken only the necessary steps to ada pt for the computer-bug disaster, many cautious people throughout the 'i\ approach the problems of the new year expecting the worst-case scenario. By stocking lip water and nonperishable goods, these groups seem to be prepared for a bleak future; some even awaiting the end of time as we know it. \Xlhile their theories may be true, there is al.­ chance that time will just keep on tickin' ...

Freshmen worke rs ta ke a break from their hard work for a group Kathy wiJgers) Patrick Farmer

Who do you think is n10re likely to appear as the "Sexiest Man of the Year" in People n1agazine?

Big Chief Joey with 29% Austin "Farmer" Powers with 710/0


Above: Helping to recruit incoming fres h­ men, Amy Govert explains o ne of the many uses of Ma ss Communica tio ns in society to a gro up of Belle Plaine students. (photo by Mandy Lampe)

Above Center: Nicole Ledbetter and Alycia Griffin are all smiles at the SAA video event. Tbe laughs kept coming as students creCiled wild and crazy videos. (photo by Amy Go ye rp

Left: Pres ident Dick Merriman and his family ride in style through the homecom ing parade in a convertible. (photo by Julie Morgan)

7 Who will be our next President of the United States? Bush: 330/0 McCain: 330/0

Gore: 330/0 Undecided: 10/0

Above: Head Football Coach .\j()llfY Lewis k cc[ls lhe players out of mischief while waiting to lake tileir group photo (phOlO by Amy (~o ve r l )

Right: H an'i Judd, :;ludent conduc­ tor, leads the Jazz B'lOd in a musical rendition d uring the hO)Tlc:collling cnton,ltion ceremony. (photo by Amy Goven) Above: SL'lh Ilo;lciJ "IH)\\ ilis c: nrilusi;ISlll ",hilL' Iblc:n ing 10 J " I.l 'di'orLi j;1 ll1 he rill' llieir iJ;ulLi i>q~il1' pr;)L liCe', (plin l() In' ,~ilL' I h' Fr,dL'\

Left: SOlllli,,'L'S\l'rIl gll:\ 'lid I k iloias 'L'b lip IhL' ( fcnse wh ile' looking ror a up 11 pla\'L'r. ( pholo I .I\m)' Goven l

9 Scon Miller curring a rug or Wimer Formal. ( photo by Amy GOWrl)

Which would Scott Miller most likely be mistakern for: John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever or Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley?

20% John Travolta 80% Squiggy

behalfofSouthwestern College. (photo by Amy

Right: Timorhy lvlunga nio does his job or the libmlY reception desk so well, that he ha s time to work on hi$ own cla ss projects. (phoro by Heather Jeffery) Left: SC baskelball fans cnjoy the aClion during the men' gamcagainsl Tabor. (phOlO hy Amy Goven)

Above Lefl: Daniel$imp on and Emi ly Edwards are slill smiling Jfler waiting in a long line for the MilleniwnDinner. (photo by Amy Goven)

Left: Wei Shcn Szetho. Earl McKoon, and Jenny Hunter en­ joy the goodie al the annual wel­ come-back carnival. (pholo by my Govcrt)

11 ) {()UJlJ" ll '-'~ )k bc.:,'ci w c.:Lid '1I1e1 Su ey 1~lIlrs goo(' uff after 111 e MOllndhudding Ceremony, (photo by Ami" Liebau)

, I ' t would you like to see, in Alvin the Alligator's old home? Bui~dlng block replica of gator: 20% Monkey: 2()oIo Phil Sduniclt: 3()O/o Undecided: 3()O/o

Below: The [ema) ' cast in the play f)'sis/rata plot to tak e :! way sexual pri\'i­ I es fro m their mall's until they end the W:lr. (pllflLQ by Amy (;"wrt)

12 l.eft: fircnt Wolf and Mikc Owen :1 1 (lUl 3 television inlcrvit'\\ :L~ p, , o f a ba Sic journalism ",sil!n­ r11 ~ n l. (pho to by K:llhy W ilg.ors)

Above: Enjoying a night ,>I'I'un and rc l ~x : l[i on . stucicnls Sl'lrt out th~ new s(;hool yeJI' al lhl' ,lnIltial SC carniva l. (pholo by Amie Liebau)

Left: Spencer Duncan hl'gins a n ~w play by throwing lhl' ball in bounds. (phOlO by \'i:tndy Lampe) Bclow: Ben Vargas pa rt i i par e~ in " conlesl OIl lhe prc­ ho me 'olllinl-( (lothall ga me bonfire. (photo hy Amie Lieball)

Below: J ~ 111l ie Jan so nills. Da le ne Dick. ,mel Ka lie Rqpn show r Ileir enl hll s i ~l s m ar rh e SC ",inter fu r­ hy Amy

14 Right: Natalia iVJikhaiiova works diligently in rhe library UJl ho mework . (phuto by H ea ther Jeffrey) Left: "\;I()!l1i "\()d" :lml i\i k" ()rL'lJe"Igil pel u' e ror :I p iuure herun.: de paning rur d elss. (pil()t() by ,\my (;ovt'rtj

The ever-loyalJinx c il ccTS the Build ­ ers on at a home football g:l>1le. (photo by ,\my Govelt)

\Xlhich mascot do you prefer: Moundbuilders or the Jinx?

33% Moundbuilders 67% the Jinx

Left: Dan Daniel takes advantage of tbe coffee house atmosphere at tl1L' new "Bcatriz" restaurant in Winfield. llL:rc he can engage in philosophical discussions and en­ juya good cup of coffee. (photo by Left: Layna Ford andJessica Graves show off their Amy GOVf'rl) kicb 1,dare the homecoming bonfire St3rts. (photo 15 by Amie Liebau) J lI11k ( ';lrpl' (lI<:r and £\ L" \\" 'Sl thunl their wrinkle" before J. elr .' rch e;lr ~J I nl' bY-/.JIIlI/fI f rhllto) by Kalhy \x: i l ger~)

Who wears the pants in the family: Eany or Kathy Wilgers?

Larry: 7% Kathy: 93%

Above Right: ~ lc gJ n Herzer and Mike Zise r e njoy gifts and food at the pub li cations Christmas r a ft)', Cr hoto by Kathy Wil gers)

Right: Jeana Clark and Treva SUll1111C rS re lax at the Rockin' for Jesus concert in rh e fa I\, Cr horo by Anlie liebau)

16 Above: Tom I :nglc anJ Ju"in Hdl1lCf "bsClYC a slccpi ng Jn$ h "'heekr during an SC ["lskctball game. (ph",,, G,' 1 \1ll~ ' Gnn:lr)

Lerl: T racr Sraplccon onJ Par Former show off rheir Jancin)!; skil!.s during the \V'inrcr For IlIa!. (photo bl' AmI' Gowrr) Below: Rl)gcr Moon offcrs a big smile for rh ose inlerested in looking for a Saru rd ay morning job. (phoro by /\m)' Goverr)

RIg,hl: HllLim.'y \\'nrSh<1 Ol ;1tll:nlpt" to smile, despit e loollH. r l':nly ~:ltu rd:l r m()rnill ~~ <11 {he AJrni ssion<:; ( ,lin (pho", by i\lonoy '-""pc)

17 Above: Srudcnt~ use supplies provided by S/'v\ to paint their rock~ for the mound. (photo by Amy Govert)

Left: Members of P hi Delta Thet. rh eir ~up p ort for the basketball teams 11 home game. (photo by Amy GO\'cn)

Right: The Mime and M.i ssion Team went aU out with lheir performance at chapel. (photo by Julie Morgan)

18 Organizations

...... Left : Overexposure to ber~ Ashley Helfrich, Be (photo by Sarah Thuma) Student Government Association


Upholding the Peace

The 1999-2000 Student Government Thetas be allowed to have a chapter Association dealt with the usual stu­ house on campus to how lighting can dent related issues. A number of ar­ be improved on campus. eas of concern were given to commit­ The officers for 1999-2000 were Presi­ tees to in vestigate and make recom­ dent Lisa Phillips, Vice President mendations. The weekly Monday Joanna Moss, Treasurer Andrea Pearce, night meetings brough t a variery of and Secretary Seth Leeper. issues to the table from should the I ~------.. • • T

Tbf" 1999-2000 Student Government Association Firsl RolV: joanna Moss, josh Smith, j acob Tuttle, Lisa Phillips, Seth Leeper. Second Row: Emily Bauer, jackie Dick, JanSl>nius, Shelly Good, Pam Brown, Arni e Liebau, Christina Vcnsor, Kim Okeson, Tessa Ball. Third Roll'.' JackJyn McClu skey, Mandy Lampe, Julie Mo rgan, Rose Mam, Copeland, Leslie McCar,),. I'ollrlb ROJv: Jason Hunt, Sarah Pfannenstcil, As hley Helfrich, Hea ther Black, Kari Good, Melissa Strauss, Ali Wait, Ken l<.J1oll~nberg, Lonna Rya n Kane, Mc!;an Herzer. Fiftb r oll': Lisa Re ynolds, Martin Rude, Justin Frost, Brad NeweU, Travis Hastings, Maren Harding, Jamie Blo m, Randall Wa ll., Erin Logan, Charlie ;\lichell e Rosell, Sixlh r Oil': Hubert Dutton, Jesus Munoz, We i Shen S7.etho, Rich BarlOW, Taylor Cerne, Michael Tessme r, D an Bowker, (photo by Amy Goven) 20 Activities Association

Joy Makers

The 1999·2000 Student Activities As· sociation planned and carried our all those fun things students did during the year. Especially memorable was Free Movie Night. Performers came to entertain, trips were taken ro hockey games, mud volleyball was played, dances were spomored.... aU the fun!

Tho 1999·2000 Student Activities Association Fin! row: Jackie Dick, Christina Ve n ~or, Nadia VanDorn, Megan Galliart, As hley Hdfritch. STrolld rolV: Kari Good, Lonna Summers, Kyca SGwin ski, Jared Gerhardt, D aniel Siefert. Tbird rolV: Rich Bartow, Jason Siemens, Jllsh Smith, John Neison, Marlin Rude. FOllrlh rOllr [(aLie Woodrow, Holly Clayton, Paul Mages, Angie Gentry. (photo by Amy Govert)

Left: J o hn Brannon and Suni Goad lake advantage of the SA" 'p()n~() r c d vid eo nigh t. (photo by Amy Govert)


IL ______

21 iVIoundbuilder Compliant bl' i\ 111\' GOl'en The Southwestern College yea rbook, throughout the open.ing pages o f the the i'vIotilldlJltiider, rolled into the 21st b ook. In additio n [() o ptio n s century with the work of fo ur edi tors provided by YearTech, a program and fou rteen staff m em bers. The supported by J ostens, the coloration o rganization continued to capture th e o f photos and the dime nsions of life and times o f SC, as it had do ne g raphics were enhanced by using for th e past 94 yea rs. Ado be PhotoShop "This is the Alo n.g with th e additio n o f new first time that the i\![O lilldbllllder has members, th e organ iza ti o n a lso been subjected to the fu ll power o f c nj oye d th e bene fits o f m o d cr n mouern technology. \'(ie acruall y had technology. The staff too k ad va ntage the ability to do cool things and be o f th e di gi t:! 1 cameras and n e w mo re creati ve." stated ~helJ )' Fraley. compute rs purchased for the purpose /\ s the organi za ti o n successfully o f stud ent publications. Jiana \'(i il son adapted to new media o ptio ns, the commented, "It was ni cc to have the \\'ork environment continued to be o pportunity to creale a page o n th e wro ught with chaos. P ul ',[i cation computer, rather th an contin uing with dcadljnes kept the staff on its tocs the old cut-and-paste m ethod." througho ut the year. "Som e things The ability to create actual pages on nevcr change," stateu r\mie Li ebau. the computer also brought abo ut th e " But, at least this ye ar's book will freedo m to man'l)Ldarc objects o n a look berter." page. Evidence of th is can be seen

Above: Arnie Liebau is overwork ed and llnder­ paid. (photo by i\ my Goven)

The 1999-2000 M oundbuilder Staff: rIm rom' Amy Govert, Kylec Ward. Secolld roU': Jamie Jamo nius, Arnie Lieb:tu, roll': Julie ~ · r organ, Ca nJice Krug, Jian" WiJson, Sarah Thuma. FOllrlb "'JP: Jarvis Cannon, Shonda French, Heather .I elle,,·. Wilge rs)

22 C011egian

s For the Future

.tuJcnr newspaper of sl?ecti,'es about collegl: life. Co-edi­ tor Jeana Cluk stated, "With th e ad ­ dition of severa l more IBi\[ clones, our syslem of production became more b ~C!1 an actilT med ia stabl e. This gal'e us the opportunitr to produce a new look for th e Colle­ {!Ifill." Beyond system upgrades, th e staff expe ri enced management changes. ThL: departure of Lon na Summers, editor, allowed Kasey Dumler to move into th e positio n of co-editor with Jeana Clark. Dumler's real- wo rld and fKultv mCI11­ knowledge co mplemen ted the yea rs of experience th at Clark provided the staff. "It was great to have the chance to move into a position of power within the Collegiall staff. [love to make papers bleed," commented Dumler.

The 1999-2000 Collegian Staff First row: Brent Wolf, Megan Herzer, Rich Barrow. Stconrl ro",: Lily jVla tri x, Kasey Dumler. Adam i'vlo!one y, J eana Clark. Thirrl rOil': Nib Orebaugh, Ju~e Morgan, Andy Licbau. T hose not pictured include Mike Ziser, Amy Govert, J ames Larso n, and i\hnd)' Lampe. (photo by Kalh)' Wilgers)

tIhc ~111r~Jn is caught rcoding The Wid)ita EaRle "ther than writing her o wn c jor T/;, Coll~~i(lIi. (photo Amy Goverr)

Right: J~ana Clark, co­ editOr o f Tbe Col/egia", spends another hour in front of the co mpute r. C10rk ended her coUege newspaper coreer after four years, three and half spent as the editor. (ph o to by Kathy \Vilgers) 23 Builders

The 1999-2000 Education Builders Finl rljlv: StOC I' Roop, Rachel Rochat, Brandi Bellinger, Jennifer Henning. Second roll': Rich BKkrr. Julie Brewer, Li sa Reyno lds, Shell)' Han, li ck, Melinda Sullivan, Craig Lang, Amy H o neck (phOtO by Kathy Wilgers)

Rebuilding Year r------,

The 1999-2000 Education Builders had a reorgani za tion year. Co-chairper­ sons were Li sa Reynolds and Amanda Leddy. While wo rking to make contacts in the field the group had a chili-feed fund-raiser, sold flower bulbs, partici­ pated in Bowl for Kids Sake, and held a wo rkshop fo r education majors o n unit planning. The highlight of the year was help­ ing to plan and implement the South­ western College Teacher Hall of Fame I banquet in May. ..._------_. 24 CANS

Above: SCANS 2000. Firsl rOiV; Tes>a BaU, Angela Wallace, Jackie Berryman, Jenni I rei and, Stacy Kahrs, Dawn Sho rt, Carrie Bl oedel. Jecond ro",; Tracy Dial, Rachel Brown, Kat Schalesky, Jane Sc hli ckau, Kellie Webb, Jelinda Gose, Kristi na Recalde, Martha H ett (p hoto by Arnie Liebau)

Nursing For Life SCANS is (he student nursing society. Through membership (he nursing ninf' 2000. l si rOil"; Renee W hitaker , Sara students learn from each other and uplctnn. J,(""d m//': Jackie Berryma n, Sara G raber, make valuable contacts in the nursing Pm/'DU': Andrea Schultz, ~!ichelle McKay, Audrey . J. n< Schlickau, and Vanessa Badley. (phoro by fi eld . ------.,


Above: Rachel Brown practices giving shots. (photo Bu sch i,. imcm on givi ng a "painless" by [(achy Wilgers) " IUthr \'·'If(w) ..

25 Students Association

The Business Students Association best part about BSA. Upperclassmen gives students an opportunity to par­ can share their advice with yOW1ge r stu­ ticipate in activities, corrununity service, dents, while faculty ai ds the senio rs in and collaboration wi th other students. job searches," said Jessica Sisson. "Although we weren't as acti ve as we In conclusion Seth Leeper stated, had hoped to be this yea r we did ac­ "BSA provides a base fo r business stu­ complish many great things," said Jami dents to unite and begin to fo rm con­ Blorn, BSA president. Throughout nec tions to be used later in our profes­ the year BSA participated in some of sional ca reers. And I guess you could the ac tivities required to receive the say that o ur headquarters is Jeanne Purple Heart Award. "Being able to Dexter's office. She usuall y tries to keep gather with o ther students and share us on track and is great at adding comic our ideas abou t everything from events relief during the stress ful semesters." on campus to future ca reers, was the

Above Left: Scan Strickla nd, Josh Thuma, and Jeff Lo,,'c show 01T their business skil.ls. (Special to the \l oundbllilJer)

Bllsiness Students Association Fir.r! Row: cdeb Velardes, Sheleah T ay lo r, Kenyada Davis, J o hn Brannon. Secolld R,,1I':Jami Blom,Jiana Wilson, Hubert Dutton , Juanell Beal, Bnel McGinley, Josh Brown. "['"ird R.u': >Jicole Ledbetter, D avid Lee, Bernadette flicks, Josh Thuma, Jeff Lowe, Sean Strickland, OJ Bell , Usa Philli ps. (Special to the MOll ndbuil der) ------.

"The best part of BSA is hanging out with Jeanne and eating dum dum suckers, oh and planning our snowball attack on the science department."

Jeff Lowe

Above: Juanell Beal presents a speech about busi n es~ ethics in foreign cou ntries to th e glo bal business class. Periodically speakers wo ul d join the Global Business class and inform s tudents about th eir experiences abroad . (S pecial to the MounJbuilder) Above: H u bert D utton explain s wha t the symbols mean on the Dutton. native Malyasian, g:lVe a speech to inform classmates of cultunl 26 differences. (S pecial to the Moundbuilder) udent

1999 was the first year for the Student students involved. I hope that any Law Association to be considered an student interested in law school joins official organization on campus. The the group. And it continues to grow main purpose ofthe group is to prepare and be more active on campus. I would students for Jaw school. In doing so also like to see a law program set up at the group discussed current issues, Southwestern," said Sarah Cox. studied for the LSAT, worked on The group is very busy getting applications, and visited Jaw schools. organized and establishing programs The group consisted of ten members for its members. "One of the and their sponsor, Andy Shepherd. Bi­ programs that we have been working weekJy meetings were held to conduct on, that hopefully be put into action business and organize fundraisers, next year, is the student mentor community services, and other program. In this program a SC student projects. is paired with a SC alumni in the law "I am really glad that this group was field who is their deSignated mentor," started. It is very beneficial for the said Megan Herzer.

Above Left: Between classes, Megan Herzer and Rich Bartow srudy for the LSAT, the mandatory test for law school, between classes. (photo by Jiana Wilson) r------..


illllOCialicm /'in/ ROil',' Keri KnoUenberg, Megan Herzer, Chris Hibbert. Secolld Row: James Rosenthal, Sarah Cox, Rich Bartow, ' poo>or. (photo b)' Amy Govert)

27 The award winning Leadership Team r------., of So uthwestern College was busy grams with the elementary during the 1999-2000 sch ool yea r. In December the: team One of the projects they have pl anned Kansas City and wo rked with and carried out is Freshman Work D ay. vation Army to fix food and This unique experience begins the pro­ gifts for those in need. cess of the Freshmen beco ming part The team wi ll enter in the of SC and is always memorabl e. The fund-raising "Apples, Apples" takes place during the Walnut VaU ey Festival and is a huge sticky job. The pies are g reat, the fun at the festival is g reat, and the fellowship within the team is g reat. itself up meeting with a O ther projects included worki ng o n s tart examining the req leadership prog rams with Collegiate Th ey are also incorporating the a nd Th e Independent School in Guidelines intO th ei r own IL ______.I Wichita; working with PFS and the middle school students in Winfield;

The 1999·2000 Leadership Team Fiffl roll': Belh Kramer,James Ro se nthal, Chr is LaForge . Malana Conner, Ange la Tran , Kelli Cox, Mega n Gallian, i\·like Ziscr. Jf(OIzri rou-: Jared Bau er, Uda Perale s, Rose Mans. Sarah Pfann~n s licl, Angie Wills, Cmig Lange. Kristi n Kraemer, Katie Woodrow, Brent Wolf, Alyssa Rogers, JamieJansoni us. l'birri roz.: Ju stin Frost. Megan Burns, KaraJones, Cheryl Rud e, Daniel Buchmueller, Shelley Good, i:\'!e~ssa Strauss, Ali Wait,Jason Siemens, Leah Brant, Kari Roswu rm, Lisa Phillips. Andrea l'cJrce. Ford, Kari Good. Randell Wal " Ch ri s Ford, Luk.. Farra r, Shane Alford. Jeff Lowe, Kim Okeson. 28 bassadors

an Impression

respon sibility o f hosting overnight guests. Other obligations of the group were as sisting with Explo re More Days , Mandy Lampe had this to say about her ambassador experience: "Not o nly do you get to meet prospective students of SC, but you just might be able to help in the decision making process of findin g the right college by their impression o f SC through you. That to me is a rewa rd in itself that I wi.l l always cherish as a huge part of my own SC experience."

The 1999-2000 SHARP Ambas­ sadors l---:ir.i/ K011-': Crajg r.:'\ng :1nd i\hndy Lo mpc, Sccol/rl lZow: I( ati e \Voodrow, Brondi Bellinger, J\ngie Busch, J () ~nn" i\[o", ~ nd Rjch B:-.no\l,.:

Above: :\ mba ,, ~clor Croig I.ang e,plains a"' pcct " of SC's SCIe nce departme nt to \'1' ''01', (pho lo hI' :\)11\' Govert)

L eft: J<:1ri c \'X "oodn J\V :lod i\{;1.J1ciy L:1mpe rold torches to I:gh the lv[o'lndhuildJng C('I' (' monl'. (photo b,' I\ml' G 1Ncrt) ------,

"I am extremely proud of the hard-working ambassadors we have this year. They really give prospective students a positive view of the campus."

Left: Brondi Bellinger di scu ~ ,e, rh e recent d c~ th of AJvin Ihe Leslie Grant i\1ligoror with prospective ~ tud e n" ~ml their [om ilie,. ,\kin h~d been ~ campus re sident for over 40 "eors, (pho tO by L ______.I i\lond)' Lampe)

29 q:tutors

Tedious Tutors By Kylee Ward

The definition of a tutor is athletes study, but also for o ne who gIves special anyo ne who needed the help. instruction to another, but the "My goal fo r this yea r is to help tutors of Southwe s tern as many people as I can, not College are so much more. onl y s tud e nts w ho n ee d H o used in the Cooperative tutoring but anyone who has Learning Center in the upper ques t io ns concerning th e le vel ofSutton Hall, the tutors college," said Kasey Dumler. started off a great yea r. Along R yan Ru sco,w ho pl ans to with g iving up time and become a high school teacher brainpower, the tutors also after college claimed hi s goal was made new friends and stepped "not to mess up somebody's toward future g oals. Josh as si gnment. I hope the Wheatle y, who wants to get his students will not have any Ph.D. in Biochemistry said, "I problems o r be embarrassed to think when I get to graduate ask one o f the tutors fo r help. school I will work as a teachers Even if we don't know the assistant. This is w here my answers o ursel ves, we can skills as a tutor will come in probably find somebody who handy. 1 can help the does." ALI in all the tutors had undergraduate students wi th a g reat time helping others. their as sign ments." The tutors Who said studying can't be of Southwestern Co ll ege were fun ) n o t o nly available to h el p

Lonna Su mmers , K :\:i~~' J eana Clark. S C{ OI/ti ){,..: Rusco. Ma ndy ~lun Ji n «, Whea tley. Rachel \\'()[ Kristen Kraemer. (photo b Liebau) Southwestern

Southwestern Team has program at the Winfield iVuddle School, painting group homes for Martin Luther H omes, and decorating the "Baby Closet" at the Ligh t House Maternity Home in Kansas City, MO. "Through Share I have been able to help people and serve God on my campus, in the community, and throughout the country," said Treva Summers. Share Southwestern is one of the leading service organizations on campus. The members have worked very hard throughout the year meeting man y new people, cultivating sen'ice pro jects the y friendships and having fun while in during rhe year include striving to help those in need. the Partners for Success

Above: Katrina Bromlow and Rach e l Copeland s it and en joy "Duill Dums" afrer a long Jay of working. (Special to the M o undbuilder)

The 1999 Share Southwestern team hisl/{oJv: Beckie Stuck" Tre\'a Summers, Tami Pulli ns, !\lichael Cas haw. S econd Roll': Lisa Reynolds, Janie Carballo, Alycia Gritnn. T hird !Z01l-: Rachel Copeland. (pholO by Jeana Clark) ------., I I ,


31 Debate

SC Debate/Forensics End a Winning Season

SC Debate hosted the second annual Moundbuilder Invitational Tournament/ Great Plains Forensic Co nference this spring with over 80 people in attendance. The two-day tournament was the culmina­ tion of a ve ry successful yea r for the South­ western Debate/ Forensic s team. Throughout the year, the team has had success in many tournaments. N ewcomer Soshi Kawabe, from Japan, exceU ed in dra­ matic and prose interpretation, as did Nadia VanDorn, from Kent, Washington. Dawn Short also competed in dramatic and prose interpretation and did very weU. Jeremiah Jones, Garden City, KS, Rya n , Wellington, KS, and Rob Fry, Winfield, KS, competed in impromptu speaking. Kane and Fry also performed in Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Kelti Cox, Copan, OK, joined the squad second semester and did weU in per­ suasive speaking. April Chlumsky, Larned, KS, competed in dramatic intrepretation of poetry. Coach Tracy Frederick was named Pi Kappa Delta Governor of the Plains in December. r------., • • ,.• still tickin . "These students have • worked harder than ever • before. They are much • more advanced than last I year." • Tracy Frederick ..• Above: Ryan Kane, Soshi Kawabe, Jeremiah Jones, Dawn Short, and Nadia VanDorn enjoyed an awards Tracy Frederick)

32 mpus

_8l.tStllln oi 1\Iiss BOl/lld and The Tempest. Each year the Campus Players sponso r a spring banquet tha t honors the current and newest members of the club. [t is at this time that the QriQruusofthegmd~ti~ seniors arc presented and hung in the hall leading to the Little Theatre. In April 1999 the Campus Players initiated a new tradition. 1\11 graduating members of the club wear honorary cords during the ceremony. The cords arc gold, purple, red and ­ green -- the colors on the Above: Too tired to move Tobie Henline, Campus Playe" President, takes a comforrable nap Campus Players mask. Each on a prop found In the Helen Graham Litde Theatre. (photo by Amy Govert) color represents the four pillars , "Ms." and of the organizations Constitution: Commitment, Perserverance, Cooperation and Participation. "Even though it is a lot of work, being a member of This yt:ar the Campus Playe rs is worth the helped produce late nights and early Sarurday ,.arJlltflIJrlHl. Tbe Great mornings," stated Emily Edwards, club member.

1999-2000 Campus Players Fim rOlv: jeremiah jones. Second rOlv: April Chlumsky, j'y[jtch Nam, Missy iI1cC lening, D aniel Buchmueller, Chad Killblane. Third rOlV: AIlyson Moon,julie Voelker, jeremy Blanchard, Tobie Henline, Soshi Kawabe, Cassie Coriley, Roger Moon. Fourth row: Daniel Simpson, Emily Edwards, Brooke ColLins, Eric Courtwrighr. (photo by j eana Clark)

33 A Capella Choir First rou< Brandy Henline, Gloria Tham, Paul Mages, Eric Couruight, Megan Burns, DeMay Grunden, Joe Gilmore, Morlin Jonaton. S

Women's Chorus Christine Allen, Amanda Bennett, Megan Burns, Stacy Carpenter, Rana DeBey, Dalene Dick, Emily Laura Godbey, CrYStal Goering, DeMay Grunden, Tobie Henline, Jenny Hunter, Mandy Lampe, lIah MarshaU, Il-lis sy ~lcCle'MIiI

34 Southwes tern Singers Andrea Billings, Broncli Henline, Tobie Henline, Missy McClening, Sarah Melcher, Krisu Weaver, Megan Burns, Stacie Fraley, Travis Hastings, Ryan Parrish, James Si ll s, Eric Courtwright, Daniel Miller, Timothy Putnam. (p hoto by Amie Liebau)

Left: Flute Choir

Music Can Be Fun Left: Pep band.

Above: Brandi Henline and Karen Wilder.

35 :Sand

Band Firsl rOil': Margo Straub, Kasey Dumler, Brandi Henline, Jami Blom, Emily Edwards, Erin R2nkin, Maramana Furches, l'vLke Osborn, Karen Wilder, Charles Yingling. Second roll': Cha Anna Martinez, Caryn Huslig, Stacy Strickland, Melissa Straus<, Jason Ellison, Bradle), Newell, jessica Graves, Angela Tran, Man Do ugla ss, Erica Guiterez, Kelli Cox., !lah Marshall. DJlnl ro", Ali Wait, Deana Pennington, Daniel Miller, Bret Prothro, Jason Tuebner, Daniel Reazin, Seth Roach, Jeremy Groom, J,c. Hastings, jennifer Hunter, Brandon Westoff, Erin Logan, Hans Judd, Dalene Dick, Treva Summers. Fol/rlh rolP: Ryan Parrish. Wilger>J

Jazz Band members Melissa Strauss, Jessica GtdVes, Angela Tran, Matthew Douglass, Deana Pennington, jason Teubner, Hunter, Hans Judd, bin Logan, Brandon Westhoff, Travis Hastings, Ryan Parrish Seth Roach. Eric Courtwright, Jw Jonathon Conard, Jason Ellison, Josh Sears. (photo by Amy Govcrr) 36 Tht Pcp Ihnd played I-or home fuutball and basketball games. Membership in the band was pretty loose. (photo by

a f1"'1at Homecoming and trl'ing to play music at the same time can be challengingl (photo by Kathy Wilgers) ------.. tl I ,


The HandbeU Choir was led by James Strand.

37 Mass Communicati0ns

Media For the Masses by Amy Goven The Mass Communications Depart- points of interest related to the Win­ ment of Southwestern CoUege offers field community, in addition to me first-hand experience to srudents within coUege. "W/e produced several shows the realms of audio, print, and visual featuring area 'secrets' this year, For' media. In addition to the campus example, our Halloween special focused newspaper and yearbook, the depart­ on regions across me state mat claimed ment includes training in me areas of to be haunted," stated Kim Okeson. television broadcasting and radio, Sru­ 'Vie visited a couple of mese locations dents enter me department wim the in order to conduct our own investiga­ understanding that me first week of cion." school is designed to establish meir "One of our greatest accomplish- crew or staff positions. ments this year," included Scott Miller, This Week at SOf.lthwestern Co/lege, a "was covering the vis it Steve Abrams televised bi-monmly news program, is made to Sc. We were there to caprure the focus of SCTV. The fourteen me responses of srudents and faculty." members on staff present information KSWC (100.3 FM in Winfield, KS) for and about the campus community moves into its thirty-second year of during a thirty minute show. Along operation. The ten-watt station is with valuable srudio experience, Stu ­ owned and operated by me coUege and dents Jearn the basics ofshooting and requires me efforts of twenty-one stu­ editing by working on crews dedicated dent disc jockeys. Once a week, each to recording specific coUege events. individual spends three hours in me Keely Stanley, a member of me Sports srudio. D espite me format (alterna­ Crew and anchor, commented, "It was tive/ rock), music varied between the hard to get into the swing of mings, I Drs and listener requests. All Drs, was thrown into jobs mat I knew nom­ however, were required to play fifteen ing about. Within one semester, how­ songs off the "KSWC Top 30 Pl aylist." eve r, I've learned how to do a lot of Office personnel and management of things and now I'm applying for a KSCW included: Dr. DeArmond summer internship." (General Manager), Jason Tattershall SC Magazine is produced by a select (Station Manager), Amy Govert (pro­ The 1999-2000 SC Magazine Crew Pil)1 1011': group of individuals within me depart­ duction Manager), and Scott l'vWler (pro­ SCOll \!Jlcr. (PhOlO b)' r\ l)1), Gm'err) ment. The fearure program covers gram Director). r------., I I I I , I I I I I I ..I

Right: Dusti Ludwig, I\ ~l:' e Gentry, onJ Joe)' Canru review their fina l proJect for Video Pro­ clucrion cl ass, (photo by Amy Covert) 38 The 1999-2000 SCTV Crew First rOlV' Amy Goven, Jason TattershaU, Keely Stanley. Second rOl": Angie Gentry, Tracy Crockett, i\hndy Lampe Marpm Sarhangi, Dusti Ludwig. Third roll': Joey Canru, And), Lebau, SCOtt Miller, Dr. Bill DeArmond, Amie Lebau, Krysti Potter. (photo by Kathy Wilgers)


Staff 1-l'rJI rCJU ': Stacy Carpenter, Mandy Lampe. Second rOll): Jason Teubner, Amy Goverr, 1 racy I...... rOCKt:ll. llJUU 'vw. PUller, Jawn Ta ttcrsh ~lll, Scott !\{iller, Joey Canru, Angie Genuy. Fourth rOil): Erica Gutierrez, Levi Hillman, Josh Above: Mandy Lampe suffers from a movie ove, L .b"l) dose while serving her time in the office. (photo b Amy Gove rr)

39 Council Ministry

Reaching Out by Canuice Krug

Campus Council on Ministry is made Fellowship of Ch.ristIan Athletes is also up of representatives from each group a large part ofCCOM. The purpose of of students dedicated to spreading th.e FCA is to witness to as many people as word ofGod to the campus and beyond. possible through the miracles of God in Some of the projects started on campus athletics. Some ofthe events participated consist of various Bible studies, in this year include the high school Fellowship of Christian Athletes and witnessing rally, Godfest 2000, and weekly student-lead chapel service. KAYAK(Koliege and Young Adult The opportunities to reach beyond the Kamp). Members also take a covenant campus are operated mostly by outreach to join, and FCA honors a specific athlete teams formed ofSouthwestern students. each week. These outreach teams include: Praise Many students find involvement in Team, WO.W., Selah., Keynotes, Urgent these groups to be both rewarding for ?I fcssagc, Mime & Mission, l'vlission Team themselves and for the many communi­ Leaders, and the World Witness Team. ties reached by their ministry Stacie Fraley,

Each group has a special area of focus on Campus Ministry Intern, is responsible The 1999-2000 Keynotes r"i"rJI Row: Sarah Melcher, DeMay Gnlndcn, which they base their service projects. for organizing the outreach team's ap­ and Laura Godbey. Second Row: Gloria Tham, Emil\' Edwards. Karen WiJder, leader of the Mime and pointments and coordinating scheduleS. Katrina Bromlow. Third Row: Emily Fall, IIah 1vbrshall, Rhl'an Rude, anu t\1yssa Rogers. Po"rlh Row' Rachel Copeland,].C. Lcornrd. Mission group explained her vision of She sums up the goal ofCCOM by say­ Wei Shen Szetho, and Jeremy Blanchard. (photo by Amy GOWrt) the group's future: "The Mime and NLs­ ing, "CCOM seeks to unify the various sion team feels very called to go to the ministries on campus in order to most unreached. W/e want to use the talents effectively communicate our mission as God has given us in a way that is honor- Christians. The mission is to share the ing to Him and in a way He can use us to Gospel ofChrist with our campus, com­ shout His message of salvation to the muniry, and world." world."

Second f\nU.I: Erin Logan, Jcnlllfcf Douglass, and Seth Roach. Wilder, Amber Randall, Charb Il ah Marshall. (photo by Am)' Gm'CII)

The 1':J\I':J-2UUU reUowship of Christian Athletes r;rsl KOIV Andrea Shulrz and Katie Woodro,,'. Second Row: Jason Hunt, La)'na Ford, Emily Bauer, Kari Good, Julie Morgan, Mandy Lampe, and SheU)' Good. Third Row: Ashlee t\lIey, Rachel Stueve, Brandi Bellinger, Wendy Mohler, Joanna Moss, Paul :-.-ragcs, Nguyen Ng.>n, J uscin KendaU, Rose Mans, Jaime Marmorato, Jaclyn McCluskey, Travis Hastings, and Lee Bowman. FOllrlh ROIv: Jonathan Conard, Joshua \Vheadey, Waldo, Dan Reazin, Sara Smith, Julie Wolfe, HaUl' Clayton, RandaU Walz, Jercd G erhart, Mike Brogdin, Jeremy Lewis, and Brock Hickam. (photo by Amy Govert) 40 The 1999-2000 W.O.W. Team Sora Stueve, Mandl' Lampe, Rach el Stueve, Travis H astings. and Sara Smith. (photo b)' Amy Govert)

The 1999-2000 Mime and Miss ion Team First Row: Crys tal Goering, Laura Godbey. and Koren Wlldcr. Secolld RolV: Brandi H enline, Candice Krug, Chris Allen, and Amber Randall. (pho w by Shelly Fraley)

r------.. I I I I I I I I I I ..I

World Witness Team Fir,-t I{M" Wei Shen Szetho, Marrin Rude, Hubert Dutton, Henokh Kurniadi, Natal),a .':iecolld Roll': Denissc Camarena, Josphat j'\'[ururi, JuaneU Beal, and Si mon Luhur. 41 Disciples Through Service by JuLe Morgan

Discipleship is one of the helping their feUow man. leading service organiza tions Over the last year, the orga­ on the SC campus. They have nization has placed 14 interns participated in projects over the and 10 summer interns in area year such as Make a Difference churches. Many of these in­ Day and Outreach teams, ternships were in youth min­ which were sent out in the sur­ istry. rounding areas. After their exciting trip to This is a great program, which Italy in May of 1999, the team shows the students how to decided their next trip would become better disciples by be to the Holy Land in the year studying the Word of God and 2001 .

Ir------~ I I I I I I I I 1.­

The 1999-2000 Discipleship Team Firs! RoJI': Laura Godbey, Amber RandaU, \\'lei Shen Michelle Fi tzgerald, Emily Fall, J.c. Ledford, Gloria Tharn. TlJird ROJv: Jason Hunt. 1\" Bitting. 1:"oJlrl/J ROil': Jenny Hunter, Karen Wilder, Christine Alien, Derek KaUer. I-lfih Rt.. Martin Rude, Ha Ul' Clayton, Daniel MiUer, Sarah Melcher. Sara Smith, Steve Ran kin.

42 NIore Involved r------~ pating in the homecoming parade. I Another way they strengthened the or­ I 11 un~ ocganiz;] tion !I1creased ganization was by having several guest I ,lad becamc more in­ speakers at their meetings. Michelle I campus Juring the ),C,lL Rosell spoke about rape, a major prob- . I ~m bc !'!'h l p is open to all stu­ lem on college campuses. Then at a "Hopcfully wc can continuc later meeting, Phil Schmidt spoke to bring in spcakers, and have I about communication in relationships . . more information about I With the help of the Leadership Team, graduate school circulated!" I the Psychology Club ended the year L __ I with a walk-a-thon in April to raise Ali Wait .. money for the Multiple Sclerosis Foun­ dation.

Left: Jared Gerhardt, Mark Shrewsberry and Sarah Thuma try to find new members by bribing rhem with candy during rhe homecoming parade (pho ro b)' Karhy Wilgers)

Below: During a n informal meeting, Chris Hibbert plays with hi s pen and Ali Wait eats her lunch . (photo by Kasey Dumle r)

The 1999-2000 Psychology Club Firsl row: 1\1i Wait, Caryn Huslig, Phaik Ooi and Michelle Rosell. Second rou': Chris Hibbert, Jared Gerhardt, Mark Sh rewsberry, Sarah Thuma, and Claudia Gcer. (photO by Amie Liebau)

43 Increasing Involvement By Sarah Thuma and Kylee Ward

Kappa Mu Epsilon, Southwestern their all-campus event. For their CoUege's Mathematical Ho nor Society, community service project, they visited consists mostly of math majors, but an elementary class and taught them is open to everyone. Math Club was about origami and te sselations. Ashley involved in a number of different Hel frich commented, "We hoped to activities during the year while working share with the kids an aspect of toward the Purple Heart Award. They mathematics that they weren't quite as took part in the Homecoming parade familiar with, and could learn something and showed the movie October Sky for from and also have fun with."

Above: Math Club members kept a roomfull of children busy working with paper 44 (photo by Kathy Wilgers) • ys~cs

('Jn ~ ne, "-ri,ten "-"cmer,Jeremy Moyer, Greg Bomhoff, Melissa Nichols. Second rOlV: Steven Graham, Jeff Rahm, and

------., Physics Is Phun

Belonging to the Society of Physics Students means you will promote the understanding of physics. Under the sponsorship of Bob Gallup and George Gangwere, the group did an excellent job by pa(ticipating in gwup activities and showing that physics is a great career field and can be fun.

45 • Athlet, .

r------.,I t11(: I


Above: Joey Wilkinson performs electrical stimulation to Jesse Dale's injured Heather Jeffery)

Southwestern's athletic training department consists of an intern­ ship program for students inter­ ested in the field. Through this pro­ gram student trainers learn skills in emergency first aid, prevention, rec­ ognitlon, treatment, and rehabilita­ tion of athletic injuries. Th~ intern­ ship requires the student to obtain 1500 clinical hours working under the direct supervision of Head Cer­ tified Athletic Trainer, Brian Norton. ACCOrding to Norton, "a student athletic trainer must be committed to helping others." Once the edu­ cation requirements and the intern­ ship hours are completed, the stu­ dent is eligible to apply to take the National Athletic Trainers' Associa­ tion Board ofCertification exam to become nationally certified.

The 1999-2000 Athletic Trainers First Row: Brooke Jones, Rachel Tate, Erin Eis, Angie Wills, Ngan Nguyen, Rose Mans, Schalesky, Jess Robinson, Kayoko Waki. Second Row: Brian Norton, Todd Fagan, Garrett Wahlenmaier, Kevin \~ 'g mtf NaughtOn, Amy Monical, Heather Jeffery, Rebecca Rob erts, Li sa Braun. t ernat i -·ona1

Far From Home b y H eather Jeffery

The International Club consists of students of aU nationalities. The members are active in the Winfield community where they are invited to speak to the public about their home coun­ tries. "We try to do activities similar to what we do in our own countries," member Denisse Camarena stated. During the year the organiza­ tion hosted a series of international films and se t up di splays in the library. " Our goal as an organization is to make the American students aware of other countries," commented Natalya Mikhailova.

1999-2000 International Club First row: G loria Tham, Silky Silky, Everjoyce Madzinga. Second roIV: Brid McGinley, Nata lya Mikhailo va, D eni sse Camarena, Kyoko Nakata. Third rou, N od., R.ie Fujimaki, Mami Kashiwabara, Reiko Kaneko. Fourth row. Kayoko Waki, Daniel Miller, Simon Luhur.

r------, I I tl c I · . .'I -t i.ck~n I I I I I ..I

47 B.

Deadlines? Who Cares?

by Hue I·: K..lTC~ The ROE., or Burnt Out Editors, is strong opinion. Four-year member comprised of the Motlndbuilderand Col­ Jeana Clark boasted, "The great thing legian editors and sponsors. Frustrated about being a ROE. is bossing people with the incompetence of slackers, the around and getting my own wayl" B.O.E. formed May 8, 2000 when they The pictures and captions reflect the realized they were the only people left B.OE.'s views on various subjects. The to finish their publication projects. Ali B.O.E. would like to state that they are year long their blood, sweat and tears not affiliated with SGA and are not con­ were poured into every page and issue sidered a legitimate organization, so of each of their respective publications. don't make us go to the meetings. We Requirements for this prestigous orga­ hope that no one was offended by this nization are dedication, dependability, page, but if you were, who cares~ patience, a good sense of humor, and a

Right: When asked how they felt about alcohol on campus, the Amyics replied: "Restrictions> Who cares> StOp hogging the beer Lois'"

Below: Jeana Clark only stuck her head out of her office long enough to reply "Who cares >" to rhi s ques­ rion: How imporrant is a srudenr's saniry ar college?


Above: Kasey Dumler's reply to the parking issue was so V1llgar, we can't repear her words; however, we can show you her acrions .

Below: When asked how she felt about studenr­ reacher relationships, Kathy Wilgers replied : "Are you kidding? Who ca--. " She wasn'r able to finish .

Right: Executive proofreadet Lois Torrance's only response ro her regard for roday's yourh was a grunting noise, and "I'll make you understand."

I r------, I I Logos sponsored several speakers and I f as constituting the events.TomScheafer, religionandethics principle of the universe editor for the Wichita Eagle was the I manifested by speech. 2 first outside speaker for the year. I The most well attended and I controversial presentation was when I Steve Abrams, Kansas State Board of I Education member from Arkansas I City, spoke about the decision o f the L_ board to recommend that evolution was o nly a theory and should not be taught in Kansas Schools.

Above: Members of Logos Kye Baxter, Jason Siemans, Ryan Ri sing, and Josh Bitting. (photo by Amy G ovett)

..nl of Euucation member Ste\'c Abrams vists with Jeana Clark 11m hi, ,I to Logo,. (photo by Am y Govert) 49 Beta Beta Beta is a biological society for students involved in the sciences. "\'I/e have such a large membership and I think it's great to have so many people involved. They devote so much energy into this just because of interest and for the fellowship. They are not receiving any fInancial support from the activity," Tri-Beta sponso r Pat Ross stated. The organization met twice a month to li sten to presenta­ tions ranging from veterinary to osteopathic medicine. They also did a number of community service projects including Kid's Science Day, Earth Day and running the campus recycling center. Informational activities concerning evolution was one of the main endeavors this year for BBB.

1999-2000 Beta Beta Beta Honor Society First ROIv. Emily Bauer, Shellt\' GOOll Helfrich, Rachel Copeland, Margo Straub. Secolld IV)/Jr. Belh Kramer, Jnmit Carpcllt·l', Krislm Kraemer, Jared Gerhardt, Malt Harris. Third KolI': Jonathan Co"ord, Pal Ka , Lund)., Duslin rs, Nathan Jc:ck ert, ohn Nelson. ' Sarah Thuma)

Left: M e ~nda Sullivan helps herself to a banana before Tri-Bela's presentation (,f I.~ Amy Goven)

Below: Pm Ross plays Charles Darwin on th e BBB (photo b)' t\m)' Govert) Sigma.

Vision Statement

activities that they learn and grow tOgether as a family. Though they develop special and bonds with those who are their brothers and sisters , at the S'illle rime, they also believe that there is something wonderful inside of everyone.Although some Delts may have their faults, they develop good habits from their family and the incorporate them into their lives. Theexperiences they rake away from this involvement are ones that will make them better The 1999-2000 Pi Delta Sigma First Row: Christina Vensor, Jess Robimon. Second Row: individuals in the future. Tracy Crockett, Shonda French, Kyra Sliwinski, Hillary Jo hnso n, ChaneUe Hart. Nol pictllred: Jena Sc hleger, Sarah Thuma, Kylce Ward (pho to by Kri s G re en)

Above Left:Sponsor Ken Kraus helps sell carnarions for Pi Delta Sigma at Homecomi ng. (photo by Sarah Thuma)

Above: ChaneU t Hart is aU dressed up fo r rhe Winrer Fo rmal. (photo by Shonda French)

'~ Left: The S.S. Delt won best rheme at the Ho mecoming parade. (photo b), Shonda French)

51 Thet ,.

The Boyz Home By Amy Gover! The Phi Delta Theta Chapter organization. ofSouthwestern College spent The proposal for a fraternity the 1999-2000 academic year in house on campus followed the negotiations for a fraternity announcement of the national house. After two years of organizations intent to ban research, the chapter first alcohol from all of its 175 presented their idea to the chapters. If the proposed student body in late January. home doesn't remain alcohol While the campus body reacted free, the organization will lose with mixed expressions, the its charter. organization did their best to While the fraternity continues appease concerns. to discuss the future residence "Greek He is importantto any of its members, the campus community. organization participated in Southwestern College could several events throughout the only benefit from what we are year. In addition to being co­ trying to do," stated Troy Lucas, sponsors of Maggie LaVine's Phi Delta Theta President. senior project, the group helped "Having a house will help maintain the fairgrounds bring us closer together as a during the Walnut Valley fraternity," added Charlie Sitzer, Festival. a newly initiated member ofthe 99-2000 Phi Delta Theta Chapter Officrs Firs! row: Adam Wright, Wade Motehead . .\""wlld r, . ford, Jeff Lowe, Troy Lucas, Rya n Parrish, Randall Schaller. (photo by Amy Gaven)

1999-2000 Phi Delta Theta Chapter First row: J D Sills, Josh Wheatley, Seth Naughton, Warren Be(gquist. Jecond row: Ja(ed Gerhardt, Paul Mages, Stuart Cauble, Warner, Ben Vargas, Eric Hunt, Adam Wright, Lee Bowman. Third row: Alumni, Chris Ford, Alumni, Randall Sc haller, Ryan Patish, Wade Moreh("ad. Allan Dennis Cooglar, Ryan Cla(k. FOflrth row: Chris LaForge, John Nelson, Jason Siemens, Jay Mehron, Randall Walz, Jeff Lowe, Josh Sears, Troy Lucas. (photo by 52 • IotOa ~gma

isthc only female at sponsor Dena Allison's house. '( c;lmpus. The Brandi Richardson expressed, " I enjoy • 1"1...".·.·\1··,< founded on being a member and Historian . III Deb LJotring. The Looking back at the pictures taken lOllking towards the during the spaghetti dinner and winter nationall\' known. formal, it is easy to see that we do know how to smile." In the future, the girls are loo king at options of either becoming a member of an existing national sorority, or establis hing SIS as a na tionaDy recognized sorori ry. "It's a long, hard process to go national. It takes a lo t of hard work and a lot of time anrl commitment," Dena Allison lIxuri ltl utin~ uur time and said.

fu nd·raisers in a SIS veteran, RacheUe Jesseph agrees Above: Dena AIGson passes around pencils to the pledges and members nf SIS. 11 of Winfield has that "it does take a lot of hard work to At the spaghetti runner, new members were initiated and each received the Sigma I fed privileged go national, but o ur organization has flower-- ydlow tulips. (photo bl' Amy Monical) achieved much. I've learned how to help the community, and I've found that it can be fun. I enjoyed doing activities like the food drive and school r------., h.lIlctions. I think next year will be even 1 better." t 1 1 I kin'l


1999-2000 Sigma lOla Sigma Flrsl row: Heather Black, Rose Mans, Brandi Richardson, HoU y Clayto n, Karrina BromJow, Carrie Bloedel, Andrea Pearce, Stacy Kahrs, RacheUe Jes seph, and Tessa BaU . Secol1d rOJv: Katie Phillips, Layna ford, Leslie McCany, Kaysha Velarde, Cassie Helmer, Jill Megredy, Dena Allison, Rebecca Wedel, and Mandy Srrano. (photo by Amy Covert)

53 Right: Levi HiUma n bursts alit of his blocks with a zeaJ­ ous " I think 1 can, 1 think I can," (photo by E ri ca Guitcrre7.)

54 , Sports

Above: Leah Bmnt g:m)

Left: Ni ki N icholas mtrCli, ef.foJ;~~~~~,cp'~ot Gaven)

55 The number of cheerleaders might that is our job," said Tracey Staple tO n, have been low thi s year, but their spirits captain . With both football and were high. The returning squad ofsix basketball teams going into added one n ew face, Co urtney the playoff round, thi s Radcli ffe, to the group. 'The squad year required more time welcomed me v.rith open arms, and dedication from even if they were always th e cheerleaders. tea sing me about The cheerleader's being the ba by," season is almost commented ye ar-ro und begin­ Radcliffe. ning the first day back The cheerleaders from summer va ca­ focu sed o n crowd tion and ending after involvement and creating a positive tr y0 u t s , which are held in earJy athletic atmosphere. " Our main goal Spring. ''We have almost twice as long was to get th e crowd pumped upl We o f a season as most sports do. Some­ ha ve worked really hard on crowd times the hours get long, but I always interaction this year. It really makes the miss it when the season is over," said game when the crowd is involved, and Tessa Ball.

Above right:Courtney Radcliffe, Tracy Crockett, and Paul Mage s pump up the crowd at a home football game. (photo by Amy Govert)

Above: Paul Mages gets into character for th e annual theme dance. This year the combined performance was to the song "You Sexy Thing" (PhotO by Sarah Thuma)

The 1999-2000 Cheerleaders. First Row Tracy Crockett, Tracy Stapleton, Courtney Radcliffe, and Tessa BaU. Lewis, Paul M.li!p., Krist)' Grinstaff, and Megan H~rz e r . (PhotO by Amy GOlfert)

56 kept the pace up by participating in nu­ _ .... hl1 ,,'year. The young squad con­ merous even ts including the of five new members who joined Moundbuilding Ceremony, H ome­ n=tum ingthree. Jessica Graves, first coming bonfire, and parade. The Black Ian Kl oc k Cat said, "This was the most Cats regularly performed at all home l\e eyer had participating in a football and basketball games. In ad­ activi ty. I got to meet a ton 0 f dition, they cheered at the home bas­ and had the opportu­ ketball games. Members of the squad were respon­ sible for choreographing and teach­ been possible a t a big ing dances to the group, The " Overall it was a build­ Black Cats danced to a variety r, where tech rtique and of music ranging from funk were emphasized and to oldies. Several new dance improved upon. The styles were also experimented ination of the new with this year. One of the crowd's _..,.,f,,·y-<; combined with the existing favorites was a contemporary step rou­ .II1r1Kh,nresulted in a successful sea­ tine. Kari Good said, "One of my fa­ foe the Black Cats. vorite performances was the step rou­ season got off to an early start tine. Tie-dying our tank tops was fun, Above: Layna Ford, "·!egan Burns, and Kari Good srretch out btl,,,c a b"tkcthall gamt the s(]uad holding tryouts at the even if our hands were still purple for In addition to regular performances tho Black Cats cheered at all home basketball !lam "This was my first time to stand on the court and cheer. J ,)111 really glad that we had t l .illmllog of the fall semester. They the game ...our shirts looked great " opportunity to help out the chee rl eaders; we got to know each other betler and had a great time," said Layna Fo rd. (p hoto by r\my Goven)

1999-2000 Black Cats Dance Team. Firs! Row: Megan Burns, Layna Ford, and Jackie Dick. Second Above: Layna Ford and Angie Gentry change formations gic Gentry, Jessica Graves, Kari Good, and Jiana W il son. (photo by Amy Gaven) witho ut missing a beat during the theme dance routine. (photo by Amy Govert) 57 By Hea ther Jdfcry

The voJlt:yba U team, coached by Julie that anyone gets is an hon or, however ~v[ urphy, Betty Haunschild, Sara the team helped me receive it. It wasn't Peterson, and Lori Wedel was able to juSt me as an individual. " McCarty was rise above KCAC predictions, The team also named Freshman of the Year fo r was expected to place eighth in the con- the Conference, fercnce out of nine teams, however, the The team celebrated the season with a Lady Builders took a smaU but banquet where co-captai n Busch important step up to seventh, , was named the team MVP and An!-,>1e Busch explained their suc­ _Natalie Rose was named Most cess by saying, "People wa nt to Improved, FinaUy, McCarty be there and are enjoying them­ 'was named the team's New selves, and trying reaU)' hard on Playe r of the Year. the courts," Co-captains Lisa The gi rls finish ed the season with a 7­ Phillips and Busch led the team with 18 record, Coach Murphy renected o n hard work and dedication, the season sayi ng, "We played pretty H o no rable Mention AU-Conference we U, It's hard when yo u have most of recognition went to Lesley McCarty and your team as freshmen and we traveled Sara Smith, Smith replied "A ny award right o ff the bat."

Above: Natalie Rose focuses on serving the ball, (photo by Am y Govert) Left: : Kristin Sc hmidt moves to re turn the ball to the opposing team, (photo by Am y Gove rt) r------., Left: The Builde rs get a brier break before the next serve. (photo by Amy Govert)

Below left: The crowd observes the on-court action. (phoro by Amy Govert) Below right: Hillary Johnson pre­ pares to set up a hitter. (photo by Amy Govert)

The 1999-2000 Moundbuilder VoUeybaU Team First RJ]Jv. Kayoko Waki, Julie Woolf, Katie Phillips, Angie Busch, Gina McVay, Lisa Phillips, Natalie Rose, Lesley iV!cCarry, and Rebecca Roberts. Sec­ ond Row: Sara Peterson, Betty Haunschild, Hillary Johnson, Chriscin Schmidt, Sara Smith, l ori Wedel, and Julie Murphy. R ight: Heath By Shol1ti:. French, Jarvis Cannon and Chri"ina Vensor )Jixon celebrates with a fcl!ow team­ mate after the The 1999-2000 Southwestern home another [(CAC title, " Huildcrs score Moundbuilder football team fmished Turner and Andrew Vargas agJinst the Bethany their season with a record of8-3, sur­ lee ted as NAIA Swedes. The Buile! passing previous goals they had set. crs went on to Je­ feat the Swee!es, They were crowned [(CAC their longtime ri · Champions for the third yah, in a spectacu­ straight year, and the Builders lar hOlln:' coln in g defeated their long-time rivals, game. (Phot<) b y Erica Gutierrez) the Bethany Swedes, in overtime during the homecominggame, Se­ fense was Jon Runiun, nior Nate Turner stated, "The and Vargas, Adam Ha% most memorable moment of this Wiley Jackson were nameJ season was the Bethany game when ond Team Offense, and Ricky Kevin Langford kicked the winning was awarded Second Team Dc field goal." Coach Monty Lewis had Honorable Mention went to 0.1 this to say, "I am realiy proud of the Josh Browne, Scan Sttickland,J o ~, three consecutive KCAC titles, The and Darryl Brooks, Jackson superior senior leadership plays an im­ see SC football winning many portant role in carrying on this tradi­ [(CAC titles and proving we are tion, We look forward to bringing ber onel"

The 1999-2000 Moundbuilder Football Team fin! row: joey Piel, Andrew Vargas, Leroy jackson, Kevin Warner, Silas RobertSon, Rodney Smith, Heath Nixon, Chad RobertS, Ricky Ktnyada Davis, Donovan Nolan, john Brannon, Derik Gish, Second rou': Seth Naughton, Cory james, Luke Farrar, jesse Dale, Eric Huebert, Ryan Cunningham, Darryl Brooks, \\" Taylor Bonner, Lee Bowman, joey Cantu, RandaU Schaller, Lucas Schroeder, Taylor Cerne, Brooke jones, Third row: Ngan Nguyen, Deon BeUe, Chris Bussey, Jason Ilaldridge, Drew Travis lJrtwcr, Kevin Langford, justin Kendall, Scott Mclean, Derek KJaassen, Dusty Beam, Aaron Overbey, Adam Bruster, joey Wilkinson, fow!h rou': Erin Eis, Coach jeff Rahm, C",d. ~lcNerlin, Coach Chris Douglas, Coach Matt Welch, Coach Steve Roberts, Head Coach Monty Lewis, Coach jeff Stine, Coach Billy Beard, Coach Brian Shaw, Coach Phil Hower, Coach Goertz, Brian Norton, Amy Monical. Fifth rOJV.' Gerry Strange, Seth Hobbs, Tony Daniels, Brian Beard, Adolphus Denson,josh Finney, Shane Alford, Zack Holder,Jason Nichols,john Tatc, Varg'", Jay Mehuron, Rick Smith, Six!h row: Chris Fisk, Dennis Coogler, John Runion, Adam Hass, jake Steven ton, Chris Gallian, Mike Graves, Brian Zoglmann, Casey Clemens, M,ike Chrr., McCurry. .'l,renlh row: jarvis Cannon, Travis Huff, jeremy Lewis, Sean Strickland, Daniel Capps,Jeromy jones, Nate Turner,josh Sears, john Nelson, Montelle Knauls, Nathan Ecka rt.

TOll': LJ York, Todd Fagan, jeff Lowe, DJ BeU, james Moran, Tylor Struckman, Andrew Brenn, josh Thuma, joshua Browne, Clint Robinson, Heath Horyna, Kris Green, The lkr h:1nr Swcdl::- :1Ucmpt to stop funning back Sila ~ R o lH.: rt ~q n JS ri<, the k dl for the Builders. (photo by IOri o Gutierrez) r------~

Left: Silas Robert>ol1 b,dl­

dU/'L'S over the l>e t han), Swedes. (photo by ..\m~· ( ;on~rt)

Left: Tackle ~atc T urner (78) and gua rd Adam Haa s ((,0) b lock Bethany defend ers. (pho to b \' A n1l' Govert)

61 By Julie Morgan and Jarvis Cannon

" In o ur first two seasons we had a other. They have steadily· whopping two wi ns. In this ~ since last season, and hope to· last season we increased that . ~ crease their intensity for number three times. We are im­ year. proving, and o ur coach is doing a "The guys had a lot of fun good job ofgetting us talented the season was a positive . recruits in each freshman class. rience," said Travis Hasting.;. I think in a few yea rs we will be As the season came to a a program to be reckoned the men realized the great with," said Joe G il more. ships they had made. They The men's soccer team put forth rl ished the season with 5 wins, a great deal ofeffort this yea r. While losses, and 2 ties. playi.ng, they learned how to rely on each

Above: Orlando Corral tries to get rhe b"U awar from the opposing team by ming SOme fanc), footwork. (photo by Amy Govert)

Below: :-'hrk Bolt tosses the ball back into pia), during a home soccer game. (photo by Amy Govert)

1999-2000 Men's Soccer Team Fi!,-I Row: Coach Andy Sheppard, O rl ando Corra l, Jayson Guengeri eh, Mark \\lest, Daniel Seifert, ~I:u, Bolt, Tanner Lundy, Chris Champion. Second Row: Jeremy HaU, Joe Gilmore, David EU iott, Travis Hastings, Chong Kim, Kelsey Schult1, David Madriga l, Coach Brock Hickam.

62 Above: The players get a little advice from the coach and a refreshing drink of wa ter bcfore they take the field to finish up the game. (photo b)' i\my Govert)

Above left: Kelsey Schultz and Spencer Dunca n try to block the opponent from getting near the goal. (photo by H eather Jeffery)

Left: Orlando Corral dribbles the ball down the r,eld while trying to stay clear of the opposing team. (photo by f\my Govert)

Below left: Mark Bolt attempts to stcal the bal l away from the rival team as his feUow players look on. (photo by Amy Govert)

r------., I I I ,I I "This was a year of I learning in soccer for me. I I was used to a very I different style of play.... I I I like the team because I I (am) able to get along I with all of them. Overall, I 1 think this is a great I team, and we had a lot of .. fun. "

Orlando Corral

63 Below: In the nick oftime, D cnisse Camarena gives the soce,­ haeel kic k as Brancl)' Richardson comes up to assiSt in the pl:n The I999-2ililO Women's Soccer sea­ ingpractices and severaJ late nights with class by (\my Govcrr) son starred off a titde slow. There work. After a long hard stretch, tbey ended were many new faces o n the team, the season wi th tWO wins, thirteen losses, so the players had to learn how to and two ties. work with each other. "I was wor­ "We struggled some through­ ried about co ming on as a fresh­ Out this season, but that says man and not being accepted by nothing about th e talent we have the rest of the team, but I did get on the team. Next year IS loo king

to know everyone," said Heidi Bates, ' ! very positive, so I'm ho ping every­ fresbman. .--;;:/ one works hard this offseason and Though there were many inju­ summer and comes OUt next season

ries, tbe girls kept up the hard (0 win the KCAC conferencell l" said ~o:;;;:":;;::~ work. They had many early 01001­ Brandy Richardson.

Upper Left: Beth 10amcr the bali back into the game Furches gets in position for lhe pL. by Julie Moegan)

The 1999-2000 Women's Soccer Finl Row: Beth Barbiers,

Giefer. Second Ro}p: Arnie Jacly n McCluskey, Jaime Heathee Black, Penny ZJhs, Amanda Rathburn, Be th Coach Brock Hic kam. (phOl o Goven)

64 r------~I I I Left: Beth '·Crash" Barb ic r:-; take:-; a nmning st:lft to

tos:, the b:dl ~ ):1(" ;": II1l0 pi:1 yduring th e Ckrob..: r 11 th I game ago in" 1..:5 /\ 0. (photo by J"lie \ (o rgan) I I I Below: Heidi Rates makes n mad d:lsh :1cro ~ s (h e ,occer tield wi th the baU whik the plo)'er' Crol1\ I rh e other team try to cut her of( in mid-stride. (photo by J ulie Motgan) I -.I

Above: Amando Rathburn ond her team­ mate Rcn ~ l c G ie fer race: to capture '( he ball (rom the other team. (photo by Julie ~ (()r­ gon)

Left: Arnie Luna-Tutlle dnhbks the bo ll clown the tield wh i.le hL:l" tc ::lnlmJlC:-> RCl1JC Giefer ond l\m:Ul

6S Above: Senior Josh Wheacley strides in with a time of at the NAJA Cross Country National Championsiups, ' by Mark Conard) 1999·2000 Cross Country Firs/ rOlV: Rose Mans, Rebecca Wedel, Cassie Helmer, Stacy Kahrs, Julie Woolf, Ngan Nguyen, Pam Brown, Beth Barbiers, Second roIV: Jason Hunt, \Varren Bergquist, Nathaniel \'(Iheatley, Josh \'(Iheacley, Greg BomhofT, Jon Cunningham, Josh McMillin, Tbird rOIP: Greg Gann, Adam Wright, Chris Ford, Ryan Turner, Trent Hanshew, jllnalhan Conard, E ric Hunt, Brett Prothro,

Above: Stacy Kahrs works hard to pass an opponent, She placed 57th at Nation· als. (photo by Mark Conard)

Right: The men's team gathers to accept an award and take a group picture, (rhoto by Brett Prothro)

66 Left: Beth Barbiers keeps up her rhythm during Nationals where she placed 111 th. (photo by Mark Conard)

Below: Senior Jonathan Conard runs tike the wind to an outstanding 41 st place at Nationals. (photo by Mark Conard)

r- I I I I I I I I I I IL ______.II

Left: Ngan Nguyen pushes hard for a fmishing time of 23:38 at Narionals. (photo by Mark Conard)

Above: Senior Eric Hunt asks "Where's the competition?" after running in a KCAC meet.. (photo by Brett PrOthro)

Left: Cassie Helmer runs hard to deliver a time of 20:13 at the NAJA Cross Coun­ try National Championships. (photo by ,"l ark Conard)

Right: Warren Bergquist attempts to pass an opponent during nationals where he placed 102nd. (photo by Mark Conard)

, 67 / lbn/.'( : 1999·2000 Men's Golf Team. Daniel Miller, Andy Roberson, Justin Frost, Derrick Landwehr-Brown, Chris LaForge, Brian Grunder, Wade Brummett, Tro)' Lucas, Matt Harris, J D SilJs, Jason D ixon, Coach i'vlike FlueI"

By Erica Gutierrez The Southwestern College men's golf , team enjoyed a successful season. As a team they placed well at many tourna· ments. They ended the season with a third place finish at the KCAC championships. Freshman Justin Frost placed third at the tournament, earning all conference hon· ors. With only one senior graduating the golfers look fo rward to continued suc· cess next year.

68 By erica Gutierrez The Southwestern College women's golf team enjoyed great success dUrIng their first season . As individual s, members of the team consistendy placed in the top spots at tournaments. As a team, they worked towards their goal of qualifying for nationals. Freshma n Kaysha Velarde qualified for nationals as an individual, placing 29th. Coach Mike Fluty commented, " We 've had a great first season, I'm really excited to see what the team can do in the future." With the entire team returning next year and several promising recruits the future looks bright for the Lady Builders.

Be/oU/. Katie Phillip, and Kaysha Velarde stOP to cheese for . lmcra befo re a to urnament.

\999-2000 Women's Golf Team. Wendy Mohler, Courtney Radcliffe,Andrea Pearce, Katie Phillip" Vclank, Dalene Dick, Erica Gutietrez.

r------~ I 1 . I I I


69 By Sarah Thuma and Kylee Ward

This year's men's basketball team had a strong season with a large amount of new freshmen team members. Freshman Devin Nightengale was unani­ mously voted 1 st Team AlJ­ KCAC and KCAC Co-Fresh- . man of the Year. Junior Dustin Hundley received Honorable Mention AII­ KCAC. One of the

\ ,\ !, ."'. .\ .'; .--: team's most memorable 'S:-i;l YX>// games was the defeat of ' f~~';'/~;;(i Oklahoma Christian, '/. ~ )

Below: Devin Nighrengale sinks one for ,he Builders. (phoro by Jeana Clark)

Below Right: Four on o ne and Dustin Hundley soU makes ,he shot. (Pho ro by Amy Govert)

70 Ryan Clark sacrifices his body by taking a nose-dive to g ain possession o f the rnoto by Amy Covert)

(photo by Amy Coven)

Duson HundJe)' battle for the rebnund agai nst Bethel.

(photo by Amy Covert)

r------~ I 1 , I I I I I I "The most embarrassing thing that I happened this season was when Rich I Bartow forgot his shoes at Bethany I and had to wear a si7.c 13 and I normally wears a si7.e 16. 1 think he L_ has done this twice in the last two years!" 71 Josh Smith By Sarah Thuma and Kylec Ward

The unity of the 1999~2000 Lady McDonnan'commented that "beating Builders aided in the team's success this Ottawa in overtime was the most basketball ~cason. Tho\lgh there were memorable game. this se~son" The several injured team members, they Lady Builders won with 4.3 seconds left ended the season with 17 wins, and 12 pn the dock. N[is sy Lungren recaUed, losses. The team also met its goal of "It was an emotional win for the team finishing in the top three in (he KCAC and espeda.u~ for Coach denley." conference by tying widl Friends. Dana

The 1999-2000 Women's Basketball Team First row: Maren Harding. Hendershot, Niki Nicholas, Edeka Velardes, Sheleah Taylor, Jennifer Tara Patterson, Mika Reed, Missy Lungren, and Coach SU7.i Cockren. row: Coach Lisa Braun, Nicole Ledbetter, Rachel Stueve, Casey Dreitz. Burdett, Angie Busch, Dana McDorman, Sarah Goad, Suni Goad , Keely Stanley, Kristin Wollenberg, Coach David Denly, and Coach Mike

Above: Mica Reed digs into the action against Bethel College. Thuma)

Left: Stacey Hart scores with a lay up against Kansas Wesleyan. Covert) Above: Jennifer Jenson d emonstrates her offensive skills by driving the hall Jown the lane. (pl10tO by Amy Govert) -----_._--­ Left: Missy Lungren goes for the rebol.l llLl ".((".titlSt the McPherson Bulldogs. (Pho tO by Amy (;()\·" rr) -----_._----.-----_.---­ Below: Kee ly Stanl"y, I( tislin Woll enburg, Ecleka Velardes and Mika Reed cheer o n their fello\\' ream­ mates. (photo by Amy G overt)

r------., I I I I I I I I I I I .I

73 By Erica Gutierrez

The 1999-2000 season was a time of re­ building and improvement for Sou thwestern's women's tennis team. After losing several of last season's key players, first year coach Jessie Brass was forced to do some emergency recruiting. The team ended the season with a sixth place finish at the KCAC championships. Rebecca Wedel was named to the All Con­ ference Second Team and also received the sportsmanship award. The future looks bright for the women's tennis program with the addition of Shawn Shimmel as coach for the 2000-2001 season.

1999-2000 Women's Tennis First row. Emily Bauer, Rebecca Wedel Second row: Raechcl McClain, Angie Meier, Megan Sea fe, Alym Roge". (photo by Amy Goven) r------,

Left: Rebecca Wedel sends a powerful backhand over Lhe net .. her doubles partner Megan Scafe watches. (photo by Arnie [jebau~ 74 By Erica Gutierrez Under the rurection of new head coach Brian Shaw the Southwestern College Men's Tennis program has had a season filled with improvements, inclurung a win over KCAC champs Bethel. According to senior Jason Siemens, "Even though we didn't have the greatest season ever we had some good moments, like our win over Bethel. Over the course of the season we really came together as a team. I'm really thankful that I had the oppor­ tuniry to play with these guys." The team looks forward to next season with six players returning.

1999-2000 Men's Tennis Finl row: Jeremy Moyer, James Rosenthal, Shuichi Wantanabe, Nathan Eckert. Second rolV: Jaso n Siemens, Garrett \'«ahlenmaier, Travis H asti ngs, Randall Walz. (pho{Q by Amy Govert) r------., : 1 ' : I I I I I I I I I ..I

Above: Shuichi Wantanabe and Jason Siemens work on their doubles strategy during practice. (pho{Q by Amy Gove n) 75 The Moundbuilders again dominated excited about the flight. She said, "It their conference in men's and ,vill be so awesome. Ths is only women's track. Some indi­ the second time I've £lown, and viduals broke personal the first was when the track records; and event records team went to Chicago!" This were also broken. Several in­ year also marked the final sea­ dividuals and teams qualified son for many seniors on the for Nationals in Canada. track team. They will be missed, Stacy Kahrs was not only looking for­ but their achievements will be remem­ ward to the competition, but was also bered.

Above: Beth Barbiers pushes hard for a strong finish in the half mile race, Above: Trent Hanshew has a good lead over his opponent in the 4 X BOO-meter race, (photo (photo by Amy Govert) by Erica Guiterrez)

-" ~ T' ., .. \ , I ~ ". 1

I . \ ...... II. t I • -. W) A ~ ~ ... . . ", . . - - .. ..--. ~ . --'~ __ .. -- ,~" -. ----..... -~ ...... - . . - - .

The 1999-2000 Track and Field Team First rOlv: Ryan Turner, Lee Bowman, Chris Champion, Chris Woods, Josh Wheatley, Eric Hunt, Christin Schmidt, Mandy Mundinger, Sheleah Taylor, Nicole Ledbetter. Second ro})': Trey Jones, Brian Hamilton, Justin Helmer, Curtis Porucek, Beth Barbiers, Pam Brown, Cassie Helmer, Stacy Kahrs, Rose Mans, Leah Brant, Ngan Nguyen, Carrie Plumley, Amy Honeck. Th,id ro,,,: Jason Hunt, Chris ford, Adam Wright, Trent Hanshew, Greg Bomhoff, Mandy Strano, Jena Schlager, Brian Givens, \'(farren Bergquist, Nathaniel Wheatley. Fourth rou': Jon Cunningham, Greg Gann, Juanell Beal, Heath Horyna, Nate 76 Turner, Chong Kim, Montelle Knauls. Fifth rolV.' Jon Conard, Levi Hillman, Keldric Horne, Calvin Burks, James Tirus. Abo,'., Chris Woods and Chong Kim stretch out before their race. (photo by Am)' Gaven)

Right: Mandy Stra no prepares her wind up for the discus throw. (photo by Amy Gaven)

Left: Josh Finney and Jarvis Cannon wa tch as James T irus lands an exceUenr jump. (photo by Amy Govert)

Rig ht: Jena Schlager works hard in practice to perfect her shot put toss. (photo by Amy Gaven)

Below: Chris Ford attempts to give SC the lead in a reiay race by passing on the inside. (photo by Erica Guiterrez)

77 an excuse for Lil y Mattix and Jeremiah

Left: Sarah Melcher examines hcr cO-Star in non The Medium. (photo by Amy Govert)

Right: Several of the Sutton girls discuss how to paint their hall ', rock. (photo by Amy Govert)

78 Events

aisles at the Facul ty by Amy G overt)

Left: Layna Fo rd Hng dance fl oor. Work Day

Lefl: Ncw~ Channel 3 v ide()tapc~ crc'" num­ ber r0 as Ihey painr a house. T he news crc:w lill1lcci ' nltra l g-rC>" I" durin!-\ the Ja) _ (phi.", by Kalhy \X'ilgers)

Belo w : Heidi [>Ores and Juletta Gall get 10 know each olher while scraping a hou'e. M. nl freshmen found cHher people in Iheir work crc"'" \\,.th Ihe

Left: Travis Brewer and har Anna Marcine? tr ' Iheir hands at gHdening during Freshman Workc.b)'. (photo b)' Kalhy W.lgcrs)

Below: Group ive cmhusiastically scrapes paint o Cf a house. T hey finished the day by applying a fre sh CO.I and restoring the hou.• c 10 its ormer beauty. (photo by Kalhy Wilge,,)


IL ______.I • ~ng

Right: The rockpoin ting ceremolll' le t crt :1ti"ity sho\v in rocks like F. ~ r1 McK oon 's personal Su per man rock. (pho to b y I\m )' G overt)

Below: T he yea rbook rock " hows the Ji nx 's e y e~. as it loo ks fO r\\,;:l rd to :'\ new cra at Sc. (photo bl" l\n1V G overt)


"Painting rocks was great, and even though our mascot is considered to be one of the strangest in the U.S., we also have a creative piece of everyone who went to school at Sc." .. Jacklyn McCluskey

Right: Angie Gentry gets hc';p fro m se cu rity ex trtlord in:1i re, " D a (1 (h e Ma n ," w h ik pu t t ing the fini shing to uc hes o n the 1:l ::I t:, Cats Ro ck. (photo bl' ,'\ my Gov",,) Above: Studen ts, faculty, and individual rocks o n the mound

Left: Escaping in jury this year, the men', ern" team strategically position their rock mo und. (photo by Sarah Thuma.)

Below: Members of the men', basketball team th eir working-Logc ther skjUs ;1:\ weU as their mu:;clcs. by Sarah Thuma)

Above: Students cheer as their organization's expectations for the year 2000 are read. (photo by Sarah Thuma)

82 Day

L eft: :\fter trudging rhrough the mud, Katie WooJro\\' ottempts to avoiJ slipping while climGi:: ,, ~ O\'er rhe o f the pi" (photo by Am)' Govc" ,'

Below: ,,'[embers of the Phi Delts and Tn Be to

rC;1n1S b:1ttlc for first place in ;1 compl::lin\'c g:1 11lC o( sa ncl voll eybal l. (photo by Am)' GOl'en)

Left: Earl rakes a relaxing "barh" in the mud pir Juring a break in rhe tournament. (phnro by Sarah Thuma) r------.. I I

I I1..------.1

Left: Studcnts hose rhcmseh'cs orf afrer a day In rhe din. (phoro bl' Amy Govc rr) Beth Kramer Lisa Phillips Andrea Pearce

Hotnecotning Court Queen Joanna Moss & Ugly Man Shane Alford

Daniel Miller Jonathan Conard Jacob Tuttle Homecoming Coronation

Left: C8nJidates li>tcn m rheir biographies at the Homecomi ng coronation ce remony. (photo bv J ulie I\ [ o r g~n)

Above: Pr t~id l'l ll Aicrr imnn ( () Jl .~~ r :ll 11 b ll'''; Sh;l l1C 1\It·orcl on bClIIg e lected Uglv ~ LIIl. (photo bv ,\mlc Licbau)

Left: Ugh Abn Shnl1C Al(() rd :I!l d I I (;llll'COlll!I H! Queen J0:1 n n :-l l\ l ns ~ :.nlilc (or ;1 j1 h() !() rdl () \n n~ the rOf on:1tioll ccn:1noll\'. {ph()to In" ,\lll\" Co\"c n )

still tickin' ''There were both positive and negative sides to the Friday ceremony. It was a relief to have the r-- ., I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.---______.1

j\ l e JII UC I :- U l lilt: I HJllI CLV ll lll l ~ L VU ll . I Welil lI lI.... cll ll .... H .... ' ...... n \1. '-"Ft' ) " ~ "" ,,,.u x ...... • · ...... ") held this year, all owing a ll the elected o ndidat", to be recog ni7.ed. (photo b l' 85 Above: ,\ mem ber o f the Alum ru Volleyball T= rh e ball du ri ng th e Ho meco ming alum ni matchur. b)' ,\mit Liebau)

Left: Julie \X'oolf, :-': gan Nguye n, and :\[ ~ ndr prepare fo r the 51< Builde rdash Fun Ru n/ \X'nl ·. the /v[oundbuilJer)

Below left: around the globe, sailed down ~lain St ree t yea r's H om~co min g parade. (pho to by ,\ my C O\'tl1

Below: BiU Stephens carries awo\, the tre e lilOl "-il' the nig ht befo re the gam e. (Special to the Homecoming Royalty Dani el i\.fi ller and /\ ndrea ,it :!top a convertible as they ride pos t Mill ington .Iuri n!; the Homecoming parade. (pho to by I\my

President Me rriman leave, a couple students annual Bu ilderdash. (Special

Jefi Rahm laughs so hard , he raUs out of his chair Vargas looks on at the Bon fire. (pho to by Ami e

Cam pus Playe rs ditch their acting skills to entertai n Homecoming parade crowd with ca ndy. (photo Kathy

Ir------~ I I I I I I I I L._

87 ormal

Left: Emil)' Bauer IS surprised b)' th e camera whil e struning her stuff on [he dance noor. (photo by /\my Gnvcn)

Below: Marathan. Furches, Jaime Marmnrorn and Jaclyn McClusky capture their first SC formal on film before heading to the pany. (photo by /\manda Jahn )

Above: Wade Mo rehead proves to his date JUSt how smooth he n (photo by Amy Goven)

Below: Jul ie Morga n and Jerem y Blanchard Stop converstaio n for a smile. (photo by Amy Govert)

r------~ Abo,·c: Mike C.,sh.w h ll'l~ l In'" c. Above: porun)? ,helT 1O~•• ~. Shell), GnoJ ~nd R ~(hcl (PhoLO by lube ~(()fg.'n' ( opd:1nd ,mile for . he orne'O. (!'hcltn by Julie

I\ l or~.ln)

Above: Alumni .. I' Pi DelL.I S ' ~I11:1 lcach I"

r------'1I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I ..I

89 Fling

Above: April Chlumsky and Soshi Kawabe live it up at their last Spring Fling at Sc. (photo by Jamie Jansonius)

Below: Megan Scafe, Brooke Jones, Amy Monical, Lesli e 1'v!cCarry, Jeff Lowe, Katie Phillips, Christin Schmidt, and Jamie Jansonius sbow off their Hawaiian accessories. (photo by Kristin Wollenburg) r------, : I , : I I I I I I I I I I Follies

------.. Below: Sharon Shetiar, accompanied by James Strand, belted out "I Can Cook." (photo by Amy Gaven)


Left: Jovana Llo yd spoke on behalf of "J(aps For Kids." (pharo by Amy Gaven)

Above: The entire cast and audience joined in to sing "t\mazing Grace." (photo by Amy Goven)

Left: Women Behaving Badly follow their rraditional format of a Greek Chorus. Jill i\(egreciy. Michelle Boucher, and Kath)' Wilgcrs. (photo by Amy Gaven)

91 Above: The Leadership Team in front of the Salvation Army in Rome; they wo rked here for

Firsl (0,", Jason Pond. Second row: Cheryl Rude, Amy Headrick, u sa Phillips, Kim Ukeson, I\ ndn:. Megan Galliart. T /;ird ro,", Shane Nford, Katie Woodrow, Melissa Strauss, Rose Mans, Sara Pfannc ud, G ood. FOllrl/; row: Martin Rude, Jason Spiegel, Kyle Woodrow, Joel Smith, RandaU Walz, ~[ikc Brant, Jason Siemans, Daniel Buchmueller, Kclli Cox, Kristen Kraemer r------..

Above: Megan Galu aT! , Kalie Woodrow, Li sa Phil ups, and l(jm O ke son al Ihe Colosseum.

Above: The view o f Florence fr o m the lo r o f G iotta's Bell To we r.

Left: {(atic Woodrow and Megan Galli an prune shutters at the Salva tio n Ar m y.

Below: Melissa Strauss and {(atie \'(Ioodrow enjo), one o f the many spots 10 see Ro man ruins.

I\!c ~\ n Gallian and i'...fehssa Strau ss relax after th eir laSt day o f ,lung lt ,he Sah"ation r\ rm y in Ro me.

93 Right: ,\ I"SI' .\IcCklllIW and Chase I( eeci ,rar ill J/". ,I (dillm, ",raten by (jtan arlo i\lcnmn, The pLly was a corpPL1ti\'c cffort oy SC seniors I':ri c Courtwright and Tim lvrycrs. (photo hy /\11l)' (;o .... cn) Below: 7IN l i'!II/,"il, dircctL'd by Roge r MDon wa, performed during the Spring semes rer at 2i)1I1I, C ast member, included Levi H ill man, Lcric Counwright, and Moagan Z:lmpicrL', (plJ("!J by AmI' (ju \'(~ n)

Abol'c : Lmily e dwards and Ka rra J ones rallied rh e women of Greece together in their r"rr

Left: Pat Farmer and April Chlumsky put in hours b e hind the scenes as they conStrucr the set for a d rama pro­ duction, (photO by Amy G oven)

( '" members of The Tempest, written by William Shakespeare, include Joanne Willougby, Rob Fry, Emily Swi ng le , Tobie HenJjne, Karta Jones, and Rana DeBay, (p hoto

C; O\'~ n) 95 nts

Above:John McC:utcheon performed at Walnut Valle) rc>tivai with the Wi nfield Regional Symphony. (Spe­ ci.1to the Moundbuilder) Below: 'li m1 Chapin joined [he Winfield Regional Sym­ phony fl)( " performance in Richardson Auditorium during the month of February, (Special to the ,\Ioundbuilder)

96 c o L L E G E

The senior nominees for the male and female Outstanding Student-Athlete award were pictured with the family of Tracy Young ('82). First row: Georgianna Young. t\ngie Busch. Schlager, track and field; Dana McDorman, basketbali; Renae Giefer, soccer. Second row: Mr. Young, Jason Siemens, tennis; Bill Young, Josh Smith, basketbali; John Nelson, Conard, cross country and track; Chris Champion, soccer. (photo by Amy Govert)

member of Education, visited with r meeting with s Abrams was invited to the campus on behalf of the Logos organization and re sponded to questions about the board's to remove and minimize the references of evolution, cosmology. global warming, and population pressures in state 97 (photo by Amy Govert) Departmental Honors

American Bible Society Scholarly Achievement Award Ryan Kane: Paper presented at the National April Chlumsky munication Association Conference Gilmour-Marrin-Kieler Foreign Language Award Title: "Crossing the Lines: A Student Meagan Zamplen tive" Foreign Language Award Simon Luther: Presentation at the Kansas Rebecca Roberts of the Mathematical Association of America Investment Award Recipient Title: "Computer Aided Art in Three Meussa Burdett Kwan Wee Lee Maryam Sarhangi: Presentation at the Kansas tion of Mathematical Association of America Title: "Mathematics and Art: Golden Section" 98 Left: AJjce Keith and Mike Tessmer were re cognized by the Srudenr Government Associauon during the Ho nors Convo cation. Keith was the recipient of the Staff Citation Award and Tessmer was awarded th e Faculry Citation. (photo by Amy Goven)

Below: James Strand and Max Tho mpson wer~ recognized by the Student Government Association fo r their years o f service to Southwestern CoU egc. S.G.A. al so recognized the accomplishments of Earl Spidel and Marvin Hafenstein who were unavailable for a photograph. (photo by Amy Goven)

The 1999-2000 Masterbuilders firsl rOI.: Andrea Schultz, Daniel Miller. Second row: Josh Smith, Amie Liebau, Angela Tran. Those nOr pictured are Jonathan Conard and John Nelso n. (pho to by Amy Gaven)

Above: Sarah Goad eagerly jo ins her peers up the 77 . (photo by Am y Govert) 99 Above: Tracy Frederick scans the ho rizon after reaching the top of the 77. (photo by Amy Govert) Right: April Chlumsky, Soshi Kawabe, Lily Mattix, Jeremiah Jones, and Chad Killblane join their fellow class mates on the steps of Christy. UJhoto by Amy Govert)

Distinguished Student 0 Leadership Studies Recipients

Mariana Conner Ephanie DeBey Chris Ford James Rosenthal Kari Roswurm Jason Siemens Angela Tran

Right: Members of the junior class make their way up the steps o f Christ), after ushering the senio r class and faculty up the 77. (photo by Am)' Govert)

Biology History Mathematics Philosophy Eric Hunt Sarah Cox Deana Pennington Jonathan Conard Mandy Mundinger Stacie Fraley John Nelson

Business Journalism Nursing Physics Melissa Burdett Jeana Clark Sara Peterson Jeff Rahm Angie Busch Lonna Summers Tracy Stapleton Kristin Kraemer Janie Carballo Dana McDorman Jessica Sisson Cross Country Ryan Clark Greg Bomhoff Angie Busch Jonathan Conard Sarah Goad Volleyball Chris Ford Dana McDorman Angie Busch Stacy Kahrs Football Josh Wheatley Cross Country Shane Alford Women's Track earn (First Place) DJ. Bell Amy Honeck Beth Barbiers Todd Fagen Stacy Kahrs Cassie Helmer Ricky Johnson Ngan Nguyan Stacy Kahrs Jeff Lowe Jena Schlager Above: Joanna Moss and Ryan Ru sco served as John Nelson Junior Marshals for th e graduating class o f 2000. Rose Mans (photo by Amy G overt) Ngan Nguyan Randall Schaller Kevin Warner

Above: Nicole Ledbetter, Janie Carballo, and Al ycia Griffin are all smiles as the pcrpare for the Ho nors Convoca tion. (photo by Amy G ovcrt)

nal Security Education Program (NSEP) for Study Abroad Ann Hawley, finalist Experiences for Undergraduates Summer Research (REU) Matt 'perdue, University of California at Santa Cruz Greg. Bomhoff, University of Kansas Chad Killblane, University of Nebraska F. Baker Research Fund of Kansas Ornithological Society Tanner Lundy 'ty'of Kansas School of Medicine, Primary Care Summer Mentor Awards Emily Bauer David Elliott Above: SC President Merriman and Steve Rankin offer their congrarula· Institute for Experiential Learning tions to the graduating class beneath the school banner donated by Max Thompsoo. (photo by Am y Govert) Sarah Ramirez 2000

r------"I I I I I I I I I I I ..I

Above: Darryl Brooks, Eastaboga, Alabama, had lots of family and friends ro share Ln his success.

102 to begin Graduation 2000. Commencement speaker Bob Knight, mayo r of Wichita, is seated to the President's left. (photo by Kathy Wilgers)

Left: Dr. Helen \'(Iroten, former Division Chair and Ptofessor of English, received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree. (photo by Kathy Wilgers) ------,

103 ~ ~ ~ ...~,... r -~ '! ~ ~ ~

r------., I I I , I I I I I Above: The diplomas are finally handed out. (photo by Kathy \,(/ilgers) I ..I

Above: 2000 Class President Jeana Clark challenged her fellow graduates. (photo bv Kathy Wilgers)

04 r------., I t I I I , I I I I I I ..I

Daniel Miller from Sweden had lots of help celebrating. (photo by Kathy Wilgers) Above: Is the world ready for Jason Teubner) (photo by Kathy Wi lgers) r------., I I I I I I I I I 1.­ 105 r------.,

11 :I . .,I t ~ckl.n I I I I I ..I

r------., I , I I . , I ~n I I I I I I I I I ..I

Above: The graduates of 2000 greet and rhank their parents, friends, and teachers. (photo by Kathy WUgers) 106 Left: Waiting for a diploma is hot hard work. (photo by Kathy Wilgers) ------.,,

Above: The photo opportunities are about over as the fa culty recesses. (photo by Kathy Wilgers)

107 (p hoto by Amy Govert)

Left: Warren Bergquist, Jart Conard, Nathaniel W heatley, and Greg Bomhoff turn the new st udent room into 3 gam bling casino. (photo by Amy Gaven)

Brian Givens tell s Ra se Mans w hat seems to be an unbelievable (p hoto by Am y Govert) People

109 Amos Angkasa Vanessa Bad ley Audrey Barron Cindy Bastian Winfield , KS Arkansas City, KS Winfield, KS Douglass, KS MUS NURS NURS ELED

Corey Benton Gregory Bomhoff John ~rans Q Melissa Burdell Angie Busch Winfield, KS Wichita, KS Talrnage,KS Caldwell, KS Dodge City, KS BIOUSEC PHYS/BCHM PH BUSA BUSA

Chris Bussey Patti Calvert Janie Carballo Chris Champion Cuthbert, GA Win fie ld, KS Garland, TX Waxahachie, TX SPMG ENG BUSA SPMG

110 Jeana Clark Helen Cleveland Cassandra Conley Mariana Conner Hutchinson, KS Arkansas City, KS Rose Hill, KS ENG Wi nfield, KS ELED THTR BUSA

Eric Courtwright Sarah Cox Jon Cunningham Ephanie DeBey Tracy Dial Augusta, KS Leon, KS Winfield, KS Salina, KS MUS/THTR Winfield, KS HIST BUSA BIOL NURS

Jason Ellison Patrick Farmer Christopher Fisk Chris Ford Humboldt, KS Blue Springs, MO Oxford , KS MUED Claremore, OK THTR HIST/HPE BUSA

Robert Fry Cami Gibson Renae Giefer Sarah Goad Winfield, KS Arkansas City, KS Cheney, KS Ralston, OK HIST ELED BIOUSPMG ELED

111 Jelinda Gose Am y Govert Sara Gr ber Alycia Griffin Trent Hanshew Winlield , KS Tribune, KS Winfield. KS Wichita, KS Winfield. KS NURS ENG/MC&F N,URS ELED ENG

Shelly Hanzlick Tobie Henline artha Hett Bernadette Hicks Kimberley Hockenbury Sedan, KS Augusta, KS eerfield, KS Arkansas City, KS Arkansas City, KS ELED MUS/THTR NURS SUSA SPED

Amy Honeck Adelia Hooley Machell Housh n Dustin Hundley Eric Hunt Hugoton, KS Coats, KS Wintield, KS Winfield, KS Derby, KS ELED PH&R ELEDfE HPER SIOL


Jenni Ireland Pam Ireland Jeremiah Jones Hans Judd Ryan Kane Wintield, KS Wintield , KS Garden City, KS Winfield, KS Wellington, KS NURS HIST THTR MUED COMA

112 Soshi Kawabe Chad Killblane Heather Koehn Heath Laetari JAPAN Arkansas City, KS Winfield , KS Godda4d, KS MUTH BCHM NURS BIOl

Maggie La Vi ne David Lee . Jo\eigh Leffew AmieLiebau Amber Logan Monterey Park, CA Derb y, KS Winfield, KS Cambridge, KS Arkansas City, KS GENS BUSC/PSYC ElED MC&F ELED

Erin Logan Tanner Lundy Lily Mattix Lynda McDade Hugoton , KS Winfield, KS Meade, KS Winfield, KS MUS /ENG BIOl ENG NURS

Michelle McKay Tania McLean Gina McVay Natalya Mikhailova Ponca City, OK Howard, KS Erie, KS Minsk, BELARUS NURS HPE MBIO ENG

113 •

Daniel Miller Melissa Milner Sara Montgomery Mandy Mundinger BJorkskogen, SWEDEN Winfield , KS Wi chita, KS Baldwin City, KS MUS NURS ELED BIOL

Timothy Myers Amanda Myles Seth Naughton John Nelson Great Bend, KS Winfield, KS Chanute, KS Lenora, KS BPHL ELED HPE BIOL

Jason Nichols Melissa Nichols PhaikOoi Deana Pennington Winfi el d, KS Arkansas Cit y, KS Douglass, KS Grenola, KS ENGfPSYC MATH /PHYS PSYC MATH

Matthew Perdue Sara Peterso n Joey Piel Timothy Putnam Arkansas City, KS Herington, KS Gonzales, LA Bedford, TX BCHM NURS BUSA MUS

114 Sarah Ramirez Antwan Richardson Silas Robertson Rachel Rochat Winfield, KS Wichita, KS Mabank, TX Winfield, KS CPTRIBUSC BUSA HPE ELED

Kari Roswurm Jena Schlager Andrea Schultz Derby, KS Walsh, CO Herington, KS BUSA ELED NURS

Sharon Shea fer Dawn Short Jason Siemens Jessica Sisson Burden , KS Winfield, KS Augu sta, KS Winfield, KS NURS NURS BCHM BUSA

Ricky Smith Rodney Smith Stacie Snyder Petra Sobba Winfield, KS Tulsa, OK Winfield, KS Arkansas City, KS HPER HIST ELED BIOLICHEM

115 Tracy Stapleton Lonna Summers Angela Tran Angela Traylor Oswego, KS Quinter KS Augusta, KS Winfield, KS NURS ENG /MLNG BIOl ElED


Nathan Turner Ryan Turner ayoko Waki Linda Walker KellieWebb Gilmer, TX Holdenville, OK agawa, JAPAN Winfield, KS Winfield, KS SPMG HPE BIOl ElED NURS

Ben Weber Janeve West Jos hua Wheatley Renee Whitaker Winf-leld, KS Greensburg, KS Cherryvale. KS Winfield. KS BUS A ENG/THTR BCHM NURS

130·IM-l3iUl:hC lllislry RecreJlion BHP B,II.; lldor of Phil osopll Y MATH-M ... tlu: JII<.Ilics BlOISEC - 8 iology, Secolltbry MOIO-M ann t: Biology 810L- ~t ology MC&F-M:ls.s COllU1\Unic;]l)()llii & Film BU SA-Bu~iJlt!s..<; Admini:-;u.Jlioll M LNG-Monut:: m L ;J11g ua¥('~ BUS C-n u si llt: ~.~ & C01l1puh:r Illfonn.uion M UED-Mujsit: E.UUL::1I10 11 BUSL-Busint.:s:. L:

Jennie Willard Jiana Wilson Warren Woods Arkansas City, KS Ulysses, KS Osawatomie, KS ELED BUSA BUSA

116 Below: Missy Iv!cCIening and Brooke Collins huddle together to brave the elements on a blustery evening, (photo by Amy Govert)

Above: Southwestern Baske tball players, Casey Dreitz and Edeka te Velardes, take a break to get a drink of water, (photo by Amy Govert) tl ~ P". Upper Left: Members of the Pep Band, Dan Reazin and Emily 9. Edwards, blow their horns on th eir Homecoming noat. (photo by Amy Govert) e.l"c.a1:.,,! Left: Yearbook editors, Arnie Liebau and Amy Govert, try to get money for their skills, (photo by Julie Morgan) 117 Shane Alford Christ ine Allen Angela Bailey Branden Banks Richard Bartow Ulysses. KS Medicine Lodge. KS rkansas City. KS Herington. KS Nixa. MO

David Bell Brandi Bellinger Heather B~ac k Carrie Bloedel Jami Blom Isabel . KS Oskaloosa. KS Winfield. KS St .C loud. MN

Mark Bolt Taylor Bonner John Branson Leah Brant Maize. KS Stafford. KS Udall . KS Edmond. OK

8 Darryl Brooks Joshua Browne Christopher Brummell Eastaboga, AL Olathe, KS Bucklin, KS

Christopher Bruner Daniel Buchmueller Jamie Carpenter Michael Cashaw Winfield, KS Pratt , KS Kansas City, Seymour, IN Sl. Louis, MO

Ryan Clark Holly Clayton Jesse Dale Kasie Dumler Claremore, OK Ulysses, KS Arkansas City, KS Lyons, KS

Hubert Dutton Nathan Eckert David Elliott Todd Fagan Leona, KS Kiowa, KS Winfield, KS Mulvane, KS

119 Angela Gentry Haither Green Amanda Griffith Maren Harding Tulsa. OK Wichita. KS Burden. KS Mayetta.. KS


Matthew Harris Adam Hass LoronHays Ashley Helfrich Jennifer Henning Valley Center. KS McAlester. OK Winfield. KS Wright. KS Geuda Springs. KS

Megan Herzer Christopher Hibbert Keldric Horne Heath Horyna Perryton, TX Liberal. KS Lawton. OK Pittsburg. KS

Craig Idacavage Jennifer Jensen Rachelle Jesseph Ricky Johnson Caldwell. KS Claremore. OK Winfield. KS Arkansas City. KS

120 .", _ .....1 n ...... 11'

Stacy Kahrs Beth Kramer Chad Lampson Craig Lang Clay Center, KS Omaha, NE Cedar Vale , KS Burrton , KS

Kevin Langford James Larson Chris LaForge Nicole Ledbetter Amanda Leddy Mabank, TX Wichita, KS EI Dorado, KS Collinsville, OK Wellington, KS

Seth Leeper Jeffrey Lowe SimonLuhur David Madrigal Winfield, KS Protection, KS Winfield, KS Jakarta, INDONESIA

Melissa McClening Christopher McCurry Scott McLean Joshua McMillin Westmoreland, NH Tulsa,OK Howard, KS Wichita, KS

121 I , ----~~ Jay Mehuron Scott Miller Amy Monical Wade Morehead Winfield. KS Belle Plaine, KS Midwest City, OK Clearwater, KS


Joanna Moss Jeremy Moyer othy Mungania Jesus Munoz Josphat Muturi Ardmore, OK Ulysses, KS eru, KENYA Juarez, Mexico Meru,KENYA

Bradley Newell Ngan Nguyen Michael Ostrom Tara Patterson Stafford, KS Garden City, KS Ketchikan, AK Dallas, TX

Andrea Pearce Tricia Pensick Lisa Phillips Justin Pond Winfield, KS Winfield, KS Jetmore, KS Andover. KS

122 Brett Prothro Rachel Ramirez Brandy Richardson Heather Robb Augusta, KS Winfield, KS Catoosa , OK Arkansas City, KS

Chad Roberts Stacy Roop Ryan Rusco Kat Schalesky Randall Schaller Winfield, KS Burden, KS Argonia, KS Garden City, KS Blackwell. OK

Lori Schiff Christin Schmidt Diana Smith Melissa Strauss Winfield. KS White City. KS Arkansas City, KS Junction City, KS

rickland Sheleah Tay lor Randi Thompson Josh Thuma Jacob Tuttle Wichita, KS Elkhart, KS Hartford, KS Cushing, OK

123 Kenneth Vaden Nadia VanDorn Christina Vensor Garrett Wahlenmaier Tul sa, OK Kent, WA Pueblo, CO Winfield, KS

Kevin Warner Rebecca Wedel Dustin Wilgers Joey Wilkinson Jennifer Worstell Ul ysses, KS Leavenworth, KS Wichit a, KS Salt Lake City, UT Indepcndcnce. MO

Adam Wri ght Wichita, KS

Above: Raechel i'v!cCloi n and !\lyssa Rogers m.ke MoundbuiJder memories by painting their first rock. (photo by Amy Govert)

124 -

Above Missy Lung ren i5 5urrounded by pro5pective students. (photo by Keely Stanley)

Left: Andy Sheppard leads hi s ClCcle of friends in something fun at rhe FCA meeting. (photo by Julie Mo rgan)

Above: D aniel i\>f ill er and Stacie Fraley bum around together at the camivai. ;ph,,'" by ;\mie Liebau)

125 April Adams Kara Adams Tessa Ball Beth Barbiers Emily Bauer Moline, KS Hillsboro, KS Winfield. KS Alvarado, TX Great Bend, KS

KyeBaxter Brian Beard Joshua Bitting Pam Brown Chanute. KS Carrollton, TX Udall, KS Preston, KS

Allen Busch Denisse Camarena Joseph Cantu Stewart Cauble Dodge City, KS El Paso, TX Augusta KS Liberal, KS Wichita, KS

26 Stacy Coburn Brooke Collins KelliCox Tracy Crockett Guthrie, OK Wichita, KS Copan. OK Udall, KS

Kenyada Davis Roiann Dennett A.D. Denson Casandra Drei tz Emily Edwards Oklahoma City, OK Winfield, KS Plains, KS Wichita, KS

Billy Ewertt Joshua Finney Shelly Fraley Shonda French Wellington, KS Winnsboro , TX Burden, KS Udall, KS


RieFujirn Megan Galliart Laura Godbey Crystal Goering Shelley Good JAPAN Winfield, KS Medicine Lodge, KS Pretty Prairie, KS Derby, KS

127 r I Kristy Grinstaff Brian Grunder Erica Gutierrez Chanel Ie Hart Udall, KS Winfield, KS Winfield, KS Rogers, AR

Travis Hastings Cassie Helmer Brandi Henline Zachary Holder Travis Huff Moore, OK Winfield, KS Augusta, KS Trinidad, CO Holdenville, OK


Jason Hunt Caryn Huslig Brandon Jameson Heather Jeffery Kingwood, TX Ellsworth, KS Junction City, KS Wichita, KS

Morlin Jonatan Karra Jones William Jones Derek Klaassen INDONESIA Wichita, KS Sterling, KS Whitewater, KS Tulsa, OK

128 Kristin Kraemer Amanda Lampe Arnie Luna-Tuttle Rose Mans Salina. KS Piqua. KS Garden City. KS Hutchinso n. KS

Char Anna Martinez Todd McAtee Angela Meier Sarah Melcher Michael Morgan Mankato. KS North Newton. KS Olathe. KS Ottawa. KS Arkansas City. KS

Jorge Mucambe Nika Orebaugh Ryan Parrish Sarah Pfannenstiel MOZAMBIQUE Wichita. KS Hillsboro. KS Udall. KS

David Prather Kristina Recalde Lisa Reynolds Ryan Rising McPherson. KS Wichita. KS Wellington. KS Winfield. KS

129 I

Andrew Roberson Jessica Robinson Megan Scafe Leigh Schooley Oklahoma City, OK Douglass, KS Wichita, KS Latham,KS


Lucas Schroeder Daniel Seifert KyraSliwinski Sara Smith Eric Strader Cheney, KS Wichita, KS Columbia, MD Eagar, AZ Wichita, KS

Mandy Strano Stacey Strickland Melinda Sullivan Treva Summers Leavenworth, KS Hugoton, KS Udall, KS Quinter, KS

Jonathan Tate Jason Tattershall GloriaTham James Titus Tyler, TX Mulvane, KS MALAYSIA Leonard, TX

130 Ali Wait Angela Wallace Shuichi Watanabe Matthew Webb Sublette. KS Udall, KS JAPAN Amarillo, TX

Brandon Westhoff Karen Wilder Katie Woodrow Julie Woolf Penny Zahs Arkansas City, KS Winfield, KS Rose Hill, KS Cheney, KS Ainsworth, IA

Joanna Zayac Michael Ziser Rochester Hills, MI Wichita,KS

Above: Shonda French and Kristy Grinstaff hold on tight for the ride of their life on the Ferris Wheel at the Welcome Back Carnival. Durin o the eventful evenino the Ferris Wheel had a few technical difficulties causing many student: to be stuck in their ;~ats for at least ten minutes. (rhoto by Al11Y G.)vc::n)

Left: Brooke Collins gives Rachel Copeland a little push for an extra challenge on the swings at the Welcome Back Carnival. (pholo oy Amy GO'tn)

131 Be low: Josh Smilh shakes th hand {) f the (;pl'(l s in~ team before the h:l Below: Cool Seth Roach. ,;ame. (phOlo by f\m)' G ovCrt)

ght: Loum Godbey seems a 1)1[ n 'uus al.,H /lit lhl: pholographer. enter ri ght: The new coffee­ HJS(;' Bc:u riz' became a f:1.\' ori[(: unt for students. (photo by Amy own ) lwcr ri ght: Brook" ColGns jo in s "<.k ll ~ I O()11 for a hair raisillt; ride.. l{)lll by :\111 )' Goverl )

32 Betty Haunchild Mary Nichols Jennifer Schaller Sue Simmons Jerry Wallace Asst. Volleyball Coach Adjunct Instructor Oir. Conferences & Sununer College Archivist

Rhett Joy

Far left: J oanna iv[ o" Enus her· seJf 'l ost in space' during the Millennium D inner o rgonized bv SGA "nu Marriott Foou ser­ vice. (photO by Am y Gaven )

Left: M ike Ziser erades in Soli­ t~ i r e for a more sophi sricu ed w aSte o f tim e. keeping basket­ baU game Stats. ~)hOIO by ,\mv Gaven)

133 David Abarca Andrea Billings Melanie Boone Randy Bradley Darvin Breaker Alajuela, COSTA RICA Topeka, KS FR lDeSoto, KS SO Winfiel d, KS SR Towanda, KS FR

Calvin Burks Carmen Costello-Busch Melanie Disbrow Michael Gichoga Ft. Worth, TX SR Dodge City, KS OT Chanute, KS FR Meru , KENYA FR

Brian Groves John Hardaway Jeff Henderson Robbie Jones Arkansas City, KS FR Fairview, OK FR Arkansas City, KS OT Garden City, KS FR Andy Liebau Melissa Megti Rick Phelps Carrie Plumley Camoridge, KS FR Latham, KS FR Wellington, KS OT Cherryvale, KS SR

Krysti Potter Kelti Pulis James Sandell Shanna Shearburn Winfiel d, KS FR Winfie ld, KS FR Wellington, KS GR El Dorado, KS FR

Troy Smith Kara Spencer Heather Stout Anna Sullivan Winfield, KS OT Winfield, KS FR Wichita, KS OT Coffeyville, KS JR

oughby Jordan Wilson Meagan Zampieri Jason Felix Everjoy Madzinga Winfield, KS OT Richland, TX FR Pittsbu rg, KS JR Colton, CA FR Harareorah , Zimbabwe

135 Right: At the beginning os school what more could you ask for than a carnival and friends. (phOto by Arnie Liebau)

Above: Mike Cashaw, Darryl Brooks, John Brannon, and Calvin Burks get into their act at one of the SAA sposored events in the fall. (photo Amy Govert)

Above: Tobie Henline does what students do best. (photo by Am y Goven )

136 Right: Jay Mehuron and Ryan Cunningham relax as they ride. (phoro by Arnie Liebau) Drew Anderson Rhyan Anderson Jason Baldrid Meli ssa Barkus Heid i Bates Andover, KS Burleson, TX Vinita, OK Winfield, KS Midlothian, TX

Juanell Beal Dustin Beam Warren Bergquist Jeremy Blanchard Salina, KS Pratt, KS Osage City, KS Winfield, KS


Lee Bowman Julie Brewer Travis Brewer Mich ael Brogdin Austin, TX Arkansas City. KS Houston, TX Canadian, TX

137 I

Adam Bruster Charles Burkholder Martha Campbell Jarvis Cannon Norman,OK Newton,KS Burden, KS Pryor,OK I I

Stacy Carpenter Taylor Cerne Gary Champion Evan Chen Nathan Clay Winfield, KS Altamont, KS axahachie, TX SINGAPORE Cherryvale, KS

Casey Clemens Orlando Corral Tony Daniels RanaDeBey The Colony, TX Garden City, KS Collinsville, OK Salina,KS

Chad Dick DaleneDick Jackie Dick Jason Dixon Coffeyville, KS Pratt, KS Spivey, KS N'bfman, OK

138 Matthew Douglass Erin Eis Thomas Engle Erni.ly Fall Liberal, KS Winfield, KS Ponca City, OK Concordia, KS

Lucas Farrar JeffFluty Layna Ford Justin Frost Marathana Furches Canadian, TX Winfield, KS Claremore, OK Fort Worth, TX Tulsa,OK

Christopher Galliart Gregory Gann Jared Gerhardt Joseph Gilmore Winfield, KS Winfield, KS Salina, KS Wichita, KS

Brian Givens Brooke Givens Suni Goad KariGood Sallisaw, OK Hutchinson, KS Arkansas City, KS Ralston, OK Salina, KS

139 Sharla Goosey Jessica Graves James Griffith Jeremy Groom Winfield, KS Mulvane, KS Mulvane, KS Rock,KS

DeMay Grunden Kris Grunewald Jayson Guengerich Jeremy Hall Brian Hamilton Augusta, KS CANADA Wichita, KS Springfield, MO Wellington, KS

John Hardaway Edward Harris Jonathan Heckmann Justin Helmer Fairview, OK Caldwell, KS Highlands Ranch, CO Woodbridge, VA ,

Abby Hendershot Becky Hill Levi I-lillman Kennton Hoffman Eric Huebert Canadian, TX Arkansas City, KS Ransom. KS Winfield, KS Halstead, KS

40 Jennifer Hunter Khurram Inamullah Amanda Jahn Cory James Garfield, KS PAKISTAN Woodland Park, CO Enid,OK •

Jamie Jansonius Hillary Johnson Brooke Jones Jeromy Jones Reiko Kaneko Hays,KS Walnut Creek, CA Ulysses, KS Stroud, OK JAPAN

Mami Kashiwabara Justin Kendall Kelsey Kinsch Ken Knollenberg JAPAN Haviland, KS Arkansas City, KS Guymon,OK

Derek oller Candice Krug Henokh Kurniadi Derrick Landwehr-Brown 1. C. Ledford Wellington, KS Atlanta, KS INOONESIA Douglass, KS Ashland, KS

141 Jeremy Lewis Dusti Ludwig Jacob Maforo Adam Maloney Hartshorne, OK Toronto, KS Zimbabwe Protection, KS I

Jaime Mannorato Ilah Marshal1 E-esley McCarty Raechel McClain Jac1yn McCluskey Louisville, KY Burden, KS Austin, TX Ponca City, OK Pueblo, CO

Brid McGinley Carina McGowan Earl McKoon Katherine Meuth NORrnERNlRELAND Arkansas City, KS Carrol1ton, TX Burden,KS

Nichola Mills James Moran Julie Morgan Anna Morris Arkansas City, KS Pflugerville, TX Mulvane, KS K~hi,KS

142 Kyoko Nakata Niki Nicholas Naomi Noda Donovan Nolan JAPAN Johnson, KS JAPAN Newcastle, CO

r Justin Olmstead LislOlson Jocelyn Ee Jin On Aaron Overbey Elda Perales Winfield, KS Arkansas City, KS MALAYSIA Douglass, KS Salina, KS

Keith Phelan Katie Phillips Courtney Radcliffe Amber Randall Eureka,KS Roswell,NM Friendswood, TX Peabody, KS

Daniel Reazin EslieReed Kathleen Regan Seth Roach Lyons,KS Norman, OK Andale, KS Halstead, KS I r , Clinton Robinson Alyssa Rogers Dan Scheffler Kelsey Schultz Conway Springs, KS Rose Hill, KS Newton, KS Springfield, MO

Joshua Sears Augusteady Silky J. D. Sills Daniel Simpson Charles Sitzer Mulvane, KS INDONESIA Rose Hill, KS Oxford,KS Weiner,AR

Kendra Smith Jon Sparks Elizabeth quires Keely Stanley Jake Steventon Winfield, KS Tribune, KS Arkansas City KS Plano, TX Newton,KS

- Margo Straub Tylor Struckman Beckie Stucky Collin Stucky Victoria, KS El Dorado, KS McPherson, KS Newton,KS

144 Wei Szetho Shadi Tafaroji Stephanie Taylor Sarah Thuma MALAYSIA Wichita,KS Cheney, KS Hartford, KS

April Tobler Rigoberto Tristan Kaysha Velarde Kylee Ward Spiro, OK Wichita,KS Roswell,NM Canon City, CO

Kristi Weaver Kyane Whaley Joshua Wheeler Angela Wills Wichita, KS Caldwell, KS Oxford, KS Hutchinson, KS

Brent Wolf Kristin Wollenberg John York Brian Zoglmann Winfield, KS Augusta, KS Purcell, OK Hulbert OK Conway Springs, KS

145 Elizabeth Allen Dena Allison Andy Anderson Ruth Archambeau Mehri Arfaei Faculty Assistant Financial Aid Counselor Special Projects ASSl Dir_of AJumni Programs Asst. Prof of Mathematics

.. -F. . \. . \.-.-;,.W A ..,

, ,~-

Harvey Barger Dick Barnes Terry Barnett Debbie Bauer Groundsman Assoc Prof of Mgt & Econ Prof. of Chemistry Perkins Loan Coordinator

Paul Bean Jackie Berryman Rich Bicker Mary Blake VP for lnst.Advancement Asst. Prof of Nursing Asst Prof of Education Executive Asst. to President

146 I

Troy Boucher Dan Bowker Nancy Bowlin Lisa Braun Professor of English Dir.of Safety and Security Faculty Assistant ASSL Women 's Baskelball Coach

Becky Brock Susan Bumsted Linda Calvin Donna Carpenter Asst. Mgr. BookCave Asst. Prof of Nursing Food Service Custodian

Michael Cartmill Judith Charlton Pam Cockayne Scott Dalrymple Ins!. Modem Lang. Professor of English Dir. of Alumni Programs Asst. Prof of Business


Don Daniels Bill DeArmond Dave Denly Jeanne Dexter Professor of Eng. Maintenance Prof. of Mass Com & Film Head Women's BB Coach Assoc Prof of Bus

147 I

Mikel Dexter Dave Doisen Chris Douglas Michelle Douglas Financial Officer Special Ass!. to President Asst. Football Coach Dir. Little Builders

Ed Erickson Craig Ernsting Pam Frank Tracy Frederick Asst. Plant Foreman Food Service Faculty Assistant Asst. Prof of Speech

Juletta Gall Dave Galliart George Gangwere Claudia Geer Faculty Assistant YP for Business Affairs Assoc Prof of Physics Asst. Prof of Psych

Benn Gibson Leslie Grant Robin Graves Mira Greene YP for College Services Admission Counselor College Services Asst. AcqJCirculation Librarian Faculty Assistant

48 Teri Hackler Marvin Haffenstein Kristina Harding Jim Helmer As sl. Prof. of Ed. Dir. of Degree Completion Administrative Assistant Assoc Prof of HPE

Brock Hickam Brenda Hicks Nan Hinson Brad Horstmann Michelle Howard Men's /\Vomen's Soccer Director of Admission ASSL Dir.of Alumni Pro Asst. Prof of HPE Senior Admi.ssion Counselor

Charles Hunter Scott Ireland Phil Jarvis Ron Jenkins Prof of Biology Network Administrator Dir., of Information Services Director of Major Gifts

I Craig Johnson Barbara Kaiser Gordon Kaiser Alice Keith Laptop Support Technician Asst. to VP for Business Athletic Complex Main. Faculty Assistant

149 Evelyn King Gary King Ken Kraus Isabelle LeBlanc Asst. Plant Operations Prof of Computer Science Director of Development Affiliate Instructor

Monty Lewis KentLong Debra Lynch Karen Mages Lois McCaw Head Football Coach Maintenance OIstodial Supervisor Graphic Designer Faculty Assistant

TanaMcKee Daryl McWhirt Jill Megredy TodMegredy Admission Counselor Director of Plant Operations Registrar Information Specialist

I Richard Merriman Adam Messinger Allyson Moon Roger Moon President oflhe College AlumnifDevelopment Ass!. Prof of Theatre & Speech Assoc Prof of Theatre & Speech Instructor in HPE

150 \ J s Kay Newton Dave Nichols Debbie Pearce Dawn Pleas-Bailey Book Store Manager Dean of Faculty Faculry Assistant Assoc.Dean of Students

Tami Pullins Terry Quiett Gerald Raines Joni Rankin Steve Rankin Director of Housing Cord. Academic Technology Communications Assistant Campus Minister

Jane Reeves Margaret Robinson Pat Ross Cheryl Rude Donor Infonnation Clerk Director of Financial Aid Asst. Prof of Biology Dir. of Leadership Deve!.


Steve Ruggles Reza Sarhangi Jane Schlickau Phil Schmidt Computer Lab Supervisor Asst Prof of Math/Statistics Assoc Prof of Nursing Prof of History

151 James Schuppener Andy Sheppard Sharon Shetlar Tim Shook Prof of Music Asst Prof of Religion and Phil Associate Dean of Faculty Assoc Prof of Music



Phyllis Shultz Bobby Smith Bill Stephens Jeff Stine Asst. Prof of Nursing Systems Analyst/Programmer tor ofPlanned Giving Director of Athletics Asst. Football Coach

Judy Stine James Strand Mike Tessmer Kendra Tharp Admission Counselor Professor of Music Asst. Prof of Chem Custodian

Lou Tharp Max Thompson Julie Voelker Sara Weinert Faculty Assistant Professor of Biology Instructor in Theatre Dir. of Conununications Food Service Michael Wilder Kathy Wilgers - Steve Wilke Bob Wimmer Prof of Music Instructor in Journalism Dean of Srudenls ASS llO President

Rachel Workman Rodney Worsham Sharon Wr ght Charles Yingling Gene Young Coordinator Sutton Center AsstDir. of Admission Administrative ~5istantl Asst Prof of Music Visiting Professor in Ecology

GregZuck Mary Jacob Library Director Mailroom

f-llll""''eCn "ring OUt all the ""elrdo I T:lITlI Pullin-. M:u-rin Rude, (lml Dawn PI <-J3:ille}. Phall) b) K;uhy '\ ilg~s.

153 Berryman,Jackie; 25, 146 Carpenter, Donna; 147 Beta Beta Beta; 50 Carpenter, Jamie; 16, 50, 11 9 Bicker, Rich; 24, 146 Carpenter, Stacy; 5, 138 Bitting, Josh; 42, 49, 126 Cartmill, Michael; 147 Black, Heather; 6, 20, Cashaw, Michael; 31, 87,119,136 Blake, Mary; 146 Cauble, Stew; 52, 126 Blanchard,Jeremy; 33, 40, 88, 94, 137 Cerne, Taylor; 20, 60, 138 Bloedel, Carrie; 25, 53, 118 Champion, Chris; 76, 97, 110 Blom, Jami; 20, 26, 36, 118 Champion, Gary; 138 Bolt, Mark; 118 Charlton,Judith; 147 Bomhoff, Greg; 12,45, 76,66,108,110 Chen, Evan; 138 Bonner, Taylor; 60, 118 Chlumsky, April; 33, 90, 95, 98, 100, 110 Boone, Brett; 70, 137 Church, Peggy; 147 Boucher, MicheUe; 91, 146 Clark,Jeana; 16,23,30,48,49,98,104,111 Boucher, Troy; 147 Clark, Ryan; 52, 70, 71 , 119 Bowker, Dan; 20, 79, 97, 109, 147 Clark, Teac; 126 Bowlby, Roberta; 147 Clay, Nate; 138 Bowlin, Nancy; 147 Clayton, HoUy; 21 , 40, 42, 53, 119 Bowman, Lee; 40, 52, 60, 76 , 137 Clemens, Casey; 60, 138 B radley, Randy; 1 34 Cleveland, Helen; 111 Brannon, John; 21,26, 60, 118, 136 Coburn, Stacy; 96,127 Branson, John; 110 Cockayne, Pam; 147 Brant, Leah; 28, 55 , 64, 76, 92, 118 Collegian; 23 Braun, [jsa;46, 72,147 Collins, Brooke; 33,117,127,131,132 Brenn, Andrew; 60, 118 Conard, Jonathan; 36, 40,50,66,76,84, 97, 99,108, 111 . Brewer, Julie; 24,137 Conley, Cassandra; 33, 111 Brewer, Travis; 50,60,80, 137 Conner, MarIana; 28, 111 Brock, Becky; 147 Coogler, Dennis; 52, 60, 119 Brogdin, Michael; 40, 60, 137 Cooper, Rachel; 127, 134 Bromlow, Katrina; 31,40,53, 119 Copeland, Rachel; 20, 31, 40, 50, 89, 131 Brooks, Darryl; 11, 60, 102, 119, 136 Corral, Orlando; 138 Brown, Pam; 20, 50, 66, 76,126 CosteUo-Busch, Carman; 134 Brown, Rachel; 25, 119 Courtwright, Eric; 33, 36, 94, 111 Browne, Josh; 26, 60, 119 Cox, Kelli; 28, 36, 92, 127 Brummett, Chris; 68, 119 Cox,Sarnh; 27,98,111 Bruner, Chris; 119 Crockett, Tracy; 39, 51, 127 Bruster, Adam; 60, 138 Cunningham, Jon; 76, 111 BuchmueUer, Daniel; 28, 33, 92, 119 Cunningham, Ryan; 60, 66,136,138 . Bumsted, Susan; 147 Burdett, Melissa; 72, 98, 110 Burkholder, Charlie; 138 Burks, Calvin; 76 Burns, Megan; 28, 54, 57, 138 Busch, Allen; 25, 52, 126 Busch, Angie; 29, 58, 172, 97, 10 Bussey, Chris; 60, 118 Butler, Martha; 147 C CCOM; 40-41 The photography exhibit at EASL Calvert, Patti; 110 D Calvin, Linda; 147 Dale, Jesse; 46, 60, 119 Camarena, Denisse; 41, 64, 126 Dalrymple, Scott; 147 Campbell, Martha; 138 Dance; 57 Campus Events; 96, 97 Daniel, Dan; 15, 147 Campus Players; 33 Daniels, Don; 147 Cannon, Jarvis; 22, 60, 80, 77, 138 Daniels, Tony; 60, 138 Cantu, Joey; 7, 38, 39, 60, 126 Davis, Kenyada; 11,26,60,127 Capps, Danny; 60, 119 DeArmond, Bill; 38, 39, 147 Carballo, Janie; 31,64, 101, 110 DeBey, Ephanie; 89, 98, 111

154 DeBe~ Ran~95, 138 Fry, Robert; 95, 111 Denly, David; 72, 147 Fujimaki, Rie; 47, 127 Dennett, Roiann; 127 Furches, Marathana; 36, 64, 139 Denson, Adolphus; 60, 127 G Dexter, Jeanne; 147 Gall, J uletta; 80, 148 Dexter, Mikel; 148 Galliart, Chris; 60, 139 Dial, Tracy; 111 Galliart, Dave; 148 Dick, Dalene; 14, 36, 138 Galliart, Megan; 21, 28, 92, 93,127 Dick,Jaclcie; 20, 21, 57, 69, 138 Gallup, Bob; 45, 148 Discipleship; 42 Gangwere, George; 45, 148 Dixon, Jason; 68, 138 Gann, Greg; 66, 139 Doloksaribu, Yan; 138 Geer, Claudia; 43, 148 Applied Creativity had the help of two Artists in Resi­ Dolsen, Dave; 148 Gentry, Angie; 21, 38,39,57,81,120 dence to make life size prairie hay figures. Dorman,Sandy; 148 Gerber, Lynn; 139 Hanshew, Trent; 66, 76, 12 112 Douglas, Chris; 60, 148 Gerhardt, Jared; 21,28,40, 43, 50, 52 Hanzlick,Shelly;24,l12 Douglas, Michelle; 148 Gibson, Benn; 148 Hardaway, John; 70,134,140 Douglass, Matt; 36, 40, 139 Gibson, Cami; 111 Harding, Kristina; 149 Drama; 94, 95 Giefer, Renae; 64, 65, 97, 111 Harding, Maren; 20, 72, Drei tz, Casey; 72, 117, 127 Gilmore, Joe; 139 Harris, Eddie; 140 Dumler, Kasey; 19, 23, 30, 36, 48, 119 Gish, Derik; 60, 139 Harris, Matt; 50, 68, 120 Duncan,Spencer; 13, 119 Givens, Brian; 76, 108, 139 Hart, Chanelie; 51, 96,128 Dutton, Hubert; 20, 26, 41, 119 Givens, Brooke; 139 Hart, Stacey; 72, 140 E Goad, Sarah;72, 84,99, 111 Hass, Adam; 60, 61, 120 Eckert, Nathan; 50, 60, 75, 119 ... Hastings, Travis; 20, 40, 41, 75, 128 Edwards, Emily; 11,33,40,94, 117, 127 (;odln:)', Laura; 4(), 42, 127, 1.)2 Haunchild, Betty; 133 Education Builders; 24 (;oL'ring, Cry~tal; 127 Hays, Loron; 120 Eis, Erin; 46, 60, 139 (;oertz, VL'rnon; <>() Headrick, Amy; 92 Elliott, David; 119 Good, [,ari; \(), 20, 2H, 4(), 50, 57, LV) Heckmann, Jonathan; 140 Ellison, Jason; 36, 111 C;ood, ShL'lll:y; 20, 2H, 40, 50, W), 92, 127 Helfrich, Ashley; 19,20,21, 50, 120 Emery, Brooklyn; 139 Goose)" Slurla; 1411 Helmer, Cassie; 53,66, 76, 128 Engle, Tom; 17, 139 (;oSL',Jelinda; 25, 112 Helmer, Jim; 149 Erickson, Ed; 148 (;o\'ert, r\111Y; 7, 22, 23, 3K, .1<), 4K, 112, 117 Helmer, Justin; 17, 76, 140 Ernsting, Craig; 148 (; raber, Sara; 25, 112 Hendershot, Abby; 72, 140 Evans, Cynthia; 133 Gradmltion; I(>2-1 (>7 Henderson, Jeff; 134 Events; 78-107 (;raha111, Ste\'en; 45 Henline, Brandi; 36, 128 Ewertt, Marvin; 127 Grant, I.eslie; 14X Henline, Tobie; 33, 36, 94, 95, 112 F (; r:tyes, Jes~ica; IS,Y), 57, 14() Henning, Jenni fer; 24, 120 Faculty and Staff; 146-153 Cir:t\'es, :\[ike; (,0, 1411 Herzer, Megan; 16, 20, 23, 82, 120, 127 Faculty Follies; 91 (ira\'es, Robin; 14K Hett, Martha; 25, 112 Fagan, Todd; 46, 60, 119 GreL'll, l-laither; 12() Hibbert, Chris; 27, 28, 43, 120 Fall, Emily; 40, 42, 139 (;reL'll, [,ris; W, 12() Hickam; Brock; 40, 64, 149 Fa rmer, Patrick; 7,17,95,106,111 (ireene, l\(ira; 14K Hicks, Bernadette; 26, 112 Farney, Sarabeth; 148 Ciriftin, Alycia; 7, 31,101,112 Hicks, Brenda; 149 Farrar, Luke; 4, 28, 60, 139 C;riftith, Amanda; 120 Hill, Becky;40 Finnegan, Andy; 70, 111 (;riHith,Jal11es; 1<), 140 Hillman, Levi; 54, 76, 94, 109, 140 Rnne~Josh;60,77, 127 C;rinstatf, kristy; 12X, 1.'11 Hinson, Nan; 149 Fisk, Chris; 60, 111 (i room, JcrL'111Y; 3(), 4( >, 140 Hobbs, Seth; 60,120 itzgerald, Michelle; 42, 127 (irO\\', Christi; 14X Hockenbury, Kim; 112 luty, Jeff; 46, 72, 139 C;rundL'll,De:\\:ty; 411,140 Hoffman, Kennton; 140 ootbaU; 60, 61 (i runder, Brian; (IX, 12K Holder, Zach; 60, 128 ord, Chris; 28, 52,66,76, 77, 111 (irune\\'ald, kri~; 140 Homecoming; 86, 87 ord, Layna; 16, 28, 40, 53,57, 79, 139 (iuengcrich, Jay~()n; 140 Homecoming Coronation; 85 (iumbaniera, :\at~ai; 12K Homecoming Court; 84 raley, Stacie; 41, 111, 125 (illtierrl? Frici ' V, (,') 12K Honeck, Amy; 24, 76, 112 rank, Pam; 148 H Honors Convocation; 98, 99, 100, 101

I rederick, Tracy; 100, 148 Hackler, Teri; 149 Hooley, Adelia; 112 French, Shonda; 22,51,82,127,131 Hafenstein, Marvin; 149 Horne, Keldric; 76, 120 freshman W

155 Liebau, Andy; 23, 38, 39 Howard, .\'!icheUe; 149 lones, Jcrom),; 141 Lloyd, Jovana; 91 Hower, Phil; 60 Jones, 1-.:arra; 211, 94, 95, 12H Logan, Amber; 113 Huebert, Eric; 60, 140 lones, Larry; 153 lones, Trey; 70, 76, 1211 Logan, E rin;20,40,113 Huff, Travis; 60, 128 Logos; 49 Hundley, Dustin; 70, 71, 112 10)', Rhett; 133 ludd, Aaron; 120 Long, Kent; 150 Hunt, Eric; 52, 66, 76, 112 ludd, Hans; 8, 36, 112 Lopez, Lori; 129 Hunt,Jason; 20, 40, 42,66,76,128 uniors; 118-124 Lowe,Jeff; 26,28,52,60,90,121 Hunter, Charles; 149 Lucas, Troy; 52,68, 121 Hunter, Jenny; 11, 36,40,42, 141 K Ludwig, Dusti; 38, 39, 142 Huslig, Caryn; 36, 43, 128 Kahrs, Stacy; 12,25,53,66,76, 121 Luhur, Simon; 41, 47, 98, 121 I Kaiser, Barbara; 149 Luna-Tuttle, Arnie; 64, 65, 129 Idacavage, Craig; 70, 120 Kaiser, GonIon; 149 Lundy, Tanner; 50, 113 Inamullah, Khurram; 141 Kane, Ryan; 20, 98, 1 12 Lungren, Missy; 72, 73, 125, 142 International Club; 47 Kaneko, Reiko; 141 Kashiwabara, Mami;47, 141 Lynch, Debbie; 150 ni; 25 , 11 2 Ireland, Jen M Ireland, Pam; 98,112 l"awabe, Soshi; 33, 90,98, 100, 102, 113 Keith, Alice; 99, 149 Madrigal, D avi d; 121 Ireland, Scott; 149 Kendall, Justin; 40, 60, 141 Madzinga, Everjoyce; 47 Italy Trip; 92-93 Kick Back Day; 83 Maforo, Jacob; 142 J Killblane, Chad; 33, 100, 113 Mages, Karen; 150 Jackson, Leroy; 30, 60, 141 Kim, Chong; 76, 77, 141 Mages, Paul; 21, 40, 50, 52, 54, , :3 Jackson, Wiley; 60, 128 King, Evelyn; 150 Mal oney, Adam; 23, 38, 142 Jacob, Mary; 153 King, Gary; 150 Mans, Rose; 20, 28, 40, 46, 53, 66, 76, . ' Jahn, Am anda; 141 Kinsch, Kel sey; 141 108, 129 James, Cory; 60, 141 Kirkland, Mike; 150 Marmo rato, Jaime; 40, 64, 142 Jameson, Brandon; 70, 71, 128 Kite, Sh eUy; 113 MarshaJl , lIah; 36, 40, 142 Jansonius, Jamie; 14, 20, 22, 28, 48, 141 Klaassen, Derek; 60, 128 Martin, Chris; 121 Jarvis, Kieran, 149 Knauls, MonteUe; 60, 76, 128 Martinez, Char Anna; 36, 80, 129 Jarvis, Phil; 149 Knight, Bob; 103 Mass Communications; 38, 39 Jeffery, Heather; 22, 46, 128 KnoUenberg, Keri; 20, 27,89,141 Math Club; 44 Koehn, Heather; 113 Mattix, Lily; 23, 78, 100, 113 KoUer, Derek; 42, 141 McAtee, Todd; 70, 129 Kraemer, Kristin; 2, 28,45, 50, 92, 129 McCarty, Le sley; 20, 53, 58, 90, 142 Kramer, Beth; 6, 19,28, 30, 50, 64, 84, 121 McCaw, Lois; 150 Kraus, Ken; 51, 89, 150 McClain, Raechel; 74, 124,142 Krug, Candice; 22,141 McCIening, Missy; 3, 33, 117, 121 Kurniadi, Henokh; 41, 141 McCluskey, Jaclyn; 20, 40, 64, 81,142 Kurth, Brandee; McCurry, Chris; 60, 121 L McDade, Lynda; 113 LaForge, Chris; 28,52,68, 121 McDorman, Dana; 72, 97. 98, 11 3 LaVine, Maggie; 113 McGinley, Brid; 26,47, 142 Laetari, Heath; 113 Lampe, Mandy; 23, 29, 39,4 Lampson, Chad; 121 Landwehr-Brown, Derrick; 68, 141 Lang, Craig; 24, 28, 29, 121 Langford, Kevin; 60, 121 Larson, James; 23, 49,121 Leadership; 28 Jason Siemans checks his diploma. Is it signed) LeBlanc, IsabeJle; 150 Jenkins, Ron; 149 Ledbetter, Nicole; 7,26,72,76,101,121 Jenkins, Steve; 149 Leddy, Amanda; 24, 121 Jensen, Jennifer; 72, 73, 120 Ledford,J C; 9, 40, 41, 42,141 Jesseph, RacheUe; 53, 120 Lee, David (Kwan Wee); 26, 97, 113 Johnson, Craig; 149 Leeper, Seth; 20, 121 Johnson, HiJJary; 51,141 Leffew, Joleigh; 113 Johnson, Ricky; 60, 120 Lewis, Jeremy; 40, 60, 141 Jonatan, Marlin; 128 Lewis, Monty; 8, 60, 150 Jones, Brooke; 46, 60, 90, 141 Liebau, Arnie; 20,22,39,48,59,98,99,113,117 Jones, Jeremiah; 33, 60, 78, 100, 112

.56 ~ [CNer1in, Rick; 60 o Dean Nichols ~ [CVay, Gina; 113 ()keson, Kimberly; 20, 28, found out what ~ !CWhirt, Daryl; 150 Olmstead, Justin; 143 it was like to get Medley, BiU; 150 Dng, Jocelyn EeJin; 143 around campus in a wheelchair, ~ Iegredy, JiU; 53, 82,91, 150 ()oi, Phaik; 43, 114 thank s to Julie ~ Iegredy, Tod; 150 Orebaugh, Nib; 15, 23, 129 Murphy's Adap­ Meh uron, Jay; 52, 60, 122, 136 Organizations; 19-53 tive PE class, ~leier, Angie; 74, 129 Ostrom, i\lichael; 122 ~ lelcher, Sarah; 3, 40, 42, 78, 129 Other Faculty and Staff; 133 ~ lcrriman, Dick; 7, 82, 85,87,101,150 Other Students; 134, 135 ~ lessinger, Adam; 150 Overbey, Aaron; 60, 143 ~ leuth, Katherine; 142 Owen, i\like; 13, 129 Mikhailova, Natalya; 14, 41, P ~ liller, Daniel; 36, 42, 47, 84, 87,98, 99, 105, 114 Parrish, Ryan; 36, 52, 129 ~ liUcr, Scott; 3, 10, 38, 39, 94, 109, 122 Patterson, Tara; 72, 89, 122 ~ lilJ s, Nichola; 142 Pearce, Andrea; 28, 53, 69, H4, 87,92, 122 ~ lilner, Melissa; 114 Pearce, Debbie; 122, 151 Potucek, Curtis; 76, 129 \ litchell, l(jmberly; 114 Pennington, Deana; 36, 40, 114 Prather, David; 129 ~ lohler, Wendy; 40,69, 122 Pemick, Tricia; 122 Price, Marie; 143 Monical, Amy; 46, 60,90, 122 People; 108-153 Prothro, Brett; 3, 36, 66, 123 ~lontgomery, Sara; 114 Perales, E!da; 28, 143 Psychology Club; 43 Moon, AUyson; 33, 150 Perdue, i\!att; 114 Pullins, Tami; 4, 31,151 \Ioon, Roger; 17, 33, 150 Peterson, Sara; 25, 114 Putnam, Timothy; 114 \Ioran, James; 60, 142 Pfannenstiel, Sarah; 20, 2H, 96, 92, 129 Q \!orehead, Wade; 52, 68, 88, 122 Phelan, I-:eith; 143 Quiett, Terry; 151 ~lorgan, Julie; 20, 22, 23,40, 88, 142 Phelps, Rick; 135 R Morgan, Michael; 70, 90, Phi Delta Theta; 52 Radcliffe, Courtney; 69,143 Y[orris, Anna; 142 Phillips, Katie; 53, 69, 88,90, 143 Rahm, Jeff; 45, 60, 87, 114 ~' loss, Joanna; 2, 20 Phillips, Lisa; 21l, 26, 2R, 58, 84, 92, 93, 122 Raines, Gerald; 151 Moundbuilder; 22 Physics Club; 45 Ramirez, Rachel; 123 .\!oundbuilding Ceremony; 82 Pi Delta Sigma; 51 Ramirez, Sarah; 115 \lo),er,Jeremy; 45,75,122 Piel, Joey; 60, 114 Randall, Amber; 36,40,42, 143 Mucambe, Jorge; 129 Pleas-Bailey, Dawn; 4, 151 Rankin, Erin; 36, 123 y[undinger, Mandy; 30, 76, 86, 114 Plumley, Carrie; 76 Rankin,Joni; 151 \!ungania, Timothy; 10,41, 1 Pond, Jason; 92 Rankin, Steve; 42, 79, 101,151 \[unoz, Jesus; 20, 41, 122, 142 Pond,Juscin;52,122 Rathburn, Amanda; 64, 65, 143 \lurphy, Julie; 150 Potts, Marianne; 122 Ray, Melinda; 25 \luturi, Josphat; 41, 122 Myers, Timothy; 98, 114 \lyles, Mandy; 114 N ;..Jakata, Kyoko; 47,143 'am, Mitch; 33, 102, 114 ~aughton,Seth;46, 52, 60, 114 . lelson, John; 10, 19, 21,50,52,60, 97,99,114 Newe U, Brad; 20, 36, 122 • lewton, Kay; 151 guyen, Ngan; 40, 46,60,66,76,86,12 icholas, Niki; 9, 55, 72,143 11 ichol s, Dave; 151 li chols, Jason; 60, 114 Nichols, Mary; 133 Nichols, Melissa; 45, 114 Nightengale, Devin; 70,143 Nixon, Heath; 60, 114 Noda, Naomi; 15,47,143 ",olan, Donovan; 60, 143 ;\orton, Brian; 46, 60, 151 Schlager, Jena; 51, 76, 77, 97, 115 Sparks, Jon; 144 Schlickau,Jane;25,151 Spencer, Tammy; 135 Schmidt, Chris tin; 58, 76, 90, 123 Spidel, Earl; 152 Schmidt, Phil; 151 Spiegel; 92 Schooley, Leigh Ann; 130 Sports; 54-77 Schroede~Lucas; 60,130 Spring Fling; 90 Schultz, Andrea; 25, 40, 98, 99, 115 Squires, Beth; 144 Schultz, Kelsey; 144 Stanley, Keely; 38, 39,72,73, 144 Schuppener, James; 152 Stapleton, Tracy; 17, 98, 116 Sears, Joshua; 36, 52, 60, 144 Seifert, Daniel; 21,130 Shaleah Taylor and Kenyada Davis tried out the Seniors; 11 0-116 Web sites at EASL. SHARE; 31 Reazin, Dan; 36,40, 117, 143 Shaw, Brian; 60 Recalde, Kristina; 129 Sheafer, Sharon; 25, 115 Reed, Elsie; 143 Sheppard, Andy; 27,49,125, 152 Reed, Mika; 72 Sheppard, Beth; 152 Reeves, Jane; 151 Shetlar, Sharon; 91, 152 Regan, Katie; 14, 143 Shippy, Selena; 123 Reynolds, Lisa; 20, 24, 129 t Shook, Tim; 152 Richardson, Antwan; 70, 115 Short, Dawn; 25, 115 Richardson, Brandy; 53, 64, 123 Shrewsberry, Mark; 43, 115 Rising, Ryan; 49, 129 Shultz, Phyllis; 152 Roach, Seth; 9, 36, 40, 41, 132,143 Siemens, Jason; 21, 28, 49, 52,75, Robb, Heather; 123 92,97,115 Roberson, Andy; 68, 130 Sigma Iota Sigma; 53 Roberts, Chad; 60, 123 Silky, Silky; 47, 144 Roberts, Rebecca; 46, 98, 115 Sills, J D; 52, 68, 144 Roberts, Steve; 60 Simmons, Sue; 133 Robertson, Silas; 60, 61, 115 Simpson, Daniel; 11, 33, 144 Robinson, Clinton; 60, 144 Sisson, Jessica; 98, 115 Robinson, Jess; 46, 51, 130 Sitzer, Charlie; 20, 144 Robinson, Margaret; 151 Sliwinski, Kyra; 21,51,130 Rochat, Rachel; 24, 115 Smith, Bobby; 152 Rock Painting; 81 Smith, Diana; 123 Rogers, Alyssa; 28, 40, 74, 124, 144 Smith, Joel; 92 Roop, Stacy; 24, 123 Smith, Josh; 16, 20, 21, 70, 71, 97, Rose, Natalie; 58, 144 99, 115 Rosell, Michelle; 20, 43, 151 Smith, Kendra; 144 Rosenthal, James; 27, 28, 75, 115 Smith, Ricky; 60, 115 Ross, Pat; 50, 151 Smith, Rodney; 60, 115 Roswurm, Kari; 28, 115 Smith, Sara; 40, 41, 42, 58, 130 Rude, Cheryl; 28, 92, 151 Smith, Troy; 135 Rude, Martin; 4, 20, 21,40, 41,42, 92, 151 Snyder, Stacie; 115 Jarvis Cannon and his buddy Mike Brogdin Ruggles, Steve; 151 Sobba, Petie; 115 Stephens, Bill; 86, 152 Runion, John; 60, 130 Soccer; 64, 65 Steventon,Jake; 60, 144 Rusco, Ryan; 20, 70, 101, 123 Sophomores; 126-131 S Stine, Jeff; 60, 152 SAA;21 Stine, Judy; 152 SCANS; 25 Stocke brand, Justin; 36 SGA; 20 Stout, Heather; 135 SLA; 27 Strader, Eric; 130 Sarhangi, Maryam; 39, 98, 115 Strand, James; 99, 101, 152 Sarhangi, Reza; 151 Strange, Gerry; 60 Scafe, Megan; 74, 130 Strano, Mandy; 53, 76, 77,130 Straub, Margo; 36, 50, 101, 144 Schalesky, Kat; 25, 46, 123 Strauss, Melissa; 20, 28, 36, 40, 123 Schaller, Jennifer; 133 Strickland, Sean; 26, 60, 123 Schaller, Randall; 52, 60, 123 Strickland, Stacey; 36, 130 Scheffler, Dan; 144 The Children's Lit group presented a colorful Struckman, Tylor; 60, 144 Schiff, Lori; 123 display

158 Thuma,Josh; 26, 60, 87,123 X'e inert, Sara; H2, 152 Thuma, Sarah; 22, 43,51,87,89,145 X'elch, ~Iatt; (j() Titus, James; 70, 71, 76, 77, 130 X'cst, Janeve; 16, 116 Tobler, April; 145 X'est, ~Iark; 116 Torrance, Lois; 48 X'estboff, Brandon; 36, 131 Track and Field; 76-77 Xlbaley, I";:yane; 145 Tran, Angela; 28, 36, 99, 116 X'heatley, Joshua; 30, 40, 52, 66, 76, 116 Traylor, Angie; 16 :\/heatley, Natbanael; 76, 66, WH, 145 Tristan, Rigo; 145 X'hceler,Josb; 17, 145 Turner, Nathan; 60, 61, 76, 116 X'hitakcr, Renee; 25, 116 Turner, Ryan; 66, 76, 116 X'hite, Jenny; 152 Tutors; 30 \,'bite, Victoria; 133 Tutcle, Jacob; 20, 70,79,83,84,123 X'iltler, I";:aren; 36, 40, 42, 131 V X'ilder, :'-.Iichael; 153 t Ross and Joey Cantu look at a Buddhist Mandala. Vaden, Keith; 124 X'ilgers, Dustin; 50, 124 Beckie; 144 Valentine's Dance; 89 X'ilgers, I':atby; 48, 91, 153 Collin; 144 VanDorn, Nadia; 21,124 X' ilgers, Larry; 153 Rachel; 40,41,72,90,130 Vargas, Andrew; 14, 60, 70, 124 \'('ilke, Dick; 133 , Mendy; 24, 50, 130 Vargas, Ben; 60, 84, 145 X'ilke, Steve; 153 Lonna; 20, 21,30, 108, 116 Velarde, Kaysha; 69, 145 Wilkinson, Jot:y; 4(1, W, 124 Treva; 16, 31, 36, 130 Velardes, Edeka; 26, 51, 72, 73, 117, 130 X'illard, Jennie; 116 Vensor, Christina; 20, 21, 22,51,124 X'illon, Mychael; Voelker, Julie; 33, 152 X'illoughby, D:lYid; 135 X'illoughby, Joanne; 95 Wills, Angie; 2H, 46, 145 X'illson, Jennifer; 94, 145 Wilson, Jiana; 22, 26, 57,116 Judith Charlton watches X/immer, Hob; 153 the Boy With the Purple inter Formal; RH Hair (Scott Miller) video­ X'ise, Charlotte tape graduation. (photo X'olf, Hrent; 13, 23, 2H, 41, 145 by Kathy Wilgers) X'olfc, Rachel X'ollenberg, Kristin; 72, 73, 145 X'oodrow, I";:atie; 21,92,93, 2H, 29, 40, H3, 131 X'oodrow, I":yle; 92 X'oods, Chris; 76, 77,116 X'oolt~Julie; 4(), 66, H6, 131 X'orkman, Rachel; 50, 153 X'orsham, Rodney; 17 X'orstell, Jennifer; 124 X'right, Adam; 52, C>(l, 76, 124 X'right, Sbaron; 153 X'roten, Helen; lin y T W Yingling, Charles; 36, 40, 153 Tafaroji, Shadi; 145 Wahlenmaier, Garrett; 46,75,124 York, L J; W, 145 Tate, Jon; 60, 130 Wait, Ali; 20,28, 36,43, 50, 131 '(lung, (icne; 153 Tate, Rachel; 46, 145 Waki, Kayoko; 46, 47, 116 Z Tattmhall,Jason; 38, 39,109,130 Walker, Linda; 116 Zahs, Penny; 31 Taylor, Sheleah; 26, 72, 76, 123 WaUace, Angela; 25, 131 Zampieri, ~lcagan; H9 Taylor, Stephanie; 145 WaUace, Jerry; 133 Zayac, Joanna; 36, 40, 131 Tennis, Men's; 75 Walz, Randall; 20, 28,40,52,75,92, 131 Ziscr, :'Ilike; 16,23, 2H, 70,89,92, 131 Tennis, Women's; 74 Ward, Kylee; 22,51,145 Zoglmann, Hrian; W, 145 Tessmer, Mike; 20,99, 152 Warner, Kevin; 46, 52,60,124 I .uck, (ircg; 153 Teubner,Jason; 36, 105, 109, 116 Watanabe, Shuichi; 75, 131 Tham, Gloria; 40, 42,47,130 Weaver, Kristi; 145 Tharp, Kendra; 152 Webb, KeUie; 25, 116 Tharp, Lou; 152 Webb, Matt; 70, 131 Thompson, Max; 99, 152 Weber, Ben; 116 Index Tho mpson, Randi; 123 Wedel, Rebecca; 4, 12, 53, 66, 74, 124

159 r--ciock)s:till tick in' I ...As the final pencil was laid down after the last test was given, the 1999-2000 school year came to an end. There were I no natural disasters, no world catastrophies on New Year's I Eve, and no major computer malfunctions. The clock kept I on tickin', and SC kept on livin'. In fact, Southwestern charged I into the new era with advances in technology, generous fund- L _ _ ing, and strong leadership. With such a promising outlook, SC will continue to be a model of excellence as long as The Clock S Still Tickin '. MEMORIAL LIBRARY Southwestern College 100 Co llege St. WINFIELD, KS 67156-2498

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