k s We, the yearbook staff, hope you enjoy the 89th volume of the SC Moundbuilder. ..~~e~r~n~College • IOO College Street. Winfield, KS 67I56 Below : Kramer, membe r Leade rship te:l III, si, rs a freshmen a t the ir a. For approximately 94 years the Southwestern College Moundbuilder yard. ( has kept a record of events each year; but this tradition, like many others, will cease if we do not survive into the next millennium. From genera­ tion to generation, the prophecy that the world will end in the year 2000 has been a popular belief among people all over the world. Another rumored disaster is the infamous Y2K bug that will bring mass chaos to computer-operated devices at midnight onJanuary 1, 2000. While no one knows the outcomes of these predictions, the computer technicians at SC are confident that no major problems will arise within the computer network on campus. They are confident that the time, money, and persistence they have put into preventing Y2K crashes will be worthwhile. For most of the SC community, the Y2K scare has not played a significant role in their lives. Everything from traditional events to everyday activities have occurred as they normally would. The year started out the same with annual events such as Freshman Work Day, Kick Back Day, a Carnival, and a Jinx Dance. Some students still com­ mitted the everyday act of driving 50 feet to class; and the cross-country teams were again KCAC champions. J There is orne hype centering around the date May 5, 2000. The planets will align and supposedly the earth's weather patterns will be severely altered; this could lead to mass de­ struction and possibly the end of the world as we know it. Do you believe this? Below: Durin!( Kick II; D J V ,j p.lftidpant in the sa Yes: 7% No: 93% voll~'\h : llI L'\'t:'llt stands i"e; for "d i{)~. (pholo Ily Ai G, " ','rr) Left: Studcnt.s pIaC L' personali zed rocks O il rh e SC mound ;It thL' trad itio nal . fou nd Build ing Cerell W I1\. ( p hoto hy \111\ Gaven) Left: Chase Reed, Sarah Melcher, and Miss y iVIcClening g ive an outstanding perfor­ m:lI1ce o n opening night of Tb e .l1ediunt. ( flhoto by Am y Goverr ) Rigbt: Fe A mem bers mana ged to w in ~ n award {or til"' ir homecoming no" t l1<' for(' it !v1J 3p311 cluring th e parade. (phoro b)' Amy (;oven ) Right: l.uke F'lnar lakes a 111 0 ­ mentto r " Ion the sidelines before re turning to (h e field. (photo by :\111)' (;o"Crt ) Above: Keeping w ith the ho liday spirit, Stuclelll Uf· stCl ffTami Pullins, Mallin Rude, and Daw n !'Ic.ts-Bailey show o ff their Hal­ low' 'n :tlllr . ( boto by Kathy Wilgers) Above Center: b u .11I11g at R,i <' h rtow :lnd his "Summer G irl ~ ,('nil re'\'Iew, stu­ dcnh arc successfully ' Ill 'f1.;) 111 rJ at the II(lIllC<'ollling Dance. ( p11 In hy Juli(' \'Ior­ IIj1l1 ) Right: Rebecca Wedel disc usses 1he foot­ ball game " ilh a friencl on his first visit to 'oulhwe,)!ern College. (photo by Amy G Oyes1) 4 Left: The basic jou r­ nalism dass si mubreu a I 'Icvisioll nc\\·..... broadcast during the fall semester. Stacy Ca rpenrer acted as the mer e rologisr . (ph o to by IC ltlly \'(i ilgcrs) Even though things went on as they always have, Southwest­ ern experienced new faces, new leadersh.ip, and new chal­ lenges that made significant changes in our world. "The Inter­ national student population on ca mpus Mime team members gel ,1 little goofy during their group phOlO shoor. (pl,oro doubled in size; also, certain leadership by Am)' Govert) positions in both student organizations and college offices were filled by new people. Other sub­ stantial modifications at SC were the integra­ tion of laptop computers, the re novatio ns in several buildings, and the donation of $1,000,000 to the Per­ forming Arts depalt­ ment. The Moundbuilder underw e nt some changes in the field of technology. "The 1999-2000 Moundbuilder staff decided to hop on the computer technology bandwagon. By usingJostens' Should evolu­ Yeartech program for the opening sectio n, the first sixteen pages were made on the computer and sent to Josten.<; on a Zip disk. tion be taught TI1e staff selected "The Clock's Still Tickin' " as the theme in in public order to symbolize the continuance of life. schools? Yes: 730/0 No: 27% Left : The Black Cats and th e sr: cheerl eaders pa rticipate in the trad i­ lion:l l homecoming pa rade by riding in an amiqlle fire engine. (pi, oto by Amy Govert) 5 11c:ltile r I3lack and 1\ 'til Kraille r gll"rd lill' "KTl'r " :ti l d o,l) It It fro m tileir oppo nent. ( pilOlO by ,\11 1), (;overl) With all the end-of-th - world theories floating about, the staff wanted )sU'engthen the fact that life goes n despite the many ' h~U1gl!s that affect us. E !lowing the trend of predic­ tions for the year 2000, the Moundbuilder staff decided to develop surveys of their own thoughts and predictions. Elements of clocks and apocalyptic phrases were added to emphasize the theme. While the SC campus has taken only the necessary steps to ada pt for the computer-bug disaster, many cautious people throughout the 'i\ approach the problems of the new year expecting the worst-case scenario. By stocking lip water and nonperishable goods, these groups seem to be prepared for a bleak future; some even awaiting the end of time as we know it. \Xlhile their theories may be true, there is al.­ chance that time will just keep on tickin' ... Freshmen worke rs ta ke a break from their hard work for a group Kathy wiJgers) Patrick Farmer Who do you think is n10re likely to appear as the "Sexiest Man of the Year" in People n1agazine? Big Chief Joey with 29% Austin "Farmer" Powers with 710/0 Joey Above: Helping to recruit incoming fres h­ men, Amy Govert explains o ne of the many uses of Ma ss Communica tio ns in society to a gro up of Belle Plaine students. (photo by Mandy Lampe) Above Center: Nicole Ledbetter and Alycia Griffin are all smiles at the SAA video event. Tbe laughs kept coming as students creCiled wild and crazy videos. (photo by Amy Go ye rp Left: Pres ident Dick Merriman and his family ride in style through the homecom ing parade in a convertible. (photo by Julie Morgan) 7 Who will be our next President of the United States? Bush: 330/0 McCain: 330/0 Gore: 330/0 Undecided: 10/0 Above: Head Football Coach .\j()llfY Lewis k cc[ls lhe players out of mischief while waiting to lake tileir group photo (phOlO by Amy (~o ve r l ) Right: H an'i Judd, :;ludent conduc­ tor, leads the Jazz B'lOd in a musical rendition d uring the hO)Tlc:collling cnton,ltion ceremony. (photo by Amy Goven) Above: SL'lh Ilo;lciJ "IH)\\ ilis c: nrilusi;ISlll ",hilL' Iblc:n ing 10 J " I.l 'di'orLi j;1 ll1 he rill' llieir iJ;ulLi i>q~il1' pr;)L liCe', (plin l() In' ,~ilL' I h' Fr,dL'\ Left: SOlllli,,'L'S\l'rIl gll:\ 'lid I k iloias 'L'b lip IhL' ( fcnse wh ile' looking ror a up 11 pla\'L'r. ( pholo I .I\m)' Goven l 9 Scon Miller curring a rug or Wimer Formal. ( photo by Amy GOWrl) Which would Scott Miller most likely be mistakern for: John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever or Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley? 20% John Travolta 80% Squiggy behalfofSouthwestern College. (photo by Amy Right: Timorhy lvlunga nio does his job or the libmlY reception desk so well, that he ha s time to work on hi$ own cla ss projects. (phoro by Heather Jeffery) Left: SC baskelball fans cnjoy the aClion during the men' gamcagainsl Tabor. (phOlO hy Amy Goven) Above Lefl: Daniel$imp on and Emi ly Edwards are slill smiling Jfler waiting in a long line for the MilleniwnDinner. (photo by Amy Goven) Left: Wei Shcn Szetho. Earl McKoon, and Jenny Hunter en­ joy the goodie al the annual wel­ come-back carnival. (pholo by my Govcrt) 11 ) {()UJlJ" ll '-'~ )k bc.:,'ci w c.:Lid '1I1e1 Su ey 1~lIlrs goo(' uff after 111 e MOllndhudding Ceremony, (photo by Ami" Liebau) , I ' t would you like to see, in Alvin the Alligator's old home? Bui~dlng block replica of gator: 20% Monkey: 2()oIo Phil Sduniclt: 3()O/o Undecided: 3()O/o Below: The [ema) ' cast in the play f)'sis/rata plot to tak e :! way sexual pri\'i­ I es fro m their mall's until they end the W:lr. (pllflLQ by Amy (;"wrt) 12 l.eft: fircnt Wolf and Mikc Owen :1 1 (lUl 3 television inlcrvit'\\ :L~ p, , o f a ba Sic journalism ",sil!n­ r11 ~ n l. (pho to by K:llhy W ilg.ors) Above: Enjoying a night ,>I'I'un and rc l ~x : l[i on . stucicnls Sl'lrt out th~ new s(;hool yeJI' al lhl' ,lnIltial SC carniva l. (pholo by Amie Liebau) Left: Spencer Duncan hl'gins a n ~w play by throwing lhl' ball in bounds. (phOlO by \'i:tndy Lampe) Bclow: Ben Vargas pa rt i i par e~ in " conlesl OIl lhe prc­ ho me 'olllinl-( (lothall ga me bonfire.
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