Where we are at:

Machine (Assembly) Language Human Abstract design abstract interface Thought Chapters 9, 12 hierarchy H.L. Language & abstract interface Chapters 10 - 11 Operating Sys. Virtual VM abstract interface Machine Chapters 7 - 8


Chapter 6

abstract interface Building a Modern Computer From First Principles Machine Architecture abstract interface Language Chapters 4 - 5 www.nand2tetris.org Hardware Gate Logic abstract interface Platform Chapters 1 - 3 Electrical Chips & Engineering Hardware Physics hierarchy Logic Gates

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 1 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 2

Machine language Machine language

Abstraction – implementation duality: Abstraction – implementation duality:

 Machine language ( = instruction set) can be viewed as a programmer-  Machine language ( = instruction set) can be viewed as a programmer- oriented abstraction of the hardware platform oriented abstraction of the hardware platform

 The hardware platform can be viewed as a physical means for realizing  The hardware platform can be viewed as a physical means for realizing the machine language abstraction the machine language abstraction

Another duality:

 Binary version: 0001 0001 0010 0011 (machine code)

 Symbolic version ADD R1, R2, R3 ()

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 3 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 4 Machine language Lecture plan

Abstraction – implementation duality:

 Machine language ( = instruction set) can be viewed as a programmer-  Machine languages at a glance oriented abstraction of the hardware platform

 The hardware platform can be viewed as a physical means for realizing  The Hack machine language: the machine language abstraction

Another duality: ALU  Symbolic version combinational  Binary version  Binary version  Symbolic version  Perspective Memory Loose definition: state (The assembler will be covered in chapter 6).  Machine language = an agreed-upon formalism for manipulating a memory using a processor and a set of registers

 Same spirit but different syntax across different hardware platforms.

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 5 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 6

Typical machine language commands (3 types) Typical machine language commands (a small sample)

 ALU operations // In what follows R1,R2,R3 are registers, PC is , // and addr is some value.  Memory access operations ADD R1,R2,R3 // R1  R2 + R3 (: how to specify operands) ADDI R1,R2,addr // R1  R2 + addr  Immediate addressing, LDA R1, 67 // R1=67 AND R1,R1,R2 // R1  R1 and R2 (-wise)  Direct addressing, LD R1, 67 // R1=M[67] JMP addr // PC  addr  Indirect addressing, LDI R1, R2 // R1=M[R2] JEQ R1,R2,addr // IF R1 == R2 THEN PC  addr ELSE PC++  Flow control operations LOAD R1, addr // R1  RAM[addr]

STORE R1, addr // RAM[addr]  R1

NOP // Do nothing

// Etc. – some 50-300 command variants

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 7 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 8 The Hack computer The Hack computer

A 16-bit machine consisting of the following elements:  The ROM is loaded with a Hack program  The reset button is pushed  The program starts running

reset Screen Computer


Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 9 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 10

The Hack computer The Hack computer (CPU)

A 16-bit machine consisting of the following elements: A 16-bit machine consisting of the following elements:

ALU output

inM C C writeM D Instruction outM instruction decode C C Memory Memory outM addressM ALU CPU C Mux A (ROM32K) (Memory) A pc C

instruction Mux A/M

M inM C writeM A addressM reset C

A PC pc reset Both memory chips are 16-bit wide and have 15-bit address space.

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 11 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 12 The Hack computer The A-instruction

A 16-bit machine consisting of the following elements: @value // A  value

Data memory: RAM – an addressable sequence of registers Where value is either a number or a symbol referring to some number. Why A-instruction? Instruction memory: ROM – an addressable sequence of registers In TOY, we store address in the instruction (fmt #2). But, it is impossible to pack a 15-bit address into a 16-bit instruction. So, we have the A- Registers: D, A, M, where M stands for RAM[A] instruction for setting addresses if needed.

Processing: ALU, capable of computing various functions Example: @21

Program counter: PC, holding an address Effect: Control: The ROM is loaded with a sequence of 16-bit instructions, one per memory location, beginning at address 0. Fetch-execute cycle: later  Sets the A register to 21

Instruction set: Two instructions: A-instruction, C-instruction.  RAM[21] becomes the selected RAM register M

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 13 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 14

The A-instruction The C-instruction

@value // A  value dest = comp ; jump

Both dest and jump are optional. Used for: Coding example: First, we compute something.  Entering a constant value Next, optionally, we can store the result, or use it to jump to somewhere to ( A = value) @17 // A = 17 continue the program . D = A // D = 17 comp:

 Selecting a RAM location @17 // A = 17 0, 1, -1, D, A, !D, !A, -D, -A, D+1, A+1, D-1, A-1, D+A, D-A, A-D, D&A, D|A ( register = RAM[A]) D = M // D = RAM[17] M = -1 // RAM[17]=-1 M, !M, -M, M+1, M-1, D+M, D-M, M-D, D&M, D|M

dest: null, A, D, M, MD, AM, AD, AMD  Selecting a ROM location @17 // A = 17 ( PC = A ) JMP // fetch the instruction // stored in ROM[17] Compare to zero. If the jump: null, JGT, JEQ, JLT, JGE, JNE, JLE, JMP condition holds, jump to ROM[A]

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 15 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 16 The C-instruction The C-instruction

dest = comp ; jump dest = comp ; jump comp:  Computes the value of comp 0, 1, -1, D, A, !D, !A, -D, -A, D+1, A+1, D-1, A-1, D+A, D-A, A-D, D&A, D|A  Stores the result in dest M, !M, -M, M+1, M-1, D+M, D-M, M-D, D&M, D|M  If (the condition jump compares to zero is true), the instruction at dest: null, A, D, M, MD, AM, AD, AMD ROM[A]. jump: null, JGT, JEQ, JLT, JGE, JNE, JLE, JMP

Example: set the D register to -1 D = -1

Example: set RAM[300] to the value of the D register minus 1 @300 M = D-1 Example: if ((D-1) == 0) goto ROM[56] @56 D-1; JEQ

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 17 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 18

Hack programming reference card The Hack machine language

Two ways to express the same semantics: Hack commands: Binary code (machine language) A-command: @value // set A to value Symbolic language (assembly) C-command: dest = comp ; jump // dest = and ;jump // are optional Where: symbolic binary comp = 0 , 1 , ‐1 , D , A , !D , !A , ‐D , ‐A , D+1 , A+1 , D‐1, A‐1 , D+A , D‐A , A‐D , D&A , D|A, @17 0000 0000 0001 0001 translate M , !M , ‐M , M+1, M‐1 , D+M, D‐M, M‐D, D&M, D|M D+1; JLE 1110 0111 1100 0110 dest = M, D, A, MD, AM, AD, AMD, or null execute jump = JGT , JEQ , JGE , JLT , JNE , JLE , JMP, or null In the command dest = comp; jump, the jump materialzes if (comp jump 0) is true. For example, in D=D+1,JLT, we jump if D+1 < 0. hardware

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 19 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 20 The A-instruction The C-instruction

symbolic binary symbolic binary

@value 0value dest = comp ; jump 111A C1C2C3C4 C5C6 D1D2 D3J1J2J3 ]  value is a non-negative decimal  value is a 15-bit binary number comp dest jump number <= 215-1 or not used opcode  A symbol referring to such a constant


@21 0000 0000 0001 0101

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 21 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 22

The C-instruction The C-instruction

111A C1C2C3C4 C5C6 D1D2 D3J1J2J3 111A C1C2C3C4 C5C6 D1D2 D3J1J2J3

comp dest jump comp dest jump


Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 23 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 24 The C-instruction Hack assembly/machine language

Source code (example) Target code 111A C1C2C3C4 C5C6 D1D2 D3J1J2J3 // Computes 1+...+RAM[0] 0000000000010000 comp // And stored the sum in RAM[1] 1110111111001000 dest jump @i 0000000000010001 M=1 // i= 1 1110101010001000 @sum 0000000000010000 M=0 // sum = 0 1111110000010000 (LOOP) 0000000000000000 @i // if i>RAM[0] goto WRITE 1111010011010000 D=M 0000000000010010 @R0 1110001100000001 D=D‐M 0000000000010000 @WRITE assemble 1111110000010000 D;JGT 0000000000010001 @i // sum += i 1111000010001000 D=M 0000000000010000 @sum Hack assembler 1111110111001000 M=D+M or CPU 0000000000000100 @i // i++ 1110101010000111 M=M+1 0000000000010001 @LOOP // goto LOOP 1111110000010000 0;JMP 0000000000000001 (WRITE) 1110001100001000 @sum 0000000000010110 D=M 1110101010000111 @R1 M=D // RAM[1] = the sum (END) @END We will focus on writing the assembly code. 0;JMP

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 25 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 26

Working with registers and memory Hack programming exercises

 D: data register Exercise: Implement the following tasks using Hack commands:  A: address/data register

1. Set D to A-1  M: the currently selected memory cell, M=RAM[A]

2. Set both A and D to A + 1

3. Set D to 19

4. D++

5. D=RAM[17]

6. Set RAM[5034] to D - 1

7. Set RAM[53] to 171

8. Add 1 to RAM[7], and store the result in D.

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 27 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 28 Hack programming exercises A simple program: add two numbers (demo)

Exercise: Implement the following tasks 1. D = A-1 using Hack commands: 2. AD=A+1

1. Set D to A-1 3. @19 D=A 2. Set both A and D to A + 1 4. D=D+1

3. Set D to 19 5. @17 D=M 4. D++ 6. @5034

5. D=RAM[17] M=D-1 7. @171 6. Set RAM[5034] to D - 1 D=A

7. Set RAM[53] to 171 @53 M=D 8. Add 1 to RAM[7], and store the result in D. 8. @7 D=M+1

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 29 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 30

Terminate properly Built-in symbols

 To avoid malicious code, you could terminate your program with an symbol value symbol value infinite loop, such as R0 0 SP 0 R1 1 LCL 1 R2 2 ARG 2 @6 …… THIS 3 0; JMP R15 15 THAT 4 SCREEN 16384 KBD 24576

 R0, R1, …, R15 : virtual registers  SCREEN and KBD : base address of I/O memory maps  Others: used in the implementation of the Hack  Note that Hack assembler is case-sensitive, R5 != r5

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 31 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 32 Branching Branching

// Program: branch.asm // Program: branch.asm // if R0>0 // if R0>0 // R1=1 // R1=1 // else // else // R1=0 // R1=0

@R0 D=M // D=RAM[0]

@8 D; JGT // If R0>0 goto 8

@R1 M=0 // R1=0 @10 0; JMP // go to end

@R1 M=1 // R1=1

@10 0; JMP

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 33 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 34

Branching Branching with labels

// Program: branch.asm // Program: branch.asm 0 @0 // if R0>0 // if R0>0 // R1=1 // R1=1 1 D=M // else // else 2 @8 // R1=0 // R1=0 3 D;JGT 4 @1 @R0 @R0 5 M=0 D=M // D=RAM[0] D=M // D=RAM[0] 6 @10 7 @8 @POSTIVE refer a label 0;JMP 8 D; JGT // If R0>0 goto 8 D; JGT // If R0>0 goto 8 @1 9 @R1 @R1 10 M=1 M=0 // R1=0 M=0 // R1=0 @10 @10 @END 11 0; JMP // go to end 0; JMP // go to end 12 0; JMP (POSTIVE) declare a label 13 @R1 @R1 M=1 // R1=1 M=1 // R1=1 14 (END) 15 @10 @10 16 0; JMP 0; JMP

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 35 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 36 IF logic – Hack style Coding examples (practice)

Exercise: Implement the following High level: Hack: tasks using Hack commands: if condition { D  condition code block 1 @IF_TRUE 1. goto 50 } else { D;JEQ code block 2 2. if D==0 goto 112 code block 2 } @END code block 3 3. if D<9 goto 507 0;JMP

Hack convention: (IF_TRUE) 4. if RAM[12] > 0 goto 50 code block 1  True is represented by -1 (END) 5. if sum>0 goto END  False is represented by 0 code block 3 6. if x[i]<=0 goto NEXT.

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 37 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 38

Coding examples (practice) variables

// Program: swap.asm Exercise: Implement the following // temp = R1 tasks using Hack commands: // R1 = R0 // R0 = temp 1. goto 50 1. @50 5. @sum 0; JMP D=M 2. if D==0 goto 112 2. @112 @END D: JGT 3. if D<9 goto 507 D; JEQ 3. @9 6. @i 4. if RAM[12] > 0 goto 50 D=D-A D=M @507 @x 5. if sum>0 goto END D; JLT A=D+M

6. if x[i]<=0 goto NEXT. 4. @12 D=M D=M @NEXT @50 D; JLE D; JGT

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 39 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 40 variables Hack program (exercise)

// Program: swap.asm  Exercise: Implement the following tasks // temp = R1 When a symbol is encountered, using Hack commands: // R1 = R0 the assembler looks up a symbol // R0 = temp table 1. sum = 0 @R1  If it is a new label, assign a D=M 2. j = j + 1 @temp number (address of the next M=D // temp = R1 available memory cell) to it. 3. q = sum + 12 – j

@R0  For this example, temp is 4. arr[3] = -1 D=M assigned with 16. @R1 M=D // R1 = temp  If the symbol exists, replace it 5. arr[j] = 0 with the number recorded in @temp 6. arr[j] = 17 D=M the table. @R0 M=D // R0 = temp

(END)  With symbols and labels, the @END program is easier to read and 0;JMP debug. Also, it can be relocated.

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 41 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 42

Hack program (exercise) WHILE logic – Hack style

Exercise: Implement the following tasks using Hack commands: High level: Hack:

1. @sum 4. @arr 6. @j while condition { (LOOP) 1. sum = 0 M=0 D=M D=M code block 1 D  condition

2. j = j + 1 2. @j @3 @arr } @END Code block 2 M=M+1 A=D+A D=D+M D;JNE 3. q = sum + 12 – j 3. @sum M=-1 @ptr code block 1 @LOOP 4. arr[3] = -1 D=M 5. @j M=D 0;JMP @12 D=M @17 Hack convention: 5. arr[j] = 0 (END) D=D+A @arr D=A  True is represented by -1 code block 2 6. arr[j] = 17 @j A=D+M @ptr  False is represented by 0 D=D-M M=0 A=M @q M=D M=D

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 43 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 44 Complete program example Complete program example

C language code: Pseudo code: Hack assembly code:

// Adds 1+...+100. i = 1; // Adds 1+...+100. int i = 1; sum = 0; @i // i refers to some RAM location M=1 // i=1 int sum = 0; LOOP: @sum // sum refers to some RAM location while (i <= 100){ if (i>100) goto END M=0 // sum=0 sum += i; sum += i; (LOOP) i++; i++; @i } goto LOOP D=M // D = i END: @100 D=D-A // D = i - 100 Hack assembly convention: Hack assembly convention: @END D;JGT // If (i-100) > 0 goto END  Variables: lower-case  Variables: lower-case @i D=M // D = i  Labels: upper-case  Labels: upper-case @sum M=D+M // sum += i  Commands: upper-case  Commands: upper-case @i M=M+1 // i++ @LOOP 0;JMP // Got LOOP Demo CPU emulator (END) @END 0;JMP // Infinite loop

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 45 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 46

Example Example

// for (i=0; i

(LOOP) if (i‐n)>=0 goto END arr[i] = ‐1 i++ goto LOOP (END)

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 47 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 48 Example Perspective

// for (i=0; i=0 goto END D=M arr[i] = ‐1  Hack is a “½-address machine”: any operation that needs to operate on the @n i++ RAM must be specified using two commands: an A-command to address the D=D‐M goto LOOP RAM, and a subsequent C-command to operate on it @END (END) D; JGE  A -language can be easily developed @arr D=M  D=D+M[XXX] => @XXX followed by D=D+M @i  GOTO YYY => @YYY followed by 0; JMP A=D+M M=‐1  A Hack assembler is needed and will be discusses and developed later in @i the course. M=M+1

@LOOP 0; JMP (END) Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 49 Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, www.nand2tetris.org , Chapter 4: Machine Language slide 50