
Sand Scooping/Mining Proposals at


M/s Ansari Construction, Prop. Mohd. Asim Ansari Dist. Yavatmal

Name Tahs River/N Nearest Area in Proposed Quantity Method of of il allah Survey sqm. Depth for Permitted Mining Village No. excavatio for mining n in m of Sand in Brass Kinhi Gha Adan 243 2000 0.50 m 353 brass Manual tanji sqm. only


Enviro Techno Consult Private Limited 68, Mahakali Nagar-2 Near Manewada Square Nagpur 440 024 (MS)

Pre-feasibility Report


Executive Summary

 Collector Yavatmal vide his right to auction Sand as a minor mineral auctioned the Sand in Yavatmal district.  District Collector/Additional District Collector auctioned the sand ghats and as per green court orders requested project Proponent to carry out administrative procedure for preparation of Mining Plan and grant of revalidation of environmental clearance .  Project Proponent intends to operate one of Sand Ghats below 5 ha area and identified the agency for preparation of mining plan and for grant of Environmental Clearance.  Mining Plans are prepared by Recognized Qualified Person and approved by Directorate of Geology & Mining Govt. of .  About 353 bras sand is proposed to scoop from proposed sand ghat listed above  Proposed sites are located at the river bank of Adan in Ghatanji Taluka  Lease 0.20 ha comprises of river bed of Adan for sand scooping .

Physiography : Penganga & Adan River in the lease area is in the matured stage of development running in wide serpentine course. The river meanders with convex & concave shape. The river in its course impinges on convex side. The concave side abounds with sand grain. The mining operation is most profitable on the concave side.

There is yearly deposition of sand as the amount of sand excavated gets redeposit in the pits by natural filing during flood season with slight variation depending upon the amount of river flow, the quantity of water flowing and the amount of sand load carried during the river flow. The

2 deposition pattern will be monitored every year & measurements will be carried out as soon as the monsoon comes to an end and fresh excavation will be carried.

The district is broadly divided into the following six geographical areas.

Bembla basin and Babulgaon tahsil area to the north

Adan Basin which is scattered in Adan river, Ghatanji, Maregaon and Wani tehsils of Kalamb

Yavatmal Plateau, which has a large portion of Yavatmal, Kalamb, Kelapur, Arni tehsil and is partly to Babulgaon, Ghatanji and Maregaon tahsils.

Darwha Plateau, which covers entire Darwah tehsil, mostly on Digrasa tehsil, as well as part of Ner, Yavatmal, Arni tehsil

Pusad mountain range is for , Mahagaon and Umarkhed tehsil

Penganga dari ji, the southern boundary of the district and some parts of other tehsils like Pusad, Umarkhed, Mahagaon, Darwha, Arni, Kelapur, Maregaon and Vani

The main rivers of the district are Adan and Penganga, each passing by the North-East border. The origin of the river Adan is on the east side of Multai of Madhya Pradesh. They are usually flowing in the north-east border of the district on the south-east side. Adan is the only river that has some direction as a guide. Its character is wide and deep, but in flood conditions, water can fall and water in river banks. Rainy monsoon flows in the rainy season, but it is dry in many places in the summer. Banembala and Nirguda are the main tributaries of the Adan river, both of which carry perennially in the district. The Bembala river is in and the last 30 km is cut in Yavatmal district. Nirguda river is situated in Yavatmal district and its length is approximately 165 km. Is there.


Penganga river originates in the city of Ajantha in the southwest of Buldhana. It has also been recognized as the main tributary of the Adan river. The river is very deep and its route is very strong, Paniganga prepares the south boundaries of the district due to its entire streamline path. Pus, A-Ha, Adan, Waghadi and Kunj are important tributaries of the district of Penganga.

Local geology:

Due to weathering of rock and re deposition of sand in the course of the river flow, fine grained sand of good quality is found in the area. Building Grade sand is found deposited wherever the velocity of water flow is reduced and the river meanders. It is found that additional quantity of sand gets deposited every year due to continuous weathering action going on through out the course of the river.

In Yavatmal District the Archaean rocks were entirely covered by Puranic rocks. These were covered in turn by the Gondwana system. Next Deccan trap was spread over all. Finally the action of the atmosphere removed the Decan trap in parts, exposing, Gondwana and Lameta beds. During the last stage also alluvial soil, the common black cotton soil, was spread over parts of the District.

Achaeans, which comprise granites, granitic gneisses and schists occur in Umarkhed taluka

In Vindhyans, Limestones are water bearing formation while Sandstone, due to their hard and compact nature, occur in southeastern peripheral parts of Wani taluka. The limestones as such are massive.

The Gondwana consists of Kamthi and Barakar Sandstone and Shale and occupy north-south extending elongated stretch in parts of Maregaon


and Wani talukas. Sandstone is usually friable and possesses primary porosity due to its granular nature.

Deccan trap is spread over the greater part of the District. In the southern half it forms irregular hills, and some of these in Pusad taluka are nearly 15000 feet high. Alluvial soil pleiocene and Recent covers the trap along the north of the District below the ghats and in the larger valleys elsewhere.

Applied area for sand extraction is covered by dark basalt and which has been derived/ transported from black basalt of surrounding flat and well tilled area. The sand of the applied area is found to be underlain by dark basalt of the river bed.

River Sand is identified geologically as per base rock located at origin and drain route of the river body.

Basically sand is fragmented and weathered material from inland rock, formed and transported by means of wind erosion or river hydraulics and dynamics

Details of Exploration

The proposed sand mining ghat is demarcated on the ground by Revenue authorities/GSDA authorities with reference to boundary pillars/village maps. The sand is at a depth of 2.50 m -3.0m near the banks. The surface plan is prepared on the specified scale.

The exploration of sand is carried out by GSDA, Yavatmal using probing rods for delineating the depth of sand at above sand ghat.


Yavatmal district is merged between Penganga & Adan River Basin and Watershed.



Sand Ghats is located over Adan river bed. Sand Ghats is exposed .

Introduction of the project/ background information

District Collector, Yavatmal auctioned 10 nos. of Sand ghats in Penganga,Adan, Pus &Adan river basin for scooping of Sand by manual method. All the Sand Ghats are identified jointly by Tahsildar of respective Tahsils, District Mining Officer, Yavatmal & G.S.D.A. Authorities of Yavatmal district as per Sand Mining Guidelines of Maharashtra State dated 12th March 2013 & amendments thereof. The details of sand reaches with their mining capacities are annexed at Annexure-1. All proposed sand ghats are situated in about 10 villages. i) Brief description of project

Mining of sand deposits in the subject lease area is proposed to be worked by opencast manual method. Mining activity is restricted only in summer season, no mining activity is done during monsoon season. The operations involved in mining Building Grade sand are scooping the sand using spades and mortar pans & loading it onto the hired tractors/trucks manually. The depth of the working will be upto 0.5m-0.70 (max) the sand will be scooped keeping 2m sand at bed each time and 20m away from the river bank. As such there is no sub grade Building Grade Sand from this mine as all the excavated mineral is having ready market. So stacking of the sub grade mineral is not proposed. The entire deposits shall be excavated iii) Need for the project:

District collected revenue through auction of sand ghats. Production cost is around Rs 1000 per Brass. Average selling rate is Rs 2500/brass. Mining is being carried out for times immemorial and has not adversely affected any environmental constituents. Thus this project is economically viable. Again it is very important ecologically to scoop river bed sand to maintain river flow pattern, flood levels and agricultural land along river bed.


3. Project description: i) This mining project is an independent project and not an interlinked project. ii) Location:

All the sand ghats are located along Adan River bed.

8 iii) Alternate sites:

Being mining activity and good sand deposition at site proposed hence no alternate site is proposed. iv) Magnitude of operation: Proposed production sand ghatwise proposed production is as below


Name Tahs River/N Nearest Area in Proposed Quantity Method of of il allah Survey sqm. Depth for Permitted Mining Village No. excavatio for mining n in m of Sand in Brass Kinhi Gha Adan 243 2000 0.50 m 353 brass Manual tanji sqm. only

(v) Project description-mining details:

Mining of sand deposits in the subject lease area is proposed to be worked by opencast manual method. Mining activity is restricted only in summer season, no mining activity is done during monsoon season. The operations involved in mining Building Grade sand are scooping the sand using spades and mortar pans & loading it onto the hired tractors/trucks manually. The depth of the working will be upto 0.5m-0.70 (max) the sand will be scooped keeping 2m sand at bed each time and 20m away from the river bank. As such there is no sub grade Building Grade Sand from this mine as all the excavated mineral is having ready market. So stacking of the sub grade mineral is not proposed. The entire deposits shall be excavated


(vi) Raw material, marketing and transport of ore:

All sand ghats will be auctioned and successful bidder will be responsible for carrying mining operations as per environmental terms and conditions, approved mining method as per approved mining plan and other terms and conditions.

(vii) Resource optimization, recycle, reuse:

Sand is replenishable mineral.

(viii) Water and energy requirement:

It is a manual mining proposal using spade & Ghamelas. No energy is required being permitted for day time only. Water for drinking purpose will be sourced from RO contractors on site.

(ix) Quantity of wastes & scheme for management:

No waste will be generated.

(x) Schematic representations:

It is a proposal of opencast manual sand mining from river bed. Mining plan is approved by competent authority.

4. Site analysis:

i) Connectivity – Sand ghat is well connected by roads. ii) Land use, form & ownership: Land use shows that agriculture is predominant. Cotton, Sugarcane are main crop. iii) Topography


Sand Ghat is a exposed river bed with sand deposition varying from 2.0m to 3.0m.

Existing land use pattern Existing Sand Ghat is a river bed having 2.0 m to 3.0 m of sand .

There are a number of sand ghats along the river.

Presently, there is no infrastructure within the river bed nor are proposed..

Social structure of the area is given below.

There are about 10 villages where sand ghats are proposed. About 23 souls will be required per sand ghat for carrying direct sand scooping and allied operations.

Most villages have been provided with water supply from hand pump or well or are covered under rural water supply scheme. Electricity is available. Medical facilities exist in the form of primary, health centers.

5. Planning Brief

This project is for manual scooping of Sand from exposed river bed it is imperative to follow the plan so as to be able to extract sand in an environmental compatible manner. There are no residential areas over the lease and also not proposed. The sand ghats will be replenished every year as monsoon follows.. The maximum period awarded for scooping of sand is 30.09.2018 or as per new sand mining guidelines of State Government depending on the reserves available.

Infrastructure requirements in this project would need i) Temporary site office 20m away from river bank, store etc.


6. Proposed infrastructure i) There would not be any residential colony or commercial roads. R&R is not involved. It is a proposal of river bed mining.

7. R & R Plan

R & R per se is not involved.

8. Project Schedule & Cost Estimates:

All sand ghats are already auctioned.

Project schedule :

Sand ghat : Scooping of sand by manual methods up to 30.09.2018 or as per sand mining policy of State Government.

9. Analysis of proposal (final recommendations)

Description of the project included in items 1-8 above indicates the following :

i) It is proposed to scoop sand manually from river bed. ii) Manual sand mining without hampering the present environmental quality of the area. iii) Income to local people is uncertain & initiation of mining will ensure regular income to local people




Name Tahs River/N Nearest Area in Proposed Quantity Method of of il allah Survey sqm. Depth for Permitted Mining Village No. excavatio for mining n in m of Sand in Brass Kinhi Gha Adan 243 2000 0.50 m 353 brass Manual tanji sqm. only


Approval of Mining Plan


Surface Plan


Production Plan