fnukad& 27-04-2021 le; 7%00 lka; rd v|ru Uttarakhand Covid-19 Telephone/Mobile Directory Note: ,slk laHko gS fd bl Mk;jsDVjh dks rS;kj djrs le; dfri; =qfV;ka@dfe;k¡ jg xà gks]a ;fn dksà =qfV fdlh ds laKku esa vkrh gS rks —i;k bl Ãesy ij lwfpr djus dk d"V djsa rkfd mls nwj fd;k tk ldsA&
[email protected] bl Mk;jsDVjh dks yxkrkj v|ru fd;k tk jgk gS] uohure çfr Mkmuyksm djus ds fy, bl Çyd dks fDyd djsa & https://health.uk.gov.in/files/Covid-19-Directory.pdf fuEu tkudkjh ds fy, fn;s x;s fyad ij fDyd djsa& Sample Collection Centres https://covid19.uk.gov.in/map/sccLocation.aspx Availability of Beds https://covid19.uk.gov.in/bedssummary.aspx Covid-19 Vaccination Sites www.cowin.gov.in RT – PCR Testing Report www.covid19.uk.gov.in To get Medical assistant and http://www.esanjeevaniopd.in/Register Doctor's consultation: Download app: Free Consultation from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.hi Esanjeevani ed.esanjeevaniopd&hl=en_US Or call: 9412080703, 9412080622, 9412080686 Home Isolation Registration https://dsclservices.org.in/self-isolation.php Vaccination (Self Registration) www.cowin.gov.in https://selfregistration.cowin.gov.in/ Any other Help Call 104 (24X7) / 0135-2609500/ District Control Room for any other help and assistance. Daily Bulletin https://health.uk.gov.in/pages/display/140-novel- corona-virus-guidelines-and-advisory- Travelling to/from https://dsclservices.org.in/apply.php Uttarakhand Registration for any queries and
[email protected] suggestions 104/0135 2609500 1 tuinksa ls lacafèkr tkudkjh ds fy, tuinksa ds uke ij fDyd djsa 1.