
arXiv:2101.03325v1 [quant-ph] 9 Jan 2021 fafie aistnst eowe h cln param- scaling the when sphere zero the to tends outside eter radius particle fixed the a find of to probability The civdol around only achieved ope aaees h opnnso h relativistic the of components the parameters: complex hrfr,i h eoeps n uueteextension the future and past remote of the in Therefore, ipefr noe h nomto bu h solu- function the the by and about equations Υ( information Maxwell and the Weyl of encodes tions form simple a eg iprin sarsl,tema qaerdu is 4], radius [3, square time mean of the function un- result, quadratic a space a As free in dispersion. evolving dergo particles describing functions aeeutoswt vricesn ereo complex- of term degree relativistic The increasing enables of ity. ever solutions It with localized equations analytic applications. wave gener- obtain of The to range spinorial one to its [2]. transform Namias extends Fourier variables of fractional the work of the alization after other and began its in tomography, fields However, processing, computed in signal compression, in [1]. image optics, Condon in by was applications ago transform) numerous time Fresnel the long called introduced trans- also Fourier (sometimes Fractional form transforms. Fourier fractional argu- spinorial their of relativis- to differentiation ments respect the of with by Solutions functions obtained generating are equation. equations wave Dirac tic the of solutions spae ytegnrtn ucinΥ( function role generating essential large The the a by derive equations. played to these and is here of Maxwell used Weyl, solutions is of of tool family solutions This the of equations. Dirac study the in tool ∗ [email protected] h eeaigfntositoue eedpn on depend here introduced functions generating The h eeaigfntoshv h omo generalized of form the have functions generating The h i fti oki odsrb e universal new a describe to is work this of aim The every ,η η, a ∗ η ed ozr.O ore h oaiaincnbe can localization the course, Of zero. to tends ,ζ ζ, , aepce sabtaiylarge. arbitrarily is packet wave and ∗ | ruet.I h ipetcs,oeotisMxeladDir 03.65.Db and 03.65.Pm, Maxwell numbers: PACS obtains differ one simple case, by simplest constructed the are In transfo Fourier equations arguments. fractional Weyl generalized and of Maxwell, form generating the of choice in The tions variables. spinorial of functions ζ x . hc noe h nomto bu the about information the encodes which ) e ouin frltvsi aeeutosaeotie i obtained are equations wave relativistic of solutions New localized .INTRODUCTION I. h e ouin fteDrc awl n elequations Weyl and Maxwell Dirac, the of solutions New r 2 t i because 0 = t a eetefloigmeaning. following the here has = A etrfrTertclPyis oihAaeyo Sciences of Academy Polish , Theoretical for Center + Bt rmtefatoa ore transform Fourier fractional the from 2 lj onko 24,0-6 asw Poland Warsaw, 02-668 Lotnik´ow 32/46, Aleja . all ouin fwave of solutions ,η η, ∗ | x hc in which ) w Bialynicki-Birula Iwo (1) fatocmoetspinor two-component a of nfidfaeokt ecieas h ouin fother of solutions equations. the wave also relativistic describe a gives to work framework present spino- This unified the The been in [12]). has introduced review [11]. representation field recent rial electromagnetic fibration a the (see Hopf studied of involve thoroughly properties case 7] the These in topo- [6, subject with cases solutions. connected many these directly in of often properties is equa- logical wave it relativistic because of solutions tions the describe to suited the in summarized is it modifi- and slight [8–10] A. a in Appendix used is that wave notation of the Our cation as appear . arguments. also in spinorial functions and their generat- to course, the These respect Of of with derivatives equations. functions the Dirac ing as obtained so- and are generate Maxwell solutions that Weyl, functions of the lutions of arguments as ap- bispinors pearing component four and spinors two-component [5–7] Maxwell and [4] obtains Dirac hopfions. one the cases describing special solutions As the intri- properties. with particularly topological solutions knotted cate is of solutions construction the generating for of useful method equa- Our Dirac tion. the and for Poincar´e parame- equations group inhomogeneous Maxwell 15 the and full of be- Weyl the for own group of conformal representations their ter a on form they properties generating cause interesting These have conjugates. functions complex their and spinors 5gopgnrtr.Tegnrtr ftranslations of the generators of The introduction the generators. after group group 15 conformal the of tion η oain n pca oet transformations Lorentz special and rotations ilcnomltransformations conformal cial A ˙ h omls ae nsiosi atclrywell particularly is spinors on based formalism The are work this in ingredients mathematical main The e scnie nabtaycmlxfnto Υ( function complex arbitrary an consider us Let h pc fteefntosbcmsarepresenta- a becomes functions these of space The . I ASESPRILS ELAND WEYL PARTICLES: MASSLESS II. ucin sGusaslast representa- to leads Gaussians as functions m.Wv ucin aifigteDirac, the satisfying functions Wave rms. ∗ chpo solutions. hopfion ac nfidmne rmgenerating from manner unified a n nitoswt epc ospinorial to respect with entiations AWL EQUATIONS MAXWELL η A n t ope conjugate complex its and K µ n dilation and , M µν D spe- , ,η η, P are ∗ µ ) , 2

(~ =1,c = 1): cance because with their help one can construct from the function Υ(η, η∗) a complete field defined at all space- time points xµ. To this end, Υ(η, η∗) is represented as a AB˙ P = ∂ ˙ g ∂ , (2a) µ − A µ B four-dimensional Fourier integral over the spinorial vari- i A B A˙ B˙ ables, M = η S ∂ η S ˙ ∂ ˙ , (2b) µν 2 µνA B − µνA B ˙ A B˙  ∗ 2 2 ∗ A A ˜ ∗ K = η g ˙ η , (2c) Υ(η, η )= d κd κ exp i(κAη + η κ ˙ ) Υ(κ,κ ). µ µAB − A Z 1 A A˙ h i (3) D = η ∂ + η ∂ ˙ , (2d) 2i A A   The integration variables are the real and imaginary

A A˙ parts of both components of the κ. The trans- where ∂A = ∂/∂η and ∂A˙ = ∂/∂η . This representa- lation operators acting on the spinorial integral (3) pro- tion has a close connection with twistors [13–15] but this duce an integral in the form of a multidimensional frac- line of investigation will not be pursued here. tional Fourier transform since the exponent has both the The generators of translations are of special signifi- quadratic and the linear part in the integration variables,

∗ µ ∗ 2 2 ∗ AB˙ µ A A˙ ∗ Υ(η, η x) = exp( iP x )Υ(η, η )= d κd κ exp iκ ˙ g κ x exp i(κ η + η κ ˙ ) Υ(˜ κ,κ ). (4) | − µ − A µ B − A A Z h i h i

This function satisfies four Schr¨odinger-like equations, The second derivative is a solution of the Maxwell equa- ∗ ∗ tions, i∂µΥ(η, η x)= PµΥ(η, η x). (5) | | ˙ φ (x)= ∂ ∂ Υ(η, η∗ x), gµEC ∂ φ (x)=0. ˜ ∗ CD C D µ CD For every choice of Υ(κ,κ ) which guarantees the con- − | (8) vergence of the integral and for all values of the spinorial ∗ ∗ parameters η and η , the generating function Υ(η, η x) Both equations follow from the algebraic relation: satisfies the d’Alembert equation, | µEC˙ AB˙ A˙E˙ BC g κ ˙ gµ κBκC =2κ ˙ ǫ ǫ κBκC =0, (9) (∂2 ∆)Υ(η, η∗ x)=0, (6) A A t − | applied to the derivatives of the spinorial transform (4). AB˙ because the derivative ∂µ produces κA˙ gµ κB under the The wave equation (8) is equivalent to Maxwell equations integral and this is a lightlike vector. Negative energy so- upon the following identification of the components of µ lutions are obtained by the translation exp(iPµx ). The φCD(x) with the components of the Riemann-Silberstein general solution is a superposition of positive and nega- (RS) vector [3]: tive energy contributions but choosing only one sign at a time simplifies the formulas. Fx = φ11 φ00, Fy = i(φ11 + φ00), Fz =2φ01 =2φ10. − − The generation of the solutions of Maxwell equations (10) from a solution of the d’Alembert equation has been It follows from these relations that positive/negative fre- known already to Whittaker [16]. This method was for- ± mulated in the spinorial framework by Penrose [17]. In quency solutions of Maxwell equations F (x) have the both these constructions, the Maxwell field is built from following spinorial representation: second derivatives with respect to spacetime variables. 2 2 κ1 κ0 Therefore, these methods are closely related to Hertz po- ± 2 2 ∗ F (r,t)= d κd κ iκ2− iκ2 tentials. In contrast, the generation of the solutions of  − 1 − 0  2κ0κ1 Weyl and Maxwell equations from our spinorial gener- Z ating function Υ(η, η∗ x) is quite different because it in-  AB˙ µ ˜± ∗ exp iκA˙ gµ κBx Υ (κ,κ ). (11) volves the derivatives with| respect to the auxiliary spino- × ∓ A h i rial argument η . Derivatives with respect to the com- General solutions are sums of positive and negative fre- ponents of spinors also appear but in an entirely different quency solutions. It is shown in the next Section that role in the solutions of the massless wave equations ex- the spinorial representation through the Hopf fibration pressed in terms of Penrose transforms [18]. is directly related to the Fourier representation that is The first derivative is a solution of the Weyl equation, commonly used in physical applications. The alternative ˙ representation based on the Penrose transform [18] does φ (x)= i∂ Υ(η, η∗ x), gµEC ∂ φ (x)=0. (7) C C | µ C not have this property. 3

III. SPINORIAL REPRESENTATION AND ξi kx, ky, kz, ϕ is equal to 1/8k and the integral (11) THE HOPF FIBRATION expressed→{ in terms} of new variables coincides with (14) provided we make the following identification: The Hopf fibration [11] is a decomposition of the three- 2π 2 + dimensional sphere into linked circles: the fibers. Every π 3/2 e iϕΥ˜ (k, ϕ) f+(k)= dϕ , (15a) fiber corresponds to one point on the two-dimensional 2 0 k(k ik ) Z x − y sphere. In the Hopf construction the spheres are  3 2 2π 2iϕ − ∗ π / e Υ˜ (k, ϕ) parametrized in terms of the Cartesian coordinates sub- f−(k)= dϕ . (15b) 2 0 k(kx iky) jected to the condition that the radius of the sphere   Z − is fixed. The mapping of the points in the three- Even though the spinorial representation and the Fourier dimensional sphere ξ onto the points in the two- i representation are equivalent, the spinorial representa- dimensional sphere k was defined by Hopf as follows: i tion is much easier to use in the derivation of various hopfion-like solutions. k = 2(ξ1ξ3 + ξ2ξ4), k = 2(ξ2ξ3 ξ1ξ4), x y − k = ξ2 + ξ2 ξ2 ξ2. (12) z 1 2 − 3 − 4 IV. THE HOPFION FAMILY OF SOLUTIONS In order to introduce the physical interpretation, the OF WEYL AND MAXWELL EQUATIONS symbols in these formulas are different than those used by Hopf. The relations invented by Hopf preserve the ˜ ∗ length. The 3D sphere of unit radius is mapped onto A simple choice of Υ(κ,κ ) that leads to the analytic 2 2 2 solution is a Gaussian, the 2D sphere of unit radius since kx + ky + kz = (ξ2 + ξ2 + ξ2 + ξ2)2. The connection of the Hopf fibra- 1 2 3 4 ∗ AB˙ µ Υ(˜ κ,κ ) = exp κ ˙ g κ a , (16) tion with spinors is revealed when the parameters ξi are − A µ B identified with the real and imaginary parts of the spinor   µ components κ0 = ξ1 + iξ2, κ1 = ξ3 + iξ4. where a is any complex vector. Without loss of general- The physical content of the Hopf formula (12) is best ity, one may assume that aµ is a real vector because the described with the help of and it has the imaginary part of aµ can be eliminated by a shift of the form of the relation between spinors κ and the lightlike origin of coordinate system. From now on it is assumed µ µAB˙ that the coordinate system is chosen in such a way that wave vectors: k = κA˙ g κB. The space components of the are the Hopf parameters k , k , k . aµ = a, 0, 0, 0 although in some formulas the full vec- x y z { } The fibers are formed by those spinors that differ only tor aµ will appear. In order to guarantee the convergence by an overall phase factor eiϕ. This phase factor is of the integrals, it is assumed that a > 0. In this case not uniquely defined. One may choose, for example, the integration can be easily done and after dropping the 2 the phase of the upper spinor component. In this case irrelevant factor π , one obtains, ϕ = arctan(ξ2/ξ1). With this choice, the relations (12) ∗ A µ µ B˙ can be inverted, Υ(η, η x)= D(x)exp iD(x)η g ˙ (x ia )η , | − µAB −  (17) √kz + k cos ϕ √kz + k sin ϕ ξ1 = , ξ2 = , √2 √2 where D(x) = ((a + it)2 + x2 + y2 + z2)−1. This sim- kx cos ϕ ky sin ϕ ky cos ϕ + kx sin ϕ ple calculation shows the advantage of using the spino- ξ3 = − , ξ4 = , (13) √2√k + kz √2√k + kz rial representation. The evaluation of the corresponding integrals in the Fourier representation would have been 2 2 2 where k = kx + ky + kz . The relation between the much more complicated. This method of generating solu- tions is applicable also to wave equations for higher spins. spinorial representationq (11) and the Fourier representa- In particular, the gravitational waves in linearized grav- tion of the electromagnetic field represented by the RS ity are described by fourth derivatives of the generating vector [3, 19, 20], function. The solutions of Weyl and Maxwell equations obtained 3 kxkz + ikky d k − from the function (17) by differentiation, according to the F (r,t)= kykz ikkx (2π)3/2  − 2 − 2  formulas (7) and (8), have the form: Z kx + ky ik·r−iωt ∗ −ik·r+iωt f+(k)e + f−(k)e , (14) φ (x)= D(x)exp ηAψ (x) ψ (x), (18) × C − A C A   φCD(x)= D(x)exp η ψA(x) ψC (x)ψD(x), (19) is obtained by the change of variables. The integration −  with respect to two components of the spinor in (11) is  equivalent to the integration over the three components where of the wave vector and an additional integration with re- B˙ µ µ ψ (x)= D(x)g ˙ η (x ia ). (20) spect to the phase ϕ. The Jacobian of the transformation A µAB − 4

˙ These formulas contain arbitrary parameters ηA and ηA. [7, 22]. Bateman discovered that if two complex func- By differentiating (18) and (19) (or integrating with any tions of spacetime variables α(x,y,z,t) and β(x,y,z,t) function of these parameters) with respect to ηA and/or obey the condition; ˙ ηA one still obtains solutions of the wave equations. α β = i(∂ α β ∂ β α), (25) One may check by a direct calculation that not only ∇ × ∇ t ∇ − t ∇ for the exponential functions appearing in (18) and (19) then the vector F = α β is a (null) solution of but for all functions h (ψ(x)) the spinors B Maxwell equations. ∇ × ∇

φC (x)= D(x)h1 (ψ(x)) ψC (x), (21) The Bateman construction is mentioned here because there is a direct connection between the spinorial method φ (x)= D(x)h2 (ψ(x)) ψ (x)ψ (x) (22) CD C D and this construction. Namely, the two components of are solutions of the wave equations (7) and (8). One the spinor (20) can be used as α and β in the Bateman obtains in this way a large class of solutions of Weyl and construction because they obey the condition (25). The Maxwell equations controlled by an arbitrary complex RS vector obtained from the Bateman construction dif- function of the two components of ψ (x). fers only by the factor i from the one obtained from A − Incidentally, one obtains a realization of de (10) and (24a). All solutions with intricate topological Broglie idea of fusion [21] by choosing h2 (ψ(x)) = properties, analyzed in [7], can be obtained from the for- h1 (ψ(x)) h1 (ψ(x)). Indeed, it looks like “photons mula (22) by choosing the function h(ψA) in the form p q are made of two ” because the photon wave h(ψA) = (ψ0(x)) (ψ1(x)) , where p and q are relatively function (apart from the factor D(x)) is a product of prime integers. −1 wave functions, φAB = D(x) φAφB . The solutions of Weyl and Maxwell equations (21) and The simplest hopfion solutions of the Weyl equation (22) have one common feature. In both cases we find for are obtained from (21) when h(ψ)= i and by choosing all choices of the function h the same lightlike four-vector ˙ A˙ A˙ − µ µAB either η = 1, 0 or η = 0, 1 . l = ψA˙ g ψB characterizing the solution. The current { } { } jµ for the solutions of the Weyl equation and the energy- µν 1 2 t+ 2 2 x− tensor T for the solutions of the Maxwell φA(x) = [D(x)] , φA(x) = [D(x)] , (23) x+ t− equations are built from lµ,     µ 2 µ where t± = t z ia and x± = x iy. j = D(x)h1 (ψ(x)) l (x), (26a) ± − ± | | Owing to the appearance of the product of spinors in µν 2 µ ν T = D(x)h2 (ψ(x)) l (x)l (x). (26b) (22), the electromagnetic field given by this formula is | | null; both field invariants vanish, i.e., E2 B2 = 0 and The properties of the vector lµ(x) underscore the con- E B = 0. Null fields play a special role in− electromag- · nection with Hopf fibration. Namely, integral lines of netism. They possess intriguing topological properties 0 velocity v = l/l form linked circles, as shown in Fig. 1, [7]. The simplest solutions are obtained from the for- which is a characteristic feature of Hopf fibration. mula (22) by choosing the same spinors ψA as for the Weyl equation. The two closely related RS vectors con- structed from these spinors according to the formulas V. MASSIVE PARTICLES: (10) and (22) are:

2 2 t+ x+ The standard Dirac equation, 1 3 2 − 2 F = [D(x)] i(t+ + x+) , (24a) H   (iγµ∂ m) Ψ(x)=0, (27) 2t+x+ µ − − 2 2  t− + x−  2 3 − 2 2 F = [D(x)] i(t− + x−) . (24b) H   2x−t− −   The first formula coincides with Eq. (23) of [20]. The electric and magnetic field vectors (i.e., the real and imag- inary parts of FH ) describe the simplest knotted solu- tions of Maxwell equations: the hopfion. It was discov- ered by Synge [5] who interpreted it as “an electromag- netic model of a material particle”. Its intricate topolog- ical properties were discovered by Ra˜nada [6] who found the connection with Hopf fibration. The hopfion solu- tion can be obtained in many different ways, even from FIG. 1. Linked circles: the trademark of the Hopf fibration. a simple Fourier integral [20]. However, a method of The lines of velocity plotted here are obtained by solving the choice to obtain also other solutions with even more intri- set of differential equations dr(λ)/dλ = v(r(λ)) for different cate topological properties is the Bateman construction initial conditions. 5 is converted in the Weyl representation [23] of γ matrices, into the following set of two equations for two-component spinors:

˙ ˙ ˙ igµAB∂ φ (x)= mχA(x), igµ ∂ χB(x)= mφ (x). µ B AB˙ µ A (29)

Due to the presence of two spinors in these equations, the generating function Υ should have two spinorial argu- ments. The appearance of calls for some modifica- tions of the spinorial formalism. The following spinorial 0 gµ integral, patterned after the integral (4) for the solutions µ AB˙ φA(x) γ = ˙ , Ψ(x)= ˙ , (28) of d’Alembert equation, produces positive energy solu- gµAB 0 χA(x)     tions of the Klein-Gordon equation,

∗ ∗ 2 2 ∗ 2 2 ∗ A A˙ A A˙ AB˙ A B˙ µ Υ(η, η ,ζ,ζ x)= d κd κ d λd λ exp i(κ η + η κ ˙ + λ ζ + ζ ˙ λ ) exp i κ ˙ g κ + λ g ˙ λ x | − A A A A − A µ B µB Z A A˙ h A˙ A ∗ ∗i h   i δ κ λ + κ ˙ λ m δ i(κ ˙ λ κ λ ) Υ(˜ κ,κ , λ, λ ), (30) × A A − A − A     because the action of the d’Alembertian produces under In order to obtain explicit formulas for the solutions, the integral sign the following expression: we must choose the function Υ(˜ κ,κ∗, λ, λ∗) in such a way that the integrations can be performed.

µAC˙ A B˙ A A˙ κ ˙ g κ λ g ˙ λ =4κ λ κ ˙ λ . (31) A C µAB A A VI. THE HOPFION FAMILY OF SOLUTIONS OF THE DIRAC EQUATION The presence of the δ-functions enables one to replace this expression by m2, resulting in the Klein-Gordon The existence of similar representations of the solu- equation, tions of Maxwell and Dirac equations enables one to de- fine a map between these solutions. Namely, by choosing Υ(˜ κ,κ∗, λ, λ∗) as a product of functions appearing in (4), 2 2 ∗ ∗ ∂ ∆+ m Υ(η, η ,ζ,ζ x)=0. (32) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ t − | Υ(˜ κ,κ , λ, λ )= Υ˜ 1(κ,κ )Υ˜ 2(λ, λ ), (34)  one establishes a direct relation between solutions of Negative energy solutions are obtained by reversing the Maxwell and Dirac equations. To every pair of solutions sign of xµ. In full analogy with the massless case, the of Maxwell equations there corresponds a solution of the Dirac equation. In particular, it is tempting to choose solutions of the Dirac equation are obtained from (30) ˜ ∗ by differentiation with respect to spinorial parameters Υ(κ,κ ) in the Gaussian form because this choice corre- C sponds to the Maxwell hopfion. η and ζC˙ . The Dirac Ψ(x) has the form: ∗ AB˙ µ Υ˜ 1(κ,κ ) =exp κ ˙ g κ a , (35a) − A µ B ∗ ∗ i∂AΥ(η, η ,ζ,ζ x) ˜ ∗ h A B˙ µi Ψ(x)= ˙ | , (33) Υ2(λ, λ ) =exp λ g ˙ λ a . (35b) iðAΥ(η, η∗,ζ,ζ∗ x) − µAB  |  h i In order to do the calculations, the integral represen- tations of the δ-functions are introduced into the formula A ðA˙ where ∂A = ∂/∂η and = ∂/∂ζA˙ . (30),

∗ ∗ 2 2 ∗ 2 2 ∗ A A˙ A A˙ Υ(η, η ,ζ,ζ x)= dudv d κd κ d λd λ exp i(κ η + η κ ˙ + λ ζ + ζ ˙ λ ) | − A A A A Z Z AB˙ A B˙ µ µh A A˙ i A A˙ exp κ ˙ g κ + λ g ˙ λ (a + ix ) exp iu(κ λ + λ κ ˙ m) exp v(κ λ λ κ ˙ ) , (36) × − A µ B µAB − A A − − A − A h   i h i h i 6

FIG. 2. The knotted lines of the current j = Ψ¯ γΨ for the solutions of the Dirac equation Ψ2, Ψ4, Ψ6 and Ψ8 listed in the Appendix B. The initial conditions are the same in all cases: x0 = 1, y0 = 0.3, z0 = 0 and a = 1. The distances are measured in electron Compton wave length and the size of the box is 3.

FIG. 3. Strong dependence on the initial conditions. The lines of current are plotted for the same solution Ψ4 as in Fig. 2 but for different initial conditions for one of the coordinates, x0 = {0.25, 0.6, 0.1, 1.25}. where Υ(˜ κ,κ∗, λ, λ∗) was replaced by the product of func- has the form of the fractional Fourier transform. This tions (34) and the irrelevant factor (2π)2 was omitted. integral can be evaluated and we are left with an integral The integral with respect to the spinorial variables again with respect to u and v,

∗ ∗ imu 2 A B˙ AB˙ µ µ Υ(η, η ,ζ,ζ x)= du dv e [D(u, v x)] exp D(u, v x) (η g ˙ η + ζ ˙ g ζ )(a + ix ) | | − | µAB A µ B Z A h A˙  A A˙ i exp D(u, v x) iu(η ζ + ζ ˙ η ) v(η ζ ζ ˙ η ) , (37) × − | − A A − A − A h  i

− 2 2 µ µ 1 where D(u, v x)= u + v + (aµ + ixµ)(a + ix ) . that can be explicitly evaluated. The simplest examples | are the Dirac hopfions obtained by a different method in   [4]. The corresponding bispinors ΨH are obtained from This integral cannot be evaluated for arbitrary values the formula (37) by evaluating second derivatives of Υ of the spinorial parameters η and ζ. However, the ex- at the origin. The following four solutions of the Dirac pansion in powers of these parameters leads to integrals equation are: 7

B 2 BK ðB ∂AΥ imu 3 (v + iu)δA πm δA 1 A˙ = du dv e [D(u, v x)] −AB˙ µ µ = AB˙ µ µ , (38a) ð Υ | g (a + ix ) 4 g (a + ix )K2  0 Z  µ   µ  µ µ 2 µ µ ˙ ˙ K ∂AΥ imu 3 gµAB(a + ix ) πm gµAB(a + ix ) 2 ∂B˙ A˙ = du dv e [D(u, v x)] A˙ = A˙ , (38b) ð Υ | (v iu)δ 4 δ K1  0 Z " − B˙ # " B˙ #

where Kn are expressed in terms of the Mac- VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS n donald functions Kn = Kn(ms)/s , and s = 2 2 2 2 (a + it) + x + y + z . The arguments of Υ and Kn I am thankful to Zofia Bialynicka-Birula for her very are omitted. helpful criticism. p Choosing both values of the index B˙ and both values of the index B we obtain four Dirac hopfions corresponding to the formulas (7) and (8) of [4] taken for the lowest val- Appendix A ues of the index l. Higher order derivatives evaluated at the origin all give analytic solutions of the Dirac equation The two components of the spinor are labeled [9] with 0 expressed in terms of Macdonald functions of increasing and 1. Spinors with upper and lower index are connected order. The integral lines of the current shown in Fig. 2 by the spinorial metric tensor ǫ, and Fig. 3 represent the solutions of the following three 0 1 coupled differential equations: φA = ǫABφ , φ = ψBǫ , ǫ = ǫAB = . B A BA AB 1 0  −  (A1) dr(λ) = j(r(λ),t). (39) dλ Repeated indices imply summation over two values of the index. Under rotations and Lorentz transformations B These figures were generated from the formulas in the spinors are transformed by the unimodular matrices SA Appendix B in the simplest case, when t = 0. The lines ′ ′ φ = S Bφ , φA = SA φB . (A2) of current depend strongly on the initial conditions, as A A B − B shown in Fig. 3. All analytical calculations and plots The minus sign in the second formula is a consequence were done with Mathematica [24]. of the antisymmetry of the metric tensor and it implies ′ ′ A A the invariance of the scalar product φA ψ = φAψ . There are two inequivalent two-dimensional repre- sentations of the : the spinors φA and complex-conjugate spinors φ ˙ . Dotted indices signify VII. CONCLUSIONS A ∗ complex conjugation, φA˙ = (φA) . The dotted spinors are transformed with the use of complex conjugate ma- Maxwell, Weyl, and Dirac equations play a fundamen- trices, tal role in relativistic . The prac- ∗ ′ B˙ B˙ B tically unlimited collection of new analytic solutions of ˙ ˙ φA = SA˙ φB, SA˙ = SA . (A3) these equations described here may help to understand better the intricate quantum properties of relativistic Spinors with several indices transform  as products of particles. The spinorial representation described here is spinors for example, particularly well suited in the analysis of solutions with ′ C˙ D φ ˙ = S S φ ˙ . (A4) intricate topological properties connected with Hopf fi- AB A˙ B BD bration. The representation of the wave functions as An important role is played by spin-tensors—objects derivatives with respect to spinorial variables makes their with tensorial and spinorial indices. There are four of ˙ ˙ transformation properties transparent. Of course, it them: gµAB, gµ , Sµν B and Sµν B. They may all be would also be possible to generate new solutions by eval- AB˙ A A˙ expressed in terms of the Pauli matrices σi and the 2 2 uating consecutive derivatives of some simple solution unit matrix I, × with respect to spacetime variables. However, this leads 0AB˙ 0 iAB˙ i to highly complicated expressions. Already the second g = I = g ˙ , g = σi = g ˙ , (A5a) derivative of the simplest solution (B2) produces a for- AB − AB 1 ˙ ˙ mula that is difficult to analyze because it is much more Sµν B = gµ gνCB gν gµCB . (A5b) A AC˙ AC˙ complicated than the expression (B5) obtained by eval- 2 −   uating the seventh derivative with respect to spinorial Spin-tensors are invariant under the simultaneous variables. Lorentz transformations of vector and spinor indices. 8

Appendix B

Selected solutions of the Dirac equation are obtained by evaluating the following derivatives of the generating function:

0 ∂AΥ 0 0˙ 1 ∂AΥ 0 0˙ 1 1˙ 1˙ ∂AΥ 0˙ 1 1˙ 0 0 0˙ 1˙ ∂AΥ Ψ2 = ð ˙ , Ψ4 = ð ð ð ˙ , Ψ6 = ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ð ˙ , Ψ8 = ∂ ∂ ∂ ð ð ð ð ˙ . (B1) ðAΥ ðAΥ ðAΥ ðAΥ  0  0  0  0 All derivatives are to be taken at the origin. There was no special reason to choose these particular derivatives. All nonvanishing derivatives give distinct solutions.

m2π Ψ2 = K1, 0, it−K2, ix+K2 . (B2) 4 { − }

3 m π 2 2 2 2 Ψ4 = ix−K2, it−K2, 2x−t−K3, ((a + it) x y + z )K3 . (B3) 24 {− − − }

4 m π 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ψ6 = x−t−K3, ((a + it) x y + z )K3, 4ix−K3/m ix−(x + y )K4, 4it+K3/m + t−t K4 . (B4) 96 { − − − − + }

5 m π 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ψ8 = x+t−((a + it) x y + z )K5, 2x t−K5, ix+t−K4, ix−t−K4 . (B5) 960 { − − − + }


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