
arXiv:1207.5234v3 [cond-mat.str-el] 14 Apr 2013 in u h dWy eieasaerce nta hyare they that such phenomena in fundamental richer various are to in related semimetals closely described Weyl disper more 3d are linear the both approximately but with that sion, sense gapless the to of analogous in terms are 2d recently[5–23]. (3d) in studied very dimensions graphene[24] been only three has in context it semimetals matter Weyl nature, condensed in the fermions in elementary of tion paper. show will this we in as , for broken consequences with interesting systems has Weyl fact This di space. at located generally are symme inversion points Weyl in and try, symmetry however, reversal con- time symmetry as natural, such imposing straints be without to , matter seems condensed assumption this context, ue htteto“elpit” twihteeeg gap energy at the located which at both points”, are “Weyl closes, two the that sumed n ag hre ntesadr oe fpril physics[ particle of model standard the di in carry charges fermions gauge ent right-handed and left-handed be framework the fermion Weyl cause the a into such fall fermions electrons and curr elementary quarks our the is that it nature fact, lat- of In the understanding block. building fermion, Weyl elementary more of is copies ter two into decomposed be can add,and handed), where ecie ytefloigsml elequation Weyl simple fermions following two-component the by are described fermions Weyl obey compo the four which with while fermions, nents, by described are Weyl equation, The Dirac of the copies . two - opposite are have with which we lattice fermions, vanishes, with Dirac mass systems less fact, the can fermion When In Dirac insulators massive [3]. topological fermions. as discovered regarded Dirac recently be by the played of insulators role most topological ubiquitous of the aspects remarkable is the Among recently physics 3]. matter condensed in fields research active lhuhWy emo ly rca oei h descrip- the in role crucial a plays fermion Weyl Although ti ot oigta nwiigdw q()w aeas- have we Eq.(1) down writing in that noting worth is It Introduction. ± srfre sciaiy( as referred is hrlaoay hreDniyWvs n xo tig fro Strings Axion and Waves, Density Charge , Chiral v ASnmes 73.43.-f,71.70.Ej,75.70.Tj numbers: PACS The dissipationless for strings. symmetry. implications axion important elusive have disloc the they edge) for fore or picture (screw physical the simple as a realized be can strings” “axion xo,wihculst lcrmgei edi h topolog thi the of in field mode electromagnetic phase to The couples which breaking. axion, symmetry chiral dens the Charge of insulators”. quence “axion into semimetals Weyl turns F esuydnmclisaiiyadcia ymtybreakin symmetry chiral and instability dynamical study We steFrivlct.SneteDrcfermion Dirac the Since velocity. Fermi the is oooia nuaosaeaogtemost the among are insulators Topological ± v F σ · 1 k k nttt o dacdSuy snhaUiest,Beijin University, Tsinghua Study, Advanced for Institute ψ = + = 2 .I h atcephysics particle the In 0. eateto hsc,Safr nvriy tnod A9 CA Stanford, University, Stanford Physics, of Department o ethanded, left for E ψ ff hn Wang Zhong rn onsi the in points erent − o right for 1 ff n huCegZhang Shou-Cheng and [1– ent (1) er- 4]. s - - - - rnpr rpriso elsmmtl ihbroken with semimetals Weyl of properties transport antcfil as field magnetic datg htte r uhese odtc.I h Weyl the i In have strings axion detect. paper, to present the easier in much studied the semimetal are have systems they matter that condensed advantage in strings Axion elusive. e lenses a gravitational such a implications physics, cosmological interesting particles have one In strings in solely backscattering. move without electrons modes direction chiral these c In gapless modes. (screw carrying ral defects strings” the topological “axion that the important is exactly are are which results CDW main of dislocations our edge) of or One experimen- are observable. which states, tally symmetry (CDW) wave chiral density e charge through are interaction dynamics by axionic induced to breaking stu route we paper new present the a In topologi 32]. in insulators[31, on studied magnetic been realized cal domai has magnetic be dynamics a axionic can with and string wall[30], insulators topological axion of that surface W mention the physics. to particles like in con- absent would matter features condensed new have in which strings text, axion and semimetal Weyl “axion”[26–29]. ocia nml,teGlsoemode Goldstone the anomaly, chiral to di (elec- with fermions (holes) the anti-fermions and between trons) paring e a phe- an namely the of fermions, Weyl is generation chiral breaking spontaneous spontaneous the symmetry of is nomenon Chiral paper, interaction, this breaking. in of symmetry focus consequence will Another we which obtained. fo are super sign topological ductors chirality, opposite opposite have the amplitudes with pairing points Weyl Qi, the invariant[25 if topological inter- that instability. surface implies pairing superconducting fermi the Zhang’s the and is to Hughes possibility leads One which action fermions. Weyl of ics a oetal eegnee o eiodco industry. semiconductor for engineered be in potentially behaviors semi-metallic can unique transp Their bulk important. the most semimetal is Weyl pr the topologically in states, by in surface topological dominated tected the is Unlike transport whose 23]. 12, sulators, anomaly[11, chiral the as ical eainsrnscrygpescia oe,there- modes, chiral gapless carry strings axion se t ae CW sfudt etentrlconse- natural the be to found is (CDW) waves ity tosi h hredniywv,wihprovides which wave, density charge the in ations nti ae,w ou ntecia ymtybekn in breaking symmetry chiral the on focus we paper, this In neato e Interaction ntredmninlWy eieas which semimetals, Weyl dimensional three in g θ hredniywv tt sietfida the as identified is state wave density charge s E · B em n formi eut sta the that is results main our of One term. ff 1 c ly udmna oei h dynam- the in role fundamental a plays ect ,Cia 100084 China, g, , θ 2 E · ff B c[3,btosral vdne are evidences observable but ect[33], hrfr,ti odtn oei an is mode Goldstone this therefore, , 4305 elSemimetals Weyl m ff c.Terslatstates resultant The ect. θ ff rn hrlte.Due chiralities. erent sculdt electro- to coupled is ff ciems of mass ective the s xion con- m- hi- ort dy 3d o- n e ] r - - , 2 portant effects on the transport properties since they provide chiral modes supporting dissipatonless transport. 1 dωd3 p 1 = (5) Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. We consider the sim- 2g Z (2π)4 ω2 + v2 p2 + m 2 plest model for dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, which F | | + nevertheless captures the most salient physical consequences. from the mean-field relation m(r) = g cr†τ cr . The solution − h i v2 Λ2+ m 2 First let us present the free part H of the Hamiltonian. The 1 1 = 1 2 F 0 to Eq.(5) can be obtained as 3 m ln 2| | , gc g 8π2v m − F | | four-band model studied here is a simplified version of the 2 | | = 8π vF ff model of given in Ref.[7, 12]. We have where gc Λ2 . We have taken a Lorentz-invariant cuto p < Λ,ω < vFΛ in the above calculation, but if we take the H0 = c†hc with cuto| | ff only for p but not for the ω, we can check that g takes | | c 3 the same value. Because we are concerned with the cases with h = v Γi( i∂ eA q Γ) eA (2) m << Λ, the solution can be approximated by F − i − i − i − 0 | | Xi=1 1 1 1 v2 Λ2 = m 2 ln F (6) Γµ = 2 3 2 where we have defined the Dirac matrices (µ 0, 1, 2, 3) gc − g 8π vF | | m Γµ, Γν = δµν Γ | | satisfying 2 , is the chirality operator with which shows that dynamical symmetry breaking (or “exciton { Γ2 } = Γ, Γi = the properties 1 and [ ] 0[34], Aµ is the exter- condensation”)occurs only when the interaction is sufficiently = , , nal electromagnetic potential, and q (q1 q2 q3) is a vector strong (g > g ). that shifts the gapless points away from k = 0. The simplest c 3 i 3 i A qualitative understanding of gc is simple. The kinetic en- choices of the Dirac matrices are Γ= τ 1 and Γ = τ σ Λ ⊗ ⊗ ergy per fermion is EK vF , while the interaction energy ( i = 1, 2, 3 ). The low energy modes from the left-hand (Γ = ∼3 3 per fermion is EI gΛ , where Λ accounts for the spatial +1) chirality is described by h+(k) vF Γ (k q) = vFσ (k q) ∼ = ≈ · − · − density of Weyl fermions. To have chiral condensation, we near k q. Similarly, there is a Weyl point at q for the must have E E , or g v /Λ2. To satisfy this condi- right-handed (Γ= 1) chirality. The low energy dynamics− are K ∼ I c ∼ F − = tion, larger EI (stronger interaction) and smaller EK (narrower dominated by these two Weyl points located at Q1 q and bandwidth in Dirac dispersion) is favored. Q = q respectively, with 2 − Axion dynamics and topological theta term. We have seen in the previous section that when g > gc, chiral symmetry h (k) = vFσ (k Qi) (3) ± ± · − is spontaneously broken. From symmetry consideration, the Ginzburg-Landau effective action (omitting chiral anomaly at where the prefactor 1 is the chirality. For later convenience ± 1 2 this stage) of m(r) can be expressed as let us define two operators τ± = τ iτ with the property Γ = ± 1 τ±, 0. = 2 2 2 + 2 + 4 { } S m dtdr[ γ( ∂tm′ va ∂im′ ) δ m′ η m′ ] (7) Now we would like to investigate the effects of four- Z 2 | | − | | | | | | fermion interaction in Weyl semimetals. Let us write down where γ, va, δ, η are phenomenological parameters, and m′ ff iQ r ≡ the e ective action in the imaginary time as me · is the “slow” field. In the symmetry breaking phase, δ < 0 and m develops a nonzero expectation value. The ef- m(r) 2 | | + fective action S m is invariant if we shift the phase of m(r) by S = dτdr c†[∂τ + h + m∗(r)τ + m(r)τ−]cr + | | (4) Z { r g } a -independent phase factor, but in fact this sym- metry is broken by chiral anomaly, which endows a topo- in which we have written the interaction in terms of the aux- logical theta term to the effective action, as we explain be- iliary field m(r), which can be integrated out to give the four- = + low. Let us first write m(r) m(r) exp[ iQ r iθ(r)]. We fermion interaction g(c†τ cr)(c†τ−cr). | | − · − i(Q r+θ)Γ/2 − r r can perform a chiral transformation c(r) c(r)e− · , It usually happens that a dynamically generated energy i(Q r+θ) → then m(r) m(r)e · . After this chiral transformation gap can lower the ground state energy of a nominally gap- the phase of→m(r) is removed and m(r) becomes real numbers, less system. Let us investigate such possibility of condensa- however, due to the fact that the fermion path integral measure tion m(r) , 0. Since the low energy dynamics are domi- h i is not invariant[35], this chiral transformation generates an nated by the two Weyl points, let us write down the expansion = e2 µνλρ + = anomalous term S anomaly 2 dtdrǫ (Q r θ)FµνFλρ iQ1r iQ2r 32π = + + ff 2 · cr e cL,r e cR,r , where cR/L are cut o in the mo- e + R Λ ··· = ipr + 4π2 dtdr(Q r θ)E B, where we have used the natural unit mentum space at , i.e. cL/R,r p <Λ e cL/R,p . and the · · | | ··· ~ =Rc = 1. “ ” terms are high energy modesP with p > Λ. At the mean ··· + | | iQr + Taking the above chiral anomaly into account, the fluctua- field level we have m(r) = g c†τ c = ge c† τ c , − h r ri − − h L Ri tions of θ is described by the following simple axionic effec- where we have defined Q = Q1 Q2 = 2q. We note that + − tive action c†Lτ cR is a “slow” field whose characteristic momentum is h i f 2 small compared to Q . = a 2 2 2 | | S θ dtdr[(∂tθ) va(∂iθ) ] In the momentum space the fermion matrix in Eq.(4) can be 2 Z − 3 + 2 approximated by M = iω + vFτ σ p + m∗(Q)τ + m(Q)τ− e − · + dtdr(Q r + θ)E B (8) at low energy, therefore, we can obtain the gap equation 4π2 Z · · 3 where the notation “ f ”( γ m ) is deliberately chosen because In fact, they depend on the physical degree of freedom to a ≡ | | it is analogous to the pion decay constant fπ, namely that fa is which τ is referred. Let us take a simplest example, namely the “axion decay constant”. We can also define a normalized that τ3 = 1 refers to ( A B )/ √2, where A, B refer to two field a = f θ and put Eq.(8) into a more standard form inequivalent± sites in a unit| i±| cell[38],i then τ1 = 1 refers to A/B a ± site, thus ρ1 = ρA ρB is the staggered CDW. If we look at the = 1 2 2 2 − S a dtdr[(∂ta) va(∂ia) ] charge density on site A (or B), it shows an oscillation with 2 Z − wavelength 2π/ Q . In more general cases, other density mod- 2 | | + e + a ulation, such as CDW of more general types and spin density 2 dtdr(Q r )E B (9) 4π Z · fa · waves can show up. The natural question is how to experimentally detect the Thereisan effective action analogous to the last term for pion- CDW. Apart from bulk measurements, it can also be detected photon coupling in high energy context, which is responsible by simpler surface measurements such as scanning tunneling for the famous two-photon decay of neutral pion. The axion- microscope (STM). Denoting the angle between the surface photon coupling is proportional to 1/ f 1/(γ m ), thus we a normal and Q as α, we can obtain the surface CDW wave- have the counterintuitive conclusion that when∼ the| chiral| con- length as λ = 2π . densation goes weaker, the axion-photon coupling becomes 2d Q sin α It is worth noting| || that| the interaction effect and CDW was stronger. studied in 2d Dirac systems in Ref.[39–41]. More recently, in- Various topological responses can be calculated from the teraction effect on the surface of weak topological insulators effective action given in Eq.(8). Taking derivative with respect has been studied in Ref.[42], in which CDW has also impor- to A , we have the current µ tant physical consequences. The relation to chiral anomaly is e2 e2 ∂ a absent in these studies because the systems considered there µ = ǫµνλρ + ∂ θ = ǫµνλρ + ν j 2 (Qν ν )Fλρ 2 (Qν )Fλρ (10) are in 2d, where the concept of chirality is lacking. 8π 8π fa Dislocations in charge density wave are axion strings. Let Analogous topological responses have been studied in topo- us turn to the central part of this paper, namely the identifica- logical insulators[30], in which the first term in absent. Let tion of CDW dislocations as axion strings, which may provide us consider the special case of a constant magnetic field Bzz dissipatonless chiral transport channel in 3d bulk materials. along the z direction, then the charge density given by Eq.(10) An axion string l is a one dimensional dislocation of axion is field, around which the axion field θ changes by 2π, namely 2 2 that 0 = e + = e + ∂za j 2 (Qz ∂zθ)Bz 2 (Qz )Bz (11) 4π 4π fa dθ = 2π (13) The first term here is readily understood as layered quantum ZC Hall effects[36], with layer thickness 2π/ Q . The second term where C is a small contour enclosing l clockwise. Axion can be understood as follows. Let us consider| | the case Q = 0 strings are closely related to chiral anomaly, as was studied for simplicity, and take m = 0 first. In a constant magnetic long ago in the work by Callan and Harvey[43] in the particle field B z, the dispersions| of| Weyl fermions can be obtained as z physics context. In the Weyl semimetals studied in the present = 2 + = En(pz) vF pz 2eBzn with n 0, 1, . The two gapless paper, the axion strings have clear geometrical picture because ± q ··· modes are the n = 0 Landau levels with E(p ) = v p , where θ is exactly the phase of CDW. More explicitly, suppose that z ± F z corresponds to left and right chirality respectively. Now Q = (Qx, Qy, Qz) = (0, 0, Q), then it follows from Eq.(12) that ± = iθ a mass term m m e mixes the two counter-propagating the peaks of CDW are located at 2d planes (x, y, zn) with (essentially 1d) modes| | and opens a gap. The 1d charge den- θ + 2πn sity can be obtained from the Goldstone-Wilczek formula[37] z = (14) 0 = 1 n Q j 1d 2π ∂zθ, therefore, the final result of 3d charge density is − | 2 j0 = (eB /2π)(∂ θ/2π) = e B ∂ θ, where we have added the z z 4π2 z z where n =integer. When θ is shifted, the peak position z density of states eB /2π of Landau levels. This is exactly the n z follows the shifting of θ. In fact, the shifting of z around second term of Eq.(11). n the small loop C enclosing the axion string is readily obtained Phase of charge density wave is the dynamical axion. Now from Eq.(14) as we will show that the chiral symmetry breaking leads to den- sity waves, among which the CDW is the simplest. The charge dθ = C = 2π density is given by dzn R (15) ZC − Q − Q + 1 m(r) m∗(r) m ρ (r) = c†τ c = = | | cos(Q r + θ)(12) 1 h r ri − 2g − g · which is exactly the wavelength of the CDW. The Burgers vector of the axion string as a dislocation of CDW is exactly = 2 = = and similarly ρ2(r) cr†τ cr i[m(r) m∗(r)]/2g (0, 0, 2π/Q). For a general CDW Q, the Burgers m sin(Q r+θ)/g. Let ush explaini their physical− consequences. vector− is readily obtained as 2πQ/ Q 2. | | · − | | 4

Let us refer to the orientation of the axion string l as ˆl. Ac- ] \ cording to the relative orientation of ˆl and Q, the axion string [ appears as different types of dislocation. When ˆl is parallel with Q, we have a screw dislocation [Fig.(a)], while when Q is perpendicular with ˆl, we have an edge dislocation [Fig.(b)]. We would like to mention that the edge dislocation with chiral modes has been studied in Ref.[44]. Weyl semimetals provide a natural route to realize such interesting topological defects. In the cases of edge dislocation, the origin of chiral modes is E most clear, because we can think of them as the edge states of D a 2d quantum Hall system, which is just the slice appearing as FIG. 1: Axion strings as dislocations of charge density wave. the “edge”. (a)Screw dislocation. (b)Edge dislocation. The delineated sheets are There are chiral modes propagating along the axion the peaks of CDW. In both (a) and (b), the axion string is along the strings[43], therefore, axion strings may serve as unique trans- z direction. The Burgers vector is parallel to the axion string in (a), port channels in a 3d materials with axionic dynamics. Such while it is perpendicular to it in (b). chiral modes carry dissipationless current just like the quan- tum Hall edge and quantum anomalous Hall edge states, but the former are distinct in that they are buried in 3d bulk. Peierls transitions, which induces dimerization, trimerization, It is worth mentioning that dislocations in topological ma- etc. terials has also been studied in Ref.[45], but we would like Our model provides a geometrical picture of axion, which to emphasize several prominent differences between the axion manifests itself as the phase of CDW. One of our main re- strings studied here and the dislocation lines in weak topo- sults is the identification of axion strings as CDW (edge or logical insulators studied in Ref.[45]. First, in Ref.[45] the screw) dislocations, which has no analog in particle physics. dislocations carrying gapless modes are indeed dislocations The axion strings have 1d robust chiral modes along them, of crystal lattice, while in our paper the crystal lattice remains which have great potential applications if the chiral symmetry intact, and axion strings are just dislocations of CDW. Sec- breaking (exciton condensation) of Weyl fermion is realized ond, the gapless modes studied in Ref.[45] are helical modes, in experiment. In this paper we studied the general cases with which are unstable towards back scattering if time reversal Q , 0. When Q = 0 there is no CDW associated with the symmetry is broken, while the gapless modes living on the chiral symmetry breaking, but the axion strings do exist and axion strings studied in the present paper are robust chiral have important implication for 3d transport properties. modes. It is also worth noting that in Ref.[12] line disloca- ZW thanks Chao-Xing Liu and Xiao-Liang Qi for helpful tion with chiral modes was studied, but CDW is absent there, discussions. ZW is supported by Tsinghua University Initia- more importantly, the bulk is also gapless there and the cou- tive Scientific Research Program (No. 20121087986). SCZ pling between dislocation mode and bulk mode can induce is supported by the NSF under grant numbers DMR-0904264 dissipation. and the Keck Foundation. To conclude this section we remark that the formation of Note added. Recently we became aware of a related axion strings in Weyl semimetals can be triggered by rapidly work[46] on symmetry breaking in Weyl semimetal by Zyuzin lowering the temperature from T > Tc to T < Tc, where Tc is and Burkov, though CDW and axion strings were not studied. the critical temperature of chiral condensation (Kibble-Zurek Due to nonzero density of states considered in their work, the mechanism). gap equation is also different from ours. Discussions and Conclusions. We have studied the dynam- ical chiral symmetry breaking and topological responses in Weyl semimetals. We have adopted a simple four-fermion interaction to simplify formulas. In more realistic models g is replaced by g(Q). We note that an attractive interaction [1] X. L. Qi and S. C. Zhang, Phys. Today 63, No.1, 33 (2010). [2] M. Z. Hasan and C. L. Kane, Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 3045 (2010). g(Q) < 0 at momentum Q is needed for the chiral sym- − [3] X.-L. Qi and S.-C. Zhang, Rev. Mod. 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