iiie Weekly Clarion. iiAitii:it a.i into 1 111: ism. .. Letter IVont 1 liurlovt YVred, a-- liAiiKsu.vu:, PROPhTETORS. ClLAJRfOM ltriiiliib.-- . n. r. - h W'KKKWaY ,l. r.,,.rh. Mi '1 lie T l lrm', l'irt Irar la HARRIS Vol. I'.iUKK. BAIikPiA.K XXXIX. No 33- - )CKSON, MISSISSIPPI. WEDNESDAY, JUL 5, 1876. Two Dollars a Year. Tr.i:s,20o vi.n vr.vii. in aivam k. T.i the Kditor of the Tribune. I which in Dorshtimer-close- s -- i mis: Your verv pleasant and ih!. f the United We denounce the i Gov. Tlie resolution Mr. ilwina fOhio presented the name k-- read States on equal terms ,th two thiim. " r! u l.U-i- ' 1 rs ! the peo-- i 't in-- ln-to- rv '"u'c-cribo- CONVENTION NFWS. e'tveii j of peace has taken from as follow? : !othef,u-mers.atesi- sketch f the an social Served by the men. ,n, Mr. Allen j ini times ihe "hole The b.Ii.nvin. . i I in Foi rul tliir:eeti - - il,,, and oe d t! pul.ii-hni- "' laxe. We u-.- v wbieii tbii- tlis- i Mr. (. Ivnier pr.sented - , ivlati great The Chair The convention Las and squan- denounce the l euti. 1 Gen f, v,.i.i..v rr- i. of ten ter note? j ' 1 1. : - S2 50 year. amount the legal -- der-a'- e a 1 " ' wa rea l hou-t- F2r se. cards be iib'-- G and t w if " ; of Harper A- U dlier- - 111 - j heard the memorial, ihe cliair dered t"a ir:iaie their sum in useless expe 'ovuii rmaii eral inhebl tlnncock in glowing terms. yester- and t Mongoit- - t. That it be ! reserve for tbtir a revival uf trjde in 1:1: day's Tribune pos-e- ? s III lii ii THE DAWN OF REFORM j will a di-o- o without any Gen. Beck Li secouded Hancock's S' lu t.'i.ui entertain motion wisut i d I as to i an '.vi ooorir-- 01 iuiiiior.il iniriioses future National y re tti j ii.n. inn i iimci'at.c coavt f'l.a-- mi, or 1 1 inteu si to one lioie iii A DUKAM. sition it will make of it. Hn.i i ... r.oi .... !. t.i se i v ie labor nomination. us the Democracy ijUaiiit-- We the financial inibeciliiv anil wlili-atio- n of the - Mt.d d.-u- of Mr. lore nilee with the senior lai i, i began w hen ill. I contract. d siitb in Smith TWis. seconded Tdden's a-- s.. M'Clerxand mow that the liar.ioriiiit v n! that partv wblC'i, .la ring eiei-- convention mined, tl s ' - 011 .w iiii-ii-i that ie c:i lied tin- existence 1' such !..... Tilden inr ireaiv wicii 'iiiii'io'iii two-third- pi at' no uiei "'ii' nomination. s ;:;'..::g 1 dominated merncrial be peace, made advance - Y I I referred to has J; t.S K. Hll'.HO.V. tne committee V'uis con-t- it U' limita- rule be ahull, !Kd tinwi.-- e tt--i oreparaiion fV.r legislation within the lonai is was an aspiration. ui iisnl un.iii n. made no Mr. DtKiIittle on resolutions, for their cou- - j earnestly urged pru- titj.i ; b!ructed re tion s s!i id prevent luither importation and unnecessary, that the ,1 1 1 Second Itallot. re.:Ripi'jn h it instead has States tie l'iie late anies ai or w as a eiinev-Mo- . ; dence, said he sMeration. Kti.l - or .M race. and did not believe Til ib-th- liv resources iiu.iinrraiioii of t!ie nir .iiii requested . to Jiiiiifition wasiiuz our ei . instruct their legates to man printer, like mv-- i It, in The Clarion. ait our surplus income-an- d- w hile j ."Cries of "God," and cheer-- den could carry even in No- Wo The Chaiu With out objection IS National Democratic Com- t ' St-v- . s e moon mid darkl- ellfi'in, Woike,! ( jviii stars were annually proteasing 10 intend a speedy return vember lor .loiiatnaii in nr. a in,. si Hendricks raised, lef-m-- d, Tom of Ohio At the unless they carry Indiana in be held the Unanimous Choice the resolution will be t sr.M-i- enaclfd General Ewing, in whether it he 4 y hlent payments, has anuually October. For this reason ls.i, desirable excellent employer, at . d"hn 1'. , n com- he favored two-tMrd- under the rule, as moved by gentle- i, i r,,l j. tlir.r-- As sucli a hin request of several members of the to the s ,,.;t, ,,,,-v- r win- - the t'rih m.a continue as upon a Kamagi . . l,,!,!i :,r- - ttiiisf clouds, wailing on the First. we clause of Hendricks, who could carry Indiana, partners pies-- man from Illinois. drance denounce- the resumption mittee ou resolutions, I present a minority force in the Nati rial - I 1 - .... 1 ... . 1 i C invention? mid 11 In 1 , f ;rr-- - .1.. r n rf- - while he feared Tilden could uot. Harper whs th. in tho Venr (us 1 con-- report as to one phase of the platform. that the National inso-i- - V 1 he secretary ot the ; p ;a!. Committee such Mil1 iti tl'l,' '.1 III .., 111 In and rattled in the roof ihe Chair The secretary then called the roll of IP the s.Ul e o:!ee. All !rivate I'rrATrnrrit ftlvc Vny ventiotl will of dem.-ni- prenara-an- d The the co in tu it-te- c, request in their call tho -- call roll We of of Cotivei e- - ih'mI Ij 1 1 the the States, a judicious systrm undersigned, members Kr itioti was then a ele'!ii"V, hile Fletcher "1'.. elf grieving retrench-0- the States for the first ballot, with the was i tion- - lullowtng clause in . 1 1. lo lli? Iullic ('oo.l. us each State is called the chairman by public economies, b official f recommend :bat the that resolution. Sv.WeciV t.; t'.. .. . a,"i- l wise in tlo; repotted by tbecomuiit-t- e following result : Mr. flit its deh--ati n will send the name of a,M'. - ti,"4Uce: Burch iVnn.J- -I move t Jav tin cro gliding 'round my me tne nation soon 10 assure 111c y be strickey out. As such a Inudrancc FIRST worked ul and lived frugally, had but - j j BALLOT. r, that resolution on the ,, n tiie Convention assembled at ten ie delegate appointed upon the Commit- of its perfect nbitity and iis perfect readiness we Jenouncc the resinuo ion clause 01 tne table. one ambition, whi.li was see hi nann-o- j Tildt . 417i; Hendricks, Han- 10 'a?"-'- y of at the call of the 1S75, repeal. 140i; A Delegate I : 1 1 o'clock, June iu tee on resolutions, to tlie secretary. The its promises act of and we here demand its lcm.m. tin' ayes n i i:- - ,,1 ,i : 27th, the large and c the tol'p.ige tit a book as re:i etciKor entitled to payment. e ursi-- fapolause. and recommend that, there be cock, 7f; Bivard,, 33; Parker, IS; noes. b.ir-bai- bright-eye- d beautiful building of the Ht. Louis secretary then tailed tlie roil for disap- ia- - I'ubii-l- u r. Bill bis A r. !. boy, s icli a system, we'd advised and. above all, sub-tit- i. f.-- r 5(5. as brother John was - te.l that eUtiie the following: Broadhead, 19, Allen, The roll call.-- hamlx-i- pointment a on "10 execution, j I was l.and the a-- .- i 1 , prattled of th tiui'j of Commerce, which was deco of committee resolutions, irtfted competent hands tor 'Tlie lo r tin 01 it ban of snee ie oa V vote result ,d to be .t lit with him, th.-- had to mother - t iv rsi- Mr. Hatchings Mo. I to ask : with eri- at no an scare. ..1 j t,,- desire as billows Ayes noes ;;7:. I h,-- rated with garlands of leaves, Slate coat the following result: iutijj lone artificial IllrllWoil r(!u lilit jAlul;iry, hating :'.', tinul be had served his appreii-tiieshq- i. be a saw m ' ls;, wait nt V. should man! 1 ii. l', (d-i- curreuev, 110 ' - on behalf of a portion of the Missouri ii anl at time been enacted bv the Republican party witn- lr: Wallace, ot Pennsylvania, ins, flowers, etc. ihe weather was Alabama, Leroy 1. Walker; Arkan h,l run-1- 1 ma called They entertained j, !,: i il a wi nf vast Co-igro- s im ars A ' t.ii.' may see the angels Mnilo, mini into tliat in or discussion delegation, if it is in order for del- a ninety-fiv- e per ont deliberation that division of the question by ki-.- - very warm and sultiy, betokeiiin' thun sas, Ij. V. Mangum ; California, .John ehinerv of credit by which dividing the about the sllicess ,.f their 'j . 111 her darling, gifted child, Lctorti both iiisudicieut t to pi i,' der-storm- pertorm the ie ode. bing egation change its votes before the question ending The delegate S. cent, of our business transactions is - tne first proposition a! I, W t.i : were promptly Hagar: Colorado, F. J. Marshall: Secure its ooj.-et- aud highly injurious to James often lemaike Idle talking of fuc o was radiant with heaven ed 1 system, open and public, and inspi vote is announced. Cries of "No," the word in ou-tne- ss oe "abolished." their places, but it was twenty Connecticut t, Ii. D. Hubbard ; Delaware, ring confidence, would, from ihe day the of the country, ought to his fut '.ire, that he w.i- - determined bi 'i i.rv knelt and tuicugh the stillv general "No," and "Yes." A delegate minutes past twelve before the convention George Gray; , John Wcscott; of its adoption, bring healing on its wins to forthwith repa!ed. from Missouri move the "tiiitke a spoon -- poil a horn." Thoir In- - Chair The chair rules that it is in was called to order by IIou. Augustus Georgia. ail our harassed industries, set in motion the Thomas Kwing, Ohio; I). W. Vo rhes, previous question ou the original us olu wa- - an itiibieiiti.il V ,- K 11 C Howell: Illiuoi. John father Methodist, and r si 'llli iu;es own-t- ill I. wheels of eonimerce. manufactures and the liaii : .lobn C. Brow n. Tennessee; Mai order. tion. Scliell, chairman of the National A. : I). W. Voor- - the sons commenced luisin. Ln-.'.l- Demo M'Clernand Indiana, employment to labor i ; of 'J :tcd it wiiii done mechanic arts, restore Colm il iv. Pennsi lvani II. II. Trimble Mr. Hutchiugs Well, we desire time Mr. Wallace is cratic Committee. hees ; ; It scarcely necessary the ib 1 Iowa, II. II. Trimble; Kansas, and renew in all its sources the prosperity Iowa; John Davis, West Virginia T. w patronage of that nomination. : ii.cil.ir'j prayer O J. iu hich to consult, in to divi-io:- iod! ot tne people. 11. Mis order change for me to say tii.U a i of the Mr. Henry Watterson, editor of the riiomas L. Davis: Kentucky, Alvin D. Davis, Kansas; C. llardiu, our votes. Missouri ques- Their success cc.U'l theirepi etalioiis. Courier-Journa- sum mode asks to withdraw tion is in order her ei Louisville l, wgs unani- Duvall; Louisiana. K. If. Maun : Reform is necessary iu the and souri. tit or after that Their modest printing otiiee soon expand- 11 ii ever g t me of taxation, to the end that capita for five minutes in order to have a con- d,.-ir- j I," ive mously elected temporary :;nd Maine, D. K. Maryland. Federal man's question he ordered. I e ed into a large and : chairman, Hastings; therefore move that the clause re prosperous piiuting o-- Tii".-- Hi- - mav In set free from distrust and lalior lirlit I sultation. A !. to soul is pure simply tu bring the Senator llarnum, of Connecticut, and George Freanor : Massachusetts. K hvard Iv burdened. We denounce the present tarifi ferrcd to iu the resolution reported be convention to Vote house, the tiiltiot tiie hi to dialling tr,ni - 11) Chair Missouri has leave to with- A- - - 11)1 lii laid hi on upon lather ; levied upon nearly four thousand articles as a the naked question as to whether tV Senator Kansom, of North Carolina, were Avery Michigan, William L. Bancroft ; stricken out and the resolution I have draw for consultation. "J. J. ll.itpe:" to that ,,f "ll,irp.-- A. ' luncral pile. Do hi masterpiece of injustice, inequality and false Cries of "No," we arc to 1. with in appointed ; have instructions from the har- a committee to conduct him to Minnesota, Daniel Bucks Mississippi A. y a not a read inserted in its place. Brothels." 'Ihe brothers, though pretense, wine a lelds dwindling, yearly "No," and confusion. State in regard to the ab ilit.'on the chair. Mr. Watterson assumed the M. Clayton ; Missouri, C. II. Harden : revenue; has 1111 pnverisaed many in second of the monious and congenial in seiitim. ut and rising it Mr. Eaton, of Kansas I the two-third- ; Senator Wallace L'enn. rise to s in Thine sigiit chair and was with Nebraska, ditsirii's to subsidize a few: it prohibits im- - I a rule, or whether this conven- sympathy, each possessed au received cheers. George L. Mellen; Nevada. products motion. point of order. Tlie only business in individuali- 1,! grace to my porls that mitrht purchase the of tion is to . i i -- '.v rear child L pon the V. C. ; instruct future conventions as ty, physical and mental, t subsidence of the applause, Mr. Ellis New Hampshire, L C. American lahjr; it hai degraded American Mr. Ewing Gentlemen of the conven order is the of from tins a iiiit" announcement the vote. to their actions. Watterson addressed the convention as Barley ; New Jersey, James W. Crates ; commerce, from the first to an inferior rank tion other, dailies, nlho;;o!i a llioioiioli and bur.-- Chair Tlie chair rule that it is with- At. ,! it,. 11 he angels t into such song follows : New upon he high seas ; cut down the walls President The gentleman from Penn- business man, York, William Dorsheimer; North it hs Mr. Cox Mr. Speaker, I have the earnest was never s- a v.i nl ot A in the power ami privilege of the Missouri l It lie leOV. 'I harmony, anil rhythm ; ai.ineau manufactures at home and aoroail sylvania demands a division of the iKS TI. KM EN OF TI1K COXVKXTIOX We are Carolina, Thomas L. Cleryman Ohio, it has depleted of floor. If the gentleman f rom Ohio intend delegation to or serious, mixing up with the uio-- t L the returns Amerieau withdraw for five minutes. question. in that my st. id seemed borne cubed together to determine, by nur own General ; M. V. The clerk will read that por- itnpoitani ilutie of the ofliee Thomas Ewing Oregon, agriculture an industry followed by half our to take the lloor I wouldn t take it from Mr. Wallace Then it follows we stoiies wisiiom, whether un honest government, ; that tion upon which he calls f,,r a Brown ; Pennsylvania, Malcolm Hay ; people it costs tlie peoplehve times more than him. here division. and jokes. Tlie second brother, dohu a nil administered by honest men, shall be re- it prod'ioes to treasury : lie pro- may stay all night. Tiie clerk read ii,, r God ihvells, angels love to vhode Island, William B. Bead ; South the it obstructs as follows: was grao and quiet, rarely tai .,u stored to the American people, or to decide c. ss of production and wastes the fi nits ot la Mr. Ewing Yes, sir ; I have got it Chair It is for the convention to de Rt'sohxd, That it be com men. led to iu geiii-nt- by our own folly that it is the destiny of this Carolina, Samuel M'Gowan ; Tennessee, bor ; u promotes fraud, fosters snuggling anyway. termine that. part conversation, but ln pur.-u- e ol further Democratic country to an endless, ever-rev- v- - John C. Brown ; Texas. Ashbel Smith , enriches disiionest officials and bankrupts Delegate from Michigan The delegates National Conventions, judgiiP tit was always sought and taken t: u :i- - d : A it ii n I saw Delegate Ind I move that when as a cliani the 01 We cus sense Democracy ss niir eti cie partisan passion ami corrup- Vermont, James II. Williams; Virginia, honest merchants. demand that all of the herein as- upon important im-nn- ipiest ions. tion, with tom-hou- ion be only for revenue inthispaitofthehou.se h.ive not been the vote is announced until, the loss of our material tasat shall the convention sembled, that the two-thinl- s (. g, ; Wesley wa- - Miiall 111 weii-ocin- we poor man John A. Meredith West Virginia, John Reform is necessary in the scale of public able to distinguish the dilferenee between ("the aptam le.l VLi. memory lose tlie last. b?st .idjourn. Cries of "No, No." be live tiie ol' that sight rule abolished, as unwise ! hope, "civil liberty iUilf." Kvery citizen J. Davis; Wisconsin, Alexander Mitch- - expense Federal, State and Municipal. Our and the amen Iinents and unnec- st.it ure, and so modest and u ;i.- in ., i ll i',1 ; the parts stricken out After consultation, General Doniphan. ill I,' - ii l'ir he had grown Federal swollen from sixty mil essary. a- - ot the republic, be be of one party or the tasition has to the platform. I request that part of manner and habit to lie almost iiiinn--; Alii:"-'-11- ti t, On lofty lion oollars gold in t&il to four hnnilreil of Missouri, announced that Missouri manhood. his Imnv, other, feels, and ha felt lor many a day, the in The resolution was adopted. tieeable but ho was a man ol' mind I ll w Gen. McCIeruard, of Illinois, was and fifiv million dollars iu currency in 170, the platform be read again with the changed her ion hi- - nr in uence of hat are called hard vote to lti for Tilden and 1 in the language ol matchless eyes H Tho secretary read the second as sit 11 - w-- our aggregate fro n one huudred and part cult ure, whose ' iclalitie- , times. VVe look about ih, and re elected taxation amendments. for I Wero j : hle.-- year.-- fifty-fo- ur Hendricks. Cheers, follows : .... !i pii.tuWe of t futitri! millions in gold iu 1 SI iJ to seven appieeialed by all who km. w him neglected fields and vacant horses; the fac- T Chair The request of the gentleman President The will well. A- - will read in ruddy Eastern sky PRE3PE!-- Op TfE CONVENTION, hundred and thirty million dollars in curren clerk announce it'esoivv, ''li tory is closed; the furnace tloor is shut; be complied with. secretary That the States be requested Fletcher, li 'w the only survivor, with 1 1 cy in lJoii, or in one decade from less tliannve shall The the vote; let there bo lele-at- es . ji.k.'ii of the i stood Within there a:e myriads of idle hands ; the : attention. to instruct to dauil. hppy and delivered the following address dollars per head to more lhan eight eeu dol- will part of the resolution their. the National education and n linemen! , 'pla-,- " m ! ol prosperous is read the sought Whole of ; A- ii i ii iiian.-io- ii activity life nowhere to be number votes oast, 738 nec Democratic I In- le-- where the limit's and Gkti.k.mk- Dem- lars per head. Since the peace the people have Convention, to be held in Charles '. Clinch said of I late Ch.ti t found; loyalists fatten, while honest men of the National to be stricken out. ; I you p.'.id to their rs more than mrice essary to a choice, 4!J2 S. J. Tilden re 1880 whether it be ma.-- 1 sidpless ocratic Cox vention thank for the desirable to continue L. Living't"ii, "the riii leiu.in all tho starve; empty the t an the the sum of ihe debt, and more than Secretary I will road the passage ceived 417 ; U.-i- artist-ey- e, distinguishetl honor which you have nmional Thos. A. Hendricks, 1401; the two fiffi t!y blent to please his bay. What is it? What lias wrought so twice sum government thirds rule longer in force in the year round." The four brothei s wei.. nil doi e me iu directing ma to preside over that for the Federal stricken out, and then I will read the res od ; ; ; tones i.kiu to Heaven's own minstrelsy great a change in a land that, under the We in JJayard, Allen, 50 Hancock, 70 National Conventions,' and your deliberations. You are the del- alone. demand a rigorous frugality olution: such hindrance we de that the men of various but maiked qualifies oi' rt rule of un intelligent, progressive "As Parker, 18. r.rca'.lii-.- in his mn-i- e ear. His poet-hea- constitu- egates every derailment and from every officer of National Convention insert Midi tional party, advanced, a a cen- of the Democracy of the whole nounce the resumption clause of the act of request head and heart. The three departed "0 within half n tlie government, Chairman Gentlemen of the conven I'leght at in from the magic scene ; Lnion of thirty-seve- States, once un- in the call for Ihe next Convention. ones It'll, in the iu, of their tury, Irom the condition of a huddle of petty Reform is to stop to 1875, and we demand its repeal." Now, 110 'iinny puio il v naturally estranged but now forever necessary put a the tion, oue candidate having received j! -- lAi M id as lilted from the earth and squalid provincial sovereignties to a The resolution was adopted. lives and unsullied diameter, legaei, profligate qf di- two-third- united in one indivisible republic, brethren waste public lands aud their I will read the whole lesolution: s of the votes cast, no candidate foremost place among Ihe 1 hi 11 t. y. to i enins only known , nations of the version froiu actual settler hy the party in HK.iwi.vt; A eui.-i- ; brighter itnd ride than the vu-- t. accu- 'i The reason men angwer, of one political f.nnily, with the same herit- is nominated. roll to l.a.-i.t- i earth of must power, whieh has squandered two hundred mil- We denounce the fnanci.il imbecility Let the be called d ini waj betwienth's World and age of liberty, under equal law s, and heirs of V resolution was oilered mulations resulting from their industry partisan misrule and sectional misdirection. . lions of acres upon railroads alone, and and immorality of the party which iluring asain. requesting the iicaveii. one destiny .Sliall we preserve and transmit "uili-ei- and ciiterpri-e- . The Republicans, my friends, ai not alonn w out of more than thrice thai aggregate lias eleven years ot peace insin i.le no advance A recording secretary to prepare an al that irreat heritage ? Shall e make that Delegate I move that the conven 1 i, 1: t.i responsible. With rest disgraces, disposed til- bad; int d in. r "J'rink but this them the destiny most glorious iu the history of of less than a siith directly to the towartl resutnptiou, no preparation for re tion report of tho Convention, and that look upon my until, acpiatni-an- wilh us the follies. These tw in agent the lers of soil. re- adjourn. ran ll, of tre peoples? yourdeliberations, ft the sumption, but instead have obstructed the National Executive anee with Il upt i A' Brothers ' r national mischance, walking under the mi-era- If by revenues Ihe motion was not entertained bv Committee print to-da- y, ; Reform is necessary sumption wasting our and ex ' f! of death friendship while shall be wis-- if your to correct the omissions the same. descendants, through a vista of lie rule of contraries, have kept the peo- of a Republican congress and the errors of hausting all our surplus income, unit while the chair, and the clerk proceeded to call Adopted. sly e ple of perception of the necessities of our time, Mr. years, with grateful sat i, m. I iiw: the North and South asunder, and our country and our politics shall be just our ireuiies aim our diplomacy, which nave annually professing to intend a speedy re- the roll. Smiley, of Vermont, oil. red a bfy .'il more."' have disturbed values. Thoy have un- stripped our fellow-citizen- s of foreign birth to specie payment, has annually wi re kind enough lo say, u no The subtle poison stole and sagacious; if your sympathy shall he turn enact SECOND resolution that the place of ho!. ling the thev settled prices ; they have made" our whole and kindred race, the fre.--h thereto, BALLOT. lnt.i tin' ii nio-- t r. ee.-- s of his oi a great people, Atlantic ed hindrances ami as such next National bdieved, that in their eailn r publications) j brain, financial system a cheat and a snare; they quick with the hearts from tli shield of American citizenship, and we denounc;; the resumption Convention bo left to the i! beyond all peradventure, we will hindrance Thurman 2, Hancock 59. Bayard 11. I was serviceable to theiu. I iai liiaii ail.afresh with dreams in ten be havp driven the best elements of political then, have exposed our brethren of the Pacific clause of the act of lS7o, aud we demand Committee, and that the basis of repre- Their habit, transmit to our children and our children's Parker Allen UO. , wa-- i ! il ; 111, organizedchar-latinis- m coast to the a not sprung ,", Hendricks Til for more than forty yen-- to send i;,i ai ol tdifn til be learned society into exile, and have priceless herit- incursions of raca its repeal. sentation be the same as now. a ena- children, unimpaired, this from the same great parent stock, and, in fact, den a34. Total vote, 73 ; to new- 1 i.',i:ii;r f.r Us recurrence, thetlower into a sort of public policy, age. be a renown necessary Mr. Miller, of Nebraska, oilered a res- me an caily copy of all their publi- a, Yours will better now by In w nitu-r.iliz- ai Now the 11 idioioo 1Q0 bling the rogue to gel cheap advantage of denied citizenship through Chair substitute, or the I t ;l I i : ,,1 di;w I l prized by I be cations, so li.lt silillll lieoll v with lu 11 or the to eshen up blocni, every in- than the renown most ion, as being unaccustomed to th olution of thanks to Mr. Bell for ellieivnt his dupe, ami sacrificing popular the amendment rather, will be read. The vote Til-le- n it- - Roman the condilores tor of a progressive announcement of the for appearattte in lb bookstores a s ewhat iiiv verdure. She who loved terest to the lust of that oligarchy which traditions civilizitiou, aud Oregon move services as reading secretary. Applause. greater tlie founders of empires j jaws. Mr. Brown I to lav was greoted with ap-ilati- etiliei-ii- iii'h'.e boy, as onlj' mothers love, has become so encrusted with pow er as to than unexercised in liberty under eou.il tremendous Adopted. elalioi'.tle i would appeai in my I'iii.it are tlfa preservers of republics. 4. tie re Wc denounce ihe policy which thus discards the report of the minority committee on by ' and cheers, which were kept up I t ( iiil e.l th'u k believe itself entitled to rule the sheer 0.1 Mr. Iiiley, of paper. visited liliiil ill heir 'i!l st. f j" to of all bis lu tu re worth, g. are no enemies ot the :jiion thii the libertydovir.g (Jeriitan tolerates the Pennsylvania, moved force of its ow n wrong-doin- So much and the table. Cries of "good."! for several minutes. -- cen- j -i olli 't' in In.'.s, (,, introduce fbu I !i nix ai an.l il U'd Kpirits only think, let us set down to convenient pretext continent except that administrative veyiyal t,f the Coolie trade in Mongolian vto- thanks to the directors of tho St. Louis lv!7or the is the men imported for purposes, Mon-- Chair The gentleman has not the Several Delegates I move to WadsW t h , 1 In to lose bold on life, war, so lonjj 01 daui- - tralism which congesting at capital immoral and I make board of exchange for use late.fames hi the great bindtd 2. in her of much to the account golian ni'-- held con- -' floor the of their the vital currents which ought to flow to perform servile labor yet. the nomination of Tilden unanimous. a II 111 ! J - i,il Ik e between the North anil the booth rplendid hall for plopt ietof id (ieliiseo, ioh ene, in to irliile into eternity. isies It through every part, giving light to the tracts. We, therefore, demand such modi- - Mr. lirown 1 withdraw my motion Mr. Wallace the Convention, which is foryou to say whether the same eonilicf, i fi Pursuant to the or.lers Utld iniinii'teent palrmi of popular iiluca i r iiribiest ti t aal nmrn may lose it lie;t farthest extremities of the body politic and cat ions of the treaty with the Chinese em was agreed to. consequences d lpo-i- if I have not the lloor. Laughter. with niultipliln and magni- energy to all its members, except that cor ,r.tore, and such ai bin Yv Cnntrrfss tvirhiti of the Pennsylvania delegation. Imdve tion, who.-.- .' a lvieo and inliiictiee ibirnc; . la blarke.-- t thuiah and bahniett fied, shall by any :.ct of vours be inaugu Secretary I will Mr. Kernan said that he was directed ruption which is the curse that centralism constitutional limitation, as shall prevent the read the resolution to make the nomination of Mr. Tilden New the years that their "I)i-lih- t School,'' j air rated Ui'tweou the Kasc and the West. I fu: ther importation or immigration oi the as by the York delegation to present has never failed in age or laud toentaii upon it will stand if amended. unanimous, and as l" M dcL'ti-laile- a; the second State in " Faiuily," and "( bbre.iies jfrow o with eleetrie llash, shall not underLakeon occasion of this any government. Centralism has imposed Mongolian race. to the St. Louis committee the portrait kind, and in a presence so liupo.ing. to en- We denounce the financial imbecility an 1 Union, although we should have pre- were in progre-- s of publication, A I. i, "h. iLven's artillery" roars with deal upon ten S'.a'es the rapacious tyrannies Reform is necessary and can never be effect- of Mr. Tilden, which had been hung (hey force the familiar lesson of mutual forbear g w ed but by it immorality of that party whieh, during ferred one born on our soil, still she a.-- carpet-ba- and since the ar have making the controlling issue of will justly and gratefully appn da'.isl. At eUUii li ; of rule, years peace has no of the president's chair, in token of ance. Aououy uouois our capacity to make ad leu two hundred unliioiii to their tients. the elect ion, and lifting it above the two false tleven of made advance not slack one nerve nor weaken one efl'ort bk suggestion of Mr. V1i1l. lis office-holdin- g hos- the worth, and mk1i confusion that the wine cup battle MiJong ourselves, entreating you to of issues with which the clas-- t and towartl resumption, but instead has ob their appreciation of attention and They have infected the governments our for tlie nominee of this ; '.y 1, i direct your energies to ihe common enemy. party in powerseek to smother it 1st. the structed resumption by wasting our rev convention and pitality. sympathizing most warn, in the ciloi "Northern States and cities with th line false w icjes on my own behalf. enues and exhausting all our surplus in- - hen the of November ootue we feci halt-pas- I, K'u liod-xit'te- ask indulgence only issues witn which ttiey would enkindle secta t toislablish couinioti school libraries, his d spirit. Madly wrecked, diseae of extravagance ami fraud. Tbev,7 At twelve, on motion of Mr. You have called n)e to place j;ot merely of rian strife in respect to the pub'ic schools, of .onie; and wbtie annually professing to in assured that victory will crown our ban- Legislature pa-- s a 111I have debauched the Federal government it induced the to law inaii i niii more from knowledge ol diiliculty; to a place which the establishment and tend a speedy r specie payment, Williams', of Indiana, the Convention distinction, but of support belong 'turn to with -- self and made the names ot scores ot its ners suGoess. V. iiup i:i.' a small tax on each ehi,,, di,- - I I ho wreck, which requires the best training of a better exclusively to the several and which has annually etjacted hiudiiinces thereto. adjourned high o su.d public men, our pub -- 1 nicer j Vice-Presid- ent, i f. ll t .1- man I am. In taking it trust to the Ip'tnooratig party l.as ,lie,ri!die4 liuiii their 4'i,e law lor tbii resumption of specie pay- At the end of the roll call for riet iu the State 'I' till tiltiil lueli f - i '.ji i;ed fro m one excess into another than lic scandal and our open shame. Th, rec your confidence and good nature, and t. a foundation .nd U resolved o maintain with- ment on the first of .1 iniiary, lSTtf, having Indiana was I pft'Vailed fin; 111 1 called, when Mr. libraties. then Ujiou - ord is horrible incapacity, venality. rftnr ? ?i l't ti i 1 1 i r iirararoniia rt ' . a .1 incapable of an iintnanb- or unfair been en icted by the K publican party with- - V:itv .,C heart Kepublican - Williams arose and said : o; State, .John . Spencer, J -- wa.te and fraud. Ihe r crettirv l.'k,- t ir h.t..i irotn it-- orbit on he ilew, act. Tlie work tefore us should relate to sex creed, and without contributions out the deliberation of (' ingress or ty. which lias been powerless to bead roI1, - w ho n!.io - is- tlie treasury to anv. 'Jd. The false issue in- Gexti.kmkx ok wa.. Superintendent .of 'omiuoii j W liittn-- l.im-- li tun- knew ; ideas rather than individuals. Itis the - before ihe people, and being b.ith thk C'oxvkxtion. The l'le;is.;i nl l ol Hit- i ,;oy nnrtal down and trample under loot its corruption- IV which they seek t 't-- n , Di-Ilie- t. sue, uot the man, that should engage light anew the dving em effectual to secure this object and highly Indiana delegation are not authorized to I. ii mini. School-- to adopt ii.a I pel's " I .in,; ( fell u. stupendous effrontery pledges it- - hers !,.(. jjis lotty nature u's, with of sectional hatu between kindred neonles. of say that Governor Hendricks will accept lir-- We have come here to make the people's, a which it lias become in- - or.ee Injurious to the business the country, Sdiool Library," sevrd of the t j h ,1 hat 01 the brutes, or only no less tor self to reform of unnaturally estranged, but now be repealed. this noiniii ition ; they are not authorized to le.i notour light, lor free than honest re-- should forthwith Applause. i which ha puli-Iishe- d, - capable. That party pledged itself to in one indivisible republic and a common des- - say that iie w ill not accept it. Cries ot From the San Francisco Chronicle, volutoesof then bc.u fin iioot i.,i'tu irlurini;, wand"rinj; lueteor- government; for the reform of the public every year ',,r store specie payments, ami is tiny. debate, the report of the ma- 'Go id '." and cheers.' We '- as a nucleus the hinatv service, and the regeneration of public mor- After have no right to PilILA "iii HI . i dune 3. In the in us from specie payments. It j v ndiej adminis- taking larthet Reform is necessary in the civil service. do so, but in iew of this mighty dcruo.n-stra'i- on t very disti iel iti the Male. to reply (o for administrative troui Esni-ni-IiL-- e by vote 031 inockiiijjr waves als; uletlged Itself to civil service tetellll, anu proves that, an effi.-in- t an,! jority was adopted a of yeaa main corridor of the Memorial Building's vessels liiilit the nepotism embraced in the simple the delegation from, Indiana ac- my letter giving them t! - information, I , trative its Su annex, where the most casual visitors ih tlici,-i-o!d- then dropped and luoeketl rciormcrs. economical conduct of the government is not to 83 nays. quiesce in the. decision ghastly splendor; Uieu he creed of home rule; for reducing taxes, and ' of this convention. in it pledged itself to protect American labor, possible if its civil sendee be subject to change iLoud cr'es and ehc.ers 'Qood ; are not likely to miss il, a wax figure of received an anw. i, the clear and a living chance for the South as well as custom-hous- e - of and Miiik and w ith its monstrous taxa- at every election if it be a prize fought f r KQMIXATtOXS IX ORBKK. Voices: beautiful eh.ii, .ei ap'iy of We-h-- v Harper, for both the East and the Wes'. ballot-bo'- "Announce the vote"' Cleopatra is displayed. She reclines r.. ich- - the North; has at ihe s or ij, be, m tint iniely ijrave. JUtt he 0'ive tion on over tbren thousand aitie'cs it if an nppiroved whivh tli'.- following is a copy : If anythiug'coioe fi tun our proceedings, it American labor. A few score ward of party 'zeal instead of posts of honor, On motion of M,r. M'Leau Md. the Cliair ('rder. The Secretary will upon a sort of throne, and is almost of 1 i' WhU-- MolU U.;!uit tirato'it !'! a IMSt'.iMi from the spirit of aspiration , he-.?- , must spring monopolists, a tew thousand eorriipuoiii-ts- assigned for approved competency and held convention proceeded to nominate candi- announce the result of tho vote. tiaked. The woi kmaiiship is of the Nl W Yobk, .Lui. I'll. U ll'-- &t! ' Ol' (It IH. fellowship which warmed the follow- j Vice-Presiden- lif'r i'i and for fidelity in the public employ. t. li'-si- UrfllU-- li'ave been enriched, but capital in the hands That the dates, for. President and Clerk i ll-i-j : Jack-01- 1 and , The announced vote is as fol- and the effect startling. The lint To Tim ihsi'- W'ml, ( r;,, ; uu-- prized hiui ers of Andrew Ijy industry aud dispensing of patronage should neither be .1 and and women w of those that ear'i.ed it The roll of the States was called to lows : Total j.lc-like- , of Henry 'lay and Ianiel Webuer, hose - then;., e of our puljic i.ien, nor an number of votes cast, 730 is natural, the l.a.r and every if i r 4 vel i ; saved it by frugality, w'l.ere disfr't- fay uior Di: it Fr.tt Nt Your gnat in.: tt. political descendants meet togeTheron com- i.j.t . i ... , i ... present their nominees. When Dela- Chair ! done. dock-wor- k ul and rusts unused, while honest labor it,n aiu,i .uu. i.i;i c, nn ill, Eight blank deta;,' usefully Interior ;'!-!- , uit. to V '..sS.. grave but curses last, to the govern- professions falsified in the of th'J ea.'no hull tin, the drunkard's mon ground, at wrest goes about the streets begging bread. Is this performance attest ware was called, Mr. Whitley took the Mr. Bell Yes ; 738, of which Mr. heaves her bare bosom, moves her ment of their fathers from the clutch ol republi- that, the party in powercau work out uo prac- laoiiieol . the final outcome of a century of - platform, and nominated Thomas Fran- Hendricks received TU, arms at intervals, her legs, and mu- ! tical or salutary- Tremendous stirs turns iieh-e- i y - - rings and robbers, Federal, State nt ? wa reform. You h U'i' m l': us vet ppy- t can God forbid it IJut cis whom he eulogized bide, nicipal, ami who mean to extirpate these Reform is even more Bayard, cheers, cheers and waving of hats. her head languidly from to side, t u- - "1,1. (Uv.id tremor my sleeping have w andered far from the right pa: lis. We in the higher This is a gloi'ioin r , lor wded ver they are found, and whether grades of thepublic Vice- - in glowing terms as a Democratic states- (.--.. when principles. service President, and rolls her ey Hor face and form t ii mist return to the constitutional BOSS KELLY tilVES IN HIS ADHESION WhlCll We beg Von to Uii-ep- our trame, they be Republican or Democratic. a - 1 resilient, judges, senators, representatives, man gentleman. Applause. expenditures and the luiinistra- and - 1 I accessories, frugal 1 1 beautiful, aiel the in ,1 the Kellv f . s , are arc lu aid a niaiipet tone call forth my name, sorjclusion of Mr. Watterson's of founders of the republic. officers these and all others in au- - air f.A boundi'd and inexpressible tlnnl At ihe t.ve purity the Mr. 1 1 .. 1 ; lnuniony with a conception of A- - ' the people's servants. Their Williams Ind. presented the it,, pi,.;, I .i....,, L .11 nI I tariistic . il We In tUtMiuh 'f.vt rouse in one word is first, most imperious neces ;' -. bllC Vlinil. .1 1U UU.,1'. Hllll LOILtl S " Brothers ('!. eryble" iv ijlj that which with great This the the r. 1 ; remarks, we received ap- - it private perquisites, thev name of Governor Hendricks, of Indi- v.. ...;'.i..i '; .. . t the Lgvi.h (Jueoii yet her features day and nation. This is the Vpt.blic i..,ii.;i Uia 7. m allowed once to apply your beautiful si! Iwuven, niado elo- sity of our are trust. When Ihe annals of J'-- j pcioccmch iu iuu jnai-for- fo applause, Bishop an . - I 111 I II - . . . this being those Jfarviu hum UIHkl' III III llltll'l Itl.t IM i,- ana. Great applause. There was no are not Egyptian, rather of a -- ll ii? lfa ; heputnie snow the censure a a ii id cheers, Compliment to out elves; ever to ni -v waitinj: oar tbS iounJ was assem- Hit disgrace and of ! the . 1 prayer, is vice-Preside- and fervent polit;cal affiliation hi. nt . quent of every former a late Speaker of House fire in I113 ith him they cotil - beautiful French woman. An Ethiopian kiinlti'--- In- SI y srivtii: the of rea. Mli.CllAIHAt.lN- ASD Gt.XTLKMKX OK TUK remember your ia' blage rising. Representatives niarketitig his rulings ag d hia-jor'it- equally nude, stands her side 'T carry Indiana' by twenty thousand Convention. is no man a slave, collectively "A Haj .f N eW .ty who a man to all are interior, all oilier trivial. officer, se- - ' There holding and would lure mortal Tin; CuAiRjf an: chair direct- others ,.t,siaW three ilenatiri: urbtaiile in and fans her. l. i feet lies a naked flie ! I . 11 you tec-- ; seat this who, has worked to t ho ' I ict we U . Iteform reform reform shall by their vt.tes r(s lai,makerS.'6vo .t ear ator, remain your - Chair commit- j more l. ed by the Democratic Natio'ial oguize imperious necessity ; if you hall ,i50U ot- lcadihg comuiitteea of Hen- streuoiisly against the nomination ot little Li.. A bird flutters on the arm of fi lend-- , tj 1 this the late Mr. Fuller HI.. seconded obliged ,i,'iiiiis of bed must nrely sink; as secretary platform stu-eesst- iI,h,b.-- Samuel Tilden than uvyswlf. I did it iu the golden tee to auuounee temjwrary guarantee in your the of Representatives exposed in jobber, for- her seat. A canopy hang's over 1 1 I'.i Kt: lV ll Id:- -, J i'ii-- li w - 1 - dricks's nomination cloqueutly and full belief that it was impossible lb. us "to i'li' tit tis ere their's with nil their Mr. Frank O. Prince, achievement of this arduous work of nation- a ;lte Secretary of the Treasury- forcing hal-- al all being enclosed iu jda.-- s of the convention - cantli-dat- e. the group, a triirtei ii; ; you shall select standard- b dances in the public accounts, a late Attor-beaie- rs cibly. carry the election witU aa Kastern In rending " Niele 'bis Nil 1.',. bv," worth. Massachusetts, and as assistant secre- rugneratioll if I gave case. The whole is of high purpose antl ney-Gener- iuy opinion to this Conven- surprisingly natural, 1 t iv win course on true, to your owu misappropriating public funds, Mr. Campbell Tenn., by instruc- which Was republi-h- i 'l y the Lo pet s by their and er iMiiiitioa taries, Mr. J. '1. Walter, of Iowa, your pledge, victory iu the No- - a Secretary of tin; Navy enriched and enrich-vemb- tion yesterday that this nomination should so much .so t! a.t it ha.-- a natural dfeet laithful to I . r t 'au'tli ; tion of its convention, alio seconded have gone to not long saw o iiitwiy i - Mr. S. K. Doniphan, of Ohio. Before and victory in the Octotier contest ing his friends hy a percentage levied off the the Western States. The Up.U the spectators. Young girls Come profits aub,-m- it "(,' 11 1 1 t v. of couti with his Ifendricks, whose lead Convention hasdecided otherwise. between the liroth-- i Nor not" that yu y mrslars the convention proceeds to business the is already yoyri. Incarnate the vital issue actors department; an under Tennessee sud'leidy upon it and thaw back blanees ' Kmbassadoj: to England qensiued In a dishon-an- d my opinion to the decisio.n of this con- i H- ; conve- of reform in the candidates and platform, felt more confident of success than under ers" and my (hid St. uds, that in '"J chair woujtl state, as a matter of oral. Ie speculation; the ' vention cheers ; and now !u"r. They have nerved theiiisd ves States that have honored Douglas President's Private that ilden v. l; i fl' i " u v n t 1 ii'rc." the any other. not icing thai oi made a k .nut" hencx to no filter nience to tlie reporters and the conven- "and Lincoln, the States that to-da- y honor Secretary barely escaping conviction upon is the candidate C( our pafty. promise you to look at the statuary and pictures, but comparison r- upon and , yon to in this ,'et.t, r. the gentlemen who aire recog- and Th 11 rill ail. Ilincockatid P""J .ipooiiy in irsum me Mr. Abbott, of New Jerspy, presented tell that J am capable ol work- this is too unexpected and referred tion, that IT.Iei.'Ls or tight realistic 1 ... 4P.d Tilden, these Stat s, w ith n"e j Secretary n ar impeached for ing fcheersj that there is no man in the N t. w Yoi.k", J une 2, T. W. i :i by chair will call their name ker de- - Jos. nanje iu a rinojnej eech, to be borne with steadiness. They es- I.tni. nised the t'lMi? vast population will rise like the ff " .an misdemeanors. The convention who will work harder for hU convention is now ready ail f f; , ,,. tminstiation i complete that tlie first itep 'hen Jew York was called thiere cape without delay. and State. The W llIVI-- ...... V '" ... . . ; . election than myself. In the convention Women iiuuit 1 III els, ! tit Mllll LllU .j I I 'ii mi Me lton ii illl.l i '. ge . - . . i. I tlie chair desires to - "i r,oiii( U.USL me people k otioiee 01 was a tremendous outburst of cheers. lllf Ttlitk Ctll rouoir.l .1 t. ll ..I..!.. f r Ib'iHihlieaii for business. and fleeting Qrphou?, and follow jou to vino- houe.t men fl0IU .noti,,,- - lLe diim his honest, that upright statesman J i.iliii. !. its r- - Senator Kernan expressed sympa- of Indiana. annya, o..,.iu ibr, f.r ii.,., of .,.,b sfc T. know pleasure. ease of one political orzanixation itinfect the ".. ,j U White calk'.l the meeting Applause. I heard . . . n thy been gen-tlema- n him twi'iitv.tlin The Chair desires to state t hody and lest by making no change of with all that had said of unlv-s- ii sweet-cours- e " nier and (.Jen. K. (' Tun Chair read the following Fi'ic, years ago iu Congress. u,, lauu, i'uoilillg sisters or - on his motion, (iov Dorsheimer I have watched t, menor iiartv we get no change of measures. already presented here, pro- A physician of a , ill'loil ho pital 1:1 he is requested by the delegates from but trout day o H.is. s tli'vre j hearts, stay on the spot in nutuLon at was ina-I- I rank that that an su',. ; chairman. PLATFORM. and no real reform. i Biiii-- h Medical Lee ml 'lin-to- ceeded to urge the nomination of Mr. inuivid.ial in writes to the ti Woman's Bights national convention the v.UUtfi' tUat CU'i to constantly crowd pan, of was ciected secretary. The the All these abuses wrongs and crimes, the dent that w by or- We. the delegates of the Democratic party of c.f a Tildeu as the surest guarantee success "There js no d i' td fua.jwm.r an- - to state that representatives of that pru.icts sixteen years ascendancy of I .re wax dele ites were nrescnt au.J the , in national convention as- - of ,he RCI,u,jiean a necessity ' ' rSo Lite of tie-lac- and sculp . partv. create in the coming 'cciiteSt'.' Mr. Tiiden's seats neuralgia K'f.-- l rojl-cai- here and desire about ten woras, to l ; ganisation are declare the administration "by fore, the nominations auj :;r.e, ure coinm-- in i.uio- b-t- Iti ir names at (en. seuibled, do hereby for r,um, confessed the Republicanii with of this convention sliotild have increased so much in tie; f- con- j; uare ,'as vee'eived groat cheers. - (.. Vr minutes to make a statement to the the Federal government to be in great themselves, but their 1;: have been made, and it now becomes th pi-ai-i museums, that attistietly they are U'iihali S of on- - reformer eiSied dovfn ssith our own. 1" reforu., do hereby i as eompat'el 'l-'-- ''.'hear them "hear need of immedit, and 0r,VOutio, displaced John Kelley, of New York, next took duty of every Democrat iu lUM Cries of , in ami - from the cabinet, country to to be commended a triumphs of I- K. Houston. Vol. O. Banks. vention. -t J. will joiu'upoa the nomineea ot tin t utiyejiuun and an l (he ,,ar,y'g nia,9 ot- hons Toters 13 potv- - the platform. Au attempt was msde to use bis best endeavor,, ailJ Pxerti0n to There is II d mbt that ii one of lliii in H. i !" Without no objection they zeal-- being totally the effigies usually F Alien. .In, re A M. Clavton. T. them democratic party in each . Mate, a . erlp.ss to ,he unlike s -- of the 1 Tl.s.,t eiht,. iuuu ituu vmic" hiss elect Uitn. Applause I believe if common ot leiu d" m il one ol tl will appoint 10 uo hol-lers- , him down. A delegate "There that I Whin ( v 1 JJj.L-d'il- o Col. now be heard. The chair, ous effort and inis ni... aim its guides. oe shown in this country; but don't think .1 leaders and Reform can done there can be tpj doubt wpon tliat un I ibtlieult of . York, and Mr. appeal to our lei 01 every , oulv be nad bv a peaceful seems to be some geese in the hall." '' ' most painful Irealiiienf L. Jarni.'an. ( 'ant. ,1. C. Prewitt, Mr. Tweed, of New here to with civic revolution. question. they ought to be thrust un warningly to es- former political connection uudertake nc ileasiw a cliange ot system, a change of Cries of I It is ai a cause id tnudi mental 'i1' W.' John- - Smalley, of Vermont, a committee pressing patriotic duty. "clear the naileries. Put lirown pTenn. offered resolu- upon the sight of mixed congregations. J. Smith. Coi. Frank us this first and most auuunistration, a changs of partie, that we with Mr. Kelley's ieTe iir. a sion, and leads more oi.eii to habits of n- rst cofur ! - the platform. Applause .cv of the whole country we I cciitcr.ee Some commissioners id" my F - X. .r.aldwin, Maj. Wade llamp- cort theiuds 0 For the Demoer may have a change of measures aad of men. i o1' tion appointing a committee consisting of of the are i inte.'iMi' than any other. This our faith in the permanence , order v.au rtstcrod. U...111 one rate'" - .)r. and laughter, do here son4e made the president of the one way of thinking, and Cleopatra's stay r 1 r .Wa V.,,i,.ril union; our devo,iot; to the 4 Sil a convention and growing pre vae-t- c ot neuralgia may t i f'r- Mr. President I 4'.l,Ciui:i Tim IUI( l poftjt that he was out of order, unless be t - J. V. unanimously A the Slates, wnh its j delegate from each State to visit on the ground ;a of ihoi duration. l ieuitt was iieleuate Constitution of United the emj the iMsolutfon reIatiu2 to the he intended to second Tiiden's the some extent be referre to the elicits of I.. as No motion is in order; a nomina nominees and notify them nomi- President llawlcy is from Connecticut, the nipinher of the national The Chair that engender-- ; matter of Mongolian importations there tion, when a of their cold upon tiie terminal brunches of tho floor. Laughter. ofthe controversies there ensued long scene of is in of i , .1 on lady has the sMtlement nation. Adopted. and Puritanical. He stops front ; 'Jinuit.'s credentials. ed the civil war, and do here record our stead-- ; were two or three lines of the language confusion, and hissing cries of Kelley. nerves iiistntjtneit to tue skui au.i tie! voices "Mr. President! 01 , The States Cleopatra while I stand theie. A. Clayton was chosen as Sevetal confidence in the perpeiuuy repuooctn a,iopteci bv the were nae' their members of reason why nu n are Lss subject to it than fast committee which Mr. or- a-- ,e i. Ch.uk--Qentleni- en will take i V Hutchtn3 Mo."J insisted upon do you of her V" I k. meiuber of tlie "committee on plat- - The ..it..nmPit: in absolute acuuiescence in written in pencil, which was the Moramittee. "What think women may to a great extent, I think, Stftt?d that will of the majority the vital principle and I unible der. He expected to vote fcr Tildeu, he answers, f-r- and heir eats. The chair hai the "A thing 4 beauty," "but resolutions. . ..v.i;.. in the supremacy ot the civil to read. The Secretary, when I have hi"t ajr. ,as to be heard". (J. C. Prewitt, Esq., was selected to be explained by the much greater pro- ''Jil-'- floor. The chair has the Xeley entitled a I guess we will have 1! lTmiiton vrria o.iiillll- - a lady has the OTtrthe niilitarr; ta the ion,l ieprt,on of ceased, will uppiy the omissiou. " represent Mississippi on this com,m,ittpe.) not joy forever. tection afforded by the moil.! in which 1 ; Mim A deletal lrom Kansas demanded the with a vi . ., .,..,-,t;o- n present to the convention the sake alike of civil to out of sight. I must talk v Mate, for get her . I'li.iin. i 11 honr,r to Chnrch and le ads when they J'V ti t UlruI C tl'IM tU.'v-"-' Ap- ; the equality of all Mr. Brown; Oregon We want scotchiug of the who Ap- the former cover their JI- Cozzius, Qf St. Louis. andrePgious freedom in that vipers hiss. NATIONAL VJijECAfXiyE CIMMTTEE. Sartain about her." - S. elected Pluvbe enact-n.a- nf may be observed Jaruiati was citUens before just laws of their own read now, Mr. President. I am on that plause. The are in the open air. It '"ember oi' jlio - plause. of individual conduct. chair a.iid the resolution was not - which is ac- committee ou crianiza- i" the liberty committee, and I demand that it be read Mr. Kernan and others from New beggar recently applied for alnn at that the uifie.- of the head A delegate I rise to a point of in order, as next business was to A is lea-- t ; ta Anti-Mendici- in at in cGijjunc;ic-- with ty tually covered man thro P T , . . . . "'tli rising' Heneranoa, that tie ether, Cries of l01 ftrgtied for a respectful hearing of (Com- door of a partisan of the ?) of the roll States ,atiuua) the atten-l-Uiei- order. education "; - ' of for the fa.-hio-ti allows to a wo- i - i'arts.ialo, (who wslh uot iu thevmay preserve, enjoy and transmit these "no,' "nVn '' ' V Kelley.'arid finally cries for Kelley were Society in Kdinburg. After vain times that whieh s,.l,-.,o...- of mittee. be- was 1.a Liamlwr of TriE The geatUmen is out of human happiness and hope, man ; indeed, the point c.f contact Chair - best conditions a Mr. Dorsheimer Your committee overwhelming. Mr. Kelley finally pro- Alabatba, Walter L. Arkansas, ly detailing his manifold sorrows he was "ational executive committee. and will take his seat immedi,- we fceliii'ij imblest products of hundred Brars; tween th hat or bonnet and the head m order, ehaftgefui hUtei jf. hare also had referred to them and rec- ceeded, urging the' qoniiqaticq of a Wes- John J. Sumpter; California, F . MVoppin ; peremptorily disraissed by the inexorable followiiii' passed : years of irregular as practically t"e was -- B. 51. Wil- so resolution atelv. , , while upholding the bond of our Lnion ommend he adoption, ot the folloaing tern candidate for President who will se- Colorado, Hughes; Connecticut, gentleman. "(Jo away,' said he, "go, the latter are h'Auhv.l .1.- - r.,.. But ' might T1...1 me 1.1 v v same Can t I make great of Ihese our fights, it ' ' liam II. Baroum: Delaware, ltobinson to destroy any protection which iiiu aeieganou ui The peltate the charier resolutions;' cure Indiana and Ohio October, a, we might VotAu ....i . tr. 1 1 C. . aad in for Qeor-jri- canna gie ye naething." "You a ii. c. r 'f:? i bhoOTes a free people to practice also that Hickman; Florida, General 31"Call be afforded. uuiL ior oarauei u. e Iletoiceil, represent- if those States were lost then it wculd Gun-de- y; least,'' returned the mendicant, with otherwise iimc A lady baa the! niiil-nc- which is tbe price of That this convention, Geo. II. Barney; Illinois, Win. C. at to the journals a presidency as any sir. eternal ld tj Xo-verr- were to report as there 5o, reb-i- long n Thk Cuair necessary tc and est ablish ing tbe Democrat!', party of tbe United be impossible to save New York in h. Indiana, tlios. olin; Iowa, SI. M. an great dignity an.l archness, "Iff if 01 Reform is air of on the ,.,!,-cipl- e VJ his heinor nominated. floor, aud 110 pont ot .order. wies hearts Ihe whole people th t ition, states, do cordisllv indorse the action of thp Ham; Tvansa, Isaac E. Eaton; Kentucky. case of facial neuralgia cured !" V Lapp.ly rescued from the present House oil Kepresentaiives (.applause " have refused me grammatically." lateral and frontal ' 'Hurrah for the chair eferen xdixh one II. I. M'lienry; Louisiana, B. F. Jona; of protecting the of --Mates, but now to he reducing tturtaQing expenses rr6 on the platform interrupting ; G. Miss Cozzfus then stepped forward ana dBgsr Of secession in and the of Maine, Edmund Wilson Missouri. John surface of the face as well as the superior lPEW CoTrox. Of the two bales of the jentrtlijni, yhich after the Federal gqverr.ment. in cuttlug down with a call for three cheers for Tilden, a Prlest Maryland, O. Horsey; Massachu- Lynches at Liberty, in Montgomery a an address. .avei ftm Pi car- a of sculp, it might certain 'oni Texag- - on tlie steamship delivered upiftVallate sal He?, extravagant ap)rQpri4tion, and In delegate demanded an,4 sergeant-at-arru- s setts, f". O. Prince; Michigan. Edward county, Kansas, several weeks ago, nirt 1 C r1'' waa hooey-eon.- ,! nuTthe qffices Whit-take- a ' Harris, Vccompanying this address the petbag torney s, has , abolishing useless oltieei and places not re- Tainter ; Oregon. John r; he amount ot ri.iiciue. um umuiu "" one of them is consigned to e proceeded to eject him from his hanged a young man to a tree until j Democratic plat- Federal government fuelf with ww&ci-Vr- quired by tho public necessities; w-- Nevada, Robert P. Keating; Xebras-k- i, my patient considers that her Oordou & who have following plank for the the and mu- aud teat. confessed the stealing of a twenty dollor howevt r, that Gomila, waste and fraud, infected Mates snail trust to the tlrmnwn of the Democratic Geo. Ij. Miller; Minnesota, William ought to be reported; for she says that r-'f- form: contagion of misrule, and 1 hundred case receipt of the the first bale from waa nicipalities with the members of the House that no committee of Mr. Kelley persiste in his right to the Lochran; New York, Abratn S. Hewitt; bill, and then gave him one L The Democratic party fast the prosperity of an luJas'rious and no New Hamp- from if we cannot do much r n tualgia with j tioa for the past four years. N. Whereas, Reform conference misinterpretation of the floor until he had finished, despite the Virginia, Robert A. Coghill; lashes. The next day the man the property qualifica- people in the paralyses of hard times. rules w ill beallowed to deleat whole- shire, Aaron W. Sullowy; RhoCe Island. our prescriptions, we ought to opto.so. p iyune 2'.uh. the first to abolish necessary a sound currency, tbe efforta to interrupt him Ly calls of 'time,' whom the bill had been stolen found it at of suflrage to U to estblish na- some measures of economy demanded by Nicholas Vantlack; Tennessee, Wm. B. fashion when wo find it prejudicial tu tion and extend the right the public credit and maintain the and the failure of chair to the bottom his trunk, v. hero he him- SWens States ; and, restore the country. Applause. the enforce Bate; Soath Carolina. Jas. II. Byan; Mis- of and productive of sutlering." Creek to ho?4 all white men of the older tional honor. Eetolved, the order. health r Grange is going Leg- the failure for all these elevea That soldiers and sailors of sissippi, Eihelbert Barksdale: Vermont, self had placed it. ir at Hteens Satur-- Whereas, It waa a Democratic We denounce the republic, and the widows and orphans Mr. B. B. Smalley; New Jersey, Miles -- Creek on the 4th years to make good the promise of the legal Flannery Va. J seconded Mr. Uo; nkv-- extended suffrage of those who have fallen in battle, have a Ohio, John S. ; Pennsylvania, Win. -- subjects en- you want to get into the t and .f July. All having anything to islature that thrightf which are a changing standard ol Tiiden's . . Ka:on There are H.OOO British If ferder notes non-Mywe- nt nomination. re t,i the. women of Vv0min2; therefore, saiue the people, and the tirst claim upon the care, protection and 6ctt Wiadonsln, F. Yilaa; West Vlr-- Newfoundland fisheries, w ho mo t sentimental position for a photos re,luested to have it on the in Ibshandaof (ellow-citijen- s. lr. eat don also seconded gaged :u the tm we pledge ourselves to of wblih i diVegard of the plight- gratitude of their If Teas ; Alex. Campbell ; Texas, F. S. 7,51K),Q0Q. , the Eesolved, That tbe alnia are operating oa a capital of graph, eat cucumbers. evening previous. Brandon fftitii of th nation. noEunatioa of Tildeu, CUre the right of 8Ufirge to tue women ed