iiie Weekly Clarion. iiAitii:it a.i into 1 111: ism. .. Letter IVont 1 liurlovt YVred, a-- liAiiKsu.vu:, PROPhTETORS. ClLAJRfOM ltriiiliib.-- . n. r. - h W'KKKWaY ,l. r.,,.rh. Mi '1 lie T l lrm', l'irt Irar la HARRIS Vol. I'.iUKK. BAIikPiA.K XXXIX. No 33- - )CKSON, MISSISSIPPI. WEDNESDAY, JUL 5, 1876. Two Dollars a Year. Tr.i:s,20o vi.n vr.vii. in aivam k. T.i the Kditor of the Tribune. I which in Dorshtimer-close- s -- i mis: Your verv pleasant and ih!. f the United We denounce the i Gov. Tlie resolution Mr. ilwina fOhio presented the name k-- read States on equal terms ,th two thiim. " r! u l.U-i- ' 1 rs ! the peo-- i 't in-- ln-to- rv '"u'c-cribo- CONVENTION NFWS. e'tveii j of peace has taken from as follow? : !othef,u-mers.atesi- sketch f the an social Served by the men. ,n, Mr. Allen j ini times ihe "hole The b.Ii.nvin. i I in Foi rul tliir:eeti - - il,,, and oe d t! pul.ii-hni- "' laxe. We u-.- v wbieii tbii- tlis- i Mr. (. Ivnier pr.sented - , ivlati great The Chair The convention Las and squan- denounce the l euti. 1 Gen f, v,.i.i..v rr- i. of ten ter note? j ' 1 1. : - S2 50 year. amount the legal -- der-a'- e a 1 " ' wa rea l hou-t- F2r se. cards be iib'-- G and t w if " ; of Harper A- U dlier- - 111 - j heard the memorial, ihe cliair dered t"a ir:iaie their sum in useless expe 'ovuii rmaii eral inhebl tlnncock in glowing terms. yester- and t Mongoit- - t. That it be ! reserve for tbtir a revival uf trjde in 1:1: day's Tribune pos-e- ? s III lii ii THE DAWN OF REFORM j will a di-o- o without any Gen. Beck Li secouded Hancock's S' lu t.'i.ui entertain motion wisut i d I as to i an '.vi ooorir-- 01 iuiiiior.il iniriioses future National y re tti j ii.n. inn i iimci'at.c coavt f'l.a-- mi, or 1 1 inteu si to one lioie iii A DUKAM. sition it will make of it. Hn.i i ... r.oi .... !. t.i se i v ie labor nomination. us the Democracy ijUaiiit-- We the financial inibeciliiv anil wlili-atio- n of the - Mt.d d.-u- of Mr. lore nilee with the senior lai i, i began w hen ill. I contract. d siitb in Smith TWis. seconded Tdden's a-- s.. M'Clerxand mow that the liar.ioriiiit v n! that partv wblC'i, .la ring eiei-- convention mined, tl s ' - 011 .w iiii-ii-i that ie c:i lied tin- existence 1' such !..... Tilden inr ireaiv wicii 'iiiii'io'iii two-third- pi at' no uiei "'ii' nomination. s ;:;'..::g 1 dominated merncrial be peace, made advance - Y I I referred to has J; t.S K. Hll'.HO.V. tne committee V'uis con-t- it U' limita- rule be ahull, !Kd tinwi.-- e tt--i oreparaiion fV.r legislation within the lonai is was an aspiration. ui iisnl un.iii n. made no Mr. DtKiIittle on resolutions, for their cou- - j earnestly urged pru- titj.i ; b!ructed re tion s s!i id prevent luither importation and unnecessary, that the ,1 1 1 Second Itallot. re.:Ripi'jn h it instead has States tie l'iie late anies ai or w as a eiinev-Mo- . ; dence, said he sMeration. Kti.l - or .M race. and did not believe Til ib-th- liv resources iiu.iinrraiioii of t!ie nir .iiii requested . to Jiiiiifition wasiiuz our ei . instruct their legates to man printer, like mv-- i It, in The Clarion. ait our surplus income-an- d- w hile j ."Cries of "God," and cheer-- den could carry even New York in No- Wo The Chaiu With out objection IS National Democratic Com- t ' St-v- . s e moon mid darkl- ellfi'in, Woike,! ( jviii stars were annually proteasing 10 intend a speedy return vember lor .loiiatnaii in nr. a in,. si Hendricks raised, lef-m-- d, Tom of Ohio At the unless they carry Indiana in be held the Unanimous Choice the resolution will be t sr.M-i- enaclfd General Ewing, in whether it he 4 y hlent payments, has anuually October. For this reason ls.i, desirable excellent employer, at . d"hn 1'. , n com- he favored two-tMrd- under the rule, as moved by gentle- i, i r,,l j. tlir.r-- As sucli a hin request of several members of the to the s ,,.;t, ,,,,-v- r win- - the t'rih m.a continue as upon a Kamagi . l,,!,!i :,r- - ttiiisf clouds, wailing on the First. we clause of Hendricks, who could carry Indiana, partners pies-- man from Illinois. drance denounce- the resumption mittee ou resolutions, I present a minority force in the Nati rial - I 1 - .... 1 ... 1 i C invention? mid 11 In 1 , f ;rr-- - .1.. r n rf- - while he feared Tilden could uot. Harper whs th. in tho Venr (us 1 con-- report as to one phase of the platform. that the National inso-i- - V 1 he secretary ot the ; p ;a!. Committee such Mil1 iti tl'l,' '.1 III .., 111 In and rattled in the roof ihe Chair The secretary then called the roll of IP the s.Ul e o:!ee. All !rivate I'rrATrnrrit ftlvc Vny ventiotl will of dem.-ni- prenara-an- d The the co in tu it-te- c, request in their call tho -- call roll We of of Cotivei e- - ih'mI Ij 1 1 the the States, a judicious systrm undersigned, members Kr itioti was then a ele'!ii"V, hile Fletcher "1'.. elf grieving retrench-0- the States for the first ballot, with the was i tion- - lullowtng clause in . 1 1. lo lli? Iullic ('oo.l. us each State is called the chairman by public economies, b official f recommend :bat the that resolution. Sv.WeciV t.; t'.. .. a,"i- l wise in tlo; repotted by tbecomuiit-t- e following result : Mr. flit its deh--ati n will send the name of a,M'. - ti,"4Uce: Burch iVnn.J- -I move t Jav tin cro gliding 'round my me tne nation soon 10 assure 111c y be strickey out. As such a Inudrancc FIRST worked ul and lived frugally, had but - j j BALLOT. r, that resolution on the ,, n tiie Convention assembled at ten ie delegate appointed upon the Commit- of its perfect nbitity and iis perfect readiness we Jenouncc the resinuo ion clause 01 tne table. one ambition, whi.li was see hi nann-o- j Tildt . 417i; Hendricks, Han- 10 'a?"-'- y of at the call of the 1S75, repeal. 140i; A Delegate I : 1 1 o'clock, June iu tee on resolutions, to tlie secretary. The its promises act of and we here demand its lcm.m. tin' ayes n i i:- - ,,1 ,i : 27th, the large and c the tol'p.ige tit a book as re:i etciKor entitled to payment. e ursi-- fapolause. and recommend that, there be cock, 7f; Bivard,, 33; Parker, IS; noes. b.ir-bai- bright-eye- d beautiful building of the Ht. Louis secretary then tailed tlie roil for disap- ia- - I'ubii-l- u r. Bill bis A r. !. boy, s icli a system, we'd advised and. above all, sub-tit- i. f.-- r 5(5. as brother John was - te.l that eUtiie the following: Broadhead, 19, Allen, The roll call.-- hamlx-i- pointment a on "10 execution, j I was l.and the a-- .- i 1 , prattled of th tiui'j of Commerce, which was deco of committee resolutions, irtfted competent hands tor 'Tlie lo r tin 01 it ban of snee ie oa V vote result ,d to be .t lit with him, th.-- had to mother - t iv rsi- Mr. Hatchings Mo. I to ask : with eri- at no an scare. ..1 j t,,- desire as billows Ayes noes ;;7:. I h,-- rated with garlands of leaves, Slate coat the following result: iutijj lone artificial IllrllWoil r(!u lilit jAlul;iry, hating :'.', tinul be had served his appreii-tiieshq- i. be a saw m ' ls;, wait nt V. should man! 1 ii. l', (d-i- curreuev, 110 ' - on behalf of a portion of the Missouri ii anl at time been enacted bv the Republican party witn- lr: Wallace, ot Pennsylvania, ins, flowers, etc. ihe weather was Alabama, Leroy 1. Walker; Arkan h,l run-1- 1 ma called They entertained j, !,: i il a wi nf vast Co-igro- s im ars A ' t.ii.' may see the angels Mnilo, mini into tliat in or discussion delegation, if it is in order for del- a ninety-fiv- e per ont deliberation that division of the question by ki-.- - very warm and sultiy, betokeiiin' thun sas, Ij. V. Mangum ; California, .John ehinerv of credit by which dividing the about the sllicess ,.f their 'j . 111 her darling, gifted child, Lctorti both iiisudicieut t to pi i,' der-storm- pertorm the ie ode. bing egation change its votes before the question ending The delegate S. cent, of our business transactions is - tne first proposition a! I, W t.i : were promptly Hagar: Colorado, F. J. Marshall: Secure its ooj.-et- aud highly injurious to James often lemaike Idle talking of fuc o was radiant with heaven ed 1 system, open and public, and inspi vote is announced.
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