The Corporation*
THE CORPORATION* See Alumni Record, Vol. I, pp. 8I-89; and Vol. II, pp. 5I-54 I87G-I9IO. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED 1870 Hon. CHARLES ANDREWS, t LL.D., L.H.D., at large, Ex-Chief Judge Court-of Appeals, State of N. Y., Syracuse, N.Y. I886 jOHN D: ARCHBOLD, at large, Vice-President Standard Oil Co., New York, N. Y. 1879 •o. H. P. ARcHER, at large, I894 Agent for private estates, New York, N. Y. 1$70 •Rev. EBENEZER ARNOLD, tat large, I872 Northern New York Coilference, -Port Jackson, N. Y. 1870 Hon. ALLEN C. BEACH, e,x-officio, I872 Lieut. Governor. 1872 *Hon. jAMES j . BELDEN, at large, I904 Banker, Member of Congress, Syracuse, N. Y. Died 1 Jan. I904 at Syracuse, N. Y. 1880 *Rev. jAMEs E. BILLS, D.D., I897 Genesee Conference, Rochester, N.Y. Died I6 July I897· 1870 *Rev. ISAACS. BINGH:kM, 1872 Black River Confercence, .Herkimer, N.Y. 1875 R. M.-BINGBAM, M.D., 1885 Northern N.Y. Conference, manufacturer, Rome, N.Y. 1898 M. E. BLANCHARD, 1907 Newark Conference. 1896 *CHARLES M. BOLEN, 190I New York Conference, New York, N. Y. 1893 *SAMUEL W. BoWNE, at large, since I899, Died 29 Oct. I9IO 19I 1 New York Conference, merchant, New York, N.Y. 1895 IRA D. BRAINARD; 1907 Northern N. Y. Conference, banker, Waterville, N.Y. 1870 *Rev. DANIEL W. BRISTOL, D.D., 1878 1870 Wyoming Conference 1872; I873 Central N.Y. Conference, 1878. Died I883 at Syraeuse, N.Y. 1885 Dean jAMES B. BROOKs, D.C.L., Central N. Y. Conference, Dean College of Law sinoe I895· Syracuse, N.Y.
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