April 22,1885
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PORTLAND DAILY ESTABLISHED J ONE 23. 1862—VOL. 22, WEDNESDAY APRIL JESTEK1D AB B£COND PORTLAND, MORNING, 22, 1885 CLAB8 MAIL MATTBK. PRICE THREE CENTS. ePDCUli NOTICES. THE PORTLAND J9AILÏ PRESS, STILL. IMPROVING. ΔΤ AUCTION SAS-Kl» SITUATION PANAMA. railway, however, would be completed apart RIEL'S REBELLION. Personal and Peculiar. I Published overy day (Sundays excepted) by the from military reasons. In regard to the inte- Feather Beds and Pillows PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, Distribution of the American Troop». rior steps in the Soudan government, he re- The a rival of the False — served entire of action to the Makki, Prophet, Valuable Real Estate At 97 Exchange Stbebt. Poetland. lib. Gen. Grant Takes Another Drive Panama, April 21, via Galveston. The liberty subject Fort Pitt of in the Hands of tthe Cree is said to a native Ireland. RENOVATE» Address all communications to French displayed more feeling at the landiDg judgment Parliament. be of Donegal, and Feels Refreshed. of Sir Stafford in was — American marines and sailors from the Northcote, the Commons, He called the Mlkkl. BY — BY AUCTION. PORTLAND PUBLISHING 00. Indians. formerly Acapulco than the Colombians. All said he regretted postponement of debate on Terms: Dollars a Tear. To opposi- A advertised Sieain Machine Patent at Eight mail enhecrib- tion has ended. The Ameri- the budget, but felt it was inevitable in view "middle-aged girl" recently ers. Seven Dollars a if In advance. now, however, Tuesday, April 28th, at 3 m., we shall sel1 Tear, paid of the of the for a situat'on. Soon we to hear of FOREST CITY DYE 13 Preble street. It p. Rates of Advertising: What tlie New York of His can force is distributed as follows: Two bat- gravity situation. He thought expect HOUSE, ON the valuable property No. 233 Oxford St.» One Inch of space, the Sun Says the Fears That the Whole Garrison Has is not eafe to uso beds after sicknees until of or twelve lines talions, of 274 marines and 140 sail- government was not dealing with the "youthful octogenarians." they consisting of one-half of a 2% story wooden block. length oolnmn, nonpareil consti- consisting have been renovated steam. tutes a Case. with a Soudan question in a and by aprllsneodtt Contains 8 rooms, good furnace, Sebago water, "square." ors, battery of Hotchkise and Gatling satisfactory manner, Been Massacred. William Feel has won the Latin water 81.50 per first week: said that be would refuse to just closets. &c. Lot 36x78 feet, with passage cquare,daily 75 cents per guns and a Dahlgren howitzer, under com- vote the credit of week three or at Harrow was founded in rear this property. located in after; insertions la«e, $1.00, continu- mand of are stationed at $2ϋ,500,000 asked without a fuller statement prize School, which Centrally good other after first Capt. Hiobee, Aspin- neighborhood and is desirable for or ing every day week, 60 cents. some- wall. from the in 1326 his Sir Robert Peel. very occupancy Half New Yobk,April 21.—Gen. Grant felt Capt. Callum's company is at the Pro- government regarding its policy in by grandfather, SMOKt rental. Terms easy. square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one the Soudan. Winnipeg, April 21.—A despatch received what exhausted last after his ride of testant chapel and the Lient. Har- live to a on the week, $1.00; $50 cents per week after. night hospitals. at Clark's Crossing, from Battle tord, says that People greater age average F. O. BAILEY & Auctioneers. Special Notices, one-third additional. yesterday, and fell into a sound and refreshing rington and his detachment are at Lighthouse London, April 21.—The lobby was excited CO., over a messenger who ha· just returned from Fort in New Hampshire than in any other State apr22 dtd Under head of "Amusements" and "Acctiob sleep. His rest was not diBtnrbed daring the Point and at the general resi- Mr. Gladstone's statement in the Com- superintendent's Pitt reports that the fort has fallen into the in the Union. Sales," $2.00 per square per week; three insertion» night and his condition is better than dence and effiees. Lieut. Allibone is at the mons, which is considered to amount to an or hands of the Cree Indians, who have been be- less, $1.60. at the same time yesterday. The Grant Royal Mail wharf, and Capts. Read and Muse evacuation of the Soudan. His repeated refer- Charles Stewart Parnell is said to be about P. O. ence sieging it ever since the Frog Lake masiacre. BAILEY & CO., THE MAINE STATE mansion has assumed its usual appearance. are at the Pacific Mail wharf. Read's to the necessity of holding troops in the PRESS. Capt. Sondan in Two policemen are known to have been to marry a wealthy American lady, an intT There is no in and and there are company furnishes a to trains on the readiness for service wherever want- killed, Published every Thuebdat at a rushing oat, guard and the best FIVE CENT Moeninq, $2.50 It Panama ed indicated that is on the of it is feared that the whole garrison has mate friend of the Irish leader's mother. Positively Auctioneers and Commission Merchants year; if paid in $2.00 a ▼ery few people in front of it on the street. railroad, making six trips daily, with England verge advance, year. Wtr. been massacred. An Indian messenger Advertisements inserted in seems to be the that the armed ears, with and Hotchkies Such words by a responsible minister it says CIGAR on the market, made from the "Maine State general impression Gatling guns. that the A Connecticut woman, with more Press a is will soon make Crees have gone down the river, bnt nothing Salesroom 18 Exchange Street. (which has large circulation in every part old soldier is out of danger, for the present at When necessary, barracks will be erected for thought peace impossible. It selected stock, with no flavoring of the for is that this is not credited. The commander at Fort useful to has made a list of 2248 words State) $1.00 per square for first insertion least. the accommodation of the men. They are believed Sir Peter Lumsden's despatch do, and 50 cents for each Pitt was Police Inspector <he natural flavor imparted F.O.B1ILEY, C. W. ALLEN per square subsequent lnser Dr. left the house a few minutes now comfortable at the barracks at the is certain to influence the British war feeling Jeffrey Dickens, from the letters in the word except bon. Douglass bridge, third son of Charles the novelist. "incomprehen- marié dtf before 9 o'clock. He confirmed the earlier re- where Lieut. Gelllott has a marine of 50 to an alarming degree, despite the fact that a Dickens, by the fine tobacco used in its guard A Swift Current despatch that Col. sibility." ports of the general's improved condition, and men. On Sunday night the guard there dis- credit of §55,000,000 means an increase of six says manufacture. in the income Otter's command has now crossed the river They are again to ex-Presi- CITY WEATHER as to the disease itself the doctor said the covered a man applying dynamite to the house pence tax. It is undoubtedly trying marry ADVERTISEMENTS. INDICATIONS. and has left on a march for Battleford. He Sold by all Druggists and Retail gland at the base of the tongue is still inflamed of a oanal officer. At Matachin, Capt. Hunt- true that the bulk of the Conservatives and dent Arthur. The poor man was mistaken Liberal has 190 teams, rations for 25 and and there was considerable sloughing; other- ington, with 150 men and a of three members of the Honse of Commons days, forage Dealers generally, and wholesale CITY OF PORTLAND. Washington, April 21. battery for 20 when he thought he had forever wise the general was better and was able to guns, has suppressed the troubles. will vote for the credit cheerfully. days. escaped The indications for New England are the matchmakers when he left the White- by move about the bouse without assistance. At Panama, the First Battalion, consisting Lonbun, 21.—Sir Peter de- Hearing Before the Board of Mayor and fair weather in the April Lumsden's house. southern fair — of 320 marines Aldermen. portions, New Yoek, April 22.—1.30 A. M Dr. and 50 sailors, with six guns, spatch in reply to the government's inquiry as BASE BALL·. weather followed under command of Gol. is comforta- to the The President of Costa Rica ΠΙΟ the Honorable Board of Mavor and Aldermen by parti; cloudy weather Douglass has just said: Although the general Heywood, correctness of Gen. Komaroff'a report of lives in the bly housed in the warehouses of the canal the encounter THE jl or ine <Jity of Portland : and local rains in the northern portion, slight feels no worse after hie rido and walk there is large between the Kussian and Af- FOBTLAITD CLUB. finest house in the capital city, and hi* resi- The Portland Railroad a at company, and has complete command of all ghan forces, reads: The UBiforms of Consens M'oinlinson Company request permis- changea in variable slight return of neuralgic pain and pain th· Portlands arrived last night. dence and sion to extend temperature, winds, gene- the the Palacio which is tbeir double track on Congress street the base of the therefore I shall stay approaches to the railroad and canal prop- "Gen. Aj Hederal, three from tongue, Komaroff's account of the attack on previously described in the Press, the suits are hundred feet easterly from the present term- rally cast to south.