Manual of the Legislature of New Jersey
STATE OF NEW JERSEY FITZGERALD & GOSSON West Ena. x^^^.a Street, SO^ER'^ILLE, .V. J. N. B. BICHAHDSON, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONr West End. Main Street, SOMERl/ILLE, f^. J, r ^(?^ Sfeabe ©i j^ew JeF^ey. MUNUSL ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTH SESSION ^^"^^^ ^^^aRY NEW j: 185 W. ^^t^ £.Lreet Trei COPYRIGHT SECURED. TRENTON, N. J.: Compiled fkom Official Documents and Careful Reseakch, by FITZGERALD & GOSSON, Legislative Reporters. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1883, by THOMAS F. FITZGERALD AND LOUIS C. GOSSON, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. >§®=" The newspaper press are welcome to use such parts of the work as they may desire, on giving credit therefor to the Manual. INTRODUCTORY THE INIanual of the One Hundred and Eighth Session of the Legislature of New Jersey is, we trust, an improvement on preceding volumes. We have honestly striven every year to make each succeeding book suj^e- rior to all others, and hope, ere long, to present a work which will take rank with the best of its kind published in the United States. To do this we need a continuance of the support heretofore given us, and the official assist- ance of the Legislature. We are confident that this little hand-book, furnished at the small cost of one dollar a volume, is indispensable to every legislator, State official and others, who can, at a moment's notice, refer to it for information of any sort connected with the politics and affairs of State. The vast amount of data, compiled in such a remarkably concise manner, is the result of care- ful research of official documents; and the sketches of the Governor, members of the Judiciary, Congressmen, members of the Legislature, and State officers, are authentic.
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