Past Productions Clonmel Theatre Guild Season 2012/2013 1969-The Playboy of The Wes!ern Wond - Synge. 1992· Tranciations- Brian Friel -The ln"4)0rtance of Being Eames!-Oscar Mde -leUuoe and Lovage-Peler Schaofler. -YouneverCanTell-GeO

PROGRAMME The Play John Murphy ih,e, ~ ntnJ ~ Synopsis The playwright, John Murphy, was born in By John Murphy Eddie Maher returns to visit his birthplace 1924 in Bellaghy Charlestown on the Mayo in with his American wife, after side of the border with Sligo and was many years in America. His younger himself part of the world of rural small­ People in the play brother Curly is about to leave and join town Ireland. him in America, Eddie doesn't want him His trade as a ship's engineer took him to Tom Maher(father) ...... Ger Meagher to go as America isn't as wonderful as . It was there that he began to Mary Kate (wife) ...... Amanda Kirwan people in Ireland think. Eddie regrets write 'The Country Boy' in 1958 when he Curly (Younger son).. Desmond Cunningham leaving Ireland and believes his brother is was 34 years old. Eddie (elder son)...... Tom FitzGerald making the same mistake he made. His He had been involved with theatre as a Julia (Eddie's wife) ...... P atricia Harte father Tom doesn't want Curly to go member of the Charlestown Dramatic Eileen Tirney(Curly's girl)...... Amanda Hickey either but he won't stop him. His mother Society, but it is believed that the Ulster Mary fears that if he goes she will not see Group Theatre was an important influence him again. Will Curly go and leave the on the spirit of this play as they were farm and his sweetheart Eileen behind? There is an interval at the end of encouraging the production of locally Has Eddie done well in America. What is written plays at that time. Act 1 scene III Eddie's wife like? What effect did leaving when a buffet will be served The play was staged by them in April 1959 Ireland have on Eddie? In this story John and immediately afterwards by the Abbey Murphy captures the bleak future that Theatre, Dublin to great acclaim. People behind the scenes faced many Irish people in the late fifties It should have been the beginning of a Production Directed by and early sixties. He also captures the great theatrical career. Sadly though, John Tom FitzGerald effects this had on family's and those that Murphy was so much a part of the world were left behind. that he described in his play that he was Set construction & decor Sit back and enjoy a look back at 1959 subject to the same experiences that he Eddie McCarthy, Danny Harte, Rickey Dunne and the moving story of how people wrote about so vividly. He could not find a could not find a place for themselves in place in the Ireland he knew so well. His Stage Manager the Ireland of the fifties. next play, 'The Man from Ballybeg' was Carol Acheson never produced or published. Directors note He left Mayo for England with his wife Sound & Lighting I would like to thank the following people for Kathleen Rodgers and from there he Maggie Morrissey making this production a success. moved to America. He settled in Los The cast for all their hard work at rehearsals. Angeles where he worked as a writer with Raffle & Front of House th All the backstage crew. 20 Century Fox, Paramount and Disney. Mick Hennessy, Jim Malone, Pam O'Riorden, The committee and other members of the Guild. He never wrote another play. John Leahy, Sean Bergan, Juanita Guidera Special thanks to, John Murphy died in Los Angeles on May 31st 1998 and his ashes were buried on the Furniture Mark & staff of Raheen House Hotel. Denis O'Sullivan Tipp FM side of Nephin Mountain in his beloved Larry O'Keeffe Michael Clarke Clonmel on line. Mayo. Kiara Heffernan facebook. Kind regards, T ~ Fitz9erA-t~