ISSN 0002-9920 (print) ISSN 1088-9477 (online) Notices ofof the American MathematicalMathematical Society May 2020 Volume 67, Number 5 The cover design is based on imagery from “Higgs Bundles—Recent Applications,” page 625. THE NEXT GENERATION SUPPORT FUND Photo by T. Christine Stevens T. Photo by The Next Generation Fund is a new endowment at the AMS that exclusively supports programs for doctoral and postdoctoral scholars. It will assist rising mathematicians each year at modest but impactful levels, with funding for travel grants, collaboration support, mentoring, and more. To learn more or make a gift, go to THANK YOU Want to learn more? Visit Or contact
[email protected] 401.455.4111 A WORD FROM... Louise Jakobson, AMS Development Officer1 The world is full of opportunities and problems big and small, whether at the planetary level, in far-flung regions of the world, or right on our doorstep. The array of environ- mental, social, educational, scientific, and medical issues that exist is endless. But, formi- dable as these issues are, human beings work collectively to make things better. They find solutions and implement them through government, industry, or business. At individual and group levels, they also make progress by giving and volunteering via nonprofits and other organizations. Focusing on the United States, Americans have the reputation for being generous, and the data reflect that. The World Giving Index report for 2018 (https://www.cafonline .org/about-us/publications/2018-publications/caf-world-giving -index-2018) ranks the United States fourth worldwide (the top three countries are In- Courtesy of Billy Durvin.